Jackin Our Way to Camp

By Nels Beck

Published on Jan 30, 1999


Here's part 4. Hope it's in a lot better form for posting. Charlie is on vacation so I can't send it to him. I tried to keep it in ASCII, with left & right borders (5 & 75) that might fit on the page. Let me know. Oh, thanks for the acknowledgement in the Support paragraph - - unless there's another "Nels."

Jack's Legacy at Camp

{part 4 of "Jackin' Our Way to Camp"}

by Bob Nelson

DISCLAIMER: This story is friction fiction, describing consensual sex

between boys under 18 years of age. If you are offended by such

stories or if you are under 18, please leave, depart, quit, go away.

There; you are warned.

COPYRIGHT Jan. 28, 1999. Do NOT copy to sell! OK to copy for personal

use or to distribute if you keep it completely intact.

CONTACT: To contact the author with suggestions or questions, email me

at Viking_30@yahoo.com. Expect reply in about a week. Flames ignored.

There was one more incident at "Hold yer Toe" Scout Camp in the High

Sierras before I left for home. (The first three parts tell what

happened on the way to camp and with Jack and with Pete.) The last

scheduled camp period was for one week in mid-August instead of the two

week regular terms. This one week period was for experienced campers

only, ages 14 - 17. The senior camp staff would let us"junior staff"

members go home to get ready for school and use the experienced campers

who had been here before to close up the camp for winter. There was a

lot to do, so the price was cut from sixty dollars for a two week

regular period to twenty dollars for one week. Remember, this was in

the late 1940's, when Cokes from a machine or big candy bars were

still a nickel! Palo Alto Scout Council was underwritten by some major

sponsors and ran a "tight ship" financially, to let as many boys as

possible experience this marvelous camp.

The guys arriving today were going to WORK the last week was open!

All the canvas tops had to be taken off the cabin frames, hot and

cold water systems drained, all waterfront gear (boats, paddles,

cushions & life preservers) stored in permanent buildings, perishables

boxed to take out, non-perishables double boxed & hoisted into the

rafters of the Dining Room (which we called the Mess Hall), shutters

put on the windows of the permanent buildings, and finally antifreeze

with disinfectant added to the latrines. The "Wolverine" liquid that

they used in each latrine was strong enough to eat shit - literally,

but even it would freeze in any 20 below weather. We were all glad

to leave, and thought the Council should pay these guys thirty bucks

instead of charging them twenty.

We had three days overlap with the incoming camper/workers, to

reacquaint them to the place and to help them start any major manpower

jobs (such as getting the canvas tops off the bigger camper cabins).

They arrived Wednesday morning and I was really surprised to see Keith

and Carl Johnson, the cousins who had tricked me my first summer here,

three years ago. They had told me I needed to come to their tent so

they could examine my ears - - they claimed I had a serious disease,

"Lobe Ear." I knew the bottom of the ear is called the ear lobe, but

they were so serious and acted so alarmed after "examining" my ears

that I let them paint both my ears with mercurochrome to "treat" them.

All the other guys in camp gave me a hard time when I fell for a trick

used on Tenderfoot Scouts. Yeah, I'd also held a sack for two hours

one night when I was a Tenderfoot, calling "Here, snipe, here, snipe.

Come on, snipe." falling for that old "Snipe Hunt" farce, too. Their

mercurochrome gave me bright pinkish-orange ears for a few days until

I was finally able to scrub it off. At least it was not dangerous or

painful, so I tried to laugh it off. That day, when I saw them I felt

no animosity and greeted them with "Look, my ears are still OK!

Your cure worked!"

Thursday afternoon, as we outgoing Junior Staffers were getting our

own gear ready to leave the next day, Pete came into my tent a little

out of breath. Pete had consoled me after Jack had left, convinced me

I had not caused Jack to leave, and had continued my sex education in

"Jack's Secret Place." Now Pete asked, "Guess which cousins are

having an afternoon nap in one sleeping bag?"

I grinned and asked "Keith and Carl?"

