Jackin Our Way to Camp

By Nels Beck

Published on Feb 24, 1999



Part 5 of "Jackin' Our Way to Camp"

by Bob Nelson

The sun coming in my window woke me. As I opened my eyes and stretched my arms over my head I saw that it was a beautiful day. I smiled, scratched my balls and fondled my morning hardon. Oh, yeah! I grinned widely, remembering that Jack told me to call him this morning. Jack, the gorgeous, openly gay Scout I'd dreamed about for a year, who had blown me my first full day as Counselor up at Camp "Hold yer Toes", six weeks ago. My dick snapped up against my belly as I remembered THAT day! First time all the way - - what a RUSH! Man, could he suck and tickle, and hit all my hot spots!

I hopped out of bed, nude and horny, thinking of the Scout Camp jingle, "We wear our pink pajamas in the summer when it's hot; We wear our woolen undies in the winter when it's not. And sometimes in the springtime, and sometimes in the fall, we jump between the sheets with nothing on at all." I'd started sleeping nude at Camp this summer. Felt really good to have my dick rub against the sheets or the inside of my sleeping bag if we went on an overnight.

I stretched up on my tip toes, did a couple of deep knee bends, reached back behind me a few times as wide as my arms would go, then did twelve toe touches. I stood stiff kneed and touched finger tips, then middle knuckles, then flat palms. Yeah, gotta keep limber. A thought flicked through my mind as I was doing my toe touches: Is the nickname "Camp Hold yer Toes" related to this exercise? Did it start with older Scouts telling the new guys in the showers "Stand up straight, now Touch your toes without bending your knees."? It sure would present a nice row of open buttholes! Some of the guys are really into cornholing, from what I've heard. I'm sure not! Not since my first summer camp, when they tricked me and that other Tenderfoot into trying it with each other while the other six guys in the cabin watched. I had just stuck my dick in his ass when one of the guys yelled, "Oh, shit! Here comes the Camp Director!"

The kid below me jerked up onto his hands and knees to try to get off the bunk we were on, but that pinned me to the top bunk and kept us both stuck! We panicked and I remember thinking (or shouting?) "Oh Hell, oh Hell, Oh, SHIT!" until we realized the six boys watching us were cracking up, laughing at how scared we were. There was no one coming. Since then, I have not been able to get a hardon if I'm in position behind a bare butt. I like to look at guys' bare asses, but I can't do anything but look. Oh, well. I prefer cocksucking, any way. And right now I'm going to call Jack to see if I can go out to his place for some!

I dove into a T-shirt, jumped into a pair of cut-off Levis, jammed my feet into sox and my tennies, and bolted out to the kitchen where the phone was. I'd rather use the one in my folks' room, but Dad was in there, still sleeping. Oh, well, play it cool if Mom's in the kitchen. No one was in the kitchen when I entered, so I grabbed the phone and dialed Jack's number. I'd memorized it when I called him yesterday, my first day home from Camp. I felt really good! Not only was I horny, I was in the best shape I'd ever been in, and I think I'd grown an inch while I was at Camp. If so, that made me 5'11". I had built up my upper body and legs, too, with all the stuff we had to lift, carry, pull, and push. That helped tighten my gut, too, so I had a really flat, hard gut. Yeah, lookin' good and feelin' fine, even if I still weighed only 150. Well, better lean and hard than fat and flabby!

All that zipped through my head while Jack's phone rang three times. On the fourth ring a woman's voice said "Hello." "Hi, is Jack home?" "Yes he is. May I tell him who's calling?" "Sure. Tell him it's Bob Nelson, please." Never hurts to be polite to a guy's Mom. She sounded nice.

"Hello, Bob. I was hoping it was you. Do you want to come out?"

"I sure do, Jack. Is today a good time?"

"It's perfect. My folks are just about to head out to San Jose to go shopping. Mom said they have to get some things for my brother then get some lumber and hardware for our car shed, then groceries. They probably won't get back for several hours."

