Jackin Our Way to Camp

By Nels Beck

Published on May 23, 1999


Warning: The following story contains homosexual material. If you are below the legal age to view such, or are offended by same, LEAVE. There were already several warnings & cautions before this....

This story is copyright by the author and by the Nifty Archive, when posted there. It may be downloaded and viewed or transferred complete with the author's name & these warnings & notes. It may NOT be sold, compromised or plagiarized !!

This story and others in the "Jack" series are fictionalized accounts of real happenings in the 1940s, before AIDS and rampant STDs. Now we can NOT take such risks of unprotected sex !! Be careful & be SAFE! The best response to homophobia is to live a happy, open, gay and free life to a happy & healthy old age!

"Live long & prosper."

Ready for my Second Visit to Jack's

Episode 7 of "Jackin' Our Way to Camp"

by Bob Nelson

Jack called me the day after my first visit to his home in the Los Altos hills to tell me he had to go away for a week to Oregon State, to preregister and do the other stuff before you go off to college. I wished him well and told him I could hardly wait till he got back.

He replied, "Don't you mean hard, waiting?"

"Sure do, Jack. You're making me hard right now, just talking to you. I WILL be hard every time I remember yesterday! You are one fanTAStic guy!"

"Well, you're no slouch, Bob. Believe me I'll hurry back so we can pick up where we left off, and maybe try a few new things."

"New actions, positions, locations, or all of the above?"

"You'll have to wait till I get back to find out. Why don't you let that fertile imagination of yours run wild, and I'll do likewise while I'm gone.

I'll call you as soon as I'm back, then when you come over we'll compare notes, choose what we want to do first, then see how far down the list we can get each day. I'm afraid I'll only have four or five days after this trip before I'll have to go back up and start school, but we'll have at least two afternoons or evenings together. Can you cum out at night, or better yet, could you spend the night?"

BOING! My dick had been lengthening and fattening up all the time I was talking to Jack, but when he said the magic words, "spend the night", it went to "steel-shaft." I guess I moaned or choked as I visualized several hours in bed with Jack.

"What's the matter? Sounds like you choked."

"No, not yet. Just thinking of how I could choke down your delicious dick of my dreams kind of made my knees buckle as my dick went to "hard as steel-shaft."

"Glad to hear you still want what I've got, 'cause I still want yours."

DAMN this guy was hot! "Yeah, Jack, I want as much of you and your meat as we can fit in before you leave!"

"Where do you want to fit it in?"

"Well, you know my favorite position is 69, and my favorite flavor of the month and year is your cum, since I started sampling it. Can't wait to get another half pint each visit."

"OK, Bob, I've gotta finish packing some stuff I'm going to take up there to leave, then do a few errands for my folks. I'll be leaving about 6 A.M. tomorrow morning. Mom & Dad are taking me out to Ricky's or Dinah's Shack for dinner, so I can't see you tonight. I will be ready, willing, and able to satisfy your needs and wants when I get back."

"OK, Super Stud! I'll be there with bells on as soon as you call."

"Bells I don't need. Balls I can help you use. Just cum ready for fun!"

"You've got it - - or you WILL get it!"

"So long - - call you in about four days."

"OK, Jack. I'll be ready and so horny I may get there by Pogo stick."

"Well, I know you could, but it'll be too soft to pole vault your way back, so I'll drive you home. Maybe in more ways than one..."

"Hmmmm, that sounds very interesting (using my Peter Lorre voice). Have a safe trip!"

"Sure will. See you then. 'Bye."

"Bye, Jack."

As I hung up the phone I was smiling, and so hard I was afraid I would rip right through my old Scout shorts I was wearing. They helped bring back all the memories of first meeting Jack at camp, when he reached out and "shook hands" with my dick! Oh, hell, the memory of that meeting and yesterday's activities up at his place had me leaking precum so fast that a wet spot two inches across had already formed. My dick was so sensitive, supercharged and ready I had to beat off.

As I popped the buttons on the fly open like a machine gun burst, the soft old shorts folded back and fell off my hips to the floor. I had stopped wearing underwear after my first meeting with Jack up at camp, and still didn't wear 'em. Now here was my six hard, cut cock waving in the breeze.

