Jack and Daniel

By Cody Samuels

Published on Jun 30, 2023



Hey guys!

Thanks for your awesome responses so far- If it wasn't for them I wouldn't be through SIX CHAPTERS! I'm a bit surprised myself! I thought this story would get slated straight away. Again I am constantly open to any opinions and comments you have.

I would also like to dedicate this chapter to my new Editor- Andrew. He's kindly offered to proof a lot of my work, despite my impatient streak to release them. I seem to be putting out more than he can handle. Thanks a bunch Andrew, Chapter Six is for you.

DISCLAIMER: This narrative has scenes of male nudity and sexual acts between two men that readers may find disturbing or inappropriate for ages under 18. Please do not read if you comply with both of those categories.

This is copyrighted to the Nifty Alliance Archive and is exclusively for the readers of this website. Do not attempt to copy this and redistribute. This is for the private and personal viewing pleasure of your own.

The characters are all fictional with vague and few references to real people. If they come across coincidentally as someone in reality please take it as a compliment. Events are also referenced from certain real life scenarios and are fictional. If you have experienced them feel free to contact me about it.

NOTES: This is a fantasy- Reality is different, use a condom.

Enjoy folks

Chapter VI: So Fast So Furious

Jack and I met up with Jeff downstairs after our little shower escapade. I felt weirdly different, almost confident. Although I still had my lingering fears deep inside- I felt that with Jack around, I wouldn't have to worry, too much. I didn't want to make a show of holding hands. I didn't like public displays of affection, or as my best and only friend Maddy would say: PDA scenes. Which reminded me, I needed to call her within the next week.

But Jack did put an arm around me. He was tall enough to do so, and I felt safe than as a trophy boyfriend. Jeff was giggling and making boyfriend cusses at us when we met up with Rob and Lance. I felt tension at first, worried in case that something might go completely wrong. My stomach tensed as they exchanged names and majors.

Jeff was a Sports Science Major while Lance and Rob were Med majors. I thought this was the biggest collision in subject and people cliques. But it turned out that it went well.

Jack assured me with a grin because he sensed what I had sensed too: That

Lance and Rob were really friendly for other reasons besides being classmates. When Jeff's hand met Rob's hand, they lingered for a little bit as they smiled at each other and that confirmed my suspicions.

And just as I thought things might take a turn for the worst, Lance also had the same reaction to our new red-headed friend. I even saw thumb-rolling actions from Lance as he gripped and massaged the meaty web like muscle between the thumb and index finger.

The chemistry was electric as they got off to a good start. They all introduced a little about each other and then began exchanging who was in who's classes. It turns out that Rob and Jeff have the same English literature classes and Lance had the same political sciences as Jeff. Even though Jeff was a sophomore, he was talking to two guys who had skipped freshman subjects on the basis of their grades and recommendations. It was getting very electric as they all chatted away fervently.

Jack enjoyed the exchanged and I watched him smile every now and again. I was hung up con Jack completely. His facial expressions were always expressive I offered to grab trays for people and asked what they wanted- and it was interesting how they had all picked the same thing to eat.

They all chose the hot and spicy stuff, which was a surprised because normally guys just avoid the spicy stuff all together unless they want to spend their time on the toilet- yeah I think that's enough information.

As I got up to grab food, Jack followed me- and after my protests of telling him to stay put while I got the food he pointed out that I was in no condition to be refusing his help on two occasions: Because we were an

"item" and that made me shudder with excitement and the other was that I was injured. I just smiled at his thoughtfulness. "I think your friends are both in the closet but enjoy being there" Jack casually commented. I gave him a shocked look and he just chuckled ruffling my hair. "Look at them. They're macho and very straight- and it's hard to tell"

"Oh? How do you know their "closet" gay guys" I said, being a little forthright with my comment. I felt a twitch of excitement in my pants as my cock decided it wanted to hear our conversation and snake out of my left boxer leg.

"When they looked you up and down like a prize treasure" Jack said with a huge grin on his face. I couldn't believe this. Me? Hot? Fucking A! that's got to be some sort of hoax. He looked at me and as if he had read my mind he said "Daniel, you've got to accept the facts- you don't look like a nerd. You look like you're supposed to be signed up to a magazine or fashion label" he said even more casually.

