Jade and Argent: Picture Perfect

By John O'Connor (Coltrane)

Published on May 4, 2001



Title: Jade and Argent: Picture Perfect (lesbian celebrity)

Author: John O'Connor

Email: lushcoltrane@yahoo.com

Rating: NC-17.

Pairings: Jade and Argent.

Category: First time.

Date: 4 May 2001

Series: None.

Website: http://www.ma-at.net/JohnOConnor

Disclaimer: Jade, Argent, and any related characters are owned by DC Comics and Time-Warner. No copyright infringement for profit is intended.

Summary: After assisting Jade find a missing child, Argent finds there's more to a green-skinned hero than a skimpy costume.

Notes: I'm drawing loosely on some of the concepts in "Crisis of the Heart" and the stories relating to "Truth Or Dare." With that in mind, I'd like to dedicate this to (in no particular order): Kerithwyn Jade, TBoarder, and Aya. Thanks for the great stories!

_______________________________________________________ Picture Perfect


A green trail blazed across the Manhattan sky. Most people immediately thought it was Green Lantern. Others a fast moving meteor. Some others dimly remembered Neron and feared the worst.

They were all wrong. It was the young superhero known as Jade. She was using her Starheart powers to search for a lost child.

The little boy, no more than five years old, was the nephew of Radu, an old friend. Radu had agreed to watch his young charge but the coffee shop had a rush of customers and little Jacob had wandered out the front door and disappeared in the maze of Greenwich Village. Jade, in her Jennie-Lynn Hayden identity, offered to look for the little guy and was flying over the neighborhood searching.

As she flew along a small, side street, she saw a brief flash in an alley. Swooping down to investigate, she saw a young woman with silvery-white skin tossing what she first took to be small lightning bolts at a dumpster. Behind the dumpster were two men with guns.

Hoping she was picking the right side, Jade used her emerald power to cork the guns just as the men pulled the triggers. Both guns blew apart from the contained pressure and the men staggered back, yelling in agony from powder burns.

Jade landed lightly next to the girl. She looked to be in her late teens, no more than twenty. And she was quite pretty in a punk-modern way with short, spiky black hair against skin that was silvery-white. She had pale blue eyes as well. The black outfit the girl was wearing could've been painted on and showed a striking figure.

"Hi, I'm Argent," the girl said as she extended her hand. Jade took it as she directed her power to tie up the gunmen in green rope. Her eyes widened when she felt a definite spark as their hands touched.

"I'm Jade," the woman replied as she shook the pale hand in her green-hued hand. "I hope you're one of the good guys..."

"I'm with the Titans." Argent noticed that Jade had felt the same spark as she and looked over the green-skinned hero saying, "You used to be with the, uh, wait, I know... All-Stars? All-Winners? Something like that."

"Actually, I was in Infinity, Inc. Now I'm sort of a freelance but I do help out Dad and the Society from time to time," Jade responded.

"Right! You're Green Lantern's daughter! The old, uh, I mean the original one..." Argent glanced at the men laying in the dirty alley, "They're coming around. Good, I have some questions for them..."

"Okay, glad I could help," Jade said as she prepared to resume her search. "You didn't happen to see a little boy wandering around by himself, have you?"

Argent smiled and gestured to the side. "Yeah, he's fine." There was a bright flash in a doorway and Jade saw little Jacob standing there with a look of innocent awe on his face.

"Make the pretty lights come back?" he asked. Jade felt relief wash through her; she had become increasingly worried about what she would tell Radu.

"Okay," Argent said as she manipulated light images over his head. Seeing that he was suitably engrossed for the moment, she turned to the older girl and said, "I saw him walking down the street while I was looking for these two. He was just starting to get scared when I found him. I was going to find out where he lived and take him home when these goons popped out of a convenience store and started taking pot shots at me. I build a light shield around him for protection, then started with my light daggers when you came in like some green knight."

"Thank you. I have a very worried uncle wondering where the little guy is. Do you need any help with those two?" Jade asked.

"Nah. I don't think so. I'm just doing the Spiderman thing. Bundle them up for the cops and fade into the night..." Argent smiled, she had a thing for comic book heroes. 'After I find out what they did with my gold bracelet...' she added to herself.

"Okay. Thanks again for looking out for little Jake. See you around," Jade said as she collected Jacob. "Hey, Jacob, would you like to take a ride in the air back to your uncle's?" Jacob nodded eagerly and Jade scooped him up in her arms and lifted off the ground.

"Bye," Argent said to the quickly disappearing green star. "I hope I do see you again," she muttered quietly to herself as she turned to the two men still trussed in green rope.

Jade landed on the sidewalk outside Radu's and led the little boy inside. Radu came running from behind the counter and hugged the boy fiercely with tears in his eyes. "Oh, thank you! Thank you!" Radu said repeatedly.

Jade smiled and said, "Oh, it was my pleasure. I saw your friend out looking and thought I might help. I think I'll go find her and tell her he's okay. And you, young man, don't wander off. Okay?"

Jacob nodded and Radu added, "You will sit in the corner and not get up until I tell you to. Understand?"

Jade flew off as Jacob headed to the corner table. After returning to her real-life indentity as Jennie-Lynn Hayden, she went into Radu's.

Radu was even more gregarious than usual to the would-be rescuer. Jennie found this very entertaining but was even more amused when she saw Jacob at his punishment table eating an oversized chocolate chip cookie.

As she sat there, she considered the girl Argent. Jennie was a fledgling photographer and thought the silvery-skinned girl would be a great model for a potential client she was working on. At least that was the reason she gave herself for dwelling on the sexy young girl.

