Jack and Daniel

By Cody Samuels

Published on Jul 4, 2023



Hey y'all

Thanks again for all your feedback! It's great stuff. I was having a rough and tumble part of my long-distance relationship with my current boyfriend/future fiancé. But it's all sorted now.

I do hope you enjoy this. This has references to Michael Jackson's

"Rock with you". R.I.P. Mikey

I want thank Andrew for his awesome editing and brilliant suggestions.

Thanks gorgeous. And also the fans. Keep sending your emails in! I really do appreciate it!

This one is a DOOOZIE of a chapter. I looked at it while I was revising it- 11 pages of pure fun! Thank you all.

Here is Chapter 7

DISCLAIMER: This narrative has scenes of male nudity and sexual acts between two men that readers may find disturbing or inappropriate for ages under 18. Please do not read if you comply with both of those categories.

This is copyrighted to the Nifty Alliance Archive and is exclusively for the readers of this website. Do not attempt to copy this and redistribute. This is for the private and personal viewing pleasure of your own.

The characters are all fictional with vague and few references to real people. If they come across coincidentally as someone in reality please take it as a compliment. Events are also referenced from certain real life scenarios and are fictional. If you have experienced them feel free to contact me about it.

NOTES: This is a fantasy- Reality is different, use a condom.

Chapter VIII- The Garden of Adam

After that furious session of love-fuck-making, I was wiped out. I had an hour to be ready and get to the Groundskeepers office. Which was okay because there was time for me to take a shower and then, obviously, sleep my exhaustion out; at least I thought there was going to be some time for it. Wow! It sounded so normal, so natural for me to think about being ok with something that was as bad as exhaustion.

I had a great feeling in me, like I was suddenly a new man, no longer this cowering bag of self-loathing crap. Let's just face it, I was. But I am still afraid, afraid that I might walk out of the showers only to get beaten again. But as long as my knight in shining (naked let's just say for arguments sake) armour was here, I wasn't going to be afraid, much.

The sun was peeking through the blinds. It was going to be a seriously hot day today. When I checked my phone to see what the temperature would be like, (yes, If I'm going to go college, my Dad insisted on me getting some decent phone to show that I was still "hip" with the crowd), I was right, 95 degrees and not getting any cooler. This would be great for a top-up on my really pale yellowish skin.

I looked like I had jaundice, and I probably did from the way I acted around people; constantly paranoid and thinking the most overly dramatic of thoughts. I had forgotten that Jack was right under me. The cum was still quite moist and the thought of our two bodies- wait! Our two bodies were mingling together like one- it was amazing. I felt every fibre of his strength and definition under my own stomach- (because let's just face it, despite looking like a model, I don't have the tone or the definition. Just a rock solid core.) and his breathing- it was pure ecstasy. It felt like a wave of muscle just rippling up and down.

Jack seemed to be sleeping off his exhaustion. He had a bit of shadow under his eyes and I think I was the cause of it. He still looked like an angel though. Like how they described Gabriel when he came down to see Mary give birth Jesus. His hair, cropped short on the sides (which

I hadn't noticed recently. I think he got it cut... I seemed to be playing catch up to the new things, while still admiring the old things in him) and then layered where his hair at the crown was longer, flowing with gold locks. They waved over his eyes.

It would have been seriously inconvenient for him to have his eyes distracted with hair as he performed. Come to think of it- I still had to see him perform. (I vowed then I would see him perform.) I kissed him on the cheeks and as I got up, I realized I was still in him. I chuckled hard and tried to stifle it.

"What's so funny?" Jack said. Oh god that voice. It was sex on the air waves, my cock stirred in his asshole. "Oh! Hahahaha! You're still in me. You're so big I forget that you're bigger when you get horny" he said with a sultry tone. I had to get out of him before I ended up screwing him and getting all tired before the day started.

"Jack, I've got to go. George won't be happy with me if I'm late on my first day back", I pleaded trying to escape while his legs were around my waist. "Jack! Please!" I begged him. I was getting hard already. He gave me a hurt look at first and the chuckled as he pulled himself up and then wrapped his arms around my neck. "Okay stud. I'll get off.

But it's going to be difficult not wanting you again" he said as he planted his feet gracefully on the bed and remove himself at the same.

