
By moc.liamg@062239pg

Published on Jan 6, 2021


Jaiden Chapter 95

Gregory A. Patrick

Jaiden Chapter 95


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Greg Patrick

NOTE: I was asked about Jaiden's normal routine of respect over the LDS/Mormon church paragraph. The "friend" of Jaiden's was my nephew, and the events described in that paragraph truly happened. I have not had an outlet to dispel my anger over his death, so I let go of my anger in that one paragraph. If I offended anyone, I apologize, but I did tell the truth!

Greg Patrick

"Good morning, Jaiden, are you feeling better this morning?" "I am, Charley, but my friend's death still haunts me because of what the LDS church allowed to happen at the funeral, and how they treated his parents. I could probably let it go if I could have a one-on-one with the Bishop of that church. I keep hoping when I visit the cemetery, that I will see him at the church since it and the cemetery back up to each other."

"Every once in a while, I will see some of the missionaries coming and going, and maybe a few members, but never the Bishop.

"The one saving factor for me was the Bishop who was present from one of the other churches in the area. He was so awesome. The way he talked to my friend's parents was as loving as a person could be; I wish he had conducted my friend's funeral at his church, but that wasn't my call – nor his parent's. Enough about that, I need to move on, and try to forget how hurt I have been." "Not a bad idea, Jaiden, misery will make you fat." "Tell me about it, Charley."

Jaiden put the boy's coats on them and took them outside to play. He laid on the ground and let them climb all over him while he tickled them; he had so much fun listening to his children laughing. The boys started running around Jaiden, so he got up and let them chase him. When he let them catch him, he would fall on the ground and let them crowd on top of him and hysterically laugh. It was hard to tell who was having the most fun, Dad, or his boys. As he usually does, Charley made a video of Jaiden and the boys playing and sent it to Dr. Mom and Dr. Dad. Both shot Charley a return text and thanked him for sending the video and said they would call Jaiden after the boys went to bed. He didn't tell Jaiden; he was going to let it be a surprise.

About 8:15 that evening, Dr. Mom called Jaiden and told him he was a hoot playing with his sons. She said she needed the laugh after a long day at the office. They talked for a while about how well the boys were progressing in their development, and how their individual personalities were starting to develop. Jaiden told his Mom that it was interesting how the children played together without arguing, and she told him to wait, that day would come and when it did...look out!

It wasn't long after that conversation when Peyton and Jaiden gave the boys a couple of french fries to see if they would like them. Jimmy ate his two, and reached over and grabbed one of Abe's fries. You would have thought world war 3 had started. Abe quickly let Jimmy know that was his fry, and to leave it alone. About the time the war started, Peyton had taken a sip of coffee and started laughing so hard it went up and out of his nose, and yes, Charley got it all on video, and yes, he sent it to Dad Riley.

Peyton's phone rang and Peyton picked it up without even looking at it and said, "Hello, Dad. I guess you got a video." "Now how did you guess that, Peyton?" "Probably because Charley is sitting at the table hysterically laughing at me." "And Charley would be doing that because?" "Two of the boys had their first spat, over food, and Abe won."

"Dad, it was hilarious. The look Abe gave Jimmy, you had to see it. And when he took his french fry back, there was a stare down of epic proportions. I thought their first spat would be over their toys, but no, it was over food. You'd have thought we don't feed them enough, but the way the baby fat has come on, everybody knows that isn't true.   Jaiden and I are still laughing about their spat.   I can imagine what would happen if the lights went out and you grabbed for one of the boy's food. You'd probably draw back a nub." "Well, son, I would suggest you leave their food alone." "Believe me, Dad, we will."

Ginny and Granny came in the next morning and Peyton told them they had the first disagreement between the brothers. "Peyton, what happened?" "Ginny, we gave the boys two french fries each last night and Jimmy ate his pretty quickly, so he looked at Abe's plate and grabbed a fry from Abe. Abe took his fry back and glared at Jimmy.   If looks could have killed, Abe's would have." "Figures." "What do you mean, Ginny?" "When Jaiden was not much older, I grabbed a fry off his plate. I didn't do it again. That was the first time I ever saw that boy mad. He sure did like to eat; still does."

