Jacobs Dungeon

By Jake Stevens

Published on Dec 27, 2022


Disclaimer: The following story contains fictional tales of raunchiness between boys of various ages. If that's not your thing or if the man says that to read such dirtiness is against the law, then I suggest you go elsewhere.

Please share any and all thoughts, comments, suggestions, critiques, questions, etc. Feedback is always appreciated and input is always enjoyed.

Jacob's Dungeon -- Part 02

Will was deposited back in his cell by the burly man with a thud, his bare thighs slapping against the cold rock of the floor. He curled up into a ball and squealed as the cold steel of the dildo was pulled roughly from his ass. The burly man threw his shorts down at him, wrapping them around his head. "There you go, faggot," the man sneered as he left, clanging the door shut behind him.

Faggot? Will thought. I'm no faggot... But then, of course, he recalled what had just happened in the room outside. Had he really screamed out Andy's name while that man plowed him with the dildo? And why did he like it so much? Why did he cum so hard? Why was he thinking about Andy when he was jerking off, anyway?

Light shone down into the room from a small light bulb that jutted from the ceiling above Will's head. It flickered and hummed with condensation, and for the first time Will had a chance to look around. The cell was square--maybe fifteen feet wide--and empty save for a tin bucket and a small, surprisingly clean-looking mattress that was pushed up against the wall to one side of the door. The floor was some kind of dark rock that was smooth but uneven in parts, and the walls and ceiling were all a light gray concrete, except for a five-foot high mirror that covered the upper portion of the far wall.

Will stood holding his shorts to his side and studied his naked frame in the mirror.

His face, which only a few years ago seemed so awkward and ugly-looking to him, had developed a rugged handsomeness that continued to surprise him. His short black hair stood out in tufts and spikes from his scalp above an angular face, and his eyes--a piercing blue--were set back behind his cheekbones in a way that lent him a certain mysterious, off-putting quality.

His shoulders weren't broad--but they had grown wider over the past year, Will noted proudly, as his body was beginning to take on a less boyish shape. His chest remained smooth, but beneath his flat stomach a thin line of black hair ran from his navel down to his cock, which now sat limp atop a thick and tight nestle of black pubes. A smattering of dirt coated Will's torso and legs, clinging to his body, held in place by the sheen of sweat and semen that were the result of his ordeal from moments ago.

Will stared at himself in the mirror... I don't understand, he thought. I've never fantasized about a guy before. Hell, I've had girlfriends... I fucked Rebecca for christ-sake! Doesn't that mean something? I mean, yeah, I've always felt drawn to Andy, but that was just because I've always thought he was cool as hell--there wasn't anything SEXUAL about it. You can't be--I mean, you're not... are you?

Will's silent soliloquy was broken by the mechanical clang of the door swinging open behind him. He startled and fumbled to cover his exposed dick with his shorts as Andy was pushed into the room and the door slammed shut behind him.

"Oh, sorry, didn't know someone was in here," Andy said, coughing and turning his back to Will.

Will couldn't help but smile at Andy's attempt at a joke as he pulled the canvas of his shorts up over his dirt and cum-streaked thighs and buttoned them up over his cock, which remained raw and red from the furious jerk-sesh he had just given it.

"Er, uh, thanks, man... um, OK, you can turn around now," Will muttered.

He turned away from Andy, not wanting to look at him, only to be facing the mirror instead, in which he saw the reflection of Andy behind him as the boy turned to face him. Andy looked just as dirty as he did--though a little less sticky, Will thought. Andy's eyes met Will's in the mirror. Their usual twinkle was marked this time with a hint of sadness, a softness that Will hadn't seen before. Will thought he noticed some wet spots on the front of Andy's shorts, a little below the slight bulge from the boy's package, as Andy walked over to the mattress and sat down, bringing his knees up and resting his elbows on top of them. His soccer shorts fell back loosely, revealing the hairless bottoms of Andy's thighs, pale and streaked with the same dirt that covered the rest of the boy. Will craned his neck slightly, looking all the way down the boy's shorts... all the way down to where his thighs came together and the paleness of his legs disappeared in shadow. Will swallowed hard and coughed, looking downward.

"It's OK, Will, I don't mind if you look," Andy said.

