Jackin Our Way to Camp

By Nels Beck

Published on Feb 26, 1999


Disclaimer: Don't read this if it is illegal or against your morals.

You know the drill. If you didn't expect homoerotic fiction, why'd you enter the Nifty Stories, Gay Male site??

Copyright: This and all other "Jack" or "Jackin-Our-Way-to-Camp" stories are copyrighted by the author and by Nifty Erotic Stories Archive. 'Nuff said.

Responses to Author: My email address is at the end of the story. Constructive criticism is sought. Flames will be answered with Spam, then deleted.

Jack at Home, 2

by Bob Nelson

Jack's folks were home!! We had just finished a 69 session in a little room off the garage when they'd pulled in and honked the horn! Bare ass naked, still coming down from cumming, down there in the darkened room. Sweaty from sex and now I was sweating bullets, frantically trying to find my clothes before Jack or his folks opened the door. Shit, Hell! OH SHIT, where were my clothes?? I'dalready picked up an old towel, a piece of drapery, but where were my clothes?

As I finally found my shorts and was hopping on one leg while trying to stuff the other leg into them, I saw Jack in the dim light. He had the door of the room cracked open a little. I was about to holler at him to close it when I realized he was compl ely dressed! Well, he had on his short, a T-shirt and his sandals, which was all he needed. How in hell had he found his clothes and gotten dressed so quickly? I loudly whispered the question to him. He stepped closer and said "They're cool. They know about me and what I like to do when friends come to visit. They'd rather we do it here than on some back road where we're in real danger. Just get yourself together and you can come meet them."

"Meet your folks, right after sucking your cock?" I squeaked. "How the hell could I face them and make polite conversation??"

"Like I said, they're cool. But if it embarasses you, you can take one of the tennis rackets and a can of tennis balls from that corner over there, then head out to the tennis court and hit some off the backboard. I'll be down in 15 or 20 minutes after I help them unload the car. OK?"

"Well - - yeah. I guess that's OK. YEAH! That's good. It just surprised me that they're OK, knowing you're er, uh, a - - " (I was too embarrassed to use one of the slang terms queer, homo, fruit, fag) "uh, a homosexual." murmured weakly.

"Yeah, it kind of surprised me a couple of years ago when they confronted me, asked if I was attracted to boys but not girls. I was too surprised by the direct question to make up any story, so I just said yes. Then waited for the shit to hit the fan. It didn't. Paul, my Mom's third husband, said that he'd wondered for a year.

He's been more of a father than my Dad, whom I don't remember much about. Dad left when I was six, Mom remarried when I was eight but it only lasted a year. Then when I was twelve she met Paul, they hit it off right away, but they both wanted me to be OK with them going together. When Paul asked Mom to marry him, he asked her in front of me, and asked ME if it was OK! It blew me away that they both thought that much of how I felt! I still remember I began to get tears in my eyes, had to swallow a lump in my throat, and told them I thought it was a great idea, and asked if I could be in the wedding.

They both smiled, Paul chuckled and said he liked the idea. Mom said I could "give her away." I didn't know what it meant then, but she walked down the aisle holding onto my arm and I handed her over to Paul at the altar. It was a small wedding but I was really a part of it and felt close to Paul ever since - - and closer to Mom. So, when they asked me if I liked boys, I said yes, and really was not d noticed that I had a lot of guys over, one at a time, but had n

I guess he saw my eyebrow go up in that quizzical look I get and most of the time don't even know I do it, when he smiled and said "No, we were never friends that way, just pals. But I was happy for Tom when he finally found Jerry and they settled down together. They told me they were lucky. Most of the guys like them had trouble finding some other guy to care for. There's an awful lot of prejudice, and sometimes real danger our there. They didn't know why some "normal" guys get so bent out of shape when they find out a guy is a homo. There are a lot of derogatory terms about that way of life, and some guys have been badly beaten up. I heard there was one killed in the City, a few years ago. He was just minding his own business, having a beer in a bar, when he got pulled outside by some big guy who took him into an alley, then came back into the bar fifteen minutes later and said `That queer tried to get into mypants!

I slugged him and left him there.' When some others went into the alley they found the guy'd had his head bashed in. So BE CAREFUL. We know you didn't just decide to do this or become this way, you just are who you are and we love you. We would rather you have friends ove ays High School and sometimes college students "spotlighting" the guys and gals necking in cars, like on Page Mill Road.