"Jaiden." "What, Peyton?" "When Jimmy took Abe's french fry last night, you didn't tell me you'd gotten mad at Ginny for the same thing." "It's probably because I don't remember it, but I do remember that around the age of five, I didn't want anybody messing with my food. Do you know who the only person is who ever got away with taking some of my food?" "Who was that, Jaiden?" "You, that time you got something off my plate at Wellstone. I was so in love with you I couldn't say a word about it." "You're kidding." "Nope, I'm not."

"It was one of those fried veggie sticks I loved, and it was my last one." "Jaiden, you remember that?" "Yep, I sure do, but I love you more today than I did then, so I still won't say anything to you if you take something off my plate. Just don't do it if the lights go off." "Babe, you're a hoot!" "I may be a hoot, Peyton, but you are the love of my life, and I'll never purposely say anything cross to you." "I love you, too, Jaiden." "Yeah, I know." Jaiden leaned over, kissed Peyton, and gave him a tight hug."

When the two walked out of the house to head to LECOM, Granny smiled, looked at Ginny, and said, "Martha, those two young men really love each other." "Geraldine, they sure do. Jaiden has been the happiest I have ever seen him with Peyton. I catch him watching Peyton, and when he does, there is a glow on his face." "You know, Martha, I have seen that too. It would be nice if everybody could love their spouses that way; it's sad that they don't, and when they don't, it is really evident."

Speaking of being evident, the boys are waking up early, so I better go help them potty, and then get them dressed. Since they are waking up early, I doubt they are going to go back to bed. It is still too cool to go outside, so they can play in the den. At least we can laugh watching them. Charley's and Dale's children were still sleeping, so Granny checked on them and told Ginny they were sleeping hard.

"Well, Geraldine, I guess we will have to do what Jaiden said to do.   The bathrooms are meticulously cleaned, the beds are made, the kitchen is spotless, so let us see if the couch is still comfortable, if the button on the remote is still soft, and if our shows are still where they are supposed to be." "Sounds like a good plan to me, Martha."

As soon as the ladies got comfortable and started watching their early morning shows, Ginny's grandbabies walked over to her and wanted to get on the couch next to her. She picked up each baby and put him on the couch. When she did, all five grandsons went fast and hard asleep. Ginny got a quilt and spread it on the floor and placed the babies on it. They slept for almost two hours before they awoke.

Granny looked at Ginny and said, "Martha, that was so sweet. Those babies want to sleep, but they wanted to be with you. Now that's a blessing if there ever was one." "I have to agree with you on that, Geraldine. All ten babies in this house are about the most loving children I have ever seen." "Yep, they sure are."

The babies started waking up around 10, so as they woke up, Granny and Ginny sat them on their potties and then got them dressed. Ginny went into the kitchen and warmed some milk and filled the sippy cups half full, and gave them to the children. When they drank their milk, they started playing quietly on the floor.

When Jaiden and Peyton got home, Jaiden asked, "Ginny, did the boys get into another fight today?" "Fight? Jaiden, what are you talking about? These babies do not fight or argue when they are with me! Then again, I don't feed them french fries." Everybody laughed at that comment.

Dale and Charley walked into the house about an hour after Jaiden and Peyton. Granny said, "Dale, Alaina Noelle seems to be growing faster than the boys. If she keeps growing the way she is, she is going to be about 6'2", and with those brown eyes, and that blonde hair, if she stays thin, she is going to be drop dead gorgeous. Her brothers are gonna be her body guards. Granny, it is not her brother's guys are going to have to fear, it will be her Uncle Peyton and her two Dad's. I would hate to see what is left it Peyton got hold of someone who abused her."

"Have you seen her in her favorite outfit, the dark jeans, her blue shirt, and her tan boots. She loves that outfit. It's all she wants to wear, and to keep the peace, she gets to wear it a lot. It she sees us put the outfit in the clothes hamper, she is not so fussy about it. All the boys are simple to please. Just strip them naked and let them run. We have to lock the bathroom door when we are bathing them to keep them from escaping and running through the house. They have a sense of humor that is worse than Jenny's."