"Hm? Oh, no, I wasn't--"

"Really," Andy said, "I don't mind." The fabric of Andy's shorts fell back down to cover his thighs as the boy rose and walked over to Will by the mirror. "I've seen the way you stare at me in Spanish class. ... I'm not an idiot, you know."

"I, uh," Will stammered, his mouth dried up and thick, like he was chewing on sand and molasses. Will closed his eyes and swallowed hard. "No, Andy, I--"

"Look, man," Andy continued, "I don't want a make a big thing out of it. It's just, like, OK, so we're here, right? Wherever here is... And I figure, we might as well, you know..."

As Andy's voice trailed off, he brought his hand forward tentatively towards Will's and grabbed ahold of the boy's wrist. Will jumped, but didn't pull away--Andy was standing right behind him now, and he could feel the warm exhalations of Andy's breath brushing against the back of his neck.

As Andy pulled Will's hand back toward the waistband of his shorts, Will turned to face the boy. Andy's soft brown hair was matted down and darkened slightly with the sweat that had beaded on the boy's forehead. He moistening his lips with his tongue, and they sparkled and shone in the dim light of the cell. Will's hand shook as Andy guided it slowly towards the smooth honey skin of his stomach...

Suddenly a sharp crackling from overhead interrupted the boys and Will jumped back away from Andy, pulling his arm from Andy's grasp.

"Attention, new recruits," sounded a voice from a small black speaker embedded in the concrete of the ceiling. The voice was dark and deep and raspy--Will recognized it immediately as belonging to the well-dressed man from before.

"Allow me to introduce myself," the voice continued. "My name is Jacob. For the next several months, as far as you need be concerned, I am God. Your old lives--what you were before--are over. The boys you were before--those boys are dead.

"You belong to me now," Jacob said through the speaker. "I own you. You are my property. I will use you and profit from your body as I see fit. Perform well and you will be rewarded--eventually with your freedom. This is my promise to you. Behave poorly--and you will be punished. The choice is yours."

The speaker crackled again and went quiet. Before Will had time to speak, the metal door to the boys' cell creaked and swung open again, and the same burly man entered. In his hand, he carried a long metal pole at the end of which was a circular metal collar. Will looked up just in time to see the man clamp the collar around his neck and yank Will roughly to his feet. "Let's go, faggot, shower-time," he said with a sneer and pulled Will out into the hallway. Will's hands went up to the collar and he tried to look back at Andy, but he was already out the door as it slammed shut behind him.

As the burly man pushed him down the hall with the pole, which was loose enough to keep Will's head and neck smacking up against it every second or two but tight enough to keep his head from popping out, Will saw that the hallway was lined with many doors that looked just like his.

A right turn, a left, another left--Will tried to keep his bearings in the labyrinth but he was soon disoriented. He wondered where he was and how he could escape, but mostly he couldn't stop thinking about Andy...

As they turned the next corner, Will could see steam pouring from an open doorway down at the end of the hall. The sound of water drops pattering against tile bounced off the walls, and Will heard the muffled echo of male voices. The man led him down the hall and into the large shower-room. Under two of the showerheads that ringed the room, the two football boys from before stood with their backs to Will, lathering their naked and soapy bodies. The one on the right was larger and older than the other, and even through the thick steam Will could see that the boy was ripped.

Recalling the image of the larger football boy bound in the room earlier, Will's mind flashed with recognition--Mike Connell, he thought. Will remembered the boy--well, remembered hearing about him anyway, and who hadn't? The senior had been a fixture of George Washington High's football team since his family had moved into town two years ago, though Mike was known more for his antics off the field than on. Supposedly he had been at the center of a party that had ended with Mike and four of the hottest girls in school alone in a room together, with Mike proceeding to bang them all in various combinations over the course of the night. Legend had it that Mike set up a hidden video camera to tape the exploit, and had shown it to the whole football team. Legend also had it that he had fucked not just one but two different G Dubs teachers with his massive ten-inch schlong.

Such was the life of Mike Connell, and here Will was about to share a shower with the stud. Oh, great, Will thought, looking the senior up and down. Mike's back was to the boy, and Will found himself entranced by the rivulets of soapy water that coursed over the V of Mike's muscular shoulders and down the two parallel ridges of his back, merging together where his body tapered at the waist before spanning out over the perfectly sculpted globes of his ass... His taut thighs, and his thick calves, covered with a tangle of black hairs... As Will was losing himself in Mike's body, the senior turned and looked back over his shoulder, and Will quickly looked away.

