Jacobs Dungeon

By Jake Stevens

Published on Dec 25, 2022


Disclaimer: The following story contains fictional tales of raunchy goings-on between boys of various ages. If that's not your thing or if the man says that to read such dirtiness is against the law, then I suggest you go elsewhere.

Author's Note: This is my first erotic story. If you like it--or if you don't--please share any comments, suggestions, critiques, questions, etc. Feedback is always appreciated. Thanks! Enjoy...

Jacob's Dungeon -- Part 01

William awoke with a start. He slowly rose himself up off the cool, hard floor and wiped the sleep from his eyes -- Wha? Where am I? -- He looked around, trying to get his bearings. The room was thick with darkness, and he couldn't see the walls. His hands shook, and he rubbed his bare arms with a chill.

OK, OK, calm down, Will, get yourself under control. Ah! He felt in his shorts for his cell phone, but his pockets were empty. Shit. The last thing he could remember was being out in the woods with his friends the night before. It was Easter break at high school, and he and his two good friends had been out having a few beers... Rebecca, his girlfriend, had just dumped him, so Will had wanted to blow off some steam. At the time, he hadn't thought he had drank that much, but now Will supposed he must have overdone it. He still had his undershirt and his shoes, at least there was that.

"Alright, Will, time to find a light switch," he said to himself. He shuffled along the ground, which was smooth, almost like marble, but uneven... He leaned down and ran his hand over it...it felt almost rocky. Strange, he thought, as he continued shuffling towards what he hoped would be a wall.

"OOOF!" "Yahh!" Will screamed as he tripped over something soft and fell face down over it onto the ground in front of him. What the fuck? Was that a person? He heard a soft groan from the ground next to him, and he reached his hand slowly outward towards it.

It made contact with something smooth and warm that he instantly recognized as the bare chest of another boy-- "Get off me, man," the boy said, tossing Will's hand away. The boy groaned again-- Will still could not see him, despite how close the two were, and he just stayed put, sitting next to the boy.

"Dude-- ...what the fu-- Where? ...fuck am I?" The boy sputtered, his head bleary and fogged.

"Yeah," Will said, "you and me both, buddy."

"Where am I?"

"No fucking clue. I was just trying to get to a light switch or somethin when I kinda ran into you. Sorry bout that by the way."

"Will?" The boy said, his voice perking up.

"Umm... what? Yeah. How -- wait -- how do you know my name?"

"G Dubs High?"

"Yeah..." Will said, suspicious.

"Dude, I sit over from you in Spanish class. Andrew." Will remained silent. "Costigan?" Andrew prodded.

"Ohh, right," Will said, feigning disinterest, "yeah, I remember you."

"Yeah, man, that Mr. Hawthorne is a dick."

Will knew exactly who Andrew was, and he had spent most of Spanish class sneaking looks at the boy. He was someone who had always stood out to Will--a little on the short side, with this smooth honey skin and soft tawny brown hair. Beautiful green eyes and a smile that made Will's knees melt. They had been assigned to do a group project together one time and it was all Will could do to keep from sputtering out gibberish every time he would try to speak. There was something about the boy that just made him so nervous. The truth was, as terrified as the situation he was in now made him, being next to Andrew made him even more scared. As nice as Andrew had always been to him, the boys ran in different crowds... William was, he knew, several rungs lower on the high school food chain. He couldn't help but feel intimidated around the boy.

Just then, a loud mechanical clanging over to the boys' right interrupted their reminiscence as a large, solid-looking metal door swung open and light poured into the room. Will shielded his eyes from the glare and saw only the silhouette of a thickly-set man towering over him.

His eyes were just beginning to adjust when the man stomped over to him and grabbed him roughly by the arm and heaved him upwards onto his feet. Will started to scream and resist against the much larger man, but it was useless. The man dragged him out by the arm as Will kicked until suddenly a blinding, searing jolt of pain tore through the right side of his body and he heard himself scream and his legs go limp.

"Yeah, that's what I thought," the man said. "Now you be good now and maybe I won't have to tase you again." The man threw William out into the hallway where he was hand-cuffed and dragged down the hall. He saw another man going through the door, presumably to get Andrew. I hope they don't hurt him, Will thought.

The man led William down the hallway past several closed metal doors into a large, open, surprisingly well-lit room. Will's eyes were slow to adjust to the light, and his head was still a little bleary, but he quickly tried to survey the scene...

