Jacobs Dungeon

By Jake Stevens

Published on Mar 2, 2023


Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author's imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons living or dead is purely coincidental. This work is graphic in nature and is intended for adults only; do not read it if to do so is illegal in your jurisdiction.

This work is copyrighted by its author and all rights are reserved. Any reproduction of this work except for personal, private use is prohibited.

Please share any and all thoughts, comments, suggestions, critiques, questions, etc.

Jacob's Dungeon -- Part 03

Feeling Mike's fingers prodding at his exposed pucker sent Will into panic -- there he was, on all fours on the floor of the shower-room, with Mike Connell, football hunk, on top of him, preparing to mount him and take his ass from behind like a dog.

Bobby popped his flaccid dick out from Will's mouth and stood up against the wall to watch. "Mike, please," Will cried, his mouth drooling and dripping with Bobby's cum. "Look, I'll do anything you want, please don't do this." Mike's pecs pressed into Will's back and his arms -- thick and powerful -- planted themselves at Will's sides as Mike lined himself up over Will's naked body. Hot water and steam poured down from the showers, roaring off the tiles around the boys.

"That's good, that's real good," Mike said. "I like it when my fag-boys plead and squeal. And your gonna fuckin' squeal when you feel this." The short stubble of Mike's chin and cheeks grated the back of Will's neck as he spoke.

"Mike, please -- please listen, OK. I'm not a fag. I'm not."

"That's funny. You sure sucked my bro's dick like a fag."

"Hey, Mikey," Bobby chimed in, poking his head underneath Will's stomach, "check it out -- he's all hard again."

Shifting his weight onto his right side, Mike grabbed the short black tufts of Will's hair with his left hand and pulled back his head. Will's eyes closed and he yelped in pain. "See, faggot," Mike said, his lips pressed against Will's face, "you DO want me to do this, no matter what you say. Well, at least your little dick does, even if yer stupid-ass hasn't realized it yet."

With Mike pulling his head back so hard, Will's jaw hung open and he found it difficult to speak -- he could only breathe out in raspy heaves. The weight of Mike's chest pressed down on Will's back, and he could feel the hairs of Mike's armpits brushing against the bones of his shoulders. Will felt as if he were being enveloped by the larger teen -- being taken by him in every sense of the word. Most of him tried to struggle, but part of him remained oddly aroused -- his cock stayed hard and slapped around beneath his stomach.

Mike shifted his weight above him and aimed the velvety shaft of his cock down towards Will's hole, which gaped slightly from the warmth of the shower and the earlier penetration of the dildo. Something tingled deep within Will's balls when he felt the lathered up head of Mike's pole whisk across his exposed hole, and he let loose the faintest of moans. Mike smiled and lined up the ten inches of his dick, letting the head rest at the dark pink asterisk at the entrance to Will's chute.

He pushed Will's head down onto the shower-room floor and had just begun to push his cock forward into his new pussy when suddenly Will felt Mike hoisted off of his back and, hearing a struggle, turned to see a man he didn't recognize throw Mike's naked body -- all ten inches of his cock, still pulsing and wet, flapping in the steam -- against the shower-room wall. Not used to being the object of such man-handling, Mike just stood there stunned, pinned to the wall by the man's firm grip.

The water from the showers suddenly ceased, and the well-dressed man from before, who Will now knew as Jacob, strode into the room brusquely. The bottoms of his shiny black shoes clacked on the tiles, their chorus joined by the ping of the walking stick, which Jacob kept to his right as he stepped across the shower-room floor.

Will stayed down, sitting his ass down on the tiles and wiping the spit and cum from his face that still clung there from sucking off Bobby. Will looked over at where Bobby's small, naked frame cowered against the wall, and couldn't help but feel a sort of brotherly protectiveness over the boy who had just dumped a load of spunk down his throat.

"What is the meaning of all this?" Jacob barked. The boys remained silent, looking down, not wanting to meet the gaze of the man. Will felt a glowing sense of justice at seeing Mike cowed and submissive.