WOW! I had just realized this summer that I liked guys and only guys, even though I had had a lot of dates with girls. I'd played around with about fifteen guys before Jack gave me my first all-the-way blow job, to orgasm, seven weeks ago. That day I finally called myself fag, homo, queer, and fruit, but I did it with some feeling of relief. I didn't have to pretend to myself any more.

Then Pete and a couple of others at Camp had helped me feel better. I felt them all over, and it WAS better. Hell, if Jack could be this open and his folks were OK with it, why did I have to hide? Shit. I knew that it would kill my Mom, and my Dad would kill me if I told them I'm queer. Dad and my older brother were both Captain of the high school football team, and were really strong and masculine. I'm slim, just barely got enough meat on my bones that they no longer call me skinny, and my straight, brown hair just hangs down toward my hazel eyes. I'm trying to grow another inch, to make six feet, so I can be taller than either Dad or Bud, but I'll never be stronger or as manly.

All these thoughts raced through my mind in about five seconds, and when I looked up, Jack was reaching out to grab my hand, with a big grin on his face. "You all right?" "Oh, YEAH - - but I think I'll go hit a few balls off the back court. I was on the tennis team last year and need a little practice before tryouts in two weeks."

Jack came closer and hugged me, smiling while he looked into my hazel eyes. "Hey, Bob, did anyone ever tell you your eyes get real green when you're having sex and right afterward?"

"Huh?" Oh, good reply. Now he'll know that I have no brains, no social ability, and not much else.

"Maybe I'm the only one who really enjoyed looking at you before, during and after the happy time. I like what I see, and I think it's sexy. Guess I'll be able to tell when you're ready by checking what color your eyes are."

Did I hear him right? He's planning to have me again, I mean have me out here, again? No, I like it best the first way - - he can have me again any time he wants! The sexiest, handsomest guy I've ever known, and completely comfortable about being a homo, so why should I be uptight? At least out here I can be accepted as OK by Jack and his folks! I began to smile as I hugged him back, reached one hand down to squeeze one of his cute butt cheeks, and said "Tell your folks I needed a little practice, but would be happy to meet them in fifteen or twenty minutes, whenever it's convenient for them."

"That's my Buddy! Great! I'll go help them and come get you then.

    • and THEN we can go work on my car," he said with a big smirk.

I wondered what that meant, but figured I'd find out. Now to put on the rest of my clothes, go hit a few balls, and then meet Jack's folks.

                                                  • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Twenty minutes later Jack came down to the tennis court with his folks. His Mom was the first to reach out to shake my hand, telling me how glad she was that I'd come out to visit. Jack's Dad (stepfather, actually) echoed her sentiments, adding that he'd heard I'd made Eagle Scout during the year I spent in San Diego and congratulating me. Both were warm, friendly folks. Not like what I'd heard about "rich snobs" who lived up here. They might be rich, but they sure weren't snobs. I relaxed, we went up to the house where Mrs. S. offered us cookies and a new soft drink, called Squirt. Really tasty - - kind of a grapefruit base. Better than Coke and not as sweet or bland as 7-Up. Nice.

Jack said "Bob's going to help me fix my car radio. I know what I want to do, but I need someone else to help me while I'm under the dash. Come on, Bob."

There was something in his tone of voice that clued me in that we were going to work on more than the radio, so I quickly said goodbye and followed Jack out. He led me past "our room" to the big back yard, then to the other end of the house. There, attached to the house was an open garage or car shed with a year old Ford convertible. "This is YOUR car?" I exclaimed. "Yeah, the folks helped me some, but I earned most of its cost working at Palo Alto Radio Shop. Now I'm going to retune the tuner to pick up the Police Band."

"How do you do that?" I asked.

"Easy. Just readjust the variable potentiometer that the radio uses to find and sort out the incoming signals. Normal AM radio uses part of the band, but right next to it is the Police band. I can adjust it but I need you to turn the tuning knob when I tell you to."

"OK, if you say so, Jack. I've got the easy part. Let's get on it."

It was too dark inside the car shed, so Jack started the convertible and pulled it outside then put the top down so we'd both have plenty of light. He opened the passenger's door and slid in on the floorboards, looking up under the dashboard. He had a flashlight and a couple of small screwdrivers and a pair of needle-nosed pliers. In a minute he said "Turn on the key to the first notch and turn on the radio then tune it all the way to the lowest station at the left end of the dial."

