
By moc.liamg@062239pg

Published on Jun 19, 2021


Jaiden Chapter 113

Gregory A. Patrick


Jaiden Chapter 113

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Greg Patrick

"Hi, I am Jefferey Berkner. Is Dr. Jaiden in this afternoon?" "He is, Jefferey. May I ask what you need?" "Ms. Ashley, I was wondering if you could show this to him for me?" "Let me take it to him in his office. Have a seat for a minute in case he wants to speak with you."

"Dr. Jaiden, Jefferey Buckner is in the waiting room and asked me to show this to you." "What is it, Ashley?" "I think it is his report card from school." "I told him that if he made mostly As with a few Bs from now on Peyton and I would help him get into Wellstone after high school." "Well, Dr. Jaiden, get ready to live up to that promise; he is on his way to holding up his end of the bargain."

"Ashely, let's see what he has done this last semester: English Composition - A, Chemistry - A, Honors Biology - A, Trigonometry - B, Phys Ed – A, Honors World Geography – A. Outstanding! Getting him out of the abusive situation with his bio-donor dad seems to have paid off handsomely. Let's go upfront and get him so I can talk to him for a few minutes. Watch him when I tell him to come back with me, I am going to see if I can make him squirm."

"Hey Jefferey, come on back and let's talk about this report card. You are due for three booster shots, so I might as well give you those shots while you are here. They have to go in the hip, so you might be a little sore for a few days when you sit down." "Dr. J, you know I don't like shots; can I skip the shots today?"

As Jaiden and Jefferey were about to walk to Jaiden's office, Jeffrey's mother, Margaret, walked into the waiting room. "Margaret, it's good to see you again. I was about to take Jefferey to my office to talk with him about his report card, what don't you come on back with us." "Thank you, Dr. Jaiden, I'd love to."

Jaiden left the door to his office open as the three started to talk. As they did, Peyton stuck his head in the door and said hello to the Berkners. "Peyton, come on in, I was just about to talk with Jefferey and his mom about his awesome report card." When Peyton walked into the office, Jaiden handed him Jefferey's report card. Peyton's mouth hit the floor when he saw the good grades. "Jefferey, you have worked your butt off in school this past semester. Your grades are awesome!" "Thank you, Dr. Peyton, I wanted you and Dr. Jaiden to know I am trying hard like y'all told me to." "Jefferey, that is very evident, I am really proud of you!"

"Margaret, how does Jefferey seem to be doing at home?" "Dr. Jaiden, since his dad is out of the picture, he is much calmer, more settled, and much more interested in his learning activities. He reads more, does more research for school, busts his butt to be first in his class. He sleeps better and isn't having night sweats and bad dreams like he had been." "That is awesome, Margaret, I am thrilled everything is going so well. We are going to the Wharf Seafood Restaurant for dinner tonight, why don't you and Jefferey join us for dinner to celebrate his progress as home and in school, it will be Peyton's and my treat; it's all-you-can-eat buffet night."

Jeffrey's eyes got as big as cateye marbles as his mom glanced at him. "Dr. Jaiden, I don't know. I don't think Jefferey is that keen on seafood." "MOM, you know I love seafood!" "And besides, I don't know that he needs to eat at an all-you-can-eat buffet; it might make him sick." "Margaret, I could give him a shot to keep his stomach from getting queasy, what do you think about that?" "Mom, you know I love the seafood buffet when they have it, and, Dr. Jaiden, I don't need a shot to keep my stomach from getting queasy." "Jefferey, are you sure you won't need that shot?" "No, sir, Dr. Jaiden, I'm not sure, I'm positive!" Peyton, Margaret, and Jaiden were laughing hard at Jefferey's response since they all knew he hated to get a shot.

"What time should we be there, Dr. Jaiden?" "7:30, if that is OK." "We'll see you and your brothers at 7:30."

Peyton and Jaiden didn't have rounds tonight, so they left the office at 5:30 and went home, showered, and got comfortable before heading out for dinner. They took the children outside to play in the backyard for a little while before dinner and laughed hard at the children's antics. Jaiden glanced over toward the Rabbi's house and noticed that the cat was coming over to pee on the deck piling. He Nathan eyeing the cat and said, "Peyton, Nathan sees the cat headed toward the deck; this ought to be interesting since the cat won't let anyone near him."

