Jack and Daniel

By Cody Samuels

Published on Jul 7, 2023


Jack and Daniel

Cody Samuels Literally.naked@gmail.com


Hey Folks. Here's the second part to the "4TH OF July Special" hope you guys enjoy it, and the comments are great! I'm seriously shocked at the amount I'm getting. I'm glad you all like it! Enjoy this Chapter guts- Literally.naked@gmail.com

DISCLAIMER: This narrative has scenes of male nudity and sexual acts between two men that readers may find disturbing or inappropriate for ages under 18. Please do not read if you comply with both of those categories.

This is copyrighted to the Nifty Alliance Archive and is exclusively for the readers of this website. Do not attempt to copy this and redistribute. This is for the private and personal viewing pleasure of your own.

The characters are all fictional with vague and few references to real people. If they come across coincidentally as someone in reality please take it as a compliment. Events are also referenced from certain real life scenarios and are fictional. If you have experienced them feel free to contact me about it. NOTES: This is a fantasy- Reality is different, use a condom.

The next day I woke up to Jack snuffling on my shoulder. I felt a huge wave of satisfaction from him. He held his hand across my naked waist, stroking my bandages unconsciously. I was still half awake with a big case of the morning wood. But my emotions were ruling me this morning.

We had spent the day and evening together yesterday and today, which was Sunday, George rang me up to let me have the day off. I insisted that I come to work today just to affirm that things between me and George wouldn't transcend into something nasty, but George wouldn't be having any of it.

He told me it was fine though. He didn't need any help today and he was feeling high from having me give a bit of myself for him. I genuinely felt a little closer to George now. He reminded me of Marcus. A wave of buried emotions suddenly beat me into quiet submission as Jack held me.

I told Jack what happened yesterday with George and Rob, and what prompted him to be so nice to me. I also told Jack about my ambition to become someone who could help rescue people and save them. So being a paramedic or a field doctor/physician. He was remarkably calm about it at first. And then he asked me if I would do it again. I felt a pang of hurt and jealously from myself and him.

"Of course I wouldn't. Not after yesterday." "What happened yesterday?" He asked curiously "You made love to me" I said shutting him up instantly. "I've never wanted you so much in my entire life" which made him blush.

Marcus was my older brother. And he too was gay. But he was beaten by a couple of guys where he went to study in Dallas, Texas. He was so beaten that we could only identify him through dental records and he had been castrated. Dad never got over it. He was in fits of rage for months. I was severely depressed at the thought of coming out because of Marcus' death. The person who he came out to Shane- disappeared from the world.

He says I remind him of Marcus. Every time I see that cute brown haired Jock with the cutest smile. I would die a little inside knowing that Marcus came out and told everyone he loved Shane. I don't know how he handles it sometimes. I've asked him before but he says "One day at a time" I can see why Marcus loved him.

I sniffed again and Jack held me closer. "What's wrong babe?" he voice coated with concern. Now would be a good time to tell him I guess. "I was just thinking how George was so nice to me and that he reminded me a lot of Marcus- my older brother" "In what way?" he asked with a curiosity. "George was a sweet and gently guy who loved to nurture things and he was such a powerful man. Despite enjoying sport- he also enjoyed the fine things of life. He didn't get a chance to be himself and fell to the clutches of humanity's scorn and hate for being who he was." I was speaking in riddles now. I did that when I was uncomfortable talking about something.

When I talked, I talked about George and thought about Marcus too. Jack could sense that and he just hugged me closer to tell him more about Marcus. "Marcus was about eighteen and I was only sixteen at the time. He went to college and was gone for a year or so, and I had begun to miss him. You got to understand that Marcus did everything with me. He played baseball with me, he played soccer with me, hell he even had eating races with me and went to the bathroom with me every now and again." I paused to get a breath. All the emotions were flooding back again and I couldn't tell whether it was remembering Marcus or remembering the things we had done together that was choking me up.

"And when he went off to college, I was a little heart-broken but happy that he was going away. He and his best friend Shane were going to the same college. And things grew between them two. Marcus started to fall for Shane. How I knew? I was sending emails back and forth to him every day for the last couple of months- before..." I choked up. I was suddenly feeling a little sick. I wanted Marcus back. I wanted my big brother back. But I needed to breathe.