Jacob looked down at Will, who averted his eyes and stared down at the floor and gulped. Will suddenly felt very conscious of his nakedness around the older clothed men, and he fumbled to cover his semi-hard cock and balls with his hands.

Jacob sighed and looked over to where Mike was pinned up against the wall. "Matthias," he said, nodding toward Will, "take him back to his quarters."

Matthias released Mike and walked toward Will. He didn't seem as big as the rest of Jacob's goons, and he had a youthful face, though one that was caked with a short, dark stubble. His wide shoulders were hidden beneath a worn gray t-shirt. Several holes around the seams afforded Will a view of the thickly muscled upper body that lay beneath, shadowed by a thin patina of dark curly hairs. As Matthias passed by Jacob, Will saw Jacob lean over and whisper something to him. Matthias nodded slightly, and then gently helped Will to his feet. Placing his hand firmly on the back of Will's neck, Matthias guided him out towards the door, back through the labyrinth to his cell.

Breathe, Will, just breathe, he told himself, as Matthias led him through the dark and twisted corridors.

Everything seemed to be moving so fast.

It was only yesterday, he thought, that I was out drinking with Jeremy. There I was -- just another straight boy, minding my own business. Then kidnapped, imprisoned, forced to strip naked in front of my classmates and some strange man. My ass penetrated with a dildo and I scream out a guy's name as I cum and then I kiss some dude I'd never met before. And then I get my mouth plugged by some freshman punk kid in the showers and Mike fucking Connell tries to rape me. And now this college-aged goon is parading me naked down a hallway back to some cell.

I have got to get out of here. I've got to get out and just get back to my life where everything's fine and normal and I'm straight and I've got a girlfriend -- well, had a girlfriend anyway. Man, I can't believe Rebecca fucking dumped me.

Whatever -- focus, man, focus...

With the adrenaline leaving Will's body, he gradually became aware of a stinging pain on the right side of his face where Mike had connected with his sucker punch. Will touched his face gingerly with his hand and felt his eye already starting to swell up. Just then, they arrived at the door to Will's cell and Matthias opened it and led Will inside. Will braced himself for the familiar shove on the back of his bare shoulders, but one didn't come. He turned to thank Matthias, but the door had already closed behind him.

Inside the cell, Andy lay sleeping on the mattress to the side of the door. In the middle of the cell, a metal tray of food sat untouched next to one that had been picked clean.

The clang of the metal door as it closed woke Andy, and the boy stretched out his body and sighed and rolled over to face Will. Will's eyes went wide at the sight of the massive tent-pole Andy was pitching in his soccer shorts -- the thin fabric didn't leave much to the imagination.

Andy just smiled and blinked his eyes, still half-asleep. "Hey Will," Andy said, sitting up on the mattress and stretching his arms up over his head. The tanned hairless skin of his torso stretched out tautly over the boy's ribs, his nipples moving up and then back down with his arms. He brushed the waves of his hair from his forehead, and Will noticed that even here Andy still managed to project the insouciant air of a surfer having just spent a long stretch out on the water. "How was your shower?" he asked.

Will sat down next to Andy on the mattress and picked up the tray and placed it on his lap, covering up his crotch. The metal felt cold against his skin and for a moment he felt that familiar tingle in his dick, but thankfully it passed.


"Lucky bastard -- I'm still dirty as hell and you get to be all clean and shit. God, I must smell like ass."

"Naw," Will gulped. "No, Andy. You smell nice. Really."

"Jesus, the fuck happened to your face?"

"Uh, nothing... I tripped."

"If you say so," Andy said. He leaned back onto his elbows, exposing his chest and stretching out his body, accentuating the bulge in his shorts. Will could see the outline of Andy's now soft dick shift to the side and rest on top of his thigh, pointing directly towards Will.

"Andy?" Will asked.


"Are you scared?"