"Right, the first time, Bob. And they're just in the bushes uphill

from their cabin. Joe and Tom stayed to talk to them so they couldn't

sneak off while I came to find you. It's Payback Time for them

curing your "Lobe Ear."

"Man, Pete, I didn't know anyone else remembered my humiliation after

those guys painted my ears. You're a real pal to come get me, now.

Let's go!"

"Well, you took it like a good sport, so now let's go see them stewed

in their own juice," he said with a grin. "The best part is that no

one did it to them. They got each other into it, if you'll pardon

the pun."

We both laughed and did the Scout Pace over to the other side of camp.

That was taught for long distance or high altitude fast travel: Run

20 or 25 paces then walk the same number & repeat until you get there.

We were pretty well acclimated to the camp's 7,000 foot elevation,

but running a half mile was still not a good idea. It took us about

three minutes to get there.

Keith and Carl were in a standard, single Scout sleeping bag, bare

chests showing with the rest of their bodies covered by the bag.

They looked pissed off more than embarassed. Joe and Tom had been

taunting them since they found them half an hour ago, "Come on,

nap time's over. Reveille. Assembly in 15 minutes. Fall in at the

fag pole and help get it up - or is it already up?"

Keith and Carl were shouting "Go on! Get outta here! Leave us alone!"

but when they saw me come running up with Pete, they both got quiet.

I just smiled and said "Well, looks like the shoe is on the other foot,

or is it the sleeping bag is on all four feet and two bare asses?

How come you guys are sharing a sleeping bag, especially in mid day?"

"We were tired. Didn't get much sleep last night. Thought we'd take

a nap but there are a bunch of noisy guys in our cabin, so we brought

one bag up here where it's quiet."

"Sure, Keith and Carl. We believe you, don't we, guys? But you KNOW

there's that dread disease up here, this year: Sierra Scrotum. Slide

out of there and let's make sure you don't have a rash down there."

"NO!" they both yelled in unison. "We don't have it!" hollered Keith.

"No way" agreed Carl.

"We're not going to leave until you show us," Joe and Pete said at the

same time, while Tom and I nodded.

Both Carl and Keith looked embarassed for the first time, and I thought

Carl's lower lip quivered a little. "We can't come out," he whispered.

"What? We can't hear you," a couple of us said.

"He said we CAN'T come out!" Keith said loudly.

"Why not? What do you mean can't?" Pete asked.

After a long pause while Carl and Keith again looked very sheepish,

Keith finally said in a very low voice, "We don't have anything on."

"WHAT?" we all whooped. "Skinny dipping in a sleeping bag?"

"Nude napping?" "Bare-ass bunking?" "Bare-balling with a buddy?"

Each one of us trying to top the other guys' comments while we were

almost rolling on the ground, laughing.

Now Keith, the more assertive cousin, slid halfway out of the bag.

"Yeah, we are naked. So what? We're cousins and have slept at each

other's house a lot. What difference is it if we have anything on

or not?"

"Oh, no difference," I said with a leer, "unless you're queer for each

other, and always jump in the sack to play, bare ass and bare balls."

Man, this was real payback! They took advantage of my total naivity

when I believed whatever guys told me, but now we had the advantage.

Pete came to their rescue, though, after he gave me a special look.

"Well, it's not like the FIRST time that's ever happened here," he

told Keith & Carl, while looking at Tom, Joe and me. "Hell, we've

probably all experimented with a guy or two, just to see what

somebody else's cock looks like and feels like. Right, guys?"

Carl quickly looked at each one of us, while Keith was still glaring

at Pete. We all gave Carl a shrug and half a smile, acknowledging it

was no big deal. Carl then asserted himself for the first time any of

us had seen. He grabbed Keith's face and kissed him. Not just a

quick peck, either. It was a real kiss that lasted 10 to 15 seconds,

and Keith started responding almost right away. Now Keith looked kind

of cowed, while Carl smiled with self confidence. "So there. Now you

all know it. We love each other, and we're so fucking glad we're

cousins so we can see each other a lot."

