Jack and Daniel

By Cody Samuels

Published on Jul 5, 2023


Jack and Daniel

Cody Samuels Literally.naked@gmail.com


Hey Y'all! Here is the 4th of July Special! Happy Independence Day for all you Yanks, otherwise it's a normal Gay Pride day in London! Isn't that funny! And rather ironic. So here it is. This Chapter is split into two parts, because its rather large and it's a special :P Thanks for the comments again! They've been wonderful! Keep them coming in! I always appreciate your comments and do my very vest to reply back.

Special thanks to Andrew, my short suffering Editor, who has to deal with my eclectic side and inability to shut my mouth. Thank you Handsome

DISCLAIMER: This narrative has scenes of male nudity and sexual acts between two men that readers may find disturbing or inappropriate for ages under 18. Please do not read if you comply with both of those categories. This is copyrighted to the Nifty Alliance Archive and is exclusively for the readers of this website. Do not attempt to copy this and redistribute. This is for the private and personal viewing pleasure of your own. The characters are all fictional with vague and few references to real people. If they come across coincidentally as someone in reality please take it as a compliment. Events are also referenced from certain real life scenarios and are fictional. If you have experienced them feel free to contact me about it. NOTES: This is a fantasy- Reality is different, use a condom.

Chapter VIII: 4th of July. Part one

We were caught with our pants down, exchanging a rather sexually charged kiss; then we heard a knock on the door to have the most unexpected surprise happen.

George came in and saw us. He was rather shocked at first, but then didn't say anything. This bit shocked me. I was gawping the entire time as George shut the door, locked it, and then began to take of his tank top.

I was in awe. I couldn't stop looking at his big frame and his amazing body. The fur he had on his chest was shaped in a T; so that it covered his massive pecs and his nipples, then making a large treasure trail down his solid stomach to the top of his shorts.

"Well, looks like Daniel and his cute friend have been trying to hide in the shade" George spoke, his northern accent coating his voice. It was rather alluring and calming, but I was in panic mode so his tone made him seem far deadlier. My stomach was in a knot, but my dick was on full alert- constantly twitching.

"Ugh! George! I'm...I'm...I-I-I-I-" I was stammering and I couldn't get the confidence back. I was about to cower and feel like crap. I was feeling the fear sink in and Rob noticed it too. "Shh.. Daniel it's fine. Two cute, gorgeous studs hiding in the shade giving each other a good seeing to is my most secret of all fantasies"

He completely had me off guard. I really didn't put him as one of us. I thought he was as straight as an arrow. I know he is married but I'm not sure whether he's married to a man or a woman. His next line confirmed what I was asking in my head. "If my wife found me doing this, she would kill me. But Daniel, you've been on my mind for a while, and the fact you came and did this in the cabin is the most fulfilling thing you have ever done. Now normally I would scold you but....."

He came over and touched my shoulder squeezing it. His eyes were sincere and glistening. He had a lot of this hiding pent up in him, knowing he couldn't come out to join us because he had made his bed with his wife. I felt his pain for some reason. To be closeted from everyone and anyone to protect yourself; but he must have been denying the very fibre of his existence to want a man and to make love to him.

I started to well up.

"What would you like to do George?" I asked. I felt the need to actually help him- to fulfil a little bit of him that was missing in him. I wanted to help him- even if it meant doing something that I felt bad about, although really I just felt that he deserved it after being so good and working so hard.

Rob was looking at me in a weird way. He kept looking at me and smiling, but his eyes were something else. I don't know what it was. Fear maybe? I couldn't tell. I was being the brave one because I had some unfounded front of courage that I was tapping into. All the while, at any moment George could have outed me and Rob for doing this, but to our surprise- George asked us to make sweet love to him. His exact words.

I was shocked and I wasn't sure how to go about it so I asked further; gently taking George into an embrace, soon to follow with Rob. He was all into this as he started kissing George first. It was a serious chemistry going on all of a sudden. The way Rob kissed George sensual, sexual; with his tender but firm kisses on George's lips. It was really something else. It made my heart go weak watching them and George grinding into Rob made me throb all over again.

It was getting seriously hot now. With the temperature bouncing between 93 and 94 degrees, we had decided unanimously to strip. George asked that I go gentle on him, and I wasn't sure what he meant until he stripped and I saw how tight and endowed he was. He was the same size as me, but his looked far more impressive. It had a lot of veins and his dick head was shaped almost like a tear drop; with a large urethra, he was oozing a lot of pre-cum already.

