Jack and the Barons Stalk

By g d

Published on Aug 24, 2009


This is a fictional account between two men. This story contains sexual scenes and S&M. If the content offends you, or you are not old enough to read this in your country then stop reading now. If however you like this sort of thing, read on. Please send your feedback to wheels-on-fire@hotmail.co.uk to tell me what you think. This is the second story I have written, the first being Superior Connections. Feel free to read and enjoy this story, but I do not give you permission to distribute it or share it with others.


Jack and The Baron's Stalk

When we are children, we are told a lot of things. Most of it lies. Some parts truth, what is left is what we were not told. Either to protect our innocence or to keep us in ignorance, there is a vast omission of knowledge. You start of wondering where you came from. Your parents tell you some strange story, commonly something about a gift from somewhere, a stork perhaps. They decide you're not quite ready to know that after nine months of stewing in a womb you are forced through a small space of about ten centimetres, head first, leaving your mother with scars and a vagina hanging open like saloon doors. Your next wonder falls around Christmas-time. Your gifts come from Santa; a strange over-weight man who lives in a cold climate with elves, who, if you sit on his knee and whisper into his ear what you would like, he will provide you that gift. Regardless of copyright and trademark protection, his elves will make that toy for you. The list continues: tooth fairies who deposit money under your pillow - the amount relative to your parents' income; why your hamster looks slightly different and more active today than it did yesterday. Then comes another significant area; the fairy story. Read to you at night if you're lucky, in order to get you off to sleep so your parents can get off themselves. If not, then whilst sitting in a circle at school as your teacher patronisingly reads out the anecdotes of Sleeping Beauty, Goldielocks and the Three Bears. Take note of course of the talking animals - and if that does not mess with you enough - they will give you a story of personified pigs, living in properties constructed of various materials without planning permission, building regulations or health and safety rules, only to find out that they would be better off living together in one building to survive against an oppressive but equally personified lupine villian who really just wants a good meal. Finally there is Jack and the Beanstalk: this is one of those stories that was cut short in order to preserve your innocence. Allow me to inform you what happened after happily ever after.

To refresh your memories: Jack lived in a remote area with his mother. She was struggling to keep them afloat. Due to the oppression of women in this long-gone era she had no means of supporting herself other than producing what we know today as Crafts. Jack's father had since left the scene, either in search of a younger woman who did not complain so much, or to look for adventure and fame in distant lands. Jack was of a good build, used to working the small amount of land they had, and he had grown to be lean and strong from farm labour. He was gifted with good looks; however, this was not held in high regard in the community. One day his mother, at her wits' end with their sole cow, having now grown too stubborn to produce milk and menopausal before having a chance to breed, decided that she should trade in the old cow for something better, like a leather handbag or a pair of boots. Jack left the miserable, saggy-titted, flea-ridden, old woman at the house whilst he led the animal to market where he exchanged the animal for beans. Upon his return his mother disapproved of the trade and threw the beans out of the window. That night the beans germinated and grew to a surprising height. Now we are at the point where the story changed from possible truth to outright fiction. You were told Jack climbed the beanstalk, stole a number of valuable items from a castle, and killed a giant which thanks to what would later be known as Newton's Laws of Motion as he fell from a great height and became a body at rest. Then Jack and his mother lived happily ever after. Pretty much what you remember. Right?

I'm sure you feel that that is indeed a possible outcome, since some gay men do choose to live with their mothers. But happily? You be the judge. I personally can't stand my mother for very many days before I need time to recover. At least it gives me something to share with my therapist.

So I guess you're waiting to know what happens next? Allow me to continue.

...What had actually grown in the garden was something Jack and his mother could both recognise. It was a fine hemp plant that stood before them. His mother busied herself with the illegal production of weed, giving Jack time to move away and discover the world for himself.

He left the village and the small communities and went to the city, looking for employment. His best guess at finding somewhere to work was to go to the castle. There resided a strong and powerful man. He was very tall and carried a dominating air about him. The town's people knew of him, most feared him and those who did not fear him, had at least learned to respect him. The castle was large. Built by Master craftsmen a hundred years before, it had saved many people - yet dealt the card of death to many besides. Currently they were living in a time of peace, and the Baron of the castle lived without issue from his neighbours and commanded enough authority to not be bothered by the local population's petty arguments. He was above them.