Hold back those tears for a little bit. Put a damn on that tidal wave of emotions that caused my arms to throb with pain. "And then on thanksgiving he agreed with me to come out to Shane after he told me that they shared a kiss one night at a frat party. I knew where this was all going and I told him to be very careful. But he was caught out, and the rest of his jealous team mates who knew what happened between Shane and him cornered him and b-b-b-b-ea-...." I just started to cry painfully and quietly in Jack's arms as he held me.

He was cooing sweet words of love to me. "It's ok Babe. You don't have to continue..." But I ignored him. "He died of multiple beatings across his head, internal bleeding and a battered crotch." I was sombre and it hurt terribly. Having relived this bit was the most hurtful and painful thing I had ever come across next to my near-death experience.

"I remember the last moments of his life. I was there holding his hand, while he held Shane's. He was barely able to say much. Except- "I love you..all..and Shane- I love." And then I cried even harder. Marcus died then and there and Jack didn't need to know how. "He was on the bed so battered I couldn't recognize him. He was blue and red all over like he had been in some fire that mutilated his beautiful body! And Shane cried out so painfully!- He-He-he! Didn't even get to tell Marcus he loved him!"

I turned and dug my head into Jack's chest, crying so hard that I was numb all over again, and the sledgehammer of painful memories kept destroying my ability to hold on to control. Jack kissed me and I felt his hot tears on my face.

"That's so painful..." he sniffed.

------------------------One Week Later on the 4th--------------------------

Jack and I had been out most of the day. He was training intensively for the last week and I hadn't seen him much because Prof. Silvoni was now working me to the bone with constant exam practice. We rarely spent time together except when we slept our exhaustion off or when I was in pain and went to the nurse's office on campus. So that day was a bit of a god send. George had taken the day off which left me to do the usually trimming of the hedges, weeding out all the nasty inhabitants of our geraniums and then tending to the greenhouse, making sure it was all functioning from the mist generators in the tropics to the sprinklers and equipment for the botanical class.

I got back at about four in the afternoon to have Jack waiting there for me in his Leotard. He had his sexy lopsided grin which only suggested that he was only too happy to see me, and judging from the bulge in his spandex. He always looked so good in it.

I walked up to him and kissed him gently but kept a hand on his chest to keep him from getting anywhere near my sweaty tank top. He pulled me in regardless- and I noticed he was rather sweaty in his leotard. It was sexy none the less. "How are you doing babe?" he said placing a hand on my sides, which seemed to have healed up better than last week.

"I'm ok. I'm a bit psyched about going to George's today" as we walked into our dorm, Jack had already started to strip. "One of these days I'm going to see you practice" I said as I looked for my towel and then striped to my shorts and we both headed to the showers. While we were showering, Jack seemed to be a bit tentative- as if he was holding back something.

I don't know how I could tell, but he seemed a bit more reserved than his usually holding my in the shower. "Do you remember when you told me about your brother Marcus?" Jack said quietly.

I nodded not sure where he was going with this one. I had a knot of butterflies in my stomach already. "Well- what did you say Shane looked like?" I don't think I recalled talking about how Shane looked. I was curious so I told him anyway. "He was pretty tall. Almost your height, if not slightly taller, Brown hair with blonde highlights, brown eyes, with freckles and he seems to be constantly into sport- so he's very athletic"

Again jack seemed a little more hidden, as if he knew something I didn't know. I pretended that it was him getting distant and not because he didn't love him. It hurt me to think that he did love someone else. But then my doubt had to get the best of me and now I was feeling sorely left out. As if it was a deep secret that he was keeping from me. I had to ask what it was, before I got consumed in my suspicions.

"Jack- are you seeing someone else?" I asked tentatively, wondering if I was asking the right question. He looked at me with shock and didn't know whether to touch me or to run away. " No Daniel! It's not like that!" He was pained from me asking that question. "Well...What is it then? I mean ever since that talk about Marcus and what I did with George you've been awfully distant. I don't know." I edged away from him feeling hurt.

