Jackin Our Way to Camp

By Nels Beck

Published on Dec 27, 1998


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Jack Came to Meet ME!

by Bob Nelson

It was late afternoon, my second day as a Camp Counselor. I was a sixteen year old Eagle Scout, even hornier than last year! Was it the 7,000' altitude of our camp, the excitement of seeing the prime young guys here all summer, or just more hormones than last year? When my dick twitched I realized my "little head" was remembering the circle jerk in the truck with Pete and Tom on the way up here! Man, that was hot! First time I'd ever jacked off in public in the daylight, and it was with two guys! Pete said to let them know if I wanted to do it again here during our eight weeks as Camp Counselors. Did I want to do it again?? Like did I ever want to breathe or eat again? Hell, YEAH I wanted to do it again!

I stood there remembering how hot their cocks looked as they got harder and bigger and finally shot. I'd never shot so far or so much as when we came together over the tailgate of the truck. They said they hadn't ever shot so far, either. I was really getting hard thinking about it. It showed, too, tenting out my Scout shorts. I'd decided not to wear underwear this summer, and my dick rubbing against the inside of my shorts gave it that hot, tickling zing that I used to get when I rubbed my cockhead rapidly back and forth against my tightly stretched top sheet. By the time I was twelve I was rubbing my dick on the sheets a lot, and reached that absolutely explosive feeling many times. It tensed me up, arched my back, and tightened my toes as I kept going. At the peak my dick seemed hard as iron but so sensitive I had to stop or it felt like my mind and body would explode! Later I found out I was having dry orgasms.

Now as I walked around, my Scout shorts rubbed my dickhead the same way. But I knew it was the beginning of a nice long climb toward a real orgasm. I took a long time to cum except the first time each day. I loved strutting around with the morning boner or "piss hardon" as Pete called it. Sometimes I'd jack off before I took that early morning whiz, with the full bladder adding a little more pressure on the plumbing. It made my dick more sensitive and my shots longer. Usually I'd fire three or four shots, the first one going about three feet, then less and less. If I fired the forth shot, it oozed out more than shot out, but was the one that got back that old "if I keep going I'll go crazy" feeling. My dick was just too sensitive to rub after the last shot. I had to wait to put on my shorts so it wouldn't get overstimulated or sore rubbing against the fabric. After it shrank down to its quiet, three-inch size, it was OK.

This morning, after thinking about the circle jerk in the truck on the way to camp, I began to think about Jack. That is, the guy named Gene who everyone called "Jack" because he loved to jack off, and help other guys jack off. Met him the last day of camp, last year. Gorgeous honey-to-dark blonde hair, blue-grey eyes that looked deep into my soul, smooth cheeks, thin but sexy lips and perfect teeth. Yes, I was infatuated with his face, but he also had a great body. It was kind of a blend of a swimmer's build and a gymnast. I'd only met him on our way across Huntington Lake, the day I left camp. He was going across to the store for some supplies for the last camping period. He was a counselor and was only one year older than I was but seemed SO much more mature and self-assured! He was friendly and we talked all the way across in the old, "Clunker Barge" camp power boat. It was eighteen feet long, mostly open, and had been a motor whaleboat in the Navy until they gave it to our Palo Alto Area Scout Council. The Navy bases around San Francisco Bay really gave Scouts and Sea Scouts a lot of support like uniforms, charts, equipment and a couple of power boats.

Well, I'd better stop daydreaming about a guy I might never see again, and check out the tent that I'd be "in charge of" during the next eight weeks. Our eight-man tents were rigged every year just before camp, stretching the canvas "cabin tent" over the wood frame above a wood floor. Wood walls reached up about two feet on the sides. The canvas was warm and giving off that old canvas smell that reminded me of all the times I'd jacked off at camp.

Lost in these lusty memories I didn't hear Pete until he hollered, "Hey, Bob -- Hello, Earth to Bob!" He was in my tent and apparently had been there a minute or two, trying to get my attention. As I turned toward him I said "Oh, hi, Pete. I didn't hear you. Guess I was thinking of something else." He had a grin from ear to ear as he glanced down at my shorts then back up to my eyes. "I'll bet I can guess -- you were thinking about our ride up in the truck, at least about a certain ten minutes of it." "Yeah," I admitted, blushing a little. I hated when I did that! It made me look so young and naive! He just said, "Well, I like thinking of that, too, but I brought a guy who wants to meet you --- Jack."

