Jack-Off With Emil

By Jack Santoro

Published on May 9, 2005



Jack-off With Emil By Jackinnm@yahoo.com

I was in Denver that week, and decided to spend an evening at a bath house a friend had shown me the year before. Frankly, the place had gone down from what I'd remembered it to be. It was a little grimier, and the class of clientele wasn't as nice, on the average. Well, hell, I wasn't interested in the entire clientele, but only one, if that. I took my towel and went into the hot tub, made to seat at least a dozen. As I was entering, another guy sat down opposite me. He was a short, chunky guy, with black hair, who looked as if he might be Native American. He appeared to be a couple of years younger than I was at the time, in his mid-50s. However, what I immediately eyeballed was the short, thick penis with a thick and tight foreskin, because it looked very much like my own. Still, I was too nervous and inexperienced to make any advance. In fact, I had never picked up a guy in a bath house in my life. I soon noticed, though, that he was edging around the tub towards me. We were the only ones in the tub at that moment, unless you count a really fat guy who seemed to be dozing in the far corner. In a couple of minutes, the chunky guy was next to me, and I felt his hand caressing my flank lightly. It was a little forward of him, but I didn't mind, especially as I was too timid to do anything myself. "My name's Emil," he murmured in my ear. "You're a nice man." That sounded a little strange, but hell, maybe he was as nervous as I was, and inarticulate as well. "Can I touch?" I asked, without specifying exactly what I wanted to touch. He nodded, and I reached for his penis, my fingers closing delicately around the end, feeling the way the thick foreskin capped the glans. His hand came over my thigh to grasp my prick, and I felt him pinch the nipple of my funnel-shaped hood, rolling it slowly between thumb and forefinger. Naturally, both pricks began swelling, although we knew we wouldn't be able to do much in the tub. "I really enjoy jerking off," he said. "So do I," I replied, "although it's not as much fun alone." "I don't live far from here," he said. "Let's go to my place." This quick invitation surprised me, and I replied; "Good idea. I'm a little nervous and don't want to put on a show for all these guys in here." He nodded, knowing that I was referring to some guys who grabbed a bench or alcove and went at it, regardless of who was watching. In fact, I think some guys enjoyed showing off, as one had said to me last year that he liked beating his meat with an audience, and that the bigger the crowd, the hotter he became. We got out of the tub and dried off, dressing hurriedly in the locker room. I saw that Emil was about 5'6", in contrast to my six feet, and that he had a small roll of excess fat around his middle, as I did. Outside, he told me to follow him, and i got into my car and followed his until we got to a modest apartment building nearby. There was lots of parking, unusual for the downtown area, and I had no trouble finding a spot near his Accord. Once inside his living room, he began undressing and I did the same. When we were naked, he asked; "Want to watch a tape?" I thought about it, and realized that maybe he had to have a tape to get turned on. "Okay, if you wish," I replied. "Actually, I don't need a tape to turn me on," he continued. "I was just wondering if you needed it." "Oh, no," I said. "You're enough to turn me on right now." Emil smiled, and spread a thick blanket over his couch, then sat down on it. He patted the place on his left. "Come on, let's see what happens," he said. I sat next to him, purposely placing my thigh against his, feeling the warmth of his body, and found his fingers immediately pinching my foreskin nipple again. He seemed to enjoy that, and frankly so did I. I reached over and pinched his glans through the thick enveloping hood. Nothing happened at first, and I put my other hand on the inside of his thigh, fingers pressing against his groin. With the next pinch, I felt a throb in his groin, and knew he was responding. Pinching the glans produces the bulbo-cavernal reflex, and erection follows within seconds. My prick was swelling in his fingers, which had now moved the clasp the shaft right behind the head, slowly pumping my hood up and down over the seat of sensation. A drop of lubricant crawled up my urethra, and spread between my glans and the hood. The outline of my Darth Vader style helmet was bulging through the protective covering, and Emil commented; "Gee, I like your cock-head. It's even bigger than mine." Both cocks were hard now, and I saw his large, plum-shaped head outlined under his hood, which still remained tightly closed at the end. Our cocks were slightly over six inches long, about the same thickness, and both had foreskins that went right to the end, even with hard-ons. Nature had been good to us, and I felt very lucky. I placed my thumb over the ridge of his glans, and two fingers under the head, right on the frenulum. Slowly, I began pulling back on his foreskin, in short strokes, not enough to uncover the head but just to make the tight ring press against the front of his swollen glans. The opening stretched slightly, enough for me