
By moc.liamg@062239pg

Published on Dec 14, 2024


Jaiden -- Chapter 213

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Greg Patrick

Nine-year-old children know much more, generally, than their parents think they do. And they play around with their bodies way more than their parents realize. The boys had some of their friends over for an overnight weekend visit starting after school on Friday until Sunday afternoon. They would be camping out in the backyard in pup tents with their sleeping bags and pillows. Peyton and Jaiden would be sleeping in a bedroom downstairs with a window open to listen out for any problems, meaning animals that might come up. Electric cords had been run to power small heaters to keep the children warmer in the cold December air.

Each of the boys paired up with a friend who would share their tent. The Riley-Reynolds-Anderson-Leonard children had no modesty what so ever, so they had no problem when it came time to shower with their friends. All the boys shed their clothes after laying out their sleeping attire and towels. Wash rags were on hooks inside the shower.

The RRAL children were the first to go into the shower room and they got the water warm the way they liked it and then invited their friends in. Neither the RRAL children nor their friends had ever seen each other naked, so there was a lot of ogling at first. Then, when they started soaping down and bathing, there was some touching involved that started with washing each other's backs. Some of the back washing evolved into fanny washing with which some of the children's friends seemed particularly enamored. The RRAL children did not strenuously object, because they had helped each other shower before.

What the children had not done was wash each other's silver bullets on the front of their bodies. When their friends did that for them, many boners occurred, which were noticed and massaged with soap. Several of the boys enjoyed their `play' until they had strange and unexpected reactions they had never had before, but enjoyed immensely. What they didn't realize was that they were having "unresponsive' orgasms that were incredibly enjoyable -- and they decided in their little minds to go for them again as some point when they were alone.

The dads got the boys settled into their tents -- where they started sporting their own tents' -- as they went to bed. It wasn't long before the boys had removed their pants and underwear to be more comfortable' in their sleeping bags, which would be zipped together and shared. A few of the RRAL children had long penises for their age and enjoyed the feeling they got as their friends played with them.

"Carl, do you know what a BJ is?" "Yeah, "Chuck, it's where you put your mouth on somebody's dick." "Would you give me a BJ, Carl?" "I hadn't thought about doing that, but I will if you promise not to tell anybody. I don't want to get into trouble." "I promise, I won't say anything about it if you do it."

Carl and Chuck got in the 6 9 position and Carl began pleasing Chuck in amazing ways that not even he knew he could do. The fun lasted maybe ten minutes before Chuck started breathing hard and his body started convulsing somewhat. He hadn't had a feeling like that before, but he knew he liked it, and he wanted more of it. When his orgasm was over, Carl backed off Chuck's penis and laid back to rest and catch his breath. As he did that, Chuck began to give Carl what he had just received. When he would sense certain reactions in Carl's body, he would stop what he was doing until his friend could relax and not writhe so much, and then he would pick up his pace again and keep going until Carl orgasmed. Then they laid back next to each other and talked quietly about things that interested them. A couple of boys knew about things boys did with girls and decided to try that by dry-humping, or so it was supposed to be.

Abraham and his friend, Garret, where the first to hump each other. To make what they were doing more comfortable, Garrett got some Vaseline out of his bag that he used for dry spots on his skin and rubbed a good bit of it on Abraham's flag pole. Garrett turned over on his stomach and Abraham lay on top of him, his dick fitting into the crevice of Garretts butt. He was easing back and forth when his phallus fell against Garret's sphincter and went inside his friend. Abraham was excited about how warm and good it felt to be inside Garrett. They knew this was something they could get in big trouble for doing, so they did their best to be quiet in their endeavors.

In the process of having sex with each other, Abraham was hitting and softly rubbing his pole against Garretts prostate. driving him into a pleasurable wild frenzy, and he was having fun helping Garrett have so much pleasure. What the two boys were doing lasted more than thirty minutes before Abraham started to have a major orgasm, being the first of the brothers to ejaculate some seminal fluid. Actually, quite a bit of semen. When he withdrew himself from Garrett, he got some semen on his fingers and examined its stickiness, and was curious about how it would stretch into long, thin strands. He had never encountered that before. Most all of the boys were playing a game of you can touch mine if I can touch yours. Some parents would hit the roof about such play, but at their ages, it was just curious boy-play. Whether or not it would ever happen again remained to be seen, so stay tuned. There will be more to cum later.

