
By moc.liamg@062239pg

Published on Dec 9, 2024


Jaiden -- Chapter 211

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Greg Patrick

When the children were punished with no television or video games, they enjoyed reading so much that, among themselves, they decided to have a "Reading Only" day every week in their home, and they chose Wednesday for that day. Wednesday is hump day and reading mid-week would help the children start winding down for a restful weekend.

That Wednesday, the children were sitting in the den reading when Dale noticed Alaina intensely watching Chuck. He could tell she was upset, but had no idea why and he didn't want to ask her at that point. Tears began to flow from her eyes until she reached a point of losing it and sobbing. She started profusely apologizing to Chuck for hurting him with the pen, and the more she tried to apologize the harder she sobbed.

One could tell that her being upset over the pin incident began to get to Chuck to the point that he was tearing up. He couldn't stand for his baby sister to be so upset, especially since her upset was over him. Out of his tough character, tears now flowing from his eyes, he walked over to Alaina, put his arms around her and held her until they both calmed down. It wasn't just a light hug, Chuck was holding on to his sister with all his might.

It was taking the dads all they had to not bust out crying with their children. Their machismo dictated that they be strong and supportive, not weak and sentimental. Jaiden handled his emotions by walking onto the deck with Peyton and holding his husband in his lap as he sat on the chaise lounge chair. Charlie was lost in the moment and couldn't figure out how to react to his upset children. He followed Dale's lead when he got on the floor and held both children in his arms and stroked their hair and backs, talking calmly to Alaina and Chuck to help them calm down.

Dale was on one side and Charlie was on the other, both holding tightly to their children. The dads picked up their children and sat on the couch, Dale holding Alaina and Charlie holding Chuck, purposely so that each child could see and watch their sibling. Chuck got out of Charlie's lap and scooted over by Dale and got Alaina to sit on his lap. He spoke so softly and sweetly to his sister to try and convince her that he knew she didn't mean to hurt him as it happened. It was getting to the dads seeing Chuck turning from Mr. Macho to the loving, concerned big brother to his sister. It was a bit out of character for Chuck to be so sentimental, to act so loving, but here he was doing just that. Dale and Charlie were so full of pride, they were about to burst.

They walked onto the deck to sit with Jaiden and Peyton, and to allow their children to continue growing and handling their upset and behavior in their own way. And they were doing a magnificent job in helping each other. Before lone,t eh four dads noticed the other eight boys sitting on the floor around Alaina loving on her the best they knew how. It was such a beautiful sight to behold, something that would stick in the minds of the dads for as long as they lived.

Charlie asked Peyton and Jaiden how they thought he and Dale could help their children. Jaiden and Peyton are incredibly good when it comes to helping the children overcome their adversities, and Jaiden said, "Charlie, we can't help the children overcome problems like they have been having. The best thing for us to do is back off and let the children help each other. If they need out help, they will ask us for it; until then, we back off."

"That makes sense," Jaiden. "I should have thought of that." "Charlie, we are parents, not perfect people, We have to learn from each aspect of life, and sometimes it takes us longer for us to realize what we need to do. If we can't figure things out, we can always call our parents and bounce ideas off of each other. They have been through life circumstance of life that we have yet to see, so we need to talk to and listen to them." "Leave it to you to make so much sense, Jaiden. If it wasn't for your perception on how to handle things, Dale and I might not still be together and as happy as we are, and perish the thought that we wouldn't have our children. I guess I need to say thank you for being you." "Thank you, Charlie; the only thing I really know how to do is to be me. That said, you, Dale, and Peyton are the same way/ Now come here and give me a hug."

When Charlie started hugging Jaiden, he lost it in a major way. It took Jaiden, Peyton, and Dale to help calm Charlie down, and that was only after Peyton shot so pentobarbital into his butt. Whatever, it worked and Charlie fell asleep fairly quickly. It has to be amazing to have children who are so mannerly, so loving, so attuned to their siblings that they evoke the rawest of emotions from their parents.

Peyton called and spoke with Leon about how affected Charlie was about the children's empathy toward and sympathy for each other. He said he'd talk to Charlie the next afternoon after work and make sure he was psychologically OK.