I could almost hear the grin in his voice, and matched it with my own as I replied "I'm gonna grab a real quick bite of breakfast then jump on my bike and pedal my ass out there! Maybe if I get hungry on the way out I can get something else to eat when I get out there."

Jack caught my meaning right away, "OK, I'll warm up something for you for your lunch." - - as he gave a low chuckle.

Man, my dick lurched back up to full hard. It had almost gotten soft after I got dressed. Well, these Levi shorts were old and almost white but they were still strong. I liked 'em 'cuz the leg openings ravelled more each time they were washed and they were really short shorts now. If my dick got hard, but not too hard to bend it down, the head would show out the leg hole. Hmmmm. That would be the way to greet Jack.

I grabbed a bowl of Cheerios and milk, a glass of OJ, and was gulping them down when Mom came in the back door. "Good morning, Lazybones. Have a good sleep your second night home? Please don't gulp your food."

"Sure did, Mom! I'm eating quick to go see a guy I met up at Camp. He lives up in Los Altos Foothills. He didn't stay for Camp, just came up for two days before he came back to work all summer. He's going to College in a few weeks."

"Oh, that's nice. Your Dad and I have to go into Mountain View to get a few things, after I hang out the second load of wash. Be careful. There are more cars on these backroads now."

"Yeah, I know. I'll be careful. See you about five, OK?"

"That's good. We're having grilled burgers, tonight."

"Sounds good, Mom. Well, I'm off." I put my glass, bowl and spoon in the sink and headed out the door. Hopped on my bike and headed for the hills. A beautiful day - - no, a GORGEOUS DAY, 'cuz I'm on my way to see the best looking guy I've ever known, and he's waiting for me! It sounds like something might come up when I get there. Two things might! At the end of our driveway I turned right and waved back at Mom, who had come out the back door. She waved back and I began pedalling harder. I shifted to second gear at the and of our short street and turned right again, got up to speed and put it in high. Sure was nice to have a bike with three speeds! An English "Racer" with a Sturmey Archer gear shift and hand brakes that I'd bought from Norm. It made my old balloon tired bike with a coaster brake seem like a truck - - a SLOW truck! Now, this was better. Take it a little easier. I was hot (and hard) to get to Jack's but I didn't want to get there so hot and tired that I'd have to rest before we began our fun. Hm, I felt my dick growing harder and stretching down the leg of my shorts. Oh, yeah, the fresh air was hitting my little head! I looked down and its pink tip was sticking out. Felt so damned sexy, and looked pretty good, too! I'm glad I was circumcised, like Jack and most of the guys I'd seen in the High School or Camp showers. Felt good, looked good, and easier to take care of, from what Bert told me. Italian descent, I guess, and was the first guy I'd ever been friendly enough to ask about his uncircumcised dick. It looked OK, just that I liked them "naked," without foreskin.

At the end of our road, I turned left up Grant Road toward the western tracks. Sure are a lot of houses going up around here! Some new ones on almost every road. They're taking a lot of lots out of the orchards. Well, these prune trees are way past their prime. But now these apricot trees are really in fine shape. Hope they leave them. These two crops have made Santa Clara Valley famous. Sure is pretty in the Spring to ride up into the foothills and see the ocean of blossoms extending all the way from Palo Alto to San Jose and almost out to the big blimp hangars at Moffett Field. Some nice memories of working in the 'cots and picking some of Nick's cherries. Dad's old friend let us pick all we wanted from his best trees, after he'd had the pickers get the first crop. Said he could pay his whole orchard costs for the year from that first cherry crop. Fantastic cherries! Well, in a way, Jack had gotten MY cherry, six weeks ago. I'd sucked dicks for four years and never knew that a full blow job was all the way till the guy shoots! WOW, did he ever get ME to shoot! I'd NEVER had such a blow out! Then I freaked out, chickened out, and ran down the hill instead of getting Jack off! But I'd heard from Pete that Jack wasn't upset and hoped that we could get together some other time. TODAY was that time! I sure hoped it was the first of several other times!

