Jacksons Strip Tease

By zander

Published on Jul 22, 2020


If you are not 18 years of age, or the required age for your region to consume adult content, please do not read this story. It will will contain sexual themes, including dominantion, oral sex, and anal sex.

So, this is it for the first act essentially. I hope the release is satisfactory, and the ending gets you ready for what's next.

I'll be happy for any feedback, and you can send it to me via email.

zander.saldana (at) protonmail (dot) com

please donate to Nifty if you are able, they're gracious enough to run this for us, i know I've visited this site for years, and I'm glad it's around. http://donate.nifty.org/

I slide my hands through the fur on stomach down to the top of my shorts, and reach for the button to start to open the fly. "You're being a good boy," after I undo the button I stop, and step towards Jackson, so my crotch is right in his face. I place my hand on the back of his head, and bring his mouth to my cock, still trapped in my shorts, "Now give it a kiss. Show it how much you love it, and look at me while you do it."

He puts his hands on my thighs, below the hem of my shorts, and slides his hands up under them. his eyes are on mine, as his lips touch the fabric over my shaft. he opens his mouth, and wraps his lips around it, and i feel his tongue, tentatively at first, begin to press against the fabric with more intensity. I grunt, "ah, nice!" as I hold on to his head and drag his face across to the head which has soaked through the fabric. he seals his lips around it. I can tell he's lapping at incessantly.

"You're like a dog with a treat you want right now aren't you? Just can't wait to get inside."

I grip Jackson's hair and pull his mouth off. his hands are still running up and down my quads, swirling his fingers through the dark hair, but there's just a bit of disappointment in his eyes as I pull him back.

"Oh, don't worry my little cock slut, you're about to get your first real course." With my other hand, I slowly unzip, revealing the top of my trimmed thatch, and red briefs. with a smirk I say, "Unwrap your present."

"Yes sir, " His hands slide up my thighs, tugging at the fabric as he slides them around to my hard glutes, then his fingers get purchase on the waistband of my shorts and briefs. He starts dragging them down over my ass. I kick out of my shoes, trying to make thing easier.

Jacksons face is close to my crotch. and his eyes are glued to my dick. As he pulls down the fabric, my cock causes resistance. It finally breaks free, and thwacks against his beard. he flinches, and then we both laugh.

I grin, and huskily whisper, "Surprise!"

He looks up at me as he continues to move the shorts and underwear down my thick thighs. He says with a smirk, "Thank you sir" Then his eyes go back to my cock.

While his beastly dick is longer than mine, my dick isn't a slouch. I keep my bush trimmed short, and shave my heavy balls. it accentuates my 7 inch cock. jackson and I are about the same thickness at the shaft, but the head of my cut cock is prominent and wider, and the shaft is straight but points up at an angle.

Jackson is staring at my prick like it's his favorite toy at Christmas. precum is dripping from the nob, and I clench to get it to bounce in front of his face. I say, "Now, I don't expect you to be able to take all of this right away. but you're going to learn to take this all the way down your throat and milk it for all your worth." I reach down and lightly grab his jaw, massaging his scruffy cheeks with my fingers, "That's what a good little cock hound like yourself wants isn't it?"

I run my thumb over his lips as he says, "Yes sir."

With my other hand I grab the base of my shaft and tilt it down towards Jackson, as I lift his head up and towards the dripping head of my cock, it's throbbing in anticipation. I use my thumb to open his mouth wider. "Now cover your teeth with your lips, and just suckle at head for a bit. you've had to've gotten at least one good blow job from a girl right?"

Jackson looks up from my dick for a moment with a shrug and says, "Not really sir... most of my exes, didn't like to suck me off."

"You're shitting me." I look down at Jackson and shake my head, "we've got so much work ahead of us." I keep pulling his head towards my cock and I slide my thumb out of his mouth as the dripping nob of my cock slides past his lips, forcing his mouth open more. his green eyes are on me and almost shimmering. "That's it boy, work your tounge over the head, lap it up." I groan as I feel his tongue wrestle with the oozing slit, hungrily drinking from it and his lips work at the crown.

Jackson let's out a deep moan that vibrates his tongue against me. I exhale, "fuuuuck... Now keep your lips tight and give it some suction." his hands slide up my hamstrings and cup my furry glutes. I slide my hand to the back of his head as he starts sucking to pull him further down my cock by an inch or so. He resists a little but settles in, opening his mouth further.