"Ah damn! I'm sorry Daniel. I guess I haven't been including you in much of my life recently. But Marcus' Shane, I know him" Jack said, a little embarrassed and trying to find a way to redeem himself. Damn I was a fool! There was me thinking I had lost him completely over some guy.

"And don't worry babe- I still love you, I will always love you" and he had me there. I just went to him and hugged him before placing a tender kiss on his lips.

We finished showering a little later, but no touching was involved. Just a hug in case we had to fight off a bunch of homo-hating idiots. When we got back to our dorms Jack went straight to the questions-"So where does George live? What's his life like? How long have you known him for?"

George lived in Longview closed to the Columbia River. He lived in a quiet suburban area. He led a pretty normal life as a family man goes. He took the kids to school early in the morning and drove his way towards Portland for work which was about an hour. He would work on the campus from Wednesday to Sunday unless the Dean wanted him to work specifically on a project like the Alumni Concerts or Graduation day or something. He comes back home to his wife two kids and they usually just have fun most of the time.

He had two boys, Lando and Luke. He and his life Lidia had a thing for Star Wars so I could guess who they were going to be. I've known George for a long while now. Since he was first taken into E.R. for getting his finger chopped off by shears so that hey to re-attach it. He used to work for Seattle Pacific before he moved for this Job. A lot of people take him for granted- he's a truly skilled botanist. Just not with Orchids.

Jack seemed to be attentive to me the whole time while he was getting changed into his Costume, which reminded me that I needed to get into mine pretty soon. I watched Jack get into his costume. The Spandex fitted around his muscular calves. It was just a bit too much for me to ward, but I did anyway. I was feeling a little stuffy in my pants from watching Jack. His Cock shaped perfectly in the outfit, and I thought I would cream myself with how much I could see of him.

He struggled a little with the spandex top, so I jumped in at the chance to touch him and help him out. I was having lots of fun, just tracing his muscles with my fingertips. I had a feeling he might get really hard from all this touching as I managed to guide his head through the shirt hole. "Damnit! Daniel! Your making me all horny!" Jack exclaimed as he tried to stick his hands through the sleeve.

"I can't help it. Your just too buff. I sometimes wonder if your actually real." "Hahhaha! Yeah sure! I'm real! And I'll prove it" He said daringly.

I popped wood straight away at the sound of him saying that. I wonder what he was going to use as proof. And surely enough, he unhooked my chinos and slid them all the way down and then started nuzzling into my pre-cum soaked briefs.

"Oh god! Not Now Jack! We've got to get ready!"He pouted and gave me the sad puppy dog eyes. Oh damn. I was in butterflies and tornados. "Well let me get into my costume and then we can sort it out at the party" I said, seductively suggesting something naughty while we were at George's. "Are you sure George will be ok with that?" Jack asked rather worried all of a sudden. I just chuckled "Well we could always ask him to join" and then we just started laughing.

So he was all dressed, booted and shielded up and I had to take a couple of pictures on my phone and put it up as my screensaver and then I asked him to pull his dick out and his mask so I could take a picture of it so whenever I was lonely I would look at it. He chuckled big time, and I could see he was getting turned on by pictures. That was something I was going to look at later on.

So I went into our little bathroom and quickly put on the red spandex leggings, blue hot pants and military six button shirt and then to finish it off, the boots and the belt I had stashed somewhere else.

Jack kept being antsy and asking "Are you ready? Are you ready? Are you ready?" I couldn't stop laughing. It was a bit of a pain to get changed and laugh at the same time. Once I put on the mask, and quaffed my hair, I was all set. I sprayed some deodorant and cologne on and took a step back and looked in the mirror. I was actually really hot! Haha! I wonder where this confidence is coming from all of a sudden. Two weeks ago, I was a complete hermit, hiding constantly and fearing for my life because of my homosexuality, and now there's hardly a trace of that vulnerable guy left. Well obviously the stammer and fear for natural things like being dirty and death counted as a normal vulnerability.

Jack knocked once more and this time he sounded a little more serious. "We've got an hour and a half on the road and if we want to get there for a decent time, I say hurry it ...up" Jack stopped talking as I walked out. "So?" I asked a little tentative and shy. He was just looking at me in as if I had come out of a freezer- In wonder. "Wow! You're my side kick!" He was extremely excited and I was rather shocked he knew.