Suddenly, Nathan and Jimmy took off for the cat yelling `git' like they'd heard their dads say. The cat took off faster than Peyton, Dale, Charley, or Jaiden had ever seen him run. He jumped the fence without touching the top railing and kept running. "Dah, cat!" "We saw Nathan, you and Jimmy did a good job making him run from the yard." Jimmy and Nathan smiled and clapped their hands when their dad told them they had done a good job.

Charley was standing at the railing smiling as he looked up at the mountains. Jaiden walked over to him, wrapped his arms around Charley and asked, "what has you smiling, Charley?" "Jaiden, I was just thinking how blessed Dale and I are, and how much I love all of us being one big family." "Charley, we all feel that way." "I know, Jaiden, but Dale and I weren't used to being part of a family this way before we met you and Peyton. And then Jenny loved us enough to help us meet the surrogates so we could father our own children; that just doesn't happen in the normal world." "No, it doesn't, Charley. I think it is proof that Hashem has held us in His right hand of grace and blessed us enormously, and I am so thankful He has done that." "So am I, Jaiden, but I wonder what Dale and I did to deserve that."

"Charley, I think it was the faith you had in Hashem when things weren't going so well for the two of you. I also think it is due in part that your conversion to Judaism was your effort to become closer to had have a personal relationship with Hashem, and I that made Him so happy that he wanted to reward both of you for your desires and feelings." "Maybe you're right, Jaiden. I really hope we have made him happy by having a closer, more steadfast faith, and for raising our children in the temple; I sure hope you are right." Peyton spoke up and said, "Charley, I have no doubt Jaiden is right, and I, too, feel beyond happy and blessed that we all are one big happy family; you can even see that happiness in the children. Charley, when it comes to the children, there is a special blessing we have received from Hashem to keep the boys in line with their behavior." "Peyton, what is that blessing?" "Alaina Noelle. That girl can just look at the boys and they straighten up."

When Peyton said that Dale and Jaiden burst out laughing because they knew it was the truth. They had seen Alaina Noelle get those boys in lin. Mrs. Schwartz had seen that girl get the boys in line. Heck, everybody in the temple had seen Alaina Noelle do that and had laughed at her disciplining her brothers. "Peyton, we all know Dale fathered her, but I swear, she is the perfect likeness to my dad's attitude. He never whipped me about anything, but he did give me that same stare Alaina Noelle has, and believe me, that is all it took to make me behave." `Dale said, "Charley, my dad was the same way to me and Jimmy; the stare was all it took to get us to straighten up."

"Jaiden, what did your mom do to make you straighten up?" "Charley, my mom didn't have to do anything because I never acted up, I was a perfect child!" "Jaiden, don't give me that pontificated bovine fecal matter! Ginny has said you have a mischievous streak she had to watch for." "Charley, when I was being sneaky and getting on mom's last nerve, she would lean against the wall, tuck her left hand under her right arm, take a sip of coffee and stare at me. I knew if I didn't straighten up, that short, gorgeous, stubborn Jewish lady was going to make me listen to a long lecture I didn't want to hear. Her lectures could be so pointed that I would rather have had a whipping and she knew it – still does." Everybody laughed at that comment.

When they got to the seafood restaurant for dinner, they met Margaret and Jefferey as planned. Just as they were sitting down, Don and Jay walked in and spoke to the group. "Don, Jay, please join us." "Jaiden, we don't want to intrude on you and your guests." "You're not intruding, Don, if you were, I wouldn't have invited you and Jay to sit and have dinner with us. Besides, dinner is on me tonight!" :"In that case..." "I thought that's what you would say, Don." Jay was laughing as Don said, "You're a very astute young man, Jaiden, and I am a very cheap old man, so Jay and I will sit and have dinner with all of you."

As Don and Jay sat down for dinner, Jeremy and Carl walked into the restaurant. "Don, you didn't tell me Jeremy and Carl were in town and coming to dinner." "You're right, Jaiden, I didn't...I was afraid if I did you would rescind the dinner invitation." "Dang, Don, you are cheap!" Everybody laughed as Don looked at Jaiden and winked. When Jeremy and Carl walked over to the table, Charly said, "Jeremy, you and Carl will have to get your own dinner tonight, this is a private party." "Jeremy gave Charley the strangest stare anyone had ever seen him give." Jaiden and Peyton were laughing hard as Jaiden said, Jeremy, Carl, have a seat right here, Charley is pulling your leg."