The burly man unclamped Will's collar and grabbed him roughly by the arms, pulling him in close. "You clean yourself up now real good," the man wheezed, "cuz weez like em fresh." He thrust his nose up against Will's face and inhaled deeply, then threw Will up against the tile wall and walked out. Will rubbed his shoulder where it had smacked up against the wall, shucked his shorts off to the side, turned on the shower and started to bathe.

As he lathered up his naked frame, Will realized how sore his muscles were. Every part of his body seemed to ache. He leaned back into the shower, dipped his head under the water and let himself melt into the heat and steam...

I wonder what Andy was talking about back in the cell, Will thought. I can't believe he's still even looking at me after I screamed out his name. God, I'm such a fucking idiot. There's gotta be some way to convince him I'm not gay. That I'm just like him. -- The image of Andy standing shirtless in the room flashed into Will's mind. -- Mmm, Will thought, he does have the most beautiful body. Everything about him is just so amazing. The smooth olive skin of his torso and the way the edges of his innie jut out ever so slightly from the flat, soft ripples of his stomach. Will imagined Andy leaning in close to him, feeling the warmth of his body on his skin and Andy's breath gracing his lips as the boy leaned into him, bringing his face closer, and closer, until he could inhale the scent of Andy's face and breath and lips as they closed around his...

Will's soapy hand ran across his stomach down to his cock and he began to massage his nuts. He felt his cock start to grow in his grip as he imagined Andy running his hand down his stomach onto Will's dick and taking it in his grasp. And looking deep into Will's eyes, Andy would kneel down before him and draw Will's dick across his lips and into his mouth...

"Hey, check out fag-boy!"

Will looked up to see Mike slapping the arm of the other football boy and gesturing towards Will with a crooked smile on his face. Will couldn't get a good look at the other boy, but he could see that he was significantly smaller than Mike.

"Ha," the other laughed, "look at him! He's totally boned up and jacking his dick to us showering!"

Will looked down to his crotch, where he had a tight grip on his cock, which jutted straight out towards the boys showering on the opposite side of the room. He turned bright red and quickly swiveled around, trying to hide his boner from the other boys, but it was too late.

"Haha, what a fucking faggot," said Mike. "Hey, Bobby, weren't you just saying how you wanted to get your dick sucked?"

"Umm, yeah, but," the smaller one started to reply.

"But what?"

"Well, not by no fag, though. I mean, cuz then I'd be gay too."

"No, don't worry, man, it don't work like that," the older boy said, speaking to Bobby in soft comforting tones. Will just kept showering, trying to pretend that he couldn't hear the two football players discuss how they were going to use his mouth. He had been an occasional target for bullies during his junior high years, and he'd learned that usually the best thing to do is just to ignore it.

"Hey faggot!" Mike's voice boomed from across the shower-room, echoing off the walls. "Yeah... FAGGOT! HEY! I'm fucking talking to you. Get the fuck over here. GET OVER HERE! NOW!"

Will kept his back turned to the boys, and continued soaping up his body. He hoped and prayed that maybe somehow if he didn't respond, they'd leave him alone. For a moment, as Mike's voice fell silent, Will thought he'd avoided confrontation, but with the three shower heads running he couldn't hear Mike's bare feet slapping against the tile floor as the boy approached him from behind, and --

POW! -- The first blow, to the right side of his head, sent Will reeling onto the tile floor. As he broke his fall with his left arm, he felt the bare leg of his attacker slam into the side of his stomach, knocking the wind out of him and sending him careening off the tile wall. He landed square on his ass, the water from the shower still cascading down around him. Will looked up into the thick steam to see another fist hurtling toward his face. He tried to raise up his arms to block it, but it was too late--Mike's knuckles bounced off his jaw, sending his face back down onto the wet tile floor.

Will's mind went blurry and he lay down against the smooth wet tiles, his mouth and lips lapping at the water as it ran down over his naked body, crumpled at the feet of the powerful football stud. He squinted his eyes open and saw the younger of the two football boys--Bobby, he supposed--run over to Mike, his penis slapping around his thighs, and grab ahold of the senior.

