
By moc.liamg@062239pg

Published on Dec 21, 2021


Jaiden Chapter 140

Gregory Patrick


Jaiden – Chapters 140

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Greg Patrick

"Leon, tomorrow is the big day for the family arriving. My mom and your mom and dad should be at the airport around 7 p.m. They're supposed to call as soon as they arrive so we can go pick them up." "That's what they were supposed to do last time they visited, Jaiden, but your mom rented a vehicle and didn't tell anybody." "Yes, she did, and ten to one, she does it again if they arrive at the same time."

"Probably, Jaiden, so I guess we have to be dressed to a tee in case they arrive before we know it." That's a good idea, Leon; I wouldn't want our parents walking into the house and catching us in our briefs." Jaiden, at least with you, they would go dayyum, that young man has a package. They would look at me and start snickering." "Brother-in-law, you're standing here in your briefs just like I am, and I can see that your package is as big as mine – if not bigger."

"I don't know, Jaiden." "Well, look. I know it is, but I'm not going to drop my drawers to compare." "Good, because I don't want to see yours. I like Peter's just the way it is, and I don't have and don't want anything to compare with his." "Smart move, Leon; keep it that way." "I intend to, bro."

Peyton walked into the den and said, "I heard that! I better not catch the two of you comparing who's the biggest, like two pre-pubescent boys. Jaiden, you need to remember what's yours is mine and what's mine is yours, and we are going to keep it that way." "I knowwwwww darlin', I know! Besides, yours feels good on any part of my body, and it tastes good too, like sweet cream ice cream."

Peyton walked up behind Jaiden, put his arms around him, and grabbed two handsful of his butt. "Babe, you can have your popsicle if I can have what is in my hands." "Now or later, sweetheart?" "Later, Jaiden, after the boys are in bed." Hot damn, we're gonna have a rodeo tonight!"

"Guys, don't forget I`m standing here!" "Aw, shucks Leon, did we embarrass you? Did we make you feel uncomfortable?" "Peyton, my dear brother, is my face red?" "Leon, let's say the way you look right now, you could pass for Alabama's mascot."

"Do you two know if Jenny is coming Saturday?" "Not really, bro; she never tells us she is coming; she just shows up." "I hope she comes; it would mean so much to me." Just keep your fingers crossed, Leon." "Believe me, Jaiden, I will."

Later in the bedroom, just before dinner, Peyton said, "Jaiden, you masterfully handled Leon's question about Jenny coming this weekend." "Thanks, babe; I didn't want to give away the surprise. You know I hate telling a lie, even a small one, but in this instance..." "You can apologize to Leon after the ceremony when we have a dance with him and Peter." "I will do that, Peyton."

Peyton and Jaiden went to the hospital an hour early so they could leave an hour earlier that evening, barring any emergencies. Then, sharply at five p.m., the two guys headed home to be ready to retrieve their parents from the airport when they arrived.

As they walked into their home, Ginny and Granny said they went ahead and bathed the boys and got them dressed and ready to see their grandparents.

Ginny, Granny, we're all going to B. B. Kings for dinner, and we want you two and Gampy and the Reverend to join us; our treat. Jaiden, I think Granny and I can arrange that." "Yep, Martha, we sure can. First, we're going to tell our husbands we had a long day and we don't feel like cooking tonight; then we'll give them `the look' so they won't try to argue with us." Geraldine, I love how you think; you're so positive and assured." "Yes, I am, Martha; Isn't it fun?" "Girl, you are so much fun!"

Just as Ginny said that, the doorbell rang at the garage door, and the guys heard the door opening. "Peyton, ten to one that is our parents arriving." "Sweetie, you are right; I can hear them laughing." Jaiden walked into the den and said, "Hey, guys, Granny, Grandpa, and Grandma are here." The children ran to the garage door yelling, "Ganny, Ganpa, Ganma!