WOW! That took my breath away, and as I looked at Pete, Tom & Joe,

it seemed to have affected them pretty powerfully, too. We blinked.

No one said a word. Most of us had never kissed another guy, back then,

and none of us had ever seen two guys kiss. Hell, there were barely

kissing scenes between men and women in the movies.

Now Carl really got bold. He slid the sleeping bag's zipper all the

way down and started sliding out. Keith grabbed him and shouted "What

the fuck are you doing??" Carl pushed Keith's hands away and said

"Nap time's over. Time to get up." We could see Carl's hips, then

his butt, then his half-hard cock as he wiggled out. There wasn't much

Keith could do, so as soon as Carl was all the way out, he climbed out,

too. His cock was soft, but as he glanced at his cousin, he began to

get hard. That started Carl's dick hardening, too. We all just looked

from one to the other. Two nice looking guys, standing nude in front

of us, getting boners, after we caught them "napping" in the same

sleeping bag.

Pete pulled me closer with one hand on my dick, the other in the small

of my back. He leaned in and whispered, "Let's just go with jackin'

off until we see how far the others are going." "Good idea," I

murmured, even though I wanted to kiss him, slide my lips across his

cheek, down his neck, then down to his nips, and on down the "Happy

Camper's Trail to the Treasure." Pete had a real treasure chest,

with beautifully firm, well-formed pecs, lats, and tits to die for.

They were not large, but were just the right size for his chest, about

the size of a nickel, rosy tan, and hairless. The tips of his nips were

normally flat but now they were poking up like they were looking for

action. I guessed I'd have to wait, though. I started jacking that

perfect prick of his while stroking his beautiful bubble butt. It was

smooth as a baby's, but he was no little kid. He was a cute, handsome,

gorgeous 17 year old, who could look and act 14 or 22. That wonderful

age on the edge of manhood, but Pete was so self assured that he could

revert back to the wild freeedom of his boyhood. Anything from water

balloons or pillow fights to deep discussions of life. He was really

captivating, and he had pulled me out of a deep depression/fear/self

hate funk after Jack had left. I hadn't forgotten Jack, but Pete sure

helped put it all in perspective. Both urged me to Enjoy the moment;

Live each day fully; "Sieze the action," like Jack had siezed my cock.

Now we were jacking each other off, gazing deep into each other's eyes, then glancing at the other four nude Scouts paired up with the best Jackoff buddy. Sheesh! What a HOT afternoon - no, not the air temperature, the Scout dick temperature! Carl and Keith were really stroking each other's body and cock, getting closer and closer. THERE, they were kissing again. This time it looked like real wet French kissing, long and loving. They'd pulled each other into a tight embrace, just mashing their dicks against each other's abdomen, chest to chest, hands stroking the other guy's back, butt, head, shoulders - every where! I raised my eyebrows at Pete and motioned to Carl and Keith with a glance. He caught on right away, and looked over. "Man, they are HOT! And, since they started, Joe and Tom are getting closer to a kiss. Want to??"

That's all it took. I put both hands on the sides of Pete's handsome

face and pulled him in to lightly kiss those tender lips. So perfectly

formed. So expressive, with a little uptilt at the corners of his mouth

so he always had a "secret smile". Now it was a full smile, changing

into a gentle pucker as he met me in a tender kiss. After 10 - 20

seconds (time was standing still or racing - - who knew?), we both

opened our lips slowly and began a deep probing of the other guy's

mouth. Tongues can do battle, but ours were dancing, not battling.

He tickled the tip of my tongue with his, then licked between my

upper teeth and gums, then in front of my lower teeth. I did the same

to him. He then slowly forced his tongue inside my teeth and stroked

my hard palate. GOD that was so SEXY! I didn't know if it tickled

or tortured or turned me inside out. I just knew I liked it and wanted

more, so I did the same thing to him. By now our dicks were so hard

we couldn't keep them mashed between our lower bellies.

