Jacob and Aaron


Published on Nov 5, 1996



WARNING The following story contains strong sexual subject matter. This story contains sexual situations between consenting males and/or females. No person younger than 18 should proceed reading this post. ***************

This is a true story about what is currently happening at school, some names have been changed, some haven't.

South Eugene High School, it's a large school with many different kinds of people, there are all different social groups, all different passions. One passion belonged to Aaron Polk a senior there, he had the goal of having sex with another guy at school sometime this year. One boy he had his eyes on was Jacob. Jacob was a junior who was about 5'-11" and medium weight. He had an extremely smooth complexion and very soft brown hair. Everyone at school knew him for being a really young- looking guy. His face was so smooth that everyone thought he wore makeup, he was extremely cute.

Aaron didn't think of himself at all as gay or even bisexual, he just wanted to experiment with another kind of sex. He had tried intercourse with several girlfriends. His first girlfirend once at age 14, then another twice at 16, and his most recent twice at 17. He had recieved one blowjob, from the most recent girlfriend, and he had always been very good with girls. It felt like it was just time for something new. It's not that he didn't like girls anymore, they were swarming around him, and he paid attention to them, but it just felt like there was something missing.

So his goal was to somehow seduce Jacob into a sexual relationship with him.

Jacob was a very normal teen, he liked football and was in very good shape. He didn't have a steady girlfriend right now because of very low self- esteem. He had three classes with Aaron but didn't seem to notice him at all.

One day after English, Aaron decided to take the first small step; he approached Jacob, who had been talking about his car being broken down earlier in the period. "Hey Jacob, do you want a ride home?" Jacob responded, "Ah, maybe, I might just walk home." "You don't have to.... where do you live?" "Out on Sinenely Place, it's out south." "Well, I was heading out toward Stero King on Franklin, so it's not a problem," Aaron said knowing that Jacob was into car steros. "Really? Can I go with you?", said Jacob enthusiastically. "Not a problem," said Aaron, trying not to look so excited.

After school got out, Aaron walked to his car; and to his pleasant surprise, found Jacob leaning on the back looking very happy. "What's up?," asked Jacob. "Not much," Aaron said, thinking how much he'd like to be up right now. Aaron opened the car up and they both got in, he had to be careful not to stare at his idol to much. He put his hand on keys in the ignition, thinking how much he'd like to put his hands on Jacob's ignition. They drove off down Franklin street to Stero King. After an hour or so passed by, they were still looking at Amps and speakers; finally Aaron noticed the time and mentioned to Jacob that he needed to get going. Jacob reluctantly agreed to leave and they both got into Aaron's truck and sped off toward Jacob's house still discussing which was better, Alpine or Clarion.

After pulling into Jacob's driveway, Aaron said the usual goodbye and see you tomarrow. As Jacob walked up to the porch, Aaron gave a longing look and felt his dick stir. Jacob was a fine catch, and he was admiring the bait, now Aaron just had to find a way to get Jacob to open his mouth and move toward the bait.

The next day at school, Jacob approached Aaron the second he walked into second period, he had received a new car stero catalog and wanted to show it off to Aaron and his other friends. Aaron felt stirring feelings every time he looked at Jacob's "pretty-boy" face. He looked like thirteen and was sixteen. That afternoon, Aaron checked old yearbook pictures of Jacob, and just as he suspected, he has looked basically the same. Jacob was so smooth, even at 16 he didn't have any facial hair, or even any fuzz.

Aaron's job was working at Starbucks, he mostly just worked evenings and he had a great time because all his friends came in and yacked for hours and the time seemed to go fast. For $6 an hour, it wasn't a bad job. Later that evening, Friday, Aaron was getting ready to take one last order before they closed, Jacob and his friend Ben walked in. "Hey Aaron, I didn't know you worked here," said Jacob. "Well, I do and have for three months" "Cool Aaron, could I have a...... grande two-percent with-whip latte, oh and could you make that free?" "Sure, Jacob. Ben, what can I get you?" "Is it free?", Ben asked. "Yeah, sure," Aaron said, knowing that this always worked in the past for getting friends. Aaron turned off the open sign and locked the front glass doors, then he made the three of them their drinks. They sat around and discussed their favorite car steros and also what cars they wanted to buy. Aaron had a '93 black Toyota truck, Jacob had an eighties car that has been out of commission for a week, and Ben had a '90 Ford Aerostar van, (actually it was his mother's). Aaron remembered the time, it was 10:55, he had closed nearly an hour ago and the security system automatically turned on at 11:15. "Oh shit!" he exclaimed, "c'mon guys we should leave before the alarm turns on. "Aaron, could you give Jake a ride, I'm already gonna be late and my dad's not gonna be happy," said Ben. "Yeah, not a problem."