Finally being honest with herself, Jennie admitted the girl was incredibly sexy and that she had been turned on since they had shaken hands. And since she and Jesse Quick had amicably split up, she had been feeling lonely.

The next morning, Jennie called her former lover at the woman's office. Jesse was more than happy to arrange a meeting between her friend and Argent. The busy CEO also volunteered Argent's not-so-secret real name, Toni Monetti. Without prompting, she also told Jennie that she didn't think Toni was currently involved in any serious relationship.

Part 1:

Later in the week...

The ringing phone cut through the last vestiges of sleep rudely and abruptly. The strident ring was too irritating to ignore.

Toni Monetti reached out and grabbed the receiver, muttering to herself about people who call before noon.

"H'lo? Who's this?" she managed to say after swallowing past the cotton in her throat.

<Hi, Toni! Hope I didn't wake you.>

Toni groaned, only one person could be that chipper at - she peaked at her alarm clock - eight-forty. Eight-forty!?! Toni repeated her groan, she had managed to crawl into bed only four hours earlier.

<Toni? You there?>

"Koriand'r! What are you doing calling so early? The birds aren't even up yet!" Toni demanded.

Toni had to smile at the oblique way Kory had to bring up their late night activities and responded in kind, "I didn't hear any birds, but I did see stars..."

Kory's lilting laugh came over the phone line. <Are you always so funny early in the morning?>

"Kory, I love ya, but would you get to the point so I can try to get back to sleep? Please?" Toni pleaded.

<Remember last night?>

"How could I forget? It was...you were wonderful!"

<Thank you but that's not what I'm calling about. Remember before? When we still had our clothes on?> Kory said teasingly. <I asked you if you'd be interested trying some modeling work?>

Toni was sitting up now, her sheet falling to her waist. The cool morning air, combined with memories of what they had done the night before, hardened her nipples. "You were serious about the modeling? Me? But my skin...you've seen pictures. I look all washed out, especially compared to you or Gar."

<Donna and I know someone who is just starting out but she's very talented. To be honest, I think Donna is a little jealous of her...> Kory giggled.

"Kor, if you think it's worth the time, I guess I can give it a try. Who is she and...well, you know."

Toni's eyes bugged and she was suddenly wide awake, "Noon? That's barely three hours away! How can I be ready in time?"

<I've done my part, the rest is up to you...>

"Wait, Kory! How will I know her? What does she look like?"

"Depends? On what?"

<You'll see... Good luck, sweetie!>

"Thanks, Kory. I appreciate this," Toni replied as she replaced the receiver. "I guess..."

Three and a half hours later, Toni stepped into the main room of Warriors. She had chosen a comfortably worn Black Crowes concert shirt, tight blue jeans, and sandals. Her red nails, both fingers and toes, were a sharp contrast to her pale skin. She had dark purple lipstick and some light eye shadow, both of which also stood out against her alabaster skin. Toni knew she looked hot and revelled in it. She only hoped she was hot enough to land this job.

Warriors was marketed as the Planet Hollywood/Hard Rock Cafe of the superhero world and she thought it tried to hard to live up to it's reputation. Toni had never seen so many artifacts and costumes, although most were centered around Guy Gardner, the former Green Lantern and current owner and namesake of the club.

"May I help you, young lady?"

Toni started at the voice, she hadn't seen the man, who was wearing a fair imitation of the old Green Lantern costume, standing there. "Uh, yes, I'm supposed to meet..."

"Ah, yes, of course. This way please..."

"You know...?" Toni asked, puzzled.

The maitre d' nodded and said, "But of course, Miss Argent. I was told you were to be here and to show you to your table. The other party is already here."

"Well, thank you," Toni said as she followed the faux GL.

He led her into a side room away from the bar area and to a booth near the far wall. Sitting in the booth was a young woman with short brown hair that hung to her shoulders. Toni couldn't see her face as the woman was sitting with her back to the entrance.

'That must be this Hayden chick, I guess. Looks kinda young...but Kory did say she was just starting out,' Toni mused as she neared the table.

"Miss Hayden, your guest has arrived," the man said.

The young woman stood and extended her hand, "Argent, it's a pleasure to meet you. Jesse had some good things to say about you..."

"Jesse? Jesse Quick?" Toni asked as she took the woman's soft hand in hers. Her eyes widened when she felt a soft, pleasant shock from the contact. It was like the feeling she had when she shook hands with Jade and it was definitely arousing.

"Please call me Jennie. May I call you Toni or do you prefer Argent?" Jennie said as she gestured for Toni to join her.

"Toni is fine. Toni is great! People only call me Argent when we're working. It's more like a nickname or a handle." 'Shut up, Toni! You're babbling! Not the way to impress people!'

Jennie smiled, "I understand completely. I have the same problem." She opened her hand and displayed an emerald green birthmark on her palm.

Toni eyed the mark for a moment then blurted, "You're Jade! From the other night! Holy crap! I never...Kory didn't say anything..."

Jennie smiled and said, "Well, I try to keep the Jade part of my life separate from the Jennie-Lynn part. It's not always easy, either."

"Tell me about it! With this skin, no one can make the mistake that I'm anyone other than who I am," Toni looked down at her silvery-white flesh. "Don't get me wrong. I kind of like being different now. But it was a bitch when I was younger!"

Jennie laughed, "I can understand. I was terrified when I first discovered I had these powers. I was afraid I'd be green the rest of my life, like some scrawny version of the Hulk."

Toni snickered. She was always amused when superheroes talked about the comic book characters that were so popular. She looked at the shapely young lady in the clingy white top and short skirt and thought, 'You definitely aren't scrawny now.' Out loud she asked, "How's the little cutie-pie?"