Now I was crossing Fremont and the tracks. If I'd gone up El Monte it would have been farther, but I'd have gone by Tommy's place. He and I got off once last Fall, in the most unusual way I'd ever seen. He'd come over, hinted that he'd like to fool around, so we slowly undressed each other, got on my bed and started rolling around nude. He was hot, we were both hard as wooden tent pegs, when all of a sudden he tensed up, shuddered, and blew his load between us! Without either of us laying a hand on his dick, he came! Then he said the oddest thing, "Well, I'm not a virgin anymore." Later I realized what he meant. Then, all I thought was "Guess he was really ready, but I didn't know you could come without somebody's hand on it!" Later I found out it's called "frottage." Whatever. I like hands and mouths better, so let's get this bike UP this hill! Second gear...

There's Jack's road, to the left. Still paved, but not very wide. He said it's about a half mile. Drop it down to low gear here, push, but save some energy for Jack - - and jackin'! That's how Jack got his nickname. "Jack" because he likes to jack off so much, and even better he likes to jack other guys off and have them jack him off. Oh, SHIT! I just realized I'd asked his Mom if "Jack" was home!! Well, guess I wasn't the first guy to ask for him by this name. She knew who I was talking about, who I wanted. You'd better believe I wanted him!

Up there, on the left, the white stucco "hacienda" with the red tile roof, a wide porch all around this side, rounded to kind of fit into the hillside. Yeah, red broken-tile steps leading up the curve of the wall that's under the porch. This is it. Hey, there's Jack!

"Hi, Jack!"

"Hi, Bob! Glad you found it! Have any trouble?"

"Not a bit. Good directions. I just kept following my pointer" I said as I glanced down at my shorts. Seeing Jack had brought my dick back up to full operating size and shape, and now its head was almost fully exposed.

"Is that a hot dog you brought for my lunch?" Jack asked with a big grin and a glint in his beautiful blue-gray eyes.

"Yup. Thought you might be hungry."

"I'm starved. How about you. Can I fix you some lunch, too?" he asked as he rubbed his crotch. I could see the shape of the prettiest prick I had ever had the pleasure of sucking. His faded blues were even thinner from washing than my Levis.

I could clearly see his dickhead, and was that a drop of precum staining his shorts a darker blue? I dropped my bike at the foot of the steps and went up them two at a time to the porch. Jack greeted me at the top with a bear hug. In fact, it was almost a bare hug, as he had taken his T-shirt off as I was coming up the stairs. As I was almost cumming, up the stairs! God, he was even better looking than I had remembered. Guess I doubted that he's really THIS good looking. Six feet tall, broad shouldered, narrow waist, blonde hair that was lighter at the ends ("sun-lightened" they called it), with perfect features. His eyes were not only pretty in color, they were "bedroom" and "happy" eyes, with a piercing gaze that looked inside me and stirred something really deep while they gave me the idea of going to bed with him. A perfect, narrow nose above lips that were kind of thin, but always turned up at the corners. It was like he always saw the humor in whatever he was looking at; or he really liked having me here. Oh, yes, God, Thank you for letting me be here. He can have me any way he wants me!

All this was while we hugged, leaned back to look each other in the smiling faces, hugged again, and just held on. Finally, Jack leaned back again and said "We might be more comfortable if we can find somewhere to lie down."

BOING! If I thought my rod was hard, before, now I knew what the guys meant by "rod" or "Bone." I think if I'd fallen over right then, I'd have punched a hole in their tile deck!

Jack felt it poke him and looked down then back up with even a wider grin. "Happy to see me?" he asked.

"Naw," I lied, "I had a bowl of cement for breakfast and I think it just finished getting hard."

"Oh, it looks so hard it might hurt. If it does, I think I can find something to put on it."

"No, Jack, it doesn't need any bandage or medicine. Just kiss it to make it all better."

With that, Jack quickly leaned down while he was pulling up that leg of my shorts, kissed my dickhead, then took it into his mouth and began to pull some serious suction on it. It was so intense that I almost collapsed right there on his front porch. "Can we go inside so I can get out of these hot, sweaty clothes?" I panted, as I also reached down to grope his dick. It was as hard as mine...