Tuesday morning, the atmosphere at the medical office continued the mischievous behavior the guys had been dealing with all weekend. The staff picked up on the fact that Richard was acting differently, that Leon was engrossed in something he was concerned about, and that Jaiden and Peyton were acting a bit off the norm as well. The needled all the doctors about what was going on between them and the only answer they got was, "NUNYOB!" One of ladies asked what NUNYOB meant, and Peyton said it meant none of your business, so stop asking; we're not talking, it's personal."

When Peyton walked off, Ashley told Carol and Madie that it must have been something major that happened over the weekend to get the guys acting so differently. Jaiden heard Ashley's comment and said that she was correct, that it was, indeed, something major -- majorly funny and incredibly personal, something that none of the guys would be talking about." It was a first in the office for the ladies not to know everything that was going on, especially when it affected the behavior of the doctors the way it was today.

Jaiden and Peyton got a call from emergency about a young patient just brought in by ambulance due to severe abdominal pain and a severely distended belly. Jaiden told the ER to conduct an MRI and for radiology to do a wet read and call him immediately. When radiology called Jaiden back, the news was bad. It appeared the ten-year-old boy had abdominal cancer and part of his colon had ruptured spilling digestive fluids into his abdominal cavity. In short, his body was digesting itself, and his colon was dying. Surgery was needed asap to try and save the little boy.

Jaiden yelled down the hallway of his office and told Peyton they had an emergency in OR 3 and they needed to go Now! They took off toward the operating suites at break-neck speed. Anesthesiology was already getting the child prepped for surgery, and Jaiden and Peyton scrubbed in record time. The surgery was started and took almost six hours with both the young doctors doing what they did best. They wouldn't know until the next morning if the child would make it, but there was one thing for sure, it'd be a cold day in hell before Jaiden would leave that child by himself. Sally had gotten to the hospital during the surgery and she was standing by to assist Jaiden and Peyton with whatever they needed from nursing.

Both Jaiden and Sally sat with the child through the night and made sure he wasn't in any pain and that his body was responding well after the radical surgery he'd had. His lower colon was gone and a stoma had been installed to help his body heal. Richard and Leon went to thew ICU to check on Jaiden and Sally, and found them sleeping. Richard checked the boy's chart and all was as good as it could be, all things considered. One major thing in the chart caught Richard's eye: the pathology report.

He walked over to where Jaiden was sleeping and shook him gently until he woke up. "Jaiden. You need to see the pathology report." He handed it to Jaiden and watched as Jaiden's eyes swelled with tears. Jaiden didn't say anything. He walked into the hallway, slid down the wall and sobbed. This little boy, Andy, was the same age as Jaiden's and Peyton's boys, and his condition hit hard with Jaiden. When he was able to calm down with Leon's help, he looked at the pathology report again: Margins CLEAR! He had done his best work. He went to the ICU patient waiting area and found Andy's parents. He sat next to them and said, "Guys, we need to talk. I got the pathology report and we got all the cancer. Margins were clear, and that means that pending a full-body MRI, Andy is cancer free at the moment. They are going to knock him out and do an MRI with contrast (If possible), and if it is clear, Andy will be declared cancer free. You could have heard Andy's mpm scream all the way downtown.

Pending chemo, Andy should be OK. Chemo will be preemptive and most likely via one pill per day, no infusions that would make him horribly sick.

Peyton had already walked back to their office and was helping see patients. When Jaiden got back to the office, he went into his office, sat down at his desk and wailed. Peyton went running to check on Jaiden as did Leon and Peter. Jaiden handed Peyton the pathology report and they cried together. This was the hardest case they had ever worked given that Andy was the same age as their nine boys at home. Stressful, yes. Hard, very. Emotional, beyond anything they could face. But they did it, they saved that little boy and he was going to be OK in the short term and hopefully in the long turn as well.

When Peyton and Jaiden got home that evening, the ladies had Jaiden's favorite meal prepared for him and had the children outside playing so that Jaiden seeing them immediately upon getting home wouldn't send him back into an emotional frenzy. Jaiden might be a grown man, but he is still Ginny's boy, and she knows him well.

When the guys finished their dinner, they went upstairs to their bedroom, stripped out of their clothes and got into a warm jacuzzi to relax. Peyton sat behind Jaiden and rubbed his back and neck for the longest. Peyton was amorously excited, and Jaiden could tell. He lifted himself up and slowly sat down on Peyton's flag pole and let their muscles do their thing, pun intended. When Peyton was able to relieve himself in his husband, they swapped places for Jaiden to reciprocate. They exited the jacuzzi and let Ginny and Granny know they were going on to bed and asked them if they would mind staying at the house one more night and put the children to bed so they could go to sleep early. Exhausted? Yes, physically and mentally. Andy's case really hit home for them like no other had before.

