Jake Grimke

By Alan A.

Published on Jul 17, 2011


HEY: Thanks again to everybody who is letting me know how much they are enjoying the Jake Grimke story; it seems to be striking a positive chord with many Nifty readers. This is Jake's fictional coming of age story as he matures through high school, into college and eventually into adulthood in the Baltimore, Maryland region. It contains and embraces a representation Maryland life; the state's traditional sport and the path a firefighter might follow in his profession. All of the characters in this story are fictional and resemblance to any one person whether dead or alive is purely coincidental. I got a rough idea where this is headed and open to some inspiring ideas. Needless to say, if you are offended by handsome athletic young men growing up gay and the obstacles they will encounter as well their personal triumphs, you should use the BACK button on your browser forthwith.

In a non-descript strip shopping center, sandwiched between a chain pizza delivery place and a discount store sat Habanero's; a small restaurant known locally for its outstanding latin cuisine. Dressed in suits and cocktail dresses, eight of Severn High's seniors arrived for dinner that Friday night after another win by the lacrosse team. It was a time for them to celebrate another victory, being friends and exploring the complexities of love before they headed to the Valentine's dance at their high school.

The school's activities committee had spent most of Thursday afternoon and were excused from classes on Friday to finish decorating the gymnasium. After the Northeast game, Tyler May, the junior long poler from the lacrosse team collaborated with the school's stage crew to set up his video DJ equipment on some risers and wirelessly beamed his video stream onto the dozen flat screen monitors that had been networked together for the dance and took video requests from text messages sent to his cell phone.

Anna Friergarten was no stranger to the American craze of texting and as soon Tyler began streaming his "accepting requests" followed by "if I got it, I'll play it but no promises" messages and the number to his smartphone on the crawl at the bottom of the video screen, she typed in her request to him while she danced with Erik and other boys from Severn. Aaron and Shelia were dancing with them as were Evan and Jackie but Will and Jake stayed off the dance floor at first.

Will sensed Jake's uneasiness with the situation and broke the ice, giving his hand a quick squeeze that nobody else really saw, "listen, I know what you are thinking, I'm cool with it."

Jake smiled a little, watching his friends doing what was natural for them and gave Will's hand a squeeze back, "thanks, just kind of thinking to myself."

"And what's Jake Grimke thinking?" Will asked.

Jake blushed, "that I like it when I hear you sometimes say my full name when you are talking about me; your the only one who does that, it's kind of special."

"Your kind of special Jake," Will said, "makes me feel kind of special."

Jake squeezed Will's hand one more time as the current music video ended and the rest of their group wandered off the dance floor looking for some drinks. "So, are you two just going to stand there all night and hold hands?" Jackie demanded to know, acknowledging that she saw Jake and Will holding hands, "or are we going to see some fancy Grimke dance moves?"

Jake blushed, "I can't dance a lick Jackie; I got rhythm but might as well have two cinder blocks for feet."

"Really, there is something you can't do?" Jackie exclaimed.

Jake chuckled, "Mom saw me try to dance one time and said all I should ever do is sway my upper body and keep my feet planted."

"Well, you and Will should go out and sway together or I'll dance with your date if you won't," Jackie said with a bit of an ultimatum in her voice.

Will was smiling and Jake was under pressure to perform as Evan offered, "go ahead bro, you know we got your back."

DJ Tyler started the introduction to the next song with a shout out to Anna, saying "I finally found something from the other side of the pond for you Anna. This is a slow one so find somebody you don't mind being close to and enjoy. Anna this is for you!"

As the first notes of the introduction played, Anna and Erik took the floor together followed quickly by Evan and Jackie then Aaron and Shelia. Will looked at Jake before Jackie broke away from Evan and dragged them both out to the dance floor and thrust them together into the center of the triangle formed by the other three couples. Jake pulled Will into a hug, noting how Evan held Jackie and began to shuffle his feet and gently rock his body against Will's as the first words Westlife's version of "The Rose" began to play through the speakers as the Euro boy-band video played on the monitors.

And at the end of that song, while other couples were kissing, Jake and Will slipped off the dance floor. It wasn't that Jake didn't want to kiss Will, it was just that he was not ready for such a public display of affection. Will knew this about his friend and was alright with it as the lights started to get brightened at midnight signaling the official end of the Valentine's Dance at Severn High School.

Out in the parking lot, the black Chevy Suburban picked up Erik and Anna to take them home while Jackie and Evan lingered with Jake and Will and other class mates waiting for Aaron and Shelia before they all left, Jake reminding Evan that they would be volunteering at Children's at 11:00 am. Will enjoyed being in the company of the jocks who he found welcomed him with a real hug every time they met or parted.