All three of them left and Aaron locked up the joint. Aaron got into his truck and shrugged his shoulders, "Shit, I'm tired!" Jacob agreed, and they just sat for a minute in the cab. They saw Ben backing out behind them, he tooted the horn and pulled out. Aaron was about to turn the ignition when he thought of something very significant. He was home alone for two days, he had a new spa and tons of alcohol at home.... "Hey Jacob, when's your curfew?" "Well, I was supposed to be home an hour ago but my parents are in Seattle for the weekend." "Really? I have an idea!" "What's that?" "Well, my parents are gone and I have tons of 'drinks' at home, let's go have a party!" "Sounds cool, lets do it."

They walked in the front door of Aaron's house and the first thing that came to mind was getting Jake into the spa. "Let's go downstairs, I'll turn on the spa." "You have a spa, that's cool" "Yeah, it's a real nice big one, c'mon I'll show 'ya. Aaron went out the patio door and lifted the cover off the emerald green spa. He hit the light button on the control panel and a series of green and blue lights went on around the bottom off the hot, steamy water. Jacob was worried, "I forgot my swimsuit." "Not to worry, I have extras" "Wow, thanks Aaron," Jacob replied.

Jacob and Aaron went back inside and walked down the hall to Aaron's bedroom to get some swimming trunks. Aaron found his regulars hanging in the closet and found some for Jake in a drawer. "So, Jake what do you want to drink?" "What do you have?" "Vodka, Boone's, JD's, Everclear, Beer, and Whale Ale?" "What's whale ale?" "It's some local stuff I picked up in San Diego last year." "Okay, I'll have a Beer and some Boone's" "That's exactly what I wanted!" "Nah Ah?" "Yes, it is. But I'll have some bourbon too!" "Cool, let's go outside." Jake walked toward the patio sliding glass door and took off his shirt as he went. Aaron couldn't believe his eyes. It was the smoothest body he had ever seen! And not wimpy either. He had absolutely no 'body' hair, but he had a little armit hair and average size biceps and triceps. He had a moderately developed chest and small nipples. His skin was a beautiful, creamy white and you could see a set of underdeveloped abs on his sixteen year old torso.

Jake climbed into the hot tub, and Aaron reached for the control panel to turn on the jets, Jacob made orgasmic noises as he slid into the 110 degree water of the spa, Aaron's eyes widened. Aaron set up a tall table on one side of the spa for the liquor bottles. Then Aaron brought out the goods; one full bottle of vodka, six full bottles of Boone's fruit wine, a third a bottle of Jack Daniel's whiskey, a pint of everclear and three cold cans of beer, and a 1/2 pint bottle of bourbon.

He handed Jake, who was already settled in the spa, a can of Bud Light. He took a sip, and set it on the side, then Jake folded his hands behind his head giving Aaron the best view of Jacob's chest possible. "I'm gonna go change now," said Aaron. He didn't get a response from Jake who was distracted by the 110 degree water swirling around him.

About three minutes later, Aaron returned to the patio in his black swim trunks. He was about 5'-10" and had a very broad chest- type football build. He had great shoulders, good biceps and a set of pecs to match. Aaron asked Jacob how he liked the water, he responded saying that it felt great and that he'd be drunk within the hour. Great, Aaron thought!

Aaron hopped into the steaming water, there was extra steam because the very hot water met the forty degree air very suddenly. Jacob asked for another beer, which Aaron handed over without reservation. Jake had now finished two beers by the time Aaron was ready for his first drink. He poured a glass of ice-cold Boone's and began to take frequent sips, after his second glass, the frequency of the sips increased. After his third glass of wine, Jake asked him for a shot glass of Everclear, knowing that two shots of Everclear will completely fuck you over, Aaron asked Jake how much he weighed. "About one forty-eight," Jake responded. "Okay, but be careful, this stuff's potent. "I know, I know, I've had it before!"

