Jacksons Strip Tease

By zander

Published on Jul 19, 2020


if you are not 18 years of age, or the required age for your region to consume adult content, please do not read this story. It will will contain sexual themes, including dominantion, oral sex, and anal sex.

we're finally getting into it. this was hot as fuck to write. happy reading.

I'll be happy for any feedback, and you can send it to me via email.

zander.saldana (at) protonmail (dot) com

please donate to Nifty if you are able, they're gracious enough to run this for us, i know I've visited this site for years, and I'm glad it's around. http://donate.nifty.org/

Jackson came into the living room wearing a tighter black tank top, and some dark gray tapered pants, with buttons down the side. he honestly looked crazy hot, like one of those guys in a British chav porno. I liked the look. with the black top, his pale skin stood out paler and his freckled broad shoulders complemented his narrow waist. his cock looked a little more prominent, too.

his shoulders were a little hunched though, and he looked demure. like he was seeking approval, and unsure if he deserved it.

"How do I look?" he turns a circle between me and the TV. I check out his ass through the pants, which is still sticking out nicely. "Do I look like I'm ready to have money thrown at me?"

After all the times of seeing him in shapeless business casual, it's just as much of a shock as the basketball shorts from earlier. "Oh yeah, I think you're looking ready."

I'm still slouching on the couch, with my knees spread. I'm tapping my heel though, which is shaking my leg, and my dick in their confining shorts.

Jackson seems to notice that, and blushes. "I'll take what's going on in your shorts there as sign this is a good look?"

"Ah, sorry about that. I guess it's awkward having a guy sporting a boner because of what your wearing." I stop tapping my foot and scoot back upright on the couch.

"Well it's kind of the point isn't? I need to get used to turning guys on, if I'm going to be a good stripper." he pulls his shoulders back, and strikes a more confident pose. Jackson flexes his arms like a bodybuilder showing off. his biceps tensed, and his lats are on display. it's crazy.

He drops his arms and says, "I've been thinking about what I could strip to, for the first time... i have to pick a good one for that first impression." he reaches for the TV remote on the coffee table and turns it on. "I was thinking about The Hills by The Weeknd?"

I chuckle at that, "yeah, that's a pretty hot song. there's like a whole genre of videos with hot guys dancing to it. it's a good song to shake it to though, i suppose thats why it's used?"

he shrugs his shoulders and looks a little dejected by that, "oh... well. it's good practice though right?" he brings up a music app on the TV, and looks for the song. "Can... I try stripping for you? to see how I do, and to see if I have the nerve to do this in front of even one guy?"

The thought of actually getting to see him strip right now, and so quick, is fucking hot. I start thinking about it, and a thought starts coming to mind, to test where he wants to go with this.

I adjust myself on the couch, and throw my left arm across the back. Jackson is still searching for the song, and I keep on checking out his body. "Sure man, I'll be your guinea pig. we can test out how you'll do. Im no stripper myself... but I think I know what other gay guys would like."

I look over to the dining room table in the nook, " how 'bout I grab one of those chairs over there, so I can be on the other side of the coffee table? we can turn down the lights a bit too. one thing about the strip club was that it was kinda dark."

Jackson looks at me over his shoulder from the TV, "Um sounds good, I've found the song too. and yeah good idea the lights. Straight strip clubs are pretty dark too. lemme get the 'em."

I get up off the couch and head to the dining table to grab one of the metal and plastic ikea chairs they have there, and close the shades on the sliding door to the backyard.

he turns off a few lights in the living room, and i place the chair so it's facing the space between the TV and the coffee table. there's enough space for him to move around there.

I sit down in the chair, and adjust my now thoroughly hard dick. there's definitely the beginning of a wet spot on my shorts, but I dont think it matters at this point.

I put my hands in my lap to massage my dick while Jackson gets the song ready and moves over in front of me, maybe 5 or 6 feet away.

I say, "So, do you think you're ready?"