"Jeremy, Carl, this is Jefferey. Jeremy, his story is very similar to yours. We're going to have coffee and chat at the house after dinner. The adults can sit on the deck and you three guys can sit in the den, swap stories and get to know each other." "That will be fun, Uncle Jaiden?"

Jeffrey looked at Jaiden and said, "Uncle Jaiden?" "Yes, Jefferey, but don't broadcast it. Jeremy will tell you about everything when we get to the house.

When everybody got back to the house, Dale made two pots of coffee and the adults went to the deck to have some coffee and to talk about the imminent move to Tennessee in a week. The medical school graduation is behind Peyton and Jaiden and all Charley and Dale must do is complete a semester internship and they will graduate from Penn State and from Wellstone University – with honors!

Jefferey, Jeremy, and Carl sat in the den and had a coke whilst the adults were on the deck sharing stories and talking about the busy schedule ahead of Peyton and Jaiden. "Jeremy, you called Jaiden `Uncle Jaiden,' what was that about?" "Jefferey, I was almost killed by my bio-donor when he found out I was gay. He beat me severely breaking several places in each leg, and he broke all the ribs on my left side. I had to have surgery to repair the broken ribs and repair my left lung where the broken ribs punctured it. Uncle Jaiden called the police and the judge who came to my room and sat there all night and most the next day until I was awake from the anesthesia and OK. When I woke up, Don was on one side holding my hand and Jay was on the other side holding my hand and staring intently at me."

The day after my surgery, Don was in his courtroom at nine the next morning and sentenced my sperm donor to what amounted to life in prison and gave my birth mom seventy-five years to serve. She must serve two-thirds of her prison sentence before she is eligible for parole. The same morning that my bio-parents went to prison for abusing me. Pete Gray, an attorney friend of Peyton's and Jaiden's petition another judge to allow Jay to adopt me. The state recommended the adoption and the judge ordered it. That day, Jay became my legal dad, and in the same process, Don became my other dad, that was the day my life made a one-hundred-eighty degree turn for the better. My grades improved drastically and by the next December, Jaiden and Peyton made arrangements for Wellstone University to offer me a full scholarship. When I graduate from Wellstone, I will also graduate from the Erie Senior High School. The car you, Carl, and I drove home in, that was a gift to me from Jaiden's mom, Dr. Reynolds." I kept my promise to Jaiden to work hard on getting and keeping my grades up; I went from a D and C average to all As and Jaiden kept his promise to get me in college and the first day there, I met Carl and we have been a couple with my parent's blessings ever since."

"Jeremy, weren't you scared to tell your dads about Carl?" "No, Jefferey, I wasn't. They knew about Carl before I did. I found out later that Peyton's Dad and my dads were long-time friends of Carl's Dad. Carl, tell Jefferey about what happened with your dad."

"Jeremy, I was scared witless to tell my dad that I was gay and had never said anything about being gay to either of my parents. Jeremy called Jaiden and he got Peyton on the phone and I spoke with them about my fears of coming out to my parents. Peyton asked where my parents lived and it turned out to be the city where Carley is from and two counties over from where Peyton's parents live. Peyton spoke to his dad who abruptly asked him if my name was Carl when he told his dad where my parents lived. I didn't know my family was members of the same synagogue as Peyton's family, and his dad already knew about me and called my dad about my fears. Thirty minutes later my dad called me and asked to speak with me and Jeremy on the speaker phone. Dad said he and mom knew I was gay from the time I was five years old and that they would never stop loving me for that or anything else. He also said he and mom would never stop supporting me in college and that it broke his heart for me to think that. I was shocked at what dad had to say, but what really blew my mind was when dad told me and Jeremy to get naked, get in bed, and cuddle until we fell asleep. Then he called and spoke to Jaiden, Peyton, Charley, and Dale and thanked them for helping me with my and Jeremy's relationship and asked them to continue to do so."

"Wow! I wish my dad had thought that way. Mom is OK with me being gay and has know that fact for most of my life. My dad...well, he is in prison for the next 5 years and can't have any further contact with me. Even his parents stopped talking to me because he went to prison for threatening me by saying he'd rather see me dead than to see me gay. I have a scholarship Jaiden and Peyton set up, and they paid off our home and had it put in Mom's name so we wouldn't be homeless. For the first time I can remember, I have a happy life." "Jefferey, Jaiden and Peyton also bought my bio-parent's mortgage, foreclosed on the loan, and are leasing out the house and putting up the monthly rent to get an easier start in my adult life when I get out of college. When I graduate from college, Jaiden said they would give me the house if I wanted it or sell it and put the money from the sale toward getting another house, it will be my choice."