I moved my right hand to his dick as he moved one hand to mine. I

moved my left hand from his face to the back of his head at his

neckline. He put his other hand across my shoulders. Caressing his

neck and his cock, I kept getting hotter from his kissing. Man, this

guy knew how to do everything sexy! We were in heat, in rut, and

in love, at least for this afternoon. With our eyes barely open we

focussed on each other's face. What a way to make love! I'd had sex

with some guys who were totally selfish. They were only with you for

their own pleasure and left as soon as they got off. Pete made sure

he kept me maxxed out on all my pleasure centers. He knew my hot spots

and kept moving between them or combining them so I was getting harder

and hotter. Felt like him, too. Slowly he broke the kiss and murmured

while gazing into my eyes, "It feels like you're getting close. I am,

too. Want to go all the way, or slow down?" "Man," I answered,

"I don't think I CAN slow down. You are so sexy I'm gonna cum.

Like NOW!"

With that we both started to shoot. Our first shots hit under our

partner's chin. His second shot actually hit my lips. (OK, I bent

over slightly so it would.) I licked my lips, and OH, his cum tasted

SO good! Our third and fourth shots were on each other's chests, then

the next two oozed out onto the loving hands stroking our cocks. After

shocks and shudders shook me from my belly up to my head, down to my

toes, then back to my belly. I felt Pete having similar aftercum

shocks. My knees got so weak that he had to hold me up to keep me

from collapsing, but softly said, "You make me pretty weak, too, so

try to keep standing - - or do you want to sit or lie down?" I said

"Let's lie down on their sleeping bag for a minute. I'm too weak

to stand."

We shuffled forward about five feet and sank onto the sleeping bag that

had become the focal point of this afternoon's "Crafts and Activities"

time. Whew! What a crafty way to arrange activities! Now Carl and

Keith looked like the were about to unload a quart of cum each, the

way their big balls were drawn up almost into their groins. They each

had big, seven inch, fairly thick cocks with large red heads pointed

up, ready to blast. Joe and Tom were about at the same stage, except

they were hacking each other's curved beasts, able to keep almost

full body contact while their cocks were pointed to their sides.

There went Carl! His first shot hit Keith under the chin. Whoa!

Keith pulled Carl down beside us on the sleeping bag, flipping his

cousin into a 69 position. I don't think either one of them knew

we were there! We scrambled out of their way as they scarfed down

the spouting spigots. Holy shit! They were really gobbling the goo,

swallowing the sweet cream, gulping the gism! Made me sorry that

we'd shot off first, when we were reluctant to be the first to suck

cock. Man those cousins were stroking, moaning, sucking, and hotter

than hell. They gradually slowed as they finished unloading those

huge nuts, slurped the last juicy drops out of each other, and fell

back, each resting his head on his cousin's inner thigh. Both Carl

and Keith had a shit-eating, no, make that a cum-eating grin on their

face, with some that they couldn't swallow running down their chin.

What a sexy sight!! Guess Joe and Tom thought so, too. They initially

looked shocked when they'd watched Carl and Keith slip into a hot 69,

then a look of pure lust passed between them. They clenched into a

fierce embrace, a bruising kiss, grabbing each other around the chest

and pulling each other down. They settled into a 69 on the grass, right

where they were, sucking and moaning with no awareness of anyone within

miles. Heads bobbing up and down, fierce suction, grabbing butts, arms,

shoulders, they were going at it with unbridled passion. I'd read that

phrase in some girl's fuck book, but this looked like the real thing.

Two pair of Scouts 69ing was too much!!! I started to get hot and

felt my juices rising. Even though Pete and I had just cum with a

massive orgasm, I felt my dick getting hard again. I looked at him

and he was smiling. He glanced down at my dick, down at his own, then

back to my eyes. I looked down to see us both almost fully erect. I

raised one eyebrow in a silent question, he answered it with a smile,

and we sank down into our own Nirvana #69. I have no idea whether we

were on grass, pine needles or dirt. I just know I finally got my

favorite afternoon snack: hot peter, slick dick, cum-coated cock.