"Who?" Jennie asked in momentary confusion, wondering if Toni was trying a line on her. then she remembered. "Jacob? Happy as a clam. He loved the flight and then his uncle gave him a cookie almost as big as his head after scolding him," Jennie laughed. Toni chuckled at that as well.

"Well, anyway, Jesse thought you might be perfect for a photo shoot I've been contracted for. She didn't feel she knew you well enough and asked Starfire to intercede for me," Jennie explained.

"Anyway, the shoot's for a line of hero-inspired swimwear. The Powers-That-Be wanted some heroin-chic type but I convinced them otherwise. They were adamant about the model being light-skinned so the 'vibrant aura of our product shines.'" Jennie smirked as she quoted the egotistical designer she was working for.

"Would you be interested? It pays pretty well for a part-time gig. And it can be fun," Jennie added.

Toni considered this for a minute. She was not ashamed of her body. In truth she was quite proud of it. But to be out there in magazines and inserts around the city?


"Oh, I was thinking... Sure, I'll try it. I'll try just about anything once." Jennie raised an eyebrow at that statement but didn't comment.

"Great! If you'd like, we can start this afternoon? Just some test shots in the Park." Toni nodded and Jennie continued, "If those look good, and I'm sure they will, we can try the real thing. Sound good?"

"It sounds great!" Toni enthused. "So what's good here for lunch?"

'Maybe I'll inspire some young girl's fantasies the way Kory always inspired mine,' Toni thought, remembering the pictures of Kory she had hidden in her room at home and what she did with them. The young dark-haired girl squirmed as she felt herself becoming aroused at the memories of late night masturbation marathons over fashion layouts.

"...salad is good. So is the Warrior's Club sandwich." Jennie's voice brought Toni back to the present.

"Um, yeah, a salad sounds fine," Toni said. She wasn't about to ask Jennie to repeat what she had just said and look like a complete ditz, so she opted for a salad. Which, incidentally, kept her from having to worry about too many calories.

They ordered and sat and talked through the lunch, getting to know each other and finding several commonalities that helped the girls relate to each other. By the time they refused dessert, they had become fast friends.

"Well,' Jennie said, "I guess, if you're ready, we can go over to Central Park and do some test shots."

Toni agreed and the twosome walked over to the park, drawing many appreciative glances from the other people on the streets of New York.

After the third wolf whistle, Jennie eyed her new friend and said, "You seem to be a magnet!"

"How do you know they aren't whistling at you?" Toni protested.

"Compared to you? Maybe if I was in my Jade state... No those folks are eyeing you. That woman in the painted-on jeans seemed especially interested," Jennie commented, as they entered the park.

Toni smiled, "I do seem to attract the girls..."

Jennie caught the note of pride in Toni's voice and smiled to herself. 'Hmm..' the brunette thought, 'wonder if... Stop Jennie! Keep it professional.'

Jennie pulled an old, beat-up Pentax K1000 from her camera bag. Toni eyed the camera and Jennie felt she had to defend her old friend. "I've had this forever. It was the first real camera I ever owned. I like to use it for test shoots."

Toni nodded, she had a few old toys herself but none she'd necessarily want to bring out in public!

The afternoon passed quickly as Jennie took picture after picture of her new subject. After the third roll, she decided to call it quits. The girl seemed to be a natural. When she tried to give Toni some money for her time, the young girl refused.

"Hey, I didn't do anything! Anyway, this was kind of fun," Toni said as she waved off the proferred money.

"Are you sure? I mean you are working. Sort of a dress rehearsal," Jennie said, still holding the money.

"Pay me when the real thing happens. If the shots come out okay..."

They both strolled out of the park, talking and making arrangments to get together again.

"Regardless of whether you model for me, I'd still like to be friends," Jennie said.

"I'd like that too," Toni agreed, the pleasant shock when they had shaken hands still in the back of her mind.

Toni wondered that the shock hadn't recurred while she rode the subway back until she realized they hadn't touched each other after that. There hadn't been any real need.

'Well, when I see her again, I want to find out if it was just a static electricity-type thing,' Toni smiled to herself.

Later that evening, Jennie called Toni to tell her the pictures came out better than she had hoped. <You look great! I really think you would be perfect for the shoot. Are you still interested?>

"Yes!" Toni said enthusiastically. "When do you want to do it?"

<Tomorrow? Come by my place. I have a studio in my apartment and we can try it there,> Jennie said.

"Oh, I thought we'd be doing it in the park," Toni responded.

<Well, I'd love to but there's really no place for you to change,> Jennie explained.

"Okay. When and where?"

Jennie gave Toni her address and they agreed she should get there close to eleven o'clock.

Hanging up, Toni started to laugh. She recalled some of the unintentional double entendres during their conversation. 'Too bad Jennie wasn't coming on to me,' Toni thought. 'She's really cute.'

That night, Toni fingered herself to a pair of orgasms while thinking of the women in her life at the moment.

While images of Kory, Tara, and Donna drifted through her thoughts, the image of Jennie-Lynn Hayden was the one she focused on when she came both times.

The next day, Toni was up early. Well, early for her, at nine to get ready for the shoot. She applied just a touch of makeup after her shower and teased her hair so it had a touch of wildness to it. Looking in the mirror, she thought she looked hot.

Jennie greeted her at the door of her apartment. As she led Toni in, she touched the girl lightly on the arm and the same pleasant shock passed through them both. Toni had to turn away, the sensation had aroused her and she didn't want to shock Jennie with her hard nipples poking out of her shirt.

Jennie, for her part, tried to casually chat about what they were going to do in an attempt to cover the fact that she was also excited by the casual contact with Toni.

