Jake Grimke

By Alan A.

Published on Jan 24, 2012


NOTE: Â This is the fictional coming of age story of Jake Grimke as he matures through high school, into college and eventually into adulthood in the Baltimore, Maryland region. Â It contains and embraces accurate representations of life in Baltimore and its suburbs; Maryland's traditional sport of lacrosse and the career path a firefighter might follow in his profession. Â All of the characters in this story are fictional and resemblance to any one person whether dead or alive is purely coincidental. Â If you liked this installment, please send me some feed back; I got a rough idea of where this is headed but I am always open to some suggestions. Needless to say, if you are offended by handsome athletic young men growing up gay and the obstacles they will encounter as well their personal triumphs, you should use the BACK button on your browser forthwith.

Maria Valdez had not seen such contentment in young Jose for many months, attributing it to his budding relationship with Jake Grimke. With Jose home for almost a long weekend as summer school began to wind down and before the start of his sophomore year at Hopkins, Maria demanded Jose invite Jake and his family up to their Cecil County home for a chance to meet his parents before the boys were on their way to school in the fall and Maria and her husband, Doctor Oscar Valdez took their own vacation to Portugal together.

Although Jose didn't have a car on campus, it was easy for him to get a ride home from either parent who worked at Children's or from his long time buddy Bryant Williams, also a Hopkins student and former classmate from Jose's high school days at Port Deposit. The following Saturday in mid-August was picked for the Grimkes to visit the Valdez family at their home an hour or so north of Baltimore before the Grimkes went on their own family vacation to the Outer Banks of North Carolina with John's extended family.

Jake knew Maria well from volunteering with Evan Harmes at Children's Medical Center and was briefly introduced to Dr. Valdez who was the Chief of Pediatric Cardiology at Children's. With one look at Dr. Valdez it was easy to see where Jose picked up his hot looks; that apple fell pretty close to the tree as it might be said. Knowing the way, Jake drove his parents up Interstate 95 through the early Saturday afternoon traffic, arriving in just under 90 minutes where they were greeted first by visiting Alejandro and Nancy before the parents and then finally by Jose himself.

Although the front of the house made the property seem small, there was an expansive back yard with neatly manicured flower beds near the rear doors that led to the upper and lower decks attached to the house. A few steps through the back yard down the hand laid pavers was a beautifully landscaped pool area, complete with a rock wall and small water fall. Beyond that was a horse shoe pit and volleyball court followed by "the back forty" as Jose referred to the grassy area with the stream running through it that was not kept as meticulously as the closer in grounds.

The mothers and fathers bonded separately at first, each finding common ground with each other. Emma and Maria talked about gardening while John and Oscar were able to swap stories about cooking anything outdoors before all of them sat down on the upper deck for margaritas.

The boy jocks ended up tossing a football back and forth while Alejandro and Nancy iced down some beers before finding a frisbee to toss with the Jake and Jose. Before long, the four were in the pool swimming and splashing while John and Oscar cooked burgers and brats on the grill and the ladies put together potato salad and other side dishes for their late afternoon picnic dinner.

"So what do you think of our boys together," Maria asked Emma as they watched them all in the pool from the kitchen window.

"I just hope we are not seeing the beginning of a train wreck," Emma started, "they are both so young but seem so sure of themselves and of each other from what I have seen so far."

"I agree, Emma," Maria said washing her hands, "I'm touched at how responsible both seem. Aside from a few scrapes when he was coming out, Jose has never been in a lick of trouble. And from what I hear, Jake's cut from the same timber."

"Gay or straight, I couldn't be prouder of our son," Emma beamed, "he's the consummate do-gooder and pretty easy on the eyes too!"

"Amen to that, our boys are hot, cheers," Maria offered, clinking her margarita glass with Emma's, "maybe we are just a pair of cougar moms!"

"Cougar Moms?" Oscar asked as he walked in with the platter of grilled meats with John in tow.

John smiled at his wife gave her a quick kiss, then smiled at Maria and Oscar and sighed as he reminded Emma that next week at this time they would be on their way to the Outer Banks for the Grimke reunion with his parents, siblings and the nieces and nephews. John's schedule the past few years had helped him avoid week long event the past few years but his own parents were pushed him to make the effort and so he did, with a combination of approved leave and shift trades, they would head to North Carolina at week's end.

The Valdez barbecue feast was enjoyed by all. Jose and Jake ate like wolves as teenage boys tend to do while the others joking kept their arms away for fear they would be consumed by the ravenous jocks. Nancy talked of their jobs in New York while Jake enlightened everybody about his trip to Charlottesville to register for the fall term at UVa. Before long, it was time for the Grimkes to return to Severn, John with a day shift on Rescue 1 and Emma playing a light routine on the organ for the Morning Prayer service at 11:00 AM.

