Jackin Our Way to Camp

By Nels Beck

Published on Dec 28, 1998


WARNING: DO NOT READ THIS IF YOU ARE UNDER 18. It contains graphic homosexual scenes between teen-aged boys. If you are over 18 and can't handle this type story, CLOSE THE STORY AND THE SITE. DON'T COME BACK AND DON'T VILIFY OR CONDEMN AUTHORS OF STORIES LIKE THIS!

DISCLAIMER: Stories of gay sex DO NOT turn "normal" people gay, no matter what age. If you are offended, aroused, angered, or upset in any way by such stories, it is NOT the fault of the story. If you are confused or uncertain about your sexual orientation, "Ask your dick" as one of the characters said in "Parting Glances", an excellent, non-porno gay film.

Jack's Gone!

by Bob Nelson

I'd chickened out of giving Jack a blow job after he'd given me one. I'd run down the hill from our secret spot, all the way back to camp, He'd given me the most mind-blowing, body-wrenching, ball-draining blow job in the world, all the way! He'd pulled my hips in to suction my dick to the root so I'd cum in his mouth. And he swallowed it all! It had been the most fantastic feeling I had EVER felt! No way to describe the high! Then I'd chickened out and run away! I ran straight back to my tent and flopped down on my bunk with roller coaster emotions of self loathing, the joy of meeting him, the fear of not seeing him again, the memory of his perfect face, body and dick, the fear that he now hated me. Oh WHY was I such a wimp????? Always afraid of being queer, homo, fruit! Afraid to acknowledge how I really felt, what I really wanted.

I tossed and turned all night, finally giving up the struggle about dawn. I struggled up from a vague dream, ratty mouthed, bleary eyed, and tousle haired. Suddenly I realized what had awakened me: the Bugler sounding Morning Colors! It was 8:00 A.M.! I'd planned to get up at 6 to go find Jack, to apologize, hug him, hope he didn't hate me, plead with him to let me try again - - and ask for another of his WILD blowjobs.

I struggled out and finally pulled clear of the wadded up sleeping bag. I still had my shorts on from yesterday, so I slid into my moccasins, grabbed a fresh T and headed out. I ran toward the flagpole, hoping I'd see Jack. Everyone was supposed to be there except the guys in the kitchen. My feet felt weird, flopping around in my moccasins without socks, but NO TIME to put 'em on! I pulled my T-shirt over my head and finger-combed my messed up hair as I got to the flagpole.

Morning Colors and Announcements were over. Guys were going off in all directions in twos and threes, one knot of 7 or 8 - - Where was Jack?? Nowhere in sight! I vacillate between scared to see him and panic that I wouldn't.

"Hey PETE! Over HERE! I need to talk to you!" as I jogged over to him.

"Hey, Bob -- looks like you and someone had a WILD night!" he said with a smirk.

"No - I ran away, I mean I got lost, I mean -- Oh HELL, do you know where Jack is? I've GOT to see him!"

"Jack's gone. He got the 7 AM boat over to the General Store, said he's gonna do something else this summer."

"WHAT????? GONE???? He CAN'T be! I never -- I didn't get a chance to ---" I sputtered and slumped onto the ground.

"Hey, what's wrong with you, Bob? I thought you and Jack were going off for an afternoon and evening of fun. I know what fun he can be, and thought you'd loosen up and enjoy it more if he showed you it's no big deal to be a homo."

"He tried, Pete. It was wonderful, fanTAStic, but I chickened out, turned lily livered, green guts and ran away after he - - Oh, he CAN'T be gone! I have to apologize, try to get him to forgive me, give me another chance, beg him not to hate my guts!"

"Cool it, Bob! Just before he got on the boat he told me it was great with you as far as it went but you seemed kind of uptight. He thinks you may need some time, but maybe you'll sort it out."

"But how can I make up with him, I mean make it up to him if I've driven him off?"

"Hey, buddy, you didn't drive him off. He said he has a job in a radio shop this summer, and has to make some serious cash for college. He can't make it on Counselor's pay. He said he just had a couple of nights free, so thought he'd come up here to see what might happen. Then he grinned and said 'It happened and it was good. When it's right, it's right,' whatever that means."