It was a large garret in the Village with part of it partitioned off as a photo studio. Jennie had set up a backdrop with a picture of a beach painted on it. Off to the side was a folding screen closing off part of the room.

"You can go behind the screen and change, Toni," Jennie said. "The suits are back there too."

Toni stepped behind the screen and looked at the skimpy two-piece suits sitting on a small table. There was very little material involved in any of them.

"Which one should I do first?" Toni asked.

"Doesn't matter, Toni. Just pick one."

Smiling, Toni chose a red and blue suit with gold bra cups. 'Donna would get a kick out of this one,' Toni thought as she stripped and pulled on the little outfit.

"Good thing I'm not shy!" Toni declared as she stepped out. And it was. The patch in front covered her pubic hair, after she pushed some errant curls under the cloth, and the bra left more of her breasts exposed than it covered.

"Wow!" Jennie said. "You look...hot!"

Toni smiled and began to pose as Jennie fired off several frames. As Toni turned, Jennie saw what a firm, tight ass the girl had. The bottom was little more than a g-string over the softly curving flesh.

As Toni turned around again, the spots flashed on the small piece of jewelry near her navel. Jennie's eyes were drawn to it and she reached out and fingered it. It was a small golden "T" hanging from Toni's pierced belly button.

"I used to wear a cross but since I joined the Titans, I thought a 'T' was more appropriate," Toni said. She felt the tingle again as Jennie's fingertips lightly brushed her flat stomach. "Should I take it off?"

Jennie shook her head and released the ornament. "No. I like it. It's both hip and retro. And it looks lovely against your skin."

The shoot went on for several hours with Toni trying on the other three suits. One was navy blue and black with small bats on the bra. Another was blue and red with small yellow "S"'s. The last was all red with gold lightning bolts.

"What? No Green Lantern?" Toni remarked.

Jennie smiled and continued to shoot until she had finished off more rolls of film. By the time she finished, they were both feeling hungry.

As Toni stepped back behind the screen to change back to her own clothes, Jennie asked, "Hey! Do you have any dinner plans?"

"No. Just figured on finding something edible in the fridge. You?"

"I hope so now. Would you care to join me? The Thai place next to Radu's is pretty good."

Toni stepped out from behind the screen and said, "That sounds great. Donna said..." Toni stopped when she realized that Jennie's biggest rival at the moment was Donna.

Jennie looked up and smiled. "Hey, Donna's a business rival but we still get along. Part of the hero code, I think."

"Okay, I just don't want to upset you," Toni said, laughing along with Jennie.

"You couldn't," Jennie assured her as she led the girl to the door.

The night was warm and they sat outside of the little Village cafe. They chatted about their lives and Toni felt more and more attracted to the young photographer.

She thought several times about just flat out asking but Toni was still a little gun-shy after her one and only date with Donna. She didn't take rejection well.

She wasn't aware of it but Jennie was finding the silvery skinned girl incredibly sexy and was wondering the same things as Toni.

Neither woman made any kind of move that night. They both went home alone to dark, empty apartments and cold loveless beds.

Three days later, Toni was wandering around the Titans headquarters with thoughts of Jennie-Lynn Hayden filling her head.

'What's with me?' Toni thought. 'She's probably straight as one of Arsenal's arrows. Hell, she was going out with one of the other Infinity members...'

Her thoughts were interrupted when a green elephant's trunk tapped her on the shoulder. "Hi Gar, what's up?"

Morphing back into human form, Gar Logan grinned and said, "Nothing." He started to turn then stopped and said, "Oh, yeah, that's right. You had a call. From..." he morphed back into an elephant and continued, "some chick named Jennie. I knew if I went pachyderm, I'd remember."

"Jennie? How long ago? Gar, why didn't you tell me sooner?" Toni was racing off to find a phone before an amused Garfield could respond.

To himself, he said, "Oh, girl, you got it bad for this one." He smiled an elephanty smile and stomped off. "Where's Vic? Time to screw with him..."

Toni dialed Jennie's number, which she happened to memorize, and Jennie picked up on the second ring. "Jennie? It's Toni! I was just told you called. I'm sorry I didn't get back to you sooner..."

<Whoa, Tone. I just called a couple of minutes ago.>

"A couple of minutes? Gar..." Toni muttered menacingly.

<Hey, I have some great news! They love the pictures!

They want some more with you as the sole model...>

"Oh that's great! You will be the one taking the pictures, won't you?"

Jennie's laugh came through the receiver, <Of course. I wouldn't have it any other way.>

After a few more minutes, Toni said goodbye and went to find Kory. She had to share the news as well as find herself a decent agent.

She found Kory and Donna in the gym, swimming laps. Donna was in a white one-piece outfit while Kory was wearing nothing at all. Toni stopped to watch the two lovely heroes as they swam back and forth.

Finally, Donna stopped and called to her enthusiastically. Toni moved closer, smiling. She still loved Donna but since meeting Jennie, the new Titan didn't feel the pain of not having her as her lover, at least not as strongly as before.

As she told them, Kory leaped out of the pool and wrapped her arms around Toni in a tight, wet hug. "Oh, Toni! That's wonderful!"

Toni, fully conscious of the nude body pressing against her, hugged Kory back.

They all sat by the pool and Toni asked the lovely twosome questions about modeling, the advertising business, and agents. The two older Titans gave her as much advice as they could.

Toni often found herself thinking of Jennie as she glanced at all the bare flesh at the pool's edge.

Part 2:

Several weeks later, Toni got a call from her new agent. A large lingerie company wanted to use her as a model for some of their products.

