Jake Grimke

By Alan A.

Published on Jul 19, 2011


NOTE: This is the fictional coming of age story about Jake Grimke as he matures through high school, into college and eventually into adulthood in the Baltimore, Maryland region. It contains and embraces accurate representations of life in Baltimore and its suburbs; Maryland's traditional sport and the career path a firefighter might follow in his profession. All of the characters in this story are fictional and resemblance to any one person whether dead or alive is purely coincidental. If you liked this installment, please send me some feed back; I got a rough idea where this is headed but I am always open to some suggestions. Needless to say, if you are offended by handsome athletic young men growing up gay and the obstacles they will encounter as well their personal triumphs, you should use the BACK button on your browser forthwith.

Jake started to stir before first light, his biological used to the early rising in sync with that of his father's departure for work. Usually he could will himself back to sleep easily but this morning was different. As he slept, his hardness subsided and slipped out of Will, still wrapped in the condom, his seed still contained. Will's eyes opened as Jake stirred, he looked up and smiled and began kissing Jake lightly and in less than a minute, both were rigid again. The jock remembered sharing with Will earlier and wanted to learn and return the favor.

The jock reached over to the night stand and retrieved the lube and smeared it generously on his own hole and inserted his finger inside in an attempt to relax and prepare his own tightness and to arouse his inner self. Then he applied the clear slick goo to Will's cock, not quite as long as his own cock while perhaps only half the girth of his own and gently stroked him before he tore open the wrapper of a fresh condom open with his teeth just like Will had done and unrolled it down his friend's shaft.

Remembering how Will mounted him, Jake followed it step by step, until he was over Will's shaft and lowered himself down, feeling his own ass invaded for the first time by another man's cock. The penetration sent a burning sensation up into the lower end of Jake's gut and he quickly dismounted while Will held is dick straight up before Jake tried again, trying even more slowly to conquer Will's fleshy shaft.

The second time was the trick and it slid inside without burning as Jake planted his butt crack on top of Will's balls and held himself there before rising just a little for his first stroke and lowering himself again. It was not unlike the night he took his own lacrosse stick but came with the bonus sensation of a warm, talking, breathing and living man at the other end.

Will coached him and they kissed and made out in between Will asking if it felt good or was hurting him at all. After a while, Jake attempted to roll over on his back as skillfully as Will had done but Will popped out. Once on his back, Will took over, kneeling between Jake's muscled quads and slid himself slowly back inside the jock, planting himself slowly and firmly to the hilt, until he knew he was as far in Jake as possible. He held himself there, pressing his lean chest against the back of Jake's hairy quads and then lowered his head until they began to kiss anew before he began thrusting.

Midway through the thrusting, Will reached for more lube to make his dick slicker and began to jack off Jake, taking Jake to the edge of orgasmic bliss but backing off as he felt Jake was getting close to erupting. Will edged Jake almost without mercy until he felt his own orgasm start at which time, he stroked into Jake as he stroked Jake's erection. Soon, the inevitable pronouncement of male orgasm slipped from their mouths together as Jake's ass spasmed around Will's cock that was spasming inside the jock's body.

In between kisses, they got up that post Valentine's Saturday morning and showered together, again; Jake exiting the shower first and slipping into his khaki pants and volunteer golf shirt for Children's Medical Center. Will came down to the kitchen wearing jeans and a shirt he had brought along in his backpack for their overnight adventure where Jake had thrown together a breakfast of bacon, coffee and french toast. Will was suitably impressed, "How do you do it? How do you go 100 miles per hour all the time?"

"Dunno, just so used to it now, I guess I don't know anything slower," Jake offered as an explanation.

"Well, I stand by what I said last night and you seemed comfortable with the concept. I like where we are now and very very happy to maintain the status quo," said Will, asserting his position.

"So, what, exactly is the status quo, I just want to make sure here," Jake said cleaning up the last of the breakfast dishes.

"We're friends, friends that can talk about anything," Will replied and added with a certain sly grin, "and do anything together we agree to."

"That's where I want us to be, Will," Jake said with a smile, "I'm glad we're friends."

"Not to rush you out of here Will, but; Evan and I are headed to Children's this morning," Jake said.

"Yeah, I see Mr. Volunteer," Will replied as his right index finger traced the defined slab of pec meat under the shirt, "and we got to plan more for our concert. Miss Birdsong asked me to bring her up to date so may be we can all have a talk about it later tonight or tomorrow."

"Yeah, I don't want it to get neglected; I'll talk to Evan about what his Dad is willing to do when we are in Baltimore today," Jake said; supporting the whole concert idea as he dropped off Will at his own house before heading to Evan's for the trip to Children's.

"So, how was your big night?" Evan asked once they gotten past the small talk and daily greetings.