Damned lucky I was home alone! I should have at least an hour or two before my folks or Grandpa got home. Oh, I'm going to enjoy THIS! I picked up my shorts and headed to my room, dropped them by my bed and climbed in, after I'd tossed back the top sheet and blanket. Even in the summer we needed one blanket, as it always got down to about sixty degrees before dawn. Now it was about 75 or 80, but I was a lot hotter than that! I lay down on my back in the lower bunk. I still had bunk beds in my room, in case anyone wanted or needed to stay over. My room was too small for twin beds. This suited me just fine today, as I had a "special" in mind.

I began stroking my dick with a slightly firm grip, rubbing the edge of my little head on each upstroke. Oh, yeah! It's always sensitive there, but after talking to Jack it was especially sensitive! Tremors ran through my gut and tightened my abdominals and pectorals. Like riffles on a lake when a breeze comes by. Cums by. Like ripples or tiny tremors on my gut when Jack cums by or blows gently on them. Like a little breeze's footprints scatteringing across a lake then disappearing before the major gusts of a thunderstorm roil up the surface into criss-crossing whitecaps.

THAT's the way Jack affects me!! Man, it won't take long today! Hmmm, yeah, getting harder and I didn't think it could. Balls pulling up to firing position, more precum oozing out to give better lube. Oh, that's good, rub it all over the top of my glans... OOooh, that's sensitive!! Now smear it into the circle of thumb and forefinger - - slide it up and down, up and down, up&down, UP& DOWN. STOP! Oh - Oooh, Oh- - - - OK, I almost went over the edge and I wasn't ready. I like to make it last and get to the edge a couple of times before I blast. "Dick" produces a lot more precum that way and a lot more cum when I cum. Plenty of each to lube the massive Master Shot, with enough of each to taste. Mmmm. Yeah, that precum is so smooth and almost tasteless, but I'm addicted to it. Squeeze up from the base while gently rolling my balls, - - there's another half teaspoonful. Mmmm. Tasty.

Now, let's get close again. Lick my "dick-circle" of finger & thumb with mixed precum and spit. Extra lube and extra fun. "Double your pleasure, double your fun" was stolen from THIS activity, not chewing gum!! Mmm. Stroke and stroke and stroke-stroke, slow down - - stop! Good, not too close. Those times when I've timed it perfectly and stopped stroking while the balls and fire keep building to a climax have been WILD! My dick gets harder and harder, even without my touching it, then fires two, three or even four shots without me touching it! They go farther than when I cum by stroking, too. It feels like my gut, my balls and my dick are so tightened up to fire Max-cum in a Max-orgasm that nothing could stop it or top it - - except being with Jack.

Oh, THAT got another sponataneous oozing of precum! Thinking of Jack will always get me harder, hotter, and hornier from now on, I'll bet. What a guy!! Close my eyes and visualize him nude, in our "Hillside Heaven" at camp, or in his backyard, stretched out across the front seat of his Ford convertible, sun lighting up his golden skin, blond hair, and blue-gray eyes. That grin of his could melt an iceberg or harden any dick! It does it for me! I'm getting really close thinking of him, seeing him, almost feeling and tasting him. A few more strokes - - harder, CLOSER. STOP! My dick's quivering like a tuning fork somebody just tapped. Hard - - harder - - now FLIP my feet over and hook them behind the bottom of the upper bunk's headboard. THERE - - aimed right at my mouth! Pull down as hard as I can - - closer - - closer - - GOT IT! MMmmmmm. Just the tip of the head between my lips but OOOHHHHH that DOES IT!! Here it CUMS! CUMMINNG INTO MY MOUTH !! MMM- GULP ---- Mmmmm - gulp - - mmMMmm - - gulp. Mmmm, oh God that reminds me of JACK! Swallowing his load when we 69'ed!

