Jake and I

By Dutch Radney

Published on Sep 10, 2007



Let's get the usual disclaimer BS over with:

DISCLAIMER: This story is intended for adults only. If you are underage or if local laws prohibit this type of literature do not continue to read. This story is the property of the author and cannot be copied or distributed without express written consent. If you e-mail me state that you are over 18 years old or I will not respond.

After the first story about me and Jake a few people wrote to ask how we hooked up. Well, like the rest of my life for the last few years, it happened because of mountain biking.

It was last January. It was shaping up to be a shitty winter in Southern California. Real dry and the Santana's just kept blowing. Riding in 50 mph wind sucks and it had kept me off the bike for the last 3 weekends. It was Friday morning and the alarm goes off. I get up and look out the window and it looks great. No wind and like it's going to be a nice day. That pretty much means it's going to be a sick day for me. After the obligatory phone call to my boss telling him how I'm dying and all, I get my bike gear put together, throw it in the back of the El Camino and head out to Sycamore Canyon.

When I got to the trailhead there was only one other car there. A pretty new Chevy pick-up with Indiana plates. I'm thinking this is going to be a great ride day. Looks like there's not going to be very many people down in the canyon. No "Freds" means great riding. I got my gear on, I-Pod cranked up and pushed off for a long ride.

I started in on the usual loop. Down Sycamore Canyon, over to Wood Canyon, up Guadalasca and then down Backbone and back to lower Sycamore. I'm doing pretty good. Not setting any records but not dying either. I'm headed down Backbone running at a pretty good clip and I come out of a pretty high speed switchback and "boom". There's this guy, shirt off, holding a wheel, with his bike lying across the trail. All I can think of is "I'm fucked". I grab a handful of brake and hope for the best. It's a good thing I got the Dean with the disk brakes today .. (It's a sweet ride, titanium with 4 inches of travel, full XTR, hand build in Boulder .. oops..Sorry, I bike geeked there for a second, it don't matter to this story). Anyway believe or not I get stopped before I hit the asshole or his bike. Man, my heart is beating in my throat. It don't take long and the scared turns into pissed. I say "what the fuck dude. If you break down get off the trail as much as you can". The guy looks at me and just says "sorry". But I ain't done yet. I say "dude your fucking lucky it was me and not one of those hardcore downhiller's that don't slow down for nothin. If it had been one of them they'd be have'n to chopper you out of this canyon right now". He didn't say a word. Just kind of looked at me like a kid that got caught doing something wrong.

All of a sudden it dawns on me, this guy is hot. Not very tall, maybe 5-6 or 5-7, but he's built. He had great pecs, a solid six-pack and a couple of major league guns on him. Both his nipples were pierced and had those little "barbells" in them. He's got a real close cut buzz haircut and the most intense grey eyes I'd ever seen.

I say "you got everything you need". He says "naw man, I don't. I don't have any tire levers, the pump's fucking broke and the spare tube has a fucking hole in it". I can't help myself and start to laugh. I say "sounds like your fucked son". He throws down the wheel real serious like and looks at me like he's pissed. Then he starts to laugh too and says "it would certainly appear that way wouldn't it". I said "don't worry dude, I always come with spares. I'll get us out of here".

I pull off my pack and then notice he don't seem to have anything. I ask "where's your gear". He says "don't have any. Borrowed this bike from a guy at work. It was an old one his son left behind when he went to college I just moved out here and there wasn't room in the truck for my bike or gear". I say "so you left it in Indiana"?. He got this "how the fuck did you know that" look on his face. I said "don't worry, I'm not psychic or anything. I just saw a truck with Indiana plates back at the trailhead and took a guess".

I say "so you've been out here with no water or anything". He says "Well I thought it was just a short run down to the beach, but I must have taken a wrong turn. I keep trying to head west and ended up on some single tracks climbing my ass off". I say dude you need to look at a map. The beaches along here pretty much face south. It takes a lot longer to get there going west". I hand him my pack and say "here, I iced down the bladder so the water is still pretty cool, and don't worry dude, I ain't got no cooties or nothin". He says "Thanks, wouldn't matter if you did. I'm so thirsty right now I'd share a coke with Typhoid Mary. By the way my name is Jake" and he holds out his hand. I shake his hand and say "good to meet you Jake, let's get this bike fixed and ready to go".

I start working on the bike and Jake starts telling me his life story. By the time I get the tire fixed and back on the bike I know that Jake is from a little town in Indiana. He majored in Business at Indiana University and had gotten a job up in Fort Wayne, but "it blew chunks, besides it was so cold up there in the winter you could freeze your balls off". So he got this job now down in LA with an investment firm which should be "bitchin". The best thing he ever did was "get the fuck out of Indiana". He gets every other Friday off and he did a lot of riding back home but this was his first try in California. Man this boy could talk when he got going.

