Jack n Shane 1 Life 2 Live

By Scottie Price

Published on Apr 8, 2011



Jack n Shane 1 Life 2 Live (JACK MANNING & SHANE MORASCO)

by Scottie Price

Disclaimer: The following story is a complete work of fiction fantasy based on characters which are copyrighted to ABC soap "One Life To Live" and is in in no way a representation of the sexuality of the actors or characters. The story may be used freely on the Net without the author's permission as long as the content, author, etc remains in full original form.

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PREFACE: This fictional story is based on the characters of Jack Manning and Shane Morasco of TV's "One Life To Live" beginning after the incidents that took place on the show where Jack was bullying Shane, with this plot taking on a new twist between the two. The bullying will not be a part of the story since it was all shown on TV but may be occasionally mentioned as past incidents in the plot to stick with the originality of where the characters came from and how they got to where the following story is taking them. Enjoy.

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Shane Morasco was exhausted from all that had happened with him the past few months. The bullying had gotten so out of hand with Jack Manning and his friends that Shane never expected it all to lead to his being posted naked on the internet with him going atop the school roof to jump. Then his parents taking him to a shrink after the incident was just too much.

That night in his bedroom with his pajamas on, Shane opened up his laptop shaking his head wondering what would he find posted of him on the internet this time. His face slightly changed some a little bit baffled when he looked at the monitor screen. "Huh?"

Suddenly, all of the bad messages about him on his MyFace account were completely gone. He wondered what had happened then noticed that Jack Manning was no longer a friend of his on the account. Shane wondered if Jack blocked him only to look to find Jack was no longer on MyFace at all. "Woah."

Then he heard the text beep to his cell. He looked at his view finder to see:


Shane's heart dropped as he looked at his window. Was the boy who had been bullying him for months actually at his house after all that had happened? He wondered if he should go to his window then he heard a light tap on the glass. "Oh no," he thought.

Jack Manning was indeed at his window. He heard another tap wondering if he should go get his parents. Then another tap with a voice, "Come on, Morasco. I don't have all night."

Shane went to the window and stood before the curtains with his barefeet on the floor wondering what to do. He figured what could Jack possibly do to him in his own bedroom? Shane then opened up the curtains seeing Jack's face through the dark window. "What do you want?" he asked.

"Just open up. Come on! Before I fall," pleaded Jack.

Shane opened the window standing in front of it to block Jack from entering. "Why are you here?" he asked firmly, knowing if he raised his voice his mom and dad would hear.

"Look, I just want to talk with you, that's all." Jack pleaded again.

Shane thought about this for all of 3 seconds then moved away from the window to let Jack inside. Immediately, Jack Manning entered inside Shane's bedroom. "My mom and dad are downstairs worried from what happened today. If they hear any noise, they'll come right up."

Jack didn't really know what to say. "So then it's true? You really went on the school roof?" asked Jack curiously.

Shane sat before his closed laptop. "Yeah, it's true."

Jack didn't know what to think and sat on the edge of Shane's bed. "Wow, I didn't know things would go this far."

Shane sat there silent looking down at his laptop wondering how many other places on the net still contained the video and photos that were shot in the gym of him naked earlier that day. "What happened to your MyFace?"

Jack stared at the side of Shane's face while sitting behind him. "My mom deleted it."

Shane reacted surprised and turned to look at Jack. "So it wasn't you who got rid of it then?"

Feeling Shane's stare upon him, Jack sat on the edge of Shane's bed looking down his body a bit. "You know, seeing you standing there in the gym naked like you were ..." he scratched the back of his head. "... you're pretty hot."

Immediately, Shane's face changed to disbelief. "Hot?"

Jack continued. "Yeah," he said as he looked into Shane's eyes.

There was no way Shane was buying into this and got up. "What is this?" He walked toward the window. "Are your friends out there ready to cam me again?"

"No, dude. It's not like that at all."