I felt naked straight away, not feeling his ass around my cock, which was rock hard all over again.

"Damnit! Daniel! You're so hot!" I just chuckled and decided to not argue with him. We went to the showers together, with Jack looking out for me the entire time. A lot of the students woke up late on a Saturday, but not me. We showered and shared a sensual hug, which led into a tender and powerful make out session under the water.

It was the sexiest thing I had ever done. The tall hunk of a gymnast engulfed me in his powerful arms, and had his hands all over my body like I had with his. I noticed his body had a scar on his back-left side. I had to ask about that at some point.

When we got back, Jack put on some Michael Jackson and then started dancing. "Rock with You" was the song that he played. I didn't know whether this was coincidental, or whether Jack really did know my tastes by raiding my iPod the one day I left it. But I was dancing with him knowing I only had ten minutes. He shimmied his hips towards me, and I found him even hotter as he shook those hips and gave that deep shoulder action. The next thing we knew, we were dancing naked.

Our stiff cocks on each other as we grinded into each other. I couldn't stop laughing as he had his arms around the small of my back. I was turning to jelly. We swayed back and forth, kissing tenderly every now again until the music faded. I didn't know what just happened but we melded very nicely. I put a stop to the music, while Jack checked to make sure my wounds weren't infected. Then he re-dressed me. I told him to use the antiseptic cleaner, and then apply both ibuprofen and healing salves that my mom had prescribed.

His hands sent tingles everywhere, and the hairs on my neck stood on end. He really was a sensual guy with a powerful command of the body.

I guess when you're a gymnast you tend to know the human body too intimately.

I rushed off after getting a black wife beater and a pair of chino shorts (have you noticed my love for chino's in the summer?) and met

George the groundskeeper at the campus tool shed (which was opposite the allotment for the botanical department of the science building).

He had me set up the new orchids for the green houses, and the new geraniums for the summer hedging that was going to go on the allotment at the front of the college (where you would normally welcome people in). George had decided to plant the new geraniums there while I concentrated on the re-hedging on the current campus mini-maze and the orchids.

I had a bit more knowledge on how to tend to orchids than I let on, and I was kind of excited to work in the Greenhouse. It was the first time I had been there since the beating.

I shuddered at the memory of the beating. Let me describe George a little for you. He was a huge guy standing at 6'4 with rusty auburn hair that was cut short and cropped into the flat top; with a rough beard that hid his rather well chiselled jaw line and cheek bones. He was just as hairy as his face was, with body hair poking out in tufts from his tank top. He was wearing shorts and an apron so he wouldn't get dirty. I guess you could say he was a closet lumberjack; he definitely had the bulk and build to take trees down.

I'd gotten to work on the orchids and finished at midday. The greenhouse was murder though. I was sweating buckets and I hadn't even moved much. I'd planted the orchids in a humid section of the greenhouse complex which was domed.

Then I got down to some serious hedge trimming, picking up the shears and swordfish saw from the cabin. I was going fine with the injuries, and just as I got to the cabin, I saw Rob. He was sitting on the benches that were placed near the Cabin that held the usual campus gardening equipment.

Rob was looking hot today. He was wearing a snug white short sleeved shirt and was sporting some serious tan (you could tell he had been taking advantage of the sun).

He had his shirt down to the third button, and he was wearing denim shorts. They looked snug on him too. Damnit, he was just looking fine.

Since coming out to the guys, it was so much easier to talk to him. He was also wearing shades (I think they were Police ones, because of the gold wings that we're integrated into its design on the folds of the glasses where they hooked his ears).

"Hey gorgeous!" Rob was grinning as I approached the Cabin. I felt the heat streak across my sweating face and my ears prickle. Why!? I don't understand it! I'm nothing special! My gut twisted a little. I was anxious and hungry. "Hey yourself Rob. Come into the shed. It`s killer out here, and I need a break"

Rob perked his brow up as if it was an invitation to have sex. I sighed in defeat."So Rob, how come you're hear and not at Pride with Lance and Jeff?" I asked, curious as to why he was here. "Pride doesn't start till two, and even then it won't get started till six. So I figured I could kill time and catch some rays with you" He was checking me out.