That got my attention! Jack? -- the hot guy I'd jacked off all year remembering? -- if it was the same one. Pete stepped aside I saw the same handsome blonde with those hypnotic blue-grey eyes moving toward me with his dazzling smile. Damn! He was even better looking than in my memories and fantasies! Broader in the shoulders, but still just a light blonde fuzz on his arms and legs. I stared, probably with my mouth hanging open. He came up close and stuck out his hand. I thought he wanted to shake hands, but as I stuck my hand out he reached past it, gently grabbed the crotch of my shorts and squeezed my hard dick! He gave me a wide smile. My eyes and mouth popped open and I couldn't move as he kneaded my dick and gazed into my eyes, smiling with his eyes, mouth and whole face.

When I finally came back to earth, I grinned and reached out to give him the same "handshake." I found his dick half hard but when I started squeezing it, he got a hardon real quick. Oh, God, this was Heaven! We were squeezing each other's cocks and grinning ---

Suddenly a cold chill flashed through me and I dropped his dick and whirled around to see if anyone was watching. Nobody. Pete must've slipped out of the tent quietly when he saw that we were getting to "know" each other. I let my breath out and said, "Pete's gone."

Jack chuckled as he moved even closer and half-whispered "Pete said he'd leave if we wanted some privacy, and I think we do."

"Oh, yeah! Definitely!" I began, "But where can we go where nobody can see us? I want to hold you and feel you all over and then--"

Jack interrupted, "You bet! I want to do it all with you, too. Let's go up the hill above Camp. All the other Counselors are in a meeting. They won't be done for an hour then there's another hour before supper. Let's go."

He showed me how to squeeze my cockhead until I lost my erection. That way we wouldn't have our hardons pointing the way if we ran into any staff members. I scribbled a note to the Counselor I was sharing the tent with until the campers arrived, saying I was going on a "Fam. Hike" until supper. We did all kinds of "Fam." or familiarization activities during the week before the campers got here, but I never dreamed of a hot "Fam session" with Jack! We ducked out, glanced all around, saw no one, and headed up the hill.

As Jack led the way I fell in lust again with this beautiful, openly gay Scout that all the guys in our Council seemed to know about and accept. Pete and Tom said Jack would focus on a guy that he was interested in, get really close in a friendly manner, then stroke the guy's butt or crotch while asking "You wanta do it?" But he never forced himself on anyone. He could take no for an answer and still be a friend. Walking behind him, I noticed that Jack's back and shoulders were broader but his waist was still slender. He really had a diver's build this year -- one who worked his upper body. He was about 6 feet tall, maybe an inch taller than last year (and me) and his arms and legs looked a little more muscular, with smooth muscle. Stray shafts of sunlight through the trees gave a golden glow to the light dusting of blonde hair on his arms and legs His slightly wavy hair was darker blonde, short on the sides but longer on top. I kept noticing these little things, plus his beautiful ears, smooth, slender neck, and long fingers. I really enjoyed looking at all parts of him as we climbed the hill under the old pines and firs that surrounded the camp.

A lumber company had given 300 acres to our Scout Council about 20 years ago, and it had never been logged before or since. Most trees were conifers 50 to 200 years old, tall and thick enough that they prevented any undergrowth. Cedars, firs, Jeffery's and Tamarack pines dropped lots of needles to make a soft, quiet carpet underfoot. Mid-afternoon sunlight slanted through occasional gaps left by windfalls. The forest was so thick that we heard only the soft whispering sound of a breeze in the treetops. It was a little cool, since it was the first week in June, but we were working up a slight sweat as we climbed the slope. I caught a faint scent of some kitchen or baking smell, and asked Jack "What smells so good?" He led me over to a huge Jeffery's pine with new light green needles at the end of each branch. It's broad trunk was pale tan with dark crevices in its multilayered "jigsaw puzzle" bark. Jack said "Stick your nose in one of those cracks and sniff." I did and hollered, "It's vanilla!" He laughed and said "Yep, that's what it smells like to me, too, but I don't know if you can eat it." He groped my dick through my shorts and said, "Maybe we'll find something to eat up the hill." My dick had softened some but when he groped me, it boned up and I reached for him.