Jackson gets the song ready on the TV, and looks over at me, "Almost, lemme do a quick stretch." he swings his arms, and bounces on his feet some, moving from side to side, He squats down and back up, and then he stretches his arms up and behind his head, exposing his hairy arm pits, while looking down at his body, and slowly starts gyrating his hips showing, off his bulge.

while groping my cock I say, "If you're at a real strip club, you'll have guys hooting and hollering even just with that."

he looks up at me for the first time in a bit, and blushes. "Let me get the music going" he picks the remote up again. and hits play on The Hills.

As the music starts, Jackson rolls his shoulders, and then rocks his head side to side. he grabs at the waistband of his tear away pants, and tugs them lower, exposing a strip of his taught stomach right above his crotch while he starts gyrating his hips again from side to side.

he moves his arms across his body, tracing the shape of his pecs, and gliding down the sides of his torso, accentuating his narrow waist and the Adonis belt pointing towards his cock. He leans back while thrusting forward, showing of his bulge more.

I'm gobsmacked. it's fucking hot. I want to see how far he'll go though, with a little verbal prodding, "how about you turn around, and show your ass? that'll get them going. and shake and gyrate it. Really show it off" he turns around and lowers his pants a bit to show off the top half of his ass and keeps dancing. he has a little bit of hair on the round, prominent cheeks.

by now the only thing hiding the precum leaking through my shorts is the low lighting. I'm openly stroking my dick through my shorts, squeezing out more pre. "Sorry about being so brazen here, you'll probably have guys doing even worse in a club."

He looks over his shoulder at me, rather meekly, "yeah... you're probably right. Should I take off my shirt?"

I nod my head, "But slowly, and turn back around. Show off those abs."

Jackson turns and grabs the bottom edge of his tank top with one hand and starts bringing it up, exposing his ripped stomach, and then pecs. he's able to take it off in one smooth motion while still working his hips.

With a stern voice I say, "Toss me your shirt." he hesitates for just a second, and seems to lose his rhythm, but he swings it at me and i catch it with my freehand. "Nice! you're doing great dude."

he looks to have gotten his confidence back. As he works his hips, and slides to the left, he grabs his cock, which has grown a bit. all I can tell is that it's big.

"Have you done this for someone before, or have you just been watching Magic Mike?"

"I haven't seen Magic Mike, I figured it would be better to actually talk to someone about it." Jackson spins to show his Ass again, and it's juicy as ever. He moves it from side to side, causing it to flex. Then he rolls his body, suggestively thrusting his hips forward showing the muscles in his back stretching and relaxing. "And no, I haven't done this for anyone. I'm afraid a girl would just laugh at this."

As I stroke myself through the shorts, and hold his top I say "Huh, well you can tell I'm not laughing."

as Jackson turns back around, still rhythmically thrusting, he says, "so I guess I'm doing okay? What should I do next?"

"How far do you want to take this Jackson?" at this point the song has just changed to another The Weeknd song

he says, "Um, I guess I'll actually strip. All I've got on is a jockstrap under all this. I think that'd be sexy to dance in right? I need to get used to the objectification I think."

"Yeah-That would it. Ah, well then... I'd say reach into your pants and bring the front down more. Show just a bit of the base of the shaft. Yeah, like that, and start popping the snaps on the pants so you can start taking them off. So, you've never even done this for another guy?"

Jackson's been looking at me while he grabs his shaft, biting his lip seductively, but now he looks a way, but he starts working on taking off his pants, "No... I've thought about it maybe. I'm not sure. I just had this general idea. what would it be like to be ogled by another guy, and it kind of snowballed from there. I've never even touched or been touched by a man, well like in a sexual way."

"ah, it's cool dude. How does it feel to have me looking at you, knowing I'm stroking my leaky cock through my shorts?"

he's stopped undoing the track pants, and they start to slide down his hips and thighs, exposing powder blue nylon running shorts. they're still sitting low across his hips, and i can finally see that he's got what has to be a truelly giant cock.

It's still covered by his shorts, but it's running parallel to the waist band, pointing to his right hip. "it's... fuckin' hot man."

