Jack and Daniel

By Cody Samuels

Published on Jun 28, 2023



Hey guys!

I'm glad to have such a responsive crowd of readers. Keep the emails coming in because they're what keep this alive! I appreciate all comments. All criticism is welcome too. I've been getting a few requests for Jack and Daniel to remain a little more innocent- we'll just have to see won't we?

DISCLAIMER: This narrative has scenes of male nudity and sexual acts between two men that readers may find disturbing or inappropriate for ages under 18. Please do not read if you comply with both of those categories.

This is copyrighted to the Nifty Alliance Archive and is exclusively for the readers of this website. Do not attempt to copy this and redistribute. This is for the private and personal viewing pleasure of your own.

The characters are all fictional with vague and few references to real people. If they come across coincidentally as someone in reality please take it as a compliment. Events are also referenced from certain real life scenarios and are fictional. If you have experienced them feel free to contact me about it.

NOTES: This is a fantasy- Reality is different, use a condom.

Enjoy this chapter


Chapter V: Full Circle.

I reeled back. Did he say that? Really? Not out of spite? Not out of hurt? Just purely because he did and there was no denying it? It all made sense. I had flashbacks of the times that he had helped me out with the bandages, tending to my wounds, promising to help me out because I was a bag of emotional destruction.

And even before the beating, he was still nice. Albeit a little forward sometimes that I would get scared and run off into a lab and start working.

And then I thought more carefully. It wasn't the teachers and the professors who were forcing me to do all this extra work- It was me! All to avoid this Adonis. The guy who claimed a stake of my life by saving it. Shit this was getting very heavy.

I stopped crying and turned around, and there he was. The brown locks waving in the sun, his eyes glistening with moisture and augmenting that DEADLY mixture of blue eyes that seemed as deep as the oceans as they were wide, looking at me.

I saw his jaw flexing hard and grinding. Worrying about me yet again. It was what I had noticed him doing when he was stressed- grinding his jaw. And I noticed he didn't wear a T-shirt on. But in this weather it was permissible.

Maybe he should have worn a T-shirt, because that body and those pectoral muscles were enough to gouge an eye or two out. I had to chuckle and he gave me an inquisitive perking of the brow.

He offered me up and again I felt this feeling of safety wand strength and calmness wash over me. Always this happened when I was in his arms. I couldn't identify it before because of fear. It clouded even my best judgments. I breathed in deeply and placed my head on his shoulders.

We both sighed relief. That was the one burden we both happily accepted release off. We got back to our dorms, and I felt emotionally spent. And drained too.

Jack looked at me almost knowingly as if he had known me for years and then embraced me in a hug from behind. "I'm glad you told me that. I was worried that you might go nuts before you told me how you felt about me" he said.

His smooth and easy to listen voice sent shivers up and down my spine and made my cock swell and feel a little chubby.

"How...did you know how I felt about you?" I asked, genuinely curious about how he knew. "It's not that difficult to spot someone who is in love. And the way you look at me. I kept falling for you every single time." He paused for a moment to kiss me on my neck. My hands went limp completely and my dick just went full mast and kept trying to snake its way free from its fabric prison. It almost hurt. I shuffled around my underwear a little so my dick poked out of the keyhole in my boxers.

Jack noticed this and laughed. "What d'you mean? Kept falling for me every single time?" I asked Jack, trying to divert my obvious arousal. "I wanted you ever since you lugged your poor suitcase up here and tripped over mine.

I mean you were so damn cute and fine. The way how you were so apologetic, it made me burn to just hold you and kiss you" he said and again with this voice. It sounded like a pure baritone saxophone just belting its sexy tones out.

I went weak again after regaining composure. And then he kissed high up neck, near the mastoid behind my ears. I bit my lip wanting to just kiss him.

"I didn't! If only I had known!" I said, squeezing his biceps with force and lust. I turned around and I was met with a huge grin. I was lost in the moment. His eyes just kept a hold of me as he edged closer and brought his body towards me. I felt his raging hard on press onto mine. I felt a sharp intake of breath from my side as he put his head closer to mine. His nose skimmed mine, his lips brushed on mine. I felt his hot breath and mine mix and the humidity in the room suddenly climbed.

