Jack and Daniel

By Cody Samuels

Published on Jun 27, 2023



Hey guys- thanks for the support and encouragement that you've given me. I hope that you guys have been itching to hear what happens next to Daniel.

For those of you have experienced this sort of trauma from being Bullied or abused etc- Please feel free to send me an email.

It's good to talk and we all need a shoulder to lean on once in a while.

DISCLAIMER: This narrative has scenes of male nudity and sexual act between two men that readers may find disturbing or inappropriate for ages under 18. Please do not read if you comply with both of those categories.

This is copyrighted to the Nifty Alliance Archive and is exclusively for the readers of this website. Do not attempt to copy this and redistribute. This is for the private and personal viewing pleasure of your own.

The characters are all fictional with vague and few references to real people. If they come across coincidentally as someone in reality please take it as a compliment. Events are also referenced from certain real life scenarios and are fictional. If you have experienced them feel free to contact me about it.

NOTES: This is a fantasy- Reality is different, use a condom.

Chapter IV: Hidden Secrets

The next morning after some rough trouble sleeping and a check up from Jack to see if he was ok, I woke up with more sharp pains on my side. I didn't take my pills from last night. "Shit" I cursed quietly. I was going to have to remember to take Tylenol and ibuprofen the next time, and to not rush my dinner in my mouth.

I had gotten really worked up yesterday with Lance and not meeting Jack on time. It made me feel shit and all horrible and gooey on the inside because I knew I missed out on knowing two really great and cute guys.

It wasn't often though that I had guys talk to me. I was usually the awkward one and make the conversation stiff and almost hostile. I had to be. My survival instincts always told me- never let your guard down. Always act straight, think straight be straight. Straight, straight FUCKING straight!

It was getting ridiculous, and out of hand. I felt myself writhe in my invisible restraints. It was tiresome having to keep secrets from Lance and Jack. I wanted to tell him both I'm gay and hope that they didn't pick up the next chair the saw to beat me down with.

I started to hyperventilate at that point at thought of Jack and Lance pounding me to death. My logic senses were tingling and something told me that I was just being irrational. Who was telling it- me or some random force that I don't have a belief system for?

When I looked at the clock and saw I only had twenty minutes to get to class, I stopped caring and started running around like a lunatic as best as my broken-yet-mending body could take me. I broke to a swift jog as I reached the lecture hall with time to spare. Today's theory wasn't that intensive. I had even managed to answer a question: Something that RARELY happened due to my introvert nature and shyness. The Professor smiled at me as if to say well done.

My Professor, Professor Rocco Silvoni was a weird character. There was something about him that made me think whether he was too nice and genuinely a good man, or whether there were dark thoughts in line for me because he had a Gaydar and could figure me out in a second so he could send me to the hounds for "chew toy" sessions.

This sent me into another panic attack as I was hyperventilating quietly to avoid any attention.

After I got over my little and rather over the top panic attack, He was already on the next topic when he turned around, My eyes averted not to the board as he was demonstrating a certain theory about Schrödinger's cat and how it can both live and die while, actually you don't need to know that.

While I he was giving a description I was actually staring at his bubble butt and how they seem to stick out well in those caramel cream tapered trousers.

I wondered how they felt. And then he turned again to find that I could see his 5 o'clock shadow very well. A little too well actually.

I had a bit of a knack for spotting things out of things like that and then estimating the size for fun. I thought 3' flaccid and 6 hard. I laughed inside my head which made me smile and give Professor Silvoni a weird look at my face, and then I thought about Lance and wondered how big he was under that cute Tennis Player's frame he had. He had very dense and strong forearms. It only let me to believe that he worked both hands hard on his tennis racket shaft. And then there was Jack, which made me swoon and drop my pencil involuntarily. That guy- was something else.

My emotions started to boil like a stew getting to a good heat intensity. I thought of all the times Jack had touched me and sent shivers up and down my spine, making me break out in Goosebumps and getting me so hard that I was dripping.

I felt my erection popping from the key-hole in my boxer briefs and hitting my lap hard. I shuffled around to get into the right position so that no one could see how hard I had become. But I guess it was a little late for that.

I had noticed my pencil wasn't in my hands, and that it had fallen, and as I bent down from my seat to pick it up- I felt someone's eyes on me.

My classmate, who was next to me and I think he went by the name of Rob had caught my eye. He was grinning widely and I didn't know why. He pointed at my tenting trousers with his eyes and then pointed down to his now tenting shorts. I was in shock. I couldn't believe how he was getting off watching me. I didn't know what to do.

My body was already reacting in ways I didn't expect it to as I started to blush and rub my privates. 'WHATT!! What am I doing!?' I panicked. My head was a swim with all these thoughts and erection moments and the idea of Jack the Jock who had a big cock being in my mind invading my current thoughts and penetrating my in ways I- wait. He hasn't even penetrated me yet and I'm thinking lewd thoughts already. Oh god damn. Help me out please!