We got on the bikes and I told Jake to stick with me until we get back to the cars. It takes about another hour but we make it back to the cars without any other breakdowns. We get loaded up and Jake says "let me buy you lunch to pay you back a little". I say "sure, there's a burrito place a couple miles down the road on the other side of the101. You follow me".

We got our food and sit down. Jake kept right on talking but I start to notice that every time a good looking boy walks by, Jake's eyes lock on for few seconds. I'm thinking Jake might like other boys too. The one thing I'm sure about is Jake's hot and if there's any way I can hook-up with him I'm in.

After we get done I ask Jake if he's got any plans and if not why doesn't he come back to my place and I'll get his bike tuned up and ready to serious ride. Jake says "sure" and follows me back to my house.

We get to my house and Jake brings his bike inside while I go get the stand and tools. I set-up out on the patio and tell Jake to go get us a couple of beers out of the fridge. Jake takes off his shirt and watches me work on the bike while he sips his beer. He asks me about the house. I tell him I inherited it from my granny a couple of years ago. "No house payment, that's how I can afford all the bikes hanging on the walls and all the tools and gear". Jake says "cool, this pool in the back is great too, you use it much". "Nah" I say. "don't like swimming by myself". Jake gives me a look like there as some wheels clicking away in his head trying to figure out my situation. He all of a sudden says "man I stink from the ride, hope you don't mind". I say "well, truth is you are kind of rank. Why don't you go in the back bathroom and get cleaned up. There's shorts and t-shirts in the dresser. I'll finish this up while your back there". "Great" he says and heads down the hall.

I finish up the bike and put the stuff away just as Jake comes back down the hall. He's wearing some of my camo baggy shorts and one of the white wife-beaters I keep in the drawer. Man the boy looked hot. I was starting to throw wood and knew I needed to get out of the room right now. I told Jake to grab another beer and I was going to go take a shower (a cold one for sure).

I got cleaned up and dressed pretty much like Jake with shorts and another wife-beater. I came out and Jake's sitting on the couch with a big fat joint laying on the coffee table. Jake says "hope you don't mind. I had some stash in the truck. I rolled a fatty hoping you liked to get stoned". I say "you bet, spark it up son".

Well we're getting stoned and Jake starts asking questions. "You live here alone, No girlfriend or nothing". I say "alone, no girlfriend, kicked that bitch out about a year ago". Jake gets this little disappointed look on his face and asked "so no new puss on the line". I say "no, I've been more into boys the last few months but nothing serious". Jake grins and says "so that means your bi". I say yeah, how bout you". Jake says "no pretty much gay. That's why I left Indiana. Small town Indiana isn't too forgiving of boys that like boys". I say "well it ain't all that forgiving here either. I pretty much keep it to myself with my family and friends".

Man, the vibe in the room just changed in an instant. It went from two guys who ride bikes shooting the shit to two guys looking to become "fuck buddies". We're both stoned and it would appear from the bulges in our shorts we're both getting pretty horny. Jake stares at me with those grey eyes and slow slides his hand onto my thigh. I lean in and start to kiss him. It's hot, he smells like pot and beer. It ain't long and I've got Jake down on the couch and I'm all over him. We manage to lose our shorts and start rubbing our cocks together, grouping and necking and fucking with each other's hair. Looks like the opening scenes of some gay porn flick.

I slide off Jake and get on my knees. I grab his cock and take my first look. He's totally shaved down there so it's smooth and clean. His dick is hot too. Like about 7 inches long with an un-cut head. Un-cut dicks make me nuts. I think that's because I `m cut and it looks so different. The smell of an un-cut cock is always intense and turns me on big time.

His foreskin is long, almost covering the entire head. Only the piss slit is open and man is it leaking. I jump on that fucker and start sucking for all I'm worth. Must have been good for Jake too cause he's gruntin and pumping his hips up in my face. He's juicing so heavy I'm having a hard time keeping up and the boy hasn't even cum yet. I pull off him and say "Jake, let's take this into the bedroom. I need to nail you bad right now". Jake don't miss a beat. He gets off the couch and heads for the bedroom, me following behind staring at that great ass.