I could feel his stare as I went to the cabin's sink to wash my hands off.

"Why do I have a feeling that you just wanted to see me strip in the heat?" I asked. I felt a shiver on the back of my neck. I was turning to jelly. I didn't know that he had moved because the next thing I knew, he was right behind me, putting his hands on my waist.

"Because you're usually right and I did want to see you half naked" he said as he pressed his hard on against my butt crack. Oh shit- I'm going to get into so much trouble! "Ugh. Which half did you want to see?" I asked, being curious and adventurous rather than scared. I felt safe with Rob. For some reason I knew he wouldn't take total advantage.

He then grabbed my ass and reached around to feel for my throbbing cock through my chinos. "This half" he said, with a bit of lust in his voice. I just laughed and then turned around to him, wiping my wet hands on his body. "Oh you're a fucking tease Daniel!"

"What?! I was only trying to dry myself! Geez, get your mind out of the gutter and into reality". I went to the fridge and looked at what was there:

Yogurt, Smoothies, Juices, and a Brioche. I think George had sussed out my preference to healthy eating. I pulled out a OJ smoothie and offered one to Rob. He took it out of my hand and gripped mine at the same time.

"Rob, I kind of need that hand for work" I said, chuckling at his forwardness. "No you don't. You can use it to relax and do nothing. However, if it does need work, I know of a hedge that needs some serious work" as he pointed to his crotch with his eyes.

I chuckled again, trying to stifle a laugh. My ribs started to hurt and I couldn't breathe much. Rob saw the change and immediately apologized. I told him it was ok, that I just needed to rest and get the medicine down me. He found my medication in the cupboard and helped out by grabbing a glass of water.

We spent most of my half hour break talking. I told him about my family, how I have two younger siblings- Lukas and Adrienne. I told him I used to have an older brother. He tried to pursue it further but I shook my head, the emotions were raw and always had been. It was tough dealing with that subject. Jack is only person so far I was close enough to feel "comfortable" about telling. But I know I would break down in front of him, and I couldn't do that here. I didn't have the strength for that.

Rob saw my face and watched the tears form. He stopped and then changed subject to the things I liked. He was being awfully inquisitive. I wanted to know why, but he just casually dismissed my curiosity to his questioning by saying "You're far more interesting than me. Tell me more". So I told him that since I was young, I had always wanted to be a field doctor or a paramedic; working on the scene rather than treating people and watching them heal. I felt it was important that the first thing that a person saw, after their health fails on them due to something physical, was a person who was caring and strong to help them through it.

Rob seemed to light up at hearing that because he said something shocking and astounding to me-. "Daniel, you are the most selfless person I've met. A lot of these med students want to be doctors and to actually just earn more money. Besides Lance, you seem so intent on being there for people". I was touched. I got a little misty eyed and squeezed his leg mouthing thank you to him.

I think that set of a different tone to the conversation, because he started asking about my sex life. I told him nothing because I did nothing. He was seriously shocked. He kept saying how much of a liar I was, and I got stung by that comment. "I don't think I have any reason to be dishonest. Hell Rob, I don't even think I'm remotely as attractive as you say I am. So why would I lie?" I was getting worked up and the old emotions came kicking back up again. I stifled them before anything could go further and drank the OJ that was getting a little warm in my hand.

Rob went silent for a while, wondering if he had said something wrong.

"It's okay Rob. You still find it difficult that I don't think any of these things. But honestly I don't. If you knew my history then you would understand. Right now I don't think I feel like talking a-a-about it" I was stammering to get the last couple of words out. Damn it was difficult talking about what I wanted. Rob just looked crest fallen, his smile faded and he just seemed to hang his head. I tried to cheer him up and ran my fingers through his hair.

"I'll let you make it up to me if you want" His eyes lit up again as if itching to get back my affection. What the fuck was so nice about my affection? So I walked into the cabin to wash up and Rob embraced me in a hug. I winced at first because his fingers touched on my side wounds (the spot where the bruises were still healing).

"What would you have me do then?" Rob said sincerely. "Rob, I'm new to this whole thing. I don't know anything when it comes to pleasing a man" I said, extremely embarrassed I had let that out. I could feel the heat across my face and the weird tightening in my skin that said I was blushing.