I pull my now saliva soaked head from his lips with a pop. "Bathe the shaft, spit on it and lick it so it gets it all nice and sloppy." I hold the head up while he runs his tongue from the root up the underside. Then Jackson tries spitting on it. but doesn't get much saliva out.

I pull his head back, "No slut, I mean really spit on it." I lean down, and his mouth is still open. I work up some saliva, and dribble it on his mouth. it lands on his lips and tongue, "Like that. There, that should get you started."

He looks shocked but his cock jumps, "Yes, sir" I bring Jackson's head back to my shift and he messily smears his lips over it, spreading my spit, and now his over the shaft.

"Your gonna find out you like more than just my sweat and precum." I bring his mouth back around to my now shiny cock. and press it into his mouth again.

i watch as his lips stretch over my cock, "you're a damned natural at this slut." I push in further and feel his tongue lap across the underside of my shaft. I let him suck and milk my cock, for a few minutes. Jackson closes his eyes every once and a while, enraptured and practically purrs, it's already one of the best blowjobs I've had, and it's from an amateur.

he's arched his back, sticking his pert little ass out, my eyes can't help but wander back beyond his face no matter how hot it is seeing his lips stretched around my shift.

"I cannot wait to fuck that cherry hole of yours," the suction intensifies. and now im almost purring as well.

I pull my now sloppy prick from Jackson's no longer virgin mouth. his lips are already getting puffy. a string of saliva connects us while drool rolls down his chin.

I grab the base of my cock, "That's gonna wait though." I tilt his head to thump the shaft against his cheek, smearing his beard with my precum and his spit. Jackson's eyes are closed and he's blissed out.

I move back to his mouth, and Jackson eagerly opens up. I go in further this time. "Keep those lips tight and keep the suction up. Yeah, that's right." I pull back and then thrust forward again slowly. Beginning a slow rhythm of sawing my prick in and out of Jackson's mouth. his tongue runs along my length, working the shaft, and then the head. It takes all my willpower not to immediately start jack hammering his face.

as I go back and forth in his mouth, I get 3/4ths in when I feel the back of his mouth, Jackson's eyes shot open for a moment, and as I pull back, I push in again a little further and feel just the beginning of his throat, his gag reflex kicks in, and his hands go right to my thighs to stop the assault, but I bring both my hands to his head to hold him there for a moment. he gags again, so I pull my cock back out bit. he's a natural so he keeps up, and i dive back in, only to have him gag again. I give up, and push him off my cock.

Jackson leans back, and hunches over to cough while his mouth and my cock both drip. "Damn..."

"you gotta do better than that... but you, you poor bastard, don't even know now what to expect."

Jackson wipes his mouth on his arm, and says "It's hot as shit though... Sir."

"A-fuckin'-men," I squat down, and hook my hands under his arms to stand him back up. the head of my cock slips over Jackson's stomach while his rubs at my nut sack and inner thigh. I slide my hands down to his hips. He's so eager, and naive. He says he's dreamt about it, but couldn't act. I decide i can't hold back. I lean down to devour Jackson's swollen, cock snot covered lips.

He freezes at first, but then melts as he accepts my tongue and I invade his mouth, I'm tasting my own cock as our bearded mouths engulf each other. I growl when he grabs my shaft with one hand, and a grips my ass with the other.

It makes me lean my head back in ecstacy, Jackson goes to lick and nibble at my neck, Burying his nose in the underside of my beard as he leans into my chest. I hear him sniff deeeply. "Alright slut, I guess I'll have to give you a demonstration of how to suck like a man."

I grab one of his hands and lead him over to the chair. Jackson reluctantly let's go of my dick. He sighs, "I'm so ready to cum, but I'm not ready at the same time. I just want to keep feeling this amazing. I want you to feel amazing and I want to make you blow your load too... Sir."

I gently push him down into the seat "Me too slut, but I want-need to show you how good this can feel."

I go over to the coffee table, "does that bowl have another hit or 2 in it? I need to mellow a bit more for that fuck stick."

As I walk back over with the bong, he says "I'm okay, but yeah... you should be good for one... sir." I'm standing in front of him naked, sweaty, with my muscles bulging under their coating of black hair. I'm not a hard-core pot head, so I'm hoping this looks as hot as I intend.