"Let's wait till we can get comfortable," he smiled, and we started climbing again. I was so busy admiring all parts of this gorgeous, sexy guy that I lost track of time and space. When Jack stopped suddenly I bumped into him. He turned around and embraced me with a grin, pulling my half hard dick into his crotch. "Glad to see me?" he murmured, then said "We're here." I looked around to find we were in a natural open glade in the trees about 25 feet across. It was covered with pine needles at the edge, merging to grass in the middle.

As I looked at Jack, he asked, "Like it?" I was so filled with emotion that I could only nod yes as I hugged his strong back and shoulders. This handsome boy was holding me as tight as I was holding him. "Let's get comfortable" he said, then slid to the ground pulling me down with him. He pulled my T-shirt over my head, so I pulled his off, too. The gods of all religions had answered my prayers to be alone with him. He was Apollo, Dionysus, Mercury and a hunky, grownup Cupid! Jack's pecs and biceps had developed more since last summer, giving his physique better definition, but not too bulky. Now I began pulling frantically at his shorts, trying to get them open and off! He chuckled and pulled his gut in to give me more room. I realized not only that his gut was hard, with ridged abdominals, but that he wasn't wearing underwear, either! My fingers were fumbling from lust. I finally got all but the bottom button open and began pulling his shorts down. Jack raised his butt off the pine needles so I could get them off, and YES, his dick was as beautiful as he was! It wasn't as hard as mine, yet, but quickly got there while he popped my buttons and yanked off my shorts.

Suddenly I got shy and stopped rubbing his shoulders and back when I saw his perfect body completely nude -- pale tan everywhere except from his waist to mid-thigh, which was pearly white. His sparse pubic hair was "strawberry blonde," like under his arms. But he had no hair at all on his chest, stomach or balls. He was spectacular! He was almost too pretty to be real! Years later when I saw the original of Michelangelo's David I would know that I had made love to a real boy with a body that perfect, but with a better, bigger dick! Now it was standing straight up and pulsing. Six inches of perfect prick! Slender and pale, an inch and a quarter across with a circumcised pink head pointing at me! I reached down and gently wrapped my hand around it and felt another electric thrill zap through me. After a year of fantasizing about it, I had Jack's bare dick in my hand! Then I realized he had mine in his hand, too and was slowly jacking me off.

I looked up from his perfect peter and body to memorize his handsome face -- smooth skin without a blemish, high forehead, thin arched brown eyebrows. A shaft of sunlight made his long blonde eyelashes look like gold and his cheeks like strawberry cream with two teaspoons of coffee in it. A few pale freckles on the tops of his cheeks and across the bridge of his nose were only visible in the shaft of sunlight. His jaw was slender with a squared off chin. His sexy, sweet smile brought out little dimples in his cheeks as he said "You can squeeze it harder, or even rub up & down." That jolted me out of my fantasy which was actually a revery so I turned my full attention back to his delightful dick.

As I started to jack him off, he leaned over and took all of my six inch dick into his mouth! Oh! AH! A lightning bolt ran from his lips through my dick to all of my body! It was so strong that it made my stomach muscles spasm and I almost curled around his head. He straightened up long enough to embrace me, caress my back, then slid his hands down my back until he was cupping my ass cheeks in his hands. That uncurled me, as I arched my back and tensed my butt! He massaged my ass with one hand and began fondling my balls with his other hand.

He slid his lips up and down my shaft, pausing at the top of each stroke to lick the head of my dick. Sometimes he sucked just the head. Some of his sucking was a smooth, continuous motion up and down; some was slower, pausing either at the top or the bottom. He created hotter and more "electric" feelings so fabulous I couldn't tell which way I liked it best. After two or fifteen minutes -- I'd completely lost myself in Heaven, Nirvana or Valhalla with this guy -- Jack eased his mouth off my dick and asked, "That feel good?" I choked on trying to tell him HOW good it felt. I was floating, flying, tingling, hot and cold, all at once. Every nerve end was firing with pure pleasure. All I could do was nod yes and raggedly gasp "Uh huh!"