"I can tell..." I stand up from the chair, and walk up to Jackson. I tower over him, and he stops dancing to lookup at me, his eyes are huge, and he looks a little scared. I'm less than a foot away. "I think it's time we see how you handle other stuff, don't stop dancing though."

he gulps, nods and then starts again. he puts his arms over his head exposing his pits, while rolling his back and thrusting his hips towards me.

"guys can get pretty handsy with the strippers, like I said. But you've never had a guy touch you before?"


I put my hand on his chest. It's slick with sweat, and I caress his pec, " How does that feel?" his small pert nipples are sticking out, i play with his patch of chest hair, and then run my hand over one of them. I thumb the nub so it gets more erect. i run my fingers under where his pectoral meets his ribs, and slide my hand around to his lats.

Jackson shudders, "i-it feels goo- fine." he puts his arms down, and starts pushing his shorts down, and from here i see the waist band of a generic white jockstrap.

I'm sweating too at this point. I step in a little closer, "i don't really know what women are into with men, but gay men can have some interesting fetishes." I slide my hand up into his sweaty arm pit and move his arm, so the pit is exposed again and his hand is behind his head. he doesnt resist, and when i let go, he leaves it there.

the hair in his pit is slightly moist and sticking together. I grab his elbow and push it gently over his head to expose more of his arm pit, causing him to stretch out his lats. I stoop down and forward, to put my face in his pit, and inhale. he's still pretty fresh from the shower, but he has a fresh sweat smell too. He's not rank yet. i run my tounge over the wet whispy hair. My black beard, rubbing up against his pale flesh.

Jackson breathes out, "fuuuuuuuccck"

I stand back up and ask, "How was that?"

Jackson drops his arm and looks up at me, "That felt great" he's stopped dancing at this point.

I continue to run my hand over his sweaty chest, feeling it rise and fall. I then run my fingers over his abs, "Let's drop the pretense. You've been wanting to see what it would be like to be with a guy, with me huh? started getting curious? It happens."

He reaches down and grabs his slab of meat through the shorts, and bites his lip. "Um, yeah. i just haven't known what to do... I've tried watching gay porn, but I haven't been able to do it. I'm afraid my brother will spot it on the computer. I've thought about grindr, but didn't have the nerve either." he gives me a sheepish look, "And then I overheard you mention that you just broke up with a guy, and well. there's just something about you, that I found attractive. Your beard, the way you wear those tight polos that show off your pecs and when your khakis hug your ass... Anyway, I had to get you alone."

"Well, I'm flattered." I really was. I'm surprised he felt like he had to go through all this to get a boner in front of me. Jackson looks scared, but expectantly at me.

I slide my hand down past his belly button. I drag my fingers through his trimmed bush, getting close to his throbbing cock, but not touching it. Jackson breathes in sharply.

"Are you ready though? I'm not somebody who fucks around... but I think you can sense that. I like to be in control. you'll have to be good with that."

jackson looks up at me, and I stare back at him. I move my hands down his sides, stroking them up and then down, just barely pushing at the waistband of his shorts, "I-I think so... I've never been this hard in my whole fucking life, and just from the little bit you've manhandled me. I-Ive thought about this a lot in the last couple of months, but I didn't know what it could mean. What having you look at me the way your now..."

I put my hands on his hips, and hook my thumbs into his shorts, "It means, maybe you want to be led. and I'm more than fuckin' willing" I smirk and say, "You're so goddammed hot, it's hard not to want you hanging off my dick."

Jackson is looking up at me with lust at this point, he's working his shaft, through the thin shorts, causing the waist to ride lower, exposing more flesh. At this angle his adonis belt and narrow hips are pointing right towards his prick. it's enough to make my mouth water.

He says, "I.. want to know what it'll be like. I've been thinking about it. about your cock, and stroking it." he lifts his hand off his throbbing dick, and stars reaching for mine.

I'm so ready for it, but i grab his wrist, forcefully to stop him. I lean down to his ear. my lips right up against it, and i breath, "Then the rules need to get started." i gently lick the edge of his ear, and then lean back up. I take his hand and put it on the waist of his shorts. "Show me how much you want it. take the shorts off, but leave the jock on."