While a couple of feet away in front of him, I light the bowl, inhale, and then drag a cloud of the mellow smoke smoke into my lungs as I take my thumb of the carb. Jackson sits and plays with his low hanging balls as he watches me hungrily. I arch a dark eyebrow, and make my cock dance for him, as I hold the smoke for a moment then exhale it towards him.

He smirks and mutters, "That is fuckin" hot."

I dont have a body builders form, but I bring my arms up in the classic pose making my biceps bulge, while I spread out my lats, and suck my stomach in flatter. With a grin I drop the pose and say, "and you're a pretty hot piece of ass yourself" then set the bong back at the table.

Now that I'm mellowed I walk over to Jackson with chill and authority and grab his knees to spread his thighs while I kneel to get closer to his cock, pulsing and dripping against abs, I reach for the base of his veiny prick, and bring the head to my mouth. I look up at Jackson. He has an arm behind his head rubbing his neck, looking down at me expectantly.

while locking eyes with Jackson, I lap at the dripping glans and then say, "I can't believe you haven't had anyone choking on this tool."

A blush, "I just never have had the nerve... to really ask for it."

I grin, "Ask and ye shall receive..." I kiss his nob, and then say, "If I do this though, this is mine now." I grip the shaft, and roughly stroke it, which gets a whimper from Jackson. "your orgasm is gonna be dependent on me, and what I allow to happen to this cock. understood?" I stare him down. but his bearded, sharp jawed face doesn't waiver.

"I understand... sir"

"Good. Now who owns this overgrown prick?"

Lusty as ever, Jackson says, "You do sir."

"That's a good slut." I reach up and caress his cheek.

I look back down at Jackson's monster cock in my hand. I'm barely covering half of it with my paw of a hand. a string of slime hangs from the shiny head. I glance up at his expectant face, and shake my head mischievously, "The things I'm willing to do for my slut... "

I begin to lick and suck hungrily at his shaft, feeling the silky texture of the skin sliding over the veins of his pulsing shaft. I taste salt and musk, I inhale his sweat as I work his prick as sloppy and wet as possible.

I look up at Jackson. His head is tilted back as he starts moaning and cursing in whispers, "fuck, fuck, fuu... Thank you.. sir." He's massaging his chest and abs. with my free hand, I reach up and grab his left nipper, and pinch it. He let's out a loud half groan, half moan, and looks down at me. his eyes glazed over.

I pull my mouth off his cock, and say "I want you to enjoy this, but pay attention too. I'm not going to break my jaw all the time trying to suck this fucker," I smile and then lightly slap his face.

He keeps his eyes on me, "Yes sir," I put his now slick cock back in my mouth and proceed to slide it towards my throat. my lips feel almost stretched to there max as his bulging mass slides past, and I dont know how long my jaw will be able to take it, but I hope to get him to the edge, but only just.

I'm breathing through my nose, taking in more of his intoxicating musk. I can't really tell how much more I have to go before I have him all down my throat, but I start backing off,so I can work my tongue over his piss slit and frenulum, to get more of his sweet nectar.

He's watching me intently absorbing how it makes him feel, and what my mouth is doing to his meat. I dive back down, stretching as much as I can to accommodate him. I zen out, to relax my throat.

As I go down further, I take another deep breath. his smell is intoxicating. The head of his pulsing shaft starts to go down my throat, and it grips at his glans.

Jackson's eyes go wide with surprise "Oh gawd!", and his hands go to my head, trying to guide me further to satisfaction. without missing a beat, or stopping, I grab his wrists, and shove them to his chest. I feel him throbbing in my gullet as he slides further and further into my clenching throat.

It feels like his cock is impossibly long. How can it keep going? but I stay calm. and finally, my nose is buried in his trimmed auburn bush. My throat working at the end of his massive tool, and my tongue working at the base, prodding at where his sack meets his shaft.

I dont have much air left, but i stay there. my bearded chin pushing into his full nuts. I haven't broken eye contact either. I want to show him that I can take him, and I'll do it willingly, but on my terms.

my eyes tear up, and I know im beet red as I use up the last of the air. with our eyes still locked, I pull back off his endless veiny shaft. as he leaves my throat, i exhale hard and pull off his cock. a long thread of my throat slime connects us and as I lean back to catch my breath, it breaks and hangs from my beard.