"How did you know I was your sidekick?" I chuckled and then tried to hide behind the door before he grabbed me "Oh come on! You're not the only one who reads comics!" He admitted. Wow another shocking fact about Jack. He read comics as well as modern literature. I was falling more and more in love with him.

And as if to answer my thoughts, he wrapped his hands around me, clasped the small of my back, and leaned in to give me a smooth and criminal kiss. His lips made contact with mine and I felt this wave of lust and love put on me. Or was it Jack's hard on rubbing into my thigh? He cupped my ass and then squeezed it before breaking off to get ready to travel. I couldn't help but chuckle. He was such an awkward guy sometimes but so sexy. It took us nearly two hours to get to Longview. Traffic on the I5 was a bit of a drag race, getting from A to B. We stopped off at a Safeway to get some food (because we couldn't get alcohol) and a few drinks like cheap OJ and that nasty Tropicana stuff. Jack laughed so hard when I said that.

As we drove into the Broadway, Jack seemed quiet. "Are you ok honey?" I asked, being intentionally affectionate "Yeah I am. I'm just wondering if I go in and introduce myself as your boyfriend or husband and then give you an open display of affection as soon as I see George? Or just be normal and act as if I was the straightest queen alive"

I laughed so hard that I kept clutching my sides because of the laughter and pain. Jack was chuckling at my reaction which turned into full out bursts of laughs. He had an amazing laugh. It was sonorous and very rich. It made me tremble in my bones. But I couldn't get over him looking like a Drag Queen. That was the picture he had painted in my head

"I think you should act like the straightest queen and say you're my wife" I said a little daringly. I don't usually joke, but when I did, I couldn't stop. "Yes! Hi George! I'm Jacqueline, How do yooouuu dooo? I am Daniel's beloved wife!" Jack said in a fake falsetto woman voice. I was in hysterics. I was wetting myself from his impersonation of "being my wife"

We turned into a small neighbourhood complex called "Columbia Falls" which was entrenched deep in a wood. There were already a few cars parked on the curb so we took the last big space, and parked next to a Black Sedan, and I couldn't help but think that the Fed's were watching me for my illicit homosexual activities.

And instead of thinking paranoid thoughts I actually laughed. "What's so funny? Is my mask on straight?" Jack said a little perturbed that I was randomly laughing.

"I was just thinking how this black sedan nearby might be the Fed's monitoring my illicit homosexual activities and logging it into a book for their own personal records" I did the finger speech marks on the "records" bit and Jack started laughing before he picked up the drinks and I picked up the food from the back of the pickup.

"Where did mister funny bone come from?" Jack said. Damnit! He set me up for this one "When you took your clothes off!" Jack laughed so hard he had to release the bags from his grip

We were greeted by a beautiful and very good imitation of Princess Leia, true to their Star Wars nature, and a little storm trooper, screaming "Pow! Pow! Pow!" I smiled and then gave Lidia a kiss, telling her how beautiful she looked. "Lando! Stop shooting Captain America!" she scolded before the little one disappeared with a gaggle of other kids- a Wicked Witch, the Blue Fairy and of course, Luke- who was dressed as little Anakin from Episode 1. I chuckled- it was a cute sight.

"Hey! We have Captain America and Bucky! George honey! It's Daniel and Jack!" Lidia yelled amongst the din and music. Suddenly George came bounding down in what was the most impressive but oversize Han Solo I had ever seen. George kissed his wife as she stepped aside and let us through the hall and then George gave us a massive hug. I winced and he apologized for forgetting about my injuries but I insisted I was ok and that his love was appreciated.

George's house was a lot like the normal lodges that you found in the forest areas of America: Stone-built walls, with pinewood for majority of the furniture. It had a secret alcove homey feeling to it that made you want to live there forever and not return to the real world.

It was a fantasy house. There was a fireplace and a white shag pile on the floor, an L shaped sofa filled with people. There were a lot of characters here. I mean a lot. Batman and Robin, to Superman, a Rebellion fighter (another Star Wars Nut I assumed) and a Native American. Hell there was even a dominatrix about.

