
By moc.liamg@062239pg

Published on Apr 21, 2020


JAIDEN – Chapter 9 04/21/2020

Gregory A. Patrick gp932260@gmail.com

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G. A. Patrick

Peyton loved the trip to Mt. Airy yesterday, especially the extracurricular activities on the way. I wanted to do something Tuesday that would leave a more loving memory. I couldn't think of anything more loving than watching the sun rise over South Holston Lake. It is a beautiful place that is only 15 minutes from the house. I told Peyton "I have a surprise for you tomorrow, but we have to leave the house no later than 5:00 am." "Where are we going so early in the morning." "That, my love, is a secret that only I know. I haven't even told Mom. Just be up and dressed at 5:00 am." "Ok, I'll be ready at 5."

I did let Mom know we'd be leaving early in the morning, and then I handed her a note on where I was taking Peyton. So, I didn't exactly lie when I told Peyton I had not told Mom. This way she'd know we aren't going to be at home for breakfast and can make time to prepare herself something for breakfast or stop somewhere on the way to the clinic.

5:00 am rolled around and Peyton was up, dressed, and ready to go. "So, Jaiden, you're still not going to tell me were we are going." "No, I am not. It's a surprise." "Well, OK."

To be as comfortable as possible, we both wore fleece lined sweat pants with matching shirts.

We drove to a lovely spot on the west bank of the lake so we could see the sunrise in the East. It was a particularly beautiful day with very few clouds in the sky. Peyton and I got out of the car and I spread a blanket on the ground. I sat down with my knees up and my feet flat on the ground. Peyton took that as an invitation to sit between my legs and to lean back against me and relax. It was rather cool, so I tossed a thin blanket over the front of us and placed my arms and hands around Peyton's waist so they would be hidden under the blanket. I leaned forward and gave Peyton a kiss on his neck and then rested my chin on his right shoulder with our faces touching. I kept giving Peyton small kisses on his cheek. I keep saying it feels so right because it is. It is the moments like this morning that make me love Peyton even more than yesterday.

I reached down and pulled the waist cord on Peyton's sweatpants and pulled the waist band to loosen the pants. I began gently rubbing his stomach at his waist. He shut his eyes for a few moments as I rubbed his waist line. Slowly, I slid my hand under his waist band and started toying with his phallus, slowly rubbing it up and down. I brought some paper towels to make sure his pants didn't get spunked. I kept up the slow masturbation until Peyton said he was about to blow. I took some of the towels and placed them over his glans as he relaxed and spewed enough spunk to fill a river. I cleaned him up with a few more paper towels and then took a damp rag I had also brought and washed his pubes and his penis so he wouldn't be uncomfortable for obvious reasons.

After a bit of "relaxing," I held Peyton over his shoulders with our hands clasped together as we began to see the sun arise over the horizon. There were beautiful hues of orange and Red. Since there was a mist in the air, a huge rainbow formed over the mountain. "So beautiful, isn't it, Peyton?" "Yes, it is, Thank you so much." Everything you do is out of love and makes me feel so blessed."

Peyton was righter than he knew. We had half a year left at the University because we attended the summer semesters and we added an extra class each semester. A wedding was fast approaching.

We started applying to med schools we thought we would enjoy. We visited Mom's alma mater and felt the college was ok, but then we visited LECOM (Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine). LECOMS's campus was newer and the view of Lake Erie was unbelievably beautiful. Peyton and I met with Professors and administrative staff and decided we would make application to LECOM. We talked to Mom and then with Dad Riley and both thought LECOM was a great choice. Peyton and I went online and completed our applications, ordered transcripts to be sent to the med school, and paid the application fee. We figured it would take upwards of six months to hear back from LECOM.

Our spring break was coming to an end, so we headed back to Wellstone. We finished both advanced courses in Organic Chemistry, and all but one of the required biology courses. We have General Physics 1, Cell and Molecular Biology, Sociology, and Psychology summer semester. The courses are spread out from May to mid-August. It's a tough load, but doable.

It was nice to get back to where we didn't have to worry about privacy, and it was equally nice to see Charley and Dale who seemed to be getting along better that ever. I'd know tomorrow since they had a session scheduled with Dr. Desportes.

At 4 pm, Jaiden, Charley, Dale, and I met outside for our usual run. Jaiden and I had slacked off over Spring break, but it was evident Charley and Dale had not. We usually run 5 miles. Jaiden and I barely made our 5, but Charley and Dale ran 6 miles, that proved their commitment to their stress reduction and the strengthening of their relationship.