<Toni, baby, ya gotta take this gig! It'll be huge!> Sol was nothing if not enthusiastic. Toni loved him; he was a big cuddly, teddy bear.

"Sol, if you think it's okay. I mean, I've seen the Victoria Secrets catalog..."

<No nudity! None! Absolutely not!> Sol was practically yelling. <Well, not unless you wanna...>

Toni could hear his lecherous smirk and smiled. She knew he was totally devoted to his wife in Westchester. "Sol, you're a dirty old man," Toni laughed.

<Hey, Babe! I'm not old! Forty-two next November,> Sol protested.

"Well, to me that's pretty old." Toni laughed and added, "Anyone over twenty-five is old..."

<Ah youth! It's wasted on the young, et cetera, et cetera. So, you wanna do it?> Sol said in a leering voice.


<The shoot, babe. The shoot.>

"Who's the photographer?" Toni asked.

<Uh, I dunno. Look, I'm sure it's a big name talent. Don't worry. You'll look beautiful, as always,> Sol said.

"Uh, Sol? Could you, um, you know, put in a good word for a particular photographer?" Toni asked. "She's really good!"

<That Hayden chick? Well, I dunno if that's doable...you're new and... Well, you ain't got much pull yet,> Sol began to explain. <Aw, lemme look into it.>

"Thanks, Sol! I love you!"

<Hey, watch that! My wife might have the line tapped...>

Toni hung up with a laugh. Little did she know that Sol had already made arrangements for Jennie to take the lingerie shots. He could see that she had a definite eye for photographing the pale-skinned beauty.

Toni was really excited. She called Kory's apartment to share the good news.

<Hi, this is Kory Anders. I can't come to the phone now but leave a message and I'll call you back.> There was a short pause and Toni waited for the beep, <Was that alright? What button? Oh!> As Toni was chuckling at the alien princess' faux pas, the beep sounded in her ear.

"Kory, this is Toni! Guess what? I have a new gig! Call me and I'll tell you all about it... Bye!"

Toni hung up and dialed Donna's place. The phone rang several times before Donna answered. Her voice had a throaty quality to it that caught Toni's attention.


"Donna? This is Toni!"

<Oh. Hi Toni! What can I do for you?>

Toni paused as she listened to muffled sounds in the background. "Uh, did I catch you at a bad time? I can call back..."

<No, it's okay,> Donna replied. <Stop that!>

"Stop what?" Toni asked.

<Not you, honey! An annoying guest...> Donna replied.

"Well, anyway, I got a modeling gig! Sol set it up." Toni's enthusiasm flowed over the phone lines.

<Oh, honey, that's wonderful! Tell me all about it...>

Toni proceeded to tell Donna about the job. As the conversation progressed, Toni came to the realization that not only did Donna have a guest but a lover. Several times during the call, Donna had to stop the other person from doing something and from the changes in her voice, she was getting turned on.

"Donna, listen, I have to go."

<Okay, Toni,> Donna said, not sounding at all like someone with a playful lover in their bed. <I'll talk to you later. Love ya.>

"Have fun," Toni said emphatically to which Donna snorted a laugh and hung up.

Moments later, Kory called. <Toni! Donna told me the news! That's great! I'm so happy for you!>

Toni smiled, the only way Kory could've heard from Donna this quickly was if she were there with the other Titan. Kory still had a lot to learn about Terran subtlety.

Toni proceeded to tell Kory about her new job and then said, "Well, you shouldn't keep Donna waiting..."

Kory laughed, <Oh, she's quite happy...>

Toni, who knew first hand how extremely fun-loving and playful Kory was during sex, laughed as a million hot and sexy images driftrd through her head. "Good bye, Kory. Love to Donna."

<Bye, Toni.>

Toni set the reciever down and realized that for the first time she wasn't jealous of either Donna or Kory.

"Am I in love? Oh God! Not that!' Toni thought, her smile belying her thoughts.

Part 3:

A week later, Toni was again standing at Jennie's door. She had been standing for a couple of minutes. She was nervous at seeing the young brunette again.

Toni had found her thoughts over the last few weeks all centering around Jennie. When she dreamed at night, Jennie was the center of her dreams. Toni had become capitivated by the photographer. She hoped, dreamed that Jennie might feel the same but the possibility that she didn't weighed heavily on the Titan's mind.

Finally, Toni screwed up her courage and knocked on the door. Jennie quickly answered the knock. She was wearing olive-drab cargo shorts and a loose khaki shirt.

"Toni, hi! C'mon in. You look great..." Jennie led the way into her studio apartment. "I'm so thrilled to be working with you again! I think those bikini shots are some of my best work, but I think most of the credit should go to you. You're a natural..."

As Toni stepped into the main room, she saw the set up for the shoot. Jennie had moved her bed out from the wall and placed a backdrop behind it. The top of the bed was neatly made with pink satin sheets. The large screen was to the side and next to it was a rack with some very skimpy outfits on it.

"Are you ready?" Jennie asked.

"Uh, sure, I guess," Toni responded.

"Okay, the outfits are over there and you can change behind the screen again. Just like last time."

"Why the bed?" Toni asked.

"Well, I thought a lingerie shoot would look more natural in a bedroom setting than, oh say, the park? Don't you?" Jennie smiled sweetly.

Toni nodded, "Of course! I'm so dumb!"

"No, not at all... Toni, I don't ever want to hear you say that about yourself!" Jennie scolded.

"Well, if you knew some of the bonehead things I've done," Toni said, with a small smile.

"Well, we've all done things we've regretted," Jennie offered. "But we learn and grow as a result."