When the grandparents walked in the door, they were tackled by ten of the most excited children they had seen in a while. "Ganpa, kicken liver tonight." "Are we going to B. B. Kings and eat chicken livers tonight?" "Uh-huh, an ice keem and bwokle." "Well, if we are going to eat broccoli, daddy has to bring some Beano, so Ganpa doesn't have to walk home with daddy." "OK, Ganpa."

Mom, Dad, and my other mom, I'm glad to see you. Leon is so excited he's like a child with a new toy." "Well, Peyton, he's getting a new toy, so to speak." "JIM!" "Yes, Mam, Phyllis." Dad Riley caught Jaiden off guard with his comment and caused him to sink to the floor, laughing so hard tears were falling from his eyes. When Jaiden caught his breath, he stood up and gave his mother a hug and a kiss, kissed his mother-in-law on the cheek, and shook hands with Dad Riley.

"Have you young men had a relatively good week? "Yes, sir, we had classes every day on new treatment techniques that are rolling out. Some of the new stuff is really amazing and makes for a lot of hope for the children and their families – and it does away with a lot of the side effects and mood affects of chemo." "That sounds too good to be true in some ways." "It is Dad, but it is working well in the young patients and showing promise in adults as well."

Mom Reynolds asked if the guys were still looking at returning to Erie in June. Jaiden told her it looked like they would be returning home in early May and would take most of the month off to rest before beginning their new jobs at the hospital. "What do you guys intend to do for vacation?" "Well, for starters, we are going to drop off all ten children at your house. Then Peyton, Dale, Charley, and I are going to the UK to see our cousins and Donna Perkins, the UK Payton's sister. After that, we're going to the American Restaurant with Donna and find out how the food compares to what we have here. Then, the next day, we will go to a British pub and try British comfort foods, especially Yorkshire pudding!"

"And how much weight are you guys planning on gaining while in the UK with your children?" "Mom, I thought you would keep the children for us." "Nope, nada, as you like to say. We'll have to see if Ginny and Granny can keep them for a week so you can visit the UK. We can handsomely compensate them if they agree to keep the children.

"By the way, I called Pete Gray, and two smaller houses are available in your neighborhood that would be perfect for Ginny, Granny, and their husbands." "How much are the houses selling for?" "$300K each."

"Mom, that's not bad for that neighborhood, and we have more than enough in stocks and bonds to get those houses without missing a dime. I'll call Pete and get him to have the realtors draw up a contract for us."

"I'll have the homes inspected, have any necessary repairs done, and have them painted before getting to Erie. Are the yards big and fenced in?" "The yards are the same size as yours, and the back yards are fenced in."

"Great! Now I'm excited. We won't tell the ladies or their husbands until they get to Erie and discover their furniture isn't in their old homes." "Jaiden, you are so like your Dad was that you amaze me." "Thanks, Mom. I wish he was here to play with his grandchildren and to see how well Peyton and I are doing." "Me, too, Jaiden, but I know he is looking down on you and Peyton and smiling from ear to ear." "I sure hope so, Mom."

"Jaiden, give your mother-in-law a hug." Jaiden walked to Mom Riley and pulled her into a bear hug, and gave her the obligatory Riley kiss on the forehead.

"Jaiden, I don't know how you do it!" "Do what, Mom Riley?" "Stay so damned good looking, so healthy. And, as Jenny says, you have such a cute butt." Jaiden turned at least 10 shades of red when his mother-in-law said that and sent his own mother into a fit of laughter. Finally, Jaiden's mom looked at Phyllis Riley and said, "you know, Phyllis, I never really looked, but you are right: Jaiden really does have a cute bubble-butt, and his clothes do a good job of showing it off!" Talk about turning red at that point; Jaiden looked like a fire engine.

"Phyllis, do you think Jaiden's cute bubble butt is what made Peyton fall for him?" "That bubble butt may have been one of the reasons. But of course, Peyton has a cute bubble butt too."