And for as much as Jake wanted to find a place to sneak away to with Jose for a make out session, it just wasn't going to happen. As dessert was finished on the upper deck, Jake and Jose helped clean up some of the dishes while their parents spoke of their blessings and good fortunes that their sons had found each other. And Jake was already making plans with Jose for a midweek rendezvous before he had to pack his own bag for the trip to the beach.

Within the hour, Nancy and Alejandro said their goodnights and good byes to the Grimkes before they slipped away to the movies while the boys sat next to each other knocking knees on one of the chaise lounges. Soon enough, John announced it was time to head back since two of the three of them had some responsibilities which led to a big hug-fest. With the Grimke and the Valdez families all huggers, everybody got a hug before Jake drove them off in the Saab back to Anne Arundel County.

Jose had been appointed Rush Committee chairman at Phi Gamma Delta and his free time was going to be cut considerably short for the upcoming fall term. Jake managed to get a midweek visit in with him at FIJI, spending the night and slipping out before any of FIJI brothers or other summer tenants renting there noticed he spent the night with Jose. It was no secret to John and Emma that Jake and Jose wanted and needed their alone time together and there was blanket permission from them for Jake to spend a night or two in Baltimore so long as he was fulfilling his responsibilities at home.

They went to bed just after 10 PM that Wednesday night and commenced with a serious making out session, both trying to fit and get comfortable in the tiny single bed assigned to Jose's room. First Jake was on top and then they flipped and then they 69ed sucking each other's dicks before 69'ing to eat each other's ass. Jose had to constantly remind Jake to suppress his moans and groans of pleasure so that none of the other folks trying to sleep on the second floor would hear their carnal noises.

After all the twisting and turning, Jake, now on his back, spread his legs and after a brief pause for lubrication, Jose entered him and gently rocked his cock into Jake's tight ass while his hand explored and gently punched Jake's defined pecs or covered his mouth while Jose's other hand made a quiet sign by placing his index finger over his lips as he fucked Jake harder trying to make him make noise.

Jake took it in stride, until Jose was closer to climaxing at which time he brought his own knees closer to his own shoulders until they almost touched and Jose was on top of him with all of his weight resting on the tips of his toes and fingers. Jake lifted his head and twisted his tongue into Jose's mouth as their sweat commingled, just as their bodies were until Jake felt Jose tense up at which time he pulled Jose tight against him while Jose's cute butt continued to bounce up and down, bouncing faster, then pushing deeper and then just a few more slow bounces before coming to a rest, the skins of their bodies sealed together with a sheet of perspiration.

When Jose came back from a nocturnal trip to the head, he began kissing Jake to wake him up, knowing Jake would want to leave early enough to get back for a full day of grass cutting and other work and working out. Jose opened his mouth and began to engulf Jake's semi-piss hard cock and gently and quietly nursed on while his hands circled the musculature that defined Jake's body. Before long Jake was awake and looking a bit nervous.

"Jose, I got to piss," Jake said as loud as he could whisper.

Jose kept on sucking.

"Did you hear me, I got to piss!" Jake echoed his plea.

Still Jose sucked.

"Oh no, really, now you wanna try that?" Jake asked.

And with keeping Jake's big warm fatness in his mouth, Jose's head moved in an affirmative motion before taking it out and jacking it, keeping his mouth open and ready to receive.

Jake stood naked in front of his man who was kneeling and jacking his own dick hard and fast as Jake rubbed his fingers through the soft black hair on Jose's head, the other hand half jacking himself and holding his dick like he was standing in front of a commode. Jake heard the birds chirping outside and directed his attention there for a few seconds and then the flood started. He could hear it stream into Jose's mouth, could hear Jose's mouth fill and then the sound of Jose gulping it down.

That which didn't make it all the way way back poured out of the corner of Jose's mouth and down his strong neck and onto his own defined chest, covered with a thin layer of black hair. Jose rubbed the leaking piss into his chest and then used it as a poor lubricant to jack off while Jake tried to keep the stream focused and centered into Jose's mouth.

As it ebbed and Jose finished swallowing, Jake had become rock-hard turned on and when Jose stood, he kissed him firmly on his pissy lips and spun him around to get at his ass. Jose grabbed the front edge of the dresser while Jake grabbed the lube and squirted it liberally on his cock and applied more than just a dab to Jose's pinkness before he edged in, watching Jose's face concentrate on the process in the mirror of the dresser.