George introduced me to a lot of his old school friends, and at first I was extremely worried. The fear suddenly crept up and the bravado that I had once had when I was around Jack, suddenly disappeared. George nudged me at first, trying to figure out where the Daniel he knew had disappeared. He whispered in my ear "It's ok. Their all good guys, some of them even gay" I cocked a brow at first, still being extremely hesitant. The knot in my stomach suddenly got tighter.

"It's ok Daniel... Honestly" George gave me that sincere squeeze on my bicep. I took a deep breath, and then belted quickly- "Hey guys! I'm Daniel and this is my boyfriend Captain America, but you can call him Jack" I closed my eyes behind my mask and the first thing I felt was a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey Daniel! You ok? C'mon! Don't you get all shy on us now!" I recognized that voice. "Jeff?!" I exclaimed. Jack just chuckled. "Yeah buddy!" Lance chirped in, giving Jeff's ass a playful squeezed. I opened them. Batman and Robin was Jeff and Lance. And then I had to guess this but I think the Pilot was Rob.

"Rob? Is that you?" I looked quizzically. "You betcha!" He smiled through the orange visor of the helmet- which he took off, and then pulled up the lightsaber. "Dude! Your Luke Skywalker! Wow! That's a good costume!" I blurted out.

"Daniel! You look amazing! This was the best couple costume so far to come it. Well besides Tarzan and Jane, but they don't compare to you two" he said with a crimson glow on his cheeks.

"Oh Rob! Stop with the flattery! Just say We're hot and that'll be it" "Oh dude! Hot doesn't even describe you two studly heroes!" Jeff said with a lustful lasciviousness to his voice. I was getting a little chubby hearing that from Jeff. Jack just laughed it off and said "Anything to get into his pants Jeff!"

We mingled and had a good share of everyone's previous party stories before Lidia came flying out of the corridor, shooting and then rolling on the floor, then picked up a tray full of chicken saying "I am NOT! A Committee!" I was in hysterics as she threw the pistol at the corridor and George yelling "OWW! CHEEWIE!"

The drinks flowed freely from all of us, Lance, now showing us his alcoholic side was drinking beers by the pint and just kept drinking and making huge advances at Jeff, which sent some of the girls and guys laughing. "Jeff! Yoouu...are...soo...fine! That I could...take you.." he was interrupted with a hiccup and then continued "To a dry cleaners! So I can steam...you up real good" I was in fits as he said that because Lance had never so much as once hinted that he was camp. And here he was, gay as the day was long, hitting on his Batman.

Jack had an arm around me all the time, and I was blushing severely nearly all the time. Lidia came and sat next to me and congratulated me on surviving and catching one heck of a guy. She said if it was too much troubled getting back to Portland that we could use the spare room. Just how many rooms did their house have? One for each closet of costumes they had.

I chuckled because I had too much Rose and Red wine. I was never the alcoholic type and if I had to drink- Wine and wine only. So I was drunk and constantly suggesting people to get into photos. We got into several photos using my camera and a few people. I asked George if he could get one of me and Jack kissing. Jack was all up for it with a rosy cheeked smile and I just kissed him. He stirred my stew well and good every time he smiled.

The fireworks were amazing come nine o'clock and everyone was on to each other. Couples were all huddled up watching the sky light up in celebration, with everyone screaming "Happy Fourth of July all!" Seasonal greetings were passed out to each other, especially from a Confederate uniformed man and a Northern Union Soldier- which we discovered were a gay couple. They said we were a cute couple.

I blushed and chuckled while Jack reached over and gave me a peck on the cheek. Then I saw Rob next to George and Lidia. She seemed to be in a bit of a fluster and then kind of left abruptly with George giving chase with a worried look on his face. I kind of forgot about it and looked at Jack all surreptitiously.

From the last glass of wine I was given by Jack, I had forgotten a lot of things and began to dream walk everywhere, kissing people on the cheek I didn't know, telling them how hot and gorgeous they were. At one point Jack was wrestling me in the hall way, trying to get me into this room. I didn't want to leave the party at first, but when I escaped his arms to join the party, majority of them had gone- Jeff and Lance had crashed out on the sofa and were quietly making out- but Rob was nowhere to be seen.