Peyton got home from the grocery store and walked into the den as his mom and mother-in-law ragged Jaiden to embarrass him. "Jaiden, why is your face so red?" "Long story short: your mom and my mom." "How so?" Mom Reynolds spoke up and said, "Oh, your mom and I were musing whether or not Jaiden fell in love with you because of that gorgeous bubble butt you have; what do you think?" Peyton quickly caught on and replied, "Maybe, he sure does like to massage it. He says it is soft and supple to his touch. Sometimes he has me lay across his lap so he can knead my butt like bread dough." Now, Jaiden was truly blushing the brightest red anybody had ever seen. So, Peyton walked to him, slowly rubbed his fingers down Jaiden's face, and said, "and it feels so good!"

"Jaiden, sweetheart, so your mom and my mom know the truth, I fell in love with you the first time I laid eyes on you at Wellstone. But then, as we got to know each other better, I was drawn to you because of the love you had for people in general, for the way you showed me love, and because of your personality and the goodness of your heart. Yes, you had a cute bubble butt, and you still do, but that is not what drew me to you. Like you say to me, my love for you intensifies every day, and when I see you with our boys, my heart melts. I wish I could adequately describe how intensely I love you, but that love is so intense, so dynamic that it denies description; so, suffice it to say, I love you to infinity and back."

Jaiden just stared at Peyton with tears streaming down his face. Peyton had never said anything like that to him in front of anybody. For Peyton to say that in front of his mom and his mother-in-law was his way of telling them to lay off Jaiden and stop embarrassing him.

Dale walked into the den with a tray of hot peach knishes and a pot of coffee. "Dig in while the knishes are hot and the coffee is fresh." Peyton's mom had never eaten one of Dale's knishes, and when she bit into hers, she said, "Dale, I thought I made good knishes, but I swear, mine aren't anywhere as good as yours. "Thanks, mom. The trick is in the jam you use to make them. I use Bonne Maman Peach Preserves that I order from Amazon; the quality of those preserves is always over the top."

"When I get back to Alabama, I am going to order some and see if I can make peach knishes that are half as good as yours." "When you make the knishes, let me know how they turn out." "I will, love."

"It sounds like the boys are waking up, so we better go check on them and make sure they get to the potty. We bought regular single beds for the boys. When they discovered they could get in and out of bed by themselves, they got a big head for a while. Now, when they get ready for a nap, they let us know and then crawl into their beds. It's cute to watch."

"The funny thing is if there is bad weather, we might find two or three of the boys in bed hugging each other and trembling like a cat in a room full of rocking chairs. Now that reminds me: if Peyton and I ever slept with you and turned sideways or got into other contorted shapes, we apologize." "Jaiden, I assure you, you did, but the memories of you when you were a baby are precious to me. I wouldn't change but one thing about how you grew up." Jaiden knew what his mother was saying, so he walked to her and kissed her on the cheek.

Richard and Sally walked in the door with Leon at five o'clock. Peter walked in a few minutes later. Mom Riley exclaimed, "finally, I have all my sons in the house at one time. She hugged Sally, kissed Richard, and Leon, and asked how they were doing. She didn't have to pose that question because she could look at her boys and tell they were doing well; call it a mother's intuition.

"Guys, there has been a change in dinner plans for tonight. Peyton and I have booked dinner reservations for everyone at Chez Philippe in the famed Peabody Memphis in honor of Leon and Peter. Peter doesn't know it, but his parents will be joining us for dinner. Ginny and Granny will keep the children while we go to dinner. Then, when we get home, they and their husbands will have a private dinner for the four of them; well, at least a semi-private dinner. They will be joined by two special guests."

The men were dressed in tuxes and the ladies in evening gowns as they arrived at Chez Philippe. Seating cards were printed, and Leon and Peter were purposely seated with their backs to the restaurant entrance. After they had been seated, Leon's parents quietly walked up to the table, and Peter's dad grabbed his shoulders, surprising Peter enough to make him turn around. He jumped up and hugged his mom and dad when he saw them.