to see that his urinary opening was right under it, and had the same sexy tear-drop shape as mine. A drop of clear fluid filled the opening, and I nudged his foreskin forward again. My strategy was to gradually stretch his foreskin, not yank it in one sharp tug. I knew that stretching the tight skin slowly was very pleasurable because it stretched the nerve endings embedded inside the foreskin. "I'm going to work it back very slowly," I explained to Emil, and he nodded his understanding. I knew he would, because we were able to experience a pleasure cut guys cannot, the delight of having the nerve endings in the foreskin stretch while expanding over the knob on the end of the penis. I continued to work on his tight hood, making the orifice stretch a little bit more with each back-stroke. Emil did the same to mine, and I saw the nipple stretch and dilate as he tugged it back in slow stages. Slow stretching gradually relaxed the ring muscle at the end of the foreskin, and within minutes I was able to uncover his tip half-way. I saw that his glans was reddish, and came to a blunt dome at the end. My rounded tip emerged from its hood, and Emil was able to see its dark purple color. Both cock-heads glistened wetly, because we'd been leaking a lot of lubricant. "Your hole's just like mine," Emil exclaimed. "I don't see many tear-drops around." "Yeah, I like it too," I said. "Your cock's really beautiful." "That feels so good, what you're doing," Emil said. "I'm glad you like it. What you're doing to my prick feels really good too," I replied. "My cock feels really hard," he continued. "So does yours. I really enjoy uncut cocks, because I like sliding the skin over the hard core." I gave his foreskin another gentle tug, and this time it slid back completely, snapping into the groove behind his high, flaring ridge. "Your ridge looks very nice," I said, "with its big flare. That looks so sexy on a cock," I continued, uninhibited and excited by our intimacy. "You're really hot, Jack," he said. "Your balls are tight against your body." He pulled harder at my foreskin, retracting it completely to bare the sensitive purple head. I kept pulling back hard on his foreskin, then began a gentle bumping against his rim. On each back-stroke I pulled hard enough to tense his gee-string, tugging the head down to increase his sensations. "WOW! That feels super!" he exclaimed, as his legs splayed out. "I really love what you're doin' to me." Masturbating by putting tension on the nerve endings in my foreskin and frenulum would make me come, and I was gratified that it was working on Emil too. I felt his fingers slip on my penis, and I realized that my lube was so copious that it had flowed all over my head, shaft, and his encircling fingers. "I can't keep a grip on your skin," he said. He hesitated, then continued; "Wait a minute. I'm gonna try something else. I think you'll like this." Keeping my hood all the way back and steadying my penis with one hand, Emil began running the fingertips of his other hand over my glans, hitting the front, the broad upper surface, and the rim. Then he probed behind the rim, hitting the areas that were super-sensitive because they were always under cover. I shuddered, the intense sensations making me gasp. "Like that, don't you?" he asked. Through clenched teeth, I whispered "Yes, but stop for now. I want to make you come first." I pulled his hood back and forth gently, sending messages of pleasure into his distended cock-head. I tensed Emil's foreskin again, then bumped it lightly against his swollen ridge, and his cock throbbed powerfully in response. "This is the way I like doing it to myself," I explained. It's slow, and you don't come too fast; it lets you enjoy the ride." Emil's eyes closed, and he put his head back on the couch. "Just relax, and let it come to you," I urged as I pulled back hard, stretching his tender tissues and making his glans dip hard. I felt a powerful throb in his cock, and knew that he was now helpless in the throes of orgasm, helpless in my hands, completely within my power, and I had the power to thrill him into mindless ecstasy. "OOOHHHH," I heard him groan through clenched teeth as he tumbled over the brink into the hot volcano of orgasm. I watched, fascinated, as a thick white jet slammed through the lips of his teardrop shaped orifice, turning the hole into a circle, and mingled with the hairs on his chest. Emil's hips ground into the sofa as another spasm overtook him, and he groaned loudly as another ribbon of cream erupted from his hard red tip. Now that he was fully into it, I wanted to keep up the momentum, and I pumped his foreskin up and down hard, compressing and rubbing the nerve endings in his glans while stretching and compressing those in his supple hood. Emil's head rocked from side to side as the convulsions gripped his body. I felt his prick throb in my hand as I ran the loose outer skin over the hard core, making him shoot again and again. When his storm was over, his breathing slowed, and he slumped against me. He hugged me tightly, whispering "Thank you, thank you, you really sent me that time," then he seized my cock. One hand steadied it at the base, while the other ran up and down the wet and slippery glans, probing into the groove behind the