I began to choke when the lady asked for my order. I stammered before Jack interrupted. The lady giggled and gave us an extra helping. I looked at him with bewilderment. How did he manage to get her to suck up to him? What was so special about what he did? And then I realized as he flashed his sexy lop-sided grin at me. I think he genuinely has a different style of grin for different situations. It caught me off caught and I was chuckling away. That's how he did it.

Then Jack nudged me on the arm. I winced and he looked at me concern filling up those oceanic pools. "I'm sorry Dan. I keep forgetting about your cracked ribs" I just nodded to confirm his apology. "Just wanted you to see what happened. But I guess you're about to find out yourself"

When we came back, trays loaded and put them down the table, I couldn't help but noticed that the seating arrangement had changed on the circular tables. Jeff was sandwiched between Lance and Rob. Could this get any hotter?

Rob had a arm over the even more redder Jeff, and Lance had both of his hands somewhere that I couldn't see. As we were eating there were several moments in which we would all laugh and someone would feel my leg with their own and run it up and down, causing me to drop my cutlery and cough in surprise. It was Jeff.

I knew it was because every time I looked up I went crimson as he grinned at me. I was so new to this flirting business and I didn't know what was a "hit" and what wasn't. I must have been oblivious to the hits Rob and Lance made on me, because now they were full steam ahead. They just put a hand on my hand, wink at me, and the occasional leg stroking which sent me rock hard.

Jack was getting his fair share too, although he was taking it much better than I was. He didn't feign anything. He blushed, he chuckled and every time there was a leg rubbing, I would also be caught. WHAT WAS GOING

ON!? I had butterflies all over the place and my cock was so hard from all that male body contact that I could have sworn there was a little wet patch on my chinos. Damnit!

So we'd finished eating and took the time to enjoy the company of each other and we traded life facts. I told the guys more about myself like the fact my favourite artist was Daft Punk which at that point, Jack chuckled and reached behind me to squeeze my ass playfully. I chuckled and they all started talking about music tastes, with Lance and Jack getting slated by

Jeff about their love for Jazz.

Jack manages to put an arm around me casually despite how hot he felt. I thought it was just him and his usual sexiness getting to me but I think he had tried to work the nerve to actually do it. Rob and Lance perked a brow and then Jeff razzed us by saying "So, what's with the show of affection Jack- I thought you were a free agent".

Jack was about to say something when I butted in and stammered my way into an answer by saying "I-I-I-...We're in a close relationship at the moment. I finally told Jack that I was-" I gulped and the guys just grinned at me.

"Gay". Rob's eyes bugged out and a grin broke out on his face. I could feel myself smile as well as Jack slipped a hand into my pants and I smiled back at Rob.

"Welcome to the club dude!" was all Rob said before his arm was put over my shoulder on top of Jack's. I could feel his skin heat up even more. I think he was really getting off on all this male attention. I knew I certainly was. I was blushing. I didn't know what to think at this point other than to free this monster that was in my pants that kept throbbing for its attention. "It was about time too. We didn't think you'd come out in time for Gay Pride" I nearly choked as he said that.

"What me?! Go to Pride? Dude I only just came out- Let me get comfy with my situation first" I said in panic. Rob just chuckled and ruffled my hair. "That's alright. I know it's tough getting used to being out. But!- If it's ok with you Jack, I'd like to show Daniel a really good time" which of course Jack was only too happy to let him.

I was glad that Jack was ok with my exploring. I didn't feel quite ready for "the relationship" even though I really did love Jack. "Yeah sure I guess. Just make sure you don't hurt him or anything. I don't want him coming back all hurt now" Jack had a lot of passion behind what he said. He really meant it. So I leaned towards him and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. I felt a little bold probably because I felt the guys were egging me on. I guess I was slowly getting over my shyness. Jack blushed and I smiled a huge grin.

"Thanks Jack- My knight in naked Armour!" I'd always wanted to say that.

They all laughed and started to tease me about being all soppy and doing too much PDA for one day. "But I can't. I'm working at the campus garden for their next botanical project, so I gotta make sure it's all set or they don't pay me" Rob's face fell almost instantly as it had lit up. I had to find a way of cheering him up at least. I hated making people feel crap. I don't like it, so why should I do it to them huh?