Rob looked like he was a kid in the candy store- all the cock he could ever want. "George! You're one hunk of a man! I mean seriously! No wonder you had to hide being gay! I would have wanted to ride you and you on me!" Rob said ecstatically. I chuckled and George blushed then he said meekly "I'm actually a bottom. I love things in me"

My eyes bugged out. And so did Rob's. George was bottom!? How sexy was that! He was being serious! Such a big guy like him being the passive bottom? Oh George was going to make some guy happy if he ever had the chance!

George laid on his back on the table while Rob straddled his face and began to suck him off and play with his furry body while I worked on giving his balls a tongue bath. Some people would think that I had done this before- but after seeing a lot of porn, you'd want to try it out for yourself. I licked the taint between his balls and hole and he was quivering and moaning in ecstasy. I even heard the stifle of a cry as he engulfed Rob's cock in his mouth.

I began to bathe more of his balls with my tongue, sucking on one ball and rolling it around my mouth while rubbing the ring of his pucker with my thumb. George was enjoying this so much I could hear him groaning and breathing hard. It was such a hot scene and I was spurred to do something I thought I could NEVER do!

I went lower and nuzzled his sweet pucker in my face. Despite my first thoughts- he was an extremely clean guy. A lot of hair down there, but it was beautiful. He smelled musky and fresh with some soapy mineral stuff. I dug my face into his furry ass, which caused him to moan loudly. Oh man was he having as much fun as me. I flicked my tongue along the rosebud and he shivered; causing him to suck harder and for Rob to moan louder.

I began to eat him out, spreading all of my tongue all over his pucker. He was having shivering fits because his legs were no longer on the table, but dangling. I spread his legs a bit more out and lifted them up so I could dive in once more, and then with a finger, I began popping digits into his awesomely tight hole. George was a virgin!... and he was so powerful! I nearly lost a finger in his pleasure. I had to have some of this! I couldn't handle this anymore.

I pushed my tongue back in and felt him relax and tense rhythmically and then throb and pulse around my tongue. He was enjoying this so much, I could feel his legs go limp and his toes curl I was suddenly engulfed with this passion-courage and I had lost all of my inhibitions. My sexual fire was being fed so much that it smoked my judgment and took control of me. I put my dick against his hole, which was seriously slick with pre-cum, and rotated it in circles.

George was going crazy with the moaning because he released Rob and said "Daniel! Fuck me!"

I entered him, and he was in joy as he moaned and groaned, while getting far more physical with Rob, as he fingered him and got Rob groaning too. Damnit! George was heaven down here! He was so tight I actually got a little worried he my cut of my blood circulation to my cock.

I started off slowly to let him get adjusted to the feel of my cock in his ass, but I began to accelerate as I felt my balls slap his ass, pounding more. I don't know what prompted me to do that: him releasing Rob's throbbing cock from his mouth and crying out slowly "Harder Daniel!, Harder! Oh you're soo hot! With your big cock in my fuck hole!", or whether Rob's teasing hand ran up and down my body egging me on to fuck George harder.

I pounded so hard that the table shook and George had to brace an arm on the side. We felt the intense wave of pressure as I pounded him and I felt his fuck hole tense up as he was extremely close. Then POW! Wham! I was shooting so hard! The sensation was so powerful, George clamped on my dick so hard I was actually crying out from the orgasm as he came into Rob's mouth- which was leaking from Rob's face.

George was seriously pleased with us. He gushed and constantly kept thanking us, especially Rob, who kept brushing it off by saying "I only got to suck you off. Daniel did the work".

We got into a very hot threesome kiss. We rubbed our bodies on George to make him feel special. He was horned up all over again but he didn't want to do anything else. He felt happy and was so blissful. We left the cabin and George told me to take the rest of the day off because of my injuries. I told him I could still work, but he was so smitten with me, and Rob especially, that he insisted and that we go.

However before we left he did ask if we were doing anything on 4th of July. I hadn't thought about it. I've been so wrapped in school, work, Jack, and coming out that I hadn't even bothered to look at my diary for the last three days. "No George.. I don't think I am.. I have to see what Jack says though in case he wants to do something" I said rather reluctantly. I didn't want to disappoint him just after I'd made him feel happy.