The bells rang, signalling the end of class as the Professor was handing out the next set of assignments for our Chemistry and Physics.

I quickly grabbed the paper and nearly ran out of the classroom before the

Professor could actually haul me for any more classes.

I saw the guy who I knew as Rob and he approached me from the side as if to stop me from exiting the door. I didn't know what to do. I was in a panic. I didn't want the extra work today. I wanted to get out and see Jack, I wanted to see him again, have him feel my body, have- Oh god. He really has got me.

Rob stopped me by putting a hand on my shoulder. "Hey buddy, what's the rush? Is everything ok?" he seemed concerned. What they hell was with the concern? I felt like a special needs case. I just nodded because I didn't trust what came out of my mouth, especially if I was thinking about saying that kind of crap. I think this is why I didn't have many friends.

"It's ok I ain't going to attack you. I just wanted to say Hi and wondered if you wanted to come to lunch with me?" again, he was very charming. He introduced himself but I had already known his name, and he had also become acquainted with me. I didn't know whether to be alarmed that he knew my name and might know more about me or thankful for being frank and straight (funny because I'm not) to the point.

Let me tell you about Rob quickly. He was the guy that reminded me of Lukas in One tree hill. I think he was Chad Michael Murray. He had the same deep set eyes that hid the topaz colour, and he had the cute frat boy look to him. His hair was in waves rather than straight out. He was a brunette rather than a blonde, and he had a really slim but dense build, like he was made from forged steel. I could feel it in his hands.

My semi hard on reacted to his touched and the next thing I knew I was heading out with him to the Cafeteria, where he had agreed to join in with my lunch date with Lance. HA! A lunch date with Lance. This was getting more and more freakier. I didn't realise how paper obvious I was as a hidden closet guy.

If I didn't know any better and my spider senses were tingling- I would say I was Peter Parker after the radioactive spider bit him and turned him into Spiderman. Unless I became "Magnetman" from the amount of people I was pulling. I started to panic though. What if it was this whole scenario was just a trap to get me into a college prank.

I haven't been a subject to one and after the gay bashing in the showers I hoped that I wouldn't be in another one again. Fear was setting in. Rob could see the look in my face and put a hand on my shoulder.

"Dude are you ok?" Rob said, again with the concern on his face. It keeps getting me how people can be so nice sometimes. I felt my sides pang a little and I checked my backpack pockets for some of those painkillers and antibiotics Mom prescribed me.

"Yeah I should be ok. I just need to relax a little. I rarely have someone act so nice to me" I looked up to see Rob's expression. He seemed to be beaming at my compliment to him, even though I didn't think it was a compliment.

"Buddy sit down and I'll grab you something to eat" he offered, as he took down what I wanted and then headed off. I heard Lance scoot up next to me so I could feel his thigh next to mine. Lance really liked his physical contact. It kinda made me flush a little.

"You ok Dan? You look a little flushed?" he had a bit of a chirpier tone to him. He reminded me of a Labrador Retriever. Well just his attitude anyway. His hair was immaculate, blond and in waves that seemed to shimmer. When

I had first met him, I didn't quite take his appearance in with more detail, but now that it was broad daylight I could really pay attention to him.

So again with the Tennis Player build. He reminded me of Andy Roddick, except with more hair and a really charming smile. I think the thing that really gets me when I look at him is his teeth. They looked too perfect.

I wasn't paying attention to what he was saying next so I had to ask him to say it once more.

He asked me how class was for me, and what I thought about Professor Silvoni's ass. Wait? Did I hear that right? I think he meant assignment.

I had to double take for second and ask the question "Did you say "his ass?" or "his assignment?"

Lance roared with laughter, he was smacking the table in pure fits, and he laughed so much, he had gotten me into a fit of chuckles too. Rob had both trays in his hands and handed me the Fried fish and fries. "What's got you two in fits?" he asked, wanting to join in the fun.

"Oh we were. Hahahahaha! We were talking about Prof. Silvoni's 'ass'" I chortled out. It prompted a really funny look with Rob, he lifted a brow as if to say "what the fuck?" So I explained how it came about and he started laughing too. This was something new to me. I felt clueless about making jokes. Or even initiating one.

We talked together about classes, who was in what and what we were all doing. Man that seemed confusing. And it turns out that Rob is studying to be a surgeon in the neurology field and Lance wanted to become a physician. When it came to me I told them I still haven't decided if I am going to specialise or not, but If I was, I would probably be a neurologist like my dad.

At that point Lance started boasting to Rob about who my parents were. Rob's face made me blush hard as he gawked.

"I didn't know your Parents were residents at Seattle Grace! Who are they?"