I grabbed him and our lips connected in a smooth, moist motion. I felt his lips at first and I was gagging for more. So I went in again and gave him a powerful kiss, biting his bottom lip along the way. As we made out I felt his tongue invade my mouth and I was a awash with this powerful feelings of lust. I couldn't it anymore. His hard dick was rubbing onto mine.

I felt my jeans soak up the pre-cum and his shorts started to feel a little wet. We broke for air and opened my eyes. "Well. You know now." Jack said, again a grin with his face. I remember watching a stand up show of Eddie Murphy once, and he had always said that the young ones only had one expression for sex: that was the expression of surprise as we were getting fucked because we were getting fucked.

That was the face I was pulling. It was hard to get a grasp of this hot stud actually having the hots for me. "I've wanted you for so long Daniel. And when you walked in today, dancing to one of my favourite albums, I wanted to kiss you, and fuck your brains silly" he said with a fire. I had never heard Jack be like this. So primal and fiery.

I was getting turned on by it. "Jack- You can do that any time because I've always wanted you to fuck me silly"

And with that Jack enveloped me again in a hot fiery kiss. His tongue invaded my mouth and watering all over. His hands roamed around my body with a feverish heat like slow lava.

He placed his hands on my chest and ran them along the cleft in my pecs. They travelled down along my treasure trail of dark brown hair, feeling the solid muscle on my stomach. My hands were roaming too, along his nipples which were hard as I brushed my fingertips on them. I gave them a good squeeze and twist and he moaned. Our lips just meeting as his breathes became slightly ragged.

He looked at me with lust and threw me on the bed. I landed flat on my back and winced a little as I felt the pain from my sides. I forgot I still had cracked ribs. Jack gave me an apologetic look and kissed me tenderly as he straddled me. He looked so fine from where I was laying, His muscles rippling and his cock just itching to be attended to in those short shorts.

Jack was undressing me at this point, pulling the buttons off one by one, slowly. It was agonizing. His fingertips would brush along my skin every now and again. He stripped me of my shirt and then of my jeans and looked at my boxers. There was a huge wet patch that made me look like I had peed myself. He dived into it and started breathing the sweet smell of my cum from the fabric and started to lick it.

I was going Gaga! No one had ever done this to me before. And the fact that

Jack was doing it sent me into overdrive. I had to stop him by grabbing his hair in came. He understood too well. I didn't plan on this next bit but he pulled down his shorts and I watched as his rock hard 8 plus just flicked out. He WENT COMMANDO! Oh shit!

It was dripping pre cum and he was all hot and bothered. He ripped off my boxers too and then began to straddle me, upside down. Oh shit I was one lucky guy! I felt his abs with my hands and then I saw his cock, dripping, oozing and jumping for attention. I had to have it. I licked my lips- which were moist from the kiss and I took his cock into my mouth.

I flicked my tongue over his slit and tasted his cum. Oh god! He also tasted amazing. It was sweeter than anything. I started to suck hard, taking more of him in me. Jack was groaning and moaning. It must have felt amazing because I also felt the flick of warm hear over my dickhead. I went rigid and started to moan too. The vibrations in my mouth as I moaned caused Jack to grunt as his breathe was getting ragged.

I had never done this before, I felt inexperienced and naive thinking I could do what the porn stars did in those films. But it was more than that, I felt a carnal-sexual-instinct take over doing everything I needed, and wanted.

I felt my cock engulfed in a brilliant warm heat. He had me in his mouth!

SHIT! It felt awesome! It was so amazing! And what's more is, I felt his nose on the base of my balls! Oh god this was amazing! I couldn't concentrate on him. I just sucked and moaned around his dick and reached for his balls to start playing with it. Rolling it around and wrapping my fingers around the base so could squeeze it. He tensed and groaned too. It was just pure bliss! I was about to go over the board.

I felt his fingers roam around my ass crack, as he massaged it up and down.

I was moaning repeatedly, again "hmmm! Hmmm!" he felt my climax was coming as I tensed up and sucked even harder. I felt my balls up as his ones did.

And I felt a sharp push in his finger and he inserted it into my hole. I was really vocal at this point because I was almost there. We sucked each other so hard, and then he pushed once more and I felt it- all of my pressure exploded as I came.