The question hung in the still air of the cell. Will looked back at Andy resting on his elbows to his side. Andy's eyes remained cast downward -- pools of green ripped through with streaks of brown and yellow like some far-off Pacific jungle. The sounds of water dripping somewhere echoed in the piping of the walls of the cell.

"Yeah," Andy responded, his eyes boring a hole into his navel, "a little bit."

"Me too."

Matthias swung the door open. "Alright boys, let's go." He waved the taser in his hand. "You know the drill, and I don't wanna have to hurt either of you. So you both be good and we'll all get along fine."

Andy looked over at Will, raising his eyebrows slightly: Should we behave? Will twisted his lips and nodded: Yes.

The boys filed out in front of Matthias and followed the route to the large open room from before.

They reached the door and entered the room from before to find it filled with some 15 or 20 other boys, each one shirtless and shackled to the wall with his wrists drawn up over his head. Each wore an identical pair of white athletic shorts that looked to be a couple sizes too small, which served to highlight the bulges beneath each one's crotch.

Will's eyes scanned the room, amazed at the variety in the male bodies spread out before him.

As Matthias turned to him, Will realized that Bobby and Mike Connell were conspicuously absent from the line-up, and his thoughts turned to Bobby -- I hope he's OK, Will thought. I mean, it wasn't really his fault. Neither of us wanted to do that -- it was all Mike. Mike made us do it.

While Matthias bound Will's wrists above his head, the boy's eyes drifted down the sleeves of his t-shirt, catching a glimpse of the dark thicket of the man's underarms and the side of his large chest. Will realized that Matthias wasn't really that much taller than he was, although his shoulders were much broader. His gaze sank lower to his thick and hairy calves, coated with a tangle of dark hairs. Having finished securing the boys, Matthias walked to the far wall of the room and stood at attention in his gray t-shirt, emblazoned with ARMY in black lettering, his hands clasped behind his back.

"Check out Captain America over there," Andy whispered out of the corner of his mouth. "What a douche."

"Dude, shut up," Will hushed Andy through tensed lips. What is this kid thinking? Is he trying to get us fucked? Will realized with chagrin that "getting fucked" had taken on a quite literal meaning in his situation.

The outer door clicked open and swung out, and Jacob strode into the room. Will thought he looked somewhat more frazzled than usual, his hair a little more out of place, the faintest beading of sweat glistening off his brow.

Behind him entered an older man, seemingly in his mid-40s, dressed in a trim, business-like suit.

The client, Will supposed.

Jacob assumed his traditional position on the far wall, flanked by Matthias and a few other goons who had entered with him. Will could see that Matthias was definitely younger than the others -- he looked to be in his early twenties. His eyes still maintained a certain twinkle of innocent youth that contrasted sharply with the violent reality of their surroundings. How in the hell did a kid like that wind up working for Jacob? Will wondered.

The client walked the line of boys deliberately, his hands clasped behind his back, pausing every so often to give one of the boys a closer inspection -- probing the inside of his mouth or grasping his package firmly through the thin fabric of the shorts. Through it all, each boy remained remarkably silent.

Just try to be invisible, Will thought. Look away -- but don't look like you're looking away. Just look forward, straight in front of you, but not too much. Oh god, this is impossible. OK, just calm down...

Will glanced over at Andy and saw that he had his eyes shut. The boy seemed preternaturally calm. How the fuck does he do that?

The footsteps of the man drew closer to where Andy and Will were shackled at the end of the row. Out of the corner of his eye, Will saw the man come to a stop in front of Andy.

The client leaned forward and peered at Andy's skin, admiring the smooth contours of the boy's torso and shoulders. He raised his hand and stroked the side of Andy's cheek. Andy opened his eyes and looked at the client. The boy and the older man just stared at each other for a moment with an odd look, before Andy averted his gaze downward.

Will's lips dropped open a little bit, and he snorted derisively.