rim, rubbing the rim, then continuing down to the place where the two sides join underneath. I began to gasp for breath while the muscles in my crotch contracted and relaxed rhythmically under his stimulation. Emil's electric touches were sending thrills down my cock and up my spine into my brain. It felt like an irresistible urge to pee, but I knew I couldn't pee with this hard-on, and that instead I'd be coming within seconds. "Your tip's getting hard," he said, and I knew I was on the plateau of excitement just before orgasm, when the glans goes into its final swelling and loses its spongy feel. I felt a hot tingle that told me that my release was only seconds away. My cock-root contracted, and I felt a hot deluge of cream rush up my urethra. My glans tingled with ecstasy as the jet parted the lips of my urinary orifice and splashed onto my chest. Emil's hot caresses electrified my glans, and I was in mindless and joyful agony as his fingers pulled another ejaculation from me. His thumb pressed into the hot button under the head, while his other fingertips ran around my rim, making me tingle and tremble with excitement. I felt a contraction in my prick from the root right up to the helmet, and another rush of hot lava burned its way up to erupt onto my chest. I was helpless in his hands, and he had been in mine, only a minute ago. I loved it. After I'd shot my last load, Emil said to me; "Wow, you came like you hadn't shot for a week!" "I hadn't, and began explaining about the pressures of my work, and the long hours that had left me exhausted, able only to tumble into bed and zonk out. "Well, my work isn't as hard," he said. I'm a waiter, and though I work split shifts, it's not too bad. I'd been saving up, though, hoping to meet someone like you." That last remark cemented a thought that had been half-formed in my mind since I'd seen and felt him come. He'd shot a lot of juice, and I'd wondered when he'd last had orgasm. I kept that thought as Emil led me into his bathroom, where we took showers. Then we went into the bedroom, where we crawled into his king-size bed, expecting to sleep. Emil turned toward me and I felt his erection against my thigh. "Damn it, you turn me on so much," he moaned. I pushed him onto his back, saw that his hood was closed tightly over the end of his bulging glans, and said; "Wait." From the bathroom I got a towel and spread it over his chest and stomach, right down to the base of his cock, then crouched over him. "Now I'm going to do something a friend showed me a couple of years ago. I think you'll like it." I grasped his hard cock between my palms rubbing them back and forth alternately, giving a twisting motion to the loose skin. I remembered that when this had been done to me, the friction on the glans and the stretching of the skin's nerve endings had combined to produce a rapid and mind-blowing orgasm. I'd felt that all of my bodily fluids were gushing out through my cock as I lay helplessly. Emil, propped up on his elbows, was watching avidly as I rubbed his shaft between my palms. The tight foreskin twisted one way, then the other, as quickly as I could move my hands. I noted that Emil's eyes were glazing as I continued the friction, and that his legs were spreading out on the big bed. Now his balls were tight against his body, and I felt the hardness underneath the mobile skin swelling even more. I was stimulating every hot button in his prick, compressing the ridge, stretching the hood, pulling the gee-string sideways with each stroke, and Emil's breathing became ragged as the thrills went through his prick. "I...." he began, then fell silent. "OOOHHHH, it............" he started again, and then fell back on the bed, unable to complete the sentence, his nervous system lashed by waves of sensations. His stomach muscles rippled, and I saw the front of the red glans appear as his foreskin loosened. A gush of clear fluid ran out of his orifice, and a moment later I felt his cock throb hard in my hands. A stream of white juice shot from his tip to land on his chest as Emil groaned at the intensity of the release. His teardrop distended to form a perfect circle as another gush streamed through. His eyes were screwed tightly shut, and his hot, hard penis throbbed again between my palms as I stroked it unrelentingly. Another white jet shot from his tip, and Emil's head was rocking from side to side, jaw clenched, because he was overwhelmed by the sensations. His cock throbbed again, and again, each time loosing a heavy ribbon of cream that wet the towel. Now I felt the throbs weaken, and knew that he was near the end. I slowed my strokes, and when he opened his eyes I stopped. "Wow! That was like nothing I'd ever felt in my life," he said. "I didn't think I could come again, and here you just made me come like that!" I smiled down at him. "My pleasure," I said. "What about you? Think you can come again tonight?" I looked down at him. "No, I don't think so. You really drained me the first time." I removed the towel, wiped my hands on it, and threw it onto the bathroom floor. Then I began dressing, as I wanted to get back to my hotel. I kissed Emil goodbye and walked out the door, after getting his phone number.

The end

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