"Stop! Stop, Mikey, stop!" Bobby pleaded, and Mike looked back at the other boy, at first with disgust, but then his expression softened. Mike patted the other boy lightly on his bare shoulder and stepped away from him. He leaned down towards Will, bringing his face to within inches of the wounded teen's.

"Alright, faggot," Mike spat down at him, "seems like this here's your lucky day." He looked back over his shoulder at the younger boy, who stood outside the spray of the shower with his slender arms crossed over his chest. "My little bro here says that I shouldn't beat your ass, so I'm-a let you off easy."

As Mike stepped back a few feet to stand over by Bobby, Will was able to study the boys who now lorded over him. Though Bobby shared the cute pouty lips of his older brother and the lines of his face betrayed the family relation between the boys, Will was struck more by their differences: Bobby's features were softer, rounder than his older brother's. Where Mike's black hair was buzzed short, Bobby's dirty blonde locks, wet from the shower, stuck down against his forehead, stopping just short of the boy's supple blue eyes. His round, boyish cheekbones and jaw remained free of stubble and his cheeks flushed red in the heat of the shower-room, glowing against his fair skin. He couldn't be more than a freshman, Will thought.

"Thank my lil bro for saving your ass, faggot," Mike said, pushing Bobby forward towards where Will sat with his legs outstretched.

Bobby stumbled at first but then planted his feet down on either side of Will's thighs. Will stared up at the slender curves of a teenager just starting to come into his own. Bobby's small frame stood in marked contrast to the well-developed chest and shoulders of his older brother. Bobby's pink nipples sat flat against his hairless chest and his body retained the curves of a boy's. The smallest patch of light brown pubes sat above his seven-inch dick, which, Will couldn't help but notice, stuck straight up toward the ceiling at the sight of Will helpless on the ground before him.

"Thanks, Bobby," Will said, pulling his legs in and starting to lift himself off the floor.

"STAY DOWN!" Mike boomed over Bobby's shoulder, and Will cowered back down to the floor.

"That ain't how faggots thank people," Mike said, "Thank my bro like a fag." Mike's large hands settled on top of his little brother's shoulders and he gently coaxed the boy towards Will. Bobby inched forward uncertainly, guided by his bro, until his balls hovered mere inches from Will's nose. With Bobby's dick pointed straight up at the sky, Will had a perfect view of the boy's nutsack and the downy hairs that covered it. Will could smell the soap on the boy and the faint aroma of his crotch--sweet and sour.

Will sat back on his knees and ankles on the cold tile of the shower-room, and just looked up at the younger stud in front of him.

"You must be the stupidest fucking faggot on the planet," Mike said, releasing the shoulders of his brother and walking around to his right side. With his left hand, Mike reached out and grabbed ahold of Bobby's dick. Startled, Bobby gasped and steadied himself against his brother's powerful shoulders as with the other hand, Mike pulled Will's head in towards the boy's crotch.

"Now, faggot," the stud said, grasping his little bro's dick down by the sack and aiming it for Will's mouth. The head of the boy's cock pushed up against Will's lips, but Will kept them sealed.

Oh, hell no, I'm no cocksucker, Will thought. OK, there was whatever before with Andy and that man and the dildo and whatever, but this is totally different. If I suck this kid's dick now, there'll be no going back...

Will's thoughts turned to surprise at the softness of Bobby's dickhead as it bounced and glided around his face and over his lips. For a moment, Will found himself wondering what it would feel like to have the boy's shaft running over his tongue, to slide his lips down to the soft patch of pubes at its base... Will's fleeting reverie was interrupted by feeling the pressure from Mike's hand increase on the back of his head--the muscles and tendons in the football stud's arm flexed and tensed above him, and Will looked up to see Mike's face darkening with anger and impatience.

"No, Mikey, stop," Bobby said calmly, the thin reediness of his voice contrasting against the raspy anger of his older brother's. His right hand massaged the thick biceps of his older brother reassuringly and he squirmed out of his grasp. "It's OK. You don't have to make him."

Mike was taken aback by the odd assertiveness of his little bro, and he found himself unsure of what to do. "OK, little man, if you say so," he said. Mike dropped his hand from the back of Will's head and stood back and watched his little bro stand with his dick hard and pointing up over Will's face.

