
By moc.liamg@062239pg

Published on Nov 24, 2020


Gregory A. Patrick


Jaiden - Chapter 80

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Greg Patrick

"Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Jaiden Robert Riley-Reynolds. I am currently a Physician's Assistant for dr. Bob Brannen and for the Erie County Medical Center. On June 02, I will be awarded my Doctor of Osteopathy Degree and will do my residency and internship in pediatrics, pediatric surgery, and oncology. I was asked to speak to you today on teen suicide, specifically suicide rates among LGBTQ-IA youth. As noted by your expressions when I mentioned IA, you did not know about or understand the abbreviation IA, so please let me explain that to you before getting into the lecture's facts."

"I reluctantly report to you that two of three recent Federal Court appointees of President Donald Trump overruled legislation that prohibited the use of the debunked practice of Gay Conversion Therapy. The entire medical community knows that practice to be voodoo science that has no place in modern-day medicine."

"The citizens of this once great country that has been ruined by Donald J. Trump have a lot of work to do to have three errant judges overruled by the US Supreme Court. Medical and Psychological practices are treatment modalities, not free speech as the errant courts have ruled. Obviously, those three federal judges appointed by Donald Trump have no clue that medical and psychological practices are not free speech; they are treatment modalities. By practicing the voodoo concept of gay conversion therapy, more LGBTQ-IA youth will die by suicide, and their blood will be on the hands of those federal judges."

"Everyone in today's society knows that the abbreviation LGBTQ stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender, and Queer. The new abbreviation, IA, stands for intersex and asexual."

"There isn't one person in this world who doesn't know that L stands for lesbian. We know the gender preference of lesbians. We know that will never change, and no conversion therapy will change a person's sexual preference; that has been shown historically over the last twenty years. The individuals who practice the bogus therapy may be nothing more than histrionic individuals seeking attention from others by professing claims of changing individuals through various means and techniques that simply do not work."

"Gay is a term used to describe a person who is happy, well adjusted, and self-confident. It has come to be known as a derogatory term describing males and females attracted to same-sex individuals."

"Likewise, Bi-sexual is the term used to describe individuals who have no preference as to who their sexual partners are or may be."

"Transgender individuals are people whose brains do not play into the concept of who they are physically versus who they feel they are mentally."

"Such feelings aren't understood by the average heterosexual, but they are authentic to the gay individual. Transgender people feel differently inside from what they look like on the outside. The inability to come to terms with their feelings will ultimately lead to attempts at, or the commission of suicide. The term transgender was first coined in 1965 by Psychiatrist Dr. John F. Oliven at Columbia University in his paper entitled Sexual Hygiene and Pathology. Dr. Oliven noted that until the term Transgender surfaced, the outdated and misleading term transsexual was used."

"Q in LGBTQ-IA has two meanings: Queer or Questioning. Queer is the historic terminology used as a slur to describe gay individuals. It now is mostly used by an individual to describe one's self or one's community."

"Questioning describes an individual's examination of who they are and their attempt to determine their sexuality and gender identity."

"When a person is born with genitalia that is ambiguous and doesn't fit the general definition of male or female, the term INTERSEX is used. Sadly, there are many existent biological characteristics for individuals who are considered Intersex. The alpha character A describes individuals who are deemed Asexual or Ally. Experts at Williams College (https://lgbt.williams.edu/homepage/10-things-you-need-to-know-about-asexuality/) have noted that asexual individuals feel no sexual or romantic attraction to anyone."

"According to best Life On-line, Ally is used to describe terms that are not already associated with the LGBTQ-IA acronym."

"Here, we jump to the term Pansexual which refers to individuals who can show a myriad of emotions toward an individual regardless of an individual's genderism: cisgender, transgender, intersex, or androgynous, preferring to accept individuals as they are. It is akin to the commandment to love thy neighbor as thy self without holding anything against thy neighbor's child, although the extreme religious right might argue against that comparison."

"America's youth are having problems being accepted for who and what they are, and the depression and anxiety related to that lack of acceptance by their families, friends, associates, educators, and the religious community has led to a meteoric rise in suicides among America's youth, especially those within the LGBTQ-IA communities. The fact that America's Christian community could be associated with any amount of suicide among US youth is incredibly disheartening and sad."

"It is profoundly sickening that 10 to 14-year-old LGBTQ-IA youth are far more likely to commit suicide than heterosexual youth. Yet, you will hear churches fighting abortion and likely never hear them mention, or much less work toward stopping suicide among LGBTQ-IA or heterosexual youth. That is a damning statement against today's Christian community. 1 in 4 youth suicides were LGBTQ-IA youth in the pre-and early teen years. The same is true for older LGBTQ-IA individuals than in the heterosexual community."

