
By moc.liamg@062239pg

Published on Jan 18, 2021


Gregory A. Patrick


Jaiden Chapter 97

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Greg Patrick

"Uncle Jaiden, this is Jeremy. We had our blood tests at the infirmary at Wellstone, and Carl and I got out results this morning. We are both negative. We talked about where we wanted to take our relationship, and Carl said he wanted to go slowly since he had never been in a relationship."

"After we went to the clinic, we went to the cafeteria and had lunch. They had roast beef and creamed potatoes. Carl got broccoli and loves the stuff, so I guess I have to learn to eat it." "Jeremy, they know how to make it taste good at Wellstone, you probably have never had it cooked properly. If they have it at dinner tonight, try it and see how you like it. It tastes different than when it's cooked only in salt water."

"If they have it tonight, Uncle Jaiden, I'll try it for Craig. I understand how you felt when you met Uncle Jaiden; I have never felt like I do right now and I can't describe it because the feeling is so different than anything I've ever felt." "You're describing how true love feels, Jeremy, and I'm very happy you finally know what it feels like; it's awesome, isn't it?" "Yes, sir, it is."

"I asked Carl what he wanted to do tonight, and he said he wanted to have a quiet night with me, so that is what we are going to do. I have a fire television in the room, and it's hooked up to cable, so we are going to stay in the bedroom and watch some gay love stories. Maybe Carl will get comfortable enough to let me make him relax."

"Jeremy, just remember to be careful with weight on top of you; your ribs are still healing and knitting together. You also need to understand that when the ribs heal, they will be OK, but they aren't as strong as they were before they were broken, so no gym workouts that put stress on the ribs like a bench press, a grab, and snatch from the floor; no exercise that cause the abdominal muscles and back muscles to strain excessively and put stress on your ribs. And for Pete's sake, no heavy leg presses that can snap the bones where your thigh and shin bones were broken." "I understand, Uncle Jaiden."

When Jeremy and Carl got back to their campus apartment, the went into their side and locked the door to the living room, and shut and locked the door to their bedroom. Jeremy didn't say anything as he stepped up to Carl and began unbuttoning his shirt. When the shirt was unbuttoned, Jeremy pulled it out of Carl's pants and slid it off his boyfriend. He pulled Carl into a hug as he slid his hands up Carl's sides and pushed his tee-shirt up and off. Carl then did the same thing to Jeremy and pulled him into a light hug as he kissed Jeremy very tenderly. Kissing was still something new to Carl, but he was good at it and Jeremy was in dreamland when Carl kissed him.

Jeremy was rubbing Carl's bare back as he moved his hands down and around Carl's glutes, around his hips, and to his belt buckle. Jeremy worked quickly to get the belt unbuckled and pulled out of Carl's pants. That accomplished, he went straight to his point of intention and unbuttoned and unzipped Carl' pants, sliding the pants and boxers to the floor. Carl was standing naked with some trepidation; this was new territory for him and he didn't know what to expect.

Jeremy slid his pants and boxers off and pulled Carl to him. He laid his head on Carl's shoulder and softly rubbed his back. After a few moments of tender hugs and kisses, Jeremy took Carl by his hand and led him to the side of the bed, gently sat him on the bed, and pushed him to the bed's center.

Jeremy got on the bed with Carl, turned himself, and told Carl to close his eyes. Jeremy watched as Carl closed his eyes and tensed a bit. Jeremy took some Hawaiian massage oil his Uncle Jaiden had given to him and applied it to Carl's torso and began gently ribbing his boyfriend's chest and stomach. When Carl started to relax, Jeremy moved to the tops of his thighs and began rubbing them with a little more pressure than he had used on Carl's torso. He worked down to Carl's feet which he gently massaged. When Jeremy detected Carl had totally relaced, he began slowly working his way up the inside of Carl's legs until he reached Carl's crotch.