"By the way, after Richard and Sally get married in June, Jaiden and I are taking all ten babies and Dale and Charley to Oregon to see Jenny, Jennifer, Angie, and Marty. We would love it if you two, Gampy, and the Reverend would go with us. We will watch the children so you, and our adopted Dads, can take leisurely strolls on the beach and see the mountains in the area. It is a beautiful place from the pictures we have seen, and the four of you could use a nice vacation. With Jenny, and the other ladies, we probably will not get to hold our children the whole time we are there."

Around eight that evening, Jaiden got a call from Jenny. They were planning their vacation and wanted to know if their family and Jennifer's family could fly to Erie during Spring break. Jaiden told Jenny that she and her family and Jennifer and her family were welcome anytime they wanted to visit. Iron out the dates and let me know, and we will try to take a vacation that week so we can all be together and take our nephews to the beach with our boys." "Let me get with Jennifer, and we'll let you know the dates we will be there. It will be for a week, and then we have to get home for school to start back." "That'll be good, Jenny, just let us know." "Will do, Jaiden, we love you guys!" "We love you guys, too, Jenny."

The next day, Jenny called and talked to Peyton since Jaiden was at the hospital working in the ER because of a big accident on the interstate. Richard had also been called in, and if the ER gets any busier, Peyton will have to go in to help. "Peyton, Marty and Angie want to know if they can bring their families and come with us." "Jenny, I don't see why not; Jaiden is working out the vacation for us, and Charley and Dale will be free. The Rabbi and Pete said they would love to have another campout on the deck with the boys. They told their boys, and Jason, David, Aaron, and Levi are chomping at the bits to see all the boys from Oregon." "Peyton, the boys here are doing the same thing. Make sure it is OK with the others, and let me know." "I'm sure it is Jenny, but I'll call you tomorrow anyway. Love you!" "I love you, too, Peyton."

"Dale, Charley, I talked to Jenny today and she and the ladies want to bring their families to Erie in March during Spring break. Is that OK with you guys?" "It's fine with me, I think it'll be a fun family reunion." Charley said, "It's fine with me, too. I think it will be fun to see the ladies, and for them to see the children and how well they are doing." "I'll check with Jaiden when he gets home."

When Jaiden got home, Peyton told him he had talked with Jenny, and that she, Jennifer, Marty, and Angie and their families wanted to visit Erie during Spring break in March. "Jaiden, I told Jenny I would ask you, and call her tomorrow and let her know if it was ok with you." "Peyton, when you call Jenny, ask her what I told all the ladies about them and their families visiting with us here in Erie." "Jaiden, I need to tell her if it is ok with you." "Peyton, I gave you my answer: ask Jenny what I told her and the ladies about them and their families visiting us here in Erie." "OK, Jaiden."

"Jenny, you, the ladies, and your families visiting in March is OK with Dale, Charlie, and me, but when I asked Jaiden, all he would say was, `ask Jenny what I told her and the ladies about visiting us here in Erie,' he never said it was or wasn't OK with him. Exactly what did he tell you ladies about you and your families visiting with us?"

"Peyton, Jaiden got you good! He told you yes, and you didn't even know it. He told us when we came home after the babies were born, that we were welcome to visit any time we wanted to." "Jenny, I am going to get him for that. He pulled one over on me just like the boys do when they are acting mischievously." "Peyton, be nice to Jaiden." "I always am, Jenny, but I will get him my way; you know, like Dad would."

When Jaiden and Peyton put the boys to bed, they went into their room to lie down and watch some medical journals on-line. As they laid on the bed, clothes and all, Peyton leaned up and kissed Jaiden ever so tenderly and smiled. Jaiden looked at Peyton and asked him what that kiss was for, because it was a little unusual for the way Peyton usually kissed him.

"Jaiden, thank you, I love you so much. I couldn't be more blessed than to have you with me and our boys." "Peyton, did I do something extra special to make you so loving tonight? "Jaiden, you know you did. I told Jenny it was OK with Dale, Charley, and me for the ladies and their families to visit in March. When I asked her what you told Jennifer, Marty, Angie, and her about visiting us, she told me you had pulled one over on me by telling me yes without me knowing it." "Sweetheart, she told you correctly. I did tell you yes in my own way, and I enjoyed watching the expression on your face. What did Jenny tell you I said?"   "Jaiden, you told them they were welcome any time they wanted to visit." "That I did, sweetie. Did Jenny tell you I gave all of them a key to the house?" "You are kidding. You gave them a key to the house?" "No, I just wanted to see what you'd say if I hinted I did."