Thursday before the dance, Emma called Will's mom about the plans for the sleepover. Mrs. Hurley insisted on having Emma over for lunch to discuss the issue and even though The Colonel was not 100% for it he accepted that young men like Jake and Will were going to do something sooner or later, she gave their blessing for the boys to have their sleep over at the Grimkes. Of course, Jake and Will were elated and both had gotten an earful of warnings about sex, disease, responsibility and mutual respect from their respective parents before any of their plans were finalized.

The ride to Jake's house in the Saab was filled with tense silence, Will keeping his left hand on Jake's right on top of the shifter knob.

Both anticipated what was going to happen tonight but weren't exactly reading from the same script. Once inside, Jake led Will up to his room which he set up a little in between showering after the Northeast game and before picking up Will just an hour later for dinner and the dance. Not much was said as Jake began to gently undress his newest friend, carefully undoing each button as the friend reciprocated each move with Jake.

Will broke the embrace of their standing make out session with, "Hey buddy, not to sound like a prude but, um, I would like to shower before, we, how should I say, get to a point of no return."

"I'm down with that," replied Jake as he helped Will finish undressing, working his way up from Will's shoes and socks to his pants, leaving the tightie whities on as Will finished undressing Jake from the top down.

Will stood at the commode in Jake's bathroom as Jake turned on the faucets until the water was temperate before flipping the diverter valve to the shower position. He watched Will finish pissing and motioned him into the bath tub as soon as Will gave his dick a few shakes. Making out began in earnest again once they were under the shower before Will reached for the bar of soap and began to lather up the jock. Jake relaxed and practically purred as he felt Will's hands slide over his carved muscles, neither one trying to rush the moment. Jake felt himself get harder and harder the more Will touched, lathered and caressed him, even feeling Will rub his own not-so-jockish body against his own jock flesh.

Will took the soap and slid it in his hand across the jock's bubbled glutes and then slid it up and down his crack which made Jake tense up. "Relax, otherwise you won't enjoy this, and I promise, I won't ask you to do anything I wouldn't willingly do myself," Will said with a degree of calming reassurance to the virgin, "got it Jock?"

Jake smiled as Will continued washing him all the way down to his feet and then felt Will kissing him from the feet up in places he never imagined he could or would be kissed while the water still pelted down on them. By the time Will was standing erect again with lots of little kisses on the back of Jake's neck and up the back of his head, Jake had to stretch his hands out to the tiled walls and support himself as Will said, "now wash me."

They traded positions and Jake took the soap like Will did and worked his way from Will's shoulders down to his lesser defined butt. Jake was a bit intimidated as he approached Will's most intimate area between his glutes until Will just grabbed Jake's hand and said, "quit being a wimp, Jock."

Then Will instructed Jake, "slow down there, more finesse, less brute force, okay? Just remember how I did it to you; that's how I want it done to me, got it?"

Jake proceeded slowly like Will had minutes before and within minutes, Will was moaning in pleasure as he proclaimed, "dude, you are a natural!"

Jake didn't take that as a cue to do what he was doing any harder and faster but rather, maintained pace and penetration, trying to keep his finger on the spots that elicited the most pleasurable sounds from Will.

"Try two, babe," Will asked, "I need two, now"

"In the bed," Jake replied, "I feel like I am drowning."

Jake reached down and shut off the flow of water and reached for the towels, handing one to Will as he began to blot Will dry. Will did the same to Jake and Jake led him by the hand back to his bedroom. Once in the room, Jake pulled the covers down on his bed and motioned for Will to get in it while he found his lighter in the nightstand and lit two large white pillar candles he hijacked off the dining room table earlier.

Trying to be casual, Jake fished the lube and condoms out of the purple bag he kept stashed in the top drawer of the night stand before he crawled into his bed for the first time ever with another man in it.

Kissing began anew, harder than before between the two young men yet there was an air of restraint, neither was racing, neither was afraid of getting caught; they were proceeding at a comfortable pace, building on what they had learned in the shower, on the couch on New Year's Eve and out in the garage just before Christmas. Will fluffed the pillows behind his back to prop himself up and watched as Jake kissed down his smooth chest to his abs and then down to his very very hard shaft.

Jake took it in his mouth and sucked it down, tasting its cleanness mixed with the first bits of leaking pre-cum. Will put his hands on Jake's head as Jake sucked him and held him down gently and then slid his hands down over Jake's lats until he could just reach Jake's ass which made Jake lift his ass up in the air. "Now my butt," Will ordered with a whisper.

Jake broke the seal his mouth had and tried to stall, kissing Will's shaved balls as Will spread his legs apart and rolled back revealing his almost hairless hole to Jake for the first time. There was sufficient trust between them enabling Jake to kiss Will directly on his hole. Then Jake opened his mouth and put his tongue on Will's pucker and began to lick it up and down, left to right and then in circles, clockwise followed by counter-clockwise making Will grab a tuft of sheets in each hand while Jake jacked up the pleasure he was delivering.