I raised my head and felt tears about to spill over. Tears of relief that I hadn't driven Jack away or thrown away what might become a warm, wonderful friendship -- maybe.

Pete stepped close and brushed my tears away with the fingertips of his right hand while he put his left hand in the small of my back. He steadied me, and I needed it. I was weak from another flood of emotions. He smiled his warm, slow smile and asked "Feel better? Can you stand by yourself or do you want me to keep holding you up?"

It felt so good to have his arm around me that I didn't even worry if someone might see us like this. I heaved a big sigh, swallowed my last sob, wiped my last tears away, and replied, "I'm a little better, but I want you to keep holding me - - up."

He smirked and said, "That's more like the Hornytoad Bob I met on the way to camp! Let's go see if we can get you some breakfast. I swear you look like you lost 5 pounds since yesterday."

How'd he know? I felt weak, empty and HUNGRY! I realized that a damn fine looking guy had dried off my tears without making fun of me or teasing me for being a weak wimp, and was smiling at me while he had an arm around me. He knew about Jack and me, said Jack wasn't upset, but hoped I'd "do more, next time." Hell YES I'd do more next time! OK, Jack was gone, but Jack said "next time" --There's hope with him after Camp. But Pete was here, now!

Grabbing Pete in a bear hug I whispered, "Thanks for being here for me! Thanks for caring how I felt!" Stepping back a pace I said in my tough-guy tone of voice, "Yeah, my stomach thinks my throat's been cut. Let's go rustle up some grub!"

We headed to the Mess Hall, which the camp brochures called the "Dining Hall/General Purpose Building." Those Scouts with dads in the military started calling it the "Mess Hall" as soon as World War 2 began. Some of the food they served was a real mess, but it was all edible and some was pretty good. And, we could have all we wanted. They had a sign like I'd seen when I went with Dad on his Saturday morning inspections of Navy Base Mess Halls, "Take all you want, but EAT ALL you take!" Like those Navy Mess Halls, our Camp had one K.P. guy standing at the garbage (or G.I.) cans where we knocked any leftovers off our trays before we left. If there was a lot left, the "Mess Police" guy said "Go back and eat that. You can't take a lot then just throw it away." Of course, there was no real* way to enforce the rules up here, not like in the Armed Forces.

We slid into the deserted Mess Hall - no one still at the tables, that is. I'd never been in it except during meals or meetings, so had never noticed the building itself. I looked up to the roof. "Pete, I know the roof has to be steep to let snow slide off, and braced to hold the weight of the snow that doesn't, but what are all the metal bolts and rods for?"

"They give the roof more strength and a lot more flexibility so it can give a little if the snow is a lot heavier on any part. The winter can be deadly at this elevation. We're only about 100 miles south of where the Donner Party wintered over in the Sierras west of Reno, caught by the worst winter ever recorded so far. They resorted to cannibalism of dead bodies to survive. Only half of them made it."

I felt a shiver go up my spine when I thought of that. I shook my head to clear that thought, but when I closed my eyes I had a terrifying vision of someone cutting up the wasted body of a boy. UGHHH! My eyes popped wide open as I looked around at as many real things as I could. Here, NOW! I'm not going to think about anything except the here and now!

My gaze swept past Pete, then quickly back to his face. He had a shocked, worried look on his face and in a worried voice asked, "Are you OK, Bob? You look like you just saw a ghost!" I again realized what a neat guy Pete was, so perceptive of my moods that he even caught that momentary revulsion when I visualized a brutal scene of long ago.

"Just a weird, sick idea of what the Donner Party went through, but let's forget them and get some grub! I didn't get supper last night, either! Hey, Cookie!!

The Cook was still in the Mess Hall aided by one adult helper and four Scouts on their week of K.P. (Kitchen Police). I'd met "Cookie" last year when he first came to camp. I'd helped him lug his stuff from the dock up to his room in the Mess Hall, and he seemed pretty nice. Asked me what my favorite desserts were (chocolate cake, chocolate cookies, and fudge Brownies - - yeah, I'm a "Chocoholic" still). He'd always ask me how I was doing if he saw me in the chow line.