"Oh no kiddo, don't worry. I wanted to know so I could invite you to my party. See I always have a costumed party and my wife loves that sort of stuff, especially on Independence Day. So you guys come along. Rob, I'd really like it if you were around too. If you have any one else, they're more than welcome to join us." Wow! My first party since I was a little kid.

And now I was actually being invited to one. I was all flushing with emotions.

George hugged me and whispered thanks in my ear before me and Rob left. Walking through the hedge maze, Rob was silent at first. I was comfortable with it but it was weird for Rob; knowing him only for two days and that he always liked talking. "Rob are you okay?" I asked, concerned about his well being.

"Yeah I'm okay. I mean we shared something wild and ....well a little close to home. I mean Daniel, I know you love Jack, but what you did there. It was really selfless" he said. A slight strain and wavering tonality suddenly adopted itself.

"Well, I know what sort of position George is in. I've known him even before the term started. He would always come in to the E.R while I waited for my mom or dad to finish up; he would just keep me company. He got me the job in the first place. I feel I owe it to him I guess" I was feeling a little sombre and could use Jack to hug.

Speak of the devil!

Jack and Jeff were turning the corner, talking avidly about something. I wasn't sure. I was a fairly good lip reader- you had to be if you wanted my line of job. I figured that while I was working towards my goal of being a paramedic or a field doctor that I would learn it anyway.

Something about "Whether it..." never mind. I could hear them now. Jack's face lit up as he saw me, and I felt a wave of emotions flood me. He was so stunning in the sun. His ocean blue eyes, it caught my heart and kept me there. My left arm suddenly went numb at the sight of him, his wickedly sexy, but calm, smile that spoke years of confidence in a young man of eighteen.

I smiled and blushed. "Hey gorgeous, how's working going?" Oh that voice. He had me weak kneed again. I refused to move in case I tripped myself on a stone.

"George let me off for today because I shouldn't push myself. I still have cracked ribs" Jack nodded definitely agreeing with George. Then I remembered what he asked me and I was excited to tell him, because I had an idea. A really good idea! It had only just occurred to me about doing this. It was a random and suddenly brilliant stroke of genius that I had to ask.

I was excited and jumping around like a mad energizer bunny. "Oh God! Jack! I'm glad you're here! Listen- If we aren't doing anything on the 4th- Can we go to George's costume party?" I pleaded almost. He obviously loved it because he flashed and amazing grin at me.

"Sure buddy, whatever you want" Damnit Jack! You're killing me! I had to tell him. "Good! Because I want you to dress as Captain America" I said, a little too excitedly. Jack blushed while Jeff and Rob dropped their mouths. "That is an amazing idea! I can't believe I didn't think to put Jack and Captain America together!" Jeff said with such glee on his face.

"Ahh well... He's my favourite Hero" he punched my arm playfully. He was genuinely blushing and just nodded. I'm glad I could make him feel the way he makes me feel. Ironically it was also true. Jack was my hero, my knight in naked armour, and soon to be my new Avenger.

"You're a marvel nut then I take it?"Rob said, cool as a cucumber. I chuckled and then had to admit defeat on this one. "Yes I am. I read the Avengers religiously although it's been a while since I collected. It's usually available for download now."

We walked and talked. Rob explaining how he had always been a X-men nut and had a serious crush on Cyclops despite his mood swings, but that was what was attracted to him about.

Jeff couldn't get into that sort of stuff, and we began talking about costumes. Jeff was going to surprise us, but Rob decided on going as Cyclops, only to decide against it. He wanted to save that for the one he wants later on. I knew that it meant he was saving it for "The one" which I felt it was hocus-pocus. Yet Jack and I are living proof of the one. So Rob too would surprise us. They asked who I was going to be, and I told them to wait and see. It was a tease and I knew it. I could see the excitement building up as they pleaded to tell me who I was going as? They even threw in some good guesses like Iron Man. I just chuckled.

I told them I would see them later on in the week along with Jack and that we could plan more. Tomorrow was specifically for me and Jack. He whistled and made cat-calls at us. Jack was a little taken back because he didn't expect coming from me. "Well when are we going to get the costumes if not tomorrow?" he chuckled and gave me a killer tender kiss.

