
By JustJames (James Robinson, James Jones, JacanaKid, The Fisherman)

Published on Dec 17, 2009



This tale contains descriptions of sexual acts between males; if this is not to your taste or you are under age or it is against the law where you live to read such matter please leave now.Your comments & ideas are welcome at jacanakid21@yahoo.com all emails answered except flames which are extinguished on receipt.

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Jacob by justjames 17

Jacob lived in a small coastal village on the Adriatic Sea, he was the son of a fisherman his mother had died of Tuberculosis a year ago. Jacob had struggled on trying to look after the house and his hard working father and continue studying; he'd had just finished his schooling when the war erupted and his whole life changed. The German army thundered across the border decimating the hurriedly thrown up defenses, wiping out the poorly equipped troops and massacring their proud but obsolete cavalry. Panic set in as the marauders pushed on capturing town after town, refugees flooded the countryside as thousands fled the rampaging victorious troops.

Jacob's village filled with frantic people attempting to leave by sea, the fishing boats were soon overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of bodies as people thrust money into their skippers' hands. The heavily laden boats, many barely afloat, chugged out to sea past the crowded harbour walls; they headed across the sea towards Italy. The Italians being allies of the Nazis sent out warships to force the terrified refugees back towards their homeland, those that tried to keep on were sunk by gunfire leaving many bodies floating on the water amongst the wreckage of the sunken boats, the sailors laughing as they gained gunnery experience against live targets.

Jacob and his father beat a hasty retreat back towards their homeport, much to the anguish of their passengers who begged to be taken down the Adriatic to Greece thrusting more money and valuables into his father's hands. Their boat had to go home to refuel before setting off on the long voyage down the coast. They refueled and loading a few drums of extra fuel on board and set sail west down the coast hoping the weather remained kind to their over laden boat, her double ended beamy hull wallowed along as the little diesel put putted away gradually putting miles between the enemy and her straining old hull.

Several other of her kind chugged along behind her bobbing and barging through the small seas, everybody felt relief that they were escaping the mayhem and hoped the Greeks would welcome them even though they had their arguments over the years over fishing rights. The night found the small convoy unmolested and gradually they lost sight of their consorts as darkness blanketed the area.

The cool damp night air chilled the cramped passengers, small children cried bitterly as the temperature fell and their small bodies shivered, a mist developed slight at first but gradually thickened long tendrils of fog enveloped the boats adding to their discomfort as they motored on. The fog glowed eerily as the sun reappeared but the visibility remained almost zero, it would stay like that until the sun burnt off the fog or a wind blew it away. Moisture beaded on the painted surfaces of the boat and formed tiny molecules that glistened in the hair of the chilled refugees.

Jacob standing beside his father in the tiny wheelhouse peered through the fog watching for any dangers in their path, not that they could see more than a few meters ahead of the bluff bows in the thick fog. His father looked haggard after the difficult night at the wheel after the long day yesterday in the Italian disaster, Jacob was tired out and he yawned almost continuously. There was nowhere to sleep as the whole boat was crammed with people, Jacob leant against the wall of the wheelhouse closed his tired eyes and tried to sleep standing up.

Hours past and the sun gradually burnt the fog allowing them to see once more, the seas were glassy smooth after the fog helping the heavily laden boat to motor smoothly on until finally they were able to see at least one of their fellow boats astern just a small blob on the horizon. Midday found them low on fuel so they decided to top up the tank, Jacob went out squeezing through the passengers to pick up a drum and funnel, he unscrewed the brass fuel cap and inserted the funnel then fitted a hand pump to the drum after removing the lid and pumped the fuel into the tank. The pumping warmed him up and he was soon sweating as he waggled the handle back and forth.

Tank replenished he removed the funnel and replaced the fuel cap returning to the wheelhouse as the engine kicked into life swinging the rolling craft around and setting course once again. They steamed on monotonously until there was a commotion amongst the passengers who were all staring astern pointing and talking excitedly. Jacob turned and stared back along their wake squinting his eyes in the sun glare, he grabbed the binoculars and looked through them and said, "Father there is a plane attacking the other boat."

His dad grabbed the glasses and took a look growling, "Bloody Nazi bastards."

He watched the plane fly back and forth strafing the slow moving boat, he could see the spray as the bullets marched inexorably across the sea before hitting the craft, bodies were visible being flung into the churned sea. Eventually the boat slowly settled as her bullet riddled hull filled then slid from view beneath the water. Jacob was crying heavily while his father was cursing they both prayed the plane couldn't see them and wondered if it had sunk all the boats behind them.

They breathed sighs of relief when the murderers turned back and grew smaller till it vanished from sight in the binoculars, they all prayed to the Lord thanking him for saving them and motored on through the afternoon. Night darkened the sea allowing them to put more distance between them and the enemy and all through the next day nothing appeared to worry them, even the weather remained kind. They refueled again as the labouring engine was chewing fuel and began running hot, they had to stop the engine and drift allowing it to cool down, Jacob's father said, "Something is blocking the water intake Jacob, you will have to dive under and see if you can clear the obstruction."