Jackson's meaty prong slaps down on his abs, and I lean back on my hands.

his hands are still on his chest, and Jackson has a shocked look on his face. "I've... never had anyone do that to me before.... I could feel your throat squeezing me. Christ, that's fucking amazing."

I'm a sweaty, drooling mess, on my knees leaning back with my pumped furry chest out, and precum dripping down my vertical cock, pooling on my shaved scrotum. With a breathless grin I say, "If I can do that with yours, you can do the same with me. You'll be getting face fucked in no time, and loving it."

I stand back up, looming as a wall of masculine, muscle and hair. Jackson as he sits, slouching in the chair. I can tell he's still absorbing it all, his eyes travlling over my body but they soon go to my pulsing shaft, right in front of his face. "Now, back to mine. Get 'im nice and sloppy to start with, and then well work on stretching that throat."

He leans forward and reaches for the base of my prick, "Yes, sir." He brings his mouth to the side of the shift and begins sloppily tonguing and kissing it, mimicking my performance on him.

It feels amazing as his lips and tongue work at my shaft. I marvel and moan at the interaction of tongue, lips, skin, and flesh as my prick is glistening, and his beard is covered in spit.

As I grab his head and guide him to my nob, Jackson looks up at me. I say "Breath through your nose, and get a big breath before I hit the back of your throat." He nods his head in response and I can see he's steeling himself.

I begin to pull his face towards me and , I feel his lips sliding over the head and around the corona, and I keep pulling him in as his lips slide over the shaft. he works at my frenulum and the underside of my shaft as I slowly work half my length back and forth out of his.

"Fuck yeah, work my cock. You're doing so good." Jackson moans and he vibrates against my shaft, I hear him breathing heavily through his nose, inhaling my sweat and musk, as he worships my throbbing flesh.

I pull him down further on each stroke, I know I'm nearing his virgin throat, I keep the pace slow and steady, while his hands go back to my furry haunches gripping me and exploring.

I begin battering his throat more each time he descends. his response is less violent this time and I keep it up. I watch as his taught lips get puffy from the barrage, and saliva begins to drip down into his beard. Jackson's shoulders occasionally hunch when he gags, but his eyes are closed and Jackson almost looks meditative.

"You're just loving my cock beating at your throat pussy, aren't you?" I pull back again and as I slide through him, Jackson's nostrils flare as he prepares and I feel his throat open up around my girth, I let out a long, low moan and grip his hair tighter.

I finally bury his nose is my dark bush and hold him there, stroking his hair as his fingers begin digging into my rump and and exploring the right crevice between.

Jackson's guttural moans cause his tight throat to shift and slide along my shaft, and just as he starts to pull and struggle at my ass, I pull him off enough to free his throat, giving him just enough time to get another breath, before bringing him down again, occupying his thrumming passageway.

his face is covered in tears, and snot drips from his dilated nostrils on to my pistoning cock as I proceed to fuck his no longer cherry throat pussy. his beard is coated in various bodily fluids from of both of us.

Our chests are heaving, as we work in concert grunting, thrusting and dripping sweat. I look at Jacksons back flex as he submits to my brutal assault. My biceps flex as I bring his head down, and when he has air, his moans would be wails if i wasn't stuffed in his mouth. Jackson finally opens his tesr streaked eyes and looks up at me with adoration and lust. hungering for my release.

I feel my scrotum tighten up as it bashes against his scruffy chin and my pulse quickens. "Oh fuck! Oh fuck! you're gonna take my cum down your pussy, take it! drink it down!" I slam his face against my pelvis and hold him by his sweat soaked hair, pumping my load directly into Jackson, his every muscle tensed. I feel his fingers dig into my ass, trying to find purchase. unsure if he's pulling me in further to consume me whole, or trying to push away as I claim his body.

I deliver the first volleys directly to his gullet, but as I continue to cum, I pull myself out of his mouth with a wet popping, and I shower his face as my thick white seed arches from my pulsing member, painting his forehead, nose, cheeks and beard hands free. I'm howling with my release, "Fuuuuuuuck!" His open mouth catches more of my sopping load and he reflexively swallows.

swallowing, Jackson calls out, "Oh shit!" Finally able to speak without me violating him.

