Jake and Josh

By J Boy

Published on Aug 15, 2006


Jake & Josh: Finding Love Chapter 2 By: J-Boy

DISCLAIMER: The following story is fiction. Please keep in mind that I do not know the sexual preference of Jake Gyllenhaal. Also, I do not personally know any of the characters mentioned throughout the story.

NOTE: Hello again! Thanks to everyone who has read my story, and to those who took the time to email me with there comments. Much appreciation and love! I love email so keep em' coming.

And now, I'll shut up and just let you read....ENJOY!

Waking up. Waking up can either be refreshing and nice, or it can be totally annoying. Unfortunately for me, Andy decided to make me experience the latter. There she was flicking my forehead with the tip of her finger, causing my eyes to squint.

"Uh...what do you want?" I moaned, carefully opening my right eye.

"Nothing....just felt like bothering someone." Andy repied.

"And your stupid ass thought of me...gawd." I mumbled, as I rolled away from Andy and covered my head with my blanket.

"Josh its ten-thirty already. I'm hungry.....see listen.." Maggie laughed as she straddled me and brought her stomach to my ear.

"Get off me bitch. You see...this is why your relationships don't last. There's no peace when you're around." I laughed as I pushed her off me.

"Fine...I guess I'm gonna go get something to eat. You suck!" Maggie declared as she jumped off the bed and walked out of my room.

I finally got up some time later. I showered and got dressed, then went in search of Andy. My stomach was what woke me- and boy was it loud. The sucker needed food! I couldn't seem to find my tramp of a friend anywhere in the cabin. Walking into the kitchen to make some coffee, I noticed a note on the counter:


I went to eat with Maggie. You snooze you lose. L-O-S-E-R.

And yes I'm making the "L" sign with my fingers as I write this.

L-O-S-E-R. Gots to go now...can't keep my celebrity friend waiting.



"What a bitch" I laughed as I threw the note back on the counter and started on making my coffee. My stomach started growling again, so I decided to make some breakfast. About halfway through the process there was a knock at the door. I grabbed a kitchen towel and walked to the door. When I swung the door open, I froze. Breathing slowed. There was Jake wearing a beanie and some shades. Judging from his attire, he probably just got done skiing.

"Hey. Whats up" Jake greeted with a huge smile.

"Umm...not much just making breakfast...c...come in.." I replied after composing myself.

Jake walked into the cabin and went straight to the kitchen, with me following close behind.

"Can I make you anything?" I asked as I went back to my coking.

"You know that's the great thing about breakfast food...you can eat it anytime of the day." Jake said as he leaned on the counter.

"Ummm...what do you mean?"

"I mean its one o' clock." Jake laughed

I glanced at the clock on the wall and was surprised to see that it was indeed one o'clock in the afternoon. When Andy left my room, I must have dozed off longer than I thought.

"Well, whadda ya know. So, care for a really late breakfast my friend?" I asked as I turned to Jake with a smile on my face.

"Mmm...sounds good. I'll just have some eggs and toast please." Jake said returning the smile.

I finished cooking our breakfast and divided the food evenly on two plates. I suggested we eat in the living room so that we could watch some t.v.

"What are we watching?" Jake laughed while chewing his food.

"Ummm...it's Spongebob Squarepants." I laughed as I continued eating.

I was watching my favorite cartoon while I finished my breakfast. I felt like someone was staring at me, when I turned to find Jake looking at me with a huge smile on his face.

"Ummm...what? You can change the channel if you want." I said with a nervous smile, picking up the remote and handing it to Jake. Instead of taking it, he laughed and grabbed my hand holding the remote and bringing it to rest on my lap. He let go of my hand and then shifted on the couch to face me, with his head resting on his hand he stared at me still smiling. I blushed and started to get nervous again. I stood up and picked up the two plates and said that I was gonna go clean up, as I made my way into the kitchen.

"Hey Josh." Jake said as he walked into the kitchen.


"Wanna go for a walk or something?" Jake asked

"Ummm...I dunno.." I started as I dried my hands with a kitchen towel.

"Come on. It'll be fun to get out and do something."

"Ok...umm...lemme just grab my coat." I said as I walked into the hallway.

"Great! I'll be outside waiting."

Jake and I started walking away from the cabins, and towards the edge of the forest. We walked in silence. Jake kept staring at his feet, which coincidentally I was doing the same. I coughed and nervously pulled out the cigarettes from my jacket. I pulled out a stick and offered Jake one, which he gladly took. We lit up and enjoyed the nicotine hit.

"So tell me about yourself. Last night I heard a lot about you and Andy, but tell me something about just you- besides you enjoy watching Spongebob Squarepants." Jake asked with slight laughter.

"Well...I'm currently attending college. I live in Las Vegas, the city of sin. My full name is Joshua Evans. And...ummm...I love music....all kinds of music and ummm..."

"And you like to say `ummm' a lot" Jake stated while laughing.

"Yeah I know...everyone says I do that a lot."

"So Mr. Celebrity, tell me about you."

