Jack and Daniel

By Cody Samuels

Published on Jun 23, 2023



Thanks again folks. It's exciting to hear from people when they tell me how much they love the stories. Again all feedback would be wonderful- all the errors are my own but hopefully I shouldn't have missed out any now that this is a revised edition.

I'd like to thank Michael (you know who you are) and Danny for this one. It took me a while to try and figure out what to do with this chapter and your personal life anecdotes helped me formulate this.

DISCLAIMER: This narrative has scenes of male nudity and sexual acts between two men that readers may find disturbing or inappropriate for ages under 18. Please do not read if you comply with both of those categories.

This is copyrighted to the Nifty Alliance Archive and is exclusively for the readers of this website. Do not attempt to copy this and redistribute. This is for the private and personal viewing pleasure of your own.

The characters are all fictional with vague and few references to real people. If they come across coincidentally as someone in reality please take it as a compliment. Events are also referenced from certain real life scenarios and are fictional. If you have experienced them feel free to contact me about it.

NOTES: This is a fantasy- Reality is different, use a condom.

Chapter III: Discovery

I woke the next morning feeling better about myself and a bit more better about me. Well at least I thought I did, although I did have to admit, Jack was having a bit of an influence over me.

I dreamt about him again last night, this time with the shower, and me taking his wholesome cock into my mouth. He woke me up just as he was about to cum. I giggled as he touched my shoulder

"Hey sleepy head. Wake up. Its 9 o'clock. Don't you have a lesson to get to?" he said.

His voice sent shivers down my spine, I thought I was dreaming again, but I could taste the foul morning dog breath at the back of my tongue. "Yeah... I'm getting up now" He chuckled and then moved away. The sun was now beating down on my face.

`Fuck I keep forgetting to close that damn curtain" I thought to myself. I got up and stared out groggily until my sight back into few and there was Jack, stretching out with his morning wood in glory. He looked so feline, especially as he reached down and put his hands flat down before doing a very amazing and a very sexy handstand with a split.

I looked at him in marvel, and he must have seen me gawp to because he smiled at me, that sexy full-set-of-white-teeth-with delicious-lips. I looked at him lasciviously.

I can't believe myself at how relaxed I was at all this. And he seemed to me opening up a bit more. I felt like I was getting to know him. And from the sight he gave me, I got to know his sweet and awesome pink pucker between his legs.

He brought his legs back down and then started rotating his body from his hips, arching his back and flexing his abs. Then stretched up high so I could see how much his balls hung. Man they were big and juicy. I felt like licking my lips, NO! I was licking my lips.

"Hey! Stop looking at me like that!" Jack blushed. I never thought it would happen. He was actually not as confident as he made himself out to be. He didn't need a shower today. He felt fresh from last night so he hopped into some very short shorts and a tee, grabbed a bag and told me he would wait for me in the Canteen.

I groggily got up and saw that my morning wood was beginning to deflate. So

I struggled to get dressed- these damn ribs. And then felt the urge to scratch it. At that moment Jack walked back in and looked at me with a weird look.

"It's getting itchy isn't it?" he said. He knew more than he let on.

"Yeah it is actually. But I can't reach it. Its under my right arm." Jack came over and started to run his nails down my sides, scratching it.

I gave a low hum. It felt great. After that Jack stopped and I looked at him "Why did you stop? It felt good"- Jack laughed. "I didn't want you getting off on me." I dropped my jaw and thought he was actually trying to tell me something.

A text came through, and my phone vibrated. It was Maddy asking me If I had told Jack yet. I said I was too nervous. I didn't want to say anything. And she replied back with a raspberry and I laughed. She was a hoot.

When the day ended I ran back to my dorm hoping to find Jack there again determined that this time I would try and work up the guts to tell him I was gay and that I think there were feelings that I had for him, I began to get nervous, my hands were shaking and I couldn't control my breathing. I stood there for 5 minutes outside my door before I knocked on the door. I turned the handle and it was locked.