"That is unreal, Jeremy. I knew Jaiden, Peyton, and their brothers were extraordinarily good people, but I didn't know the extent of how good they are to people." "Well, you do now, don't abuse that goodness." Believe me, I won't; it will make me try that much harder to be the best in everything."

The boys heard a light knock on the front door, so Jeremy stepped out the French doors and let Jaiden know. Jaiden went to the door, opened it, and said, Mom! What an awesome surprise, when did you get to Erie?" "About an hour ago. I had to go see Mr. Pope to take care of a few matters before I got here." "Mr. Pope?" "Yes, I let you in on it shortly." "Don and Jay are on the deck with Margaret, Peyton, Dale, and Charley. Go on out to the deck and I will get you a cup of fresh coffee that Dale made." "Good, it is past my coffee time and I could use a good cup!"

Dr. Mom stepped onto the deck and Peyton shot up like a canon ball and said, "Mom, what an awesome surprise. When did you get here?" "About an hour ago, now come give me a hug and kiss. Don, Jay, it's nice to see my cousins again, how are the two of you doing?" "We are doing well, Peggy. Jeremy and Carl are home and we are all ecstatic to see them." "So am I Don, now I just need to meet Carl." Peyton said, "Mom, this is Margaret, Jefferey's mom. Margret, this is my mother-in-law, Dr. Peggy Reynolds." "Margaret, it is so nice to meet you after all the good things I have heard about you and Jefferey." "Dr. Reynolds..." "Whoa, Margaret, I am Peggy, not Dr. Reynolds." "Peggy, it is also nice to finally meet you; your son and son-in-law speak well of you." "Jaiden does because he is scared not too, and Peyton...let's just say he is perfect!" Jaiden stepped on the deck just as his mom said that and said, "Mom, I heard that! By the way, Margaret, it's true." Jaiden gave his mom a kiss on the cheek and handed her the cup of coffee in hand. When Jaiden told Margaret his mother's comment was true, everybody let out hearty laughter."

"Jaiden, now that we all have met and exchanged pleasantries, may I meet Carl and Jefferey?" "I'm sorry, Mom, let me call them to the deck." Don spoke up and told Jaiden to keep his seat and visit with his mother, that he would get the boys for him.

Don stuck his head in the doors to the den and said, "Boys, get your butts out here, Jaiden's Mom wants to meet Carl and Jefferey." "Coming, Dad."

"Dr. Reynolds, I'm Carl, Jeremy's boyfriend." "Son, turn around. Now turn around and face me. Don, Jay, you, and Jaiden, told me Carl was cute, he is drop dead handsome, not just cute. He's so good looking and I have been single so long that if he wasn't spoken for, I think I might just turn into a cougar!" Carl blushed a dark, crimson red as everyone else busted out in laughter. Jeremy got her back, however; Carl, I told you my grandma was gorgeous and now you know for real." This time, Dr. Mom blushed, and Jaiden and Peyton clapped their hands as they laughed – just like Dr. Mom does. Dr. Mom looked at Jeremy and said, Touché! Jeremy, touché." Jeremy grinned, took a sip of coffee, and didn't say a word. Don said, "Damn, Peggy, that boy does that just like you do!" Jaiden spoke up and said, "Yeah, Don, she has a habit of causing people to do that," as he grinned, took a sip of coffee, and didn't say another word.

Dr. Mom stood up, took Jefferey by the hand, looked at Margaret and said, "Margaret, will you and Jefferey please come with me for just a minute?" Margaret got up and walked to and out the front door. "Jefferey, do you see that blue Ford Fusion In the driveway?" "Yes, Mam." "Son, I bought that car for you so you'll have a car to drive when you get to Wellstone University next December." "What do you mean when I get to Wellstone next December?" Just as Jeremy asked his question, everyone else stepped outside. Jaiden said, "Jefferey, I told you that if you pulled your grades up, I would get you into Wellstone, I just didn't tell you I'd get you in early and your credits at Wellstone would count toward your high school graduation." When Jaiden said that, Jefferey sunk to the ground and let out one of the most guttural sounding cries any of them had ever heard.