Now, suck and slurp the last cum out of my throbbing dick, licking it as I release some of the tension in my back and legs, Oh - - some pain but worth it to get it "Hot and Fresh" - - best "produce" available, today!! Uh h - unwind and lower my legs. Stretch out and unkink. Maybe that's why they call this "kinky" sex! Well, they're just jealous!! Always reminds me of the old one "Why does a male dog lick his dick? Because he CAN !" I practiced for years till I could get this close, and still wake up from dreaming about sucking my entire dick all the way into my mouth, giving myself a fantastic and thorough blowjob. It was SO frustrating when I woke up and realized I'd just that dream again. I'd flip my legs over, hook on, pull my throbbing hardon down toward my mouth and I still couldn't get more than just a tongue tip on my dickhead.

But I kept practicing until I now can get the helmet inside my lips. A LOT of sensation and fun! So fine coming down from such a high! Just lying here on a summer afternoon, listening to birds, crickets, and something buzzing like a cicada in the distance. Oh, what a nice, relaxing ride. Carry me along, let me down easy after I've been so high. Stretch arms and legs, take a deep breath, - - Deeper - - - Hold it - - - now EXhale all the way, and relax. SO nice! Would've been a LOT nicer with Jack here, but I "had him" in my fantasy, almost complete. WHEW! That was my highest solo peak ever. THANKS, Jack! Close my eyes for just a minute. Cooling off after that sexual heat so guess I'll pull up the sheet. That feels good. .. . Roll over and look out under the almost-shut blinds. It's still a warm afternoon - - and - - - easy - - - and really relaxing, today - - - - - .. ... . ...

"Bob, are you home?"

What? Who? Mom? Wow - - guess I fell asleep! "Yeah, Mom. I'm in bed. Just took a little nap. Be right out."

"Yes, please come help bring in the groceries."

"Be right there, soon as I P--- pass by the bathroom." Mom hates it when we say "Pee". Almost as bad as if we'd say "piss," but THAT would be tantamount to asking for a spanking or getting our mouths washed out with soap. Only had that once, with Lifebouy soap! Ughhh! No thanks!! I NEVER want to try THAT again!! Guess I'll go along with her rules another year, then it's off to college and a whole new ballgame. Mmm - - hope so!

Slid into my shorts, grabbed the T-shirt (that hadn't got cum on it) and scooted across the hall into the bathroom. Ran some water in the basin and rinsed out a washcloth to wipe down my face, neck, chest and abdomen to remove any trace of cum. Dried off with my bathtowel from last night while swishing and gargling a little mouthwash. Don't want to give away my little "afternoon delight."

"Hi, Mom. What did you get?"

"All your favorites. Hot dogs, fresh corn on the cob, two gallons of milk, Rocky Road ice cream, and fresh strawberries with little shortcakes.

I think we'll have strawberry shortcake tonight and save the ice cream for another night. OK?"

"Sounds scrumptious to ME! I'll put the ice cream in the chest freezer where it stays harder than in the 'fridge freezer. We've sure raised our standard of living since we got that big freezer! It's more important than the TV, I think."

"That's true, son. It saves me a lot of time putting up fruit and vegetables, too. It's much faster to blanch them and freeze them that putting them in the quart and pint jars and bringing them up to boiling, then capping them. Keeps the kitchen cooler in summer, too."

"And they taste SO much better! You're good at canning, Mom, but freezing fruits and vegetables is the way to go these days. Just don't ever stop making your jams and jellies the old-fashioned way, though, please!"

"Oh, I won't. I couldn't imagine trying to freeze the juice into jelly or jam. Now, why don't you go pick a nice collander full of stringbeans for supper to go with the hot dogs and corn on the cob. They're coming in strong, and need to be picked so they keep producing."

"Sure will, Mom. Dad's made this the most productive quarter acre in the Santa Clara Valley, and we're livin' high on the hog. I'll pull some radishes, then pick a couple of small, crisp cucumbers and two or three vine-ripened tomatoes. They'll go good in the salad."

"You sound like a commercial touting the valley as the place for Mr. & Mrs. America to move to if they want "The GOOD Life," Mom chuckled.

"Sorry, didn't mean to make it sound so tempting. It's just right the way it is, with a lot of orchards left, a few homes and new streets creeping out to the Los Altos hills but still plenty of space to move and grow in. Guess it's really changed since you first saw it in 1924 or when Dad's family moved here in 1912."