I felt him come too because I was suddenly being drowned in cum. I started to swallow hard, taking in all of his hot man juice, hot rope after rope.. I drank it up greedily as if I had not been fed. He tasted so amazing, sweet and salty with a note of Banana.

I just continued sucking him as I came. His hips bucked as he pushed deeper into my mouth. I didn't know I was already bucking myself. I just let him suck me dry. After the fourth rope it was more than I could handle as his cum started over-flowing from my mouth and dribbled along my cheeks in hot lava flows.

I was spent. The wave of orgasm that was hitting me just crashed over. I was still feeling the aftershock as Jack turned, lying next to me on his stomach with his hand over my chest. I looked at him and he was grinning like the Joker. I didn't get why he was so happy, but it made me smile too.

He dipped his head towards me and started the licking the side of my jaw. It was such a sexual thing and he continued licking upwards, along my cheek and to my mouth. He was licking his cum off my face. Oh that was hot!

He kissed me and we mixed the taste of each other's cum as we kissed before he licked the rest of the cum from my lips. I noticed he had some cum on his upper lip and it made me hungry to kiss him. So I did, and as I kissed him enveloped his top lip, sucking the cum off and then bit it.

"What's going on in Daniel's mind?" Jack said, staring at me. I blushed and

I couldn't help it. He was being caring and concerned again. "How much I've wanted to have you with me and to fuck me silly" Jack laughed and kissed my cheek before he got up and waved me to come with him.

He grabbed a towel and I did the same, noting that he wanted to take a shower with me. We walked out after dressing ourselves and going to the RA to get keys to the disabled shower.

The cute RA who we eyed up was Jeff. He was about 5'9 and shorter than Jack but taller than me. He had the air of authority and confidence around him. His smile was disarming and he was the cutest red-head I had seen in a while. His green eyes were austere and he looked like a swimmer, judging by his narrow shoulders and his tightly packed physique.

"What can I do for you two fine looking guys on this nice summers evening"

Jeff said, propping his hand on the door frame and leaning on it. He was very southern and he just made you want to sling an arm over his shoulders

and pinch his cheeks. All four of them. Where was this confidence coming from? I could feel myself smile and Jack looked at me with a smile I hadn't seen before. It was the "loved up look". Damn he was proud to flash me about.

"We would like the keys to the Disabled shower room. Daniel here has some bandages that need re-dressing and after the incident in the shower rooms three weeks ago, we wouldn't like to take any precautions" Jack said. He was amazing when he was in control. So powerful and dominant. Jeff smiled and checked out Jack. I'd forgotten how buff Jack was. He wasn't wearing a

T-shirt again, opting to control the heat with less clothes.

"Sure thing Jack, Anything for you" Jeff winked at him and I was a little confused as he looked at me and also gave me a wink- what did that mean?

Jeff went to his cupboard and fiddled about with a few things which I assumed was the safe box for the keys to some of the places the RA was responsible. Jeff came back with a set of keys and handed them to Jack, with a grin on his face.

I got extremely embarrassed thinking that Jack had set me up on some prank- but Jack cared for me, so that was just plain stupid to abuse someone's trust by pulling a prank after you've told them you care about them.

I went into over drive again and my brain was sizzled. I stepped behind Jack feeling a little shy and stupid after my reaction and Jack had noticed, but didn't want to bring any attention to me in case Jeff noticed. "Thanks Jeff, right we'll be on our way" and started to make our way to the showers before Jeff hollered at us.

"Hey guys! Listen would you like to meet up with me for Dinner?" Jeff said, with an eager shit-eating grin. I think he knew about us. And Jack certainly outed us by putting an arm around me in a possessive but friendly manner. "Yeah sure! We'd love to! Say at seven when you're ready- unless you have other plans Daniel?" I loved it when he used my full name.

But I started to stammer because of my earlier over-reaction. It always had

a way of lingering and scaring me into not saying anything coherent. "Sh-sh-sure! I'm meeting up Rob and Lance then. We should all meet up and have dinner together" Jeff pumped the air with his hand and then said we would see him later.

Jack had a shit eating grin on himself too. And then he did the most surprising thing I had ever experience. He kissed me on the cheek- in public. Oh shit was I turning to Jelly.