I did and got KGO in San Francisco, loud and clear. "Good. Now turn off the radio and the ignition but hold the knob while I move the slider farther than it normally goes. There. Now turn the ignition and the radio back on and move the tuning knob slowly all the way to the left then slowly up the dial."

I turned the knob slowly, and to my amazement, we heard "Proceed to the Rosicrucian Museum by way of the Alameda. Suspected break-in reported."

"GREAT!" Jack exclaimed. "What's the dial read?"

"About 550" I replied.

"Good! Now slowly tune it higher. Real slow."

I did, and we heard nothing until I got to KGO again, but this time it was about 960 instead of 610.

"Go back down slowly," Jack suggested. Slowly and then slower I turned the knob. All of a sudden we heard "Car 12, do you see anything around the Quadrangle?" It was louder than any other station we'd heard and Jack bumped his head when it blasted out of the speaker.

"Ow, but hooray! That's the Paly P.D., making a sweep through Stanford! Now I've got San Jose and Palo Alto Police bands. Probably the others are near those. Great! Thanks for your help, Bob."

"No problem, Jack, but YOU did all the work. All I did was turn the knob." While I was saying that, I'd gotten out of the driver's seat and gone around the car to lean in the passenger's door and lean over Jack to see if I could look up under the dash to see what kind of stuff he had worked on. It was much too crowded to get under there with him, but I realized I was laying on his bare legs, across his stomach, my head down by his chest. Sure, it just "happened" that way. Well, it was a simple plan to get back skin-to-skin with him, and it was working.

"Want me to twist this knob, Jack?" I asked, groping his semi-hard dick through his shorts. "Maybe we can get a few more stations or some other action."

"Yeah, why don't you turn it real slow, like you did on the other one? Maybe you can scan back and forth to see if anything comes in - - or cums out."

"Oh, you want me to tune it out? You mean take it out to tune it? Happy to!" as I popped the buttons on the front of his shorts. Welllllllll, what d'ya know? He hadn't put any underwear on when he jumped into his clothes after our 69 snack party! Look what was coming out to look around and get a breath of fresh air. "Little Willie's up looking for action, it looks like" I observed, as I gently took his glans between my thumb and forefinger and started to "tune it in" by twisting it slightly one way and then the other.

"Hello, Hello. Come in, HQ. I can't hear you. Just a minute, I'll get real close and speak into the mike." I moved directly above his now rigid six inch shaft that was waving in the sunlight, leaned over and blew gently on it. "Testing, testing. Do you read me?" I tapped the tip of his dickhead with one finger then blew on it and did the "Testing, testing" bit again, but this time I leaned closer.

"Aha! I see the problem. There's something on the mike. I'll get it off and we'll try again." so I leaned over and licked his piss hole with just the tip of my tongue, but rather firmly, as thought I were trying to dislodge something stuck on it. Then more blowing, a little harder this time, then a harder lick. "Hello, HQ. Do you hear me? Am I coming in, now?"

"HQ may not be cumming in, but I will soon if you keep that~up!" Jack responded in a muffled voice from under the dash.

"Keep it up? It's perfectly capable of standing up all by itself! Look, if I push it sideways it pops right back up! Push it over there, here it comes back, pull it over here, and it cums up again."

"Damn near cums, again! Now PLEASE quit teasing me and swing your cock around or run around the car and get in the other door so we can use the whole front seat. That'll give me time to get out from under the dash. You have me at a definite disadvantage!"

"I haven't had you YET, this afternoon, but we can both have the advantage in a minute," I commented as I raced around the car, yanked open the driver's door and practically dove across Jack's lovely body

    • half way across, that is. He'd not only come out from under the dash, he'd flipped off his T-shirt and slipped off his shorts, so all he was wearing was his sandals. That's OK. I didn't have a foot fetish. I just wanted his dick in my mouth - - and THERE! Mmmmmmmm.

Got it!!

From under me I heard Jack holler, "Hey, raise up and let me pull your shorts down so I can get in on the action!" I kept one knee on each side of Jack's head and raised my hips so Jack could pop open my shorts and get them down to my ankles which were hanging out one door, as his hung out the other. What a way to enjoy a convertible!! Did Henry Ford ever consider this for an ad?? Nah - - he was an old Puritan, from what I heard. "OH! AH! YEAH!" I tried to shout, but my mouth was full and it came out more like "Mmmm! MMMMM! MMMmmmm!" but Jack seemed to know what I meant. He was sucking my dick at the same rate and to the same depth that I was sucking his. MMMmm!