Jack said, "I know. When sex is right, it's the best feeling in the world. And this is so right!"

Since I couldn't tell him how good it felt, I tried to show him. I leaned over and sucked his beautiful peter all the way in until I had my nose in his sunny, red-gold pubes. He smelled and tasted so good; his dick fit my mouth so perfectly; he felt so fantastic!! An almost tasteless liquid oozed out of his dick onto my tongue. I raised off his delightful dick and milked a little more out. It looked like glycerin, but was warm, slick, and just faintly sweet. I was hooked! I'd sucked several cocks in the past two years, but had never felt like I was making love to one until now. It was so right! A perfect guy, with a perfect face, body and dick was here with me. He'd come looking for me so we could have this mind-blowing "out-of-body experience." Now I knew what that phrase meant when I'd read it last year...

Suddenly I realized that Jack was sucking my dick while I sucked his. He'd flipped around into a 69 position while I was completely entranced by my first taste of his cock. Oh, YEAH! I was a cocksucker and loving it! I had sucked fifteen or twenty others, but always in hidden places, usually at night, and only a couple of licks or sucks. Lots of guilt, hiding, and hurrying, all those times. Here we could go all the way without worry or hurry. We lay on our sides, upper legs stretched back, so we could each put our head on the other guy's lower thigh. Then we tried moving our upper leg over the other guys's head to gently hold each other's head between our thighs. Now we had to suck more creatively, using a lot of tongue, as we couldn't move our heads up and down.

After a few minutes of that, Jack rolled us over so he was on the bottom. That let me suck up and down on his flagpole dick while I pumped my drillpipe down into his mouth with hip action.

Oh, God, so good! A few more minutes and we rolled over so he was on top and we kept on sucking. It was hot, but we decided we liked best laying on our sides, without our top legs confining our heads. We didn't have to ask each other, we just did it and knew it was best. That way we could vary the suction we used, how fast and deep we slid down on each other's dicks, and whether we slid our lips all the way to the pubes or just sucked on the head. I stroked up and down Jack's stomach with my right hand while I used my left to feel him flexing his smooth, round buns. Not a single hair on his ass! So hot! I squeezed his butt and he moaned "Mmmm Hmmmmm!" He caressed my hair, ears, neck, then my shoulders with one hand while gently squeezing my balls with the other. He was so tuned in to me that he knew immediately that my balls were very sensitive to pleasure but tender to pain.

We kept following each other's lead, both getting harder and harder, hotter and hotter. I knew I couldn't hold back any longer so I raised off his dick and shouted "I'm going to cum!" He grunted "Mmm hmm" and just sucked harder. I tried to pull out but he locked one arm around my back and pulled me all the way into his hot mouth, then slid up my dick so he could flip his tongue tip back and forth over my super-sensitive head until I screamed "Ahhhhhhh!!!!" and started cumming into his mouth. It was the first time anyone had blown me all the way to orgasm and it was fanTAStic! My body jerked out of control with each shot of cum I rifled into Jack's mouth. I came and came, twitching and shuddering. Three, four, FIVE spurts! He sucked and swallowed every drop and kept sucking until I was shuddering with the exquisite, late mini orgasms when it feels like your balls are trying to climb up your cum tube and fire out the end of your cock. More intense sensations than the first shots, even as you only ooze out the last of your cum. I pleaded, then forced him to take his mouth off my dick. "Stop! Oh, Jack, please stop! Don't suck it anymore! I can't stand it!" It had become so sensitive that the pleasure was turning into torture and he HAD to stop before I turned inside out!

I collapsed onto my back with one huge shudder running through my whole body, three or four minor aftershocks, a pause, then three or four more aftershudders, less intense. Finally one more fairly major bodyquake, and finally total muscle relaxation. I felt like I'd become a puddle of quiverinig protoplasm in that forest glade, unable to move, think or talk. I finally came down from the highest sexual peak I'd ever experienced. This beautiful boy-man, Jack, had given me the most stupendous pleasure I'd ever had, with his mouth, hands, arms, legs and body. When I could focus my eyes and lift my head I saw him looking down at me with love and pleasure, smiling that radiant smile as he asked, "Did you like that?"