He straightened up, with one hand around my waist and the other on my dick. "You bet! Let's go down, through the garage to get something, then out into the wild woods to see what will come up."

"Cum, up?" I quipped.

"Sure, mine's always up when I cum. Isn't yours?" Jack requipped me.

"It's so far up that you'd better not jiggle it, or it'll shoot and may put your eye out!"

He took his hand off my dick and I was both relieved that I wouldn't cum yet, and sad that his loving hand was gone. Oh well, soon ...

Jack led me into their garage and opened a door on one side. All kinds of things were in there, though it didn't look as junky as our "room full of stuff." Jack picked up a thin mattress that looked like it was for an Army cot, and we headed out the back door of the garage. "Let's go down behind the tennis courts," he said. Tennis courts, I wondered. His folks must be rich. I looked to see if they had a swimming pool, as a few people up here did. Nope, just two tennis courts, with a nice lawn behind them.

We got to the lawn that looked hard and dry, since it was August. It only rains there two months of the year, normally December and January. Trouble was, the lawn was not smooth or level, and there were several tree roots running across it. We tried to find a spot big enough for us and the mattress, then gave it up. Farther on it got worse. Finally, Jack said "Fuck it! I want to make you feel good, not get a backache or a broken boner! Let's go back to the garage."

He led back up the hill, into the same room where he'd gotten the mattress. "Help me move some of this junk over to that end, then I'll have a place to get you laid, down." I laughed at his twist of grammar that my English teacher would have totally rejected. I was NOT going to reject it or Jack. I wanted to get us both laid down, ASAP! We started stripping each other, tangling our clothes.

"It's fun to strip another guy, but we're both so anxious that it's slowing us down. Let's just take off our own." Zipppp! and thirty seconds later there were two bare, hard teenagers locked in each other's arms on that mattress. GOD, he felt as good as he looked, and vice versa! After giving me that "bedroom" smile, Jack leaned forward and gently kissed me on the lips. I wasn't expecting it. Pete was the only guy I had ever kissed, during our 6 or 8 times we got it on at camp this summer. Now I was ready for Jack, though.

I leaned into his gentle kiss, started kissing him back, opened my lips slightly to caress his lips with the tip of my tongue. His eyes opened wide, and he said "Well, hello! I think you learned a lot, after our little episode at Camp."

"Yes, and I thought of you during every single thing that I learned. I want to do it all, everything that's fun and sexy, with you!"

"Great! I want to, too, but we have at least three hours, so there's no rush."

I had been so keyed up to see Jack again, to make love with him, that I was rushing into it. Wait a minute! Did I think "make love with him?" Damn right! That's what it is! It's so much more than having sex, or sneaking a little quickie, or slipping off for a little piece. With Jack it began as "making love" in the Sierras, and today we were going to do more, the best way we could figure out. Hell, there I go, again, "Figure it out?" Bullshit! Just let our bodies take over and do what comes naturally! or do what cums, naturally! Oh, yeah!

Jack had one arm around my neck and shoulders, stroking down my chest with his other hand. I could feel my dick jerking and oozing precum even though he was still six or eight inches above it. I was holding him the same way, as we both looked deep in the other guy's eyes.

"Do you know your eyes go from hazel to green when we have sex?" he asked.

"They DO? I'd never looked, and nobody's ever told me."

"Well, they do, and I think it's real sexy." With that he leaned in and kissed me again, this time sliding his tongue into my mouth. I let it in and almost came when he tickled the roof of my mouth with it. Luckily he moved it down to play "sword fight" against my tongue, battling with the tips. Fun, but not quite as intense. Then he began sucking my tongue in like he was sucking on my cock. Yeah, he had me so worked up that my dick swelled up into a cock! I moaned, then started sucking until I got his tongue in my mouth and treated it like a little brother of his cock. Yep, his dick was definitely in the "cock" stage, now. Oh, man, I didn't think I could last much longer, and I wanted, no, I NEEDED his cock in my mouth.