I had to come up for air with all the heat, emotion, passion and panting. I couldn't get enough air through my nose with his dick in my mouth. I raised up, panting, gulping great lungsful of air. "Oh, oh YEAH, Jack! Oh you are SO GOOD at this.... Yeah, JUST like THAT!!!" I grunted, as he took my dick all the way in then pulled off slowly until he just had my dickhead in his mouth, then twirled his tongue around and around and around its head. THEN he began flipping his tongue tip across the head of my dick until I thought I'd cum unglued. Next he held my dickhead in his mouth with his lips and very light pressure from his teeth while he flipped his tongue up and down under the head of my dick where the top of the shaft comes up almost to the piss slit. MAN, there must be a thousand nerve endings there and they ALL are firing. Now I KNOW I'll cum unglued. Or I'll just CUM, and CUM - - -

"Jack, I'm about TO CUMMMMMM!" I shouted as I momentarily raised off sucking his perfect peter, his delicious dick, his cumming cock. CUMMING COCK! YES! We both began to shoot our loads at almost the same time, and I felt like I was turning inside out, unable to contain all these feelings. His dick felt so perfect in my mouth, his cum tasted so good, his mouth on my dick was perfect. He was swallowing my cum as fast as I was swallowing his.... oh, OH, OH HELL! I thought. No, OH, HEAVEN! I felt spurt after spurt shoot out of my dick and out of his dick. It was almost like I was sucking my own dick and cumming like I NEVER had before. I'd always wanted to suck my own, and had been able to lick the tip a few times, but THIS WAS THE BEST, EVER!!

I slowly opened my eyes as I fired my last shot, not realizing till then that I'd had them closed. I'd seen and felt fireworks, flew and soared while cumming, and now as the last bit of cum oozed out I began to experience "aftershocks" as the last neural spasms of my reproductive system shook me like the tremors we'd all grown up with, living just south of San Francisco. Hell, I'd slept through many a 3.0 quake. No big deal till they got above 4.0

"Hey, Jack, we just triggered a 7.5 Richter on the Stanford seismograph! Ohh! Uhhh! These were prob'ly only 3's, but they were goooooood!" One more smaller shudder (about 2.5) and I fell heavily onto Jack's body and thighs. When he mmmphhd, I realized I'd cut off his air and rolled onto my side, took one more lick at his last pearl of cum oozing out, and stood up. I slid behind the front seat, then climbed back over it so I could lie face to face with Jack, to continue that wonderful slide down from the ecstatic sexual heights to the gentle ennui afterward. Ohhh, what a wonderful guy, what a beautiful boy, what a great loving man. I heaved a deep sigh as I looked down into his blue eyes. Normally they were gray-blue, but now they were a beautiful deep sea blue. I leaned forward and kissed each eye, then each eyebrow, then each eye again, then his nose, and finally his sexy red-lipped mouth. His lips were redder than usual - - could it have been from the friction he'd been using? Mmmmm. They tasted SO good, with just a hint of my cum, but I guessed he was getting a taste of his, too. Mmmm. What a great kisser! What a terrific guy, perfect day, absolutely fantastic! I slid down to rest my head on his chest.



"That was absolutely perfect! Thanks! You are the most fantastic guy I've ever ~met." I was still coming down from the highest sexual peak I'd ever had, since this morning. I suddenly realized that Jack had led me to the greatest heights I'd ever reached. I raised up and looked at him with a slowly widening smile.

"Hey there, Sexy. Your eyes are pure green! Does that mean you had a good time?"

"Naw, Mister. I always get green-eyed when I see a Ford convertible - - long as there's a gorgeous guy lying across the front seat, nude and hard. YES! ~I had the BEST time I've EVER had! Did you say you needed a cocksucker for your room at college? Can I apply? If we can do that 6 or 8 times a week I wouldn't need anything else to be happy."

Jack smiled and pulled me down for another of his gentle, sexy, French kisses. Those we shared after orgasm were always gentle. Those we started our sessions with were wild and frantic at times. Now we were in what I'd later find was called "afterplay." Back then

I'd heard of foreplay, but in my case it was usually a furtive grope, or an urgent "I'll do you if you do me." I had never stuck around with a guy after orgasm until I'd met Jack and Pete. What a wonderful way to ease back into the world after they'd taken me way out of it.