"This one," the client announced in a squeaky timbre. "Bring this one over to the far wall." Matthias stepped over to Andy and unlocked his handcuffs from the chain. He grasped the boy by the wrist and led him over to the far wall, where he re-affixed him. Andy's face remained calm, passive -- almost sedate while Matthias bound his wrists above his head, stretching out his body for the other boys to view. From his waistband, Matthias drew a length of long dark fabric, which he tied into a blindfold over Andy's eyes.

Will couldn't help but notice Andy's body -- the way it was stretched out before him, his wrists high above his head, stretching out the thin sinews of his arms. With his arms raised, Andy's ribs jutted out slightly from his chest, stretching out his torso and highlighting the rectangle of the boy's abs. His blue soccer shorts hung loosely from his waist and billowed out where his package and ass pushed the shiny fabric away from his body. Beneath the rippling fabric, the caramel stems of his legs extended down to where his bare feet tapped idly on the floor.

Will glanced up from his study of the boy's body to find the client looking right at him. Startled to find himself staring right back at the man, Will turned his face away rapidly and squinched his eyes closed.

The client's right hand shot out and grabbed hold of Will's dick and balls and squeezed them as if he were picking out melons at a fruitstand.

Will gasped.

Still with a firm grip on Will's package, the client turned back to Matthias. "And this one, too -- uncuff him, please." As Matthias crossed the room again, the client pulled lightly on Will's sack, causing the boy further pain. He pressed his rough cheek lightly to Will's face and inhaled, smelling the fresh smoothness of his skin. Will kept his eyes squinched shut, the scent of the man's cologne turning his stomach.

Matthias unhooked his wrists from the cuffs and untied his ankles. Then, without warning -- and with Will's nuts still firmly in his grasp -- the client turned and began to walk across the room to where Andy was chained.

Will's eyes nearly popped from their sockets and he struggled to keep up. "OK, OK, wait wait wait, stop," he stammered. The client kept moving, dragging him over to Andy and releasing him with a flourish. Will breathed a sigh of relief, and his hands rocketed down to his crotch to shield his parts from any further assault.

Will just stood there in the center of the room naked, his hands in between his legs, covering up his flaccid dick. He looked over his shoulder to find the two dozen older boys staring back at him, looking his naked body up and down. He felt very conscious of his thin and slender frame surrounded by the sharply-defined chests and arms of these older men. Not to mention his equipment -- he was thankful that Andy's blindfold prevented the boy from detailed study of his package.

In truth, Will had nothing to be ashamed of. Though when limp his dick looked to be on the somewhat smaller side of average, when aroused, it grew to a respectable seven and a half inches, with the very slightest of upward curves making him a heady sight in profile.

"Kiss him," said the man, folding his arms across his chest and staring Will down.

Will looked uncertainly from Andy to the client and back. The eyes of two dozen older boys burned through the back of Will's neck and something lodged itself in his throat. He shifted his weight from foot to foot uncertainly, and looked back to Andy, whose slim body shook slightly in the drafty room. From this distance, Will could see the thin strands of hair, barely visible underneath Andy's extended arms and the parallel slats of his ribcage defining the sides of the boy's chest. The outline of the boy's penis pressed up against the material of his shorts, and Will could just make out the ridge of its head pressed into the fabric.

Through the blindfold, Will desperately searched for some sign from Andy, whose lips hung quivering and damp in the light of the room.

OK, I have to kiss you now, Will thought. But not because I want to. Cuz I don't. I'm only doing it because that man over there is making me, OK? So don't like hate me forever or something because I kiss you. Cuz I'm going to. Umm, right now. ... OK?

He sighed. Fuck it -- here goes ...

Will rocked forward, keeping his hands over his junk, and pecked his lips to the side of Andy's mouth. They made a small plucking sound as they contacted the boy's skin, which Will thought felt soft and fuzzy like the skin of a peach. When his face came in close towards Andy's body, near his raised arms, Will noticed that Andy did in fact smell a little. But it smelled kind of good to Will -- ethereal wafts of salt and citrus.