"Jack! Let's take a breath! You'll make me cum way too quick if you keep doing that!"

"Well, you were getting me pretty close, too. Man, have you learned a lot in the past six weeks!"

"Let's swing around into my favorite position and I'll show you the best part of what I know," I said as I got on my knees and switched ends, lying down facing the most perfect peter, the prettiest prick, the tastiest tube steak that I had ever seen or tasted. I gave him one lick across the glans, sipping his precum, then suckled his rod into my mouth. I took just the head at first, as I wanted to suck all his precum out that might be in the shaft or on the way up. I was richly rewarded with almost a tablespoonful more. Yum! Jack had the tastiest precum I'd EVER had! Most guys put out a slick, slippery precum that was tasteless or just barely salty or sweet. Jack produced sweet precum that almost tasted like some kind of fruit. Apples? Peaches? No! those expensive pears, whatever you call 'em. Whatever. He was delicious! More, MORE! I sucked him and got some more. MMmmmm. I'd like a quart a day, please! I'll use it on my cereal, in my coffee, to drink!

Jack was sucking me all this time, too. I had been so turned on and tuned in to how his dick felt and tasted in my mouth that I hadn't realized till now how fanTAStic his mouth made my dick feel! Oh, OH, OHHHH!! "Jack! How are you DOing that?" I gasped. I had no idea how he could make my dick feel so GOOD, SO good!

He leaned back and smiled down at me as I looked down at him with a glow. Well, we were each "down" at the other guy's cock, so we could both look down, couldn't we? We both glowed, and he turned to take me in his arms, kissed me gently, leaned back again and asked "Did you like that?"

"I'll give you about three hours to finish that. I HOPE you can make it last that long!" I really wanted to say I'd give him 30 years to continue that, but just the fleeting thought shut my brain down. I had never been able to tell a guy that I loved him, never let myself fall in love, never felt that any guy and I could have anything more permanent than an afternoon roll in the hay or sex on a mattress. I was so paranoid about being "queer" that I could NOT open up to these feelings, could not even consider that someone could reciprocate and share them with me for a month, six months, or longer. Impossible! Totally out of the question! Some day I'll get married. Fleeting thoughts, flashing in my mind like lightning behind distant clouds. I supressed them as quickly as they surfaced.

Jack sensed my change to a pensive mood. "Hello. You still here?" he asked in such a tender, loving tone of voice that I started to puddle up. Tears spilled over as I tried to smile and tell him I was OK. "Whoa! Hey, love. What's wrong?" His use of the term "love" set me off all the way. I'd gone from totally turned on to totally turned inside out.

"Oh, Jack, you're the most wonderful guy I've ever known or been with! I don't know why I'm crying, except it's mostly with happiness. Maybe I'm too happy and know it can't last! Does that make any sense?" I started to sob and pulled him tighter, lowering my head into the hollow at the base of his neck, resting on his shoulder. My tears were wetting his smooth chest. That made me cry harder while I was trying to shut off the damned waterworks. DAMN ME! Here I was with the most perfect, sexiest guy in California, in the middle of the best sex I'd EVER had, and I go BLAH!

Jack stroked my back, leaned over and murmured into my ear, "Hey, you are the most sensitive guy I've ever had. This is so tender and special, to have you bust out crying in the middle of making love... We are in the middle, aren't we?"

In that pause, I'd realized that this special guy had not become upset, didn't get turned off or blame me for stopping. He thought it was tender? special? God, he can make me feel so good, even when I do something as dumb as this. In the middle? MIDDLE of it? More suddenly than I'd gone weepy, I pronged up again. I lifted my head off his shoulder, wiped away the last tears with the back of my hand that I then put behind his head and pulled him into the most intense kiss that we'd shared. And we had shared some pretty wild ones! After tongue battles we gradually eased into suction, then tender kisses, then nibbles at each other's lips. As I leaned back with a smile my hardon poked him under his balls.