The late afternoon breeze gave a few puffs which gave us a sudden small chill. We both still had the sexual sweat sheen, so felt the breeze as cooler than it really was. It was a signal that the afternoon was over, wonderful as it had been. I raised up on my knees and backed out of the open car door, stood and stretched, then reached back in to give Jack a hand so he could get out. As I pulled him up he continued on into a bare hug, wrapping his arms around me and resting his head in the hollow spot where my neck and shoulder met. I held him firmly, resting my cheek on his head for a minute or two, then brought my hand up from his side to his chin and raised it so I could give him a gentle kiss. He returned it slowly and sensually, but with quiet tenderness, not hot passion. Just a way to continue descending from our sexual/sensual heights into the comfortable hill country.

I pulled back a little and said "Thanks for having me out, today. Having me in, first, then having me out, here."

Jack grinned at my poor puns, and replied "Thanks for cumming - - twice! Hope you can cum out here again, often!!" I readily and randilly perceived the spelling he'd used.

Slowly we gathered our wide-strewn clothes and put them on. I was tempted to put his on, inside out, just to brag silently that I'd had the most desirable boy in the Santa Clara Valley, but then realized that would be too blatant for even his folks, and would tip mine off wholly. We slid into our shorts, shoes and T's, then Jack endeared himself to me even more, if that were possible. "You worked up a sweat biking out here, and two more while you were out here. Why don't you put your bike in my trunk and I'll take you home?"

"Gee, that's a great plan but it sounds like a lot of trouble for you. I can ride home."

"No, I want you to help me try out the new radio adjustment, and you've never ridden in my car. Besides, I want to spend another half hour with you, if you don't mind."

"MIND? I'm so happy when I'm with you that I'd like to spend ALL our time together. Yes, I'll quit trying to be polite and just say THANKS. I'd like that. Let's go, but no need to hurry unless you have to help your folks."

"No, Mom and Dad said they'd have dinner ready for me about 6 and it's only ten till five, now. Mom asked if you could stay, but you'd said you were supposed to be home by five or soon after. This way we can make it just about on time."

"Great, Jack, and I'd like you to meet my folks, too. Don't know if Dad'll be home, but Mom most likely will. Grandpa may still be walking back from town."

"Walking? It must be over four miles from town to your place. Which way does he come?"

"Normally up Grant Road, why? Well, with your bike in the trunk there's plenty of room up front for three of us. Let's go down Fremont to El Camino then back up Grant, to see if we see him, so we can give him a ride, too. If we don't find him, it'll give us another half hour together. I'll tell my folks, so they won't expect me till six."

This wonderful guy was not only gorgeous to look at, sexy as hell, but also thoughtful and compassionate. Maybe just say "Passionate and Compassionate." Helluva guy!

We loaded the bike, Jack told his folks the plan, and I called my folks to tell them I'd be there by 5:30. Mom said OK, and we were off. I hadn't asked if Grandpa was home. I didn't want to know, as I could be with Jack another half hour if we were looking for Grandpa. Jack had loaned me a light windbreaker so we could enjoy the top down. If we found Grandpa we'd put the top up if he wanted it up, but he was a young-at-heart old bird and I'd bet that he'd enjoy riding in an almost new convertible with the top down. It was still over 75 degrees, and dry, so it was very pleasant.

Although we made the big circle almost to Mountain View and back to my house, we didn't see Grandpa. He'd gotten home just before we got there, so I didn't have to worry about him. Not whether he was strong enough to hike the five miles, just worried that he might not hear a horn if somebody blew it at him. He was pretty deaf. Jack came in to meet him and Mom. Dad wasn't home, and Jack apologized for not being able to wait. He explained that his parents were expecting him, and asked to use the phone. He called and let them know he was on his way, be there in about ten minutes.

After he left, both Mom and Grandpa commented on what a nice young man he was. I was so proud that I'd overcome my fear of them "finding out about me" by meeting a guy I'd just had sex with. Jack acted like the perfect gentleman - - No, Jack WAS the perfect gentleman. It was no act. I realized more and more that he was one in a million.

Dad came home half an hour later and we sat down to supper. He commented that I looked a little tanner and happy. I just said I had a great day, helping a fellow Eagle Scout work on his car, and had met his folks. They were nice, too. Dad smiled. Any guy who had made Eagle was tops in Dad's book. Jack was definitely tops in mine!

I was already planning another couple of trips back out to his house, and now my folks would encourage my visits.

Next: "Jack at Home, Again" - - cumming soon.

Comments? E-mail me at nelsbeck@tez.net , please. Nels

Next: Chapter 7

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