"Yes, a lot of changes, but they've been lots of little ones. I hope we can continue on with only small changes. Mountain View has always been a safe, friendly little town. Even when they built the big dirigible hangars at Moffett Field it was only a boom for a couple of years. Do you know they decided to give Moffett a Sunnyvale address as it sounded better for an airfield than "Mountain View"? Like changing the name would bring sunny weather and keep the mountains away!"

"Never thought of that. I just remember us going out to Moffett one day when they had an Open House and we went into one of the big hangars to see the Macon or the Los Angeles. That dirigible was the biggest thing I'd ever seen, and it felt like I had to look up for a long time just to see all the way to the top of it. What was it, about two or three hundred feet long?"

"Something like that. And you must have been just three, because they both crashed before 1935. So sad. They used the hangars for blimps all during the War, and we saw the free balloons pass overhead many times then, too."

"Yeah, but I don't think of that as flying. I want to be a Naval Aviator and fly a single-place plane so I can point it where I want to go, give it the throttle and zoom up into the sky! Then when it's time to come down, point it straight down and scream down to the last possible moment then pull out, go up into a loop, drop my landing gear and flaps at the top of the loop, chop the power, then bend it around to plunk it right on the spot, for a dead-stick landing."

"Oh, that sounds like fun, but way too dangerous for my tastes. If you do get a chance to go back to Pensacola, I know you'll learn to do whatever it takes to fly like that."

Out the back door, across the small patio and into the garden, but stopped to look up at the lone Navy plane passing almost overhead. When the wind was down the bay, the landing pattern brought the planes downwind over Mountain View and some who were wide of the pattern went over or near our house. I always stopped and looked up to watch any Navy plane, unless it was one of the multi-engine transports. Flying one of them would be like driving a bus! No, thanks. I want single engine - - either fighters or dive bombers. Ah, well - - - time to pick veggies.

Got all the ones I came for, noting where the ones were that needed picking tomorrow. Just had to try a couple of freshly pulled radishes; I wiped most of the dirt off on the grass, then stepped into the laundry room built as the back part of the garage. Rinse and POP into mouth, Crunch 'em up. Good! That reminded me of Jack, even tho he was never "crunchy" he was hard enough to be - - and indubitably delicious!!!! Only thing I had to wipe off was cum and precum, no dirt. Not even real sweat. Now HE was a guy who typified what Mom said her Mom told her. "Only horses sweat. Men perspire and women glow." Well, Jack was all man, but he glowed with a light coating of perspiration that smelled like almonds and apricots, but NOT like sweat. DAMN, he was "yummy" in ALL respects!! Cleanest guy I think I've ever known. Gorgeous body, with just a faint dusting of blond hair on his arms and legs, but none on his chest or stomach. I don't think he shaves, come to think of it. He has the smoothest face and nicest complexion I've ever seen. Hmmmm - - - first time I'd ever thought of a "pretty complexion" on a guy! But it's true. He's so handsome he's almost pretty - - NO, he's not a "pretty guy", just gorgeously good looking - - especially when he's looking at me! I still can't believe that he thinks I'M good looking!! Whatever. Glad HE thinks so. I've always just been me. Plain. Ordinary. But maybe the way he makes me light up inside is enough to show on the outside, particularly to him. He is so perceptive! Super sharp, intelligent, funny, cheerful, "trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, brave, clean" - - - I don't know about reverant. He makes ME reverant and thankful that God brought him into my life, and he seems to be happy we've gotten close. Oh, oh - - thoughts like that will bring "Dick" to life with a bound, or a jut. Think of cottage cheese, algebra, dull TV, an old, smelly dog. There. Didn't have to go all the way to thinking about a raunchy, smelly girl. Soft Dick, now.

Now it's FOUR days till Jack comes back - or cums home, again. It seems like two months to go! How will I be able to wait. Hell, I can't wait. But I'll limit myself to jacking off just once a day instead of my normal two or three times. That should build up a real load in my balls to blast down his throat when he gets home! Now all I have to do is > wait till tonight - no way to be alone until I'm in bed.

"That was a really great dinner, Mom. Thanks. I'll clear the table and

help you with the dishes."

"I know you will, Bob. I tell all my friends who have the new automatic dishwashers that I had two dishwashers installed here, but I had to loan one to the Navy. When your brother gets out he'll probably start a home of his own - - but he'd better still help his bride with the dishes!"