"I love dogs. I have two. There names are: Boo and Atticus."

"Boo and Atticus huh. So, if you were to get another one would you name it `Sport'" I laughed.

"Oh, so we read `To Kill A Mockingbird'?"

"My favorite book so far." I stated.

"Mine too." Jake smiled.

We walked in a very comfortable silence the rest of the way. I felt more comfortable around Jake for some reason. From time to time I would glance over at him walking beside me. I had no reason for it, but I kept smiling. We continued our walk for awhile, sharing stories, and then we decided to walk back to the cabin.

"So, you want to hang out or something tonight?" Jake asked before we reached our cabins.

"Sure. So what do you wanna do?"

"Probably grab a bite to eat, and we'll play the rest by ear." Jake stated with a smile.

"Ok....is Maggie coming....I mean if she is, can I invite Andy?" I asked, unsure if Jake wanted to hang out with just me or as a group.

"How about we go ask the girls if they want to come?" Jake stated with slight disappointment in his voice.

"Okay....let's go look for them." I said as I lead the way up the small stairs leading to our cabins.

We searched in my cabin and then Jakes, the girls were nowhere to be found. I pulled out my cell and dialed Andy's number, Jake following suit.

"Hey Loser!" Andy greeted after two rings.

"Hey sweetie. Where the hell are you?"

"Maggie and I are having a day with the girls. What are you up to?"

"Well, actually that was what I was calling about. Jake and I were wondering if you girls wanna hang out tonight."

"Jake and I? Hmm....didn't know you two were an item." Andy laughed.

"Andy...." I said sternly

"Okay.okay. A friend can only hope right. Anyways, I'm afraid we girls are going to have to decline. We have plans of our own."

"Andy....please tell me your not just making that up, did you even ask Maggie?" I whispered, turning away from Jake- who was talking to Maggie on his cell phone.

"Hi Josh!" Maggie's voice suddenly came on the phone.

"Oh hey Maggie."

"Listen, don't worry about us. You and my brother go have fun." Maggie stated, with slight laughter in her voice.

"Okay Maggie, we will. Please don't let Andy influence you in any way." I laughed.

"What was that Loser! You got something to say!" Andy yelled into the phone.

"Ummm...nothing. I was just telling Maggie what a great influence you are." I laughed into the phone.

"That's what I thought. Bye now......and hun...please try to relax and have fun." Andy said with concern in her voice.

"Yes mother. Bye now, this conversation is getting boring." I stated before hanging up.

I turned to Jake as I slid my phone into my pocket, he was just ending his conversation with Maggie.

"So, I guess it's just the two of us." I stated, throwing my hands in the air.

"Yup. Maggie says she really likes hanging out with Andy. She sounded like she was having a blast." Jake said with a smile.

"Oh no. Gawd I hope Andy takes it easy on her. Let me just apologize in advance for any influence that might rub off on your sister." I laughed.

"I'm sure they'll be fine." Jake laughed.

We decided to go freshen up for tonight. I walked into my cabin and sat down on the couch for awhile, thinking. It felt good to be opening up to someone. It felt good to be making a new friend. I could not stop thinking about Jake. His smile. His eyes. Just everything. Excitement was driving me crazy; I could not wait until tonight. I got up and made my way into my room to get ready. I showered and got dressed, and made sure my hair was descent.

By the time I finished, I still had time to spare before meeting up with Jake. I decided to pull out my guitar to kill time. I was still learning how to play the damn thing, but I loved the way it sounded. I reached into one of my bags and pulled out some sheet music, currently I was learning Steve Holy's, "Good Morning Beautiful." After I got reacquainted with the chords, I started to sing along. Something happens to me when I really get into the music, everything else just fades away and I get lost in my own world. It wasn't until I finished the song that I realized Jake was standing at the doorway with a smile on his face. I quickly put my guitar back in its case and stood up, feeling kind of embarrassed.

"I'm sorry. I was knocking but you did not answer, so I just kind of let myself in." Jake stammered.

"No.No. It's okay." I said, looking down t my feet.

"You're really good ya know." Jake stated with a glint in his eye.

"Oh no. I was just playing around and...umm...wanna get going?" I said nervously, stepping forward to where Jake was standing.

"Sure." Jake said before turning and walking out the door.

We decided to have some dinner first. We ended up eating at the same restaurant that we ate at last night; Jake said he liked the privacy that was given to us there. Once again we were seated in the back, away from the other patrons.

"So what do you do?" Jake asked, leaning forward on the table.

"I'm currently working as a telemarketer and going to school." I said, taking a sip of my water.

"What are you majoring in?"

"Currently, English with a minor in Journalism."

"What made you choose that?" Jake asked. There was genuine interest in his eyes.

"Well....to be honest I'm not sure. Ever since I was a kid people told me that I have a natural gift when it comes to telling stories. I love the fact that written or spoken word has the power to affect many people on many different levels." I said.

I don't know what took over me, but I started telling Jake about all my goals, dreams, and aspirations. I usually don't open up to people but it was different with Jake. He just sat there and listened. I mean really listened. When I looked up at him, he just had the warmest smile on his face.