"Well, consider this an education in how to please a man so you can please the man of your choice" he said with a sincere tone. No jealously, no hurt. "What did you mean by that?" I said, a little perplexed and I let my facial expression speak for me. "Oh it's obvious Daniel. You've got the serious hots for Jack, as Jack does for you." Rob said with a teasing tone.

"Oh come off it! Honestly! Am I that obvious?" I said, a little hysterical. "Oh yeah buddy, you are!" I was getting hard in his presence. The fact he was the second body I had been intimately close with, I wasn't sure how this was going to pan out. Rob grabbed my crotch and squeezed my hard on.

I moaned a little and he had a big grin.

Jack was alone today. He was kitted out in his leotard and had the gymnasium on his own. He began to do a series of stretches and lunges to get his body warmed up. But every time he moved, he always thought of Daniel; wondered what his awesomely cute boyfriend was doing.

Now Jack wasn't a jealous guy. But since Daniel had entered his life, he had become a little bit more wary. When he first saw Daniel lug his stuff into his room and fall on his own bag, Jack had constantly been thinking of him, the cute brown haired guy, with these austere green eyes that always said "Help me". To Jack, he was such a perfect being. He had the body of a real hard worker. Dense and solid with an amazing set of shoulders and pecs on him.

He was so attracted to him that he actually became shy. Not knowing how to go about courting this gorgeous exotic guy. And as the weeks progressed he would always offer to help Daniel out, who seemed distant and almost fearful despite his size and build. He was certainly shorter than Jack and reached about 5'9-10ish.

Daniel had this aroma to him. And despite most of Jack's effort to not be so obviously enraptured by his gorgeous roommate, it always got to him. Daniel smelled of the fresh waters you get from the water falls, or in beaches. He was refreshing, and a note of musk that was obviously belonging to him, although it was really subtle.

Jack would often think about Daniel so much that when he went to shower all he would ever do was relieve himself, wishing Daniel was his so he could enjoy his body, and make him feel good. That's all Jack wanted- to make Daniel feel happy in his arms. He felt a twinge of emotion rip through his heart. It was painful to see Daniel hurt, especially since the beating.

That fucked up jerk of a jock, John, had screwed Daniel over big time. Daniel was all battered, bruised, and destroyed. Seeing and remembering Daniel's poor, beat up face in ruins, and his beautiful body in tatters just sent wave after wave of pain that crushed him like a vice; forcing him to hold his left arm. It was a powerful memory. After seeing red and rocketing John through the exit of the shower room, Jack immediately called for the hospital and waited with him; lying to the nurse that he was Daniel's brother.

He would be there for days on end, waiting and watching at the agonizing look of Daniel. Plugged up and needled with tubes running around from his body. When Dr Linda Lechner (which was his mom) came in and wondered why some man had lied to be with his son, she had figured out straight away that this more than just a friendship; this was love. The rest of the memories followed in quick bursts.

Daniel was always on his mind. He always worried about his gentle and beautiful man.

Jack decided that trampolines were what he was going to focus on. He was good at everything else, but trampolines had scared the life out of him. He remembered his first cat, Felix, was thrown from out the balcony of his house, bounced onto the trampoline, and was run over by a car.

Jack mounted the trampoline and then started to gain the momentum.

With twenty minutes passing, he had begun doing vaults, twists, and pikes. At one point he even dared himself to do a double twist pike. He attempted it and then felt the twist of fear knot up in his stomach as he landed. He stopped straight there and allowed himself to lose momentum before stopping with his feet; knees bent to reduce the shock to his spine.

Jeff had been watching the entire time and he too was in his leotard.

Jeff and Jack were both from the same high school and entered college at different times because of their age difference. Jack always looked like the older one due to his height and maturity while really Jeff was the dark horse. Something about him kept people on their toes, especially Jack.

"Hey buddy. I see your still attempting the double half twist pike.

That's always a tricky one." Jeff said with a sincere smile on his face. Jack looked him up and down. Despite having seen him naked, knowing all of his body, and seeing it before, sometimes Jack felt the heat of attraction snake its way from Jeff's body down to his cock and give it a good strangle.