"Yeah, OK. There aren't many tonight, and no hard-baked pans to scrub. Only four of us. DID YOU ENJOY SUPPER, GRANDPA?" (in a LOUD voice, almost a shout).

"I can hear you just fine; you don't have to shout. Yes, I enjoyed supper but the corn and stringbeans would have been enough without the hot dogs."

"OK, Grandpa, I didn't know if you could hear me OK, or if you had your hearing aids in or turned on. I know you like to eat simple food. That summer I spent with you when I was 14 changed a lot of my eating habits and I'm glad."

"Yup. You used to drown your flapjacks with a half cup of syrup. Couldn't

tell what they tasted like. Taught you to eat good homemade bread, too."

"You sure did, and that pancake syrup you made out of the spare juice after you canned some apricots is still the best syrup I've ever tasted! Better than Maple Syrup."

"Pshaw. Maple syrup is way over-rated and most folks think it's so good just because it costs five times as much as regular syrup or Karo. Not better, just high-falutin' for people who get too big for their britches."

"Well, I hope you tell Mom how you made that apricot syrup. She may can some 'cots the old fashioned way just to make some syrup for Joe when he comes home from the Navy. Apricots have always been his favorite but cherries are mine - - except for Mom's pineapple apricot jam. There's NOTHING better on a piece of bread and butter than that!!"

"Yup. It's good. Your Mama learned to cook real well from her Ma. Finest cook and finest looking lady I ever saw in my life. God took her way too soon."

"Yes. I wish I'd gotten to know her, but she died what, twelve years before I was born?"

"No, ten. She died when your Mama was 14 and she had you when she was 24."

"OK. I have to get these dishes done while you all watch television. Is tonight "I Love Lucy?" [ I always had to be careful NOT to say "I Love Loosely." ]

"Don't know. I can't read that silly schedule they have for the programs."

"No, Bob, it's tomorrow night. Tonight is the Ed Sullivan show."

"Oh, well, I'll be able to hear it from the kitchen and if it sounds good I'll poke my head through the door to take a peek." - - [and later I'll poke my little head out and take a little leak, then a little rub-hot-shoot, then a little sleep], I thought to myself.

At ten o'clock when Grandpa said goodnight I said I was going to turn in, too. I'd been thinking about jacking off for the past hour, and it was hard not to get hard, trying to figure out which way I'd do it tonight. I'd decided to do it three different ways on these three nights, then not at all on the fourth night, to save a load for Jack. DAMN, I sure hopes he comes and cums home as scheduled! If he doesn't, I'll have "Blue Balls" for sure - - or they'll explode!!

So, tonight's going to be the earliest way I figured out how to get a real thrill out of rubbing my dick, back when I was about six or seven. I'll grab a quick shower, chill with a cold rinse like I always do, but still be warm inside my cool skin. Hell, I'll be hot and ready to go.

That was a refreshing shower. Woke me up, just like I'd planned. Now, here's the bed, "and sometimes in the Springtime and sometimes in the Fall, we jump between the sheets with nothing on at ALL! That's the way we do it he-e-ere, yes, that's the way we do it here." Just like we learned at my first Scout summer camp. But these will be sheets, not the flannel lining of my old Scout sleeping bag. I've rubbed my dick on it so many times that it's softer than anyone else's, I guess. Never tried theirs. But - - Now to the "task at hand." Grab it around the base with my right hand, pull the top sheet taut with my left, and start rubbing just the tip of the head up and down, up and down. YEAH - - getting hard really fast tonight. Pretending I'm rubbing it up and down Jack's taut washboard abdominals against his silky skin backed by muscle. Oh, YES!! That's the mental image! Up and down his abs. Up and down, up and down - - OOHHH, that's almost TOO good! Gotta stop! It's so sensitive that it feels like all my nuts and bolts are gonna come apart, before I even cum! Just like I'd fall or fly apart, it's so intense!

Start again, with less tension on the sheet. Up and down, and again, again, again, again, again, AGAIN, AGAIN --- ALMOST! STOP! Oh - - oh, gotta let it cool down. Don't want to get friction burns on my little head like I did one time.. REAL painful.

