Jackson Enslaved

By R A D

Published on Sep 1, 2023


I am persuaded to place a warning here. This story is a fantasy. Please do not try something like this. It is obviously not safe to place yourself in the hands of a man you do not know under such vulnerable conditions.

If you are not yet 18 years of age or not yet 21 years of age,depending on the country, you are too young to read this and should depart from here until you reach the legal age

If you are offended by imagination of sex between men or master slave type sex then you should not read this. In fact you should not even be here.

I also ask that if anyone wishes to reproduce this story or any part or episode of it in whatever form they seek my permission in writing first.


Naked, his clothing in the sac at his feet as instructed, Jackson locked the collar to his neck and snapped the first handcuff onto his left wrist. As he was about to close the second cuff around his right wrist in front of him a voice in the trees said, "No, behind you slave."

Jackson was shocked when he heard the voice and stood stunned for a moment. He saw a large figure move toward him from the trees on his left but he could not make out details. "Do it now slave!" This time the voice was loud and hard but it was not Larry's voice!

In full panic Jackson turned and sprinted out of the shelter but before he got 10 feet beyond the doorway he stepped on a loose shoelace and landed hard on his face.

Before he could move he felt the weight of a man's knee on his back while his arms were wrenched behind him and the cuff was closed on his right wrist.

Two strong hands gripped him by the shoulders and pulled him to his feet. Winded and filled with terror Jackson wanted to yell for help but could not make a sound.

While he struggled for breath his captor quickly wrapped something cold and metallic around his ball sack and then attached a lead to it. He yanked on the lead and Jackson suddenly regained his voice letting out a cry and leaping to follow.

His captor led Jackson under one of the lamps that lined the trail. In the light Jackson could see his captor clearly for the first time. The man was at least 220 pounds and over 6'3" tall. He was not so much fat as he was just big. His head was shaved smooth and there was a ring in his nose. He wore a sleeveless black shirt, jeans and suspenders. His laced black boots had at least 18 holes and came close to his knees.

"So what have we got here?" he asked. "Hey you're a pretty boy aren't ya" he said with a crooked smile and an evil looking gleam in his eye. " That fucker Larry sure knows how to pick 'em." he said with a laugh.

Terrified, Jackson pleaded "please Sir, I was supposed to meet Larry here tonight, please I don't want to miss him Sir."

"Yeah boy I know you were gonna meet him here but he was uh, delayed, you might say " his captor replied, leering at Jackson and laughing to himself, " I am here to get you instead." His captor gave another yank on the lead. " You keep your mouth shut and do as I tell ya and maybe you'll keep your balls, got it boy?" he asked

Jackson, feeling the sharp yank in his balls gave a cry of pain and said "Yes Sir Yes Sir I got it Sir." Jackson was led back toward the shelter. His captor stooped to pick up the sack containing Jackson's clothes and then he began to lead him off down the pathway the opposite direction from which Jackson had come.

Filled with fear but helpless Jackson followed the leash on his balls and the man who held it. Lamps lighted the trail occasionally but his captor skirted around the pools of light they created. They saw no one until

they came close to the third lamp.

Two men suddenly appeared from the left thru the trees. One of them was clothed a lot like his captor with high lace up boots and a shaved head. The other had orange spiked hair and a nose ring and had a kind of wild look in his eye. Jackson, hoping for a chance to escape, cried out "please please help me I don't want to.." but before he could say more his captor yanked his lead upward and Jackson was suddenly on his toes yelling in pain.

"You will pay for that boy," said his skinhead captor as he pulled a rag from his pocket and tied it around Jackson's head as a gag. " I should have done this before."

Jackson's hopes for escape vanished as the two men both laughed and the one with the shaved head said " Hey you got hot one there Carl!"

" Yeah Barry I did, got me a pretty boy and this one almost came with wrapping, or I should say un wrapping." He held up the cloth sack for them to see. "He definitely needs training but man, look at him; he has potential " Carl boasted. He led Jackson closer to the lamp so they could see him more clearly.

The three men looked lustfully at Jackson's nude bound body and for the first time since his capture he felt something other than terror. He felt a wave of humiliation and he closed his eyes in shame.

"Hey Carl what you got in his butt?" asked Barry.

Blushing deep red in the lamplight Jackson remembered the butt plug up his ass and realized they could all see the base of it. Carl reached back, grasped it and pulled it out. "Boy you are just full of surprises aren't you" said his captor as he raised the plug up and held it in front of Jackson's face.

Just at this point Jackson's bowels, unplugged for the first time in hours, expelled a series of noisy farts. The three men laughed heartily. Jackson wanted only to vanish into the ground. Yet worse was to come.