Cookie saw Pete and me come in so he came over and asked "What's up, Bob? You look a little frazzled, and kinda thin. My cooking that bad this year?"

"Oh, no, Cookie! I had a rough night, missed supper, got to sleep about 0400, then overslept and missed breakfast, too. Any chance of getting something?"

"Well YOU know the rules, Bob. You told me yourself. NO LATE BREAKFASTS!!

But maybe there's somethin' in one of the G.I. cans," he teased. Then, "Hey, Joe - go get that half tray of scrambled eggs an' cheese outta the walk-in."

The kitchen had a walk-in refrigerator and a walk-in freezer, which was pretty fancy for the late 1940's, especially out in the woods. Aunt Lucy, our patron "saint" in Palo Alto had really put a lot of her money into the "Paly" (Palo Alto) Scout Council and we all benefitted from it. Our camp was one of the best: all buildings were in good shape, we had a full-time Nurse during summers, an MD and Dentist available in a little town 15 miles down the mountain. Even our old boat, nicknamed "The Queen Mary" ran well, and was very serviceable. Cookie had asked for and got these walk-ins this spring in time for summer's four two-week sessions. His stoves were military surplus, big enough to feed the many hungry boys and staff. He kept the galley ship-shape and squared away, as Dad rated his best Navy inspections.

"How about a big plate of these eggs with cheese?" Cookie asked, adding, "Made too many about 15 minutes before the Mess Hall closed. Took 'em off the serving line before they got hard and dry. I can toss some in a medium skillet and have 'em on your plate in five minutes. Want some toast and jam with them? Joe, put four slices in the toaster! You know where the "mechanical cow" is, Bob. Help yourself."

The "mechanical cow" was a stainless steel milk dispenser that held two big plastic bags of milk. Each bag held 5 or 10 gallons of milk, and Cookie made sure we never ran out. The "cow" kept it good and cold, it was always fresh, and by lifting up the big stainless steel ball, you unpinched the rubber tube that hung out of the chilled chamber, so you could quickly fill a glass. Just let the ball down and it shut the flow off immediately.

About the time I got back with two big glasses of milk, Cookie had my "cheese-eggs" on a tray, Joe brought over four slices of toast. He was a nice looking redhead, about 14, wearing Second Class rank. Billy, a cute Tenderfoot Scout, came over with a spatula load of "butter" (early margarine that tasted more like Crisco), and a scoop of the camp's "Strawberry Jam". I had read the label on the number 10 tin cans last year when I was on KP, and was amazed that it was made out of tomatoes!! They used artificial strawberry flavoring, but no strawberries. It tasted exactly like strawberry jam - - even had some tiny seeds and some "berry pulp" in it. I'll never know how they did that, but guess it was one more thing developed during the war, when they needed lots of stuff FAST! Make it out of whatever we have plenty of, but make it taste, look, smell and feel like the real stuff when "Our Boys" put it in their mouths. Someone had done a great job with our jam, so I never told anyone at camp about my discovery. Too many of these kids were spoiled and would refuse to eat anything new or "funny." I'm glad now that Mom made us eat "one Scout bite of everything" at meals. My brother and I could and would anything served, so we were always full of energy and healthy.

I wolfed down my breakfast, which had to take the place of last night's supper, too. Pete had stayed while I ate and was sitting there in his tight blue shorts, watching me eat. Sure felt nice that he was concerned enough to stick around to make sure I didn't fall into another blue funk. I wasn't feeling down, now. In fact, I was starting to feel UP. Yes, my dick definitely liked who I was looking at. It was pointing at him under the table. As I cleaned my plate I saw him gazing at me with kind of a dreamy smile.

When he realized I was looking at him he got real businesslike, "Good, eat it all up, Bob. Want me to get you some more milk or some more toast?"

"Well, maybe one more glass of milk, Pete, if you wouldn't mind."

"Hell no, Buddy. Gotta bring you back from the edge, get you healthy, happy and horny again."