Jack approached the castle, progressed through the village contained within its walls and asked about employment. Some people offered him work or apprenticeship but there was nothing on offer for what Jack really wanted. On the castle notice board, the Baron had posted a notice looking for employment as his own personal assistant. He was looking for a handsome young man, who would represent him well in business and at court. The placement would not be paid; however, he would receive life-long care if he completed his contract and would always have a place to live and be looked after in the castle. The position was full time. Jack liked the sound of this. He approached the castle keep itself and, as directed by the notice, applied for the position. With his name inked onto a short list on parchment, he departed and had a look around the town, and visited the taverns to find out what he could about the Baron. He discovered that he was a formidable man. A tall man who, unlike many of his contemporaries,was also muscular. He was not married for he was yet to find a wife who he could approve of, or that would accept his hand in marriage. He was a cutthroat leader whose will and command was the law of the region. If anyone plotted against him, they would find themselves looking at the bars of a prison cell, and then at the gates of heaven. He had god-like qualities, powers, and magic about him that only could come from the mouths that spoke through breath of salted pork and ale.

Jack retired to the room in an inn which he had noted as his residence on his application. He awoke in the morning to a persistent knocking on the door. A runner had been sent from the castle to inform him that he was to have an audience with the Baron for the job of personal assistant. Jack dressed and wiped his skin on a damp cloth before following the messenger up to the castle. Jack felt nervous before entering the castle, and felt even more trepidation when he was left alone to stand before the grand oak door to the Great Hall.

"Enter!" a commanding voice called through the timber. The door opened inwards before Jack. There were no guards inside the room: only the Baron. Jack had been searched before he entered the castle and had had his knife removed. The sturdy Baron could defend himself if need arose, but there were also guards not too far off who could come if he beckoned.

Jack walked forward into the room, stopping at the first of five steps leading towards where the Baron's high-backed chair which stood imposingly against the far wall. It was rather theatrical: a tall man sitting in a tall, high chair overlooking any standing man. Jack could see there was some truth in the words of drunken men's ramblings. He was tall and intimidating; he was strong and powerful; he did have angled features; however, he did not look as if he was the child of Satan; and Jack doubted his powers to kill a man with a single glance.

Jack did not know how to act in such a situation, but he sort of bowed and allowed the Baron to speak. "Well then" The Baron started, "You have decided to apply for the position of personal assistant. Do you know what that entails?"

"Only what is stated on the notice on the board outside, Sir." Jack replied.

"Well then, so there is no confusion, I will tell you exactly what is expected, and what is in the contract. It's important, for the contract is binding. The term is a decade, unless you or I die before that time, at which point your contract will be reviewed and I will decide if another term is to be entered into. Failure to complete the term agreed by leaving your post would result in ether exile, or death. So it's important, for your sake, that you understand what is being proposed. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir" Jack said, feeling slightly unsure as to where this was going.

"Your duties, as stated in the notice outside suggest that you will be my personal assistant. My right hand man, if you will. You are here to take care of my needs. You will personally present me with my meals, deliver items to me as directed. Run errands or when not doing this you will be literally by my side unless directed otherwise." The Baron paused briefly to allow the information to settle but not long enough for Jack to reply. "There is no payment for this position other then the security of knowing that you will be looked after. If the land finds itself in famine, you will be well fed. In drought, you will be watered, and when you retire, you can continue to live within the walls of the castle. This is more than the average wage could ever hope to buy, for someone of your status."

"You will be under my control. What I say, goes. You will not be allowed to have a relationship whilst in my service; I do not want you to have any distractions. You will be trained in everything, so experience is not required. You will be given a uniform to wear. You will not have free time whilst working for me, unless I permit it. You will have your own modest quarters, but you will be available to me at all hours, whether the sun projects shadow upon the dial or not. You shall address me as Sir. If you fail in any tasks I set you, you will be reprimanded. You are not permitted to converse unless it is required for you to complete a task. How does that sound so far?"

Jack had a lot to take in, and he was also young and still naïve. He also felt pressured, and under the Baron's gaze he felt like he needed to provide an answer. "It sounds appropriate Sir" Jack replied. He felt stupid saying it, yet he was not formal and he felt that this situation required a high level of formality.

"Very good." The Baron continued. "There is also another criteria you are expected to fill. As my man servant, you are to satisfy my needs outside of the public domain. To put it frankly, you will need to service my member when I feel that it is required. You are not permitted to say no to this, or to anything else I order you to do. Failure to do so will result in punishment or an early termination of the contract, with the same results as if you were to run away. This is because by choosing not to do something you are disobeying me. You would be taking control and that is something I will not allow. Do you understand what I am saying?"