"Jaiden, what has you acting so jokingly?" "Peyton, I am in a really good mood. Everything that has caused me grief in my life, that has made me miserable at times, I finally let go when I ranted about my friend's death, and about Jordan's death from cancer. I got an email from someone concerned about how I felt about the situation, and his words, and his concern were so evident in his email that I could actually see them."

"I've never met or talked to the guy, but after his email, I think it would be nice to meet him, and sit down with a cup of coffee and just talk. And before you ask, yes, he is a member of the LDS church. When I read his email, there was such a wave of forgiveness that came over me, so much so that it is hard to describe. I sat on the deck and looked at the sky as tears escaped my eyes. It is amazing to me that when we are so angry about something, how Hashem will send us someone to help us dispel our anger. We are so blessed to have those people come into our lives.

"As much as they love their different faiths, they have taught me to truly love Judaism, to embrace it with every ounce of my being. I understand now why, when I taught at Boy Scout Summer Camp, what Mark felt when he so excitedly said "I really love being Jewish." I feel the same way, and I am getting as excited as Mark was that summer."

"I knew one of the men who was a doctor for the camp, and when one of the boys would get sick or hurt, he would see them immediately in his office. The only thing I had any distaste for, was the children were charged full medical bills. When you, Richard, and I open our practices, I would like to provide the medical services for the scouts when they are at camp, and I don't want to charge them for helping them." "Jaiden, I never thought about that. Frankly, I do not know anything about the scout camps because I always went to a strictly Jewish camp. But I would love to be part of helping both the Jewish campers and the Scouts. That will be such a wonderful mitzvah for us to commit to." "I agree. When we get back from Tennessee and set up our practices, we'll contact both camps and offer to help with their medical needs."

"I'm going to do something else for the church I had the problems with. I am going to have a landscape company go to that church and beautify their grounds with perennial plants that will keep the lawn and areas around that church beautiful for years. They won't have to do a thing to manage the plants every year; all they will have to do is look at the beauty around their sanctuary." "Sweetheart, that's the Jaiden I fell in love with!" Jaiden pulled Peyton close to his side, and gave him the most loving hug as he rubbed Peyton's back and ran his fingers through his hair. Jaiden took advantage of smelling Peyton's scent that he so loves, and to him, it made the moment even more special.

When they got up the next morning and took care of their usual routine, Jaiden and Peyton took off for LECOM. Six more months and they would graduate and become full-fledged doctors. The day was going well, so at lunch, Jaiden called Ginny and asked her if she and Granny could prepare something simple for dinner, that it would just be Peyton, he, and all ten babies. Ginny said she and Granny would do that and have the food put up so all they had to do was warm it. "Jaiden, aren't Dale and Charley going to be here for supper?" "No mam, but they don't know it yet. They haven't done anything for just the two of them in a long time, and, tonight, I am going to remedy that problem."

Peyton, Jaiden, Charley, and Dale got home at the same time. When they went into the den to play with their children before doing anything else, Jaiden looked at Dale and Charley and said, "Dale, you and Charley have an appointment for dinner tonight, and you need to be there at seven." "Jaiden, we don't know anything about an appointment tonight for dinner or anything else." "Dale, I know that. I made the reservation for you during lunch today. You will both need to take a shower shortly, and put on a suit for dinner. At six, you need to drive to the Country Club and check in with the reservation clerk. They will show you to your table, and begin serving you the meal I ordered for you. Plan to spend at least two hours or more at the club. Peyton and I will feed the children and get them to bed. You can give them a kiss for the night when you get home."

"Jaiden, why are you doing this?" "Dale, you and Charley haven't had any quality time for just the two of you in a while now, and I wanted to make that happen for you two. I hope you enjoy what has been planned for you." "Jaiden, thank you. This is a bit unexpected, but we really appreciate you doing this for us." "Remember what I have told you several times, we may not have the same blood running through our veins, but we are brothers nonetheless, and brothers take care of brothers." Dale and Charley could not say anything, they just looked at Jaiden and Peyton with red, swollen eyes.