"2019 studies coming on the heels of 2018 research indicate that LGBTQ-IA youth are three times more likely to attempt suicide than their heterosexual counterparts. LGBTQ-IA youth must receive familial, religious, and psychological help to divert their suicide attempts."

"For those who say only Christian counseling should be used, that is the best way to ensure that LGBTQ-IA youth will never accept and never want or have any acceptance or recognition of any religion or relationship with God who created every person."

"Especially for homosexual and transgender males, post-mortem research (2002 forward) has shown that every known gay male on whom a post-mortem exam has been conducted, every gay male's brain has shown the same defects in the hippocampus and the hypothalamus of the brain. Those brain defects are not noted in the brains of heterosexual men on whom post-mortem cranial dissection has been performed."

"From 2013 to 2015, it has been noted that out of 2,209 youth suicides, 24% were LGBTQ-IA youth, an unacceptable statistic! And when you compare teen suicides between females and males, females were twice as likely to have made a suicide attempt than their male counterparts. When looking at suicidal ideations, bisexual females were more likely to have such thoughts than males."

"When attempting suicide, heterosexual and bisexual males were more likely to use firearms to commit suicide than females, who are more likely to try suicide by overdosing on medications."

"When you look at past JAMA Pediatric studies of 2.4-million heterosexual youth and 113,468 LGBTQ youth between the ages of 12 to 20 in 10 countries, LGBTQ youth were 3.5 times more likely to commit or attempt to commit suicide than heterosexuals of the same group. That suicidal rate jumps to 5.7% for transgender youth. Gay and lesbian youth were 3.7 times more likely to have suicidal ideations and attempts than heterosexual youth. What is horrifying is that, according to the CDC, 40% of high school students who identify within the LGBTQ-IA group were more likely to have seriously considered suicide than heterosexual students."

"Rejection from family members, peers, church-mates, pastors/preachers, teachers, and school administrators who sit on their sorry butts and do nothing about bullying issues, and who, themselves, participate in a type of bullying where they continuously and continually denigrate and talk down to the LGBTQ-IA youth for having feelings and desires they are powerless to control. It is also suggested that LGBTQ-IA parents do the same with debunked theories and ideas. It is no wonder church attendance is at a historic low and continuing to decline."

"New studies about young people coming out to parents, family members, friends, and pastors show honesty is too much for LGBTQ-IA youth to handle. It shows the disdain, if not hatred, directed toward youth who simply try to let essential individuals in their lives know how they feel and to whom they are attracted."

"The youth have done nothing whatsoever to harm the individuals mentioned. Many youngsters commit suicide because of the attitudes of those to whom they come out, which translates to the fact that those individuals now and always will have blood on their hands. If you disagree or don't like hearing this fact, tough! You shouldn't have acted toward the deceased youth the way you did."

We already know or at least suspect that younger people are especially vulnerable to the stress of coming out. This is because they don't have the psychological resources or personal independence to handle things themselves that they will have when they are older. (-2019 study author Geoffrey Ream of Adelphi University.)

When one looks at what LGBTQ-IA youth face in school:

  • 10% were threatened or injured with a weapon on school property. * 34% were bullied on school property. * 23% experienced cyberbullying. (https://www.newportacademy/resources/restoring- families/teen cyberbullying/) . * 18% experienced dating physical violence. * 18% experienced forced intercourse at some point in their lives. * 140% were likely to have skipped school at least one day before the studies.

Thinking about the above statistics, don't you as a heterosexual conclude the LGBTQ-IA youth have a truly remarkable life that they choose - a life filled with fun, excitement, and intrigue? If you think that, your opinion is one of pure pontificated bovine fecal matter!

According to the National Alliance on Mental Health, LGBTQ-IA youth are six times more likely to experience depression than the general population. Dissatisfaction with the family, victimization via cyberbullying, and unmet medical needs contributed to a higher rate of depression among LGBTQ-IA youth. When you consider the fears of coming out, anxiety factors skyrocket and PTSD becomes incredibly pronounced, and everything combined drives up the incidents of suicide. When you add the political climate toward LGBTQ-IA youth, the situation for the child worsens.

As a family, if you want to curb the suicide rate of LGBTQ-IA youth, you and your child's peers need to support the child. Have calm, open conversations with your child about how they feel, how they are being treated at school and on the Internet.

