Jacking My Best Friend

By Phillip Cook

Published on Oct 30, 2013


Sorry it took so long for this chapter. I thought since Halloween is coming up I would have the frat party be Halloween themed. Hope you enjoy and please email me with your feedback, it will be much appreciated.

And please donate to nifty. Thanks.

Now on to...

Jacking My Best Friend 5

Steve didn't come back to the room after lunch. I sat alone on my bed for much of the afternoon wondering what he and Sheila were doing. I had a hunch that he was avoiding me after the bombshell I dropped on him earlier. But I couldn't help myself. I felt so close to him I had to let him know how I was feeling. I love him.

After moping around I realized it was getting late. The frat party was in another hour. I wasn't sure if I felt like going but it beats being alone. Greg had texted me and informed me that the frat party was Halloween themed and said I should find something sexy and or scary to wear.

I called my friend Amy and she agreed to help me put something together in a flash. She plastered white make up all over my face. Added some dark eyeshadow giving my eyes a more haunted look. A touch of red lipstick so my lips would pop. She spiked my dark bangs in a downward sweep. Then she helped me pick out an appropriate gray suit. I put the fangs she got at a novelty shop in my mouth and slipped on the black onyx ring onto my finger. A cape-coat and a cane with a sliver handle completed the look.

I was now Barnabas Collins from Dark Shadows.

I hurried along, looking very dapper and vampire like, to the party. The Halloween decorations was over the top. With cobwebs, giant spiders, pumpkins carved into jack-o'-lanterns, witches on broom sticks, headstones and graves with fake hands coming out of them. And that was just the front yard.

The thought that possibly Steve was here and wondering what sort of sexy costume he was wearing made my heart thump. I hadn't seen him all day. Not since I made that rash confession. It was too late to take it back. So now he knows how I really feel. How I always felt. But the question now was...does he love me too?

Once the door opened to the old house I was seeing double. Twins that is. They were very sexy. They were wearing nothing but jeans with impressive bulges. It was obvious they both worked out a lot. They had bronzed rippling muscles and very little hair on their chest. Medium length brown hair adorned both their heads. And red eyes?

"Hi. Barnabas? Isn't it?" One of them said, the one on the right.

"Yes. Good evening," I showed my fangs. "Who might you two be?"

"Ethan and Aiden," They said in unison. "From Teen Wolf," Also in unison. It was kinda freaky.

"But also known as Mark..."

"...and Jeremy."

"I'm Derek," I said.

"Let's go and have some fun," Mark said.

"I always wanted to do it with a vampire," Jeremy said.

They both grabbed me by a hand each and dragged me inside, my cane got lost in the scuffle.

"But...but...I just got here."

"You may be the vampire but we are going to be the ones who suck you dry," Jeremy said.

"Oh my God" I screamed as we passed all manners of costumed party goers while the twins practically carried me up the stairs.

"First we are going to suck the cum right out of your balls," Mark said.

"Then you are going to suck us until we explode with cum," Jeremy added.

"Then you are going to take turns fucking us while one of us fuck you," Mark said as they pushed me into a vacant room and onto a king sized bed.

Before I knew what was happening they each grabbed my pants and unfastened my belt and pulled my pants down to my ankles taking my underwear with it. I was still mostly dressed but my growing cock and balls were exposed.

"Close the door," Mark told his brother. "We should have him for ourselves for now."

Jeremy went to close the door while Mark went down on my hard throbbing cock.

"Oh my God!" I exclaimed. "I can't believe this is happening. We hardly know each other."

"What did you expect to happen here. I'm sure you heard about our parties," Jeremy said as he sauntered back over to the bed. "A cute guy like you would be devoured at a party like this. Luckily we got to you first so we can devour you."

"Yes," Mark lifted his face from my dick." Very lucky." He resumed his sucking while his brother got into position beside him waiting his turn.

"Oh good God!" I squirmed as Mark's talented tongue did wonderful things to my dickhead. "I thought you guys would have been mostly a top."

"We usually are," Jeremy admitted. "But every once in a while we like to give a special guy a treat. And this is your lucky night."

Mark stopped sucking just then and offered my dick to his brother and he gobbled it up.

"Oh wow! Where did you both learn to suck like this?"

"From each other, of course," Mark said. "We've been sucking each other cocks for at least five years now."

"Come on brother," Jeremy said. "Help me with this cock."