Toni smiled, 'She sounds so much older and wiser than me. She's only twenty-six.' Toni winced as she recalled her statement to Sol about old being over twenty-five.

"Well, let's get started, okay?" Jennie asked, either not noticing or ignoring the other girl's painful expression. Toni nodded her agreement and went behind the screen to change.

"Any particular outfit you want to start with?" Toni asked.

"No, just whatever catches your fancy."

Toni looked through the outfits, a plan forming in her mind. Taking a navy blue off the rack, she stripped then pulled on the sheer panties and bra then draped the camisolle over it.

As she stepped out, Jennie felt her heart skip. Toni was exquisite! The dark material accentuated her pale beauty. She had only felt this way a few times, the most recent time being the swimsuit shoot.

"So? Jennie? What do you think?" Toni said as she took a quick turn.

"Uh, you look...Wow!" Jennie turned away and grabbed her camera. "Uh, get on the bed and just lounge." Toni crawled up and sat down, leaning on one arm. Jennie began to shoot and Toni moved slowly, lanquidly on the smooth sheets.

After shooting several angles and positions, Jennie told Toni to loose the camisolle. She wasn't prepared for the effect of the young woman in the remainder of her outfit. As Jennie tried to slow her racing pulse, she managed to take pictures of Toni.

Toni, with little prompting, ran through a gamut of poses; sitting, reclining, laying down, kneeling. She also had a range of expressions to use; smiling innocently, smiling seductively, looking sultry. The fact that she seemed to know just what expression to use with a particular pose showed an innate sense of style to Jennie.

When she commented on that, Toni laughed and said, "I've been stylin' and profilin' all my life!"

As the morning progressed into early afternoon, Toni tried several different outfits. Jennie felt herself becoming more and more attracted to her model and kept throwing mental buckets of cold water on her thoughts.

Toni wasn't sure but she thought she was having the desired effect on Jennie. The other woman's eyes occasionally had a glazed look that Toni hoped indicated Jennie was becoming aroused. The young Titan had purposely picked the order of the outfits, leaving what she hoped was the hottest, a little red number, for last.

The latest, a black, frilly lace ensemble, was the sheerest yet. Jennie could clearly see the dark triangle barely hidden by the thin panties. Toni's nipples were pushing against the thin bra and her areoules showed starkly against her pale, silvery skin.

Jennie continued to take pictures, her mouth dry and her palms damp. It was becoming apparent to Toni that her plan seemed to be working.

Jennie finally said, "Okay, Toni, I, uh, think we're done with that one. Why don't you go put on... Um, how many are left?"

"Just the one," Toni said from behind the screen. And what an outfit. It was bright red in color. The bra barely covered her nipples and fastened in front. The panties were little more than a red patch in front and strings that tied over the hips. This one had a red garter belt and red stockings. With a sheer red camisolle and black heels, Toni was amazed at the view she she saw in the mirror as she stepped out from behind the screen.

'Wow!' Jennie thought as she tried to concentrate on the job. 'This girl is the sexiest person I've seen in a...maybe ever!'

As Toni reclined and looked sultry for Jennie, the young photographer was busy snapping pictures. She was unaware that Toni's look of sexual hunger was for her and not the unseen audience that would see these pictures later.

That is not to say the effect was lost on Jennie. She was getting more and more turned on. She was also feeling more frustrated. She couldn't...not with a model. Not even with a model she considered a friend.

Anyway, Toni's earlier statements could have simply been a tease.

As Jennie continued to shoot Toni's slow, seductive motions, she had an inspiration. "Toni, could you look over your shoulder and slide the camisolle off it slightly? Great!" Jennie took several more pictures but it still wasn't what she was thinking of.

Jennie normally gave a little assist with her models from time to time; arranging a stray lock of hair over the eyes, adjusting the lay of a long garment, or even positioning the model in just the right way. With Toni, she had to do none of that. Many times, Toni anticipated what she wanted before Jennie could even say anything.

In truth, Jennie was a little scared of physical contact with Toni. It had an arousing effect on her that seemed to increase with each touch. She was afraid that one of these times she might find herself doing more than simply touching...

This time, Jennie decided she could control herself and knelt on the mattress. She leaned towards Toni and reached out to slide the bra strap off the girl's shoulder, inadvertently exposing a nipple. Toni's nipples were so dark, almost blue against her silver skin.

As Jennie's fingers grazed the soft, pale skin, she felt the charge even stronger now. She looked up into Toni's eyes and saw her desire reflected in them.

Toni smiled and leaned into Jennie. She caressed the girl's cheek and kissed her softly. The woman's lips were soft and warm. Toni ran her fingers into Jennie's silky hair as their lips remained pressed together.

Jennie was happily surprised when Toni kissed her. She leaned into the younger girl as Toni began to run her fingers through Jennie's hair. Thrills ran along her spine. Her fingers tightened on Toni's shoulder as she let her lips be parted by Toni's tongue.

The slight charge they both felt from casual physical contact became a strong sexual charge as their tongues danced. As this charge flared into their cores, both women became even more aroused. Toni felt the wetness between her legs and somehow knew that Jennie was feeling the same highly charged excitement.

Jennie shivered when Toni's tongue caressed hers. She smiled to herself when she detected Toni's scent. The girl had to be as turned on as she was.

Toni fell back on the bed, dragging Jennie with her; their lips and tongues never parting. Jennie felt Toni's rockhard nipples press against her t-shirt. She felt Toni's love juices on her bare leg as she pressed her smooth thigh against the sodden panties.

Toni thrust her pelvis against Jennie's thigh repeatedly. She panted into Jennie's mouth until the brunette began to trail kisses across her cheek and down to her throat.