Two boys dressed full up in George Washington High School football uniforms (minus the helmets) were shackled next to one another with their backs against the wall in front of him, barefoot, their arms pulled above their heads. Each one had a sock pressed into his mouth. Their faces were streaked with sweat and Will read terror in their eyes. In front of them, in the center of the otherwise empty room, a square metal table stood bolted to the floor.

The man threw him against the wall next to the two other boys, grabbing Will's wrists roughly and thrusting them above his head. A steel chain was wrapped through the loop of the handcuffs and pulled taut, affixing Will's arms above his head. His ankles were then bound with a rope, leaving about a foot of space between them, and the rope was tied to a metal ring jutting from the wall. The man then bent down and began to unlace William's shoes.

"Aww, thanks a lot, buddy, for taking off my shoes and all. You've been a real big help," William cooed jokingly. The man removed Will's shoes and peeled off his socks. "Hehe, that tickles." The man stood straight up, well over a foot taller than Will, his thick arms bulging. Will grimaced as the man raised up his left arm and smacked the back of his knuckles hard across Will's face. He let loose a squeak of pain and he felt his eyes begin to tear up slightly and he sniffled. The man just laughed and stuffed William's own sock into his mouth. He tasted sweat and cotton and it seemed to dry up all his spit. William started to cry, but quickly tried to compose himself as he saw the other man drag Andrew into the room.

For the first time that day, Will could get a really good look at the boy... He had always known Andy to be cute-- the soft dusty brown hair, always a little mussed up, falling lightly across his forehead and smooth tan skin. And his eyes--this kind of twinkling brownish-green that Will had never seen on anyone else before. So many times in Spanish class, Will found himself just staring into those eyes--their depth, their character... the way they would sparkle and glow when Andy would look back and smile and it just seemed like there wasn't a malicious bone in the kid's body.

Andrew was led into the room shirtless with his hands cuffed out in front of him. His thin frame was lined with the taut lean muscle that came from years of playing soccer. Two small pinkish button nipples perched flat above a rippling smooth stomach down to the waistband of his blue soccer shorts, which bagged out from his pale and hairless thighs. Will noticed that the boy's skin was streaked with dirt in a way that he found strangely arousing...

The man began to shackle Andrew up next to him, about a foot away from Will along the wall. Will wanted desperately to be able to reach out and comfort the boy, to hold him and tell him that everything would be OK.

Of course, Will knew that was all wishful thinking on his part. He had no idea how any of this would turn out--and it wasn't looking good. The four boys stood there, shackled to the wall, trembling. Will's thoughts raced. The boy on the far end started to moan faintly as if he were trying to speak, but the guards, who had retired to the far wall, paid him no mind.

Suddenly, the door on the other side of the room swung open loudly and a tall, well-dressed man who looked to be in his late 20s entered. He wore a nicely tailored black suit and walked with an ebony walking stick that PING-ed on the ground in front of him with each step. Will couldn't tell if the man was limping or if it was all for show.

Behind him followed another man who appeared to be in his mid-30s. Short black hair, not tall--but strong and thick-looking, Will thought, with a pair of dark sunglasses shielding his eyes and several days worth of dark stubble shadowing his face.

The two entered the room and stood side by side, the center table between them and the boys. The door slammed shut behind them.

The man with the sunglasses brought his hand to his chin as he looked the boys up and down, studying them carefully. "Why are they still clothed?" the man barked.

The man with the cane turned to him. "Many of our clients prefer to see the, how shall I say... transition," he said, drawing out the final word. "Especially in our fresh product."

The other man pursed his lips, thinking for a moment and then nodding his agreement. "Mmm. Yes. Yes, quite right. ... And these are all fresh?"

"Yes, sir, as requested."

The man grunted his approval and walked forward slowly, each step clacking on the cold stone floor. Will's eyes grew in fear as the man walked slowly and methodically around to the other side of the table and right over to him, stopping just a foot in front of him. Will began to squirm back and forth, his eyes still locked on the man, who just smiled, the black stubble of his mustache creeping up the sides of his face.

"This one looks ripe."

The man crossed back over to the far side of the room. At the well-dressed man's behest, the burly man who tased Will earlier walked over to Will and undid his shackles, removing the gag from his mouth but leaving his ankles bound loosely.

Will spat onto the ground and breathed heavily, his white t-shirt stuck against to his chest with sweat. "Look, I don't know what you want," he began to plead, "but whatever it is, you can have it, just please let me go. Please..."

Will saw the well-dressed man's face tighten with anger at his outburst, and Will spasmed and yelled as the pain of the taser ricocheted through his body again, sending him to the ground.

"I must apologize for his behavior, sir," Will heard the well-dressed man say as he writhed on the cold stone floor. "He has yet to learn the rules."