It took Jacob twenty minutes to finish the 97% alcohol everclear shot. They had been in the spa for forty-five minutes and Jake was starting to get very drunk-looking. Aaron had only drank three glasses of wine and half a beer. At 180 pounds, he was starting to get "pleasantly buzzed", (as they say in Eugene). He finished his beer and reached for the vodka bottle, reaching for a shot glass he heard Jacob say something about this was almost as much fun as the night he had spent in a spa with his last girlfriend. "Oh, really; who was that girlfriend?," asked Aaron suspiciously. "Uhh.... Jill Gannon, she was a good time..." "Yeah, she's pretty hot,..... what'd you do with her?," asked Aaron. "Oh, we fucked twice, and she gave me a blowjob one time, But.... Well, doesn't matter." "What doesn't matter?" "Well..... she wouldn't let me... finish," Jake answered. "Why not?" "I dunno!" "Maybe she was scared, or didn't like how you tasted or something." "I taste just fine!" "How do you know? No guy can reach himself!" "I can!" "Bullshit, you cannot!" "I can too, well almost..." "Almost is good enough I suppose, most people don't even come close..." "Yeah." "So what do you have? An eight?," asked Aaron. "An eight, I have a nine!" "Bullshit!, have another beer Jake!"

About five minutes passed; Jacob had drank another shot of vodka, and Aaron had now finished two bottles of Boone's by himself, plus the entire 1/2 pint of bouron. Out of nowhere, Jake said, "I have a nine and..... I can prove uh.. it." Evidently, he had been thinking about it quite a bit.

"Bullshit; you keep on lying like that and I'll stop serving you drinks."

Jacob responded by saying that he "liked drinks" and reached from the next bottle of wine. "Aw, Strawberry Daquiri, my.... favorite."

Suddenly Aaron awoke, he was still in the hot, swirling waters, but he could feel something poking him in the crotch. He looked over at Jacob, he was passed out and barely had his head above waterline. He reached over and turned off the jets so he could see down though the water. After the fizz cleared, he looked down to where his legs met and saw someone else's foot strung accross the spa into his area. "Jacob! Jake!" He was totally passed out, Aaron pinched Jacob's foot; nothing happened.... He decided to find a pulse, no,.... a heartbeat! Aaron put his hand on the boy's smooth chest, he first felt for a heartbeat,..... there was one. Now he could play around.

Aaron decided not to do anything sexual because he would be to embarassed if he got caught. So he massaged Jacob's leg, he noticed how silky smooth it was and how the warm water made his skin so fragrant. Aaron leaned over toward Jake's face and got a close look, it was beautiful.....

At about 3:30am, Aaron suddenly woke up again realized that it was time to get to bed. He tried waking Jacob again to no avail. Finally he got out of the hot tub himself and poured one last drink, vodka straight. He went around the backside of the spa where Jake's head was perched on the edge, he grabbed him under the arms and pulled him out. His chest shimmered in the blue light that was slowly reflecting up from under the water in the spa. Considering that Aaron was very strong, he easily picked Jake up in his arms and carried him into the house. He thought about undressing him and drying him off into dry clothes. "Jacob, wake up!"

Slowly, Aaron lifted onto his bed and began looking for a clean towel, finally he found one and brought it over to the bed. He lifted Jacob's weight off the edge of the bed so he could pull off Jake's wet swimming trunks. He began to ease them down, and finally saw his trophy. Jake's cock was better than imagined. It was cut, about four inches hanging, and Aaron estimated that it would be about seven up. He had a larger than usual set of balls and had an average amount of hair. His cock was smooth and delicate looking, it looked like it didn't get much use though.

Aaron took the handtowel and carefully dried Jake's package off, then it was time to roll him over and see his ass. As he tried to gently push Jacob over, his drunkeness caught up with him, he felt dizzy and fell down. After he picked himself up, he saw the best and most beautiful set of buns he'd ever seen in his life. They were as smooth as glass, perfectly shaped, and very fine looking.

Aaron dried the rest of Jake's beautiful body off and began to look for some clothes. He tried to think of something that would make Jake feel extremely embarrassed yet in good hands when he woke up. He looked through his drawer and found some underwear and some tight shorts, also a thin white Starbucks t-shirt from work......