Now, a little more tension in the top sheet, shorter strokes, with a few side to side to get some other parts of Dickie stimulated. Oh, yeah, now he's waking up, sitting up, and about to be spitting it up! More tension, longer strokes, time to start rubbing it in circles. Oh, yeah, yeah, oh, yeah, it's getting really close. One more stop before this train highballs it into the final station.. Start again, slow strokes rubbing just the head up and down, now side to side, now in circles, and he's really getting up a head of steam and he's getting ready to blow the boiler!! Hold it in the middle and really whip it back and forth, and HELL, I GOTTA STROKE IT TO FINISH IT OFF, RIGHT NOW!! OHH YEAH, HERE IT CUMS!!! UHHhhhh, Uhhhhh, Ahhhhhhhh, OHH, UHHHHHHHH, AHHHHHH, UHH, UHHHH, ahhhhh, HHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, oh, YEAH - - - WHEWWW!!

Oh, what a mess... what a sticky, delightful, lonesome mess. I sure wish Jack had been here to help. Thinking about him while I did it made it ten times more intense. Well, might as well clean part of it up the way he and I do. Scooop it up and Li-i-ick it off my fingers. "Mmmm mmm Good! Mmmm mmmm GOOD! That's what Jack's ball goop is, Mmmm, Mmmm, GOOD!" -- and mine ain't bad, either! Reach out and grab a couple of Kleeneces to finish wiping down, and Ho hummmmm, [YAWN, stretch] - - What was that Latin sentence we learned in second year? "Post coito, omnes somnent." or something like that. "After fucking (no, she said "intercourse") everyone sleeps." Well, I did it with Jack mentally tonight, so I guess it's time for rest. No need to set a clock. I'll probably wake up when Grandpa does. He's right next door and I sleep pretty lightly just before waking up. That reminds me of the other one I heard this year, "If a light

sleeper sleeps better with a light on, does a hard sleeper sleep better with a window open?" Most girls don't get it, but ALL the guys get it and most try to keep from splitting a gut if they hear it in mixed company. Well, time for ZZZzzzzz's.

= = = = => - - - - - - - - - - -

[Another day slowly passes.]

Well, tonight's the second night of my four night wait, and guess I'll try the second method I used to get that wild and funny feeling, even before I could shoot. Our Personal Health teacher called them "dry orgasms" and that they were pretty common, though not all boys stimulated themselves that far. Themselves or each other, he could have said, but not in OUR school. Guess NO teacher could suggest that. Well, glad I learned early that it feels good, but it feels even better if someone else feels it good!

So, slide into bed after my evening shower, but tonight I brought some lubrication. "Jerkin Lotion" which the drugstore sells as "Jergen's Lotion," but half the guys in High School use more than their moms or sisters, I'll bet. Gets a little messy if you don't plan ahead, so I brought last night's bath towel to put under me, now that it's dry, and tonight's to help clean up, since it's still damp.. All systems GO. Pour a little "Jerkins" into my hand, set the bottle down beside the bed, close enough to get more, and rub palms together to coat them both. NICE and slippery. Now, Dick is standing up, looking around in anticipation 'cause he knows what's coming - and cumming! A couple of strokes to get him really firm, then switch to the "Indian Fire Drill" technique, pretending to twirl my hard dick like we learned to twirl a hard stick in a tapered hole in soft wood. Takes about 20 minutes before you get enough friction to get a wisp of smoke, then you have to blow gently to get the spark big enough to ignite the tinder you've got ready.

With my dick I just rub back and forth on the sides, but mostly on the edge-flange of the head. THAT's where it's MOST sensitive. I'll never forget when my cousin Harry showed me this when we were eight. He told me to twirl my dick just like you twirl the stick! Damn near twisted it off at the root, but it felt too good to stop. Sore for about three days. THEN he told me to use lube and rub by it, not twisting it. Works MUCH better!! Yeah, getting there pretty quick, thinking that these are Jack's hands "twirling" my dick, as he holds it just inches from his open, hot, panting mouth... Yeah, - - he's really getting it ready to erupt and winked to let me know he'll engulf it at first shot. Ohhhh, Heeyyyyy , HERE IT'S GETTING CLOSE !! I'm getting really close - - OK, Jack, GET READY, 'cause HERE IT CUMS ! ! ! AHHHHHHHHHHHH. oooOOOOOOOOHHH, - - - - UHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Get it ALL, Jack! YEAHHHHHHHHHHH!