Toni gripped Jennie's shoulders as she felt herself near orgasm. Her crotch felt practically molten as her juices coated the bare thigh she was riding.

Toni yelled Jennie's name loudly as she climaxed. Her juices had soaked the panties and the bedding as well as Jennie's leg. Toni could only lay back and begin to recover as Jennie knelt above her.

Jennie smiled broadly as she brought her new lover to such a loud climax. She ran her fingers across her damp thigh and collected some of Toni's honey. Licking her fingers, she savored the flavor of the young Titan.

Toni finally opened her eyes and saw Jennie straddling her and smiling down. "Wow," Toni whispered. "That was incredible!"

Jennie nodded, "Thanks."

Looking up at the slightly flushed woman, Toni asked "What about you? Can I return the favor?"

Jennie nodded and began to unbutton her shirt. Toni helped by pulling the shirt tail out of the shorts and unbuttoned the shirt from the bottom.

As Jennie shrugged off the shirt, Toni opened Jennie's shorts and tugged them down the brunette's legs. As Jennie moved around and kicked the shorts off, Toni stared at the soft, warm flesh.

Clad in a small white bra and cotton panties, Jennie wasn't as provocatively dressed as Toni. But to Toni, Jennie was the most beautiful, sexy woman she had ever seen.

Jennie jumped back as Toni reached for her bra. "Wait a minute, sweetie. Let me finish this roll of film."

"Ooh, c'mon Jen!" Toni whined.

"Don't whine. It's not professional," Jennie smiled as she retrieved her camera and got ready to shoot. "Anyway, you know the old saying...business before pleasure! And I want to share a lot of pleasure with you..."

Toni almost purred at that. Jennie began to take pictures as Toni continued to move sensuously across the bed. Jennie found herself hurrying through the last of the film, rationalizing to herself that she had plenty of shots of her lovely sex kitten already.

As the last picture was taken, Jennie was almost quivering in her need; her panties were soaked through. She practically tore her bra off then shoved the panties down her legs.

Meanwhile, Toni had dropped the camisolle and kicked off her heels. The shallow cups of the bra had slipped and her nipples were prominently displayed against her white skin.

Laying back, she held out her arms and Jennie moved to lay on her. Jennie looked at Toni and whispered, "You are so beautiful..." Toni pulled her head close and kissed the nude woman.

Toni ran her hands up and down the bare back of the woman in her arms, occasionally cupping and squeezing Jennie's supple ass. Jennie reached between them and gently held one of Toni's breasts and began to run her fingers across the taut nipple.

Toni pushed Jennie back and said, "I want to taste you. I want to feel you in my mouth..."

Toni matched actions to words and began to kiss Jennie's throat. Jennie closed her eyes and moaned softly. Toni grasped the girl's body and urged her to move up until her breasts were dangling over Toni's face.

Toni lightly kissed both nipples, then opened her mouth and wrapped her lips around one breast. She laved her tongue around Jennie's nipple. She then ran the tip of her tongue up and down the nub before flicking the rubbery hardness.

While she was feasting on one breast, she gently kneaded the other before tweaking the nipple between her thumb and forefinger.

Jennie was moaning softly and holding Toni's head to her chest as she sat on the girl's stomach. Jennie began to move her hips as her already aroused body reacted to the wonderful feelings coming from the girl worshipping at her bosom. She could feel her wetness spread across the flat plane of Toni's stomach.

Toni felt Jennie's sex spread it's warm moisture across her tummy and chuckled into the mound in her mouth. 'I must be doing something right,' she thought with another chuckle.

Toni pulled her head back to move to the other breast and stopped. Her eyes wide, she stared at the amazing sight before her.

The breast she had been sucking, while wet with her saliva, was a bright green color. The aeroule and nipple were a darker, richer green.

"Oh my," Toni whispered.

Jennie blushed, "That kind of happens when I get excited... It's kind of weird, I guess." This had been a problem for her since she discovered her powers, when she got really horny, her skin started to turn green. She had hoped this girl was special but then, when Toni stopped, she felt an aching sorrow thinking Toni was repulsed by her body.

She started to get up when Toni grabbed her hips and pulled her back down. "Where do you think you're going?" the pale-skinned girl asked.

"I thought you'd be disgusted... You know, turning green and..." Jennie stopped.

"I think it's great! You're like a sexual Hulk!" Toni giggled. "And I think it's very sexy! Anyway, I have to see if you taste as minty as you look." she teased.

Hugging the young woman to her, Jennie felt tears of joy build up. Toni's mouth found hers and they passionately kissed.

While they were lip-locked, Toni wrapped her legs around Jennie and rolled both of them over. Once Jennie was laying on her back, Toni moved her lips to the brunette's ear and began to nibble her ear lobe and run her tongue along the sensitive flesh.

Sitting back, Toni looked and smiled as she saw the green tint to Jennie's ear. Her eyes travelled down and she saw the breast she had suckled was still a bright green. The other breast had a dark green ring around the nipple.

Toni grinned, "This won't do... Have to fix this..." She finished her statement by sucking as much of the soft, roundness into her mouth as she could.

"The more excited I get, the quicker my skin changes coloooooorrrr..." Jennie tried to say before her words dissolved into another low purring moan.

As Toni excited the nipple between her teeth, she looked up at Jennie's face. The girl had very green lips and her eyes, when she opened them, seemed to shine with a green light.

"How excited are you, Jen? Let's see," Toni muttered.

Tracing random patterns with her finger, Toni saw the soft, warm flesh change color as she touched it. She giggled, her breath chilling the wet nipple, and thought, 'It's like finger painting.'