Though Jaiden had told everybody that special guests would be joining Ginny, Granny, and their husbands for dinner, the `special guests' didn't wait to have dinner with the Stuarts and the McDonalds.

Ron and Jenny quietly walked into the restaurant and up to Leon. Jenny leaned over and whispered into Leon's ear, "you better get your ass up and hug your big sister!" Leon sprung up, and tears started flowing down his face; he had not expected to see Jenny and Ron.

Leon held Jenny for the longest before he said, "Jenny, I was hoping you would come, but I didn't say anything because I didn't want you to feel pressured; thank you so much for being here; it means the world to me."

"Leon, when I told you I was proud to have you as my brother, I meant it. You are a huge part of my family, and when something so beautiful happens for you, you can always expect me to be here. I know the past wasn't easy for you, so I aim to help make your future the best it can be, so count on that!" When Jenny said that, she reached up and wiped the tears from Leon's face and surprised him with a kiss on the lips. Jenny looked at Peyton and Jaiden, and like Leon, they had sentimental tears flowing from their eyes.

When the group returned to the Riley-Reynolds-Jacob-Anderson home, the adults sat in the den and played with the children while Peter and Leon went out to sit on the deck.

Peter sat with Leon sitting to his left. When he looked at Leon, he asked, "Leon, why the tears?" "Peter, I feel so blessed to have become a part of Jaiden's and Peyton's families. For Peyton's parents to adopt me at my age and then to love me as though I have always been their son, it's sometimes difficult for me to understand. And then there is Jenny. I didn't know she loved me the way she does, and she doesn't really know me."

"Leon, Jenny is a good person who loves others because she can, not because she has to. You don't have to know someone to love them; it's just who Jenny is, how her faith defines her, and how she was raised by your parents, and notice how I said your parents, not her parents." "I noticed that, Peter. Not only did I hear what you said, I constantly feel the love you mentioned."

"Leon, I haven't said anything to you about how I feel about your new family, so I'll tell you what I think and how I feel. For me, to have you come into my life is beyond my comprehension."

"Becoming a part of such a loving family is hard for me to believe; I feel so incredibly blessed. To me, my future was blasé looking; now, I see a beautiful picture beyond anything I could have ever dreamed of. I owe seeing a more beautiful, bright future to you and to Peyton and Jaiden." "Those two are amazing people, aren't they, Peter?" "Yes, they are, Leon."

"Do you know what is so amazing about your current life, Leon?" "What?" "How Hashem brought the three of you together." "I've thought of that at least a million times, Peter. First, I tried to assault Jaiden. Then Peyton kicked my butt, and the Judge embarrassed me in court. And then all the beautiful things started happening one after another. I was accepted and loved by Peyton and Jaiden. Finally, the Judge cleared my record because I was under unbelievable stress, and Peyton's parents came up to support me. When they asked if they could adopt me, I was dumbfounded. I'm still asking myself why."

"Leon, stop asking why and start praising Hashem for what He has done for you." "You are right, Peter; that's precisely what I need to do, or I should say keep doing."

"Peter, I wonder what the gift is that Jaiden, Peyton, Dale, Charley, and their families have gotten us for a wedding present." "I don't have any idea, Leon, but knowing Jaiden and Peyton the way we do, it's bound to be unbelievable." "It probably is, Peter. I hope they didn't go overboard on a gift." "That's two of us."

"Jaiden, have you heard from the realtor in Brevard. I have, Peyton; sorry I forgot to tell you." "Which house was she able to get for Leon and Peter?" "Do you remember the beautiful log home on Tanner Trail that had three bedrooms and three baths and the finished basement?" "I do. The acreage that house sits on overlooking the mountains is gorgeous." "I'm glad you think so, babe; that's the home everybody chipped in on to give them as a wedding present – besides the honeymoon in Maui." "Jaiden, they are going to flip out when they see what they are getting." "Yeah, it would be fun to see their faces when they read the letter and see what they are getting for a wedding present."