"Bob, are you all right????"

[Oh, shit!!!! I must have really yelled that OUT LOUD! oh HELL!] "Oh, YEAH, Mom. Guess I had a nightmare right after falling asleep. I'm OK. Sorry to disturb you."

"Well, if you're OK, that's good. Do you want some warm milk to help you sleep?"

"No thanks, Mom. I'm fine." [and I just produced half a cup of warm cream that I'll lick up to help put me to sleep, so I can really dream of Jack.] Now, wipe the rest of the Jerkin' Lotion mixed with cum off my dick and hands, so I can scooop up the uncontaminated stuff on my belly. There, there, and hummmmm - yummmmm. "Good to the last drop." Gads, I wonder how many of our commercials started in the bedroom, then got switched to a Product. Clever way to tie it in for folks to remember. Deep subconcious knows that it's a sexual connotation, so we fall into the hyperbole of the Ad-man. Hmm, I'll never forget the day in class I pronounced that word "high-per-bo-lee." Everyone laughed. Hell, I'd read the word, but had no idea that "hype" was a contraction of it and that I'd goofed on pronouncing it. Ah, well, another day, another goof. At least I keep trying and it does set it pretty firmly in mind on how to pronounce a word and not to.

      • There, all cleaned off with the towel, just raise up and get the other one out from under me, roll the damp one in the dry one, put them both on the side of the bunks away from the door in case Mom comes in to wake me. Gotta remember to toss them in the dirty clothes hamper, first thing.

[and yet another weary day slithers slowly past.]

FINALLY, it's bedtime on the THIRD night Jack will be gone. Good grief I've been thinking about him a dozen times a day. Sure miss him. He's such a Wonderful Super, Neat, Great, guy!!!! His face alone would make anyone want to stay around him. Dark blond hair ith sun-bleached highlights to frame a perfect, tanned complexion with a few faint freckles under his eyes. His eyebrows are light brown, find hair, fairly thin, and look like he combs them every morning they're so neat. Arched over each eye, then the outer ends turn up just slightly. His eyelashes are longer than any girl's I've ever seen, but also dark blond so they don't show up as being long and thick as they really are. His eyes are always twinkling with a glint and hint of laughter, with the lower lid usually pushed up a little to give that "I know what you like" or "Wait till I get you alone" look. Nose thin and straight, lips a little thin, but so expressive, colored pinkish tan and turned up a little at the ends, just like his eyebrows. Jaw line firm but not like a prizefighter - - just nice and solid looking, yet movie star handsome, with a faint cleft in his chin when he grins - - Oh, yeah, and dimples in his cheeks when he really smiles broadly. No, I haven't ever really looked at him.

I'll have to look, some day. RIGHT! Only gaze at him all the time we're together, but he doesn't seem to mind. He's generally looking right back.

Oh, Hell, now I've gotten so hot visualizing his face, which leads me to remembering his body, that I'm oozing precum by the string, strand, and dolorous drip. Well, Dick is throbbing. "Your audience awaits, m' Lord."

Yeah - - and I'm not going to keep anyone waiting for this load! Just rub my thumb over the piss slit, smear a gob of precum down and all over my head, run my thumb-finger web across to pick up some more, and "We're on our way. Pack up your pack. And if we stay, we won't cum back." Like HELL!! I'm ready to cum in front and back! Cum to think of it (almost), Jack has the sweetest butt I have ever seen!! Not a bubble butt, just twin globes with a nice slope starting below his waist, widening out just right, then tucking in underneath like bubble butts do. Even prettier than a Bubble-Butt, and I could come just rubbing my dick between those gorgeous glutes! Yeah, strokin', now, thinking of Jack looking back over his shoulder with a wide grin, saying "Go ahead. Do what you want to back there." Think of that pretty butt, that gorgeous, giving guy.