When Dale and Charley got to the Country Club and checked in, they were shown to a private dining room they had never seen before. There was a canopy like a Chuppah, candles on the table that was covered in a deep purple table cloth trimmed with golden edges. Charley remarked that the room looked like it was designed for royalty, and indeed it did. Soft symphonic music was playing and set a most romantic tone for the evening.

Shortly after being seated, their drinks were placed on the table, already prepared the way the enjoyed their tea, and a salad fit for a king was set before them. When they finished their salads, the waiter brought in shrimp and lobster crostini with a reduction sauce of white wine, peppercorns, and pepper flakes. When Dale tasted the crostini, he closed his eyes and savored the flavors. The appetizer was exquisite in every sense of the word. Shortly after they had finished their appetizer, they were served a lobster bisque that Charley described as heavenly.

When their dinner was served, it was the highest quality Porterhouse steak available, cooked to perfection, and served with an old-world French Béarnaise sauce. With the steak, they had a rosin baked potato with butter and homemade sour cream that was indescribable. Charley took one bite of the steak, looked at Dale, and said, "Sweetheart, this steak is...I don't know what to say, I have never had a steak this good." "Neither have I, love."

Dessert was a Death by Chocolate cake; chocolate cake layers filled with chocolate mousse set atop a hot walnut brownie.

By the time Charley and Dale had finished their dinner and dessert, the ambiance of the room and the atmosphere of the evening left them unbelievably happy and relaxed. Just when they believed the evening was over, and they were getting ready to return home, the waiter placed a golden envelop on their table and said, "Compliments of Messer's Riley-Reynolds." Dale nervously opened the beautiful envelope and pulled out two tickets to a stage presentation of Love Story. He could not say anything as he looked at Charley with tears welling up in his eyes.

"Charley, Peyton and Jaiden bought us two tickets to see the stage presentation of Love Story that starts at nine. We will be sitting in the front center seats, the best seats in the theatre. All Charley could say was, "WOW!"

Their tickets included valet parking once they got to the theatre. They had never been inside the opera house in Erie and marveled at its exquisite beauty. They were seated, and twenty minutes later, the play began. When it was over, everybody in the theatre was in tears. Dale had taken Charley's hand, and would not let go of his husband. The play made Dale realize just how blessed he was to have Charley as his spouse, and it did the same for Charley. They did not say a word all the way home; they just sat in Dale's favorite little Subaru and held hands as tears fell from their eyes.

Love between two individuals is a strange thing when it is so intense that it is evident to everyone who sees a couple together. Tonight, Dale and Charley were the couple showing the intensity of their love.

When they got home, the babies were in bed; Peyton and Jaiden were in their room with their door closed; the lights in the den were dimmed, and soft, slow jazz was playing through the stereo speakers. Dale pulled Charley to him and they slow danced for the next hour.

Charley and Dale finally went to their room, undressed, and went to bed, Charley pulled Dale into a soft, loving embrace, gently kissed him, and that is how they fell asleep. Dale was thinking how nice it would be if every married couple could be so loving, so very blessed.

When the guys awoke the next morning, and met in the hallway as they headed to their children's rooms to get them ready for breakfast, Dale's eyes caught Jaiden's and the wordless message was unmistakable.   The two gently smiled at each other as they went into the baby's rooms and loved on their children. Dale and Charley had been immensely blessed the night before, and the blessing was so strong, it could be felt by Peyton, Jaiden, and the children. The children were unusually calm as their Dad's got them dressed, and ready for breakfast.

After breakfast, the children did something that they had not done before: they hugged the legs of their Dads in a most loving way as they looked up with the sweetest smiles.

Jaiden and Peyton headed to LECOM for classes.   When lunchtime rolled around, Andy went to the cafeteria and sat with Jaiden and Peyton during lunch. Andy looked at the guys and said, "I don't know what you guys did last night, but I haven't seen such a glow on your faces in a long time." Jaiden and Peyton took a sip of coffee, smiled, and did not say a word. Andy thought, Damn, now Peyton is avoiding answering something he had no intention of answering just like Peggy and Jaiden."