Shudders of pleasure took over Will as Jake continued to explore what drove Will closer and closer to the edge of ecstasy before Will begged, "stop, Stop...STOP!"

Jake stopped mid tongue swirl and looked, asking, "what's wrong?"

"Nothing, nothing at all, it's beautiful, you are beautiful and what we are doing feels so right Jake," Will stated, "I just had to say that."

"Switch," Will ordered.

Jake complied and took the same position in his bed and let Will make out with his jocked body. Will pushed Jake's arm up, exposing his slightly hairy pit and began to kiss it and savor the scents of pleasure it was releasing. Jake tried to relax, coming to the realization that Will was doing to him what he envisioned himself doing to other jocks and other men. Soon Will was kissing Jake's ass, just as Jake had done to his own a few minutes before and soon Jake's head was swimming in unfamiliar waters of pleasure. Will kept kissing down lower and lower, his tongue exploring the firmness of the jock's quads and calves before he pushed the jock over the edge and made out with his ankle, foot and each toe.

"I always wanted to do that," Will confessed, "you have driven me nuts in school when I would see your bare ankle sticking out between the bottom of your jeans and the tops of your Nikes!"

"I never knew," Jake replied with a smile, tussling his hand through Will's black hair.

Will reset his position, sitting himself next to Jake, "Listen, I think we both know what's going to happen here and I just want to say something before we go down this road together."

Jake grabbed Will's hand, "go ahead friend."

"We're friends, we're having a good time our senior year here at Severn. In a few months, I got to NYU, you go to UVa. I don't want to turn this in to some mushy gushy messy love scene; rather, I just want to express to you, my friend, that we are friends and just share myself completely with my friend. You down with that."

"I'm down with that, couldn't have said it better myself," Jake replied, "I hope we stay friends a long time, hope stay in touch no matter where we go. Promise me you will stay in touch, tell me what's good in Will's life and what's not so good; deal?"

"That's a deal Jake Grimke," Will said with a warm smile.

"I like the idea of sharing," Jake said, "nice, neutral, non-committed."

Will reached over to the night stand for the lube and squirted some on Jake's erection and began to jack him gently, "So, up for sharing some of this with me?"

Jake just nodded affirmatively as he watched Will take the lead, lubing Jake's shaft and then his own hole before reaching for the condom, ripping it open with his teeth and unraveling it three-quarters of the way down Jake's shaft as it got to the end, "does your dad know you need magnums?"

"What's a magnum?" Jake asked with a quizzical look on his face.

"Extra large you dumb jock!" Will stated as he swung his right leg over to straddle Jake's mid-section, "let me do this part until I get you in me all the way, okay?"

Jake's hand held his dick vertical while Will eased himself down onto the shaft, making faces that Jake couldn't tell if they were of pain or pleasure or somewhere in between. At the same time, Jake felt the slick warm sleeve of tightness of Will's inside wrap around and sink lower and lower on his shaft as Will accommodated and accepted Jake inside his body.

Will lowered his upper body to meet Jake's upper body and they began making out again. Jake began lifting his hips gently off the mattress and thrusting into Will. The thrusts made Will kiss harder and moan under his breath while the jock's tongue did laps in his mouth. After breaking the kiss, Will brought his upper body to vertical and bent his knees on either side of Jake and began to ride up and down with each stroke seeming to go just a little deeper and the lowering part just little harder.

Cautiously, Will orchestrated the change of position, keeping Jake fully penetrated through a complex series of moving one arm and one leg of each at a time until they were in a missionary position with Jake on top. Once in the new position, Jake knelt between Will's legs and Will draped the back of his knees over Jake's broad shoulders.

Jake imposed his weight over Will in a push up position and began to hump into Will and kiss him. Jake's sweat dripped and Will licked it as Jake's pace increased without a break in stride or penetration. In Will's mind and limited experience, Jake was a natural, domineering top; there was no need for him to stroke himself while Jake's penetration rubbed past his prostate with each forward thrust.

Will's mind just lost complete control as the hottest jock from Severn pounded into his body. He didn't even feel his body's normal warnings of impending orgasm and exploded uncontrollably in convulsions as Jake thundered away over him, like a jack hammer breaking up pavement. About the same time, Jake was overpowered by his own first orgasm inside another man and he drove deep, planting his whole body into Will's for stability as he shot and shot and shot, seemingly splashing the insides of Will's gut.

They collapsed, spent, Jake still inside Will, laying on top, their breathing labored as they began sharing tiny kisses before they fell asleep with each other in the wet spot in the middle of Jake's bed.

Next: Chapter 19

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