"No," the client said. "KISS him." His hand rocketed forward and grabbed ahold of Will's junk again, pinching his balls firmly between his fingers.

The shock of pain jolted Will forward, sending his face smacking into Andy's. For several moments, the boys lips hovered in petrified suspension, pressed into each other, and to Will it seemed as if electricity were shooting through his fingertips. The twin pillowed ridges of Andy's lips pushed back into his, and Will's eyes closed as the client gradually released the boy's balls and stepped back to soak up the vision of the boys before him.

Andy's lips parted slightly and the boy, bound and vulnerable, inhaled with anticipation. Will felt the seam of Andy's mouth split and widen and he tilted his head slightly to explore. Andy's lips curled upward into a smile as Will's tongue penetrated into his mouth, exploring and prodding...

Andy's mouth was soft and sticky and delicious -- tasting of vanilla and oranges and cream -- a creamsicle, Will thought, inhaling sharply through his nose, his senses overcome with the scent of the boy tied up in front of him.

Will wanted more -- more -- and, losing himself, his hands abandoned their protective guard over his dick to grab ahold of Andy's sides. They travelled up the smooth curves of the boy's body, feeling the thin muscle beneath Andy's peach skin, stretched lean and taut by the shackles. Will's fingers traversed the delicate valleys and hills of Andy's ribcage to the sides of the boy's nipples, where his chest was exposed. And as his tongue and Andy's danced together in Andy's mouth, their lips locking and unlocking and locking again, Will's hands and arms wrapped around Andy's thin frame and pulled the boy close to him.

As he did so, Will unconsciously swayed his hips forward and his dickhead -- fully erect and pointed firmly in the direction of its desire -- rubbed up against the smooth fabric of Andy's shorts, pressing them against Andy's thigh. Startled by the warmth of Andy's body through the shorts, Will jumped back away from the boy, pulling his face and lips away from Andy, embarrassed at his display.

Andy's head drew towards Will's for a moment, his lips left kissing air. The boy blushed again. His lips remained parted slightly and he breathed heavily, recovering...

Will looked plaintively to the client. Please, let that be enough, he thought. Haven't I embarrassed myself enough for one day?

The client smiled back at Will. "Good -- very good," he said. "Now -- suck him."

"Pff, no," Will sputtered reflexively, as Andy's cheeks burst crimson and scarlet.

Will heard Matthias's footsteps approaching, but he was halted by the client. "No, please," the client said, "let me."

The man lay his hand down on top of Will's bare shoulder with a sort of fatherly air, and Will fought the urge to pull away. He felt himself overcome with nausea -- at the client and the stink of his cologne, at himself, at what he'd been made to do, at the veiled feelings and urges that were frothing over into his consciousness ...

"I'm not here to make you do anything you don't want to do," the client continued. "I hope you understand that. But I also hope you understand that your decisions carry consequences -- consequences that have the potential to be quite painful. For you -- and for your friend here."

Will looked back over his shoulder at the row of other boys -- all shackled and shirtless against the far wall, each one staring back at him, their faces blank, expressionless, but in their eyes Will read judgment -- of him, of his actions. They had all watched him kiss Andy -- they had all seen the passion and lust in him -- they had all watched the kid sprout a bone from the feeling of Andy's lips against his.

He recalled the scene in the shower-room -- Bobby Connell's seed slithering down his throat while his older brother prepared to rape him. ... Himself, down on all fours beneath the powerful muscles of the football star, helpless, his butthole quivering and vulnerable, about to be penetrated by Mike's cock.

Mike's words echoed in his head: "Faggot. Faggot. Faggot."

His mind had been battered and confused by the rapid-fire events of the previous day. He felt tired and out-of-sorts. He looked at Andy, bound and helpless before him, his lips still parted slightly. His breath was coming in long, drawn-out spurts, and for the first time that day Will detected fear in the other boy.