Jack hadn't come back yet. So I unlocked it and went in. I had put my stuff on my bed and then just laid back. Thinking about Jack, and what he was doing, being a really good room-mate, trying to help take care of me and how he was going to help me get out of my self-deprecating attitude to myself.

I thought I didn't need it then, I had begun to think I didn't deserve any of his help. I began a spiral of deep and dark thoughts before crying. I didn't want to feel these dark thoughts and I immediately started to pack some of my physics and biology stuff and walked out of the room with tears stinging in my eyes. I went to the library and seemed to have rushed past everyone who was walking out and took a seat at the very far end.

I had dumped my back fairly loudly not caring if anyone had heard and then ripped it open from the zip and began putting myself into my work.

An hour had passed and my self-loathing and pain continued to throb madly in my chest, sending waves and waves of pain as I worked through the cardio system. I began thinking about the heart and why this muscle was the one that brought about the most damage to the body and why it shared such an enormous responsibility. I was engrossed by those thoughts so much that I didn't notice a guy had approached my table.

I looked up at first not knowing what he had said, and then he asked the question again. "Hey, do you mind if I share this space? All the other places are taken and you seemed to be the most productive" he had said. He shocked me first and I nodded. I didn't know what shocked me, the fact that he asked if he could join me, or the fact that he was extremely cute.

He had light brown hair, almost coppery and woody. He was fairly small in height, I would judge at 5'9 and he had very fair skin, almost pale. But it was a healthy glow and it made his other features look even cuter- he was almost elf like. He had green eyes, which were very concentrated and when you looked at them it was almost like being trapped in the gaze of an emerald.

But that wasn't all that got me. He had the cutest ass I had ever seen. It poked out of his chinos and formed a really rounded shape. He must exercise often. And his arms seemed to rip out of his sleeves, because the stretched like mad. Or was it his fit. The baggy chinos only suggested something to me, but I wasn't going to go there in case he could read my mind and then start beating me with those arms.

The best bit about him was his smile. It was cute, and it raised half moons and dimpled. "I'm Lance" he said out stretching his hand. I took it, and he gripped firmly and rubbed the fleshy bit between my thumb and index finger with his thumb. This sent shivers up my spine and signals started flaring. I didn't know what it was.

There was something about Lance I liked. He was amazingly friendly and really felt relaxed all of a sudden. "I'm Daniel." I rushed quickly, not wanting to gawk and stammer.

He chuckled at my response and sat down. He had a honey combed voice which made me think he would be a very good doctor with a very good beside manner. And to my surprise he started pulling out the same books that I had. I felt a rush in my ears. He was in my Class! I had to confirm this.

"Are you in my class too?" and he responded with a chuckle and a nod. We had begun talking about what we had for the semester and what the professors were throwing at us and what they might give us next.

Apparently according to Lance's older brother who had already come to the final part of the Medicine Degree that we were going to be in one hell of a ride. I was curious. I wanted to know more. This wasn't like me. Why did I want to know more? Why was I suddenly being open? I tried to think of the various reasons why, and the only one that came to mind was one- Jack.

We talked a bit more about the assignments before we began to digress. "So how comes you're getting all of these extra practical classes." He said with an inquisitive heat about him I couldn't understand. Why was he interested in me- I wasn't anything special and that's exactly what I said to him.

"I'm not anything special- if anything I think their making me work harder because they don't like me. They know my mom and dad are respected doctors.

My Dad is the head neurologist at Seattle Grace and my mom works as the head of paediatrics." I began blushing because Lance's face was that of pure shock and awe.

"Wow! Your parents are made! I mean I know that the professors talk about you as some kind of prodigy but I didn't quite believe it. But now hearing about your parents, you certainly are! Not only are you Hot, your also amazingly brainy" he said. I didn't know how to take it. I was crimson all over and I couldn't stand it. I had to say something. "Bullshit" was all I had managed to say. Lance started to laugh.