Jeff was a bit lithe than he was. He had wiry muscles that were packed densely and there was definition in the guy, but he always kept it modest- out of habit. Jeff came from a Mormon family but didn't embrace the religion. Despite having Mormon parents, they were okay with this, his homosexuality too, oddly enough. It was very weird.

"Yeah. I'm trying more every time but trampolines scare the hell out of me."

"It's a fear that you're coping really well with. And you don't necessarily need it for the state championship. Just leave the Trampoline to me and Shane. You've got enough on your plate with the pommel horse, floor, still rings, and both bars" Jeff exclaimed. He was ecstatic that Jack was doing these things and really taking them on, despite his height. Tall men didn't do so well with the trampoline and the floor exercise, but Jack seemed to take to as a natural thing.

Jeff and Jack had spent several hours working on Jack's floor routine and his pommel horse. Jeff couldn't stop admiring how beautiful and feline Jack was. He communicated really well with his body and it was amazing how he could tell a story with his movements. Jeff felt a certain sadness as Jack used slow and powerful handstands, twists, full Russian twirls and double pikes to perform. Well executed. He even watched how his big cock was shaped in his leotard

They stopped for the day and Jack felt the drain in his body. While he drank his shake, Jeff sat down eying up how fit and toned Jack was.

"So... You and Daniel?" he said, careful not to keep eye contact with

Jack. "Yeah what about us?" Jack said wiping off the shake that spilled onto his cheek. Jeff still kept his head down.

"You really do love him don't you?"

"Of course I do. If you were in my position wouldn't you?"

"No! I'm not saying that it's bad Jack. It's just... "

"Jeff...You're my best friend. Of course I love you, but the way a guy loves his best friend. We can do stuff if you want, but I want to ask

Daniel if it's okay to do it. But you know since Leila, I haven't gotten my game around you."

Jeff sniffed. It hurt him to have that said to him. See despite him being older, Jack was always the mature one of the two. Right now his left hand was throbbing with pain and he was doing the best he could do to keep the tears from seeping through. Jack felt the hurt coming from him.

"I'm sorry buddy if I messed you up with your emotions. I feel like a jerk now." Jack said soberly. He felt a little sick. "It's ok Jack. I knew that if we had a sexual relationship that there wouldn't be room for emotions. And that hottie Daniel seriously has every right to have you. Especially after all the crap he's been through"

"Yeah" was all that Jack managed to pull off.

"Let's hit the showers and we can go visit him."

Jeff headed into the showers, first with Jack in pursuit. Jack had started to strip already as he walked through the passageway into the lockers and shower room. Jeff, who was completely unaware of Jack's nudity, turned to ask him a question, and was shocked to see Jack already naked in the locker room. Well almost, as Jack paced his thumbs into his Jock and ripped them off from his body.

Jeff looked at his body hungrily. Even though they did share the showers and were on the same team all the time, Jeff rarely got to see Jack naked. And when he was naked, damn was he a fine sight. Jeff watched his pectorals and the clefts of his abs ripple away. He wanted to touch them with his hands and feel the raw strength; only to have his eyes stray further down to Jack's juicy jock cock. Jack had seen how Jeff was eying his cock and was getting slightly hard from being around him.

'I'm getting my game back!' Jack thought. He felt guilty immediately and thought about his sexy Daniel, and how he might feel about him and Jeff doing it in the showers. But, Daniel didn't know whether he was with Jack or not. The love was there and Jack knew it. It was a simple case of waiting for Daniel to want to become exclusive. There was so much he had missed growing up.

Jeff had already stripped by then, and Jack couldn't help but stare and Jeff's seriously cute bubble butt, which puffed out a little, and had a serious firmness too it. His eyes ended on his cock. Jeff was hard and dripping already. He came over and grabbed Jeff immediately, which he gasped at and let out a soft moan."Jack! Dude! That feels so good!" Jeff assured him. Jack rubbed the slick pre-cum forming at slit of his cock and rubbed it down the underside of his cock. Jeff shivered and moaned at Jack's cock stroking skills.

Jack led Jeff by his cock to the showers. The shower had these sensors that you had to pass a hand over to start it. One for cold and one for hot. Jack had to adjust it a little by waving his hands twice on each side. There the water poured on and relieved them from the stifling 90 plus degree heat.