Later that day, Jack wanted me to come with him to Portland. I guess I haven't mentioned where I studied. Now usually for being a med student I should have gone to an Ivy League university, but I opted out of it. They were far too competitive. So I settled for a college close to Portland. Despite its quiet secluded area, it was well off. It was well funded by private sector trustees and the successful Alumni.

Anywho, we drove to Portland, which wasn't long to be honest. Jack had a Ford Pickup, which I suppose was a common sight in Tucson. Well I didn't know to be honest, I have never lived there, but he said he drove it up here. It was a very sexy red, with a white stripe going around it. It was in really mint condition.

We hit West Burnside and decided to park in a street off the main boulevard. We visited all the usual suspects. Jack seemed to have a thing for spending on me, because he bought our coffee from this cute little coffee shop near the bridge.

We wandered a little bit more though, exchanging stories. I finally got to know Jack a little more. So as Jack told it- he was one of five brothers. They were all very good at what they all do. His brothers (Anthony, Simon, Steven and Brody) were all gifted.

He told me how they each had a love that they followed. Anthony was a seriously good comedian and was chasing up a serious career in New York, Simon a talented Violinist that went to Italy to study Vienna, and its musical history, and was a part of the Italian Philharmonic Orchestra. Steven was an artist, and did a lot of field work. He recently went to Cuba doing some landscape art before being signed up by Avendi, a concept art studio to do some major works on feature length films. Then there was his younger brother Brody. He was a talented baseball player and was captain of the lacrosse team at school.

I was seriously impressed by his family. They had lots to achieve and I felt puny compared to him now. He asked more about me and my family. So I told him that my mother was a child prodigy from the Philippines who worked on the field as a world class paediatrics before being signed on in New York, which eventually lead her to Seattle. My father was born into a wealthy German/American family from Westchester and he grew sick of their snooty attitude before leaving them to take up medicine.

I also told him about my siblings. I mentioned this once, but I told him it would have to wait. We arrived at the costume shop, and went in immediate search for the Captain America costume. So we had moved to the men's section and then sifted through the various costumes- from the Pirate classics to a racy Police Stripper uniform. I showed Jack this one and told him I had to see him in one.

"We'll see. I'm not sure about police uniforms on my body. I think they make my ass look big" I started to laugh hard before there was a pain in my side. We found the Captain America costume and there were two styles: one that was spandex and one that was padded in Lycra. I took the spandex one and gave it to Jack without a second thought. He took it with a grin on his face and then went to locate a changing room. Meanwhile I had sneaked around to find the costume I was looking for, but I wasn't about to have any luck. So I looked for the sales attendant nearby, and when I found him- I was in for a pleasant surprise.

He was a cute brown haired guy with glasses. He had this young Patrick Dempsey look to him that was cute in a way. I could have sworn he was flirting with because he had a dashing smile and an added wink. I asked him where I could get the costume I was looking for and he immediately pointed it to me in my size. After I collected it and paid for it without even bothering to try it on. I knew my size then and there and if it didn't fit perfectly I could always adjust.

So I went to check up on Jack, I searched a couple of fitting rooms which were well lighted, and I recognized his shoes from a distance. So I knocked on the door and he opened it. He was half naked, with the sexy spandex bottoms on. I drank it in and got hard almost straight away. I had to arrange my cock a little and he chuckled. Finally he put the top on and then the mask to complete the look.

He was the spitting image of Captain. Steve Rogers is definitely in the building. "How does it look Dan?" he said giving me a twirl. I was mesmerized. I couldn't move. I wanted to capture this forever. His body was so well formed that the spandex stuck to him perfectly. He just needed the shield, and I had a feeling that the clerk could help us out with that.

"It's...Perfect..." I said, not able to string it together in one sentence. He came over and gave me a peck on the cheek which made me blush hard. PDA wasn't what I expected from someone like him.

So Jack packed it all in a bag and asked me what I got for a costume. I told him it would be a surprise. After buying the costumes, we headed back. I wanted to kiss Jack for his tremendous effort. Things were far easier with him. I felt like sometimes I was missing out on things because my life suddenly felt like a daze, and now, everything was a waking moment worth living for, especially looking at Jack in a red, white, and blue spandex outfit.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Any comments you have please do send them :D- Literally.naked@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 9

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