Dr. Mom sat on the ground next to Jefferey and held him as he – and his mom – cried their hearts out. "Jaiden, do you still have some of the medication I left when you and Peyton were so stressed out?" "Yes, mam, we do." "Margaret, do you mind if I give Jefferey some light medication to help him calm down, relax, and get some sleep?" "If Jaiden and Peyton think it's OK, it's OK with me." "Margaret, Mom knows what she is doing and I can tell you from experience, Jefferey needs the medication right now to help him calm down. It is hard for him to accept what has been and is being done for him, he's never had people be good to him this way outside of you." "Jaiden, get me one of the pills and a glass of water." "Yes, mam."

Jaiden got the pill and water and took it to his mom who gave it to Jefferey as she and his mom rubbed his back to help calm him. Dr. Mom spoke up and said, "Margaret, there is one more thing: the red Ford Fusion, it is yours. You needed a new car and I have the means to get it for you so I did. Jaiden, Peyton, and I paid the insurance for both cars for the next two years so you won't have to worry about that expense." "Peggy, I don't know what to say, I am literally in shock." "Margaret, If I were you, all I would say is let me run to the house and get a change of clothes for me and Jefferey since he is going to be asleep for quite a while. There is more than enough room in this house for the two of you. You can have your own room, and Jefferey, Jeremy, and Carl can share a room. All the rooms have California King beds with extra comfortable mattresses and the best thousand-count sheets of combed Egyptian cotton."

Margaret looked at Jaiden and Peyton as Jaiden chimed in and said, "My mom is a gorgeous, short, extremely stubborn Jewish mom, take her at her word, nobody wins an argument with her!" "Jaiden, if you and Peyton say so." "Peyton said, "We do, Margaret. Well, in that case, let me run to the house and get some clothes, I'll be right back. " Don spoke up and said, "Margaret, it might be easier if you drive to your house instead of running." Margaret laughed with everybody when Don made that comment.

"Margaret, take these keys and drive your new car, you deserve the comfort." Margaret hugged Dr. Mom and said, "Peggy, thank you so much." "Margaret, you are welcome. I raised my son to love and help people the way we are trying to help you. He has made me so proud of him by the way he had taken what he has been taught and taking it to heights I could never imaging." "Peggy, I think I finally understand your son and son-in-law."

As Margaret drove off toward her house to get the clothes she and Jefferey needed for the night and the next morning, Jefferey started succumbing to the medication Dr. Mom had given him and fell asleep in the front yard. Jaiden looked at Jeremy and Carl and asked them to take Jefferey to the back bedroom on the right downstairs and put him in the bed. He told them that if Don and Jay agreed, they could stay in the room with Jefferey. Don and Jay said they didn't mind, that Jeremy and Carl could get Jefferey to drive them home the next day when Carl and Jeremy were ready to head home.

Jeremy and Carl took Jefferey to the bedroom and stripped him of all his clothes and put him in the center of the bed under the sheets. Jefferey immediately rolled over on his left side and began to lightly snore, a side effect of the medication he had been given. They quietly left the room and went outside on the deck to join the adults and to have a cup of Dale's coffee, decaf this time so they could sleep easily once they went to bed.

When the guys got back on the deck, Don asked, "Did you boys get Jefferey in the bed ok?" "We did, Dad, and he immediately rolled over on his left side and began to lightly snore." Dr. Mom said, "the medication I gave him is famous for making people do that; it shouldn't be that bad as his body begins to calm down and he starts sleeping more peacefully."

"Jaiden, does that medication make you snore when you take it?" I don't know, Mom, I've never been awake to hear myself after I take one of those pills. " Peyton spoke up and said, "Trust me, Mom, I promise you faithfully that after Jaiden takes one of those tablets, he SNORES...loudly!"

Charley said, "He does snore, Mom, but Peyton has a cure for that; he grabs Jaiden by the balls, gives them a good squeeze and says gotcha." Peyton looked at Charley and told him he didn't have to say that. "Sorry, Peyton, it slipped out." "Charley, at least it was the truth." Dr. Mom pulled Peyton to her and whispered in his ear that she did the exact same thing to Jaiden's dad when he snored bad. Peyton turned blood red and started laughing uncontrollably.