"I'm sorry, I must be boring you." I said

"No.No. Josh I wanna tell you something that I don't get to say to a lot of people."

"What's that?"

"I like spending time with you, because you are so real. I find you to be an amazing person. I mean I'm just sitting here listening to you talk and I get a sense that there are so many different layers. A lot of people that I meet are not that way."

"Ummm....thank you." I said, not really knowing what else to say. I started playing with my food and stared down at my plate.

"What are you thinking?" Jake asked as I brought my gaze up to meet his.

"To be honest. Thank you so much for saying those things. I really like hanging out with you. I know we just met but I'm beginning to feel more and more comfortable around you. It's really hard for me to just let anybody in, but with you I feel that it's definitely possible to start a very good friendship. Lastly, more than anything I feel very sad for you. I mean I'm thinking it must be hard to be in the position you are in, the whole celebrity thing, to meet people that you could trust. As you said "real" people. I don't know if I could handle that." I said with sincerity, looking into Jakes eyes the whole time.

"It is hard and that is why if I meet genuine people I fight to keep them in my life." Jake said with a smile.

We finished our dinner and made our way out of the restaurant.

"Where we going now? I asked as Jake pulled out of the parking lot.

"There is something I want to show you." Jake stated.

Jake drove us to a clearing that overlooked part of Lake Tahoe. It was beautiful and from the distance you could see the slight illumination in the water coming from little cabins and street lights. We got out of the car, and I walked over to the ledge just staring out at the breathtaking scenery laid out before us.

"Beautiful isn't it." Jake stated as he propped two folding chairs on the ground. He also brought some blankets and some beer.

"Yeah it is." Was all I said as I grabbed a beer and sat down.

"I thought we could just hang out and have a few beers." Jake said as he popped open his beer and took a swig.

We sat in silence for a little bit. From time to time I would glance over at Jake. There was something different about him at that moment. He looked to be deep in thought, a worried expression forming on his face. He suddenly looked over at me and smiled.

"So, do you have a boyfriend?" He asked.

"No. I'm just getting over a bad relationship." I sighed.

"If you don't mind my asking, what happened?"

"It wasn't working out and I found out that he was seeing other people behind my back." I said, gazing out into the night.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. That part of my life is over now." I said, giving Jake a smile.

"I too am getting over a relationship. It was decided that we were headed in different directions." Jake said in an almost inaudible voice.

"Well here's to new chapters in our lives." I said holding up my bottle to Jake. He laughed and raised his bottle to mine.

The rest of the conversation was light, each of us sharing stories about growing up and stories of funny things that have happened to us. Before we knew it, the beer was all gone. We called it a night and made our way back to the cabins, after cleaning up. We arrived and made our way up to our doors.

"That was fun. I really enjoyed myself. Thank you." I said as I reached for my door.

"Josh....I like you." Jake suddenly said.

"Umm...I like you too. You're a good friend." I said, turning to face Jake.

"No.....I mean I really like you."

"What are you saying?" I said, searching Jakes face.


Jake leaned in and kissed me on the lips. He slowly pulled my waist to his. I was confused and at the same time really enjoying the kiss. Jakes soft lips grazed mine. The warmth of his body giving me comfort, almost a sense of security. Then, Jake slowly pulled away and gazed deeply into my eyes.

"Jake..I...umm..I'm confused."

"I know. There is so much I want to share with you. I'm gay. I've never been able to tell anyone that- not even Maggie. I have been hiding this secret my whole life and it wasn't until I met you that everything just changed for me. I look at you, and I see this amazing person that I want to get to know even more. You treat me like a regular person. Just me....Jake....and not a celebrity. That means a lot to me. I can't stop thinking about you." Jake said as he brought his hands to my face, cupping my cheeks as he leaned in for another sweet kiss.

"This is just going to fast for me." I said, slowly removing Jakes hands from my face. A hurt look suddenly appeared on Jakes face.

"I know, and I'm sorry for that." Jake said walking towards the wooden railing and looking out into the night.

I walked over to Jake and hugged him from behind. I sensed that he was scared and that what he just did was something really hard for him to do. I really liked him as well, so I leaned in and kissed his ear and said, "Come on. Let's get some sleep. We'll talk more tomorrow." I grabbed Jakes hand and lead him into my cabin. We got to my room and started stripping down to our boxers. Jake pulled back the covers and got in. I got in beside him and he pulled me into an embrace.

"This feels nice." I said snuggling up closer to Jake.

"Yeah. It does." Jake echoed.

Jake grabbed my hand and pulled it to rest on his chest. I could feel the rise and fall of his breathing beneath my hands. I felt so happy. I felt safe. Jake leaned in and kissed me on the forehead before we both drifted off into the best sleep either one of us has had in a very long time- each with a smile on our face.

Well, that's chapter 2. I really hope you guys like it. Don't forget to email me any comments or suggestions. Another chapter will be out soon. Take Care!


Next: Chapter 3

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