"But you can see me work if you want- it gets awfully hot out there and well. You might get a good view" that put a smile back on his face and a hard on in his pants. I didn't get it! Why!? Why am I such a turn on to guys? Jack saw the look I was giving and again with his mind reading business he said "He still doesn't understand how hot he really is. Tell him guys" Lance just chuckled and blew me a kiss telling me that how I should have been every gay guy's pin up.

Jeff well- I couldn't really tell what he was thinking. I had the more insane grin I had seen, like the Joker. "Ah hell!" I felt the buzz and it was moving through my veins and making me all excited and a little sticky in my boxers. "You can all come and see me after pride if you want" that got them talking about what they would see and what they would be doing to distract me while I was planting and plowing. I think Jack even mentioned that he wanted to do some plowing too as he winked at me. I was in fits giggling and wheezing for breath.

We arranged to meet up at different times but I knew I would be seeing Rob sometimes soon. God damn that guy, he was fine. I had to remind myself of how much he made my cock stir in my boxers. He had a swimmers body and then some, with the hunches on his shoulders from the weight lifting and then of course there was his body and his dick. I wondered what he packed down there. Wow! No paranoid thoughts either! I could get used to being out!

It was late and it was just me and Jack as we walked back to our dorms. I stripped quietly and watched as Jack used his bare strength to remove the little table that was between our beds. He was amazingly strong despite his size. Well ok so a six foot blond with so much muscle definition you could make out Johnny Cash's face on it if he contorted them right, he was definitely powerful. I was about to help him with pushing the beds together when he stopped me, and as a show of his macho strength, he did it without breaking a sweat.

I saw a lot of boxes that were from under his bed, shoe boxes and shoes. I saw one clear box and wondered what was in that thing. He shoved it under our make shift double bed, and then he stripped and motioned me towards him. I was still transfixed at his show of strength. It sent heat all over my body and made me really horned up. He could see it and was smiled seductively. I went straight to him. I don't know what it is with me and

Jack, I don't have it with other people. But I am at his beck and call, every time he wants something, I can sense it and get it for him without saying much. Every time he feels my need for him, somehow he's here. It was weird and I loved it. I loved every bit of attention he gave me.

It was also good that he didn't seem to dote on me. I needed to confront him about that, later. I jumped into bed with him (carefully) and I slid into his hug, putting my body in perfect symmetry. It was a perfect fit. I was just small enough to lay my head onto his bicep, on the nook near the shoulder, and still touch his toes with mine.

I felt his dick wedge into my ass crack and pull a couple of thrusts. I really wanted it now. My cock was bouncing all over the place and leaking crazy. "Jack...Are you ok?"

"Yeah why shouldn't I be?" he said with a smooth and low tone. My ears pricked up and my spine shivered. Damn if I was standing, he would have turned me into silly putty.

"It's just that... I know you wanted to tell Jeff I was your boyfriend-" he cut me off straight away by kissing the back of my neck. Again, I lost my ability to speak.

"It's ok. You only just came out. You're eighteen, and I've been out for a while. I understand what you want to do-" and then I pushed my ass crack into his throbbing cock to shut up him. I got a good hard-man-moan from him.

"Thank you... I hoped so much that you would understand. I love you though. I won't let my heart go to anyone else. I'm yours. I was yours the moment I laid eyes on you" I said to him in a quiet voice. God that was horrifically corny I thought to myself. I had to resist cringing, but I couldn't so my toes curled and my ass cheeks squeezed his dick hard. He moaned again

"Dude! Daniel! Carry on with that amazing butt clenches and I will plow you into tomorrow. Forget the gardening buddy, I'm going to plow that sweet rosebud of yours to next week" he said huskily and the note of sex, seduction and lust in his voice. At that point I forgot my words and it took me a while to regroup my brain cells, or lack of them since the afternoon as he licked the side of my neck and my shoulder. I had a soft spot somewhere there that would shut me up.

I had to muster my thoughts quickly because an important, and then I lost it again. It took me a minute to remember what I was straining to say when he let up on the kissing. This question was probing in my head since we had met Jeff. "When Jeff said- `Anything for you Jack', I thought that straight away that there was something more to you two than friends-"

"We're ex boyfriends. He lives two doors down from my house in Tucson" he said, finished my question and answering it at the same time.

"Oh...do you-"

"Still have feelings for him? No. Our relationship was purely based on sex and exploration. But we're really good friends as a result. He's the reason

I split from my ex girlfriend." Jack grew sombre as he said it.