"And a modest one too. I like it" he said, with a shit-eating grin on his face. I think he was coming on to me. I don't know why and I don't know how but he knew I was gay. At least I think he did. I wasn't sure. I began to feel confused. I didn't know where to go with this. I looked at the clock and I suddenly panicked- I had been in the library for two hours and it was nearly 9 o'clock. I panicked and started to get my stuff packed.

"Oh god- I'm sorry Lance, I'm late. I promised my room-mate I would meet him up later on, I'll see you at class tomorrow!" as I packed hurried out. He chuckled again and I wasn't sure if it was me going crazy but I swore he was really checking me out. And when I double took, I also saw that he was a little tented in his chinos too. Oh god! I'm a perv! I'm thinking dirty thought! Get my mind out of the gutter! Think- Martha Stewart naked in the rain! I had too, because I couldn't tent up as I exited the library!

I ran to the canteen to get some food, which wasn't much, they were already cleaning up then, and I just asked for the left over's of the Caesar Salad with chicken, and then hastily snatched the takeaway box from the attendant as he ran up to his dorm.

My thoughts were spinning, I couldn't concentrate as I ran up the stairs. My heart was beating a mile a minute and I couldn't believe I blew of Jack so I could sit down and have a study session with Lance. What an Idiot I am!! By the time I reached my dorm, I fumbled to put the keys in the lock and then rushed in. I saw Jack lying on top of his covers with his shorts on asleep. He looked like he had been through a hell of a day because his body was very moist, there were shadows under his gorgeous closed eyes, and his body looked very tense.

I drank in the sight of this sleeping giant as he slept. I felt bad and angry at myself for not remembering about Jack. This sexy god wanted to spend some time with me and then here he was, at 9:30 in the evening carrying take away from the cafeteria looking sad and pathetic.

Jack stirred and turned as he groggily opened his eyes. "Hey buddy, what happened?" he asked with his husky sleep voice. It made me melt. He was so gorgeous he managed to actually disarm my self-loathing and make me focus on him and his gorgeous body turning around.

I couldn't help it, I was looking at his shoulders, the way his collar bones poked out a little making the definition in this chest more visible and alluring. It made me mouth water. Then I looked at the cleft in his chest the separated one pec from the other. And then down the eight set of abs that he had that seem to glisten and sheen with the look of sex.

He was gorgeous and handsome, so much so that my bones began to ache and my cock swelled. I couldn't control myself from this just looking at him until

I remembered that he had asked a question. I had to stop from looking at the V which always said to me "Look into my crotch." It was so sexy.

"I'm so sorry Jack. I know we were supposed to meet up. I am so sorry! I came back after my lessons were over and I didn't see you in the room and then I decided to do some studying but then I met Lance and we started to talk about the class work and then I realised that I was suppose to meet you earlier on and I!-"

I stopped to get my breath from my grovelling. And just like that, he just smiled and made my pleading and justification naughty. "Dude it's ok. I was held up anyway. The coach wanted me to do some more training to see if I was worth it and he said that I should be ready for the State Championships" he said this with such a casual air. It made me feel less tense and tight. And then I realised just how much I hadn't thought about myself.

I felt the hunger attack me. So I sat down and started to devour the salad in chunks. "Dude! Slow down, you're a monster eating that fast" Jack said, chuckling and laughing at my hunger. I didn't pay too much attention to his warning. I just shovelled food down trying not to show how hungry and horny

I was. I finished it and threw it in the bin fast. Jack chuckled again and just rolled on his side and began falling asleep.

I too just didn't have the energy after today. I felt mentally taxed from all the emotional whirlwinds and the academic challenges. It was such a tourniquet of problems that I didn't realise I was stripping to my boxers and getting into my bed without so much as a thought that I was hard and showing it off in front of Jack. Was it me or was he just smiling?

I had a dream that night.

I dreamt that Me and Jack were in pyjamas. We had both a bottle of that famous Tennessee whisky which was ironically called Jack Daniels between us. We were drinking and I think Jack had too much as he was slurring and constantly saying "I am gorgeous, I am one gorgeous mother-fucker. If I knew that you were gay I would have fucked your gorgeous brains and body silly".