When morning broke, the sunlight woke the boys who hurriedly put their underwear and pants back on, laughing in the process. They'd had fun during the night without getting caught, and they fully intended to have more fun when they could get together and find a good hiding place that nobody else knew about.

The boys were called inside to a breakfast of banana waffles, Hawaiian waffles, French-styled scrambled eggs, OJ, and milk. The friends raved over the food, and Dale and the other gents found themselves preparing seconds -- and in some cases thirds.

There would be some excitement later on Saturday afternoon when the boys were playing outside and Jaiden suddenly called for them to quickly get into the house. As they were going inside, Jaiden's boys noticed an unmistakable smell -- the smell of bear. Jaiden's mother had got her pistol out of the gun case as Jaiden got and loaded his rifle. A huge bear came over the fence in a menacing way that was his own undoing. Jaiden pointed his rifle at the bear and placed a beautiful shot centered between the bears eyes.

After he shot the bear, he wondered what he would do with it since Ginny and Grampy were in Paris. While he had seen Ginny field dress a bear, he had never done it, and, quite frankly, he didn't want to do it. Peyton went and got some field knives, small knives perfect for field dressing an animal, and went out back with his Dad to skin the bear. Jim told Jaiden to run to the store and get about 10 large cans of pig brains." "Pig brains, Dad. Why in the world do you want pig brains?"

"Jaiden, you coat the bear hide in pig brains and it helps to process the hide and get the sinew off the pelt." Jaiden took Jim's word on that as fact and headed to Wegman's to get the brains his father-in-law wanted. They didn't have any in stock, so Jaiden went to a meat processor's and got 10 gallons of pork brains -- the only size they came in. He took them back to the house where he found all the children gathered around Jim, Peyton, and the bear.

As Jim started processing the bear, he explained every cut he made and every piece of tissue he cut through, and then which muscle was which. The boys were so glued to Jim's teaching about the bear and its organs, that they never thought about the gruesomeness of what they were watching. Jim processed the bear as if he was conducting an autopsy on it -- which is exactly what was happening.

First, he removed the heart, dissected it, and showed the boys and Alaina the chambers of the heart and the main blood vessels that fed the heart, and how the heart worked. Next, he removed the lungs and taught the children how the lungs worked and how they looked like the children's lungs. The more Jim talked and taught, the more the children became glued to him.

By the time Jim and Peyton had finished processing the bear, they had a hundred pounds of meat to put in the freezer. Jaiden took a picture of the bear before it was processed and sent a copy of it to Ginny and Grampy in Paris. One minute later, his phone rang, and Ginny tore into Jaiden about protecting her grandbabies. He reminded Ginny that the picture was of a dead bear with a 30 aught bullet lodged between his eyes. She said she didn't care, that if her grandbabies got hurt by a bear coming into their backyard, Jaiden and Peyton better start running and not stop, because if the did, they were hers!"

Ginny asked what they did with the bear's meat, and Jaiden told her that Jim and Peyton had processed and wrapped it and put it in the freezer that he had to go and purchase to have space for the bear meat.

Jamie, one of the little boys who watched Jim and Peyton process the bear said he wanted to become a pathologist when he grew up. Jim told him he wouldn't make as much money doing that as he would being a surgeon. That's when the boy said, "screw that, I'll be a surgeon then." Jim howled at the boys comment.

All the boys had Peyton send a copy of the bear pictures to their parents via text. Every parent called questioning the safety of the boys sleeping outside in tents with bears around. Jaiden sent them another picture of him sitting in a deck chair holding his rifle and his mother sitting in another chair holding her 45-automatic. He didn't tell them neither gun was loaded at that time, but they would be before nightfall. And since Jaiden purchased a new, large freezer, they had plenty of room for several more processed bears.

The fence in the back yard was a seven-foot-tall wooden fence on the inside with a chain link fence lining the outside of and the sides of the privacy fence. The children were well protected with the razor wire that lined the top of the fence. A bear climbing over razor wire would get caught if he or she wasn't shot first.

The children decided they had enough excitement for the day, and went inside for a well-deserved nap. No playing around inside, just a nap. Craig, one of the little boys, woke up scared and yelling after a dream about the bear getting him. Phyllis held him and rubbed the back of his head until he fell back asleep. She continued to hold the boy until all the children awoke.