QUICK! Let go with my right hand, spit on my left palm and thumb web, then grab Dick with my left hand, but upside down. PULL up with the thumb-circle tight, loosen it to slide all the way to the pubes, then PULL up with extra fritcion arount the shaft - - - pretending those are Jack's lips pulling up my shaft with extra friction and suction, then Slurping, Slooping down to the base, to start again. Yeah, that's the way he does it. Squeeze and pull, Slide down with a wet palm picking up more precum, slide up with a tight circle. Oh YEAH, Jack!! DO ME! SUCK MY COCK!!!!! Oh, you are SO-O-0 FUCKING GOOD! - - get READY! Here I CUMMMMMM!!! uUHHHHH! AAAH! OH! UHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Oh, Jack, slow down, it's too tender, TOO sensitive!!!! - - - - - Oh, that's my hand. WOW! I totally visualized Jack's mouth sucking my seed out, completely draining my balls!! I even felt him carressing my butt - - guess I was doing that. Wonder what his butt would feel like, to really grab his cheeks, knead 'em, carress in his buttcrack. He has such a cute ass, without a single hair that I'VE seen. Haven't inspected it that close - - - YET.

No, I couldn't cornhole him, even though he looks hot enough. Can't keep a hardon if I'm in position to cornhole a guy or get cornholed. That trick they played on the other Tenderfoot and me on our first night of our first Summer Camp was TOO much! They talked us into trying it while they all watched, then one of 'em hollered "Cheezit! Here comes the Camp Director!" Well, the other kid and I got so tangled up in between those two bunk beds that I thought we'd die before the Director even got inside. Then they all started laughing like mad, since there was no one coming. It was all a set up.

But, I still can never get it hard or keep it hard when I'm knocking at a guy's back door. Ah, well, I prefer giving and getting blowjobs, anyway.

Well, let's clean up this mess with "tongue and groove" as my carpenter Grandpa used to say. He meant something ELSE, though! I mean to form a groove in my tongue tonight and fill it with my cum. Mmmm, Hmmmm, good! Good night, Jack. Hurry home so I can really show you how much I've missed you! Hurry, but Drive Safely, PLEASE!

[ Another day flowed by at the rate of a glacier creeping along.]

The next night I suggested we play Canasta, to take my mind off Jack for a while. I didn't want to take my mind off him, just that I was antsy, horny, restless, lonesome, blue, and peevish without him here. Hadn't thought of "peevish" since my Mom's old Aunt Marcy used to use it. Well, it fit me tonight. Mom liked Canasta, so she broke out the double deck the plastic tray that held all the discards, and away we went. I can't remember anything else about the game, now. Was it like rummy, where you lay down thre or more cards of one kind, or runs of three or more, until someone finally went out? Whatever, it did pass the time until 10:30, when we all had a dish of that Rocky Road ice cream that Mom had brought home a few days ago. That and a glass of warm milk did help relax me. I decided to skip the evening shower. They woke me up, but tonight I just wanted to get to sleep, because TOMORROW JACK SHOULD BE BACK! HOT, damn!! Just 24 hours more, if everything goes right!!

"Oh, Mom and Dad. I think my friend Jack went up to Oregon State a couple of days ago to look it over, find his dorm, take some stuff, and kind of get the lay of the land. He asked if I could come over to spend the night after he got back so he could give me all the skinny on what that college is like. I know I'll probably be going to Cal, or if not to San Jose State, but Jack has a really good head on his shoulders and can give me some ideas what to look for and what to look out for. He's the Eagle Scout whom I helped work on his car radio, then he gave me a ride home a week or two ago."

[If I can go to Hell for lying, where will I go for all these intentionally misleading statements, some of which are TOO much on target. Like "give me the skinny?" - - well it IS kind of thin, but JUST right to fit my mouth. Or "a good head on his shoulders" - - and another in his pants. "some ideas what to look for" - - that one in his pants - - "and what to look out for" - - NOT getting cum in the eye! It can smart! "gave me a ride home a week

or two ago" - - it was exactly nine days and five hours ago, as we speak.

Plus or minus three minutes. But who's keeping track of "that Eagle Scout." ME! I AM! He's MINE! - or I'd like him to be. - - - I think...]

Next: Overnight with Jack, Episode 8 of "Jackin Our Way to Camp."

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