When he reached Carl's pubic area, he applied a dab of massage oil to his hands and began a soft massage of his boyfriend's sac and testicles causing Carl to quietly moan. He pleasured his lover for several minutes and them reached for Carl's penis. When he grasped his phallus, Carl jumped in surprise. Jeremy told his to relax and remember to breath. When Jeremy said that, he began giving Carl his first blowjob ever. Carl was rubbing Jeremy's head and twitching his body in response to the attention Jeremy was giving him. Jeremy did his best to make it last for Carl, but since it was Carl's first sexual experience, his body began to tense, his penis began to swell, and he moaned to Jeremy that he was about to cum. He thought Jeremy would back off, but he didn't; he took everything Carl pitched to him and swallowed every drop.

When Carl was totally spent, Jeremy turned around, snuggled up to Carl, and asked, "Sweetheart, how did you enjoy that?" "Jeremy, I've never felt anything like that, it was amazing; but I want to ask you one question: when I was about to have a blow-out, why didn't you back off?" "Carl, spunk doesn't taste bad all the time. Most of the time it is a combination of sweet and sour tastes; besides, it was yours and I wanted it for that reason alone."

Jeremy pulled Carl onto his right side, hugged him, and kissed the tip of his nose. "Carl, I know it is early in our relationship, but I am in love with you in a way I can't explain. Everything feels so right when I am with you, when I hug and kiss you, when I hold your hand, and when we snuggle together to sleep every night." "Jeremy, I feel the same way when I am with you. It's a feeling I have never had with an intensity I would never have imagined. I've heard people describe their love for someone else, but now I know what they were talking about, and it's a feeling I never want to lose.

Jeremy got off the bed and told Carl to stay there. He went into the bathroom, retrieved a bulb from under the sink, filled it with warm water which he sprayed into his body. He went back to the bed and laid on his stomach for about ten minutes, and then went and voided himself. He went through the process three times until he ran clear.

He walked to the bed and told Carl to stand up and walk to the end of the bed. Jeremy looked at Carl and said, "Carl, I am going to ask you to do something that may sound gross to you, but it is something we both will get used to doing." He took Carl's right hand, squirted some lube into his hand, and said, "Carl, I want you to put the lube on the end of your forefinger and then I want you to push the lube into my rear-end." "Do you mean to stick my finger in your hole?" "Yes. Push your finger in slowly and move it in and out. When it feels like your finger is getting a bit dry, put some more lube on it and keep sliding it in and out until you feel the muscle relax. When the muscle relaxes, add some lube to our forefinger and second finger and slide both inside me. As you move your two fingers in and out, turn them from side to side until you feel the muscle relax. When you feel that, pull your fingers out and let me know.

Carl did what he was instructed to do when he felt the muscle relax, he removed his fingers and told Jeremy what he wanted to hear. When he did that, Jeremy stood up, took the lube, and applied a liberal amount onto Carl's penis. He looked at Carl and said, "I can't take your weight on my body because of my ribs still healing, but I and going to lay on my stomach on the bed and I want you to put your penis where your fingers were Take it slow and easy so I can get used to the feeling. I know it is going to hurt at first, but that pain will go away and then I want you to slowly make love to me.

Jeremy laid over the end of the bed and spread his legs with his feet planted solidly on the floor. Carl leaned over and slowly pushed his penis into Jeremy's body. When he did that, tears started falling from his eyes and Jeremy could feel them as they hit his back. Carl slowly moved in and out for several minutes when Jeremy felt his body tense and felt the spunk begin to enter his body. Carl was exhausted as he pulled himself out of Jeremy.

Carl laid on the bed, hugged Jeremy, and cried. Jeremy held his lover until he calmed down. When he did, he looked Jeremy in the eyes and with his tear-stained face said, "Jeremy, I really am in love with you, and I really do want to spend my life with you. I've never had this feeling before; it is so surreal to me!"

"Carl, I am so hard in love with you; I know exactly how you are feeling. My heart is racing because of the excitement of making love with you. When you feel you are truly ready, I want to make love to you so we both can share that experience."