Jackson grabs the edge of the shorts and starts pushing them down. the track pants are still stuck around his knees. his head comes towards my chest and he leans into me as he goes lower, and i reach out to steady his shoulder as he steps out of all of them and kicks them under the edge of the coffee table.

As he stands back up, I see more of his cock and jeezus... it's halfway sticking out the side of his jock, barely contained. it's got to be about 10 inches long, cut, with an nice head. the shaft is veiny and thick. the tip is slick with precum. Jackson leaves his arms at his side. He's looking up expectantly, "Well what are the rules?"

I'm still shocked about his dick. I'm almost exclusively a top, but the shape, and heft of his tool is tempting. Could I take that monster? How would it feel to straddle those narrow hips and lower myself on to that throbbing plinth?

Jackson seems to realize my enraptured state, smirks, and then makes his cock dance, what little it can in the strap as i look back up at his face.

I get my compsure back. "Well, the first rule is I'm in charge. No matter how giant that snake is your towing around." I reach up and lightly slap his ginger bearded cheek. He looks only mildly shocked. "Honestly I'm impressed you haven't passed out," I finish with a smirk and he smiles in return.

I lean in close to his ear again, and say "If you're a real good boy, maybe I'll ride that fuckin' obscene cock of yours. I bet you'd like that. Feeling my tight, rarely fucked ass, milk every bit of cum out of your balls. Me, shooting a massive load all over your stomach, chest and face? Oh yeah, I'm a shooter and you'll find that out soon." I lick his ear again, but longer this time.

he let's out a long, low moan as I stand back up. "Before that, you need to prove it's worth it." I lightly slap him again. he doesn't flinch at all this time. "When we're like this, you call me Sir. When I tell you to do something, say 'Yes Sir,' and do it. I might need you to suck me off during our lunch breaks. You have to be ready and willing to take my load when I ask. You're gonna have to deal with going back into work with the smell of my cum on your lips... I might have other needs you have to fill, and you can't hesitate. If I push you too far, that's fine, tell me and I'll pull back. Ask too much though... we might just have end it. It's up to you."

Jackson pauses just for a moment. he locks eyes with me searching mine. he's full of lust, and I am too. he's not just hungry for my cum. He's hungry for authority. I'm hungry to show him what we're capable of giving each other.

his look changes almost imperceptibly. He's still horny as fuck, but he's determined now too. While still looking me in the eye, he nods his head, "Yes... Sir."

I exhale, "Good. For now, your my slut, and that's the name you'll reply to. I'm goin' to teach you to be a good little whore. You may not've sucked a cock yet, but I'll fix that."

I step back a foot or so, and look Jackson up and down. He's shiny with a thin layer of sweat. he has his head up high by his elegant neck with subtle, but strong traps. Jackson's pecs aren't huge, but they look firm, glowing under a thin layer of sweat, with their small thatch of hair nestled between them that turns into a fine dusting of hair over his sharply defined 6 pack, the trail being more prominent in the cleft bissecting them. His adonis belt perfectly compliments his surprisngly beefy legs and narrow waist. The head of his cut cock is still sticking out the side of his jock, but dripping at this point. He has great legs, with hard quads and calves dusted with auburn hair, leading down to gorgeous feet.

"You look like you're about to pop slut. Take off your jock, and come over here."

"Yes sir," he eagerly tugs his jock off, bending his throbbing cock down. When it breaks free it thumps audibly against his stomach leaving a wet spot, and then points straight ahead with an upward curve. His nuts are big too, golf ball sized, they hang fairly low and lopsided in a shaved sack. It's gonna be a fun cock to ride... eventually.

Jackson offers me the jock expectantly as he steps up to me. the head of his dick just inches from my crotch. I grab the jock, put it up to my nose and inhale deeply. The smell of cum, piss and sweat is heady, like he hadn't washed it for a bit. My mouth waters.

I bring the jock strap down from my face, and say "Damn boy,this thing is delicous. Did you do this for me, or do you enjoy smelling this ripe ass jock?" I reach out with my other hand, and caress Jackson's neck

He gets meek for a moment, "Y-Yes Sir.. I usually do it for just me... I almost stole a pair of my brother's underwear, but I chickened out. I just wanted to see what it could smell and taste like, so instead I decided not to wash my jock for a while, just to make the smell stronger. I like the smell, I had no idea..."