But no, I've had enough, Will told himself. It's time for me to take a stand. These bastards can beat me as much as they damn well please, but they're not gonna turn me into some fag in front of all these people.

"No," Will said. "No, I won't do it."

"Very well," the client replied. "Bring the other one down," he said to Matthias, "and bind him to the table."

Matthias dutifully walked over to Andy and unhooked his wrists from their shackles and brought him over to the metal table in the center of the room where Will's ass had been deflowered that morning. Andy stumbled awkwardly in his blindfold as Matthias pushed him over the table, shoving his head down onto the metal roughly and yanking out his arms.

Andy squirmed and squeaked a little, but was mostly silent as the older boy grabbed his wrists and, drawing two lengths of rope from his pocket, bound them to adjacent table legs.

The client joined Matthias at the table and assisted him in spreading out the boy to his liking, pulling his hips back and spreading him out and bringing his waist down level with the table.

Will just stood against the wall and watched. Part of him wanted to run, but he couldn't just leave Andy there -- but mostly, he knew he'd never make it.

Matthias stepped back over to where Will stood watching and stood behind him, grabbing ahold of his wrists and holding them together. With his other hand, he pulled Will's naked body against his. Will reveled in the strong warmth of the older boy's grip, and for a moment, he felt safe.

The moment did not last.

The client stood next to Andy's body, which was bent over the table, arms and legs splayed, the blue curve of his ass projecting out into the air, and he drew a long and smooth blade out from within the waistband of his trousers, the soft light of the room glinting white off its cool steel.

With one swift upward stroke, the knife cut through the thin fabric of the leg of Andy's shorts, sending the folds of blue polyester billowing away from Andy's leg and revealing the back of Andy's thigh and ass cheek-- hairless and creamy and smooth, the muscles stretched uncomfortably taut by the boy's position. The client deftly sliced through the other leg of the shorts, and the blue fabric cascaded to the ground, revealing the boy's behind in all its glory.

Will's view was perfectly lined up with Andy's rear, and he watched the smooth silken tan hide of Andy's ass push into the air and spread apart, revealing the tiny dark pink asterisk of the boy's hole.

Andy gasped at the first blast of cold air against his pucker. Beneath his virgin hole, Andy's balls dangled free and exposed several inches below his body, shielding his penis from Will's view.

Andy's face was pressed against the smooth cold metal of the table, pointed sideways, his face staring at the blank side wall. He shook with fear and with cold, and startled at the rough feeling of the client's hand against the smooth skin of his ass.

The client kept his eyes trained on Will as he explored the smooth and rounded perfection of Andy's asscheek, enjoying the sight of Will's discomfort. He returned the knife to its sheath, and drew a long, flat length of wood from the inside of his suit pocket, roughly the size and shape of a foot-long ruler. He bent down between Andy's legs, turning slightly in order to afford Will a better view. He pulled the ruler back with one hand, letting the force behind it build and build, and pointed it in the direction of Andy's dangling nuts.

With his head pressed sideways against the table, Andy had no way of knowing what was in store for him, but he braced for the worst ...

With a smile, the man let the ruler snap forward and smack flat against the backside of Andy's nutsack.

The sharp smacking sound of wood on flesh was quickly replaced by Andy's shrieks of pain -- his head arched backward and the muscles of his forearms pulled violently against the shackles.

Before his head could return to its previous position against the table, the man slapped the ruler forward again, provoking further howls from the helpless teen. Andy squinted his eyes shut tight and gritted his teeth. The skin of his face turned a dark deep scarlet and tears spurted out from his eyes. Will thought for a moment that Andy might tear his hand from his wrist he was pulling so hard -- the muscles in the boy's arms were rippling with tension.

Will spasmed and jerked against Matthias's grip, but the older boy had him pinned firmly against his chest.

"Stop, stop!" Will said, tears running down his cheeks, "STOP, I'll do it -- I'll do whatever you want, just STOP."