"If you keep smiling at me and watching me like that while I eat, I just may have to have YOU for dessert!" He just grinned wider, and winked at me. He WINKED! No guy had ever winked at me! Gee, it gave me a funny tingle in the gut.

I thanked Cookie, Joe and Billy again, then Pete and I left.

Pete continued, "You know there's no dessert with breakfast, only with lunch and supper - - but this isn't a regular meal so maybe that rule doesn't apply." Pete had a wide grin and a devilish look on his face. He grabbed me shoulder and squeezed it for a couple of seconds and said "Let's go see what kind of trouble we can get into."

"What about today's routine?" I asked. "I missed morning formation, so haven't a clue as to what we're supposed to do, or when."

"That's right, you don't know that the Senior Staff has a meeting to finalize what troops bunk where, what times are scheduled for crafts, bird study, archery, canoeing, swimming, and all the other activities and merit badge classes. They said the waterfront guys have to inventory all the boats, paddles, life jackets, rope, and buoys, and the Crafts guys have to do the same with their shit, but you and I and about three others lucked out. NO duties! So when I saw you all bummed out and heard your sad tale of woe, I figured I'd better see if I could help. How's about it? Want me to help you?" He smiled and put his arm over my shoulder as we headed out into the morning fresh air and sunshine.

"You bet I'd like you to help me. I've been such a dickhead, feeling sorry for myself, afraid that I'd killed any chance of getting back together with Jack - - even thinking that I, big old important ME had chased him away! HA! He's so self-assured that I don't think even the General (our Area Council President) could scare him away. But now it looks like I have a problem" I said, glancing down at my crotch. My dick was poking out the front of my shorts again.

Pete said "I'd noticed that, and hoped it was because I'm here. Anything I can do to help it out?" I choked on that pun and replied, "Yup, I'd sure like it if you got it out and helped it - - and let me help you out, too."

While we were talking, Pete had kept his arm over my shoulder, while pointing to various trees we were passing on our way up the hill. Our way up the hill????? He was leading me up the same hill where Jack had led me, yesterday! I whipped my head around with a puzzled look, but as I opened my mouth, Pete said "Well, you aren't the only one that Jack's taken up to his "Love Nest."

"Is that what he calls it? Has he taken a lot of guys up there?" I started getting upset that Jack had had others up there before me, then snorted at my egotistic thinking "I'm his first" when all the Scouts in our Council knew Jack had a very active, open sex life. So I tried to cover my petty jealousy and asked Pete, "Did you enjoy it?"

"Oh, yeah! He initiated me into the joys of 69 and other stuff last year. So wild, so cool, so satisfying!" I said it sounded like the Lucky Strike ad, "So round, so rich, so fully packed, so free and easy on the draw," and we both burst out laughing and hooting over how those words seemed to describe a blow job MUCH better than a cigarette!

By this time we'd arrived at "Jack's Love Nest", and it looked wonderful. The morning sun lit up the mini meadow, emblazoning some wildflowers I hadn't noticed the day before. They looked like a Welcome Home bouquet, and I suddenly realized that this summer was going to be fine, even without Jack. Maybe not as intensely sexual, but I might ease into some great guy sex, without the pressures to perform.

Pete slid his arm off my shoulder until his hand was there, turned me to face him, then pulled me closer and closer to his face. Was he pulling me in to kiss me? I'd never even thought about kissing a guy. I watched this handsome, black haired, blue eyed boy come closer and closer, our eyes locked together, until our noses bumped. It startled us both. We each caught our breath and jerked back about six inches. Then we both started to giggle, then laugh. We fueled each other's laughing and almost rolled on the ground. It wasn't that funny except that it was a rude shock to break the slow, sexy buildup to - - to what?

"What were you gonna do, Pete?"

"I dunno, I just wanted you close to me, so close I could see every detail, so close I could touch you and taste you."

"TASTE me? What, just start licking and nibbling on my face?"

Naw, Bob - - well, not exactly. I kinda had this funny idea to -- I kind of wanted to - -"

he trailed off.