From: BH Subject: Jacob and Aaron Part 2 11/4/96 Date: 5 Nov 1996 01:41:19 -0500


WARNING The following story contains strong sexual subject matter. This story contains sexual situations between consenting males and/or females. No person younger than 18 should proceed reading this post. ***************

This is a true story about what is currently happening at school, some names have been changed, some haven't.

The next morning, Jacob awoke at about ten o'clock. He was shocked to find himself in someone else's clothes, at a stranger's house and also in a hangover. He looked around from the couch he laid on, he saw a large family room and a person in a chair reading a magazine and eating toast. "Have a nice rest?," the person asked. "Where am I?" "You're Jacob, I'm Aaron and you're at my house, and breakfast is ready in the kitchen. Hungry?"

After three cups of coffee and a piece of toast, Jake was finally getting up to face the day. Aaron smiled as he watched Jacob brush his beautiful teeth with 'his' toothbrush. "What'd we do last night Aaron?" "What do you mean?" "Ya' know, did I do anything embarrassing or stupid while I was fucked up?" "Well..., you drank and... you drank, and you told me about some blowjob that Jill Gannon didn't finish for you." "...I told you about that, I hardly know you." "It's okay Jake, I won't tell anyone." "Thanks dude. Well, did I do anything else? Like puke or something?," asked Jacob. "No Jake, you're a good drinker, you didn't puke on anything." "Did I do anything else? How'd I get into these clothes?" "You passed out in the hot tub, and I figured you might drowned if I didn't pull you out and get you into some dry clothes," Aaron stated uneasily. "You undressed me?!" "Yes I did, big deal." "...I feel a little invaded," Jacob said. "Don't feel offended dude, if you would have drowned at my house and I was right there, I would have felt very sick. And what was I supposed to do after I pulled you out of the water at 3:30 in the morning, just put you, soaking wet, into a chair and head for bed?," Aaron asked loudly. "No, I suppose I ought to thank you, I'm sorry for overreacting." "You're forgiven Jake, don't worry I don't hold grudges against a friend." "You consider me a friend, thanks. I have lots of people hang around me, but nobody has ever declared themselve my friend." "Well, true friends don't just hang out, they actually support each other." "Okay, buddy. I'm sorry I blew up."

The next day, Jacob came over to Aaron's house to watch TV and play some video games, somehow Jacob convinced Aaron to stay another night because his parents weren't back until the next day.

They had a few beers after a dinner and decided to try the spa again. This time after getting outside, Aaron realized that both swim suits were in the wash.......


Aaron realized that both his regular bathing suit and the one he had loaned Aaron the night before were in the washer. He thought of this as an interesting moment to see Jake naked again; but it was risky. The mere suggestion of going in naked might make Jake think that Aaron was gay or something, or he might indulge in the idea; most likely would be he would be somewhere in between.

"Jake, I think I accidentaly put our suits in the washer this morning. We're gonna have to go in with... nothing." "What dude?" "You heard me, the suits are wet and soapy." "Well, I guess we could still go in, it's a large spa." "Yeah, room for everyone. If you want get in, Jake, I'll go get the beer," said Aaron. "We already have beer!" "I meant go get it from the fridge..." "Oh, sure go ahead."

When Aaron returned, he found Jake already in the spa and half asleep, he handed him a beer and then went inside to shower before climbing in the hot bubbly water.

Aaron emerged from the dark patio door naked and shivering. "Make way, I'm freezin my ass off!" Aaron gracefully and controlingly jumped into the hot relief of the spa. He was a strong- looking guy, about 5'-10", 170 and very muscular. He had an average six inch and he was lightly tanned. He had light brown hair and an average amount of pubic hair. He worked out alot, you could tell by the shoulders, he liked to bench about 190.

He tossed Jake a beer as he hopped in with a splash. As Jacob drank his beer, he closed his eyes. And when Jake closed his eyes, Aaron would stare over and admire Jake's beautifully smooth face, the smoothest he'd ever seen; so smooth, he wanted to fuck it.

The spa jets had been on for the entire time they'd been in so you couldn't see down into the water, a pity since both were stark naked.