"Do I feel that you're better?" he queried, his small grin becoming a beatific smile. Gad, he lit up that dim little room! He reached down to grasp my prick, which turned all the passion back on after the short rainstorm of my emotions. I grabbed him so hard that he yelped.

"Oh, I'm sorry Jack! I didn't mean to hurt it - I mean you!"

"You didn't. You just surprised me with that clutch play. Glad you feel better. In fact, you feel wonderful!" he said as he squeezed and stroked my steel-hard pole. Oh, there goes some more precum. Jack stroked his thumb across my cockhead and grinned at me. "That's the way to get back in the game! Play ball! Seventh inning stretch is over."

He stretched his other arm over his head and in one graceful move curled his body back around to face the other way. His thumb on my cockhead was replaced with his tongue, then he engulfed my dick in his hot, wet, wonderful mouth. Gentle pressure from his teeth just barely enough to tell they were there added a new sensation. He licked around and around my dickhead, then lapped under the tip, where the glans curves up toward the piss slit.

"OH! THAT'S THE SPOT!" I yelled. Jack's mouth was too full for him to answer, so he just murmured "Mmmm Hmmm" as I dove down to try to give him the same pleasures. Sucking in that perfect, almost white shaft with a pink head, smooth, flawless, without any veins, bumps, or imperfections. I'd memorized its looks, now I wanted to memorize how it felt and fit in my mouth, how it tasted and how much I could do to help Jack feel what I was feeling. I started licking around and around his head, up under the tip, just like he'd shown me. I suckled on the head, then increased the suction to pull it in, or was I pulling my lips down to his blonde pubic hair? Who cares! I was sucking it all in, then sliding up to the top while increasing suction. As I almost came off it, I'd either suck harder or hook my teeth gently behind the head and lash my tongue tip back and forth across the tip of the head, in and across his piss slit. Rapid "butterfly" kisses and tongue lashing.

Now it was Jack's turn to moan and flinch back from the intense sensations. "Ohhh! OH! Gotta slow down! I didn't know there was another feeling as intense as cumming, but you just gave me one," he said with mini-shudders. His butt cheeks were spasming under my left hand as I held his balls with my right. Gads, even his scrotum and ass were gorgeous! I'd always thought a guy's scrotum was just a wrinkled ball sack. Butts were either fat, OK, or once in a while kind of cute. His was not the "bubble butt" of young teen athletes, but a trim and perfect part of a perfect man. Hmmm. Hadn't thought of him as a man, before, but he sure was. I'd always said "I like boys" including my first time with Jack. Now I realized he was so much more than any boy I'd ever been with. He was more mature, sensitive, tender, sexy, humorous, caring, - - and all the rest. What were these feelings running around in me?

"OK, I've slowed down enough to go back and speed up," he said with a grin, as he slid my pecker back into his mouth. Well, two can play THAT game, partner! I dove down and inhaled his love muscle, engulfing it with slurps, suction, licks, and a new up-down motion that I hadn't been using. All the way in to the back of my mouth plus a little way down my throat. God, his dick was the perfect size!! I'd had two that were huge, and I couldn't get any pleasure out of them, nor give any pleasure to the guys packing them. Anything bigger than a mouthful seems wasted to me. Don't know why some queers go for the biggest ones they can find. Maybe they know how to swallow them. "Pork swords" I think I've heard them called. I like the five to six inch variety, about an inch to one and a half inches in diameter. Slurpin' good! Delightfully delish! Tremendously tasty! With each phrase I was sliding up and down Jack's pole, feeling him get a little harder and a little longer, feeling him go as deep as I could take and still enjoy. What a wonderful match! His dick and my mouth, my dick and his mouth!

Now I was feeling my nuts start to climb up beside the shaft as he sucked, licked, tickled, and did things that I couldn't tell or describe. Oh, yeah, he's put it on the front burner and turned up the fire! Oh, baby, it's going to start to boil any second, and when it does, it's going to BOIL OVER!