Shane looked out the dark window and from what he could tell there was no one else around. "I have enough stuff posted of me on the net as it is."

Jack moved his hands around pleadingly. "Look I swear. I didn't come here to harass you or anything."

"So then what are you here for?" asked Shane standing in front of Jack barefoot in his pajamas.

Jack looked up and down Shane's clothed body. "Dude, you wear a lot of clothing to bed." He reached forward to unsnap Shane's pajama pants. "I sleep in my trunk briefs only."

Immediately, Shane could feel his dick inside his crotch begin to firm up from Jack's mere touch. "Well, I don't."

A part of Shane wanted to push Jack away knowing after all he had been through with this boy that this had to be another one of his tricks.

"It's cool. Just chill," uttered Jack as he continued opening up Shane's pajamas.

A rush of thoughts was going through Shane's entire mind. Should he push this boy away or not? After all, Shane was still a virgin. He had never done anything like this with anyone in all his life.

Then Jack smiled when he saw the penis indention on Shane's cotton white briefs. "I bet that dick I saw today in the gym looks pretty nice when it's hard." He looked up at Shane. "Don't act like you never get hard. All boys do."

Shane didn't know what to say. He wondered if he should push Jack Manning away or go with the flow? "How do you know about that stuff?"

Jack looked up at Shane. "My dad's laptop is full of it all with stuff you wouldn't believe."

Shane Morasco sighed almost rolling his eyes from knowing who Jack's father was which sounded just like him. "I really need to get to bed." He started to push away from Jack.

However, Jack immediately pulled down Shane's underwear briefs. "Woahoah!"

Shane's half erect dick flopped out from inside his briefs nearly standing up slightly bouncing.

Jack immediately cut a grin looking up at Shane. "And you're going to tell me you're not happy to see me?"

Not knowing what to say, Shane looked downward seeing his dick practically cupped in the palm of Jack's hand.

"I want to taste it." Jack looked at Shane's erecting cock somewhat mesmerized.

"Taste it?" asked Shane confused. "You mean like suck it?"

"Sure why not? Brad lets me suck him off and he sucks me in return."

Then it hit Shane as to what Jack really wanted him to do. "I'm not sucking your penis."

"I didn't say you had to. Just stand still for a total of 60 seconds," persisted Jack. "Go on. Count to 60 and then you can push me away and I'll leave and never bother you again."

This sounded too good to be true but before Shane knew it, he could feel Jack breathing on his dick rather liking the tingles it was giving him. Down below Jack's face went right up to Shane's erect cock seeming to feel like Jack was sucking on him. Shane wondered if this is what was actually going on and looked downward in the dark to see only the top of Jack's head. Was this boy really sucking him off? Despite how tingling ticklish this seemed, Shane immediately began counting. "One ... Two ... Three ..."

Jack's eyes were feasted on this wonderfully glorious erect penis, something he had not been able to get off his mind ever since first laying eyes upon it in the gym. Through the darkness, Jack tried to absorb every detail of this wondrous cock Shane Morasco possessed upon his body. Every indention on the head of the penis, each goosebump on the shaft, all of the thin pubic hairs growing right above the dick.

He opened up his mouth instantly sucking in Shane's glorious cock. He wildly sucked on his dick like a candy flavored sucker only this was even far much better tasting than his friend Brad's fleshy stick. It was almost as if Jack Manning and Shane Morasco were made for each other. Jack was so into sucking on Shane's cock that he no longer even heard the sound of Shane's verbal counting going on at the time.

"Thirty one ... Thirty two." This erotic action Jack was doing upon him felt so good to Shane that little by little, his counts went from seconds to being slower in time to three then five seconds apart from each other. He could feel his dick boning up fast inside Jack's mouth. "Ohhh," he lightly moaned swallowing in deeply. Then he thought as to what number he was last on so instead he just blurted any number. "Fifty eight. Fifty ni..."