"Oh.. We don't have to-" I tried to assure him it was ok not to talk about it but he interrupted again. I wasn't fussed. I loved the way he was finishing and answering my questions.

"Leila walked in on me fucking Jeff and him moaning. She thought I was just best friend buddies, but it turns out we were more than just that. She left the house crying as I tried to explain, but she wouldn't have any of it. She told me she couldn't look at me the same way again. She felt disgusted and that she couldn't handle that I had turned to homosexuality. She felt like she repulsed men." He was dark at this point. His voice and his body felt cold. I turned around to look him in the face and he was a little teary and misty eyed.

I kissed him on the lips tenderly before letting him continue.

"I felt terrible that I had done that to her and by then I couldn't even speak to Jeff. I wasn't able to get my game on when I was around him because of the way I mistreated Leila. So I cornered her the next day and convinced her she was not repulsive. That she was one fine girl, and she was. She had fair brown hair and the most amazing curves in the world. So as an act of good faith and genuinely love- I helped her find someone special again. And she did. At least I hope she is anyway"

He said this with such sincerity that I couldn't help but kiss him again, a bit more intensely.

"Thanks for sharing that with me." I said.

"No Daniel- thank you for letting me share it with you. You're just too much of a treasure." He kissed my head and then I turned around and let him spoon me as he put me to sleep with his deep breathes.

The next morning I woke up, a little earlier than him. It was seven and I felt him breathe all over my shoulder and I had the morning wood, A really dangerously hard morning wood. I looked at him sleeping soundly with his angel face and his blond locks falling on his eyes. It was sexy. He was sexy. I felt the huge urge to just kiss him despite my cotton mouth and bad sleep breath. I did it anyway. I cupped his face and gave him an intense kiss, probing his mouth with my tongue. Even with my morning breath and his morning breath he tasted amazing despite my usual thoughts of "disgusting morning bacteria". Orange squash from last night- Hmmm.

Jack woke up slowly and started to reciprocate back, and the next thing I knew, I was on top of him, making out with him and pushing my ass crack onto his dangerously throbbing morning wood. I was in bliss, feeling his powerful and large eight plus tool massaging my ass, and slicking my hole and loosening me up.

Jack tapped my shoulder and I pulled up and looked into his deep ocean eyes. "That was the best way to wake up ever. Having some hot model straddle you and worship your cock with his ass." he gave my ass a good hard grope, with his finger slipping near my crack. I moaned. And then I looked at Jack with an intense wanting stare. My cock was aching for attention- his. "Jack..fuck me...make love to me.. I want you in me" I said with a dangerous morning husky voice. He went wild and put me on my back, and used the pre-cum that had leaked on his abs and rubbed his finger up against my hole.

This was sending fire through my sex. I was all over the place. I was moaning and groaning and he had touched my throbbing dick year. "Wow Daniel. Your monster is getting even bigger. That's really hot!" he said as he leaned over my parted legs and kissed me hard. He raised my feet right until I felt the pain in my ribs. I winced a little and used the pain to arouse myself even more. My nipples were so hard and he noticed that so he tweaked them and teased them with his finger tips.

"Oh god Jack! Stop! You're going to make me cum" I said wanting to prevent myself from cumming until he was in me. Jack just chuckled and then tweaked my nipple again. I leaked a huge globule of cum into my stomach.

"Just tell me if it hurts" he said as he began pushing a finger in. I just moaned and groaned as he kept sliding in digits. It was so arousing how he used the width of his fingers and did circular motions around the walls of my puckered hole. I was going crazy, I wanted him in me so bad. My body was aching for him in me. I was biting my pillow.

And then Jack placed his well lubed dickhead into my ass crack. And I felt it slowly enter me. I had to take a sharp breath as it my hole clamped to early. Jack groaned and wanted to be in me quick. So he pushed harder with his tool, and just like that- he slid in perfectly and hit me on the prostate. I yelled in pleasure. I was in bliss. And so was he. I felt my

asshole contract so hard, I could have sworn I might cut the circulation off him. At least I thought I did. It was a little painful.