Despite being drunk I was worried a little. Jack could see it in my face, and he was a little glassy eyed. "Daniel- Worry about Rob later. He's a big guy and he can handle himself" he said, slurred and assuredly.

When we got into the spare bedroom, Jack slammed me into the door, closing it. I chuckled at the slightly tickling of pain on my ribs. "Jack! Stop! You're going to crush my ribs" I said a little light headed but constantly giggling from intoxication."You can't even hold your own when your drunk and you're telling me to stop?" He said laughing at me and then giving me a tender wet kiss.

I felt his body push up against my pants and I was immediately feeling rigid and hard. I ran my hands up Jack's abs and shivered, as he kissed my neck, licking my ear lobes and then kissing the big fleshy bit so that he could sink his teeth into my neck for a hickie. I groaned and breathed heavily as he ran his hands up and down my body. Running over the fabric where my nipples would be. It must have been a hot scene though, Captain America pinning up Bucky against the wall and grinding into him.

I wanted that picture!

I rummaged around for it in my utility belt that came with the Bucky costume, fished out a camera and took a picture from the nearby counter as we made out. I kept pressing the flash button as Jack continued kissing my neck. I was turning into an exhibitionist all of a sudden! Where was all this coming from! Oh god! He felt so good on my chest.

I started stripping my top off as he cupped my dick and felt my raging hard on through my hot pants. Damnit! "Jack! Your all over me tonight! What gives?" I asked! I wanted to know what brought this dangerously smouldering hunk to become such a sexual beast.

"Because I've been away from you the whole week, no sex and there you are looking hot as hell in Short shorts and a military shirt! Who wouldn't want to fuck you till next week?" I blushed furiously! I was stripping, and he was kissing my shoulders and collar, then he moved down, licking and flicking his tongue along my nipples. Damn I was so hard, and I was wet in my shorts.

I had to get them off. So I unbuckled the belt, and ripped off my boots. So all you could see was the shorts dangling from my ankles and a large 5 o'clock shadow in my red tights.

"OH Daniel! You look fucking hot! I want to take a picture!" Jack was extremely turned on and it looked like he needed serious release! His cock-juices were oozing from his spandex pants. Oh that was a hot scene. He told me to stay there and play with myself. So I did. I imagined my hands were his as I rubbed them along my chest, rubbing my nipples and reaching into my tights to feel myself.

I ran my fingers through my pubes and then stretched the tights down so he could see it. I closed my eyes the entire time, thinking and wanting Jack. He then asked me to stretch my hands out to the sides and my legs out. So I did. I stretched them either side and I was so horny! I could tell he wanted me then by the look he gave in his eyes - instant fire and sex.

I pulled down my tights a little and I showed of my cock-head, covered in pre cum and oozing onto the floor in globules and webs, Jack dropped the camera and went down on his knees to devour my cock. I gasped as he sucked me hard. I've never seen him like this! He was such a sex god. He knew what to do with me! I was so helpless! I wanted him in me so bad!

"Jack! Fuck me! Fuck me so hard!" He kissed as we travel-hopped to the bed (having shorts around your ankles is not easy when walking). I stopped at the foot of this amazing wooden four poster queen sized bed. It was special because of its thin white curtains and silky sheets. I took a moment to drink in the sight of Jack's ocean blue eyes, his full red lips, his broad shoulders, his deliciously big pecs, his strong and ripped abs, his amazing waist and hips which had plenty of definition, and his throbbing cock.

He didn't do anything. He just stood there, with a ragged breath and lustful-loving-care in his eyes. I wanted him. But I also wanted to smell him through his Costume. I kneeled down and placed my face on his hot and throbbing cock and licked it. He groaned quietly as I stroked the material where his cock was contained in. He couldn't handle me stroking for long, as he took off the mask, and then his top. Oh wow! What a fucking stud he was! I went up and licked his nipples, and he moaned.

I sucked on them next, feeling it getting seriously hard on my tongue, and then changed to suck the other one while I used my left hand to keep the other nipple hard.