Jake flashed a smile that Evan hadn't seen in a long time, a smile Jake saves for life's accomplishments like high SAT scores and the like, and without bragging, "it was, um, fun."

"Well, don't you wig out on me wingman, I need you with both feet and everything in between in the game, our game," emphasized Evan.

"You know me bro, I'm there, everyday and then some. And frankly, I think I can be there even more now," Jake affirmed.

"You sure?" Evan asked with a touch of doubt.

"Always and forever bro, always and forever," Jake re-affirmed.

"That's cool bro, haven't heard you say that for a while, was getting a little concerned," Evan said with renewed confidence.

"Ev," Jake started, with a half clasp, half hand shake of Evan's left hand from his right, "I'm good inside; last night I got a big box checked off and now I am 110% focused."

"DUDE," Evan exclaimed, "what did you guys do last night?"

"I won't kiss and tell," Jake said as he pulled up the hand brake arriving at Children's, "I never ask you about what you and Jackie do or don't do."

"Touche, mister, touche," Evan said as got out and locked his side of the car.

They did their eight hour volunteer shift of helping the nurses and wheeling the sick kids from treatment rooms to their private rooms or from their private rooms to treatment rooms. And while Jake wanted to brag to his best friend that he was no longer a virgin in more ways than one, Will had treated him right since they became friends after Thanksgiving and Jake sought to honor that and vowed not to make one friend more important than the other.

Before his parents were home, Jake had all evidence of the sleepover erased. Even though it was sanctioned by all parents involved, Jake wanted to keep his personal life personal, even from his parents who he shared almost any detail of his life with at will. His bed sheets were in the laundry and the condom wrappers buried in the trash somewhere between an old Baltimore Sun and the coffee grounds. Of course, when his parents returned from their own romantic getaway to New York City, Emma began asking questions at which time John put his foot down and asked as forcefully has he could for Emma to give Jake some space on the subject.

With Captain Grimke working the Sunday day-shift, Jake went with his mother to St. Michael's; sitting with Annie and Evan Harmes while his mother played the organ at church. After the service, Emma reminded Jake that Easter would be early this year and she wanted his help for the postlude after the 11:00 am Festival Eucharist. "What, turn the pages for you?" Jake asked in front of Annie and Evan.

"No, I think you are ready for something a little bigger and bolder," Emma said.

"Yeah?" Jake's ears perked up, hearing a challenge.

"I figure after Holy Communion is over, you slide up to the choir loft to the old gallery organ there," Emma started laying her plan.

When the chancel of St. Michael's was renovated nearly two decades before, the new 5,000 pipe Moller organ was installed and the majority of the works including almost 1,500 pipes from the church's original organ were kept and integrated into the new instrument. The Moller console could play itself, the old organ or both while the old organ could only play the original works that remained in the rear of St. Michael's.

"I really don't need any of the gallery pipes to accompany the service," Emma continued laying the foundation of her plan to Jake.

"So, you want me to play the old rickety box back there," Jake said, catching an idea of his role in her scheme.

"Don't forget, small as it is, it was built to play some of the great French classics," Emma reminded him.

"I know, I know, we have had that drill a few times," Jake politely reminded his mother.

Reaching into her bag of music, Emma fished out sheet music for Eugene Gigout's "Grand Chouer Dialogue" and handed it to Jake saying, "try it with my registrations first."

Evan looked over Jake's shoulder at the sheet music as he thumbed through, nodding as he saw his mother's notations before askng, "You can read that?"

Jake said, pointing to each staff of music, "Left hand, right hand and this down here is for the feet."

"Really?" Evan asked again with a certain amount of disbelief registering in his voice.

"Mom, I think we have a non-believer in our midst," Jake said flashing a smile to Evan, "I think we should run through it now, don't you; you know, check the registrations?."

Emma immediately sensed Jake's acceptance and willingness to impress his wingman and said, "I will flash the console light three time quick when I am ready to start."

"C'mon wingman, let me show you some fancy footwork," Jake said as he showed Evan the sort of secret spiral staircase that led to the gallery console.

Jake turned on the old console and let it warm up for a few minutes while he set the sheets on the music stand of the instrument and began setting the registrations for the different stops as his mother had penciled on the sheet music. In a hushed whisper, Jake explained what was going to happen with this piece of music, that essentially it was going to be conversation between the rear and the front, kind of daring each other before playing harmony together.

The three lights flashed signaling Jake that Emma was ready and he made his hands ready. Jake told Evan, "turn the page when I say, it's very important!"

"Gotcha wingman," Evan replied.

Jake dove in with both hands and feet and filled the church with the grand opening notes, letting his hands and feet off long enough for Emma to respond from the other console with her opening and to make Evan Harmes a believer.

Next: Chapter 20

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