This last part was not what Jack was expecting. He wasn't all that sure what the Baron was getting at. However, he did not disagree with anything he said. It sounded like an ideal way of life really. A life of few responsibilities and a life free of troubles. He had one question however.

"I do understand what you are saying Sir; however, may I ask a question to uncover a small area I'm not too sure about please Sir?" Jack asked,

"Go on." The Baron replied, expecting there to be an issue with the servicing of his member. This is what had stopped the other applicants. It was why the position had not been snapped up earlier and was why the end rewards were so valuable. That, and the general lack of freedom.

"Well, I hope I do not offend Sir, but isn't what you are looking for a slave Sir?" Jack timidly asked the question. The Baron smiled, for the first time breaking his harsh features.

"Not at all. A slave is taken by force, they have no free will, they could be dangerous to have so close. A knife hidden and then taken to bed would easily be the end of me. No, this is not a slave position. I want someone willing. Do you understand?"

"Yes Sir"

"Ok, do you have any more questions? Are you interested in the job?" The Baron asked. He wanted to draw the meeting to a close. He had seen Jack and knew that he wanted this boy. He was attractive to his eyes and was malleable; he could be moulded to be just how he wanted him.

"Erm, I have no more questions Sir. I'm a little taken aback. I, erm." Jack's hesitation was interrupted by the Baron.

"How about you have some time to think about it. Return to the inn, think about it for a week and then I will call for you to come back and you can give me a decision. And do not worry. If you do not wish to take the position that is fine, you will not be exiled. At this stage anyway." The Baron smiled. Jack agreed. A few quick thanks and with something not quite graceful between a curtsy, and a bow, and falling over, Jack turned and departed and retired back to the inn. It had only just passed midday, but he was already tired after the stress of the day and he felt that sleep would help him think about what had been said. The decision he was to make would change his life forever. It was a huge decision to make. He could make one decision for the coming ten years and have the freedom of not thinking for himself, or he could decide not to take the job, leave now and have a decade of situations and problems that he would have to sort out himself. Jack fell into a deep sleep.

A week later Jack was awake, washed and dress and waiting outside for the messenger to call him to the castle. The sun was still low in the sky and the traders were just setting up the stalls when the sound of feet moving quickly on the cobbles proceeded the messenger and moments later he appeared and Jack rushed up to greet him. The runner, quickly turned on his heel and rushed back to the castle. Again Jack was left outside the oak doors.

"Enter." The Baron called. Again the doors opened, Jack walked in, stood at the bottom step and bowed, properly. He had practised his entrance. "I see that you have turned up today. Does that mean that you would like to accept the position? Or have come to tell me yourself that you do not wish to take the job?"

Jack had a speech practised, he was going to thank the Baron for the opportunity, compliment him, offer him something more, but here, in the here and now, he felt that he could not say anything other than to answer the question the Baron was asking. "Yes Sir, I would like to accept the position as your personal assistant, Sir."

"Good," the Baron replied. He smiled. He was genuinely happy that Jack had accepted. There was a moment of silence that past between them. Then the Baron commanded "Bring in the contract!" A moment later the doors parted and in came two men. One was laden with a small table, the other carrying a roll of parchment, a pot of ink and a quill. The table was set down to the side of the Baron. The parchment unrolled onto the table and held in place by small lead weights. The two men then stood to one side of the room, to witness the signing and the Baron descended the five steps. He took his position behind the table, like a shop clerk would at his counter. Jack came forward and picked up the quill when the Baron nodded towards it.

Jack could hardly read. Maths was valued in the countryside. His father taught him how to count because it was good for trade, but reading was not so necessary. He glanced at the long length of scribbling and saw a space for him to sign. He trusted the Baron and was aware he was going into a ten year service to the Baron, so it didn't really matter what he put his name to. With the Baron looking over him and waiting, Jack slowly scratched some large, clumsy letters into the space. The Baron took some sand from a small pot and scattered it over the ink and then dropped some red wax next to the signature and pressed his ring into the wax. He stood back and nodded towards the two men. They approached the table, checked that everything was in order, rolled the parchment, bowed to the Baron and departed with what they entered with. Neither Jack nor that Baron moved until the doors were closed shut. The Baron was the first to break the silence.