"Wanted to what, Pete? You were pulling my face right into yours. What?"

"Well, I wanted to - - kinda wanted to - - No, I still do. I want to - - THIS!" and with that he pulled my face back to his but this time he tilted his head slightly and guided our lips into a tentative, dry kiss. Just a light contact, quickly broken. But the most electric, buzzing, jolting thing that ever happened to my lips! It was another jolt of electricity, almost as intense as I felt when Jack's mouth had first touched my dick, yesterday.

I was shocked - - but after a quick gasp, I wanted to feel MORE of him. But I had never

kissed anyone except my Mom and my aunts. Pete's kiss had been such a jolt that I didn't think I could handle any more of that but I did want to feel my cheek against his. I pulled his face toward mine, tilted my head slightly, and rubbed my cheek against his. His cheek was so smooth, soft, warm and sexy that I closed my eyes so I could concentrate on just the feel of it. My hand behind his head started down his back.

"You feel so good, Pete, but I gotta do more. I want more of you!"

"Oh, yeah, I want more, lots more" Pete responded.

We sank down where the pine needles blended into the grass of the small meadow. I reached over and started unbuttoning his shirt at the same time that he started unbuttoning mine. I slid his shirt back; he twisted sideways to get his arms out, and I dropped it onto the grass. He did the same to me, then I ran my hands all over his neck, shoulders and chest. It didn't occur to us to pinch, suck or lick the other guy's little nipples. They were just there. Years later some of us would find out they were erogenous zones, but we didn't think of it then.

Pete smiled as he sat down, pulling me gently down beside him, leaning on one elbow. "Want to take turns, or just go right into a 69?" I had settled my demon of last night so replied "Let's go for it with each other, all the way!" I scooted my butt toward his head and dropped my head toward his crotch.

"Need some help gettin' outta those shorts?"

"Yeah, and I'll help you at the same time."

We unbuttoned each other's Scout shorts and tried to pull them down simultaneously. It didn't work as we were using both hands on the other guy's shorts so couldn't raise our butts off the ground to let the shorts slide off.

"Let me go first, Bob. I'll get yours off, then you can get mine off - - then get me off."

"You got it, Pete -- or you soon will."

Quickly stripping each other, we spread the Scout shirts and shorts to lie on, as those pine needles did feel like little pins when you lay on them bare-ass. Dropping down to gaze at another perfect peter, I gave silent thanks to God for another chance. Pete had brown pubic hair, even though his hair was black! It seemed so odd, because I'd noticed almost all the guys in High School P.E. had black pubes except one redhead and the young looking blonde Senior. Theirs matched the hair on their head. Oh, well.

This thought had zipped through my mind, but my mouth knew what IT wanted, and I slid my lips down Pete's six inch dick until I nuzzled up to those brown pubes. Mmm, he smelled nice - kind of like Lifebouy soap, with a faint outdoor smell and freshness, too.

And he tasted even better! His dick was almost exactly like Jack's, but I was so much more relaxed today. Guess I had built up such a fantasy about Jack that I couldn't let it go even when we were like this. Pete was more relaxed in his attitude, but OH, WOW!

He sure knew how to suck cock!

I lifted off his dick with "Oh, YEAH, Pete! Do it JUST like that! SO damn good!"

"Just trying to make you happy and take your mind off Jack leaving", he replied.

"Well I'm putting him outta my mind while I put you into my mouth!"

We settled down into a mutual admiration society, fondling balls, caressing ass cheeks, rubbing chests and stomachs. Pete had a solid body with some good arm and chest muscles from working in his dad's apricot orchard. Lots of stuff to move around before and during the season. I was glad that he got to come to camp this year. Really glad!

Pete slid all the way up and down my love pole, starting to increase his speed until I said

"Would you suck just the head of my dick some of the time? It's the most sensitive part.

Oh, and my balls are really too tender for anything other than gentle holding."

"Thanks, Bob. I like to know what you like, what turns you on, and anything you'd rather not do. I aim to please! I like my balls pulled on just a little, then more when I start to cum."

"OK, buddy, No problem!"