They both got on either side of me. Their feet facing my head and their faces right at my crotch. They licked up and down my cock which was wet with their saliva and my pre-cum. The head is shiny and a little pearly drop of cum bubbled out. Mark licked it up and I quivered with delight,

While their impressive bulges was nearby, I took the opportunity to feel them up.

"Wow, you both have big dicks," I said.

"They're not even fully hard yet," Jeremy said.

"How big do you think we are when fully hard brother? Nine inches?" Mark asked.

"At least, but I would say about nine and a half inches."

"But your dick is nice Derek," Mark said as he once again slurped it down.

"Yeah, at least seven inches I would say," Jeremy added.

"You're going to love fucking us," Mark said as Jeremy took his turn on my dick.

"Yes, we are really tight because we don't bottom very often," Jeremy informed me as Mark slid is warm moist mouth down my throbbing cock.

"You guys are going to make me cum."

"Good. That's the idea." Jeremy winked at me.

"Jack him brother and make him cum in my mouth," Mark said.

"Oh yeah, I'm going to jack the cum right out of you," Jeremy said as he slid his fist up and down my shaft while Mark kept the head in his hot mouth, his lips wrapped tightly around the corona.

"Oh God! Keep jacking! Keep Jacking! I'm gonna cum soon. Gonna fuckin' cum!"

"Oh yea, brother. I think you're going to get a huge load any minute down your throat."

Jeremy jacked me faster and faster while Mark used his tongued to tickle the head. They both played with my balls as I felt my orgasm hasten from within me.

"Oh shoot! Oh God! Oh My God! I'm cumming! Cumming!! Fuckin' cumming!"

Blast after blast of hot cum ejaculated from my cockhead deep withing Mark's throat as Jeremy kept jacking. Mark kept a tight hold of my dickhead and spurt after spurt hit his tonsils.

I was squirming and moaning and shaking with the intense orgasm I was experiencing. It seemed like it went on forever. And then it was over. I let out a deep breathy sigh as the last drop of cum was squeezed out by Jeremy's strong hand onto the tongue of his brother.

"Wow!" I said. "That was great."

"And it's not over," Mark said, wiping the remnants of my cum from his lips.

"Not by a long shot," Jeremy added.

They both pulled off their jeans revealing to me for the first time their impressive cocks. They were both hard as a rock and their dicks pointed straight out.

"You owe us a blowjob," Jeremy said.

"Come on the floor and get on you knees."

I was still mostly dressed. My pants and underwear were down to my ankles making walking very difficult. I did as I was told and looked up at the two muscled studs. They were beautiful. Glistening muscles. Tan all over. Their beautiful brown hair sleek with sweat. Their handsome faces sporting wide smiles with sparkling white teeth in anticipation of my reciprocal blowjob. I gladly obliged. I quickly devoured Mark's throbbing meat almost to the root. He gasped with delight. I clasped my hand around Jeremy's cock and began jacking him while I sucked his brother.

":Oh wow, Jeremy. He is a good cock sucker."

"He's not bad at jacking either."

"He's taking almost all of my cock down his throat. I can't believe it. Hardly anyone has ever done that. Except for you."

I switched to sucking Jeremy while I jacked Mark.

"I see what you mean. He does suck good. Oh yeah, suck my monster cock, Derek."

"Yeah, suck mine too."

I switched back to Mark.

"Mmmmmmm. Feels sooooooo good."

At one point I tried to stuff both their cocks in my hungry mouth. It was a tight fit and made it hard to breath, but I managed for a few minutes anyway.

"Oh wow!" They said in unison.

I was sucking Mark and jacking Jeremy when Jeremy started to tense up.

"Oh God! Derek! I'm gonna cum. Gonna fuckin' cum!" He screamed.

"Yeah, brother. Let it loose. Cum! Cum man! All over his pretty face!"

"Ohhhhhh!! Oooooooooo! God!! Cumming!!!! Cumming!!! God!!! Oh fuck!!!! Holy Fuck!!!!

Cum splashed on my face as it was ejected from Jeremy's cock. Five jets of hot cum flew out from his cockhead as my jacking hand kept jacking until the last drop was squeezed out.

All the while I kept on sucking Mark. He too started to tense after his brother blew his load on my face.

"I'm gonna cum Derek!"

Whether he meant that as a warning or a given, I didn't know. I kept on sucking, determined I would swallow his load.