After 45 minutes, Aaron declared that they were out of beer. "Jake, how many beers have you had?" "I had.... four" "Well, I've only had three and we're out.." "What else do you have?," Jacob asked. "We could just go for shots of everclear!" "Well, okay, lets try it, do you want me to go get it?" Aaron was so pleased with the though that he forgot to answer. "Aaron?" "Sure Jake, it's on the table right inside my bedroom door and the shot glasses are in the liquor cabinet just inside the door. Jake started to get out of the spa, and as he did his perfect rear was revealed. Aaron casually glanced over and saw the perfect set of buns again. This time they were warm and glistening with light under the dim light of a far away street lamp. The most prized sight Aaron had ever seen was naked right in front of his eyes, it was paradise. The curves were ideal, the color was ideal... he was perfect.

At about two A.M., Aaron was drifting in and out of consiousness, he was in an alcoholic haze. After three beers and two full shots of everclear, he was drunk out of his mind. Jacob had drank four beers and one shot, [if you remember, one shot will completely screw you over]. In his haze, Aaron thought he saw Jake sitting up on the side of the hot tub touching his cock, this brought him out of the haze rather effectively. "Jake, what... are... you doing?" "..Ah, nothing dude, I was just bored... but i'm too drunk to jack off, or whatever," Jake answered. Aaron, recognizing that Jake was out of his mind drunk decided to make a move. "Well, why not?" "Ah... dude I can't move my hand fast enough....." "Want some help?" "Uh, I guess.... what kind of help?" "Come over here and I'll show you," Aaron said.

Jacob floated slowly through the spa until he was sitting right next to Jake. What happened next surprised the hell out of Aaron. Jacob suddenly squeezed in right next too Aaron so that their butts were touching under water. The only reason Aaron was less drunk than Jake was that he outweighed him by almost 35 pounds. Jake put his left arm around Aaron's shoulder and pulled the drunken friend closer to him. He then reached for Aaron's right hand and pulled it over under the water to rest on his goods. From there, Aaron didn't remember a damn thing other than he remembered masterbating himself also sometime during the night. Also there were two small puddles of jiz on the side of the spa the next morning.

The two boys broke in to alertness at exactly the same time the next morning, they looked at each other and saw he puddles two feet from their heads which were still resting close to one another in the now slient spa.

The both looked down at their naked bodies and then again at the wads of cum on the side of their pleasureboat. Aaron at once knew he had acheived part of his goal, but he didn't remember it. And Jacob new he had done something very different and off from his usual "straight and proud" view.

They looked at each other with concern for almost ten minutes before Aaron finally broke the ice and started discussing what had happened and what would have to be talked about.....


WARNING The following story contains strong sexual subject matter. This story contains sexual situations between consenting males and/or females. No person younger than 18 should proceed reading this post. Author assumes no responsibility for people's offense at his use of his freedom of speech. ONLINE BLUE RIBBON CAMPAIGN..... WARNING

<With All That Out Of the Way, Here's the Story!>

"Dude what did we do?," asked Jake. "I'm not sure but I think we jacked off here last night. That's sure what... IT looks like." "Ah, shit. I feel like I need a shower!," Jacob yelled. "So do I Jake, let's go inside."

They both looked side to side to make sure there were no neighbors looking and they climbed out of the spa together. Both boys were naked and as wrinkled as a prunes. They slid open the sliding glass door into the game room and walked in casually. Apparently, both Jacob and Aaron were used to seeing each other naked and didn't even take notice of it now. "Hey Aaron where's the bathroom with two showers?" "Upstairs Jake." The two boys slowly climbed the stairs, Jake fortunately went in front of Aaron, Aaron got a beautiful view of Jake's cream- colored butt. His legs were slim yet had plenty of muscle and a very light tan to them. As the hairless butt bounced in front of him up the stairs, Aaron thought about what he had done. He didn't feel the expected feeling of guilt, but instead a feeling of conquering and a feeling of friendship to the the prize in front of him.