We settled back into a mutual benefit 69, knowing how to please the other guy best. I began to suck on Pete's peter's head, kind of topping the Peter peter, you might say. As I got some real suction going on it, Pete enthusiastically moaned "Mmm Hmmm!" so I knew I was doing something right. I began to pull his balls down a little with one hand while I began to rub his back with the other. Then down to the small of his back, then onto that bubble butt. Damn! Another perfect bubble butt with smooth, creamy skin and not a single hair! This year's summer was turning out tremendously fantastic!!

Pete was giving me the same thing I was giving him, then occasionally trying something new that I would copy. He rubbed my chest, around each nipple, so I did his. Even tho it wasn't exciting to me I could tell he liked it when he moaned and arched his back. OK.

I rubbed each tit and tried a light pinch. "Oh, yeah!" he moaned, coming off my cock. I guess that's a good spot for him! I began really working on one tit, then when its nip got up, switching to his other tit. I had NO idea till then that guys could get a charge out of having their tits played with! I'd heard a lot of the girls in our school liked it. Ah, well.

Now Pete was caressing and squeezing my ass cheeks. He ran a finger down my ass crack and ZING! I found a new place to light my fire! He could tell from my moan and my tensing up that it was good, so he did it again and I backed my butt up so he could lightly trail a finger all the way up and down the crack. Mmm Hmmmm But all of a sudden I felt his finger start to poke my asshole.

"No, Pete, please don't put your finger up my ass. I'm really sensitive and can't take anything up there since I got cornholed in my first Scout summer camp."

"Oh, Jeez, Bob, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to turn you off. I just want to turn you on."

"Well you're sure doing that! I got freaked out by that experience and haven't wanted anything up my ass since then. I'll tell you about it later, if you want to hear about it. Meanwhile, keep doin' ALL that other stuff!"

We went back to sucking cocks like we were going to earn a merit badge for it. As that thought crossed my mind, I started chuckling, then laughing so hard that Pete's peter slid out of my mouth and I roared with laughter.

"What, Bob? Do I taste that funny? Or what IS so funny?"

"Pete, we're here as Councilors to help the campers learn stuff, enjoy themselves and earn merit badges, right?"

"Sure - - same as every year, but what's so funny about that all of a sudden?"

"I just wondered if anyone ever designed a merit badge for Cocksucking, and made up the merit badge pamphlet to tell all the things you had to do to qualify. It looks like this year at Camp Hold yer Toe we should have several who can earn it. What d'ya think?"

Pete immediately lost his slightly puzzled, slightly pissed expression when I'd interrupted our exhilarating 69, and began to chuckle, then giggle, then laugh loudly. "That would be SO funny! Maybe we should have a contest among our "special buddies" to design the badge and write the pamphlet. That'd be a LOT of fun! My first thought was to show a face deep down on a guy's dick, but if he had it all in his mouth, it may not be obvious what he's doing. Maybe a hard dick with a pair of lips in a big round O just above it?"

I started giggling, too. "Maybe, or maybe it could be the first moving merit badge, with a mouth going up and down a cock? Nah, they'd never be able to make batteries and parts that small!"

"Well, we'll have to get help on the design and the pamphlet, that's for sure! But now --"

and he dove back onto my dick that had started to get soft. One slurp and two sucks later, he had me hard as a rock, again.

I called this kind "a real twanger." If it was this hard and anyone pulled my dick down and let it go it would twang up and slap my belly then settle down firmly about twenty degrees above horizontal. Yup, I had a twanger! Now to get Pete back up. Instead of slurping him down, I grabbed his cock in my hand, gave it a few jacks, then squeezed it so his "little head" poked out all pink and tight with the extra blood I'd trapped in it. I leaned down and flicked my tongue over just the tip of his dickhead six or eight times, then went for that really sensitive spot on us circumcised guys, the little triangle just below the tip, just under where the dickhead looks folded under or tucked in. Man, it set Pete off! He jerked up with a startled look on his face, then a big grin.

"Oh! I'll give you just two hours to stop that - - unless you need more time."