He asked. I told them about Linda and Julian Lechner, my Mom and Dad and he freaked. He said he had been in a car accident once and he showed me the scars on his left side and told me that my parents were the once who tended to his concussion and injuries when he was a kid.

When I got a glimpse of Rob's toned sides and his abs, I felt my cock stir and become a semi. So much flesh and I had only known him three hours. The scar ran from the back of his left side all the way down like a gash to his "Belt of Atlas".

It was sexy. He really had a nice body, even if I saw a bit. He saw the look on my face and then patted my cheek playfully. "I got that from the glass from my side window. The car was tipped on its right hand side and I was shotgun. When they got me out, I didn't see that there was a bit of glass jutting out, and so it tore at my sides. I mean it's just a flesh wound. Minor incision at best" he said, dismissing my early worry on my face.

"Don't worry you can see it again if you want" Rob said. I didn't know whether to blush or to flip him the bird. Why was he trying to out me? Lance chuckled and said "I wouldn't mind seeing that again. Have you got any other scars hidden?"

It turns out that Rob is a bit more accident prone that I thought. Well accident magnet would be the right way to say it. He had a scar running along the back of his triceps on his left arm.

He flexed it to show there wasn't any pain but this came from a wooden slat as he dropped it while making a cupboard. His biceps and triceps despite being scarred were still impressively built.

Lance couldn't stop ooggling at him. I had a feeling that there was more to

Rob and Lance than I first though. I didn't know what their agenda was. Why was I always thinking about the agenda? I didn't realise then and there how much of a complete nut case I could be. I think at that point I had stopped thinking and started getting hard.

Lance was absent minded fondling with the zip of my flies.

My eyes bugged out. The little motions of him flicking the zip latch up and down were touching the head of my dick. I grew hard almost instantly. I think Lance noticed it too but was too busy thinking about what Rob must look like under that T-shirt as he showed us the scar on his collarbone. He had a gash from when it made contact with something or other but I didn't pay attention.

I tried to concentrate but my body was on "hard on mode". I tried to concentrate on eating food, so I picked up the fries and my immediate thought was to bend down and suck on Lance's dick. I don't think he would have liked me comparing his dick to a French fry but I was more interested in the motion.

I tapped Lance's hand because it was seriously distracting. Rob had stopped discussing his scars after that one on his collar bone.

"Daniel, your face is flushing. Are you ok?" Rob had asked. I dismissed his concern quickly by nodding my head, not wanting to draw any attention to my own throbbing hard on. So I quietly continued lunch and eating while Lance and Rob talked away, sometimes giving me a glance to check if I was ok.

I had retracted for fear of being outed. Damn that wasn't a good way to make friends. I summoned the courage to explain myself by taking a deep breath after I had eaten. "I'm sorry if I seemed spooked guys. I-I-I" I took a deep breath again once I felt my chest tighten and the gashes and wounds hurting a little. I even felt the cracked ribs thrumming a little. Rob and Lance waited for me to say something.

As if what I would say would be the only thing that would make things move forward. It made me smile when that happened. They were genuinely concerned. "I don't have a lot of friends and when you guys decided to be mine. Well. I didn't know how to react. So I guess what I'm trying to say is thanks. Thanks for being just you guys"

I felt the tension release and I found myself thinking about what they would say next and what they thought of me. Rob smiled and Lance just chuckled.

"No problem Dan. I gotta admit. You're a little more friendlier that I thought you would be. I thought that after something as traumatic as what happened to you, that you wouldn't want to open to being making friends" Rob said with a cheery disposition. It was really infectious because the next thing I knew I was smiling.

We talked more though, about ourselves. Rob lived in Missouri with his Mom and Dad, he had a younger sister called Peyton. Lance told me more about himself and I was quiet astonished to find out he was Canadian. I didn't think he was. But there we go. He lives in Calgary and is staying with his Aunt Jennifer and Uncle Reese since the start of term, and they only live in Portland which wasn't too far from the College.

I told them more about myself too, nothing to interesting, and they were quiet surprised to find out that I was actually a mix of German and Filipino. They said I didn't look it but I had an interesting mix.

I found myself in good spirits when I left the cafeteria for the next lesson. Everything just sped by and I found myself talking to people was getting easier.

At one point I even had a good hearty discussion with a really cute

Jock named James and his girlfriend Lola about what it was like to be in a relationship. Come five o'clock I was starting to feel a little tired. I needed to take a shower since I didn't take one this morning.

So once I got to my door, I just walked in to hear the sound of Daft Punk. One of my favourite Artists. I always had a thing for that artist.

It took over my body and made me move in ways I didn't think I could do even with my injuries. I found myself swinging and shaking my body in places I didn't think I was able to move since the beat up. It was Voyager.

The song had a way with me. It took over my body and it made me just dance over the place, swinging my hips, rolling my shoulders, and even bouncing a little on my feet. I kept on dancing, enjoying the time to myself and I didn't notice Jack in the room, in his boxers, with a huge hard-on, enjoying the performance I was giving him. I was totally oblivious. Until he lowered the volume.