"Oh God! Here it comes! Ooooooooo! Oh Fuck!! Wow! Ahhhhhhh! God that's good!! Keep sucking! Take my load! Yeah!"

Mark's cum splashed down my throat in torrents. I tried my best to swallow every drop. Some of it, however, dribbled out of my mouth. They both picked me up with their strong arms lifting me so they could kiss me and share the remnants of Mark's cum from my puffy lips. They both licked my face all over, also tasting Jeremy's cum. We then shared a three way kiss.

"Amazing guys."

"It's not over yet, Derek," Mark said as he pushed me on the bed.

"Yeah, we said we want to fuck. You fuck each of us and we fuck you."

"Guys, you're gonna wear me out. And I want to find a friend. I really need to talk to him."

"After you fuck us," Jeremy said.

Knowing I was out numbered, I gave in. I was so turned on by their hot bodies, I knew I had more loads in me. Maybe enough to fill the night.

They took off all my clothes and left me on the bed naked while they got the lube and condoms. My dick was sticking straight up. The door came crashing open and Greg stood there with some redheaded twink on his arm. The redhead was dressed like a cowboy and Greg had a Spiderman costume on. He had his mask off and he looked sexy.

"Oh sorry," he said. "We were looking for an empty room, guess this is occupied."

"Oh hi guys," Mark greeted them as he and Jeremy came back with the lube and condoms.

"We would ask you to join us, but we want this guy all to ourselves for now."

"Well, maybe we could stay and watch," Greg suggested.

"It's okay with us," Jeremy shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't want to just watch," the redhead complained. "I thought we were going to fuck me," he pouted.

"You can still do that if you want. It might be hot to see another couple fucking while we fuck."

The redhead's face lit up. He was going to get the fucking of his life from Greg, if the huge bulge in his costume was any indication.

"Close the door guys before any one else burst in here," Mark said.

Greg closed and locked the door. Then turning to the redhead, Greg began to kiss him. The redhead was in heaven.

Mark and Jeremy turned their attention to me. They took turns jacking my dick and sucking it until it was once again hard. They rolled a condom on it then poured some lube onto their hands and jacked my cock again making it sleek with lube. They wanted me to do the same to them so I jacked both of their cocks and sucked them a little. It didn't take long before they were hard again. I rolled condoms on both their cocks, first Mark, then Jeremy. Sleeking up their dicks with lube as I jacked them.

We were all ready again.

Looking over at Greg and the redhead, I saw the redhead was going to town on Greg's cock. His red head bobbing up and down on it while Greg was on the floor on his back, his Spiderman costume down to his ankles, and moaning.

"Finger fuck us and eat our holes," Mark demanded.

With two sleeked up fingers on each hand, I inserted them into their holes.

"Ah, that feels so good," Jeremy said. "Deeper. Go deeper. Use more fingers and really fuck us."

I inserted two more fingers in each of their holes. Going to town finger fucking them as they squirmed and writhed on the bed.

"Get up here and let us finger fuck your ass too," Mark suggested.

I got in between the two hunks and they started probing my hole with their lubed up fingers. It felt so good.

After finger fucking for several minutes, we changed positions to where I was between Mark's legs eating out his hole and Jeremy was behind me eating me out. I couldn't see what Greg and the redhead were doing, but I think they were now fucking by the sounds of it. I didn't know who was fucking whom, but my guess was that the redhead was a total bottom.

I licked out Mark's hole. Sticking my tongue in and wriggling it in there.

"Oh yeah, eat my hole," he commanded.

Jeremy's tongue was buried deep within my hole. It felt wonderful. I wiggled my ass in his face which only made him eat my hole more furiously.

We switched things up to where I was now eating Jeremy's hole and Mark was eating mine. I was also now facing Greg and the redhead and I could see that Greg was now fucking him doggie style. I saw Greg reach under and began to jack the redhead off. He seemed surprised by the act and really started to push back on Greg's cock. I got the feeling that no one has ever reciprocated the redhead in any way, even jerking him off. Some guys were jerks like that. Never giving a moments thought of the other guy's pleasure. Of course, some guy's get a lot of pleasure just bottoming, if it's their thing. But it's always nice when the other guy sucks or jerks you off to help you cum.

The redhead is so turned on now and is really enjoying Greg's jacking hand that he cums right then.