Get court orders to protect your child; have the bullies removed from your child's school. Legal action against the bully's parents hitting them hard in the pocketbook will force them to control their child.

Another legal avenue to protect your children is to have notice served upon your child's teachers and school administrators that if they continue to do nothing to stop the bullying, that will constitute their stepping outside the bounds of the Good Faith Doctrine, which generally protects government employees from being sued unless they fail to take reasonable measures to protect your child from bullying, especially when that bullying involves physical violence and assaultive behavior - don't back down! File a lawsuit on behalf of your child since the school officials stepped outside of the Good Faith Doctrine.

Work as a team with your children; know what is going on in their lives; who their friends are, ensuring they are good friends for your child to have. If they aren't, remove those individuals from your child's life. If you have open and honest communication with your child, your child will understand what you do to protect them and why you took action.

If your child becomes increasingly depressed, get the child professional help. Do not listen to anyone who says that Christian or Judaic counseling is the only counseling you should use. Sometimes you have to come in through the secular back door to get your child to a point where they will listen to and accept Judeo/Christian counseling. Not doing this can forever turn your child into a confirmed atheist.

I encourage every parent present tonight to look at the science behind the issue. Journals tackling the problems I have mentioned tonight are available at the main library in Erie. In part, they are the Journal of the American Medical Association, the Pediatric Journal of the JAMA, the JAMA Pediatrics Journal, The Annual Review of the Psychological Association, the Journal of GLBT Family studies, and, finally, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health. There are many more resources you as parents can examine, and you can use the library's computers to find those resources.

Reverends Simmons, Jefferson, Stevens, Rabbis Kravitz and Belson, Judges Don Stanislauski and Bob Jacobson, thank you for arranging for us to have this facility tonight to touch on a critical issue in our community and for inviting all who have attended tonight.

I hope I have given everyone the information they need to better understand their gay and transgender children and some ideas they can further research to get the information they may need.

I hope everyone here can find peace in what you have heard and that it will make rest come easier for each of you.

Reverend Simmons approached the podium and said, "Wow! Tonight I gained more respect for Jaiden than I had before. He is one of the most remarkable persons I have ever met, and his spouse is just like him.

Jaiden, there are some individuals in the back of the auditorium I don't think you knew were here to hear you speak. Dr. Peggy Reynolds, Dr. and Mrs. Jim Riley, Rabbi Eichmann, Rabbi Schlottman, Seth, and Jeremy, thank you for being here tonight.

When Seth's name was mentioned, Richard and Sally went to hug his little brother. When Richard and Sally turned to hug Mom and Dad, Mom let out a yelp. "Sally, is that an engagement ring on your finger?"

"Yes, mam, it is. Richard went to my Dad and asked for his permission to marry me, and Dad gave Richard his blessing. Richard said, "Seth, like Peyton and Jaiden have told me, pick your chin up off the floor; your jaw is gonna hurt if you don't. Seth looked at Richard and asked, "Richard, is Sally going to be my sister?" "Seth, Sally is going to be your sister-in-law, which is pretty much being your legal sister. More importantly, she will be my wife. When we have children, they will be your nieces and nephews."

Seth motioned for his Dad to lean over. When he did, Seth whispered in his ear that Sally is still hot. Dad started laughing and said, "Seth, you are right about that, son."

Jaiden's Mom hugged him and told him that while she had heard him speak before, the speech he gave tonight was his best by far and that she was incredibly proud of him. Peyton's and Jaiden's home Rabbis shook his hand and congratulated him on an excellent speech. Rabbis Kravitz and Belson hugged Jaiden and told him to be sure and be in the temple Saturday morning. Jaiden assured Rabbi Kravitz that he would definitely be in Saturday morning services if he didn't have an emergency at the hospital.

Almost an hour passed as most of the people in the auditorium approached Jaiden to congratulate him on an excellent speech. One attendee said, "Son, if you weren't going to be a doctor come June, I would suggest you become a Rabbi; You didn't give a speech tonight; you delivered a sermon second to none.

When the gentleman said that, Jaiden caught sight of Reverends Stevens and Jefferson and went to them and gave them the most loving hug he could and gave their wives a kiss on the cheek. Both pastors told Jaiden they had grown so much in their beliefs because of him. The wives told Jaiden that the lessons their husbands had learned from him and Peyton had made their marriages and their family life infinitely better. That got Jaiden another hug from the pastor's wives.