When we get there Jake falls back on the bed and puts his legs up in the air. He says "dude if your gonna fuck me, work me over with your tongue first". I started in and the boy started responding. I licked and shoved my tongue up in him and he just started moaning and breathing heavy. About two minutes of this and Jake says "dude, fuck me now". I reach over and get a condom and some lube out of the night stand. Jake gets on his hands and knees with his ass up in the air. I take the lube and grease him up real good. Jakes going "hurry up man, I need it right now". I finally get him lubed and then put the rubber on my cock. I line up and put the head against Jakes ass. Before I can even push forward Jake's driving his ass back on me. He wasn't kidding he needed it now. I started slow stroking Jake's ass using the full length of my dick. We got a rhythm going and then we started speeding up. By now Jakes got his face down in the pillow biting and yelling for more. I'm hot and know I'm going to cum real soon, but Jake's yelling to fuck him and cum in his ass. I don't even try to slow things down. I can start to feel it in my balls and grab Jake around the waist and go as deep as I can. I start spraying and moaning and shaking like I'm freezing to death. I pumped at least 10 good blasts of jiz into the condom in Jake's ass. I kept holding on to Jake trying to catch my breath. I looked down at my cock still in his ass and I came so much the seamen was leaking out the back of the rubber. Man, I filled it up and more. What a rush, made me kind of proud to tell the truth. I pulled out and Jake rolled over on his back, his hard cock still standing straight up. He looks at me with those grey eyes and says "your turn son".

Now I've never bottomed before, but I figure with this boy I'll give it a shot. I say "OK Jake but I've never taken a cock in my ass before. You got to take it easy". Jake laughs a little and says "dude, you won't even know I'm there" and gives me another kiss.

Jake grabs the lube and tells me to get on my back. He puts my legs over his shoulder and starts greasing my ass. Jake's real gentle. He starts with one finger and started working me with more and more lube and then two and then three fingers. Jake says "dude, your as ready as your going to get". He takes his cock and puts some lube right on the head before he roles the condom on. He greases the shaft and asks me if I'm ready. "lets give it a shot boy" is all I can say. He starts pushing and pushing and soon he's got it in all the way to his balls. He leans over and gets nose to nose with me. He stares into my eyes and I can smell his hot breath and feel it on my face. He's starts a slow back and forth motion with his hips, driving his prick in and out of me. It hurts like crazy but it felt great. My cock got hard all over again. I grabbed the back of Jake's head and pulled him nose to nose again.

Jake started going faster and then he reared back holding my legs out by my ankles. He yells "I blowing dude" and I could feel his cock swell in my ass. That was it for me too cause I let go again and sprayed jiz about two feet in the air. We both ended up rolled in a sweating ball on the bed licking and rubbing each others bodies. We pretty much stayed that way till the next morning. I think I can remember about 3 other sleepy suck and jack-off sessions during the night but wouldn't vouch for it.

When I woke up the sun was coming up and all you could smell was sweat, cum, lube and ass. There is nothing like the smell of another man in your bed when you wake up in the morning.

I'm spooned into Jake and he's kind'a light snoring away. I've got my arm around him and rubbed my hand on his stomach trying to wake him up. He stretched a little and rolled over. Jake looks at me with those sleepy grey eyes and says "ready to play again son". I don't say word, just switch around so we both got a cock in our face. We start sucking each other like we're in a race to make the other cum. I pulled Jake's foreskin back and start tongue cleaning the head of his cock. It's got a musky smell and salty taste that pushes me over the edge in no time. Jake has his mouth clamped on my cock and was working it hard too. I felt Jake's balls pull up and knew he was going to blow. I stuck my finger up his ass and it gripped my finger hard. Jake just grunted a few times and let go in my mouth. He blew about five ropes before I couldn't take it anymore. My balls pulled up and I let go in that boy's mouth too. We both managed to take all of each others cum, but man, that's a lot of spew first thing in the morning. Jake turned himself around and we shared what was left in our mouths while we wrestled in the bed.

The rest of the weekend was a blur of naked bodies and sexual wrestling. I know we fucked and sucked in every room in the house including the bed of the El Camino parked in my garage.

Finally on Sunday evening Jake had to leave. We put his bike in his truck and stood there not wanting the last three days to end. We programmed each others numbers into our cells and Jake says "mind if I come back next Friday"? I say "I'll be waiting for you Friday evening, But this time we got to break it up long enough to do at least a couple of rides". Jake laughed, gave me a wave and headed back to LA.

I went into the house and it seemed a little lonely for the first time ever. I picked up the place a little, did some laundry, read some e-mails and finally sat down on the couch. I started to think about everything that had gone on between Jake and me and before you know it I had my shorts open working my cock.

Just then the cell rang and it was Jake. I answered and Jake says "I got home OK. Was wondering what your doing". I said "Jake, I was just rubbing one out thinking of your hot ass". Jake laughed and says "I just got done unloading one too. Guess we're both hooked on each other. See you Friday". I say "it's a date son" and hang up.

Well that's how Jake and I got together.

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