The guys arose early and went to the hospital to check on Andy. He was progressing well given everything he had been through. Another week with no problems on the general ward and he would be going home. The young doctors met with Andy's parents in the ward's conference room and filled them in on everything to do with Andy's case. There were many tears of relief on both sides of the isle. Relief, thankfulness, gratitude, prayers answered, it was all there and many prayers had been answered. Once again, the guys asked Granny and Ginny if they and their husbands would go to the hospital and pray for and with Andy and his parents. They did that, and the results were beyond belief. Andy would make it, and his cancer wouldn't! Hallaluyer! as Madea would say.

Jaiden and Peyton needed to do something out of the ordinary to celebrate, and they could think of nothing better than one of them going home early, packing the van with all the children, and taking them, Dale, Charlie, and Andy's parents to the Country Club to Celebrate. It was something everybody needed and they got it -- in style! After dinner, they relaxed on the deck and Dale prepared enough GATA coffee for an Army battalion. Andy's parents, Jill and Edward Sharpe, were amazed at the size of the Riley-Reynolds-Anderson-Leonard home and the size of their family. After watching the ten children in the home, they now understand why Andy's case affected Jaiden and Peyton so drastically. How the young doctors could do what they do having children basically the same age as their children escaped their comprehension. It has to be dedication, desire, concern, and the drive to help others during the worst times of their lives. It had to be!

The guys cleared the office schedule for the next day. They would be taking the day off and taking their children to visit with Andy so they could get ot know Andy and he could get to know them. There hope is that knowing they have ten children in their home the same age as Andy would help him understand their desire and dedication to helping him get well. The meeting went well beyond anybody's expectations, so much so that Jaiden and Peyton thought Andy would progress more outside of the hospital.

So, they made arrangements for Andy and his parents to stay at their house and for Sally to be hus nurse during the day. She would administer his medications and help control any pain he might have. At noght, Andy's care would be administered by Jaiden and Peyton, along with Richard's help.

What they did was a good thing, because after a week at the guy's home with Sally as his nurse, he was able to go home and sleep in his own bed. Jaiden, Peyton, Richard, and Peter would take turns making home visits for a few weeks until Andy could be dismissed from constant care, going only to the doctor;s office every couple of weeks for the next month or so. A lot of blood tests would have to be done, and Andy would not like that aspect of his care.

Peyton had a shower when he got home -- before the boys got out of school -- and he had just finished brushing he teeth as Jaiden walked up to him as Peyton was bending over the sink. He grabbed Peytons side startling Peyton who asked what he was up to. Suddenly, Peyton took in a sharp, deep breath and said, "OH, you just gave me your answer, all ten inches of it!" "Yeah, I did! Do you like it?" "I'll say, it's been a long time. When Jaiden spent his energy into Peyton, Peyton suddenly turned, spun Jaiden around, and gave Jaiden what he had just received. Then they hugged and kissed for the longest. Still in love. Still in lust. Still the same as they were at Wellstone University -- horny as hell!

The guys showered again and dressed in gym shorts and tee shirts to await the arrival of the children from school. When the children got home from school, they went outside to spend some quality time playing with their dads. For Jaiden and Peyton, it was so time they had wanted with their children for some time, and they finally got it. After they all got tired from playing, the dads sat the children down and explained to them why they had seemed so upset over the past three weeks or so. It was hard to have patients in such bad conditions when those patients were the same age as their children. The children understood and hugged their dads and told them thank you for helping Andy.

Alaina Noelle asked her daddy if Andy could come over during the weekend. She said, "He is soooo cute, and he had a nice package." Dale was taken aback by her statement and asked, "Alaina, where did you learn what a `package' is?" "Daddy, I have nine brothers; they talk, I listen, and when they are in their underwear, I look!" A;aina Noelle, I am surprised to hear you say that. In fact, I can't believe you said that." "Why not, Daddy, he is very cute, and he has a very cute bulge in his underwear and I like to see it." "What do you mean you like to see it?" "He showed it to me before he went home, and he let me touch it. It got really hard and it scared me. I didn't know their boy stuff would do that." "OKkkkkkkk .... we are going to have to come up with some new rules around the house. No more boys walking around in their underwear, and you aren't going walk around in your panties either.