"Relax Daniel. You'll be ok- No one's going to hurt you will I'm around. And If they do- we'll double team them and take them out, how does that sound?" Jack said. His grin made me smile and melt all in one go. I just nodded. I couldn't trust my voice. I just couldn't. In case I started to stammer and get nervous butterflies popping out of my mouth.

We enjoyed a really sensual shower, with him undressing the wounds on my body and checking up to see how my scabs were healing up nicely before putting us into the booth. I had never felt this sort of contact with guys on this level before, especially with a male lover.

He didn't hold back though- he explored my body from feeling my shoulders despite not being broad, he told me how much he really liked them and how if I had continued to do more defined exercise. Not that he wanted me to change of course.

"Just as long as you want it with all your heart then I'll be with you every step of the way"

He was just awesome. He kissed me sweetly on the lips and then washed my wounds carefully in the heat and then went down and paid lots of attention to my ass, kneading it with the flat of my palms. This was really relaxing and really erotic too. My "enormous" hard on was bouncing up and down from the constant blood flow, asking for attention. Jack also paid a lot of attention two other areas- the pucker that was my asshole and my dick.

He kept worshiping it and I really felt on display and awkward. How could this Adonis of a gymnast really be worshiping a geeky nerdy med student's cock? Wait that sounded really hot. Jack sucked me off while fingering me which was a really tender new moment for me, despite having only done it a while ago and made me cum again. He took it hungrily and I licked the rest of it from his face before going down on him too.

Despite hearing his protests, He quickly acquiesced when I engulfed his dick in my mouth and started sucking hard. I didn't need to imagine much because he just as tasty as a lollipop. I just kept sucking and he was moaning and groaning as I reached up and twisted his nipples. He was getting off big time- and I thought this might be my first time to try and finger him too.

So I felt up his ass crack and rubbed my fingers along his sweet and soft pucker. Jack grunted and was breathing raggedly which was a good sign. I looked up as I sucked him off and he was intensely at me before he closed his eyes.

I pushed my finger into him without knowing and I felt him tighten around my finger. It was so tight. It felt like one of those jumbo elastic

bands being wrapped around my index finger. His balls pulled up and his body felt stone like as he came in my mouth. Again so much more than the last time as it was flowing freely from the sides of my mouth and onto my cheeks.

I still hadn't realized that I had pushed my fingers into him and was feeling his prostate. He didn't have the sensitivity issue and he was still moaning before he tapped my shoulders to stop sucking and fingering me.

I got up and pulled my fingers out of his ass. He just looked so amazing as he rested his hands on the wall, backing me onto the shower wall to kiss me.

We held each other in a quiet passionate kiss where he had me swept off the floor slightly as I rubbed my hands on his chest-feeling his heart beat and his sexy body under my fingers.

Jack re-dressed me and made sure that none of my wounds had opened up and put more of this aloe-vera and antibacterial salve so that I would heal faster. We headed back and got changed. Jack into a really nice pair of shorts from some English company called Pringle with a chequered pattern.

It hugged him so well around the ass and just ended on the knees and a green polo top from Abercrombie. I just put on a pair of camel coloured chinos and a white t-shirt that was a bit more fitted. I hadn't worn fitted in a while because it chaffed my wounds on the sides.

Jack was giving me such a look that made me feel really awkward. And he sensed that and he came over, and grabbed my head gently and gave me a quick intense kiss. "You're so hot, you know that Daniel?" Jack said, with a new grin on him. His eyes were intense and his grin just flashed those teeth that made me swoon.

"You know Jack I-I-I-I don't think I could get used to you throwing compliments at me like that when it should be you. You're the gorgeous guy with everything" I said with a huge blush and a grip to his forearm.

"We're going to have to work on that self esteem of yours at some point. I bet the guys will even tell you you're hot" My eyes bugged out and I started to panic.

"Hey-Hey! It's ok! Jeff plays for us too. He's gay! And I bet your two other friends are too" I hadn't thought about that before but it might be true. I guess we were going to figure that out soon.

"So, you ready gorgeous?" he asked me. His smile just turned my legs into putty. "Ready as I'll ever be"

"Good. Because I don't wanna keep Jeff waiting. I wanna tell him that I have a new boyfriend"

Wow- Boyfriend?

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Next: Chapter 6

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