Jack and Steve

By James Mid

Published on Oct 25, 2002


This is the usual disclaimer that says if you're too young to read this or in a place where you shouldn't be reading this, then you know what to do. Otherwise enjoy!

It was hot and I could smell the sex sweat in the air. Steve was pounding my ass like it was a punching bag for cock. I was so horny! I could feel my load cumming! He started to howl! He was cumming! He slammed me harder and faster and deeper! My cum was starting to fly...the elevator doors opened and there stood my secretary and boss with my cum on their face...

I sat straight up drenched in sweat! My leather couch was the worst place to be at this moment! Then I realized something else. I had creamed my pants! Shit!! It was just a dream-a nightmare actually! I got up off the sweaty couch and headed for my office bathroom; pulled off my pants and saw the largest load of cum all over my crotch and in my pants that I'd ever seen on me before. Steve was a real turn on alright. What would the company think of my fucking the competition? Who cares! It was fun! I got in the shower and cleaned off. The cool water felt good on my sweaty sticky skin. I stepped out of the shower and pulled on a clean pair of jeans and a company shirt. I picked up my cum filled jeans and turned on the sink to wash them out. I could smell my cum. I put the jeans near my face to inhale more odour. Next thing I was licking the cum out of my smelly jeans. After finishing my snack I threw them into the sink and washed them out and hung them over the shower along with the sweaty shirt to dry before taking them home for a proper wash.

I went into my office and saw my message light flashing on the phone. Picked up the handset and pushed the mailbox button. My secretary, Alice was on the line. "Jack, I heard the shower running so I didn't forward this call to you. Mr. Steve Marx called and requested a meeting with you regarding an elevator company client who wished for us to handle the promotion of their product while Marx Corp. handles the financing. I'm I little confused as I have no idea what this is about, so here's his direct line and he wants you to contact him ASAP. Jack you're not bailing on us are you? This sounds too weird!"

I sat totally stunned! He'd called me! How did he know where I worked? I never told him! I realized I had another boner. Now what? First I called Alice and cooked up some stupid excuse and told her everything was okay, I wasn't bailing. Then I dialled the number almost like I was in a trance.

"Hi Jack!" Was this guy psychic or what? How did he know it was me on the phone?

"In case you're shocked that I knew it was you, I can see your number and know that it belongs to Micro Advertising. And I don't give my direct line number, so I knew it was you!"

"Well that explains that! Now how did you know how to contact me?"

"I've been cruising you for months! I see you in the gym on occasion and checked out your name and company name on the sign in sheet after you signed in last month. I've wanted you for quite some time Jack!

"Now, I've taken the liberty to check your schedule with Alice and I know that you have no late afternoon meetings today and I was wondering if you would like to join me for a `service' meeting and dinner in my office?"

"Are you fucking kidding?"

"Nope, I want you again, Jack! You're the best fuck I've had in a very long time!"

"What time?"

"How about 6? Everyone who matters is gone by then. Also use elevator 36 and punch in the penthouse. I'll unlock the button at 5:55 so you don't need the pass code."

"I'll be there!"

The elevator was a smaller private one only used by execs and guests. I had only been in it once before for a cocktail party in one of the reception rooms. I punched in the penthouse half expecting an alarm to sound. I felt the elevator move with extreme speed up to the penthouse offices above the 75th floor. It moved quicker than the regular elevators so my already nervous stomach was left behind.

The elevator slowed and stopped. An electronic tone played which signalled the occupant of the penthouse that there was someone waiting to enter. The door opened and I stepped out into a very opulent office. It was decorated in true fag style! It was quite luxurious and yet very down to earth comfortable. And across the room at a very simple glass desk sat the man of my dream earlier that day. He was talking on the phone and typing on the laptop. He waved me in to a over stuffed leather couch to the right of his desk. He hung up the phone and finished his typing and closed the laptop. He looked across at me as I sat down with a huge smile that just sucked you right into his world.

"Drink? Dinner will be ready in a couple of minutes. I'm absolutely starved! I've been here since yesterday morning and not eaten since dinner last night, except for a protein bar this afternoon."

"What are you offering?"

"Whatever you want. I have a full bar back there which I keep stocked for meetings and such." He pointed to a door that was open.

"I don't know what I want actually. Surprise me!"

He disappeared behind the door and left me gawking like a fool at all the artwork and furniture in the office. "A bit overwhelming at first isn't it? Sorry! I actually hate this room. It's too executive for me."

I jumped clean out of my skin and about 2 feet off the couch. I must have gone totally pale because he put the drinks down and grabbed my arm. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you. You okay?"

"Yeah! Sure," regaining my composure. "This is quite the office! I thought my boss had the digs, but this is amazing!"

"Come on, let's move into the lounge. It's not so overpowering!"

We moved through the door that he'd just come in from. The room was just as nicely set, but simpler. It was a calmer room. He lifted his glass to mine, "Cheers!"

"Cheers!" I took a drink and he took the glass from me and put it down and then pulled me into his arms and planted his lips on mine and started to suck my face with real passion. This guy was a real kisser! He locked lips and started to probe the depths of each other's mouths for quite a time. Through our embrace I could feel his hard cock rubbing against my hardening rod. With one hand on the back of my head, he reached to my buttocks with the other and squeezed. I followed suit only prefaced by a firm feeling with hand of his amazing pecs and around his back and down to his butt. Somewhere in the distance I heard a ping and Steve started to change his kisses to shorter pecks stopping to whisper in my ear, "Dinner is ready. We should go in."

...More to cum! Write comments to mid_island_guy@hotmail.com. I would love to hear from you!!!

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