They got to the bathroom off the master bedroom that had two showers, Jake walked right in and turned his on, stepping to the side whle allowing it to warm up. Aaron walked over to the linen closet and grabbed two towels and hung them out on the towel rack by the sink. He walked over to his shower and turned it on. The shower heads were in the same stall, it was about five feet wide and nine feet long, the falls were five and a half foot glass block, there was a built in tile bench on the back side of the shower. "Hey Aaron, I think I remember something else, you jacked me off." "Are you sure?" "Yeah, I think so; you started rubbing me underwater and after awhile, I sat up on the side and you had me going so fast I shot right into the water!", Jacob announced. "Hmm, that means the stuff on the side must have been mine.", Aaron said. Jacob slowly soaped up his slim torso and started to get a erection think about the night, "I feel guilty, but it felt so good to have someone else do it ya know?" "It's okay Jake, it's not a big deal." "You're not going to tell anyone are you Aaron?" "No dude don't worry about it." "It was sort of fun, I just wish I could get a real blowjob though, like I told you before, I've never got a complete one." "Hmm, do you want one?" "What, from a guy?" "Yeah Jake, I've heard guys can give them better 'cause they know what they would want." "Have you ever done that before?" "No, but I think I know how." "Whoa, it just sounds gay!" "Who cares, you're not gay Jake, we're just two friends entertaining ourselves for pleasure." "Ahhh, I guess so."

"Could you pass the shampoo? Thanks Aaron."

"Tell me about your sex life Jake." "What about it?" "I want to know everything, just sort of curious ya know." "Well, I've had sex several times, and I had that one partial blowjob, and I've been jacking off about once a week." "Sounds average, how long does it take you?" "What?" "How long does it take you to shoot?" About ten minutes, usually. I can usually get it about a foot in the air." "Cool, pass the soap."

Aaron rubbed the bar of soap over his entire body, knowing that it had just done the same to Jake's.

"Well, Jacob, do you want to try it?" "Do I have to give you one if I get one?" "Well, I'd appreciate it, but you don't have to, no. You could even do it some other time." "Alright, let's do it then!"

They both dried themselves off and walked into the bedroom, the king size bed awaited them both. Aaron, who seemed to coordinate the operation, instructed Jake to lay down with the length of the bed on one side. Then he laid down perpendicular to Jake in the middle of the huge bed.

"Okay, close your eyes and try not to do anything, just let me do it." Aaron reached for the slowly rising cock, it was about six inches long and Aaron saw it growing. He needed it rock hard, so he reached for Jacob's balls. Within a second of contact, Jake let out a ghastly moan, he was instantly hard. With the seven inches of meat inches from his face, Aaron began to blow warm air on to the boy's stick in front of him. "Ah, God dude that's feels great." Aaron took three fingers and wrapped them around the base of Jake's throbbing member. "Suck me dude, hurry!" "Calm down turbo!"

Aaron finally began to lick the beautiful cock, it was about an inch and a quarter in diameter and seven long, cut. He then stopped licking and took the three and a half inches not covered by his hand into his waiting hot mouth.

Jake was going bonkers, Aaron couldn't of quieted him down if he wanted to. Aaron imagined Jill Gannon giving Jacob a blowjob and how noisy it must of been. He smelled so good, as Aaron sucked, he used his nose to inhale as much of the wonderful young scent as he could. Aaron slowly and gently rubbed the behind- side of Jake's burning- hot nutsack, this sent him over the edge. After about three minutes, Jacob put his hands around the back of Aaron's head and very instinctually pulled in the mouth that was giving him so much hot and juicy pleasure.

Jake suddenly announced he was going to cum. "Are you gonna shallow my cream dude?" "No Jake, I don't want to do that yet." "Ah, shit, I'm gonna shoot. Aaron felt the boy juice cumming up through the underside if Jake's hot dick with his tongue. He quickly pulled it out and aimed it toward Jake's stomach. Jake screamed, the first shot went about eight inches, the next went three. His cock continued letting out hot white cream until there was no more to shoot. "Wow dude that was hot!"

"I thought you'd like it...."

PLEASE SEND SUGGESTIONS AND COMMENTS HITTING "REPLY TO AUTHOR" CHAPTER FIVE SHOULD CUM OUT IN THE NEXT TWO WEEKS, IT WILL BE HOT! Also, several people e-mailed me begging for a picture of the person the character of Jacob is based on, (And yes, I have many!). I'm sorry, but as hot as he is in real life, I would feel very evil distributing pictures of him over the Internet.

Please send any "story direction" ideas to me by hitting reply to author. I think most people can guess what will happen next..... :)


Next: Chapter 2

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