As Jackson was exposed to all of this humiliation his cock, which had shriveled in fear, began again to grow and within seconds he was fully hard. Carl, laughing at Jackson's shame, noticed his hardened cock and said "Well boy you are obviously enjoying the festivities aren't you?"

Jackson, unable to look him in the eye, focused his gaze on the ground at his own feet. Carl reached over and undid the knot on the gag and then quickly forced the butt plug into Jackson's mouth, retying the gag in place. This repelled Jackson and his face reflected his feelings but he could do nothing to change it. His cock, if anything, just got harder.

"That is a hell of a lot better place to keep that plug, don't you think boy?" Carl asked. Jackson could taste his ass on the plug and it made him gag but he fought to control his reflex so he could breath. He succeeded but only by accepting the taste and that brought on a new flush of shame.

"I bet it tastes good too huh kid?" Barry asked and the three men had another good laugh at Jackson's predicament.

"I got to get moving before we get company. Maybe see you guys later" Carl said as he again began to lead Jackson down the pathway. He took the lead in his left fist and holding it close to Jackson's balls he reached his hand around and slid the middle finger of his right hand up Jackson's ass.

" Oh yeah boy you are a hot little unit and you just love this I can see it."

Jackson was in turmoil. He was terrified as never before yet there was no denying he was extremely turned on as well. Carl was fingering his prostate and he was on his way to orgasm if that continued. Yet here he was, naked, cuffed and led thru a park by a man who could possibly do anything he wanted with him.

The trail led them to a small parking lot and in the single lamp at one end of it Jackson could see a dark colored Van. Carl led him over to the van and slid open the side door. He pushed Jackson inside and closed the door, turning on the overhead light.

The floor and sidewalls of the van were carpeted. Except for some pillows and a couple chests along the sides near the back the van was empty. There were no windows on the sides and the back windows were covered with tinfoil.

Carl reached back and opened one of the chests pulling out some items Jackson could not see. He took Jackson's hard dick and placed something tight and elastic around it just below the head. Then he made Jackson lay down on his stomach over 2 pillows facing the back of the Van. Jackson could feel him removing the lead but then attaching something else to his balls. He heard a metallic snap.

"Your balls are chained to the floor boy. You make any sudden move and you'll lose them," Carl warned him. Jackson then felt as his captor wrapped leather cuffs around each ankle and fasten them tightly to separate staples in the floor. Jackson, still handcuffed, was left with his legs split widely apart and his ass cheeks spread wide open. Carl forced another plug into Jackson's hole. He turned a small switch in the base of the plug. In a moment Jackson began to feel it hum inside him.

"Ok boy that should keep you occupied while we are traveling" Carl said, chuckling as he slipped into the drivers seat. He adjusted the inside rear view mirror so that he could look at Jackson's hot little butt while he was driving.

Jackson had been trying to deal with his terror over his helpless predicament when the vibrator was switched on. He was soon again transported to the point where he was building to orgasm. He was filled with fear and with regret at having left no trace to follow and he began to weep. Yet at the same time the vibrating plug stimulated him and he became more and more aroused about his humiliation and captivity. Close to orgasm several times he found that the band on his dick made it impossible for him to cum. These conflicting emotions and sensations were very powerful and very confusing to him and he was unable to stop his weeping for a long time.

Keeping him aroused made it very difficult for Jackson to clear his head when he finally was able to stop his crying. Eventually though he started to think. Where was Larry? Was he actually late for real? Maybe his captor actually was collecting Jackson for Larry. It could be. Jackson was reassured by this thought and was a little less fearful.

He thought about Larry, about the way they had clicked so well on the net, about the hot pictures he had seen and how much he wanted to submit to the man. Maybe his capture in the park was just Larry's way of introducing Jackson to this weekend of submission.

Jackson was reassured by these thoughts for a while and he reveled in his arousal. Yet doubts began to intrude. He had never actually seen Larry in the flesh. Only talked on the net and a few times on the phone. Oh god! Oh god! Was it possible that Larry was just a set up? Some hot pictures and a butch voice just to snare Jackson?

All that stuff about buying the ticket anonymously and sending the return portion was hot when they talked about it. Yet he realized now it was also the perfect way to cover his tracks and make him very tough to trace. Nobody knew where he was this weekend and there was no easy trail to follow. He did not log his conversations on the net so even his home computer would be no use.

These thoughts brought fresh waves of tears from Jackson. Nude, cuffed, plugged at both ends and chained to the floor he knew in his heart that the van was taking him toward a life of slavery and he had no hope of escape.

This is the end of episode II. I hope that you have enjoyed it. I would greatly appreciate any comments readers may have, good or bad.


Next: Chapter 3

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