"Oh god, yes!"The red head screams. "Jack me! Jack me! Feels good. Sooooo gooooood!! Ooooooo!! Awwwwwwww. Oh My God!! Cumming! Cumming! Fuckin' cumming! No one's ever did that to me before! Wow!"

The redhead's cum splattered all over the hardwood floor beneath him as Greg slows his jacking. No doubt the redhead had clenched his hole as he came because Greg let out a an equal startling scream of pleasure as he unloaded in the redhead.

"Oh! Your hole is so tight. Feels good. Yeah! Oooooooo. God! Yes! Yes! Cumming in your tight hole! Oh God! Ohhhhhh! Ahhhhhhhhh! Fuck!"

After Greg had deposited a butt load of cum inside the redhead, they both sat on the floor, exhausted. They cuddled up together to view the show that the twins and I were about to put on for them.

"Okay," Mark said, " Jeremy, you lean against the wall there and stick your ass out. Derek, stick your dick inside his hole." We did as instructed. I'll get behind you Derek and stick my dick inside you." He did and we were ready to fuck with me sandwiched between two of the most sexiest twins I have ever known. "On your mark, get set, go."

On the word go we started to fuck. I went deeper into Jeremy while Mark went into me. I was fucking myself on Mark's tool as I made a backwards motion after going deep into Jeremy. We began a rhythm. Greg and the redhead cheered us on as they watch.

"Fuck him good Derek," Greg encouraged me. "I know how good your dick feels up my ass. I could only imagine how he feels right now."

"Good," Jeremy said. "So fuckin' good."

"Makes me wish you were fucking me right now Derek. Remember how my tight hole felt around your dick?"

Do I ever. It surprised me he wanted me to fuck him that first time. He seemed so straight. But he loved getting fucked. So it didn't surprise me when he turned to the redhead and asked him to fuck him. The redhead's eyes grew wide with shock.

"You mean...you..you...want me to fuck you?"

"Of course man, I'm versatile. And I love getting fucked."

Greg laid on the floor and opened his legs wide giving the redhead access to his hole.

"Just lube your finger and loosen me up a little first. I'm really tight."

The redhead did as he was told.

Meanwhile, I was giving Jeremy the fucking of his life and Mark was doing the same to me. It felt amazing fucking a guy while another guys fucks me. And the fact that they were hunky twins made it all the more better.

"Oh God! You're hole is really tight Jeremy," I said.

"So is yours," Mark said to me. "I bet you can't wait to fuck him Jeremy."

"You bet I can't. But his cock inside me feels great though."

"I'm ready to get fucked," Greg told the redhead.

As I was fucking Jeremy I saw the redhead roll a condom on his upthrust cock and sleeked it up with lube.

"I...I never done this before," he admitted. "No one ever wanted me to fuck them before."

"There's a first time for everything, Greg told him. "You'll do just fine Just stick it in my hole and fuck the daylights out of me."

The redhead gingerly placed the head of his cock against Greg's pucker.

"Push in," Greg told him. The redhead did as he was told and pushed in. Greg let out a brief cry, startling the redhead. "I'm okay. You've been fucked enough to know the pain goes away and is replaced by pleasure. And I do love getting fucked. Derek can attest to that."

"He loves it," I confirmed.

"Okay, now fuck me," Greg told the redhead. The redhead began to pump his dick inside Greg's hot hole.

"Oh God! This feels amazing!" The redhead enthused. "If I knew it would be like this, I would have fucked a long time ago. If anyone would have let me."

"Have you ever had your dick sucked?" Greg asked the redhead. He shook his head no. "Well, that will be just one more thing we should do before the night is over. I'll give you one hell of a blowjob." The redhead fucked faster after hearing that, his ass was going back and forth as his dick was going in and out. "Oh yeah, fuck me! Fuck me good," Greg commanded.

Seeing the Redhead fucking a sexy man for the first time got me closer to my own goal. I reached around Jeremy to jack his cock, hoping he would cum when I do.

"Getting close," I announced.

"Oh God! Jack me! Keep jacking me!" Jeremy said.

"I'm getting close too," Mark said.

"Oh God! I'm cumming!" Jeremy scream. "Keep jacking! Keep jacking me! Oooooooo. God!! Ahhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeoooooooooo. God! Fuck yeah!" Cum sprayed out of Jeremy's cock and hit the wall in front of him. Someone will have a big mess to clean up tomorrow.