Bobby looked down at the naked body of the older boy on his knees in front of him, and Will was overcome with gratitude towards the freshman for saving him from being forced to suck dick. His face was so soft, Will thought. He has almost an angelic quality to him.

"Hey, Will," Bobby said, grasping his shaft and bringing it back down close to Will's face. Will smelled the now-familiar scent of the boy's dick as it brushed against his nose. "You know I've never had a blow job before... And I thought maybe you want to show me what one feels like."

"Ha," Will couldn't help but laugh. Man, this kid has no clue what the fuck he's talking about, he thought. I want to? Yeah fucking right. There's no WAY I'm sucking this kid's dick. NO WAY. Guys just don't suck other guys dicks... That just doesn't happen. This kid's got a lot to learn.

"Come on, Will, please?" Bobby asked, moving his dick side to side rhythmically. Will's eyes followed the head as it moved. "Look, it doesn't have to be a big thing... It's just, I would really like it if you could do this for me." Bobby's free hand dropped down to the side of Will's head and pressed softly against his cheek. The boy's fingers pet Will's face gently, drawing down towards his lips as he spoke... "Just, for me, just this once." Will eased his face in toward the boy's soft palm as it caressed his cheek.

"Will, I feel like I would just really like it, you know," Bobby said. His index finger paused at the crease between Will's lips, and began prying them apart gently, teasing its way inside Will's mouth. His finger is so warm, Will thought, feeling the muscles in his lips soften and loosen around the boy's finger, allowing it entry into his mouth.

"Mmm," Bobby murmured as his finger danced on top of Will's tongue. Staring at the boy above him, Will instinctively began to suck gently at the finger in his mouth, wrapping his lips around it. "Will, that feels so good," Bobby cooed, as Will's eyes closed and he kept sucking at the boy's fingers. Will felt the smooth skin of Bobby's dick slide down over his fingers and press up against the outside of his lips. He pushed his lips up onto Bobby's cock and the boy shivered as he pushed forward, his velvet shaft sliding into Will's mouth past his teeth and onto his tongue. It tasted warm and soapy, Will thought as lips curved and closed around Bobby's shaft and again he began to suck, pushing Bobby's dick up against the roof of his mouth with his tongue.

Bobby's mouth dropped open and he gasped. He shifted his hips back slightly, moving his dick back out to the entrance to Will's mouth before sliding back forward again, entering Will's mouth slow and shallow. Will let the smooth skin of the boy's shaft glide across his tongue to the back of his mouth, and then started to suck as Bobby pulled back out again. Bobby moaned as the boys continued their steady rhythm.

"Holy fucking shit," Mike blurted out. "Damn, bro, you really got the bitch to suck you." Hearing that, Will was wrenched from his trance--his eyes shot open and he looked up at the boy whose hips swayed above him, the flat stomach and pubes swinging back and forth above his head. For a split-second, Will's mind resisted--WHAT ARE YOU DOING?, it screamed. Will rode his hands up along the smooth skin of Bobby's thighs to the boy's waist to try to push him back, but then his hands just stayed there, grasping the sides of Bobby's stomach while the freshman's dick popped in and out of his mouth. Will realized his hands weren't pushing Bobby away--they were PULLING HIM IN--drawing this kid's cock deeper into his eager suck-hole.

Will's lips studied the contours of Bobby's boycock, the cusp of the head and the smooth soft skin of the shaft. He was surprised at how warm it was and how much bigger it felt pushing into his mouth than it had seemed from looking at it. Will's nostrils filled with the scent of the boy above him--he breathed him in deep, and closed his eyes and he was back in his cock-suck trance again.

Mike stood next to the boys and watched the transition as Will embraced his newfound role as cocksucker and swallowed his little bro's pecker. Bobby's eyes were closed tight and his tongue poked out from between his lips--he was deep in the trance of a boy getting his dick wet for the first time. He moaned softly in ecstasy as Will, down on his knees before the boy, started flicking his tongue up against the underside of his dick, wanting to bring the boy new pleasure.

"Fuck that is hot," Mike said, running his hand down the washboard of his abs to his ever-growing schlong and starting to stroke his cock idly while he watched Will suck down his brother's dick. Mike stepped up next to his brother and reached out with his free hand, grabbing Bobby's arm and squeezing it gently.

Bobby's eyes opened and he turned to look at his brother. "Feels good, don't it?" Mike said.