"Well boy, congratulations, now you start your new job. First of we need to get you out of these clothes and into a uniform." He walked towards the door. Jack followed. As they approached, the doors opened and the Baron led the Jack into the corridor. The majority of the people in the castle seemed to be men. There were a few women, but the Baron seemed to prefer men to ensure the castle ticked over. They moved up a spiral of stairs, through another corridor. If they met anyone coming the other way, the others would step to one side and bow their heads in deference. Up one more flight of stairs and Jack and the Baron were outside the sleeping quarters. There waiting was the man who had previously carried the table. In his arms was some folded black clothing. He handed it to Jack and then opened the door for the Baron and Jack to enter. The room had a large tapestry hanging behind a large bed. Under the bed, was a large rug. At the end of the bed was a chest and on one side of the room was a desk with a mirror, while on the other side was a cupboard and a screen. There didn't seem to be a place for Jack to stand. He had never been in such a room before. Never had he seen anything so grand.

"Alright, get changed." The Baron told Jack. Jack started to move towards the screen. "No. Get changed over there, by the bed." Jack stopped, turned back to where he was standing. He set the clothes back down on the bed and stripped down to his underwear and picked up a black shirt. "No. Those too." the Baron motioned to the underwear. Jack paused, set down the shirt, turned his back to the Baron and took of his underwear. He quickly dragged the black shirt over him to preserve his modesty. Before he had time to pull on his leather tights the Baron stopped him. "Let me see how you look in the shirt". Jack stopped and turned to face the Baron. He blushed. He covered himself with his hand. The shirt was open at the top, Jack had not yet properly laced it shut, the leather laces hanging loosely over his hairless chest. "It's a bit loose. I will make sure that the tailor comes down next week to measure you up for something better fitting. Continue." Jack slipped on the leather tights, and noted that there was no underwear, just some leather shoes. He sat down on the bed, tugged them on, and laced them up. The uniform was all black, apart from some embroidery which carried the same emblem that was the reverse of the one Jack saw on the Baron's ring. "That looks good." The Baron said, looking Jack up and down. Jack felt uncomfortable with the Baron looking at him so intently. The Baron needed to address some of the main rules and formalities to Jack before the midday meal was brought up. He stood before Jack who was now sitting on the chest before the bed.

"You know what the contract is, you know now that for the next ten years you will be here, with me, under my control. You need to know the ground rules. I may well add to them as time moves on, as situations change, but you need to know how to present yourself in court, around people or when just with me. When you're in here with me, you are to wait, looking at me, on your knees, unless I override that order and instruct you otherwise. Always kneel close to me - if I'm at the desk you kneel by the chair, if I'm in bed you kneel on the right hand side. Understood?"

"Yes Sir." Jack replied. The Baron did not say anything, but just looked at the boy sitting on the chest. After several moments, Jack fidgeted under the man's gaze, then suddenly realised that he was sitting on a chest and was not on his knees. He panicked suddenly and quickly slipped to his knees before the Baron.

"Good. When I give you an instruction you do it then and there. If you are already doing something at the time, you stop and take up what I've instructed you to do, unless I say otherwise. If I am walking about the castle, and you are to follow me, then you walk behind me. You follow two paces behind me. When I stop, you stand behind me to my right, if there is space. If I am in the Great Hall, the room we were in before, then you stand to the right of the chair, hands behind your back, head bowed and legs a shoulder width apart. If we are eating in the hall and there is not a place set out for you then you stand to my right, in the same position. If you do not know where to stand and I have not given you instruction then you stand respectfully at my right hand side. When I greet people you are not to interact with them, unless I have specifically told you to. As long as you stand with your head down they should not try to. If however, I am not with you because you are on an assignment, you will only talk to people if it is essential to getting the task done. It is of paramount importance that you do exactly as I say. Failure to do so will mean that you get punished. If you show me up, do not expect that I will show you mercy. You represent me, and you need to make sure that you present yourself to the best of your ability at all times. Understood, boy?"

"Yes Sir." Jack replied.

"Have you any questions boy?" The Baron asked.

"Yes Sir." The Baron was expecting some sort of argument about what his job involved. "Why do you keep calling me 'boy', Sir?" Jack asked. This was not what the Baron was expecting.

"I will call you what I want to call you. You are younger than me, you are only eighteen and you are in my command. Have you a problem with that, Boy?" The Baron said this quite sharply, even though he did not intend to sound so harsh. This tone made Jack uncomfortable, he decided that had he better just accept that the Baron was in control. He realised that the sooner he let this be, the better it would be for him.

"No Sir. Boy is good Sir." Now Jack sounded like he was trying to please the Baron. The Baron liked that. He liked that the boy seemed to be trying and he liked that he was accepting the control.