Mmmmmmmmm, delicious! The taste of Pete's cum and cock made my dick

go to full bone, and apparently that had the same effect on Pete, as

we were sucking the hardest hardons we'd shared. One nice thing about

starting to 69 shortly after cumming was that our second time was going

to last longer. If we had 69'd on our first shot we'd have been

through for the day.

Moaning, caressing Pete's smooth cheeks (lower ones, this time),

fondling his balls, I was in heaven. He was hitting all my spots and

inventing new ones as he went along. I was definitely going along!

He was leading me to another massive, spine-tingling, toe-clenching

orgasm. I felt my balls start to tighten, as I briefly lamented

"I thought this one would take a while." Well, Pete was leading me,

but we were in this together. He was not that far ahead and I felt a

light sweat break out on his back and his ass, felt his balls head

north, felt the head of his heavenly pecker swell in my mouth, then

POWWWWW! I could almost hear the sound of his cock firing the first

shot. It hit the back of my throat and ricocheted off my soft palate

then straight down to my gut. That was it! I fired a return salvo,

and he took it like a man. He even pulled me tighter to him, grabbing

my buttcheeks and pulling me in until his lips were mashed against my

pubes and my dick had started down his throat. Oh, WHAT a sensation!

How could he apply suction when my dick was that far in his mouth?

Who cared! He was, and then sliding out to put even more suction on

my dickhead. OH! OH! Oh, my GOD, that was going to turn me inside out

in Total Orgasm!!! Uhhh, Oh, uuuuuughhhhh! Oh, yeah, Pete,

Hmmmmm hoooooo. I'm cumming, I'm CUMMING. I'M CUMMMMMMMINGGGGG!!!

I don't know whether I said it, shouted it or just thought it, but I'd

NEVER had such an orgasm. I thought the first blow job, eight weeks ago

with Jack could never be surpassed, but this one did! Good God, it's

a good thing we were laying down. I would certainly have collapsed on

THAT orgasm!!

Slowly we all came down from that lofty Valhalla of boy-sex. Whew!

What a way to finish off our summer Camp! Tonight we had the last,

big campfire, with awards, skits, singing, and all that stuff. It

would last till midnite, then we'd have to pack the last of our things

so we'd be ready to grab a quick breakfast and catch our "Queen Mary"

open barge across Huntington Lake to the landing. We'd load the trucks

with all the first load from the Camp that would be taken back to Palo

Alto, then settle in for the long ride back down to the Sant Clara

Valley. How lucky we were that Pete, Joe and Tom had caught Carl and

Keith taking their "afternoon nap." Since we'd all done the same

sexual things after we'd caught them, there was no way any of us would

rat on any other. Hell, it had been a fantastic "six-way" without

anyone getting short-changed. Not a single dick under six inches,

so no shortage here, today!

Little did I know that I would not go back to any Scout camp for almost

thirty years. I would then be Assistant Scoutmaster, and unable (and

unwilling) to join in such carefree sex. Times were more dangerous for

sex in the mid-70's, attitudes had hardened into hate lines, with many

people violently opposed to boys OR men having sex, and most were

vehemently against boys having sex with men. So, it was a wonderful,

yes and loving, fond farewell to a simpler, joyous, open time when there

were fewer hypocrites. If there were laws against these passions, we

never heard of them being enforced. We just enjoyed each other. As Pete

convinced me after I thought I'd scared off Jack and would have NO sex

that summer, "Hey don't sweat it. Whatever happens happens. No big

deal unless you make it a big deal." Thanks, Pete. Words to live by.

Next: Jack at Home - - - Yes, THIS was supposed to be that part, but

thought you might get a kick or a hardon about this episode. Over half

of this was true and the rest was my unfulfilled fantasy - - at that

time. Hope you liked the blend of truth and "friction fiction."

Any comments? Send them to Viking_30@yahoo.com or to nelsbeck@tez.net


Next: Chapter 5

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