"It is to be expected," replied the other man.

The well-dressed man, brandishing his walking stick, stormed forward towards Will, who cowered back against the wall next to Andrew's bare legs. "Listen, boy, you're mine now," the well-dressed man spat out through clenched teeth. "That means you do what you are told, when you are told it. You speak ONLY when asked a direct question. Otherwise things will be much more painful for you than they need to be." The man leaned down towards Will, placing the handle of his cane underneath the boy's chin and tilting his head upward so he could stare into his eyes. "Do we understand each other?"

Will felt the tears begin to well up in his eyes again as he rose to his feet, rubbing his wrists where the cuffs had cut into them. He nodded slowly.

"Good," the man said, sighing and placing his hand gently on Will's shoulder. He patted the boy's shoulder a couple times and returned to the far wall. "Again, a thousand apologies," he said. "The boy is yours."

The other man nodded appreciatively, and, removing his sunglasses, turned to Will. "Walk towards the table, boy." William strode a few feet toward the metal table that stood between him and the stubbled man, who stared at him and licked his lips.

"Good. Now, strip."

Will looked up, mortified. With all the fear and danger, all he could think of was how embarrassed he was to be made to strip in front of Andrew, who remained shackled behind him, watching every move. But when he saw the guard moving towards him on his left, brandishing the taser in front of him, Will reached for his undershirt dejectedly and pulled it up over his head, revealing a chest and abs just beginning to develop from his time spent at the gym over the past year. He tossed the shirt off to the side, unbuttoned his shorts, slipped them down over his thighs and calves, and stepped out of them.

He now stood between Andy and the man in nothing but his boxers and socks. He felt cold, and he shivered as a draft wafted through the thin fabric of his boxers and brushed against his cock.

"Keep going, boy," the man snarled. Will tried to plead with his eyes, but it he knew it was useless. He glanced back at Andy and instantly wished he hadn't, as Andy was staring right back at him, his arms shackled above him, a white sock stuffed in his mouth. Will had to admit, he really looked cute there, all tied up and helpless, his thin body rippling down like a V to where his shiny blue soccer shorts covered the slight bulge in his crotch.

Turning back towards the man, Will reached down with his hands and hooked his fingers underneath the waistband of his boxers and tugged them downward. As he shucked them off and his cock met the cold air, Will felt a familiar stirring and he saw that his dick was growing rapidly, jutting out from his tight curl of black pubes perpendicular to his body. He just hoped Andy couldn't see...

"Well done, boy, well done," the man said. "I can see you're already enjoying our little game. You'd better take care of that little pecker, don't you think?"

Will just stared back, confused and ashamed.

"Jerk off for me, you little slut."

Now Will really began to blush. He had given up trying to resist by this point. Obliging the man, he reached down with his right hand and firmly grabbed ahold of his dick just below the head. He closed his eyes and began to stroke. Up and down, up and down...

He wet his lips and began to imagine he was somewhere else. As mortified as he was about what he was being made to do, he just wanted to cum so he could stop. He pictured himself back in his house, in his room, with Rebecca lying on his bed, naked, licking her lips, beckoning him toward her, to come on top of her and take her. Will pictured himself sliding onto the bed on top of her, entering her, and he imagined a hand, soft and warm rubbing his back as he beat his meat faster and faster and looking over, he saw that the hand belonged to Andrew.

As Will bent over, jerking his dick, he moaned softly as in his mind he was now on his back on his bed with Andrew's face above his. The warm rays of sunlight illuminated his body as Andy's soft and thick red lips pressed against his own, the warmth of his body pushed up against his, his cock thrust up against his rock hard stomach, and then coming up INSIDE HIM -- "Yaaah!" Will screamed, more from surprise than pain, as he was rudely pulled from his dream by the feeling of something cold pushing up through his butthole. He felt the man's hand against his back, pushing him forward and bending him over the table while the man's other hand pushed a large metal dildo up into Will's hole.

"Yowww, fuck, that hurts, please stop, please," Will cried, as the man pushed his head down onto the table roughly, his thick and calloused hands making their way into Will's mouth. "MMrrowfm," Will said, mumbling through the man's fingers. They tasted like cigarettes and skin, and Will felt the dildo--lubed up, cold and slick--push in farther. "MMMrm." He squirmed, trying to get away from the penetration.

"That's good, boy, that's good," the man said, holding Will down and pushing the dildo in farther.