It wasn't long before Jake was fucking like a giant piston and Jose was pushing his butt out to meet each forward thrust. Jose deftly reached for his own iPhone and clipped an image of them in the mirror, keeping the camera out of the pic as Jake made each stroke come a little sooner and go a little deeper than the one before. And though Jose could see what was going on in the mirror, he loved to turn and look over his shoulder and watch Jake's body work. Jake saw Jose turn around and leaned down carefully all the while never losing rhythm as he plowed Jose and kissed him again, one hand on Jose's head holding their faces together for a passionate kiss, the other on the opposite shoulder making sure they didn't become separated in the process of making love.

But Jake did break the kiss, his mind replaying the image of Jose taking his piss, just like he had seen in the porn flick playing in the gay sex shop they visited in New York City a few weeks ago, "That was so fucking hot Jose," Jake said between the waps of the front of his hips hitting Jose's glutes, "I love you, I am going to blast inside of you right now."

And with that, Jose clenched his own insides down to receive while at the same time, sent the signal to his own prostate gland to open up and release which it did in convulsive form with some assistance from Jake from behind. Jose detached himself and spun around, grabbed Jake's face with his fingers dripping with his cum and kissed him hard, smearing it on Jake's day or so of stubble before pulling away long enough to suck his own cum off his fingers and spit it back into Jake's gaping mouth.

Jake returned the favor with a long passionate kiss before Jose handed him his cargo shorts and said, "Get out of here, I love you, wish I could take you to class and then make love all day but you got things to do before your trip. Text me later."

"I know," Jake said with a sigh, putting his legs through the leg holes of the cargo shorts without any underwear, pulling them up, buttoning them all while kissing Jose, "I love you, I'll try to get up once more before we go to NC."

"It's going to be tough, I got meetings starting already for Rush," Jose said, "but I'll find some time for you if you can make it here, promise you that."

"Text me later?" Jake asked with a smile.

"I'm sure I can think of something to text you to keep you focused on me," Jose said with a smile that was almost a smirk.

As Jose wrapped a towel around his body, Jake planted one more kiss on his lips and they parted, Jose to the shower and Jake to the Saab parked in the back lot.

There would be no more Jose that week before Jake's trip to the Outer Banks. On Thursday afternoon, heavy thunderstorms pelted the region, bringing down a substantial chunk of the tall oak tree in the front yard of Mrs. Lindsay's house. As soon as the storm passed, Jake and his dad were over there helping to saw it up for her so she wouldn't have to call a contractor to do it. With the help of the bright lights on their neighbor Ralph Kauffman's big pick-up truck, they worked until almost midnight getting the tree's debris up from her yard. All she would have to do in the morning is call the Department of Public Works for a special trash pick up.

The last minute shopping and prepping for the trip to the Outer Banks consumed all of Friday. With less than two weeks left before his own start of school at the University of Virginia, he was determined to get as much time in as possible with Will, Aaron and Erik and the rest of his friends from Severn High.

Jake already sensed that his father was not very exciting about making this trip.

"Any chance I can come down for just a few days and then head home," Jake asked.

"That might be best young man, we all love your Aunt Liz but Uncle Randy is another story. Why don't you stay down until about Tuesday or so, your grandfather has chartered a head boat for some deep sea fishing which should be fun," John said, "who knows, I might want to sneak back with you depending on how screwed up Randy is this year."

"Thanks Dad," Jake said as they stripped down the chain saw from the night's work before.

"Em and I have already discussed this and we are okay with it, the ball's in your court. We know this is your last summer with your high school friends and we're not dummies, we know you are going to want some Jose time too," John continued as Emma walked out the back door with the coffee pot to warm up their mugs.

"Listen, you and Jose are going to do what you do and we won't stop it. After their barbecue, we like them a lot, all of them, in fact, I think your father would trade in some of his family for some of them," Emma said.

"Yeah Mom, Uncle Randy has never cleaned up his act," Jake said, knowing that for any number of reasons, John Grimke, Junior was the favorite of his paternal grandfather and grandmother.

"I'm sure your father already said it but come down, screw on your happy face, suck it up and I promise you we'll get you out of there by Wednesday at the latest," Emma said.

"Tuesday Mom, Tuesday. Arrive, visit, fish, leave," Jake said, "that's my schedule."

"That's fine young man; and be nice to your cousins, especially Michael and Chloe," Emma continued, "they think you walk on water."

"And what about Randy and Amber's kids?" Jake asked, "tweedle-dee and tweedle-dumb."

"Jake, be nice," John said firmly.

"I know, I know; it's just like the last time we saw them they were all characters booked out of Central Casting for some trailer park docu-drama," Jake said, trying for a laugh.

And with that, they all erupted in laughter for a few minutes before the reality set in of what their lives would be like on the Outer Banks the next few days.

Next: Chapter 35

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