After the run, we all went into the apartment for a shower. Jaiden and I finished our showers, dressed and went into the living room. We noticed towels on the couch and it wasn't but a minute more when we found out why. Charley and Dale came into the living room naked as a jaybird with their clothes in hand. Jaiden said, "Guys?" Dale, the shyest of the two, turned to Jaiden and said with a smile, "what's wrong, you've seen one before." Jaiden just looked down and shook his head. Dale said "pardon the nudity, but Charley and I wanted you to see the progress we've made in toning our bodies. You guys with your friendship and concern got this started." "You've done well my friend, extremely well," Jaiden and I told them. "Now get dressed and let's go to dinner." "What say we go to Tony's and get a pizza?" Charley and Dale said, "Sounds good to us."

We went to Tony's Pizzeria and got our usual all meat pizza and cokes. We also got the table in the nook in the back-right side. We were eating our pizza when Jaiden placed his left hand on the table. Charley saw the ring. I put my left hand on the table and when Charley saw my ring, his eyes almost popped out of his head. Charley poked Dale and pointed at our hands. "Guys, you didn't, did you? "Not yet, but these are the rings the ladies in my Mom's office bought for us while we were on Spring break. They are tungsten carbide with Hawaiian KOA wood. The green you see is Azure Opal." Charley said, "They are gorgeous."

There is something Dale and I have to tell you: We got engaged over spring break!" "You're kidding," Jaiden replied. Dale said, "Nope, we are serious." Tony heard the news and looked over at us and smiled.

When we had finished out pizza, Chuck brought four huge pieces of hot pecan pie topped with vanilla ice cream and told us, "Tony said to tell you "congratulations and that the pie is on the house." We got up to pay our bill and when Tony came over to take our payment, he shook everybody's hand and said, "You guys are my favorite customers and I am so happy for all four of you. It's going to be a sad day when you graduate and move on to better and more wonderful things." We all told him we would miss him but that we would be coming back for one of his pizzas.

It was getting late and we had a full day of classes tomorrow, so we headed back to the apartment. Dale and Charley kicked off their clothes and sat in the living room kissing and caressing each other. Jaiden and I started laughing as we went into our bedroom. "Peyton, would you say those guys have come a long way?" "Yes, I would, Jaiden. Let's hope the time doesn't come where we have to say, get a room guys." Jaiden started laughing again.

I was thirsty so I quietly went to the kitchen and got a glass of tea. As I turned around to go back in the bedroom, Charley was kneeling in front of Dale giving him one heck of an oral education. When I got back in our bedroom, I told Jaiden and he almost died laughing.

We stripped down and got in bed. Jason had brought that expensive, awesome lotion from his house and he started putting the lotion on his hands and giving me a soft massage that sent me into dreamland. I had to return the favor and gave him a sensual massage as well. I didn't see him put on the condom, but I did see the warming lube he brought from home. He snuggled up to me and began to enter me with true gentleness.

I was lying on my side as Jaiden whispered in my ear, "close your eyes and think of the day we get married, how special that day is going to be, how happy we are going to be." He had put a towel in front of me for obvious reasons to keep the bed "clean." We made love for about thirty minutes when we both came to an orgasm. Jaiden got a warm, wet wash rag and gently cleaned me. He got rid of the evidence and got back in bed, spooned me, and held my hand until we fell asleep. The last thing I remember was a kiss on the right side of my face.

When we got up, the four of us headed to the main cafeteria for breakfast. We all pigged out more than we should have.

I had finished my courses for the day and headed back to the apartment when my phone rang. I answered the call. It was Dr. Desportes calling to let me know Charley and Dale had made their appointment.

She told me Dale and Charley have done so well that she was dismissing them from therapy. I agreed and asked her if they told her they got engaged over Spring break. She said they did and she was excited for them.

She said to let her know as things progressed and to call her if there was any regression in their behavior or their relationship. I promised I would and thanked her for all she did for Charley and Dale. "You and Jaiden probably did more than I. Those boys kept saying how supportive you and Jaiden were to them and how much you helped them. They are very grateful for your friendship, and, quite frankly, so am I."

"Dr. Desportes, thank you for your kind words, it was a corporate effort. Thanks for everything, Peyton...and by the way, congratulations on your engagement. Stop by when you have time, I want to see those rings Dale told me about." Will do, Doc. Have a nice day." "You do the same, Peyton."

Next: Chapter 10

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