"Oh yeah, Mikey, it does," replied Bobby. "It really does." Bobby tilted his head slightly toward his older brother and watched as Mike slid his hand down Bobby's arm, down to his wrist. It seemed slight and small in the strong grasp of his older brother.

"Why don't you help me out, little bro, like old times?" Mike said, bringing Bobby's hand towards his crotch and wrapping it around his thick ten inches of manmeat. Bobby's eyes closed and his tongue jutted out from between his lips again, and as his boy-cock slid in and out of Will's mouth, the freshman began to stroke his older brother.

"That's it Bobby, that's the way," Mike said, leaning in towards his little bro. He brought his hand around to the teen's back and rubbed the boy's shoulders while he got his dick stroked. He brought his hand up the boy's neck to the back of his head and pulled Bobby towards him, and, as the water of the shower fell on the boys, their lips came together above Will's head.

While Bobby's velvety shaft slid in and out of his mouth, Will watched as Mike's tongue slipped into his younger brother's mouth. The younger boy's head was bent over to the side to receive the penetration of his older brother, and his soft lips closed around Mike's tongue and he sucked and kissed on it gently. For a moment, Will felt profoundly touched by the physical display of love between the two boys, but that thought was quickly lost as Bobby picked up the pace and depth of his thrusts, with each thrust bringing the head of his dick closer to the entrance to Will's throat.

Mike broke off the kiss with his little bro and resumed stroking himself, freeing his little bro's hand from working his wood. Bobby brought both hands around behind Will's head and clasped his hands around his neck and leaned back and began to hump Will's face.

"MMNOWRMRWF," Will sputtered as Bobby's ballsack slapped around the bottom of Will's chin and his tiny patch of pubes came smacking into Will's nose. Will brought his hands up above Bobby's hip-bones and grabbed ahold of the slimness of his waist, squeezing him and pushing to try and get the boy to slow down, but Bobby kept up his teenboy hammering. It was his first time, and he was gonna enjoy himself--the proverbial kid in a candy store...getting his dick sucked.

"Haha, yeah bro, that's the way!" Mike said, slapping his little brother on the back, "Hump that fag's face!"

Will choked and gagged on Bobby's dick as the boy pounded away... Will would try to pull his head back, but Bobby's grip held firm and he was full-on rut-humping Will's face.

"MMROKOFF," Will coughed. The pace of Bobby's humping kept increasing and Will could hear his breathing start coming in short staccato bursts, pffting out into the steam. Will was seized with panic-- This boy's gonna cum in my mouth! Will realized. His hands slapped idly at Bobby's side, but there was nothing he could do.

"Oh god... Oh god, I'm cumming," Bobby squeaked. Will felt the muscles in Bobby's stomach and hips tense and flex and burst and the boy thrust forward as deep as he could, his dick pounding its way into Will's throat. Bobby's face contorted in pleasure and he squealed as Will felt the spurts of Bobby's spunk come rocketing down the length of his shaft, over Will's tongue and down into his throat. One, two, three, four... one after another, spurt after spurt of hot burning boycum exploded into Will, the bitter heat of it slithering down his throat. Will swallowed and swallowed, trying to drink it all down. It tasted salty and sweet and chlorinated, and Will couldn't believe how hot it was. The boy quivered in his grip and fell down on top of him, spent by his orgasm. Bobby's smooth stomach rested on top of Will's head, heaving in and out, his pubes smushed up against his nose, with his dick still inside Will's mouth, leaking out the remnants of his boyspunk onto Will's tongue.

Will had been so focused on handling the pummeling of the boy's dick on his throat and on getting down the rockets of his splooge that he barely even noticed that, while Bobby shot his load, Mike had grabbed ahold of the sides of Will's torso and pulled his stomach up off his thighs, pushing him forward onto all fours with his butt sticking back into the air.

And as the last spurts of Bobby's sweet boyspunk slithered down his throat, for the second time that day Will felt something prodding and poking at his butthole.

"Uh-uh, faggot--stay down. It's time your ass got spread by a real man's cock. Something tells me I'm gonna enjoy this," Mike said, as he rubbed his finger over Will's quivering boypussy...

***** Copyright 2009 Jake Stevens. All Rights Reserved.

Next: Chapter 3

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