Carl didn't say a word as he got off the bed, went to the bathroom, got a bulb, and prepared himself the same way Jeremy did. When he ran clear, he handed Jeremy the lube and said, "Please; you know what to do." "Jeremy made sure Carl's sphincter was completely relaxed. When it was, he had Carl move up on the bed, and pull his legs up and back. When that was done, Jeremy slowly entered Carl and gave him time to get used to the sensation and the pain he was feeling. When the pain subsided, Jeremy began slow, rhythmic movements as he made tender love to Carl.

Ten minutes later, Jeremy began to feel himself getting ready to send his nectar into Carl. When it happened, Jeremy pushed hard, laid on Carl's torso, and release the largest amount of spunk he could remember. Carl held Jeremy on his chest as he kissed Jeremy's forehead and ran his fingers through Jeremy's hair. Both had tears falling from their eyes.

Carl looked at Jeremy and said, "You are the person I love more than anybody in the world. I wanted the first time I made love to be with the right person, at the right time, and in the right place, and that happened for me tonight. Thank you for making my hopes and dreams come true. I love you so much."

"Carl, we both wanted it to be the same way, and it was for me too. When I told Uncle Jaiden how I fell head over heels in love with you, he said he fell in love with Uncle Peyton the same way. They have a special, loving relationship, and I intend for us to have the same love they have for the same reasons they've experienced. I can't wait for you to meet them, and spend some time with them in Erie. When you do that, you will understand everything I have told you."

Jaiden was standing on the deck looking over the horizon when Peyton walked to him, put his arms around his husband and asked, "Sweetheart, you seem so relaxed, so happy right now. What are you thinking about?"

"Peyton, I am thinking about how much I love you and our sons, how blessed I feel to have you in my life, and how blessed I feel to have the friends who are a part of our family. I have been trying to figure out if I could be more blessed, if our family could be more blessed. We have amassed a fortune in money given from the kind hearts of people we don't even know - and probably will never meet."

When we were at Ginny's church with her, Gampy, Granny, and the Reverend, do you remember the song that was sung by the congregation that said, "It is well with my soul?" "I do, love, and it was a beautiful song." "Yes, it was, Peyton. I kept thinking we were singing a song that could also be sung in the synagogue, that it was neither Christian nor Jewish, but a message of hope for everybody."

"I researched the song, and it comes from a sad experience suffered by a man you and I can easily compare to Job. The song was written by a man named Horatio Gates Spafford. I think of Jeremy and Seth when that song plays through my head. When they were nearly killed by their parents, they lost everything they knew in their lives, but they lived to tell their story, and Hashem provided for them in unbelievable ways."

"Mr. Spafford was going to Europe with his family when he was called home due to the great Chicago fire. His family boarded the ship to continue their journey to Europe. The ship they were on collided with another ship and sank in the Atlantic Ocean. When the ship sank, Horatio Spafford lost his only son and four daughters. When the ship sank, a large board on which Spafford's wife was lying broke loose and floated to the surface of the water saving the life of Mrs. Spafford."

"She was taken on to England where she sent her husband a cablegram telling him what had happened. She asked r. Spafford the question, "What should I do?" " Mr. Spafford was taken to the exact spot where the ship sank and he lost his family. In his grief, he wrote the beautiful song we sang in Granny's and the Reverend's church, It Is Well With My Soul"

The words to that song remind me how blessed I am with my family. You and our boys have blessed me beyond measure; our parents have taught, blessed, and loved us beyond measure. It amazes me how blessed we are, and then I think about how Hashem blessed Horatio Spafford after such a tragedy. I keep hearing the words of that song playing in my head, and they leave me with a peace and contentment I can't explain, that I find hard to understand. The words Spafford wrote are so beautiful and meaningful that I memorized them as a poem:

"When peace, like a river, attendeth my way, When sorrows like sea billows roll; Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say, It is well, it is well, with my soul."

"Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come, Let this blessed assurance control, That Christ has regarded my helpless estate, And hath shed His own blood for my soul."