Jack held my head and ran his hand through my long brown locks. I shivered and then kissed his abs with my wet lips. I reached his pubes and I breathed the sweet manly musky smell he head. He was so hot, and I felt his dick throb next to my ear. I ran kisses and sucked on his shaft as he moaned. The pace of out fuck-making went down a notch. I felt his gaze on me, so intense as he put his hands through my hair and then cupped my cheeks. "I love you Daniel" he said and then I kneeled down and stripped him of his spandex pants.

I continued to suck his dick and worship it with my tongue, bathing the underside of his throbbing cock. I could taste his sweet pre-cum on his cum hole. He was undeniably hot and he oozed sexual power from looking at me. He stopped me from sucking his dick and laid me down gently on the bed and looked me straight in the eyes again- intense lucid pools of power and caring. A string of emotions suddenly caught me and I whispered to him quietly "I love you...Jack...make love to me."

His roamed my body, and set my skin on fire. Every time he touched me I felt heat and sex explode all over my body, through my veins and as he reached lower and lower, I was sure as hell feeling harder and harder. My cock was dripping huge amounts of pre-cum! Damnit! A week without doing it certainly paid off! I was so ready for him to take me!

"Jack! Please! I beg you! Fuck me! Make love to me!" He looked at me with a demonic sexual need for me. I was going to go wild from his stares. I kicked off the remainder of clothing as did he. He scooped up what pre-cum I had, lathered up my hole and gently rotated it round my fuck hole.

I moaned with my lips pursued and held my legs in the air as he rubbed up my hole, flicking and sticking digits and fingers into my tender puckered hole. "Oh Jack! Stop your driving me crazy!" I said, wanting more of his talents, his skill, his body- I wanted him. He straddled between my legs and rubbed his slick cock head around my hole. I trembled terribly, and then with one swift clean motion, he pushed himself into me. I yelled out in pain and he waited, until the pain subsided. I was in sheer pain as he shoved his 7 plus member in me. I couldn't breathe. He cooed sweet words- "I'm sorry Daniel my love, I'm sorry...It'll get better in a minute...Relax"

I nodded and kissed him sweetly. And then he rolled me on top of him as he sat down. I was on top of him as he sat, and he was penetrating my ass so good I could feel him hit my sweet spot so well that all I had to do was rotate my hips and I would be in pleasure land. Another huge globule of pre-cum sprouted on my dick head and Jack saw this.

I couldn't believe what was coming next- He dived in and sucked me! "Oh GOD! Jack! That's fucking great!" I said, and I began to fuck his face as he fucked me.

In-out-in-out-up-down-up-down-fuck-my-hole-hard-suck-me-deep-make-fuck-love-me was all I thought. Every time I lifted and bucked my hips, he sucked harder and I tensed my fuck hole more, and he felt amazing in me! "Oh Jack! Keep fuck-sucking me! Don't stop!"

I was feeling the climax, We had fucked so hard for the last ten minutes, in that same seriously sexy, seriously hot, and seriously cum-worth position that we had moved to the middle of the bed. He was jamming me in the right place every single time, and I gasped as he moaned over my cock- "Oh god! Oh god! Jack! Jack!"

The sex he fucked into me was sending shockwaves into my body! I was trembling at his huge ass cock in my hole! I was getting tighter and he was losing it! He had to let go and jack me off but I shoved his hand away quickly! I was going to cum any second!

"Oh Dan! You're so fucking tight! I'm going to cum too! Ugh!" he exclaimed! Panting and ragged breathed. I felt the pressure build in my head, my toes curl and then I leant back, threw my head backwards and screamed a soundless scream as the cum burned up my cock and then it exploded! It showered Jack and made me clench so hard, he started to cum too! I felt his cock grow larger and then explode! The warm fluid coated my insides and gave an extra wave on top of the tsunami of sex, pleasure and sheer orgasm as I continued cumming in lava like flows.

"Oh JACK! FUCK! OH! FUCK!" I breathed heavily!

Oh Jack was the man! He was the fucking man!

-------------------------------------------------------------------- If you didn't cum during that sex scene then I swear to god you are straight! That was hot stuff. Any comments are well appreciated! What will happen to George and Rob? Literally.naked@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 10

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