Jacob stripped off the cool air causing goose bumps to form on his smooth tanned skin, he poised on the wooden gunnels then dived into the calm sea duck diving his feet thrashing the surface as he swam under the wooden hull. The passengers craned over the side watching for him to reappear, one minute passed then two no sign of Jacob, the hushed crowd began to whisper their fear, at three minutes there was a splashing and gasping from the other side of the boat. Jacob had swum completely under the rocking hull everyone breathed a sigh of relief as hands were extended to help him from the water. They pulled the wet slippery lad up and over the side lowering him panting and dripping to the deck.

His dad looked at him from the wheelhouse entrance eyebrows raised questioningly, Jacob nodded his head and his father smiled and turned to start the engine, the little motor coughed into life belching black smoke from it's blackened exhaust a jet of water followed showing the cooling was operating again. The boat moved off, the propeller swirling the water under her stern as the skipper spun the wheel bringing her back on course to steer between the heel of Italy and the Albanian coast. Their voyage nearly over the passengers were looking happier.

An Albanian gunboat appeared black smoke belching from its tall funnel as it headed towards the low riding fishing boat, it slewed about as it neared the old craft some of her sailors manning the small gun on its foredeck. The captain called on them to heave to, Jacob's father did as ordered and the two boats closed and bumped gunnels. The gunboat captain demanded money and jewelry, there were many wails from the people but the menace of the gun soon had them passing over money and valuables. The gunboat pushed off, the sailors laughing as they began to steam away leaving the refugees bobbing in their wake. The fishing boat restarted its engine and moved on towards Greek waters hoping for a better reception there.

They entered the Ionian Sea and passed between the Island of Pandokrator and the border of Albania and Greece, at last they were in Greek waters. They sailed down the rugged coast and made for the bay where the city of Arta was situated. They motored into the pier and were greeted by the local residents, luckily one refugee spoke passable Greek and explained what was happening in our homeland. They helped the refugees onto the wharf and took them into their homes, baths were drawn and everyone washed the salt and enjoyed getting clean after the long grueling voyage. The Greeks fed them and gave them the use of their spare bedrooms to sleep and recuperate. Jacob's father slept on the boat but he sent Jacob ashore to be looked after, a Greek family who had two handsome, curly haired doe eyed sons about Jacob's age put him up.

After bathing and eating the two lads took Jacob up to bed in their room where he took one bed leaving the second for the brothers. Jacob fell asleep the minute his head hit the pillow, the two brothers sat together watching him sleep, the older boy turned to his brother, "He is very handsome isn't he?"

His brother smiled placing his hand on his brother's crotch, "Yes I wonder if he plays around, I'd like to find out wouldn't you?"

The elder lad nodded and rubbed his brother's bare thigh from knee to the leg of his shorts, "It would be amazing if we could both mess about with him."

The younger lad got to his feet slipped across and knelt by the bed looking closely at Jacob's sleeping form, he turned his head and whispered, "He's getting hard in his sleep."

His brother replied, "That is normal, it doesn't mean he's homosexual, all guys get hard ons when they sleep, you should know that you've played with mine often enough."

The younger one giggled and rubbed his own stiffy through his shorts, "He's very good looking with his blond hair and fair tanned skin, I'm so used to seeing Greek guys with our black hair and swarthyskins. Do you think his pubes are golden too?"

His brother rolled his eyes, "I'd say its probable seeing he's a blond."

The young brother slowly and softly ran his middle finger up the obvious bulge in Jacob's pants feeling the hard hot sausage, "Gee Stavros, he is bigger than even you I think and its throbbing."

Stavros glared at him, "Con leave him alone what if he wakes up and finds you rubbing him off in his pants?"

Con frowned petulantly his sexy lips pouting his displeasure, "But I like feeling his cock it is sexy."

Stavros frowned then shrugged his shoulders and rolled onto his back ignoring what his stupid sex mad little brother was doing, Con continued his fun gradually stroking harder and harder using three fingers to stimulate Jacob's throbbing dick. Jacob moaned in his sleep and rolled onto his back, Con pulled his hand away and sat their rigid hoping Jacob wasn't going to wake up and punch his lights out. Stavros shook his head and hissed, "You stupid little idiot you'll wake him up and then the crap will hit the fan."

Con sat still for a few minutes his hands folded in his lap with his own stiffy hot and hard between them, he watched Jacob like a cat watched a mouse then when he realized Jacob was still deeply asleep he moved onto the bed lying beside the sleeping guest. His wandering hand soon edged back onto the prominent mound and rested there cupping Jacob's hardness, he sighed softly and his fingers moved up the rough material to the waistband. His fingers explored the fastenings and undid the button before gently sliding the zipper down opening the fly and exposing Jacob's aroused rod.