"And Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight, The clouds be rolled back as a scroll; The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend, Even so, it is well with my soul."

"It is well, it is well, with my soul."

"Peyton, a lot of people are against out same-sex marriage; thy are against us having children. People like s face horrible circumstances every day, and yet they persevere. Families are destroyed because their loved one have their lives snuffed out by some homophobe who has no idea what Hashem has laid out in His words, his covenants with us. While that kind of violence is horrifying to read about, I look across the beauty of the horizon in front of us and there is such a peace in my soul, and I know all is well with my soul." "Jaiden..." "Peyton, please don't say anything; just hold me."

Peyton must have stood there and held Jaiden for an hour. It was a good thing the boys had been put to bed and were asleep, because Jaiden needed the intimate time with his husband.

When Jaiden and Peyton went inside the house, they went to their bedroom, undressed, and climbed into the shower together. They lovingly bathed each other and then enjoyed each other's bodies in every loving way imaginable.

When they went to bed, Jaiden opened the curtains in the bedroom so he could look out the window and see the stars that make the universe so beautiful. He was feeling incredibly blessed, especially with Peyton in his arms.

As they lay there waiting to fall asleep, Jaiden asked, "Peyton, why can't everybody's soul feel as peaceful as mind does. Why can't they feel as blessed as I do with their families and not try to hurt each other, to literally destroy their children's lives by causing such horrible, terrifying memories in their minds. I know Seth has had nightmares since being in Orange Beach, and Jeremy has no doubt had night terrors after his experience. Jay has told me about Jeremy waking up screaming when he first got to their home. My question is simply, "Why?"

"Jaiden, I don't know, I don't have that answer. The only thing I can do is rely on Hashem to help me with things you have talked about. I know He has helped Seth and Jeremy because you and I know where they were in life and we can see, hear, and feel where they are now. They are as happy as they can be; but I wish they could be happy without the painful memories. I know Mom and Dad are doing their best to help Seth, and Jay and Don have done what they can to ensure Jeremy is as happy as he can be. When you talked to Jeremy yesterday, we both knew he had finally found someone to love him because he deserves it, and Carl was finally able to let go of his fears of being gay and finding someone who loves him because he deserves it and it is the right thing for both to do."

"Peyton, would you please hold me?"

The next morning when they guys got up to help their children potty, to dress them, and to get them fed, Jaiden picked up each one of his boys, held them at the doors in the den, looked up at the sky and said, "Hashem, thank you for my boys, for Peyton, and for everything Yon have blessed us with."

They put the boys in their highchairs and gave them their favorite fluffed-eggs and cheese grits. When they got their milk, there was a surprise for them: it was warm chocolate milk which they thoroughly enjoyed.

When Ginny and Granny got to the house, Jaiden looked at them and asked, "I don't usually leave without doing the dishes, but would you mind washing the dishes, I want to take my time going to class and enjoy the extra time with Peyton? Ginny hugged Jaiden and said, "Sweetheart, you go on to class and spend the time with Peyton; you deserve to do that." Jaiden kissed Ginny and Granny on the cheek, thanked them for understanding, and left for school early with Peyton by his side.

"Geraldine, I don't know what happened with Jaiden, but by the look on his face and the way he looked and spoke, I think the Lord has touched him in a mighty way. When he gets home today, I am going to try and get him to talk to me about whatever it was." "Martha, I think you are right. I haven't seen such a peaceful look on his face since I started working here with you."

When Peyton and Jaiden got home, the babies were playing on the floor in the den. Jaiden sat on the couch between Ginny and Granny and said, "Ginny, Granny, do you remember when we attended your church a few Sundays ago and the congregation and choir sang the song, It Is Well with My Soul?" Yes, Jaiden, we do, why'd you ask?" "Ginny, that song keeps running through my head, and I have come to realize it is not a Christian or Jewish song, but a song for everybody; a song about our souls being grounded in God. It can be sung in a church or in a synagogue with the same meaning, with the same blessing, and with the same lesson of peace and love in Hashem."