As my orgasm subsides, the last rivulets, drip from my slit, and down my still iron hard cock. I'm winded and weak kneed. I put my hand on Jackson's shoulder to steady myself.

sweat is beading on my forehead as I look down into his shocked cum covered face. His eyes closed to keep the load out of them. I exhale hard and give a low whistle. "Keep your eyes closed. don't wanna sting those pretty green eyes of yours."

I squat down and pick up his black tank top and get down on my knees in front of Jackson, sprawled in the chair. I wrap an edge the shirt around a couple of fingers and gently wipe the cum from his eyes, but leaving the rest congealing on his face.

he's breathing just as hard as I am, and I notice his chest isn't just covered in his slobber and sweat. He came without touching his meat. he has pearly globs sliding down between his pecs, sticking in his light auburn fur, with the watery remnants mixing with sweat and gathering in the runnels between his abdominals and pooling in his matted bush above his deflating cock and blushing scrotum.

As I finish wiping my load away from his eyes and drop his soiled shirt, Jackson opens them. they're a little bloodshot, and he looks weary but satisfied. Our faces are close as we exhale into each others faces.

I growl "You're a fuckin' champ. a complete stud slut, and that felt so good."

"You're welcome..." I reach up to his forehead and gently caress it as I begin wiping up my seed to gather it up.

"Was it good? The fact you're nearly drowning in cum from both of us..."

With my hazel eyes locked on his green he says, "Yeah... erh, Yes sir."

"We need to get working on getting cleaned up... Here." I take my fingers, that are now covered in my quickly cooling load, and place all 4 on his tongue, and Jackson begins lapping it up. I feed him the rest of what's on his face, and he eagerly takes it all down. moaning the whole time.

"Good boy." I push him back in the chair, and look at his sopping chest. He's not at full mast, with his cock laying on his thigh, but he hasn't shriveled up either.

I lean in forward, and start running my my mouth over his stomach, lapping up his load from the channels in his abs, and travel up his chest. I stop to nibble on one of his nipples on the way up and he tilts his head back, let's out a long, low "Fuuuuuuuck" while his obscene prick almost lurches back to life.

As I get up to his neck, I grab his head and tilt it towards me. His sharp nose almost touching mine, our cum soaked breath mixing between us. He's exhausted, but sated. Thankful.

I lean in and kiss him, or more like violate him again. and he willing takes my tongue, massaging it with his own as I plunge in savoring our seed as they merge and mix with our saliva.

One of his hands goes to my wrist where I'm holding his neck right below his ear, and the other reaches out for my neck, where he runs his thumb over the coarse hair on my cheek. we both moan as I explore his lips, and every crevice of his mouth.

we finally stop and lean against each others foreheads. I close my eyes and keep on working to calm down.

Jackson whispers, "I came without even touching my dick." it sounds like a mix of awe and bewilderment.

"You were wired as fuck thats for sure." I slowly stand back up, and offer my hand, "let's shower, I dont mind smelling like sex, but honestly we both looked wrecked. I need to get you cleaned up so your brother doesn't kill me."

Both of us naked, he leads me to the small bathroom and shower, where he gets the water started. Jackson looks shell shocked after what is most likely his most intense orgasm ever.

Once the water is warm, Jackson gets into the shower tub first, and I follow him in, getting behind him. with his back to me he puts his face under the sshowerhead, beginning to rinse the physical part of the sexual residue away.

As the water begins cascading down his back I say, "Let me soap up your back."

Jackson grins over his shoulder, and says "that'd be nice." and hands me a bar of soap.

As I lather him up, feeling the work hardened muscles in his back, I say "I'm going to be pushing you sexually, but never more than you can take. It'll be thrilling, scary, and probably humiliating, but you can take it-If you want. there'll be pain, but plenty of pleasure too."

"Yeah, I mean. I knew I was getting in deep, asking you here, this way. That's maybe what I was hoping for... and didn't realize. Sex has always been good with chicks, but kinda boring, like I'm going through the motions. This though..." Jackson turns around in the cramped space towards me, "wasn't that. I didn't know you could do some of things we did."

I smile at him genuinely, "Well there's more of that to come." I begin soaping up his chest. Caressing his pectorals and working down his abs, running my fingertips over the grooves. I growl, "I know I'm already thinking of what we'll get up to next." as my hand goes to Jackson's bush his cock lurches and he let's out an expectant moan.

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