"What's so funny, Peyton?" "Nope, no no no no! I am not going to say a word!" "PEYTON!" "Sorry, Jaiden, not here and not now." Jaiden shot a glance at his mom who grinned, took a sip of coffee, and didn't say a word.

In the meanwhile, Margaret returned with a change of clothes for herself and Jefferey and Peyton showed her to the bedroom where she would be sleeping. When she got her things in the room, she rejoined the adults on the deck, enjoyed some coffee, and some adult conversation. It had been a long time since she sat down with someone other than her ex-husband and had a stimulating, adult conversation with anyone.

At eleven pm, Don and Jay got up to head home. As they were heading toward the front door, Don told Jeremy and Carl to get to bed so they could get up and go to temple with Jaiden and family. Peggy asked Margaret if she had ever been to a synagogue service and Peggy said no, but had always wanted to but had no one to go with. She was invited to go to the temple service with Dr. Mom, and her boys and she accepted. She would tell Jefferey where they would be going when he woke up the next morning.

Everyone retired for the evening and headed to their bedrooms. Jeremy and Carl went into the bedroom where Jefferey was sleeping, locked the door to the shared bathroom and the door to the hallway, stripped off all their clothing and climbed into bed, Jeremy to the right of Jefferey and Carl to the left. It wasn't but a few minutes when all three boys were sleeping soundly.

Jaiden was in Peyton's and his bedroom washing his face and brushing his teeth before going to bed. Peyton quietly slipped into the bathroom behind Jaiden who suddenly felt something get inserted into his body. "Peyton, before you squeeze that bulb, I want to know what Mom told you that seemingly was so funny." "Jaiden, she whispered to me that when your dad snored, she did the same thing to him that Charley told her I did to you when you snored. I wasn't going to risk embarrassing you by saying anything while we were outside." "Squeeze the bulb, babe." When Peyton had emptied the enema bulb into Jaiden, Jaiden turned, took Peyton's face in his hands, and said, "thank you, sweetheart, that was very considerate of you not to repeat that outside. And thank you for showing me that respect! Now, put your hands on the counter and don't move." Jaiden took out an enema bulb and inserted its contents into Peyton. After fifteen minutes or so, both eliminated the contents of the enemas and cleaned themselves before climbing into bed.

Peyton went to the nightstand beside the bed, got the special lube Jaiden liked, climbed into bed, and had Jaiden straddle his legs just above his knees. When Jaiden had done that, Peyton sat up slightly and applied ample amounts of lube to Jaiden. He then took Jaiden's face in his hands and kissed so sensually that Jaiden was somewhat stunned. Peyton then laid back, looked at Jaiden, and asked, "Sweetheart, will you please make love to me?" Jaiden didn't say a word as he lovingly looked at Peyton, leaned downward, and slipped between Peyton's legs. He slowly entered his husband and began to make slow, passionate love to the love of his life. He kissed Peyton's neck as passionately as he could, and took time to slowly focus on each of Peyton's nipples making Peyton squirm like he had never done before. At least fifteen minutes had passed before Jaiden buried his face in Peyton's neck, moaned ever so lightly, and released everything he had into his husband. When he lifted his head and looked at Peyton, he saw a tear escape Peyton's eyes and panicked.

"Oh god, Peyton, please tell me I didn't hurt you again, please!" "Jaiden, far from it. Sweetheart, it has been a long time since you made love to me like that. I am feeling so special right now that I don't know how to describe the feeling. Don't pull out, just lie here and hold me for a while and let nature do what it has to do." Jaiden slowly lowered himself onto Peyton's body and held him as he softly kissed Peyton's lips.

The had lain there for some time when Jaiden asked, "Peyton, do you think you can...?" "Sweetheart, yes, I would love to." Jaiden turned to lie on his back as he pulled Peyton on top of him. When Peyton was positioned the way Jaiden wanted, Jaiden put ample amounts of lube on Peyton and pulled him to his chest. Peyton slowly entered Jaiden and began making slow, sensual love to his lover. Both did their best to make their amorous session last as long as possible. About the same amount of time passed for Peyton when he leaned over, passionately kissed Jaiden, and then buried his face in Jaiden's neck as copious amounts of love nectar flowed into Jaiden. Jaiden held Peyton to his chest for the longest before nature took its course and Peyton slid out of his husband. Jaiden held Peyton tightly and he rolled his husband to his left and fell hard asleep with the love of his life in his arms.