"Ginny, Granny, when I heard that song in the church, everything that had been bothering me, everything I had been concerned or worried about, it was gone because Hashem let me know it is well with my soul." Granny told Jaiden that what he said was sending goose bumps all over her body, and Ginny agreed. Granny couldn't wait to get home and tell the Reverend what Jaiden had said. It isn't a matter of being Jewish or Christian, it is a matter of being Hashem's, God's child made perfect in His image.

Jaiden and Peyton walked into class and the professor went and got Andy to see Peyton and Jaiden because he had never seen either of them look so peaceful. Andy said something good happened, and he would talk to Peyton at lunch to find out what it was.

Lunchtime arrived and Andy walked into the cafeteria, found Peyton and Jaiden, and sat down to talk with them. "Guys, one of your professors thought something was different about you this morning and he called me to check on you. I agreed with him that something was different, because I have never seen either of you look so peaceful and yet so confident. So, what happened?"

Jaiden looked at Andy and said, "Doc, I heard a song, and it spoke to me in a way nothing ever has." "Jaiden, what was the song and where did you hear it?" "Doc, we went to Ginny's church a few weeks ago and the choir and congregation sang a song called It Is Well With My Soul. As the song was being sung, I kept thinking the song wasn't Christian and it wasn't Jewish, that it could be sung in a synagogue or in a church and no specific religion could be attached to it. The man who wrote the song lost everything he owned in the Great Chicago Fire and was called back to Chicago to tend to that problem. He and his family were about to embark on a ship headed to England. He went back to Chicago and his family proceeded on their trip to Europe. Tragically, the ship collided with another ship and sunk."

"Mr. Spafford lost his son and three daughters when the ship sunk. Gracefully, his wife was saved when a large board she was lying on broke loose and took her to the surface of the water. She was taken to England where she sent a cablegram to her husband, and among other things, she asked, "what should I do." When he received the cablegram, he penned the words to the song I heard in Ginny's church. That is when I knew that everything I have experienced, the problems with Seth and Jeremy, and all the problems I will face in the future will be handled by Hashem and I won't have to worry about them, just work to resolve them with Hashem's help because all will be well like the song says, "It Is Well With My Soul."

People can say and do whatever they want, and their responsibility is to Hashem who ensures for me that whatever crops us, it doesn't matter because "It Is Well With My Soul." When I heard that song, my entire perspective changed in an instant." "Jaiden, that is a deep thing to experience." "Yes, it is, Doc, and I have been blessed to experience it."

Jaiden went to the hospital to do rounds on the surgical floor, and patients were amazed by the change in Jaiden's demeanor and his perspective. Several patients called their physicians to say how pleased they were with Jaiden, with the change in his deportment. They said he had been a good caretaker before, but tonight, he was amazing. When he walked out of their room, he left them with a calmness they couldn't explain; nor could they explain why their pain walked out the door with him.

Jaiden received a text from Dr. Brannen asking him to go by the office when he got out of class. When he got to the office, the receptionist notified Dr. Brannen that Jaiden and Peyton had arrived. When he finished with the patient he was with, he asked Jaiden and Peyton to have a seat in his office.

"Jaiden, what happened at the hospital last night?" "What do you mean, Dr. Brannen?" "Jaiden, every patient on the surgical floor called their doctor after you saw them and what they had to say was unbelievable." "Dr. Brannen, I don't understand." "Jaiden, every patient you saw last night said your deportment had completely changed. They said that you had been a good care provider before, but last night you seemed to be better than ever. Every patient said when you walked out of their room, you left them with a peace they had never felt before, and that when you walked out the door of their rooms, their pain walked out the door with you. They didn't understand it, and quite frankly, I don't understand it, so can you explain to me what happened that allowed you to give the patients such a miraculous feeling, and, in some instances, a miraculous healing?"

"Doctor Brannen, all I can say is that we attended Ginny's church a few weeks ago to see the results of Richard's, Sally's, and our efforts to help the church to grow. The church had doubled in size because of what Richard and Sally said when we were in Oslo. People heard their comments on television and started flooding into the church; people of all ages, colors, nationalities, and ages."