"Your sleeping quarters are with me. You will sleep when I tell you to sleep, but you will also wake when I tell you to rise. As with everything, failure to do so will end in punishment. You will sleep on the right side of the bed, unless I put you somewhere else and you will sleep naked. We are both men, there is nothing you won't have seen before. Is that going to be a problem, boy?" He asked.

"Not at all sir." Jack quickly replied. The Baron was pleased with how well things were going so far. He was prepared for more refusal, but he had not met any of that, yet. But he was only telling Jack how things were going to be, he was yet to have to do it.

"When I bathe, you will wash me. When I dress you will help me dress. You are here to serve me. Understood?"

"Yes Sir." Jack had said yes, but the Baron did not think that he looked all that sure. There would only be one way to find out, but that was not going to be right now. At that moment there was a knock at the door. Jack look worried and attempted to stand, but a firm hand on his shoulder was enough to tell him to stay in place.

"Enter." The Baron raised his voice and the door was opened and the smell of soup, bread and meat came into the room, followed by a small procession of food. Three men brought in food and set down two plates, two goblets and a jug of watered wine. They bowed and left. Jack was still kneeling. The Baron moved to the desk of food and placed his own food in a bowl. In the other bowl he placed a little less soup and bread, but did not include any meat. He sat down to his own food. Beside him and to his right appeared Jack, on his knees, looking at the food on the Baron's spoon. The Baron paused, and placed the meatless bowl of food on the floor in front of Jack, combined with the command "Eat it." There was nothing for him to eat it with so he looked back up at the Baron. He seemed to be a mind reader for he said "on your knees, on the floor, eat it, and try not to get it all over the floor." Jack looked surprised. He wasn't going to argue. He had been told several times that there would be punishment for disobeying but his did not know what punishments there were, other than exile and death. He didn't think he would be condemned to that for not eating like he was being told to eat, but he decided that he was not going to test the Baron just yet. He leaned over the bowl of hot soup and soaked bread and started to eat. It was no easy task. The bowl shifted, his chin went in the orange liquid, the bread would fall apart and splash him and there did not seem to be a technique with which to do it successfully. When he was done he looked as if he had spent the morning in the stocks, with rotten vegetables thrown at him. He sat up saw the Baron looking down at him. He handed the boy another slice of bread, to use as a napkin and to mop up what was left in the bowl. When that had also been consumed, the bowl was half filled with the watered wine. He slurped at the liquid and when most had gone, he had finished his first of many meals under the control of the Baron.

The afternoon was spent with one of the rare audiences granted to the public in the interview room. Jack stood to the right side of the chair, head bowed respectively, arms behind his back, legs spread shoulder width whilst a debate between two men was heard by the Baron. Jack quietly listened to the petty conflict. Apparently one man, a farmer, felt that the other man, a trader, had been selling his stock of chickens on the market. He was sure that they were his own birds for his had gone missing from his farm. The merchant insisted that they were his own chickens that he was selling, and that he had every right to sell them and considered that the farmers' chickens had gone missing due to foxes and the like. There were several witnesses brought in. The farmer had his son to confirm that chickens had gone missing, and his wife to say that she thought she recognised the chickens the trader was selling. The trader brought his wife who claimed that she had brought up the chickens herself for her husband to sell. At one point the trader insulted the farmers' wife. Before it could all get too complicated the Baron drew his verdict, decided that because the farmer could not actually prove the chickens were his own to start with then he would not be compensated for the chickens he seemed to lose. However, the trader was to provide a chicken to the farmer's wife for insulting her. They were both told that if such a debate was brought to him again by them, he would fine them both and take all of their chickens. This left the atmosphere rather tense and neither party feeling particular happy.

In the evening a meal was eaten in the great hall. Jack was welcomed into the castle work force. Ale was readily drank and spirits where high. Around midnight the Baron decided that it was time to depart. The party momentarily stopped as Jack followed the Baron out and up to the bed chamber. When the Baron's footsteps had long since dissapeared the party started up again. Both men were drunk. Both men were tired. The Baron stripped naked and slid into bed. The boy stripped quickly before getting into bed too. The candle was blown out and Jack had curled up lose to the edge. He felt a hands brush against his side, a hand wrap around his waist and quickly pull him into the Baron's chest. The Baron held him firmly, and then fell to sleep. The Boy fell to sleep soon after.

Now, I hope you will note that there is not a happily ever after here. This is because there will be a second chapter to this story. Give me your feedback to wheels-on-fire@hotmail.co.uk. You need to write to me if you want to read more.

Next: Chapter 2

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