"OH GOD! DANIEL! YOUR AMAZING! You're so TIGHT!" he yelled. I don't know what the neighbours will think but it made me chuckle. If I had heard it I would get an instant hard on. I looked up to him and once the pain had subsided I nodded so he could continue. He pulled out and left the head of his dick in my ass hole, and I immediately felt really empty. I wanted him back in, and just like that- he plowed me hard, and I shudder with ecstasy as the pleasure and amazing feeling of sex travelled from my prostate all over my body throughout my veins, down my legs and made my toes curl and then up to my fingers where they gripped the seats.

Every thrust made me moan hard and quiet because it was so intense. He repeatedly plowed me and hit my prostate and I was so close! I felt the pressure build in my ears, the sense of elation swallowed me and I tore the sheets apart as I came hard- The volleys of cum sprayed out like a volcano and then just continued to spray my body. I got it on my forehead, I got it on my shoulder. It caused me to clamp down so hard on Jack that he too came at the same time.

We connected then and there. It was so symbiotic. I felt like I was him and he was me and yet we were each other. I felt his exhaustion. I felt his orgasm, I felt his dick in my hole. It was so intense. And Jack had the look of extreme bliss and jealously, wanting the same feeling I wanted. And I wasn't out yet! I wanted more! I really wanted more! This sex was amazing! My first time and Jack made me cum the same time as him!

"Fuck me now! Daniel you hot stud! I want you to plow me with your monster!" he said with a raw husky voice. A fog came over me and I suddenly felt this animal urge to grab him, and throw him onto the bed and then use the cum on my body to lube his sweet rosebud pucker of an asshole. He was moaning and groaning and still hard from the sex. What was with us?! We were animals! It was like we had been caged all our lives and now we were out for meat! For sex!

I copied Jack exactly with his method. One first, in circling motions, getting deeper, and then inserted another one and then circled and then three. I got to four and Jack was groaning and picking up the bit of fabric

I had torn from the sheets. "Daniel! Fuck me!" he said with a desperate pleading. I was horned up all over again! I put my mushroom headed dick into his puckered and I was immediately worried

"Jack! Are you sure?!" I became immediately terrified. He touched my hand in a lustful way and looked at me with his animal passion in his eyes "I want you in me! I can handle any pain!" I was still wary though, but It gave me courage. I pushed my rather large dickhead into his asshole. You don't seem to know what you're like until you use your tool.

And I was now scared that my tool may hurt Jack. His hips bucked wanting me in him. So I pushed in slowly and he was groaning and squeezing his eyes shut and breathing ragged.

I was almost in there when he told me to stop and let him adjust. I did and

I waited for him to feel comfortable before I pushed myself all the way until I hit my balls into his ass. There! All nine inches of me. He was amazed, and he pulled himself up and kissed me before he completely parted his legs. Jack was extremely flexible I gave him that. And then I understood what he was on about. Because I said it too "OH GOD! JACK! Your AMAZING TOO!, So Strong! And Tight! And Hot! You're a God!" Yelled a little too loud. And then I looked at him as he mouth 'fuck me'.

I retracted all the way until my mushroom dick head came all the way back and I looked at his face. He looked a little pained and I understand what the look I had was when he left my hole for a little bit. It made me want to make him cream his pants.

So I pushed in and he groaned really loud. And I plowed him again, feeling him tighten up big time. I was going crazy here as I held his legs apart and ramming him in the ass. I plowed hard and felt all of him flex and writhe around my dick. I was on fire! Our sex was on fire! I was so hot and so close to coming, that I kept pushing and hitting this swollen thing that cushioned my dickhead and then tensed. It must be his prostate. I carried on plowing him, and the sweat was getting to me, I was so close. I felt the familiar pressure build and engulf me like a tsunami! Jack came the instant

I felt it. His ass clamped down on me HARD! And I came that instant in him.

My ass relaxed completely as I convulsed and plowed. Jack looked like he was roaring silently and I closed my eyes hard from the intensity of the waves.

And then I collapsed on him after finishing up filling him. I had cum on my bandages, leaking from my asshole, on my face , on my stomach, on my arm, and now it mixed in with Jacks. I kissed him hard and said to him in a tired voice-

"Jack- I love you. And you're a fucking Sex God"

"You're not so shabby yourself you fucking stud. I love you too"

Any comments you have would be appreciated- Literally.naked@gmail.com

4th Of July Special coming up soon :D

Next: Chapter 7

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