Stavros couldn't help himself he rolled onto his side watching his brother's cheeky actions, his own cock was excited by what was going on and he could see Con's poking up clearly in his shorts as he rubbed Jacob's schlong. Jacob's body was responding to the attention and his breathing was getting heavier as his penis got harder jerking and beginning to dribble. Con was now leaning over Jacob his curly head nearly touching the hot bulge as he inhaled the scent of male musk emanating from the excited teen's crotch.

Con was consumed by lust, the need to suck Jacob's dick was raging through his mind, now he'd gone this far and Jacob was still asleep he thought maybe he could bring him off without him waking. He licked his sensuous soft lips and edged Jacob's erection out into the open through the fly of his Y fronts, there in front of him was the towering object of his desires. The long straight smooth pale pink prick, standing like a Cyprus tree from its nest of honey gold fussy pubes, it looked so beautiful Con was drooling and swallowed constantly. Stavros was now stroking his cock as he watched hypnotized by his brother's actions, surely Jacob would wake up and lash out hitting his over eager younger brother.

He watched as Con arched his head and slowly slid his sexy lips down that pink poker until he'd taken it all and his nose was resting in that sexy looking blond bush. Jacob moved on the bed, he squirmed and his buttocks tensed, still asleep he moaned again as Con began sucking and sliding up and down his rigid rod. Con's talented mouth and teasing tongue coaxed Jacob into a rapid response and he exploded flooding Con's mouth and throat with a huge pent up load. In his sleep befuddled brain Jacob felt the floodgates open and he groaned in his sleep as he arched his fit body cum gushing from his jerking joystick.

Con swallowed every drop and sucked those balls dry before sliding his mouth off the still stiff prong and sitting up licking his lips, Stavros looked across and grumbled, "I bet you didn't save me some to taste you greedy prick."

Con opened his orifice and poked out his tongue that glistened with a pearly luminescence of sweet sperm, he grinned at his older brother and beckoned him to approach, Stavros slipped off the bed and came across taking Con's tasty appendage in his mouth sucking the tasty testes juice into his mouth as they kissed hotly. Con moaned and grasped his brother's muscular buns pulling him into his closer and gripping Stavros's rock hard rod where it protruded from the musky forest of dark hair and began to wank it. Jacob's sleep was disturbed by the moaning sounds and he opened his bleary eyes squinting at the figures beside the bed, he blinked his eyes and gradually his vision cleared.

There in front of him were the two handsome brothers kissing and wanking each other's hard ons, he couldn't believe his eyes, and instinctively he reached down to grope himself but was stunned to find his genitals exposed, wet and sticky to touch. He suddenly recalled his dream that someone was messing with his penis, he now knew it wasn't a fantasy but real, which of these two hunky guys had done it or had both been at him?

He lay there watching the erotic vision not daring to make a sound in case he interrupted the hot act, he saw them break the kiss and the younger one dropped to his knees and took his big brother's dick and swallow it. Jacob couldn't believe his eyes, how could anyone swallow that big fat meat without choking or throwing up? Stavros was arched into Con's mouth ramming his thick black pubes into his nose as he ground his hips stuffing every bit of his hot hard horn into his brother's face. Jacob's dick was hard and aching, he noticed both the lads had their eyes closed so he started jacking off, his wet sticky hood squishing as he slid it back and forth over his crimson crown increasing the excitement.

Jacob now knew he wasn't alone in his desires to be with other males, these two hot Greek brothers obviously had been enjoying each other for some time, he really felt the need to join them and he dropped his cock letting it slam onto his belly as he reached out running a hand down both the lads' bared firm bums. Stavros and Con both opened their eyes and looked at him, the older reached a hand out grasping Jacob's arm gently pulling him to his feet and they moved so he was close in their space. Stavros kissed Jacob as Con took his eager erection in his hand and began sucking him off.

Jacob felt like he'd died and gone to Heaven, his whole virginal body shivered and shook as the two lads began working on his body with lips and tongues. He thrust into Con's mouth as Stavros moved behind him squatting and massaging his buttocks before he opened those beauteous buns pressing his face into the exposed valley and used his wet tongue to tease his anus. Jacob felt like a man in front but a female behind, his mind whirled crazily with previously unknown desires. Stavros moved in and pressed his horn into Jacob's tight heat while Con suckled and slobbered on his schlong the dual action brought Jacob to a howling climax and that dragged the gasping Stavros with him into the wild delirious wonder of dual climaxing.

The three lads enjoyed a wondrous time until the Germans demolished the Greek and Allied armies by paratroop and land attack shattering their idyllic lives and sending them fleeing into the mountains to fight the invaders. Sadly all three were captured, imprisoned and tortured by the Gestapo before being dragged out and shot. The three lads held hands as the rifles fired dropping them twitching to the blood stained soil in the prison's courtyard.

Their limp bloody carcasses were tossed carelessly into a pit with many other bodies of resistance fighters captured and murdered by the cold-blooded invaders who were terrorizing the whole of Europe.

The end.

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