When they got up, they noticed Jim had put the bear pelt inside a big, blue plastic drum and stirred it around in the fresh pig brains. He would let it soak until Wednesday when he would remove it from the barrel and scrape the sinew off of it and wash it. Then he would make the boys a bear rug to lie on in the den. You could say the boys and Alaina were excited about that. A bear rug with the head still on it! Neat, they thought. Charlie was none to happy about it, but since the children were so excited about their new bear rug, he didn't say a word about it -- except to Jaiden, whose opinion was similar to Charlie's and also unspoken. If it is for the children and they are excited about it, what the hell!

The boys decided they wanted to sleep on the floor in the den that night; they didn't want to take a chance of a bear jumping the fence at night. They changed their minds about that idea once Jaiden decided to cut on all the flood lights in the back yard.

Dale had purchased a metal, patio fire pit for the boys so they could roast marshmallows and hotdogs. That night, dinner was roasted hotdogs and Smores for everybody. The boys and Alaina had Cool Aid to drink since none of the dads were fans of soda pop.

Sunday morning, the boy's friends went to the temple with them for their Hebrew classes and had a marvelous time. They asked if they could go to the temple again sometime with the RRAL children. Jaiden assured them they could as long as their parents didn't mind.

Sunday night when the friends got home, they told their parents all about the weekend's escapades with exception to their `boy play' which would forever remain a secret and fond memory -- which they wanted to repeat at some point. That was so much fun that felt so good!

The RRAL children took their showers early and went to bed early; they were exhausted from their weekend. Schools were out for Christmas break, so the children would get to sleep late on Monday morning, something their dads pined for.

When the young doctors got to their office on Monday morning, their staff told them they looked haggard and asked them what had happened over the weekend. Peyton simply said, "20 children at the house camping out all weekend and a bear that wanted to eat all of them. We killed and field dressed the bear and put the meat in the freezer .... should have let that bear eat at least half of those children!" "Dr. Peyton, you should be ashamed!"

"Ashley, I am. What were we thinking to let each of the children have a friend over for the weekend. That was freaking insane." "Yeah, I agree, Dr. P. We all gave you credit for having more sense than that." Jaiden turned beet red when Ashley said that.

Peyton told Richard what they had done over the weekend and Richard pulled a Retinoscope off the wall, shined it in Peyton's eyes, and said, "Yep, I thought so!" "You thought what, Richard." "Peyton, when I shined the Retinoscope in your eyes, there wasn't a piece of brain to be found anywhere." "Richard!" "Yes my loving brother?" "Kiss my ass." "Drop your drawers, bro!" "Nah, I don't think so, Jaiden would be furious if I did."

Phyllis wanted to keep Andrew and Peyton II with the other children while she is in Erie and thus give Sally some much deserved rest. Sally would be preparing lunch every day for Richard -- if she got a chance. She fully intended to take advantage of the freedom she and Richard had to make as much noise as they wanted too while the children were away -- and she did just that. Richard had no regrets whatsoever. He enjoyed every minute of the private time he had with his wife. One thing was odd, however; all the office staff thought Richard was in an extremely good mood every day when he returned to the office. And he was!

Peyton walked by Richard in the hallway and said, "When our parents get moved to Erie, Jaiden and I are going to have a few days like that, but we are going to a hotel since Ginny and Granny will be at the house during the day. Richard just looked at his brother and said, "Good luck!"

Peyton and Jaiden met Leon and Peter in the staff dining room at the hospital for lunch. The young doctor at the table next to them was speaking a language that nobody but Peyton, Jaiden, Leon, and Peter recognized. Jaiden said, "Johnny, why are you speaking Hebrew, I thought you went to the Christian Church."

I did, Jaiden, until I saw my mother's obit on the Internet a month after she died and was buried. My sister, Theresa, took every bit of my inheritance and the money a cousin left for me and mother after we cared for him for three years before he died of cancer. She is supposedly a big, pious, perfect Christian, and then she does what she did to her three siblings. If she is an example of a Christian, I want nothing to do with the Christian church. I am in the process of converting to Judaism." "Well, Johnny, welcome to the family!" "What do you mean, Jaiden."

"Johnny, all four of us are Jewish. My grandfather was an Orthodox Rabbi in England before emigrating to the US. My mother grew up in his synagogues in New York and Pennsylvania where she still lives and practices medicine today." "Wow, I didn't know that. Maybe you guys wouldn't mind helping me when I get stuck with something." "We would love to, my friend! Do you have our cell numbers?" "No, here is my cell number. You can text me and I will save your numbers and call you when I need help with something in my conversion." "OK, Johnny, it's a deal."