Jeff came closer and pressed his dick between Jack's cock and leg and started grinding. Jack chuckled a little and then went down on his knees, grabbing Jeff's extremely swollen cock and began to kiss/suck his engorged cock-head. Jeff had to grip the shower walls. Jack was sucking so hard that his knees were buckling. Jack gripped onto his cock and began pumping as he was sucking.

It became a quick suck fest as Jack took Jeff and his seven plus hard cock deeper into his mouth until it hit the back of his throat. Jeff was moaning hard at this point. Despite the cool water bouncing on their naked bodies, they both burned, Jeff was reaching that climax soon. Jack's awesome mouth was sending waves of sex all over him and it shook his body.

Jeff even reached down for his almost loose pucker and rubbed circles around it.

He was so close. Jack was getting off from sucking Jeff and pumping himself; the sexual pressure was engulfing him. Jack was feeling the climax too and it was intense. Jeff's balls tightened up and his muscles became stone rigid. He let out a roar of satisfaction and gripped onto Jack's head.

They both came at the same time, which was often for the two. Jack had always expected that only him and Jeff would be so synchronized. But with Daniel, he felt extremely connected. Like he felt his heart beat. His breathing, and the elation from the orgasm that he just couldn't achieve with other guys. Was Jack really becoming a little bit monogamous? Or was Daniel just so hot that he could make him cream his pants and not touch his cock?

They showered each other and shared a long embrace. Which led to a few moments of kissing, affection, and the swapping of Jeff's cum in Jack's mouth before getting changed to meet Daniel at the Garden.

Rob rubbed the hard-on that was bursting to come out of my shorts. It was really hot here all of a sudden and I felt a need to release in my boxer shorts. He had me hooked and started exploring my body with a very firm hand. But he was taking it in, feeling me through the fabrics.

He had me take of my tank, and then ran his finger along the top of the bandages. It was really erotic how he was and wasn't touching my skin and making me feel really bothered. My skin broke out in goose bumps. He leaned in closer and I felt his breath on my neck, which made me tense with excitement. He told me to relax and I tried but my breathing was ragged and I really needed release. I was getting seriously humid in my boxers and Rob could certainly feel the heat.

He ground his hips into mine and I immediately felt his seven on my 8 plus. He was seriously shocked when he touched and grinded on me. Then his face turned from shock to serious excitement as he slid down and pulled down both my boxer shorts and my shorts. My raging hard cock flicked up and sprayed a webbing of pre-cum on his face. He was in awe and I didn't get it! I had nothing! Really it was more of a abnormally freaky dick than anything else.

"OH GOD! You're just full of fucking HOT surprises Daniel! If I had known you were packing this, I would have had you plow me silly" I chuckled and thought to myself `that's what he said'. He began worshiping my dick in an unusual fashion; he stroked the underside of my dick and then rubbed his thumb on the spine. I was shivering and gripping the sink for dear life. I wanted to go on the spot.

"Rob! Don't! I might cum" I said weakly. He did stop. He stopped and gave a wickedly sexy grin that made me buckle. He put his hand between my legs saying "Whoa boy, easy there" I was in shock. His fingers were in my ass crack, massaging and stroking my hole. I was going weak in the knees. I felt the sexual tremors erupt everywhere from my crotch.

I suddenly felt engulfed in his warm mouth which was wet and hungry for something, I just couldn't figure out what it was.

I felt him struggle to take me in. He already had me as far as the back of this throat and he was clenching so hard. It felt amazing. I was moaning softly and creaming myself. He even had his finger in me already. I felt it probing and sensually stroking me inside.

Oh it was crazy! Rob was giving me such good head, sucked like a Dyson; so hard and powerful, yet sexual at the same time. I was feeling the pressure build up in my head as the sensations began to get harder and harder, hitting me in angry waves. I was being overwhelmed with the feelings of his Rob's hot sexy wet mouth all over my dick, and his skilled fingers in my ass, massaging my prostate crazy.