"While we were at the church, the congregation and choir sang a song entitled It Is Well With My Soul. It was such a beautiful song that could be sung in a synagogue or in a Church because no religion was attached to it. Google the song title and look at what is says about the man who wrote the song and why. When I did that, I realized how everything I have done, everything I want to do, was well with my soul because I have submitted myself to Hashem's will, and I have obeyed and tried to do everything He has told me to do. That's the only explanation and answer I have to your question."

"Jaiden, what is the name of that church?" "Doctor Brannen, it is the First Missionary Baptist Church. Reverend Taylor is the pastor and his wife is the wonderful lady who helps Ginny with our and Dale's and Charley's children at the house." "Jaiden, I am going to attend that church Sunday. Do you thing you can get them to sing that song again?" "Hang on just a minute, Dr. Brannen and I will talk to the Reverend an see if it can be sung Sunday."

"Good afternoon, Reverend, this is Jaiden. I think Granny has already told you what I said and experienced when the choir and congregation sang, It Is Well With My Soul." She has, Jaiden, and what she said brought tears to my eyes. So, tell me, what can I do for you?" "Reverend, patients have been saying that song has changed my deportment and positively affected my care of them in unbelievable ways, and Dr. Brannen said he would like to attend the church on Sunday, and he wanted to know if the choir and congregation could sing the song on Sunday."

"Jaiden, tell Dr. Brannen we will be honored to have him visit our church, and we will be happy to include that song for him in Sunday's worship service. Please ask him to introduce himself to me and Granny while he is at the church." "I will, Reverend. Thanks! We love you." "We love you too, Jaiden."

Dr. Brannen, the Reverend said to ask you to please introduce yourself to him Sunday, and to tell you that he will make sure the choir and congregation sing that song for you." "Thank you, Jaiden, I appreciate that." "You're welcome, Dr. Brannen."

When Jaiden and Peyton got into their car and headed home, Jaiden said, "Peyton, it's happening all over again. It is going to be interesting to see what comes of all this." "It is, Jaiden, it is kind of surreal."

When they got home, the Reverend had already called and told Ginny and Granny was had happened. The ladies had tears in their eyes as their two boys walked into the house. Jaiden texted Richard and asked him to call him at the house. A few minutes later, Jaiden's phone rang. "Jaiden, this is Richard, what's up?" "Peyton and I just had an interesting conversation with Dr. Brannen." "What about, Jaiden?"

"Richard, he is going to attend the Reverend's church Sunday because it affected me in a way that patients were calling their doctors to tell them my care of them had been unbelievable and that when I walked out of the door to their rooms, their pain walked out with me. It's all because of the song, It Is Well With My Soul, that was sung when we were at the church a few weeks ago. I told him about the church growth related to your and Sally's comments in Oslo, and he is intrigued by what he has heard. At any rate, I think we should attend the church Sunday as well since Dr. Brannen will be there because of us." "Jaiden, that is freaking unreal. Sally and I will be there with you and Peyton. I hope Charley and Dale will go as well." "I think they will, Richard, I will ask them."

Jaiden and Peyton went to their room to change clothes. Jaiden took his shirt and pants off so he could wear a comfortable tee-shirt and his khaki shorts. Before he could step into his shorts, Peyton grabbed his briefs and snatched them down and pushed Jaiden back on the bed. When he did, Jaiden sprang to attention and Peyton began giving a world-class blowjob. Jaiden was squirming all over the bed, wincing and moaning at what Peyton was doing to him."

"After ten minutes or so, Jaiden's body stiffened, he let out a grunt while Peyton caught an enormous load Jaiden pitched to him. Peyton got a warm rag and wiped Jaiden clean and then asked, "Sweetheart, are you more relaxed now?" "Love, you just don't know. That was amazing. Have you been reading up on sexual pleasures?" Peyton smiled and said, "I think I'll get a cup of coffee," Jaiden told Peyton that Andy was right; he was getting to be more like his Mom. "Sweetheart, I love the way your reaction creates intrigue for me." Peyton smiled and didn't say a word.