Johnny got the guy's texts and stored their cell numbers in his contacts. This would be the start of a long and enduring friendship. When Peyton got home, he told his parents and Peggy about Johnny. They got his number and emailed him telling him he was also welcomed to call them with help in his conversion to Judaism.

Jaiden texted Johnny and invited him to dinner on Wednesday night. The entire family would be going to dinner at the Country Club for Prime Rib, rosin baked potatoes, and grilled asparagus. The children love prime rib, and it gets very expensive when they go to the country club with their parents on prime rib night."

Jaiden got the private dining room at the club so the children could play on the outside terrace and the adults could enjoy an evening of hot coffee and conversation. He invited Rabbi Kravitz and the Rebbetzin so he could introduce them to Johnny. He didn't know it was Rabbi Kravits and Rabbi Belson that Johnny had been studying with. A friendship to trump all friendships was forming between the guys, their family, and Johnny.

That next Saturday, after a night of raucous adult bedroom activity at the RRAL house, Johnny met the guys at the temple to attend his first service at Temple Anshe Hesed. All had a wonderful time at an exceptionally good service with an amazing sermon from Rabbi Kravitz. After the service, they all crashed at Tony's for an Italian lunch of spaghetti, veal parmesan, and pizza for the children. The place was packed that day, and most everybody was from the temple. Jaiden and Peyton had introduced them to Tony's years earlier, and they had been packing out Tony's after temple services every weekend since.

All the guys in Jaiden's office noticed that Johnny seemed much more relaxed and infinitely happier since their friendship and temple attendance began, and they were incredibly grateful they were a part of Johnny's new-found happiness.

A short time down the road, Johnny, a pediatrician at the hospital in Erie, began talking to Jaiden, Peyton, Richard, Peter, and Leon about joining their practice. They all needed help with rapidly growing practices, and it seemed like a good match, so the decision was made: Johnny Pecorino would join the Pediatric practice of Drs. Riley-Reynolds, and Andrews. The new name of the practice would be Riley, Reynolds, Andrews, and Pecorino Pediatrics. The guys made sure Johnny understood that the ladies in the office were family, and it would be a mistake on his part to mistreat or upset them, that was something that neither Jaiden nor Peyton would tolerate under any conditions.

And, thus, Jaiden's and Peyton's practices began to grow exponentially!

Abraham was feeling particularly horny one day as he and Nathan were in the back yard talking. "Nathan, I know we could get in a lot of trouble for what we did that night during the campout, but I really enjoyed playing around with Garrett. Things went a lot further that I expected them to, but I really enjoyed being with Garrett." "Abraham, what happened between you and Garrett?"

"Nathan, I was lying on his back rubbing my dick against his butt. He had some Vaseline and I put some on my dick. As I was rubbing myself against him, I kinda slipped inside him and he let me keep doing what I was doing. I know we shouldn't have done that, but it felt so amazing I couldn't stop, and he asked me not to. He enjoyed it too."

"Abraham, I wouldn't tell anybody else about that, but it sounds like to me that you really like Garrett, and that you might be in love with him. We're just kids, and we are still learning a lot about our bodies and life at our age, so I don't know. What I do know is that you are my brother, and if you like Garrett, and if he likes you and you both are happy, I am happy for you and will have your back the best I can."

"Abraham didn't expect Nathan to say that, and to know his brother loved him so much that he would say that brought tears to his eyes. He hugged Nathan and said, "Thank you, Nathan, I love you to Mars and back, too!" The boys weren't just brothers, they were best friends, and they always would be, bar nothing!

"Abraham, we all played around with each other's bodies. That doesn't mean we are gay like our dads, it means we are curious and trying to find out why we are starting to feel the way we do. If it turns out one of us likes boys and one of us likes girls, who cares as long as we love each other and as long as we help each other to be as happy as we can be." "Nathan, you saying that makes me feel much better. I want to have sex with Garrett again to see if that is what I want for me and him. I'll just have to see." "And that is fine, Abraham. And anytime you aren't sure about something and you want to talk to someone our age who understands what you and I are going through, you can always let me know and we can get in a corner somewhere by ourselves and talk until we feel better." "Nathan, I love you so much!" "And I love you, too, Abraham, now give me a hug, I need a hug right now."

Next: Chapter 207

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