"Mmowww," Will moaned around the man's fingers, his eyes squeezed tight, feeling the cold metal pushing his asshole apart and pushing into him. He whimpered and cried as the fullness went up inside him, and he breathed sharply through his nose as his ass strained to adjust. Will moaned, and the dildo started pulling out, and then after a brief pause started pushing back into him again.

The man was on top of him now, the warm weight of his body pressing down onto Will's back, pushing his bare nipples up against the cold metal of the table. "Keep jerking yourself, boy," the man breathed into his ear, his mouth pressed up against Will's neck. Will moved his right hand back down to his still-hard cock. He could feel the thrusting of the dildo behind him as it slid in and out of his ass. Out...and in and out and in, the rhythm of it, back and forth... Will started jacking his dick again, timing his pumps to the man's thrusts.

The man's fingers explored his mouth roughly while the dildo owned him from behind. Will's other arm remained splayed out over the table, his fingers clenching and unclenching. The dildo was well-lubed, and it slid in and out with ease. For some reason, Will felt himself gradually enjoying the fullness of it as it pushed up into him. The thumb of the man's hand caressed Will's cheek gently. "Mmmfrf," Will moaned, softer this time. He began to suck very slightly on the man's fingers.

"Yeah, you like it now, don't you boy?"

Will's eyes rolled back up into his head and he swallowed hard. He moaned and drooled onto the table as the man slowed his thrusts but began to go deeper each time, pushing farther and farther into the boy's virgin hole. "MMohh-mohhhhh," Will sputtered.

The man removed his fingers from Will's mouth with a POP and brought his hand up to the top of the boy's head. He started to pick up the pace again and Will kept moaning and drooling against the table, feeling the roughness of the man's fingers running through his hair. Will's thoughts again turned to Andy in his bedroom... Will pictured the boy leaning over him on his bed, his face pressed up close, his cock sliding into Will's quivering hole. Andy's lips would press into his and their bodies would push together. The heat of Andy's cock pushing into him over and over, fast and hard then soft and gentle, his soft pink lips kissing Will's and his hair falling on top of Will's face...

"Mmm," Will said, as the man pulled back off of him and Will found himself suddenly missing the weight of him pressed onto his back. Will straightened out his left arm and leaned over the table at a 45 degree angle as he felt the pace of the man's thrusts into his helpless virgin ass quicken once again.

His mouth dropped open at the new assault his ass was taking, not from pain, but-- "Ohhh..." he moaned, "ohh god." Something with the angle--something, Will thought... This was hitting something new that William hadn't felt before.

"Yeah, that's it, boy. You want it, don't you?"

"Ye-e-e-es," Will moaned, the pummeling he was taking making each word come out in in staccato spurts.

"Tell me what you want, boy, tell me," said the man as he SLAPPED Will's ass sharply.

"Oh-h-h god, I wa-a-ant it. UGH-GHH. YE-E-E-E-ES."

Will's legs began to shake and shiver up against the table as the dildo pounded in and out, faster and faster and harder and faster. "Keep jerkin that dick, boy!" Will returned his hand to his rock-hard cock and started beating his meat furiously as he pictured Andy's cock penetrating him in and out and harder and faster. "OHH-H... yes, YE-E-ES... oh g-o-od, YES, fuck me ANDY... FU-UCK MEE-EE-EE!" Will screamed as he felt himself cumming and cumming and heaving and cumming, boyspunk shooting out and spurting all over the table and floor and running down his legs as the man rammed the dildo all the way up into his ass.

While the cum kept trickling from Will's shaft, the man twisted Will's face around and pressed his mouth up against the boy's. The man's stubble was rough against Will's lips and his tongue tasted like honey as it pushed into Will's mouth. Will spun his body around and kissed the man hard, wrapping his arms around him and pushing his crotch up into the man's body as the last of his orgasm sputtered out and he shuddered and fell back down on top of the table, breathing hard in and out, covered in sweat and splooge, the dildo still lodged deep in his hole.

The man stepped back, pulling a handkerchief from his pocket and wiping off his hands and his shirt where some of Will's cum had splattered. The man walked back over to where the well-dressed man stood waiting, and muttered something to him as the two walked back out of the room. The burly man from before walked over to Will and lifted his spent body off the table. As the man dragged him back to his cell, the dildo still poking out from his ass, Will looked over at Andy, whose sparkling green eyes twinkled right back at his.

Author's Note: This is my first erotic story. If you like it--or if you don't--please share any comments, suggestions, critiques, questions, etc. Feedback is always appreciated. Thanks!

Copyright 2009 Jake Stevens. All Rights Reserved.

Next: Chapter 2

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