Pete and Allison Gray were in attendance and told Jaiden his speech was the best they had heard in a long time. Dad Riley and Seth saw Pete and hugged him in the Riley family tradition. Pete talked to Seth for several minutes, and Seth told Pete he was so happy on the farm with Peyton-the-Jackass and the sheep. Seth had to explain to Pete and Allison, who Peyton-the-Jackass was, and they howled when he told them the story.

Since it was early on Saturday afternoon, Dad Riley suggested they all meet at the Wharf on the Bay since Seth loved the seafood there, so that is where everyone met up. When Seth saw that the evening menu was a seafood buffet, his eyes bulged, and he drooled like Pavlov's dog. Dad Riley got a kick out of that, as did Seth's brothers, brother-in-law, and future hot sister-in-law.

Dale and Charley were there, as were all ten babies, and as usual, everyone in the restaurant had to meet and see the children who were famous in the Erie community. Ginny, Gampy, Granny, and the Reverend joined them for dinner. They, too, had been in the auditorium to hear Jaiden's speech to the community.

Andy was at the restaurant and walked up to Jaiden and said, "Son, that was one hell of a speech. Saying I am proud of you isn't a strong enough statement. How I feel about you goes way beyond being proud!" Jaiden said, "thanks, Doc, you saying that means a lot to me."

The parents were going to stay until Sunday evening before going home. Dad looked at Andy and asked, "Andy, do you think we can drink two pots of coffee?" "Jim, I don't know if we can, but I am willing to give it the old college try. Don't tell the boys, I bought two more coffee pots for them since they entertain so many people who want to experience Dale's coffee. I got Dale a burr grinder, so the coffee will be freshly ground and taste even better. I'll give it to him when we get to the house." "Andy, you'll do anything to get a cup of Dale's coffee!" "Jim, it just proves I am smart when it comes to getting Dale's coffee."

When they got to the house, Jaiden and Peyton asked their parents to come upstairs that they wanted them to see something. Peyton and Jaiden sat all their boys on their potties, and the grandparents got to see their seven-month-old grandsons use the bathroom like they were three years old. Jaiden told them to wait in the bedroom, that there was something else he wanted them to see. He and Peyton went and changed into shorts and a tee-shirt, undressed their boys, and took them into the shower. For the next 40 minutes, their parents died laughing at Jaiden and Peyton chasing the boys around, trying to catch them to bathe them. They were laughing as hard as their parents were. The babies were scampering around like their grandparents thought they would when they first saw the showers. It was a hilarious sight to behold.

When everyone was retiring for the night, Peyton took Jaiden into their bedroom, shut the door, and dimmed the lights. He walked up to Jaiden and lovingly embraced him. "Jaiden, I was so proud of you tonight for telling the truth about the problems face by LGBTQ-IV youth and for laying blame where is should rest. I hope and think it will make situations for young gays to come out to their families and friends without the fear of being hurt physically and mentally. What you did tonight makes me so proud of you as my husband and so honored that you are the father of our children; they could not be more blessed to have you as their Dad."

Peyton turned and flipped a few switches to play some soft, slow jazz. He pulled Jaiden to him and began slow dancing as he looked into Jaiden's eyes with such pride. He was more in love with Jaiden than ever. He didn't let his pride rule him, but it was there and it grows daily.

Peyton laid his head on Jaiden's chest taking in his husband's scent, feeling intensely loved, and looking toward an incredible future with the man he loved more than life itself. Jaiden had his eyes closed while loving the moment with the love of his life and thinking: everybody deserves to be loved the way he feels loved by Peyton. To Jaiden, he could not be more blessed. Life can only get better for the two lovers.

When Mom and Dad and Dr. Mom walked into the den the next morning, they could see the love between their sons, and that sight only cemented the pride they had in their children. When Seth and Richard walked into the den, that pride only intensified. How could either parent be more blessed with the children they have. That Sally was soon going to be their daughter-in-law was the icing on the cake. Seth could not be happier that he was going to have the hottest sister-in-law to ever exist in his eyes.

Dale and Peyton were in the kitchen getting their children's breakfast ready. The boys and Alaina Noelle hated the jar baby food, so Dale and Peyton started making food their babies could eat. Whatever they ate at any meal was pureed into baby food which was quickly eaten by the children who were growing leaps and bounds and setting records for doing everything a year earlier than most other children.

Jaiden walked to Peyton, put his arms around him, and said, "Peyton, I love you a thousand times more today than yesterday, and tomorrow, I will love you a thousand times more than today. He kissed Peyton on the top of his head and stood their holding the person he loved most in life.

Next: Chapter 75

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