"While they are in Hawaii on their honeymoon, a decorator is going to the house and furnish and decorate it. So, they'll get the same beds we have, and the furniture will complement the comfortable mountain atmosphere of the home."

Saturday morning, everyone got up, had breakfast, and then dressed to go to services at the synagogue.

When everyone got to the synagogue, the children had to be restrained to keep them from running toward the building to see their friends. Once they were checked into the nursery, the adults went upstairs to the sanctuary. They took their seats shortly before the Rabbis began the service, and toward the end of the worship service, Leon started to sweat and squirm. Peyton poked Jaiden in the ribs and pointed at Leon. Jaiden cracked a smile and shook his head. He had predicted how Leon would react when the time for his and Peter's marriage arrived – and he was right!

The Rabbi called for Leon and Peter to approach the pulpit in the sanctuary, and Peter took Leon's hand and led him to the alter. Peyton and his dad joined them at the altar – and of course, so did Jenny. They weren't having a formal service, so the regular readings in a Jewish marriage ceremony were omitted. When Ron walked onto the platform in front of the podium, Leon's jaw hit the floor; he had no idea that his soon-to-be brother-in-law had planned to conduct the ceremony. As Ron ascended the platform, Jenny slipped her arm around Leon's waist, looked up at him, and mouthed, "I love you, little brother." That is when the tears started flooding from Leon's eyes.

Ron went through the standard wedding vows, but when it came time to pronounce Peter and Leon spouses for life, he abruptly stopped and advised the congregation that a special guest would make the pronouncement. Leon lost it when Judge Anderson stepped to the platform and said, "Leon, Peter, I hope you don't mind me participating in your wedding ceremony; it is something I truly wanted to do."

"Leon, I have been a judge in Memphis for twenty-plus years. Never in all those years have I met anyone I respect and have learned to love more than I do you. It would be an understatement to say you are indeed a remarkable young man. You have worked hard to overcome the difficulties you faced early in life, challenges that were exacerbated by time. I have told you in private, and I will now tell you before the witnesses in this synagogue, that as proud of my son as I am, in ways I am prouder of you. You have been blessed beyond measure to become a member of the Riley, Reynolds, Jacobs, and Anderson families, all of whom are here today."

"You have three new brothers and a sister who accept, love, and will stand by you no matter what. I know your new parents, and you could not be loved by a more beautiful and dedicated family. It is a great honor to tell you that by the power invested in me by the State of Tennessee, I now pronounce you spouses for life. Before I tell each of you to kiss your husband, I want to caution you, Leon, not to panic when you turn and look at the congregation. What you will see is a testament to people's love for you and Peter."

"Peter, Leon, you may kiss your husband!" Now please turn and face the congregation." When Leon and Peter turned and faced the temple members, Leon collapsed and was caught by Peter and his dad before hitting the floor. Peyton, Jaiden, and Mom Reynolds rushed to the stage to ensure Leon was OK."

When Leon recovered from his fainting spell, he placed his hand over his mouth as tears cascaded over his fingers. He looked at the Judge and then at his dad as he said, "This is unbelievable. Nobody went home after the service; everybody stayed. They really love me! WOW!

Dad Riley looked at Leon and said, "Son, that's what we've been trying to tell you; people love you because you deserve to be loved, and they know that. They don't love you because they must; they love you because you deserve their love. Now, do you understand what your mom, I, and your new siblings have been trying to teach you?" "Yes, sir, I finally understand."

The Rabbi stepped to the lectern and said, "Ladies and gentlemen, due to the size of the crowd here in the sanctuary, the catered luncheon has been moved to the temple's Family Life Center; everyone is invited to attend and enjoy a delicious meal, to socialize with each other, and to show your love to Leon and Peter."

"Dr. and Mrs. Riley, what an amazing family you have; such joy in your sons and sons-in-law."