I guess I was sucking as hard as Jack was, and we both were bringing our partner up, Up, UP to blastoff. My legs stiffened without my trying to, my toes started curling under, my belly tightened, my ass cheeks clenched, as my balls got so close up and under my shaft that I thought they were trying to get inside so they could go along for the ride. Oh, boy, Oh, JACK, OH, "Here I CUM" I shouted, then lunged back down on his dick.

Jack knew I was so close that he didn't dare lift off to tell me, he just hummed "MMM HMMMM!" and HERE WE CAME!!!! WE WERE BOTH CUMMMMMMMINGGG!! CUMMMMMMMMMMMMING! MMMMM! mmmMMMMMM! MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmm! Four massive shots, almost in perfect coordination. His first blast ricocheted off my hard and soft palates, straight down my gullet into my tum. My first shot felt like it could have gone through a pine board but he kept sucking so I guess it wasn't fatal. Our second shots were both as hard or even harder than our first. Our third shots were slower and gentler, then our fourth shots were just a nice drink of cum that we both got to savor. Oh, yeah, if I thought Jack's precum was sweet, it was NOTHING compared to his delectable cum!! It was like vanilla pudding but ten times better taste. No way to tell you how good! If they could freeze it, Ben and Jerry would go out of business! Deliver a gallon a day, PLEASE!

We both fell back, our heads flopping onto the other guy's lower thigh after our intense face-to-cock position, lying on our sides. Winded, spent, gasping, but grinning as we came down from a sexual high that was TOO intense to describe. Hell, it was too intense to remember, even right after! The mind and emotions have certain limits, and we had exceeded those limits by FAR! Aftershocks, mini shudders followed by more jolts as our bodies tried to regroup. I weakly raised my head and saw one more taste of cum oozing out of Jack's cock so I leaned over, inhaled his dick, and sucked it all out. He must have been in one of those aftershudders, as he totally tensed as I sucked his last cumshot out. He moaned and grabbed my head, not to push me off. Maybe just to stabilize his body or his dick. After I swallowed his last cum, he raised my head, lowered his, and we gently kissed.

The kiss deepened and I realized we were trading cum, sharing what we got from each other and getting some of our own back! What a wonderful cocktail! The tail end of cock juice, exchanged with tenderness and love. This guy was stealing my heart, which I refused to even consider at the time. Years later, in retrospect, I would realize that he was offering me his heart and soul but I was too uptight, too scared to come out of the closet, terrified of walking in the sunlight like he did.

Jack was openly "queer," a homo, fag, fruit, or any other epithet which people threw at him. He was honest, fearless, yet realistic. He never came on to people who did not want to play around or get it on. He was so open that most guys knew what he wanted if he came around. If not, he'd ask or offer. If he was turned down, he'd say "OK" and move on with no upset or furor. If the other guy was willing, Jack would only do things/actions they were both comfortable with. Never any force, no pressure to give in, no recriminations if someone backed down. Hell, I'd run away, but here I was, back with him today. We'd had the most intense, wonderful sex that any two guys could experience. Truly making love, though it took me years to use that term. Took me years to find any guy who came up to 75 percent of Jack.

As we lay there in the afterglow, our breathing slowing, our eyes coming back into focus, the sheen of sweat starting to dry, I felt a wonderful emotion. You know what it was, I didn't then. As I lifted my head to thank Jack and kiss him once more, I saw him rising up with the same look on his face. We both smiled and leaned closer, - - closer - - when a car horn sounded TEN FEET AWAY!

OH, SHIT! His folks were home! They were right outside the garage! The only thing between them and us was the door of the little room! We bolted up off the mattress, grabbing for our clothes. I was grabbing anything to see if it was mine. No, that's an old baseball glove. A part of a drape. An old bath towel. "WHERE ARE MY CLOTHES?" I whispered hoarsely, in a stage whisper. Oh, SHIT! I started putting on the next thing I picked up.

= = = TO BE CONCLUDED IN PART 6, "Jack at Home, 2" = = =


Next: Chapter 6

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