When Peyton and Jaiden awoke the next morning, they showered together, got dressed for breakfast, waited for their guests to awaken.

Jefferey, Jeremy, and Carl awoke about the same time. Jeremy looked at Jefferey who was looking puzzled and worried. "Jefferey, is something wrong?" "Jeremy, are we all naked?" "Yes, it's the most comfortable way to sleep and you had passed out from the medication when we put you in the bed. I hope we haven't embarrassed you." "You haven't, I have never slept this way with anyone else in the bed, and, well...I sort of have a problem." "Jeremy rolled onto Jefferey's right leg and Carl rolled over onto his left. "Jefferey, is what you feel from me and Carl what your problem is?" "Yeah, Jeremy, it is." "Don't be embarrassed about it, all guys wake up with a woody. I think Carl and I can't help you with the problem if you don't mind." "Jeremy, what do you have in mind?" "This!" Carl reached over with his left hand, Jeremy with his right as they both placed their hands on Jefferey's penis. They began to slowly slide their hands up and down on Jefferey's shaft as Jeremy began softly tonguing Jefferey's right nipple and Carl worked on the left nipple. Jefferey closed his eyes and softly moaned as Carl and Jeremy worked their magic on him.

Before the anticipated moment arrived, Carl and Jeremy removed their hands from Jefferey's member and Jeremy went down on his friend and gave him oral pleasures he had never before experienced. Jefferey moaned as quietly as he could knowing his mother was in the next room, but the sensations he was feeling were driving him wild. When Jeremy felt Jefferey tense up, he released his friend from his mouth, pushed the covers back, and watched as Jefferey shot rope after rope after rope of spunk all over his chest and stomach. Jefferey had his eyes tightly closed as he emptied himself. When he opened his eyes, he was shocked at how much semen he had shot onto himself. He told Jeremy and Carl he had never had that much leave his body before, and he never quite felt the way he was feeling before. Jeremy stayed in bed with Jefferey rubbing his nectar into his stomach as Carl got up and started a warm shower.

When the shower was ready, Carl motioned for Jeremy to bring Jefferey to the shower. All three boys got into the shower. Carl and Jeremy soaped up the soft washcloths Jaiden and Peyton provided for them and bathed Jefferey from head to toe and then let Jefferey help bathe each of them. When they got off the shower and dried off, there was a knock on the bathroom door to his mother's room. "Jefferey, I am going to the dining room and help get breakfast ready. I am going to close the door to the room as I go. Your fresh clothes are on the dresser." "OK, thanks, Mom."

Jefferey went into the other bedroom, got his clothes, and walked back into the bedroom he shared with Carl and Jeremy. Jeremy took his clothes away from him and made him put one hand on his shoulder and the other hand on Carl's shoulder. They held Jefferey's briefs as he stepped into them and they pulled his briefs up with Carl running his fingers over Jefferey's butt crack and Jeremy copping a feel of Jefferey's flaccid penis making Jefferey gasp. They ran their hands up Jefferey's sides tweaking each of his nipples as they raised his arms into the air and put his tee shirt on him. As they tucked Jefferey's tee shirt into his briefs, Carl copped a feel of his penis and Jeremy ran his fingers through Jefferey's butt again eliciting a gasp from their friend.

As Jeremy and Carl pulled Jefferey's pats onto him Jeremy was in the front of and Carl was behind Jefferey. Carl cupped Jefferey's balls and penis as he pulled the pants up in the front and Jeremy squeezed Jefferey's butt cheeks. Jefferey moaned as they two caressed his body. As Jeremy put Jefferey's shirt on him and buttoned it and pressed it to his friend's chest, he gently rubbed each of Jefferey's nipples with his thumbs as Carl tucked the shirt into Jefferey's pants taking another chance to caress Jefferey's butt and cup hi sack and steal a feel of his dick. When Jeremy affixed Jefferey's belt in his pants and buckled it, he lightly ground the front of his body into the front of Jefferey's and Carl did the same except in the rear. It would be an understatement to say Jefferey was thoroughly enjoying the experience. When they had Jefferey dressed, they sat him on the bed and pushed him back until he was flat on his back. They each then took Jefferey's feet in their hands and started softly sucking on Jefferey's toes. That was pushing Jefferey to the edge again when he told Carl and Jeremy that if they didn't stop, the grease gun was going to erupt all over the car. They put Jefferies socks on his feet, slipped his shoes on him and then stood him up.