Peter took Leon's left arm, and Jenny took Leon's left arm as they then strolled out of the synagogue and walked to the Family Life Center for an unbelievable celebration.

Little did Peter and Leon know, but Jaiden and Peyton were treating everyone to prime rib, grilled asparagus, rosin baked potatoes with all the trimmings, and an incredible salad bar. Then, finally, after an afternoon of celebration and dancing, people slowly left the Family Life Center. The parents returned to Jaiden's, Peyton's, Dale's, and Charley's home, leaving Peyton, Jaiden, Dale, and Charley at the synagogue with Peter and Leon.

The guys walked over to Leon and Peter and said, "It's time to get and read the letter in the glove compartment of your car."

They stood at the door to the Family Life center as Peter and Leon went to their car, got the envelope out of the glove box, and began to read it.

Peyton, Jaiden, Dale, and Charley could tell Leon and Peter were shocked as they read the letter.

"Dear Leon and Peter, I know you are going to be shocked by what you read in this letter. But, please understand: we don't consider what we have done for you to be overboard; we are a loving family, and this is what we do."

"We purchased a three-bedroom, three-bath, two-story home for you in the mountains between Ashville and Brevard. The picture in the envelope is of the house we hope you two will make a home you both can love and enjoy."

"While you are on your honeymoon in Maui, Hawaii, a decorator will furnish the house with furniture and decorations that complement your personal styles, the style of the house, and the area where the home is situated. If there is something you wish to change when you get home from Hawaii, the decorator will make sure those changes are made."

"Under the driver's seat of the car, you will find a GPS we are loaning to you with all the sites and scenes Maui has to offer. There is also a Canon Sureshot Digital Camera that does everything an extensive camera system does without you having to put up with the bulkiness of a more comprehensive camera system."

Your airline tickets are in your name. You can retrieve your tickets from the airline's desk attendant with each of your driver's licenses. You need to be at the airport no later than 5:00 p.m. to check in for your flight which will take off at 7:30 p.m. Your flight to Maui will take approximately three hours to San Francisco and then five and a half hours to Maui."

"When you arrive in Maui, you need to go to Enterprise Rent-A-Car, where a Lincoln Navigator has been reserved for you. All fees for the Lincoln have been paid for two weeks."

Place the GPS where it doesn't obscure your view through the windshield. Nothing is supposed to be placed on the windscreen in Maui. The Kaanapali Resort in Lahaina has been programmed into the GPS. A suite has been reserved for you at The Kaanapali Resort for your two-week stay in Maui."

"Mackenna Beach has been programmed into the GPS as well. Halfway between the two parking entrances to MacKenna Beach on your right, you will see a path. Turn the car around and park on the left side of the roadway and take the walking path to Little Beach. We promise Little Beach will surprise you and that you will love the style of the beach. Of course, we will question you about the beach when you return home. It was our favorite beach while the four of us honeymooned together in Maui along with our Rabbi's brothers."

"Again, we vehemently deny we went overboard for you. We are a family, and that is what we do for each other. We pray you will love the house we purchased for you and that you will make it into a loving home."

"A list of restaurants is attached to this letter. Two meals per week have been reserved for you at Mama's Seafood House near Paia. More than enough money has been deposited into Leon's spending account to pay for all your meals and anything else you want to purchase. Enjoy your honeymoon!

"Always remember: we love you dearly, and we will always have your backs. Peyton, Jaiden, Dale, Charley, Mom, Dad, and Jenny, Ron, Richard, Sally, and Seth.

Merry Christmas and Happy Hannukah to everyone! I hope and pray you have a wonderful Christmas and Hannukah this week. Thank you for your concern and your prayers as I recovered from pneumonia and the heart issues the pneumonia caused. I turned a corner last night and feel immensely better. It has been a rough month and a half that your encouragement made bearable!

Much love to everyone!


Next: Chapter 134

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