I stopped dead in my tracks, and I immediately panicked. HO! SHIT! What did I just do?

"Why did you stop? I was enjoying your moves. Daniel you really do have some awesome moves" he said. Oh god if only you knew how much of a hard-on your voice gave me. If I had to put two and two together, he sounded like a really young George Clooney. It got me. I started to stammer and he got up to shush me.

"Dude you need to easy up. Just enjoy yourself. Go with the flow" I felt his body come up from behind me. I felt his dick press against my pants. God he was awesome- I could feel the heat resonate from his skin, and the muscles that wrapped around my body. I was in bliss. My ears warmed quickly, I felt the prickle of goose bumps all over my arms and on my shoulders. I felt my nipples suddenly getting so hard. And it wasn't even cold.

Then the funniest thing happened. Jazz came on. It was Michael Bublé. It started with a small opening riff on the double bass, and I felt his hips swaying with me as he started to sway and then put his arms around me.

I had the jitters. I don't know what it was. He just had me wrapped around his little finger and Gravity just centred around him.

"Call me irresponsible, yes I'm unreliable, but its

undeniably true, that I'm irresponsibly mad for you" he sung in unison.

It made me die on the spot. I couldn't do shit. My knees buckled and he just laughed.

"What's up Dan?" he said casually as he turned me around and looked me in the eyes intensely with those blue blue oh so blue eyes. It got me his body- he trapped me.

I was just hot, bothered, horny, and wanting Jack so badly. Then he let me go and ruffle my head as I sat back on my bed, trying to remember how to breathe. He turned the music down and then decided to put it on his headphones. So there he was reading and writing on his bed, completely naked except for briefs, and he even clenched his ass cheeks whenever he pondered his deep thoughts.

I just wanted to grab that ass, feel his ass crack and run my fingers along them until I found his tight puckered whole and then blow him off at the same time. My mind was in confusion, my heart was suddenly going overboard and then something triggered in me as I remember the beating all over again.

I remember the guy pounding me on the shoulder as I went down, and then beating my face and kicking me in the ribs multiple times until Jack stopped him.

Shuddered again and tears started to flow freely from my eyes as I recalled other beatings where I had been tied to the baseball field fences and then slapped and punched repeatedly by guys and girls while I was in my boxers and then they stripped me in front of everyone. They all laughed calling me "mighty midget" and "wee little hobbit".

I was convulsing and shaking hard from the trauma and the relived memories. Jack was already by my side as he hushed and cooed me soft soothing words. He kept asking me with his worried tone that made me even more sick and horrid because I couldn't tell him how I felt. I couldn't tell him what I was fearing and feeling.

"Daniel! Daniel! What's wrong buddy! Your freaking me out! You gotta tell me what's wrong so I can help you fix it!" Jack was suddenly getting a little bit caught up because his eyes were tearing up. It was so much to bear.

I couldn't handle it. I tried to break free from his embrace and run, but he kept me firmly in place with easy. I was sobbing hard and painfully. I felt like I was dying inside because I couldn't be brave enough to tell him how I felt about him without fearing for my life.

"Daniel! Come on! Throw me a bone. Your really scaring me! I care about you! What's wrong? You can tell me and It will never leave this room. I promise!" I cried harder.

He was so nice. I didn't deserve him. I was in such pain that my veins in my arms were overloading and I felt my left hand go so numb from the pain that I was feeling. Not telling him I loved him for saving my life. From the pain I had with so many people beating me up and hurting me throughout my life. For the ever suffering parent's who couldn't do anything for their child because of their professions.

"I Promise!" Jack said again. This time he was in tears. I couldn't believe

I was doing this to him. I was hurting him too. I had to tell him and then run. Run as hard as I can, Run as fast as I can.

I didn't scream at him though when I said this. It was just so forceful. It hit him like a truck hit road kill.

"Jack! I'm Gay! I love you and you saved my life!" and with that I broke free feeling the weight being lifted and then ran out for freedom.

Ran down the stairs of my dorms, past all the unsuspecting students, through the doors and out on the sun-lit grounds. Past all the people who I would never meet and would always beat me.

Past everything until I reach the end of my limits and I stood in the Garden where I tended my hurts and pains and the feelings of complete loss. And dropped to my knees.

And there I cried hard. Not loud. But hard. So hard my left hand and my chest hurt with a fierce hammer blowing pain.

And then I felt a hand touch my shoulder. I didn't react. I knelt there waiting for it to happen like those poor souls who waited for the guillotine to slice through the thin existence of life. And I heard only four words. Four beautiful, soul and heart redeeming words.

"I love you Daniel"

Any comments that you have please email them to me: Literally.naked@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 5

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