"Dale, would it be possible for you and Charley to watch the boys this evening, I would like to take Peyton on a date night?" "Jaiden, I don't think that will be a problem, as far as I know, Charley hasn't planned anything. Let me call him to make sure."

"Hey sweetheart, Jaiden asked if we could watch the boys tonight so he could take Peyton on a date night. Do you have anything planned?" "No, I don't. Even if I had planned something, after the date night he and Peyton gave us a few weeks back, I would cancel anything I had planned so he could do that for Peyton." "Charley, you're still the guy I fell in love with and you keep getting better every. I love you, Babe." "Dale, I love you more. I'll leave the library in about an hour and head home. We can play with the children outside since it is such a beautiful day. At 60 degrees, all they will need is a sweater and a beanie cap." "I'll get the sweaters and caps out and be ready when you get home."

"Jaiden, Charley said have a good time. He'll leave the library in about an hour and head home. We'll take the children outside to play so you and Peyton can get dressed and slip away." "Thanks, Dale, I really appreciate you and Charley helping Peyton and me out with the boys." "That's what family is for, bro; we'll always have your backs." "We love you and Charley, too."

Peyton walked into the den from the deck and Jaiden looked at him and said, "Peyton, go put on the black pants and the black dress shirt you look so sexy in, and wear the black Louboutin St. Laurent shoes. I'll match your outfit." "Jaiden, why am I getting dressed up?" "Date night, Sweetheart, and that is all I am going to say."

When they had gotten dressed, they took the Lincoln and drove to the Country Club. When they walked inside and approached the reception desk of the restaurant, they were immediately escorted to the private dining room, there was table covered in a red velvet table cloth trimmed in royal blue and gold, a beautiful floral arrangement with three long candles sat in the middle of the table which was set under a white chiffon canopy. Baroque music was playing softly in the background lending an Aire of sophistication to the evening.

The server bought Peyton and Jaiden a press of the finest French coffee available, fresh hot roles, and a traditional Waldorf Salad. The appetizer was lobster crostini with a white wine reduction sauce. Dinner was the finest Porterhouse steak that could be bought and shipped in from Japan, and it was cooked to a perfect medium-rare. Dessert was a delectable French tarte Tatin.

When dinner was over, Jaiden took Peyton to see the stage production of Love Story. Both were emotionally moved by the presentation and didn't say much as they left the beautiful Erie Opera House.

As they left the opera house, they got into the Lincoln and Jaiden drove to the overlook at the bay. He parked so Peyton and he could see the night lights and the ships as they sailed in to port. The sky was beautiful and so clear they could see every star.

Jaiden pulled Peyton onto his lap, laid Peyton's head on his shoulder and gently rubbed his lover's face and ran his fingers through Peyton's hair as he rested his chin on Peyton's head. Jaiden pulled Peyton onto his lap, laid Peyton's head on his shoulder and gently rubbed his lover's face and ran his fingers through Peyton's hair as he rested his chin on Peyton's head.

The night was incredibly romantic. Peyton looked up at Jaiden and pulled his head down for a kiss Jaiden was starry eyed as he received the most sensual kiss he had ever received. Peyton looked up at Jaiden with a serious expression and said, "I love you." Then Peyton closed his eyes and enjoyed being held by the one person he loved more than life itself.

The two lovers stayed at the bluff for two hours before they headed home. When they got home, Jaiden took Peyton by the hand and walked to their bedroom where he completely undressed Peyton and had him lay across the bed on his stomach. Once Jaiden got undressed, he took the Hawaiian massage oil and gave Peyton the most relaxing massage possible. When he finished the massage, he crawled into bed with Peyton, pulled the covers over them, and snuggled as close to Peyton as he could get as they fell asleep with Jaiden holding Peyton.

Next: Chapter 92

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