"Did I like it? Did I LIKE it? It was only the most awesome feeling I have ever had in my WHOLE LIFE!! -- I don't know how you did all the things you did, but everything you did made me feel hotter, higher, tinglier, and more wonderful than any other time in my LIFE!!" I had to stop talking. I was still so wiped out from my orgasms that I ran out of air to talk. But Jack smiled even wider and said, "It IS great, isn't it? When it's right, it's SO right!"

After a few deep breaths to get some needed oxygen back into my lungs, I rolled over toward him and realized that his dick was still hard and that it was now my turn to suck him off. Suddenly I had a chill, as I had never sucked a guy all the way off. Of all the guys I'd sucked, we'd never "gone all the way." Only a few had sucked my dick, and we'd been so inexperienced (before these days of hard core porn mags or XXX videotapes) that we didn't know a real blow job was all the way to orgasm. Damn! I just couldn't do it! I panicked, said "I've got to go take a leak," stood up, pulled up my shorts, buttoned the top button, reached down to get my T-shirt, and RAN down the hill back to camp, feeling wild emotions all the way back. Thrill for what we did, fear that someone might have seen us, and paralyzing fear/shame that I couldn't suck Jack off. Self hatred for chickening out, when I wanted to be with this guy and do everything with him. I'd wanted it more than any guy I'd ever been with! What was wrong with me?

Much later I discovered it was quite common for a "first-timer" to suddenly chicken out and be unable to suck his partner off if he'd cum first. But that night I cried in frustration and rage, shouting "ASSHOLE! I'm an asshole!" into my pillow while I punched my head, gut and chest. Luckily no one else was in the tent, but I wondered HOW could I have felt so wonderful with him and such an explosion of joy when he took me all the way, then run away instead of doing my part? What was wrong with me? I felt tremendously guilty, weak, and despicable for not doing MY part after the wonderful feelings Jack had given me. I wondered if Jack would ever want to do it again with me. I wanted to run out and find him, but was terrified he wouldn't welcome me back -- probably wouldn't even want to see me again. What  tortures I put myself through in those days, even after Jack showed me that truly the only thing to fear was fear itself.

Much later I found that in the 1940s and '50s more gays were like me than like Jack. He was the Golden Boy. Everyone accepted him because he was so open and honest about who he was, what he liked, and how he did it. He never forced anyone, always made it wonderful, and just smiled and said "Yeah" if anyone said "What are you? Queer?" He was a model for what a homo could be, living a full life, unafraid. Could he teach me how? I vowed I'd find out, tomorrow! Meanwhile I cursed "chickening out," not going through with my part of the plan, my running away from a boy-man that I wanted to stay with for days! I was really a messed up camper!! All my anxieties from years of wanting sex all the way with a guy but my repressions and self-loathing for being "a queer, fairy, homo" were churning in me like a major storm at sea. I jumped up to go back -- then threw myself onto my bunk, finally letting tears of frustration flow. Why didn't I? What's he thinking? Will he ever give me another chance? What if I freak out AGAIN?? This anger, self-hate, yearning, fear, and wan hope were SO gut-wrenching that I varied between muffled sobs and beating on my bunk with my fists. I rolled over and stared at the inside of the tent and ridgepole, but that just started me thinking about his pole. Oh, DAMN ME! Why was I such a jerk?!? I rolled back over and quietly prayed, "Oh God, please let him give me another chance. I promise I won't blow it." Then I realized the double meaning, and started chuckling. Then I laughed for about a minute. At least I thought, "Hope you can take a corny joke, God. But you know how I meant it."

All these emotions had drained me worse than running the obstacle course, cross-the-lake canoe races, or running a mile up the mountain. I was so weak I couldn't move. I just lay there, listening to the quiet sounds of a forest going to sleep, the tweets and chirps of birds, the evening breeze high in the tree tops, the creaks and groans of the old tent frames..... It was getting dark, and was so peaceful I thought I'd catch a few Z's. I closed my eyes but seemed to see Jack smiling at me. Maybe he'd let me try again?? Please, God....

Next: Jackin 03: Jack's gone

Next: Chapter 3

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