Feeling playful, a trick she picked up from Kory, Toni drew a circle around Jennie's navel. She then began to kiss her way down the woman's flat stomach. She spiralled her tongue down into Jen's belly button, causing the girl to squeal and giggle.

"Toni! What're you... Oh, whatever you're doing..." Jennie gasped.

Toni used her finger to "paint" an arrow pointing to the thatch of short, brown curls between Jennie's legs. She then made green arrows appear on Jennie's thighs pointing up.

Toni knelt between Jennie's thighs, smiling at her "artwork" and devouring the sight before her with her eyes. "Your pussy is so lovely," she said.

Laying between Jennie's legs, Toni ran her nail along the outer edge of one of the outer labia. Jennie shivered. Toni rested her head on Jennie's thigh as she continued to trace the outer lips.

Jennie felt a constant shiver of arousal flow out from her mound. She finally gave in to the pleasure and allowed her body to change. From head to foot, the power of the Starheart changed her skin to that familiar shade of green.

Toni squealed in delight! Even Jennie's pubic hair was a dark green! What about inside? Spreading the swollen outer lips, Toni saw wet, pink tissue. It looked so inviting, she forgot about playing and pressed her mouth to the green woman's sex.

'Still no minty taste but who cares?' Toni thought as she began to thrust her tongue inside Jennie.

She thoroughly explored Jennie's sexual core, thrusting and licking with her tongue, and nibbling with her teeth. Everything she did brought some sort of noise from her willing victim; a squeak, a moan, a throaty sigh.

Finally, settling on a rhythm, Toni alternated tongue-fucked and french-kissed Jennie's sopping wet sex.

Jennie was in heaven. The alternating hard and soft tongue was delicious torture to the green hero. Jesse Quick had been a wonderful lover and when she accessed the Speed Force, no one could match her ability to give head but Toni made up for the lack of speed with loving attention and a natural ability to excite Jennie by hitting the perfect pleasure points.

"Oh God, Toni! That's soooo goood!!!" Jennie groaned.

Pleased with her ability to make this lovely woman feel so good, Toni prolonged the pleasure. Finally when her tongue began to tire, she decided it was time to let Jennie have her release.

She moved up slightly and sucked Jennie's clitoris in between her lips. She applied suction to the incredibly sensitive organ. When Toni placed her tongue against the engorged clit for the first time, she felt the strongest spark yet. It shot through her body and settled in her own throbbing pussy.

Not allowing herself to be distracted, and knowing that Jennie would be more than happy to help her with her own release, Toni began to bathe the little nub.

The young woman's actions between her legs soon had Jennie rocking her emerald hips back and forth. She knew she was about to come. Biting a pillow, she felt her orgasm explode out from her crotch. Her pussy juice flowed over Toni's chin as her consciousness faded in a bright white burst of sexual rapture.

Toni released Jennie's clit when the woman climaxed and moved down to lap up the honey flowing out of her.

She found out quickly how sensitive Jennie was after orgasms. For every lap of Toni's tongue, Jennie squeeked until she reached down and pulled Toni up to kiss her.

Breaking the kiss, Jennie looked at Toni and said, "Your turn." She then began to slowly remove the rest of the bright red lingerie still covering Toni's body, often kissing the newly exposed skin.

Once all that lovely, white skin was exposed, Jennie began her own oral journey down Toni's body. As she licked and nipped the dark, swollen nipples, Toni sighed.

Jennie moved down between the girl's legs and breathed in the scent of the excited Titan. "You smell delicious!" Jennie declared.

She lowered her head to Toni's nether lips. Lightly kissing the labia, she then proceeded to lick the open pussy. Due to Toni's incredibly white skin, Jennie felt that the girl would be physically cold even though she knew logically Toni was as hot as she was. When she slid her tongue into the girl, she realized how far off her impressions were. The girl was practically molten!

Toni had already had one climax but it was far from enough. With the right lover, she could come quickly and often. This was even more true with Jennie. The woman had such an affect on the twenty-year old that she felt mini-orgasms almost from the moment Jennie touched her pussy. It was maddeningly wonderful!

Eventually, small pleasures hopefully give way to the grand prize. Toni felt it was time and looked down to see the green head between her legs. Jennie looked up without removing her mouth and flashed a look of joy from her green eyes.

Toni whispered, "Please, get me off?"

Jennie shook her head, her soft green hair brushing the insides of Toni's thighs. She was going to enjoy this as long as she could.

After another twenty minutes of exquisite torture, Jennie relented and swiped her tongue across Toni's rock hard clit. The girl screamed loudly as her body was wracked by one of the biggest orgasms she had ever experienced.

Jennie crawled up beside Toni, kissing her body often along the way. She cradled the young woman in her strong arms as Toni slowly recovered.

The two new lovers spent the rest of the afternoon exploring and pleasuring each other. Finally, as the sun prepared to dip below the rooftops across the street from Jennie's apartment, the two lay comfortably holding each other.

Toni's head rested above Jennie's breast, her breath occasionally tickling the dark green nipple. Her eyes followed her silver-white arm down where it lay across the emerald skin until she saw her fingers twining and stroking the dark green curls at the crux of Jennie's thighs.

Breaking the silence, Jennie said, "You are wonderful!

Thank you."

Smiling, Toni looked up at this vision she had enjoyed the afternoon with. "Jennie, this was...fantastic. I, uh, I lo..." Her words were stilled by soft green fingers pressing her lips.

"Ssh, darling. It's early yet. We have plenty of time to say... To say what we're feeling," Jennie said smiling.

Toni returned the smile and leaned up to kiss the beautiful woman. As they kissed, Toni thought she finally tasted mint.

The End.

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