"Jeremy looked at Jefferey and said, "Jefferey, you had a very stressful afternoon yesterday and Carl and I wanted to make this morning extra special for you. When you find someone you think you can love, and who will love you, if he can't treat you with the love and respect Carl and I have tried to show you this morning, get rid of him, you deserve better."

"Guys, I have never felt like I do right now, thank you so much for making me feel so special. I don't know how I can ever repay you for making me feel this way." "Jefferey, you just did. Perhaps we can get together before Carl and I head back to Wellstone for summer semester." "Jeremy, I hope so. Waking up naked next to you and Carl was amazing. When I felt embarrassed, you helped me know everything was ok, and you gave me an amazing experience I had wondered about and never experienced." "Jefferey, I am happy Carl and I could do that for you. Let's go to breakfast before someone comes looking for us."

"Good morning, guys. Did you three sleep OK last night?" "Amazingly so, Jaiden, thank you. I don't know what that pill was that your mom gave me, but it really helped me get some rest." Jaiden's mom was in the kitchen with Dale and Margaret and yelled back, "Jefferey, I'm glad it helped you get some rest. You were really stressed out." "Yes, mam, I was, thank you. "You're welcome son."

Jaiden looked at Peyton, Dale, and Charley and winked. All four knew something magical had happened for Jefferey and it made them swell with pride. After they ate, got the babies up and got them fed and dressed, they headed to the synagogue where they met up with Don and Jay. Jay took one look at the three boys and said, "I don't know what happened last night or this morning, but it must have been amazing; those boys faces are glowing." Charley looked at Jay and Don and said, `I'm sure it did and they are." Nothing else had to be said.

When they service was over, Jaiden and Peyton took everybody to the Country Club for an incredible lunch. Jefferey and his mom had never eaten in such a place and were amazed at how good the food was. Jaiden had preordered for everybody so Margaret wouldn't see the prices and freak.

When everyone got back to the Riley-Reynolds-Anderson-Leonard household, they got the babies pottied, dressed in their play clothes and took them to the backyard to play until they got tired enough to take their afternoon naps. Dr. Mom, Margaret, Don, and Jay sat on the deck with a cup of Dale's coffee and talked while the children played. Margaret commented that she didn't see how the four brothers managed their ten children as well as they did. Don spoke up and said, "Margaret, it is their extreme dedication to and their love for their children. I have never seen any young people who are as natural at parenting as those four young men are, and they have done it in the most stressful of circumstances without ever wavering." Dr Mom said, "Don, you are so right in saying that. Those sons of mine amaze me and make me so proud." "Yep. Peggy, they have that effect on everybody who knows them."

When Margaret had gone home, Jaiden, Peyton, Dale, and Charley joined Don, Jay, and Dr. Mom on the deck. Jeremy, Carl, and Jefferey joined them as they all enjoyed a cup of coffee. "Jefferey, did you sleep OK last night?" "Dr. J, I don't think I have ever slept as good as I did last night. I woke up this morning between Carl and Jeremy and I was petrified until I realized I didn't have to worry about my dad walking in and beating the hell out of me. When I woke up, the morning turned into the most amazing morning I can ever remember. Carl and Jeremy made me feel so special, so wanted as a friend. Nobody my age had ever treated me the way they did. It has been a morning I won't ever forget." "That is good, Jefferey, just understand that Carl and Jeremy are two amazing young men you can trust. Other people your age might not be so kind and special, so be careful with your friendships." "I will, Dr. J, believe me, I will."

Don walked out into the yard where Carl and Jeremy were playing with the children. "Jeremy, I need to ask you one question about Jefferey and you two." "What is that, Dad?" "You didn't take things too far with Jefferey, did you?" "No sir, we were very careful not to do that. He was extremely nervous and embarrassed when we woke up, so we helped him relax and understand we loved him as a friend because it was something he deserved. He enjoyed the experience Carl and I gave to him, and I promise, it was not even close to being overboard; just a little fun and a shower, that is all." "Good, Jeremy, I am proud of you two for helping Jefferey to feel special. Just make sure you don't go too far with him." "We won't, Dad, we promise." "I knew you wouldn't!"

Next: Chapter 107

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