He didn't need to ask what I'd done. It was very obvious, and he began to do me the same way. Oh, boy - - another new thrill to share with a fellow Dick Licker. Mmm -- another merit badge? I stifled my laugh and stayed on the job. The blow job, that is.

Now we were starting into the home stretch. I knew Pete liked his tits played with and his butt rubbed, so maybe he likes a finger in there, like he started to do to me? I began running my "middle pointer" finger up and down his ass crack. As he moaned his assent I started burrowing in. I felt him initially tense, then really push back to meet my finger. I felt it. I felt his rectum with my finger. I was so hot that I didn't even think, I just started tickling it and gently pushing in.

"Lick it or spit on it. I can't take it dry."

Lick it, after it was at his shit chute door? I don't think so, but Hell, I can spit on it and go back for more. So I did. This time when I tickled his butt hole, it opened up or at least relaxed so I could slide the first knuckle in before he clenched down on it. I lifted up and asked, "Do you want me to stop and pull out?"

"NO! Just give me a sec to get used to it. It's been a while since I had anyone or any thing up there."

Wonder who or what he had up there? Well, it didn't matter. If this was turning him on and wasn't hurting either one of us, who cares? He was another gorgeous guy, and we were really humming, now. We were both moving quicker on our suck strokes, but doing the other guy's favorites, too. I was pulling down on his balls as they tried to climb up inside his love handle, and he seemed to like that.

Pete had me up near a peak but not getting there too fast. I suddenly realized that THIS time I wanted to suck him all the way off FIRST! I was so hot for him to shoot his wad down my throat (and not chicken out) that I lifted off him just long enough to say, "I want to suck all your jizz outta your cock first! Let me get you off, then you can finish me. OK?"

"Fine with me! I have no problem being first off or second. I'll finish you whenever you're ready."

Back to his sensitive areas, lick, suck, tiny tickling tongue flicks. Pull down gently on his almost hairless balls, tickle that ass crack and slide a finger in. Now, wiggle that finger around in his ass - - YES! I could feel his balls start to draw up, his shaft got even harder. I didn't think it could, but it did. Now his dickhead was swelling up in my mouth. I sucked on just the head, alternating the tongue tickles just under the head. Pete moaned, arched his back, grabbed two handfuls of my hair, and thrust his hips forward.

I felt a pulse in his balls which traveled up his dick and SPLAT! His first shot ricocheted off my tonsils and headed straight to my stomach. Just in time, his second and third shots were so close that I barely had time to swallow, but I remembered to keep the suction on. He screamed and gave me his fourth and fifth shots that were even more powerful than his first! I couldn't keep his balls from drawing all the way up, now. I thought they were going to disappear into his lower belly. Then another medium shot, pause, then two weak ones. I'd backed off by then, anticipating smaller cum shots, not as hard, and wanted to taste his gism. I'd tried my own and wanted to compare. Mmmm, he tasted GOOD! A sweet, slightly salty taste, and that unique something that only cum tastes like. I can't describe it to someone who hasn't tasted it FRESH! That morning I realized that if it is hot, friendly sex with a guy you like, it's the best taste in the world. Later I'd find the flip side of that coin. Now I just savored Pete's joy and kept sucking more and more gently as he started to soften.

"No more, please. Don't suck me any more, Bob. It's way too sensitive!" So I stopped sucking and just let his dick soften up laying on my tongue. What a wonderful way to express our friendship!

Pete rested about five minutes, washed in the afterglow of what he said was "one of the very best blow jobs I've ever had."

"How many have you had, Pete?" I asked with a grin.

"About ten, - - no, at LEAST ten."

"Well, glad that I'm among the best" I said, as I took one last lick across his dickhead to get that pearl of aftercum. I guess that's what it would be called, if the preseminal fluid is called precum. He twitched so hard that he popped up to a sitting position.

"I think it's done for this morning. You can let it go back to sleep, but THANKS!"

"My pleasure, Pete. Believe me, it was a pleasure!"