Jaiden and Peyton got home to find Dale and Charley cuddled together and napping on the couch in the den, as Ginny and Granny watched the children.   After they went to their room to get ready for rounds at the hospital, Ginny went upstairs, knocked on their door and said, "I do not know what you two did for Dale and Charley last night, but thank you for doing it. Granny and I haven't seen those young men that relaxed, that happy, and looking so in love in a while." Jaiden and Peyton just smiled. Nothing else had to be said.

After Charley and Dale awoke, they each hugged Peyton and Jaiden and thanked them for such a beautiful evening the night before. Jaiden and Peyton hugged them, and patted them on the back as they said they were glad the guys had the evening they had hoped to give them.

Dale walked onto the deck and called his mother to tell her about the night he and Charley had been given. She could tell by the tone in Dale's voice that the evening had been more special than anything the two had done together in quite some time. After they hung up, Angela called Lindsey and told her about her conversation with Dale. A few minutes later, Lindsey called Charley and said, "Sweetheart, I hear you had a really loving evening last night." "Mom, Jaiden and Peyton caught us when we got home from school and told us we had an appointment at seven, and that after we played with the children, we needed to shower and put on a suit for the appointment."

"When Dale and I got dressed for the appointment, Jaiden told us we were to drive to the Country Club where we would be escorted to our table. When we got there, we were taken to a small, intimate dining room we did not know they had. Symphonic music was playing in the background, the table was covered in a lush purple tablecloth edged in gold threads, with three candle goblets in the middle of the table. The lights in the room were dimmed, and it was so romantic."

Our drinks were already prepared the way we like our tea; shrimp and lobster crostini was served with a white wine reduction, and followed by lobster bisque and a salad fit for a king with the best blue cheese dressing you have ever tasted. The dinner meal was a Porterhouse steak cooked to perfection with a delicious red wine bearnaise sauce, and a rosin baked potato. We had never had a rosin baked potato, and it was awesome. After the steak, the waiter brought out a Death by Chocolate cake that was chocolate cake layers filled with chocolate mousse set atop of a hot walnut brownie."

"We thought the evening was over until the waiter gave us a gold envelope. When Dale opened it, there were two tickets to the stage production of Love Story at the Erie Opera House. Dale and I were in love more than we had ever been when we left that play. When we got home, the babies were in bed, Jaiden and Peyton had dimmed the lights in the den and had soft jazz playing, and they were in their room with the door shut. Dale and I danced together for over an hour before we went to bed. We haven't yet come off the cloud we have been sitting on,"

"Son, I am so happy you and Dale had such a loving evening. I know you two deserved that gift, and Jaiden and Peyton were so sweet to treat you to such a loving evening.   I wanted to talk to you after Angela called me, and I am so glad I did. Now I can have a happy evening with your Dad. "I love you. Give my love to Dale, Peyton, and Jaiden." "I will, Mom. I love you too!"

After dinner, the guys took the children outside to let them play in the yard for a little while. Dale sat in the chaise lounge chair and pulled Charley onto his lap. He kissed Charley on the top of his head, and gently rubbed his face as he ran his fingers through Charley's hair. They were still in dreamland from the night before, and Jaiden and Peyton were incredibly grateful the two had enjoyed an evening that was so obviously meaningful to them. Nobody said a word until it was time to take the children inside and give them a bath before putting them to bed.

When the babies were in bed and asleep, Jaiden faced Peyton and hugged him. He pulled his head back, looked Peyton in his eyes, gently kissed his lips, and said, "Sweetheart, you are such an awesome person. I don't have the words to say how much I love you." Peyton smiled, laid his head on Jaiden's shoulder, and enjoyed the hug he was getting from his husband.

Neither of the four young men had any idea how they were going to top the events of the first of the week, but one thing was certain, they would never forget the results of what had been done.

The guys decided they would finish off their week by attending the temple on Friday night for prayers and the service on Saturday morning. Sunday, they would visit Ginny's and Granny's church to see the membership explosion started by the comments of Richard and Sally while they all were in Oslo.

The service at the temple on Saturday seemed to center on the love the guys experienced during the week, and they all immensely enjoyed the service. Sunday morning when the guys and Sally walked into the Erie First Missionary Baptist Church, the Mother of the Church got out of her special seat and ran up to Sally and said, "Young lady, I am so happy to see you this morning! I do not have the words to tell you how much I love you, and how much I appreciate the answers God gave to your prayers for this church. Just look at all these people. There are people of every color and denomination in this church today. God is so good! James 5:16 says, "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. Honey, looked at all these people who are here because of Richard's and your prayers."