Suddenly, Shane no longer spoke words. Instead both of his hands went atop Jack Manning's head. While sucking on Shane's hard cock, Jack could feel Shane's hands softly wavering around in his rather long thick hair. This in turn was making Jack's cock hard as well.

"Oh that feels so good," whispered Shane softly.

Jack Manning continued wildly sucking upon Shane Morasco's hard cock. He took hold of Shane's sack of balls playing with them. Shane was feeling weak at the knees about to collapse from feeling so relaxed. He moved nudging himself closer toward his bed as Jack went with him sucking on his dick the whole entire time never once stopping.

Shane sat on the edge of his bed as Jack's arms pushed Shane's body backward for him to lay back. Jack could not help but notice Shane's tight seeming torso stretch out before him on the bed. At this moment in time, Shane Morasco was indeed becoming an intriguing interest of Jack's Manning. Meanwhile, Shane wondered what would happen if his mom and dad opened the door to check on him and saw this going on between him and Jack Manning.

Then Jack pulled up off of Shane's cock with a sort of loud slurp of a popping noise. He looked across at Shane. "You stopped counting."

Shane looked down at Jack and slightly swallowed in a gulp. He could see the top of his wet dick glistening in the dark.

"You still want me to stop?" asked Jack.

Shane spent all of three seconds thinking about it and then shook his head no while grabbing hold of Jack's head pushing him back down on his hard cock giving an actions speaks louder than words type answer. Only Jack Manning was a boy who liked it quite rough. Immediately, Jack went to sucking Shane off once again only this time far more vigorously.

He grabbed hold of Shane Morasco's sack of balls and began twisting them around some. This caused Shane's cock to bone up inside Jack's mouth even harder. Across the bed, Shane breathed in deeply. The action Jack Manning was doing to his body was unlike anything Shane had ever felt in his entire life.

Then he felt his legs go upward some bending at the knees. Down below, Jack Manning nudged his way to the hole of Shane's virgin ass. Shane wondered what was going on down there. What was Jack about to do to his body? Then before he knew it, a light breeze began blowing on his anus for Jack Manning was blowing on his butthole. Shane gulped in deeper. The hole of his butt began opening and closing on it's own in spasms. This erotic action was about to drive Shane literally out of his mind. Suddenly, he no longer cared if his mom and dad walked in his bedroom for at the time he was in erotic heaven. Then he let out a louder long moan. "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh."

Jack Manning was indeed owning Shane Morasco, body and soul ... and vice versa, for things were about to drastically change between the two unlike anything each of them had ever experienced before in their life.

============================ ============================ Next: CHAPTER 2 VIRGINITY BROKEN

Coming up in future chapters:

Jack Manning lifted Shane Morasco's legs up in the air as Shane carefully watched him. "Come on, Morasco. You going to let me pop your cherry?"

Shane nodded finding it hard to speak. "Yes."

Brad asked Jack, "Where were you last night? I kept texting you but you never replied."

Jack looked at Brad. "You already know my mom took my cell away."

In bed, Shane felt a naked Jack crawl up his nude body to his ear and lightly whisper, "You can't tell anyone about us."

Feeling Jack's dick squirming around upon his cock, Shane uttered, "If I did, they wouldn't believe me anyway."

On the Manning front lawn at night, Brad turned stunned to find Shane Morasco climbing out of Jack Manning's bedroom window. "Well, I'll be damn."

Brad asked Jack in the gym, "I saw Shane Morasco coming out of your window last night."

Jack immediately reacted. "You did?"

Brad cornered Shane in the gym shower. "What's going on between you and Jack Manning?"

With the shower water pouring down on his naked body, Shane looked at Brad not knowing how to answer.

Shane Morasco opened his laptop seeing a comment: BRAD: I WANT YOU TO STOP SEEING JACK!

Then another message popped up:

BRAD: AND SEE ME Shane seemed a tad baffled at what he was reading.

============================ ============================ Stay tuned for further chapters Shane Morasco and Jack Manning. ============================ ============================

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