Pete reached down and retrieved my snake from between my legs, where it had gone while I blew Pete. It was barely half hard, but Pete was going to give it Artificial Respiration. No, he was going to give it Real Respiration, as he was really going to blow life back into it, no? A couple of strokes and it was ready for him to play the skin flute, the humming harmonica, the fleshy fife, the Pan pipe of pricks. Any way is Ok, as long as a buddy is sucking you off. As the first guy I ever tried it with said, "I don't care if the DO call it a blow job. Don't! SUCK on that thing!!" Good advice that I've followed ever since, and Pete was doing a stupendous job on me! He hit all my pleasure spots, none of the ones that caused me to flinch, and steadily increased his pace of sucking. Up and down, up and down, all the way up, pause and suck just the head while he flicked his tongue on the head. Sometimes he'd flutter up and down, sometimes sideways, and sometimes just in the slit. It was all good, and the variety made it wild. I got hotter and hotter, higher and higher until I knew I was there.

"Here it comes! I'm CUMMMMMMMING" Too late for him to pull off, but he'd sensed it from all my tensing and my balls pulling up tight, so Pete had wrapped one hand behind the small of my back and pulled my in tight. He began swallowing my load,

"UHH!, HUH! Ohhhh! AH!" The first four shots each had a different name as they were all so fantastic, but all different. First was that over the top blast from toes up, the second shot was almost an echo, but seemed "far" instead of "high". The third shot was the one that almost turned me inside out into Pete's talented mouth, and the fourth was total and complete joy, but not the skyrocket explosion of the first. He coaxed out one more small shuddery spurt and two oozers. Just like when Jack did me, the last two led me into the totally exposed nerve endings of post-orgasmic pleasure so intense that it is close to pain.

"TOO much! STOP, please!" I pleaded, pulling back out of his mouth.

Pete smiled up at me while wiping his chin with the back of his hand. "He said with a grin, as he wiped off his chin - - "

"Yeah, I know that ditty - - first one I ever learned. The Boy from Nantucket, right?"

"You got it."

"No, what I got was a really sore back for a few months as I tried. I could never suck my own dick. The most I could do was just barely lick the head with my heels tucked under something above my head, and my tongue at full extension. More pain than pleasure, but at least I got a double-ended thrill."

"Wow! I never got any tongue contact, and I tried for a year! What do you mean, double-ended?"

"Well, the dick feels great on the tongue and the tongue feels fantastic on the dick. Both ends are happy."

"Yep. Makes sense. I wonder if anyone really can suck themselves off. Well, if you're settled back down, we'd better get dressed and head back to camp. It's been over an hour."

"No shit? I couldn't tell whether we'd been at it fifteen minutes or two hours. 'Time flies when you're having fun.' Wonder if this is what they were describing?"

"Could be, Bob. We're not the first to try it and sure as hell won't be the last. Got all your stuff? Glad we don't need neckerchiefs up here. I'm forever losing my slides."

"You mean after you finish blowjobs you can't get all your stuff together? Wonder if it causes temporary amnesia?"

"Naw, just temporary blackout. You know, like pilots get when they pull too many G's."

"Yeah, I know, Pete. I'm going to be a Navy Pilot, some day."

"In your dreams, Bob. Now that the war's over, they aren't training any, are they?"

"I don't know, Pete, but I'll find a way to fly Navy planes!" We were almost back to camp, so by mutual, unspoken agreement we veered off from each other and I slowed down to let Pete go in first. Just before he reached the back of the Mess Hall, he turned around and gave me a big smile and "thumbs up." I grinned back with my thumbs up!

What a pickup after my big let-down of last night. Boy, I really got my head all messed up, kicking myself and blaming myself. I've GOT to be more like Jack and Pete. Take whatever (or whomever) you can get, enjoy it to the max, and forget the "near misses."

Like one of the Navy guys told my brother and me, "Don't sweat the small stuff." Good advice! Think of the happy memories, too, not the empty ones. With that frame of mind, I whistled my way into camp, back to my tent, and flopped down for to rest. What a day! What a guy! What a summer! All the good things echoed around in my head as I closed my eyes to rest, and dropped off to sleep.

Next Chapter: Visiting Jack at Home

Next: Chapter 4

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