Jeremy's hole clenched my cock and the friction caused my own eruption.

"Ooooooooeeeeeeee! Ahhhhhhhhh!! Unngungungg!! Fuck!!! Ohhhh Fuck!! Fuck yeah!" I felt my cum blast from the head of my cock into the condom filling it up with my seed.

"I'm cumming too!" Mark announce. "Oooooo! God! Yeah. Ooooooooo. Ahhhhhhhheeeeeeeeoooooo!! Yeah!" I felt Mark's cock pulse inside me as his cum filled the condom.

I lost track of Greg and the red and, and when I turned to see them I saw Greg was now riding the redhead's cock. Greg had a blissful look on his face as he bounced up and down on the redhead's cock. His own cock flopping up and down as he rode for all he was worth.

"Time to switch," Mark said.

"I'm not sure I can cum anymore. At least not right now."

"Sure you can," Mark assured me. "Just stick your cock in me and Jeremy will stick his in you and you will feel aroused again in no time." I wasn't so sure, but this was an opportunity I couldn't pass up. To fuck each of the twins to completion in one night. I wanted to find Steve, so the sooner I cum again the sooner I can go look for him.

We took off the cum filled condoms and replaced them with fresh ones and Mark stood against the wall. I got into position and stuck my cock in his tight hole. Surprisingly, my cock never got soft after fucking Jeremy. Jeremy got behind me and stuck his cock in my hole, which was still a little sore from the fucking Mark gave me.

"You guys are insatiable," Greg said as he continued to bounce on the redhead's cock.

"Look who's talking," I quipped.

Soon, we began our little dance once again. Mark's hole felt just as tight as his brother's. And Jeremy's dick felt the same as well. It was like I was fucking the same guy only split in two. This will be one Halloween I wouldn't soon forget.

"Oh yeah, jack me!" Greg said. I looked and saw the redhead had captured Greg's flopping dick in his fist and was jacking him.

I was fucking myself on Jeremy's dick while fucking Mark's amazing ass. We were going at it hot and heavy. The room reeked of cum and sweat. A manly smell. I felt light headed and thought I would swoon. I held on tight to Mark's waist and pounded into him as Jeremy pounded into me. Fucking and getting fucked all at the same time. And not to mention the show that Greg and the redhead was putting on.

"Oh God! I'm gonna cum!" Greg shouted. He leaned back as the redhead continued to stroke his big cock. I could see Greg's balls slapping against the redhead's abs. Suddenly I saw cum shoot out of Greg's cock, "Oooooooooeeeeeeeahhhhhhhhyeahhhh! Oh Fuck yeah! You made me cum good! Keep jacking. Jack until you squeeze out the last drop! Yeah, like that. Ooooooooyeahhhhh. Oh God! Oh wow! Whew! That was a good cum."

Greg began to bounce up and down again really fast. Faster and faster. The redhead was huffing and puffing and ready to blow his load inside the condom.

"Oh Greg! You are amazing!"

"So are you, Red, so are you"

Greg calling him Red made me wonder if he knew his real name. Or was Red a nick name? I was too busy at the moment to ask. Mark's hole felt nice and tight and velvety around my throbbing cock.

"Oh God Greg! I'm gonna cun! Gonna fucking cum! Oooooooooeeeeeahhhhhhhyeahhhhh! Oh God! Yeah! Ohhhhhhhmyyyyyyy. Oh God!"

Greg sat on top of the redhead with the cock still inside him. He leaned down and kissed him on the lips.

"How was that?" Greg asked.

"Wow!' Was all the redhead said.

Greg got up off of the redhead's cock and helped him roll the condom off.

"Quite a load," Greg said and the redhead beamed.

They sat back down against the wall watching us. We were about to have another grand finale.

I reached around and stroked Mark's cock like I had done for Jeremy. His hard and juicy cock throbbed in my hand.

"Oh yeah, jack my cock. Yeah, feels soooo good."

This time it was Jeremy who came first up my ass.

"Ooooooyeahhhh! Your ass is so tight! Cummingggggungghgg!! Yeah. Ooooooooeeeeeeeeoooahhhh!! Oh Fuck yeah!" I felt his cock throb and his seed was unloaded into condom buried deep in my ass.

I soon followed Jeremy's orgasm with my own inside of Mark.