I blacked out and gasped hard as I started cumming. I shot hard with orgasm hammering me into submission. I kept shooting so much Rob was unable to keep it locked in his mouth. It started to seep a little from the corners of his mouth. It was so sexy. I was cumming until the ninth rope and then I just collapsed onto the kitchen sink.

"Oh Holy Hell! Robert! Your mouth! You're so amazing!" I gushed. He chuckled as he tried to wipe off the cum from his face, but I stopped his hands and then brought him up to lick my cum off his face. I tasted weirdly different. I had never tasted myself and I always imagined something nasty. To my surprise I was actually a like a shake- Vanilla that is.

I kissed Rob tenderly on the lips and felt his hard-on pulsating and wanting so much release. There was a huge wet spot on his crotch and I wanted so bad to deal with it. The next thing I knew, I was ripping off his pants; his legs were serious stuff, hard calves and thick thighs for good pounding. Then his cock, which leaned to the right (probably because he is a left-handed jerker) was a good seven plus.

It had a few veins popping out, but the most interesting fact about

Rob's hard cock was that he was uncut. I rolled the skin down gently (because that's how you deal with them, not to rip the damn thing down), and he moaned softly.

This was my first time sucking cock, and I gotta admit, I wanted to suck Jack off big time. But Rob was the nearest available cock at hand. I had to chuckle at myself before thinking how much of a pervert

I had become. I don't know what had gotten into me. It was like a demon suddenly took over and was hell bent on pleasing the world using my body. I think I could get used to that.

So I started slow and started to lick and kiss the underside of his sensitive and engorged cock. It was throbbing so hard and he was making such sexy sex faces that I could tell that if I took him into my mouth me might blow his lid. I liked the power though; I felt totally empowered for once in my life. Like I had the power to please and do anything I wanted. So I did. I wanted Rob to be weak in the knees just like I was.

I licked the base of his hard red cock and then ran it up the underside spine until I reach the tip of his juicy head and then sucked off the pre-cum. Oh! Yum! This was what the others were talking about in those porn movies - "Adam's love juice". It was so tangy and so...delicious. I wanted more. So I ran all of my tongue down his shaft and Rob was letting off soft pleads, "Oh god! Stop it Dan! Oh God! This is torture!". Well I didn't have him restrained, so he could have stopped me. I think he really wanted release.

I just kept at it though. Eventually sucking my way like you would suck a dripping ice Popsicle when it was melting, from the base to the top. Rob was at this point buckling. His knees were getting really weak and I loved it! I loved this attention! SHIT! I'm turning into some whore! I secretly loved it, but what if my secret came out to some.. I had to stop that train of thought, the best way I could think of.

I plunged my entire mouth around his cock and he yelped and gasped for air. "Daniel! Fuck you're such a good cock sucker! Fucking A! You're so good! You love to suck cock so good!" he was saying to me with ragged breaths in the intervals. That got me off so much I was hard all over again and dripping. I plunged deeper before I realized I had a gag reflex! Damnit! I choked a little and breathed in before I started to feel sick. I kept it as far as I could into my mouth, but I still didn't have him in me completely!

Holy shit! How does Jack do this? I clamped my tongue hard and pushed it to the roof of my mouth. He was going crazy. His breaths even more ragged and the sex travelling through his cock and leaking more pre-cum into my mouth. I sucked hard now! I wanted his cum! I wanted his juice! I wanted ! I wanted... and I got!

He came so hard that he hit the back of my throat and nearly drowned me in cum. He was fucking my face and I realized that I wasn't gagging. My face was buried nose deep in his pubic hair, and the smell was amazing! I was being drowned and I was still breathing! I swallowed as much as I could. Rob spasmed and yelling "Ohhh! God!Oh God!". The cum was seeping from my mouth and onto my cheeks. He tasted salty sweet. It was just so yummy!

After the tenth rope (Oh god he really needed that release), he released my head and I looked up at him. He was grinned so wide that he looked like the Cheshire cat. Shit eating grin! He loved it! I wasn't going to get slated! At least I hoped not! And then he too kissed me and exchanged his cum from my mouth with his spit.

At knock came on the door and I panicked. We both had our pants down on this one and we forgot to lock the door! Shit! Who was it!? Oh Fuck! We're in trouble now! Panic was written all over our cum covered faces!

Next: Chapter 8

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