Sally looked at the Mother of the Church and said, "Mom, Richard and I are as happy as you are to see what Hashem has done for this church. What I am most proud of is how Hashem has brought children of all ages and colors into this church to help it grow in the future. I hope the rest of the nation is paying attention; this is so awesome."

When the service started, the choir sang several very moving spirituals that got people to dancing in the Spirit in the aisles and at the front of the church. There was a moving of the Spirit that people had not seen in a long time, and the Reverend backed up and let the Holy Spirit have His way. When he started preaching the sermon, it was a very forceful sermon about love, acceptance, forgiveness, family, and inclusion. As the old saying goes, people were helping the Reverend preach his sermon, and the more they helped, the stronger the sermon became.

When the service ended, everybody went over to speak to Sally and the guys, and then they all walked to the nursery to see the children. Jaiden and Peyton took one look at the children in the nursery and then said, "Oh no, they are pulling a Jenny and running in ten different directions," but they didn't worry about the children doing that because the ladies keeping the nursery were doubled over laughing at the children's antics. The Dads took the children to potty, and then took Ginny, Gampy, Granny and the Reverend to lunch at the Country Club. After lunch, everybody went back to the house to relax, have a cup of coffee, and have a conversation with each other.

The children were tired, so their Dads laid them down for a nap, and sleep those babies did. They must have played hard at the church with the other children, because they do not usually sleep as long as they did with the day's nap.

The Reverend, Gampy, and the ladies stayed until it was time to head back to the church for the evening services. The guys stayed home to hit the books and get ready for classes Monday morning.

Peyton was standing at the French doors, looking out over the back yard, when Jaiden walked up to him and grabbed a hand full of his butt, and said, "still sexy Babe, still sexy." Peyton looked at Jaiden and said, "Babe, if you don't stop doing that, you are going to be busy for the next three hours, and when everything is over, you are going to be so sore you aren't going to be able to move a muscle." When Peyton had said that, Jaiden grabbed the other side of Peyton's butt and Peyton looked at him and said, "OK, I warned you!" He grabbed Jaiden's hand and drug him to their bedroom. Thankfully, the babies were asleep and would sleep through the night while Peyton got Jaiden so tired, he really couldn't move a muscle.

Peyton made love to Jaiden for a full three hours. If you could imagine doing something in your love life, they did it – and then some. When they were all tuckered out, Peyton kissed Jaiden, looked him in the eyes and said, "I love you so much, and to have you love me back the way you do, is so incredible to me. You are such an amazing young man, and you are an unbelievably great husband to me." "I feel the same, Peyton, and every day, I love you that much more."

Dale and Charley got up at six am to start getting breakfast ready for the children. Today would-be oatmeal with maple syrup, orange juice, and milk; the adults would have coffee with Stevia and half-and-half. Jaiden decided he wanted some toast and jam with his oatmeal, so he made toast for everybody. Each baby got a half piece of toast with peach jam. The children undoubtedly talked between themselves in their language, and decided to have an eating contest, because they got the oatmeal all over their faces and the peach jam all over their hands. Even so, they ate a good bit of their food and were ready for another potty round. Dale was retching because he forgot the mentholated salve on the cotton balls for his nose. It didn't take him but a minute to retreat and get his nose stuffed. The other Dads weren't having a problem and were laughing at Dale.

All the babies were in good moods and ready to play. Alaina Noelle wanted her Daddy to hold her, and he obliged her wishes. He has spoiled that little girl rotten just like his mother said he would, and he has thoroughly enjoyed doing that. The only question remaining is will Dale ever regret spoiling Alaina Noelle as badly as he has. Only time will tell.

Jimmy and Abe seem to have become best buddies with exception to sharing food. If two of the children will be getting into mischief, it is those two who will do it. They have become experts at hiding from their Dads and pulling pranks on their siblings as well as their parents. The one thing they love to do to their Dads is hide their keys and watch their Dads look for them. They know the limit with Jaiden because when he gets serious about them giving him his keys, they do. When their Grandaddy Riley heard what they were doing, he looked at Phyllis and said, "I told those boys their babies were going to be jokesters and they didn't believe me." "Jim, you did, but I think they are becoming believers in what you said."