I'm trying to unpack that while I keep caressing his neck. "Well well, that's something. does my slut have a thing for his beefy brother? I don't blame you. He greeted me just when I got here, and he was hot as fuck in that cycling gear." I smirk, "Are you wanting him to feed you a load of brotherly seed?"

Jackson's blush deepens and he looks torn, but he won't look me in the face, "I don't know... maybe? He's such a strong guy. he's confident, like you. I hadn't wanted him that way till recently."

He looks genuinely distraught, but I continue to rub his neck gently, trying to reassure him, "Oh, it's okay boy. Maybe we'll see if we can get him to drop a load in you. I know I wouldn't mind trading your sloppy holes with him." I grip his neck tighter and tilt his face so he looks at me, "I'm thinking you'd like that too. I bet you'd like to have a bunch of loads floating in your guts. Especially if one of them is your bro's, wouldn't you slut?"

I can see the shame in Jackson's eyes start to mix with lust, but he doesn't say anything. I can see he's imagining what that could be. I let go of his neck and slap him, just hard enough to bring him back. I gruffly whisper, "Answer me slut."

"Y-yes, Sir."

"In due time. you have to be able to take mine first. I'm going to be the one to pop your cherry." I still have his jock in my other hand. I push the pouch into his face gently but still forcefully, while I hold the back of his head, "But for now, suck the dribbles of cum and piss off that." I chuckle, "Consider it an apertif."

Jackson greedily sucks on the fabric and moans. I can feel his tounge through the fabric. I pull it away and toss it on the coffee table as Frank Ocean's Novacane starts to play.

"Enough of that. Christ It's getting hot in here, what is it with Oregonians and not having A/C? Help me out of my shirt."

Jackson's eyes light up, "Yes sir." He puts his hands on the hem of my shirt, lingering at my hips. and starts sliding it up, exposing my flat hairy stomach. As he brings the shirt up I lift my arms and lean down so he can get it over my head. Without seeming to think about it, he brings the shirt to his face, sniffing the moist pits.

"Oh, so you're a sweat pig too." I lift up my arm to put it over my head, I turn my armpit towards him, and say "Just go straight for the source slut. It's right here."

He doesn't even hesitate, Jackson drops the shirt, and puts his face right in my hairy pit, and inhales deep, like I was the bong from earlier. one hand goes for a meaty fur covered pec, and the other goes to my waist. He's moaning again, and then I feel his tounge tangle in the hairs under my arm. I grunt as he massages my chest, rubbing his thumb over my nipple, it responds by getting harder, and his fingers go under the waistbands of my shorts and underwear stroking the top of my furry ass.

It feels like he's in there for a blessed eternity, but it's maybe just a minute. his sloppy cock rubs on my hip, but he's not humping me yet.

"God damn your such a fucking greedy slut. you just want all my juices don't you?"

I pull his head out from under my arm and his green eyes are dazed and his face is slick with spit and sweat. "Yes Sir. You just taste so fucking good. Jeezus, I've never felt this way. Ever." He licks his lips and grins, "This dude on dude shit is crazy."

I square my shoulders back to Jackson and look down at him, laugh and say "well, if your good, we'll do more of this shit, and you can taste me right from my dick."

I grab my crotch with one hand and put the other on his shoulder, and force him down, "on your fucking knees."

He drops down and sits on his heels with his knees wide, and his cock verticle. it's obscene how vulnerable and hungry his eyes are, as they travel from my bulging shorts to my hairy stomach and the mounds of my pecs, and finally to my face.

my shorts are spotted on the outside from his leaking, and on the inside from my own. I stroke my cock through them, and say, "Tell me you want my cock. Tell me you want my cum down that beautiful slut throat of yours."

Jackson's lust filled eyes, go back to my crotch, "Yes sir... I need it. I need your cock in my mouth, I need you to feed me your cum."

Next: Chapter 5

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