"Ohhhhh Mark! Yeahhh! Cumming in your sweet ass! Oh God yeah! Fuck! Oooooooooeeeeeeeahh! Mark! Cumming in you, Mark! Yeah! Oh God! Fuck! Ooooooooooooyeahhhh!1

My cock once again spilled cum inside the condom. Blast after blast erupted from my over worked cock.

As I was cumming, I was increasing the pace of my jacking hand sending Mark into an orgasmic blissful state.

"Oh God! I'm cumming too! I'm cumming!! OooooooooyeahhhhH! Keep acking me! Makin' me feel soooo gooooooood! Yeah! Oh Fuck! Ooooooooooeeeeeeahhhhh! Yeah! Fuck! Oh God!"

His cock exploded with cum shooting it out to join his brothers load which was still dripping on the wall. My hand was sticky with Mark's cum and I brought it up to my mouth and licked it off and tasted Mark's delicious load.

We all crumbled to the floor, totally worn and fucked out.

"We need to do that again," Jeremy said.

"Yeah," Mark concurred.

"I would love that," I admitted. "But right now I want to look for Steve."

"Steve?" Greg perked up.

"Yeah I haven't seen him since this morning and I really need to talk with him."

"He's here. I saw him before we came in here. He was here with this dude that was dressed as a sailor. Steve was Zorro, and he looked sexy with the black hat and cape."

"What was he doing with the sailor?" I asked, but afraid of the answer. I was jealous. Even though after what I just did with the twins, I had no right to be.

"Well, I guess they were going to find a place to fuck. I heard part of their conversation and it sounded to me like the sailor was trying to talk Steve into giving up his ass for him."

"What?" I said rather panicky. I had wanted to be the one to pop Steve's cherry. It was probably too late. We had been in here fucking for an hour. He has probably gone home. I hurriedly gathered my clothes and put them back on, becoming once again, Barnabas Collins.

"Are you okay?" Greg knew something was wrong. I didn't want to go into it right here and now.

"Sure. I just have to find Steve, It's really important." I turned to the twins who were lounging on the bed, naked, their cocks limp for once. "Thanks guys. I had a really good time"

"You're welcome," Jeremy said.

"The pleasure was all ours," Mark said, rubbing his limp cock.

"You want me to go with you?" Greg offered.

"No. I really just need to talk to him alone, if he's still here."

Greg gave me a quick kiss before I dashed off.

I searched the house high and low. I was about to give up when I decided to check the basement. I heard moaning as I descended the stairs into the dark basement. There was some light, but it was dim. When I reached the end of the stairs I turned right and immediately found what I was looking for.

Steve was completely naked with his legs spread wide. A sailor was on his knees bobbing his head back and forth. I could see Steve's sexy chest glistening with sweat and his blond pubes which he always kept nicely trimmed.

Steve looked up and saw me standing there. Eyes wide opened. Mouth agape. I stood there, completely speechless. Steve was more than handsome. He was beautiful. Totally gorgeous. Sexy. Hot. He could have anyone he wanted. And right now he wanted that sailor to finish him off.

The sailor spat out Steve's cock and jacked him off. Steve was so stunned in seeing me, he barely made a sound when his cum came flying out of his cock. He was usually quite vocal. Just a few whimpers and moaning until his cock was drained.

The sailor stood up, still grasping Steve's cock.

"Now how about you let me at that ass of yours."

"I told you. I don't get fucked."

I was relieved that Steve didn't give up his ass yet, but I was still jealous over him and this sailor.

"Come on. It's only fair you know," The sailor pleaded.

"Look," Steve said, getting angry. "I didn't even fuck you so you can't play the fair card. You just sucked me and I already sucked you. So we're even." Steve said adamantly.

"Well, okay. But you don't know what you're missing."

The sailor tried to kiss Steve but Steve turned his head.

"I think we're done here."

The sailor looked back and saw me standing there.

"I didn't realize we were attracting an audience," the sailor said.

"I think you better go now," Steve said.

For a moment I wasn't sure if he was talking to me or the sailor.

"Well, thanks anyway hot stuff," the sailor said and walked pass me and up the stairs.

"Steve, I've been looking for you," I said.

"I was looking for you too," he said, darting his eye towards the stairs. "Got a little sidetracked."

"I wanted to talk to you about this morning. We need to..."

"Don't," Steve cut me off. "I asked Sheila to marry me."

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 6

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