"Geraldine, watch David Alexander. Abe and Ethan are messing with Jason Scott by hiding his toy. He is starting to get miffed about it and is about to go snatch the toy away from Abe and Ethan and give it back to his brother." David did not say a word, he walked over to where his brothers had hidden Jason Scott's toy, snatched it back, glared at Abe and Ethan, and then gave it back to his brother. Abe and Ethan did not say a word, they knew better. "David Alexander is the most like Jaiden, he doesn't put up with too much bickering." Ginny and Granny were giggling at how David Alexander set things straight with Abe and Ethan.

"Martha, have you noticed which of Dale's and Charley's children is the boss?" "Yep, it's Alaina Noelle. She has the same look her Grandma Angela has when she is serious with Dale. It is funny, too. All she has to do is look at one of her brothers and they straighten up." "That's true. It has been so much fun watching those baby's personalities developing. What is funny to watch is when one of their Dads gets on to one of the baby's for doing something they are not supposed to do. The other nine band together and have a stare-down with their Dads. They don't like anybody messing with their brothers and sister." "Martha, you got that right."

When the guys got home, Ginny and Granny told them what they had been observing about the children's personalities. "Abe and Nathan are instigators, Jason Scott seems to get mad the quickest, and David Alexander is the enforcer. He does not let his brothers go overboard picking on the others. Mark Anthony and Jason Scott are the most inquisitive when it comes to learning about something. They must pick it up and analyze it to figure it out. When they do, they put whatever it is down and leave it alone and go to something else."

"With Dale's and Charley's children, Alaina Noelle is the boss. When her brothers are getting too rambunctious, she gives them "the stare" and they immediately straighten up. Ben and Richard James are the most athletic of the boys, and Chuck and David are the engineers of the group.   They like to take things apart to see what makes them work and then try to put whatever it is back together."

"Ginny, that is kind of what we have been noticing. If we get on to one of the children about something, the other nine confront us with a stare down. They don't like their brothers and sister being gotten on to for anything." "Peyton, we've seen that, too, and it is funny to us. When those babies start going to school, nobody is going to mess with one without having the other nine to deal with." "Ginny, all four of us guys have wondered who we will get the most notes and calls from the teachers about." "Peyton, if I was a betting woman, I'd say the most calls and notes are going to be about Abe and Nathan. They seem to be the biggest pranksters out of all the children. I have a feeling, though, that these children are going to be extremely studious and probably turn out to be lawyers and doctors. There may be an engineer or two like Charley and Dale."

"It's going to be interesting as they grow up to see where their interest lies. Who might be a veterinarian like their grandaddy, or a CPA like Dale's dad, or a builder like Charley's Dad? Jaiden, Dale, Charley, and I have had a good time watching the children to see what they are most interested in. They all seem to be jokesters like Jenny." "That's true, Peyton, but when David Alexander and Alaina Noelle have had enough of the pranks, they get things calmed down pretty quickly." "Jaiden, I'd say David Alexander is the most like your mother when it comes to nonsense, he doesn't like it." "Thanks for the warning, Ginny." "Boy, you won't do." Jaiden and Ginny laughed at that point.

Jaiden called his Mom later in the evening to check in. When she asked about her grandbabies, Jaiden told her what Ginny and he had observed about David Alexander having his Mom's personality. "Mom, he doesn't put up with a lot of nonsense. He does not say much, but when he does, his brothers listen. And the boss of all nine of the boys is Alaina Noelle. She has your stare and when she gives it, her brothers straighten up quickly. It is so funny to watch her do that." "Jaiden, it is funny that out of the ten children, Alaina Noelle is the one who can get them all to straighten up the quickest. I can see her being a judge just like Don is." "Mom, I don't know if Erie can take two judges like Don, but it sure would be interesting to see."   "Yes, it would, son." "Well, we both need to do our daily reading in the journals to keep up with what's new, so I better let you go. I love you. I love you, too, Jaiden. Talk to you later in the week."

Next: Chapter 89

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