"What I want?" the client responded, halting his assault. Andy -- grateful for the reprieve, eased his straining against the shackles and laid his stomach back down onto the table, now slick with tears and sweat and spit. "No, no, no. It's not what I want -- what do YOU want?"

"I, uh -- I," Will stammered.

The man turned back and prepared to take another swing at Andy's exposed sack.

"I want to suck his dick," Will said.


"I want to suck his dick," Will said again, louder this time.

"Don't tell me -- tell him."

"Andy, I want to suck your dick."

"I don't believe you," the client replied, nodding to Matthias to release Will from his grasp. "Prove it."

Will glanced back at the client, who gave him a reassuring nod -- that's right, boy, that's what I want you to do. Now go on and suck off your friend. Do what you've wanted to do for years ...

Will ducked underneath the table and sat his bare ass on the ground, tucking in his legs indian-style and letting his junk fall in between them. Will studied Andy's dick, which hung limply beneath the table, its four or five inches hanging downward like some thick, juicy sausage. It's dark hue aroused a lust within Will.

He closed his eyes and wrapped his lips around Andy's member.

It tasted much saltier than Bobby's, and he wrapped his tongue around Andy's knob, slathering his shaft with spit. He sucked on it hard, elongating the spongy skin in his mouth.

Above the table, he heard Andy whimper as he lightly tapped on the sensitive skin with his teeth. He felt Andy's cock slowly engorging within his mouth.

Slow down, Will, he thought -- you don't want to act like you're liking this too much. Wait -- am I liking this?

As Will kept sucking on Andy's dick, he felt his own dick grow beneath him until it pointed straight up at the sky, its head resting against the boy's stomach, right along his happy trail.

Oh my god, I do like this. What the fuck?

Andy tasted like salt and sea foam and vanilla, and the boy's dick had grown into a thick log. Will pulled his head back, letting the boy's shaft fall out of his mouth so he could get a better look at it.

It was a full eight or nine inches long, Will thought, with a bulbous head, a dark tan hue. Will curled his tongue and licked the shaft lengthwise, then pushed up his lips and ran them along the base of Andy's shaft, letting the boy's dick ride the edges of his lips.

He could hear Andy breathing more intently above him -- was he moaning? -- did he just say my name? -- and as Will looked up, he saw Andy's fingers curling around the edges of the table, gripping them tightly.

Will brought his hand up and grabbed ahold of Andy's shaft while his mouth turned its attention to Andy's balls, which dangled several inches below. His sack was covered in light downy hairs, much lighter than the rest of him, and they looked funny against the dark skin of the boy's sack.

Will jutted out his tongue and bathed the boy's sack in his spit, tasting and inhaling Andy's scent. It had been several days since Andy's last shower and there was a definite odor -- salty like the rest of him, but different. Will popped Andy's balls into his mouth and sucked on them, teasing out the various aromas of his classmate.

Will moved his mouth back over Andy's knob, which Andy was bouncing around the air in search for Will's mouth. As he slipped his lips back over Andy's head, Will felt the presence of someone near him, and he saw the black legs of the client's trousers appear next to the table. The man reached down with one hand and nudged Will's face as he grabbed firmly ahold of Andy's balls and squeezed...

Andy moaned on the top of the table and Will could see the boy writhe, his fingers and legs shaking.

Will heard the 'fwip' as the man lubed up the finger of his free hand, sticking it in his mouth and lubing it up with spit. That finger soon found a home at the entrance to Andy's hole, which stuck out from the table, beckoning, yearning to be taken.

The man's finger pushed and massaged the sides of Andy's asshole, sending Andy cascades of sensation, before plunging forward, easing into the depths of the boy's virgin chute. Andy moaned and yelped on the table, overwhelmed by the feeling of Will's suckling on his shaft and the man's finger penetrating him while his other hand began to squeeze and yank on his delicate sack.