Jaiden, Peyton, you two and Charlie and I need to have a talk. Andy showed Alaina his penis and let her feel of it. She said it got really hard and scared her when she touched. I told her the boys can't walk around the house in their underwear anymore and she couldn't walk around in panties and a tee shirt. Jaiden howled at what Dale said, but agreed the proposed change needed to be made, and it was.

Jaiden and Peyton talked to their boys and asked if they had even shown their penises to Alaina and let her touch them and they all said no, but Jaiden had his suspicions. He couldn't prove them, but he had his suspicions. The boys were told they couldn't walk around the house in their underwear anymore because they were getting too old to do that and because their bodies were changing and things were happening.

"Dad, by things are happening, do you mean because we are getting hard-ons?'' "Nathan Robert, they are called erections, and yes, it is because of your erections. You don't need to let Alaina see those, and she doesn't need to see them -- however they happen. And if I catch either of you letting Alaina cop a feel of your hard dicks, I am going to give you the first whipping you will have ever had. Do you each understand me?" "Yes, sir, we do. We won't let you catch us letting Alaina feel of our erections."

Jaiden hit the roof on that statement and gave the boys a lecture and warning they will never forget. The boys realized after the lecture they received that it would be incredibly stupid to let their sister check out their boyhood. Hers may have fallen off in the womb, but all the boys intended to keep theirs, they were something for them to play with. And, yes, play with is the proper term in this instance.

When the children went to bed, the dads were all in the den watching a medical documentary. Jaiden commented that it had been one hell of a day and described what all he had learned about and gone through with the children. Charley and Dale laughed about it, and Peyton let them quickly know it wasn't a laughing matter. Two wrong touches and Alaina could wind up pregnant when she turns 12 or 13. Dale went white as a sheet on that realization.

"Jaiden, did you have that talk with all the boys?" "I did, Dale." "Thank God! I'm glad I didn't have to tell them that." "Dale, we have to make sure their dicks stay in their pants and that Alaina Noelle stays out of them. Cupich?" "Cupich, Jaiden."

"Damn, Peyton, this has been one hell of a day that I hope I don't have to face again. I knew you can see and smell testosterone at a boy's little league game, but I had no idea it would be this challenging. No idea at all!" "Jaiden, you know you can talk to my dad about this problem. Maybe he can give us some pointers on what he thinks we should do." "Good idea, Peyton. I'm going to call him right now."

Jaiden called Peyton's dad's house and Peyton's mother answered the phone. "Hi, Mom, this is Jaiden. Is Dad there?" "He is, Jaiden, would you like to speak with Jim?" "Yes, mam, if he doesn't mind."

"Jim, telephone. Jaiden would like to speak with you."

"Hey, my favorite doctor son-in-law, what's up?" "Penises and testosterone, and both are about to get out of hand, or in the case of the penises, in hand, and I need some fatherly advice about what I can do to curb the problem."

"Jaiden, there is only one way you can escape the problems you describe: you must die!" "There is no way in hell you are going to prevent testosterone from manifesting itself into you life. For Pete's sake, son, you have five boys. You are about to learn that you go through hell on earth, and then you die and go to your reward in Heaven. There is no escape from the process. Ask Rabbi Kravitz, he'll tell you the same thing."

"I will say that you are going to have to double down on the discipline with the boys, be very plain and upfront about what is and will be expected of them, and what might happen if they deviate from your and Peyton's standards. Son, that is all you can do. Dicks will get hard, seminal flood will flow, and at a certain point socks will break when you pick them up off the floor, underwear will crack like a soda cracker, and tee shirts will be able to stand on their own wherever they may be found. Good luck, son. Now go kiss Peyton for me!"

When Jim hung up the phone receiver, he told Phyllis what the call was about and what he told Jaiden. They both laughed so hard they started coughing. Jim, I have to admit what you told Jaiden was totally correct, but couldn't you have put it in nicer terms?" "Yes, I could, Phyllis, but it wouldn't have been nearly as fun!" "Jim, you ought to be ashamed!" "I know I should darling, but .... I'm not. He is going to go through pure hell the next five or so years and I am going to have the time of my life watching that happen when we move to Erie."

Next: Chapter 205

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