I could have sworn I felt heat from my neck and the flush of embarrassment hit me like a shot hit my throat as I drunk the shot. We had drunk to the point where Jack was doing a really sexy dance on the table and I was watching. He wiggled those sexy strong hips and slowly went through the buttons of his pyjamas one by one.

It was so erotic as I saw bits of flesh revealing itself. I could feel the bottom of the table on my dickhead and it was cold.

He dropped the pyjama top on my head and I grabbed it off my head to find that he had taken his pyjama trousers off. All I saw was his amazing package trapped in that amazing pair of CK's that made me salivate on the table and send my body temperature to beyond one hundred degrees.

His body was built so finely, his muscles rippled as he danced his hips in the most erotic fashion I could possibly imagine: thrusting and swivelling.

One thing led to another here, as I soon joined in the hip thrusting, and the stripping as Jack felt my body. He was so sensual and he got off me so badly as I did to him. Jack had even joined in stripping me down. His touch was seriously addictive, and it felt like I was being caressed in a way only a lover would caress. It sent fire all over my skin. Once I had stripped to my boxers, he began rubbing my nipples which his fingers which caused them to swell and for me to leak pre-cum onto my underwear.

I got so hard from him touching me, blood rushed into my cock and throbbed so hard that my 5 o'clock shadow had begun to burst out of my boxers.

At this point I could feel his god like gymnastic body rocking against my rock hard cock. I could feel his god-like appendage along my hand.

I felt it and I grabbed it hard. As I groped his shaft he groaned in a low baritone sexiness that sent shivers and goose bumps down my spine. I was loving it, and so was Jack, It went from one level, to the next, from touching to feverish licking on the sensitive rims of my nipples, bathing his abs with my tongue, kissing each other's shoulders. I was getting extremely excited as he began to pass a finger along the inside of my boxers, skimming my pubes and touching the tip of my now every enlarging 5 o'clock shadow.

He was teasing me and I loved it because it was a safe and very sexy place to be teased. And then he pulled down my boxers and I work up abruptly in a cold sweat. I was so horny and so sexed up in my dream that I had been leaking all over my bed. God why!? Why was I getting horny over my room -mate!? I couldn't let him know I was gay!

But I stopped those thoughts and took a deep breath, and then kicked off the covers to discover I was again naked. I think this whole "comfortable being naked around Jack" business was beginning to settle into me, because

I was getting naked before I was in bed. I looked over to one side, and sure enough Jack was sleeping. He slept soundly with heavy and long breathes.

The moonlight made him look extremely sexy. A slumbering sex god. The light played on his masculine figure, and I couldn't help but drink it in. And then I got a crazy idea. I had to do to it. I don't know why but when I'm around Jack, I needed to do something crazy. ANYTHING. He brought it out of me.

So I crept as quietly as I could of my bed, then paced over to his bed, lifted his blanket to see that he was extremely hard and dripping. What was he dreaming off? I replaced the cover over him. And then I moved over to his blissful sleep. And then I edged closer, smelling his beautiful body.

I rubbed my nose on his jaw line, which he seemed to respond really well to as he moaned. I stopped for a moment, panicking in case he saw me.

His eyes began to flutter, and I stayed motionless. I didn't even breathe until his eyes dropped shut. Then I kissed his quickly on his gorgeous lips and then went back to my bed and drew the blankets over me.

I was shitting myself but I needed to know what it would be like otherwise I would never really ever know at all. I always feared that it won't happen.

So take advantage now. Wait! Where was this talk coming from? Why did I not have this bravado before? Damn you! And I only got a snippet of it. And I was hooked, I nearly got caught too. I'm proud of myself. I pushed a boundary today because I wanted Jack so bad. My knight in shining armour.

When should I tell him? And what if he says what I don't want to hear?

Any comments are welcome- literally.naked@gmail.com Thanks guys!

Next: Chapter 4

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