Will could see Andy's legs spasming and yearning against their bindings, and his dick was bounding all around inside his mouth.

Seeing the client's hands yanking on Andy's sack like some bus pull-cord, Will felt a twinge of anger -- not because the man could be hurting Andy, but because Will felt like those balls were in HIS territory, HIS jurisdiction. What right did the man have touching them?

From above the table, Will could hear the grunts from the client interspersing with the occasional squeak or yelp from Andy --

Will wondered whether it was the client who was making Andy feel so good or if it was him. He picked up the velocity and aggression of his sucking just to be sure, and he grabbed ahold of the backs of Andy's thighs, feeling the muscles flexed solid and raw under the smooth skin of Andy's thighs. The muscles were pulsing and flexing and thrusting -- through Andy's legs, Will could almost feel the penetrating thrusts of the man's hand plunging into Andy's hole. Will wondered how many fingers had squirmed into the dark crevice of the boy's chute. Two? Three?

The client released his death-grip on Andy's sack, leaving the boy's balls hanging there crushed red and purple and bruised and grabbed onto Will's wrist, yanking it off Andy's thigh and wrapping it around the client's own throbbing member.

Will started yanking and pulling the man's pud, feeling its veiny thickness. It wasn't nearly as long as Andy's was, but it was thick as hell.

The bouncing of Will's head up and down up and down was causing his stomach to roll over the skin of his dickhead, bringing him closer to orgasm.

"Narghrh," Andy grunted and groaned as his legs tensed up again. The client must have just thrust in another finger, Will thought, as Andy bucked his hips forward and Will felt himself gag on the boy's cock as it pushed its way into his throat.

The man started grunting harder and faster and Will suddenly felt the dick vibrating under his fingers and as Andy squealed and the man's hands wrenched his nutsack, Will felt the first shot of the man's cum splatter across the side of his face, creamy and hot. A few more spurts trickled out onto the boy's shoulder and Will released the man's cock as the man did Andy's balls.

He popped his fingers from Andy's ass and Will heard Andy's breath coming out in heaves of moans and ecstasy. Will kept sucking Andy's shaft like his life depended on it, running his tongue over the sweet curves and ridges of the boy's head, as the man stepped back away from the table and tucked his cock back into his pants and buckled them back up.

What? What? I'm not done, Will thought. I can make Andy cum -- I can. Gimme a chance -- I -- wait, what? OK -- Will spit Andy's dick out from his mouth -- OK, I mean, whew, god, thank god that's over with. That was gross.

Will sat back on the ground underneath the table, his hand wrapped around his pulsating dick -- fuck, I need to jerk off, he thought.

While Will sat underneath the table, fighting the urge to pump his dick, the client selected two other boys from the line-up and the three, trailed by a few of Jacob's goons, disappeared back into the tangled corridors of the dungeon.

Matthias scooped Andy up from the table and led him back down the hallway.

Will tried wiping some of the man's splooge off his face, but really only succeeded in smearing it around. He stood up from under the table and looked over to to where the row of older boys were shackled to the wall, staring at his cum-streaked face and body. He noted with some pride that several of them had grown hard from watching him work on Andy's dick.


When Matthias returned him to his cell, Will was shocked to find Andy over in the corner of the room, his bare back to the door, bent over and jerking his dick. The muscles of the boy's butt were dimpled and tense with effort, but the sound of the door jarred Andy from his session.

"Oh shit, sorry man, I had to fuckin' spurt after that or you know, blue balls and shit. I thought I'd have time to rub one out before you got back."

"Oh, uh, right."

"Yeah, look, um, you don't mind if I finish, do you?"

"Hm? Oh, no, whatever man."

"OK, thanks," Andy said, returning his hand to his cock. "You -- uh, you wanna join in?"

"Join in?"

"Yeah, what's a little mutual masturbation between friends?"

"Haha, right," Will replied nervously, as his cock started to grow...

***** Copyright 2010 Jake Stevens. All Rights Reserved.

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