Jack and Daniel

By Cody Samuels

Published on Jun 18, 2023



Hello folks, thank you for responses, it's good to hear from you all, so thank you for your support. Here is the next chapter and I hope you enjoy it. Feel free to email me at any point if you have any comments.

If anyone has had something that Daniel has experienced occur to them, please let me know. It's good to talk it out and it would be really nice to learn more about how it truly feels. I'm a brawler so I don't get a lot of fights. I intimidate people too much, but I would like to know how someone feels in the reverse.

This chapter goes out to Harry Rod- an Existing Author for Nifty. He's helped me big time in the ideas, plotting it and making a character anthology already. Thanks Harry x

DISCLAIMER: This narrative has scenes of male nudity and sexual acts between two men that readers may find disturbing or inappropriate for ages under 18. Please do not read if you comply with both of those categories.

This is copyrighted to the Nifty Alliance Archive and is exclusively for the readers of this website. Do not attempt to copy this and redistribute. This is for the private and personal viewing pleasure of your own.

The characters are all fictional with vague and few references to real people. If they come across coincidentally as someone in reality please take it as a compliment. Events are also referenced from certain real life scenarios and are fictional. If you have experienced them feel free to contact me about it.

NOTES: This is a fantasy- Reality is different, use a condom.

Chapter II: Beginnings.

"Hey dude. Morning- How are you feeling?" I blushed. I felt so embarrassed at his concern. My heart swelled. It was all too much for me. To have such a gorgeous guy like him who seemed to be relaxed, so care free and so sexy to be concerned about me.

I bet he must make the girls all swoon and die of sheer embarrassment as he talked to them, because I felt like that now. If I were to die of haemorrhaging right now, I would be a happy man knowing he smiled at me.

He gave me that look as if to say "What's going on in your head? Why are you smiling?"- and then I stammered out "I-I-I'm ok. Thank you for asking". And then I blushed madly. God he was amazing.

I've been around him for a month but he was killing me. And I loved it. He was so great to look at. A Blond Gymnast with such beautiful body and a caring soul. Made me wish I was straight. I was so sure he was.

He continued getting dressed and I had so many questions to ask. I needed to talk to someone. I needed to let this angst out. It was killing me. But now that I had discovered how friendly Jack was- I felt curious. The inquisitive side of me took over. I looked for my phone on the dresser and picked it up and started looking through the MANY text messages and a voicemails that Maddy had left.

She was so worried. I was really touched. I had to relieve her of her worry. So I pressed speed dial and sure enough she picked up faster than you could say "Geronimo".

"Oh My GOD! Daniel! AREYOUOK!IAMSOSORRY I CANT BELIEVE THIS HAPPENED!" she started saying hysterically loud.

"It's ok It's ok Maddy..I'm fine now." I assured her. She made me feel comfortable to talk to her. Maybe I should tell her now? Over the phone. Flying to Utah where she went college wouldn't do me the world. Jack had packed up his things and gave me a "thumbs up" and a wink, Oh that made me melt. It stopped my heart beat and sent a wave of sheer giddy emotions onto me. I wanted him.

"Daniel! Daniel! Are you day dreaming again?" Maddy said. She knew me too well. "Yeah I am.." I said unable to say reply to anything else but that. He had me under his finger.

"What happened? How did you get beat up in the first place? I knew something like this would happen, I told you to come to college with me so I could keep an eye on you and now..." she sniffed and started to bawl over the phone. So I told her everything that happened.

I could image her face. She would have looked incredulously at me as if she were my mother. And then she asked me the question. The one question I dreaded to hear. The one that made my heart stop and my stomach drop thirty thousand feet from the floor- "Is there something you want to tell me?"

I was in shock and panic. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't worm my way out of it. Maddy would laugh at me and then she would start to spread gossip on her campus and then they would fly over here to beat me up! I couldn't handle it. And then doubled over on my bed and started hyperventilated. MAN I WAS FUCKED UP!

I heard her say calmly "Daniel! Daniel! You need to take control, Don't panic on me. It'll be alright. You can trust me! I won't say anything to anyone. I will be one hundred percent on your side, irregardless of whether you have a dark secret or not. I am your best friend Daniel. And your mine. Tell me: is there anything you want to tell me?"

My panic started to subside. I was thinking irrationally. She was my best friend. And I hated it when she used that term "irregardless" it wasn't right. A double negative. I laughed to myself and then said

"Yeah there is.... I don't like you using irregardless. It's a double negative and makes no sense." We started howling with laughter until my sides started hurting and I hissed with pain.

I felt relaxed now and I knew I owed it to her. She was so worried about me and it let me know she genuinely cared for me. So I took one deep breath in and then with one go I said: "I'm gay Maddy. I'm gay and I think I'm in love with my room-mate".

She burst out laughing and I felt the familiar knot of panic in my stomach, but then she quipped in quickly "I knew that already! Come on, it's not that hard to tell- You a gorgeous mixed guy with amazing eyes not going out with me? You know how many guys I get and yet you never dated me? I haven't even seen you try anything with girls! Daniel I knew you were. And I'm ok with it. In fact- I love it! I can be your fag hag!" she heard me wince and then took back those words.

"I'm sorry. I mean your lady friend! We can go shopping and talk about boys all the time!" I felt so relieved like a huge weight was lifted over my shoulder. I had told her and it wasn't as bad. If anything she had accepted me. This got be excited because then I started talking to her about my

dreamy room mate Jack. I told her the exchange that happened between me and him as he helped me in.

She asked more question about what he does, what's his interests (which stumped me because I didn't know much about him except from the photos on his wall of friends, medals and his family which consisted of a lot of boys.) and then she asked me if I saw him around girls and boys.

She listened and then at the very end, she took a moment to think and then I felt her grinning over the phone. "I think you should tell your knight in shining armour your gay!" she said with enthusiasm.

This was her scheming and being the matchmaker. I didn't know if I could trust her advice. Then she said to trust her on this one as if to read my mind. It was going to be worth it.

So we continued on arranged to meet up, I would come and collect her from Portland International a month from now and then we would arrange everything as I go. I thanked her so much for the release and being seriously supportive and she chuckled saying "Well you came out of your closet for me, show Jack you mankini" and we both roared with laughter.

So telling Jack I was Gay? Did she think he was gay? I certainly hope so. He seemed so caring and really wanted to help me out. I trust Maddy. She has a good sense for good people. So I finally got up with a struggle and then looked at my injuries. They were healing up nicely.

And I needed a shower. But I couldn't with all my bandages. So instead I washed myself off with a washed cloth, pits, neck, cock and balls. Then reached down and gave my hole a good washcloth-fingering to get me clean. I hated feeling dirty down there. It felt good as the warm washcloth massaged my hole.

I think I must be a pure bottom because my cock was rock hard at that point and oozing a little cum. So I got dressed and headed out for lessons. My lessons always started at 10am.

And then it raged on until the late hours of 7pm. It was a hard and gruelling day, my body was in constant pain and I couldn't concentrate for two reasons: the pain, and Jack. Naked and strutting his gorgeous ass around the room. I couldn't wait to get out.

So I rushed back as fast as my body would let me back to my room, and sure enough, Jack was here, doing push ups. I watched him for a little bit as his ass flexed, and his leg muscles calves and thighs rippled. He had a sheen of sweat over him which made him glisten and ooze testosterone, sexy and appeal. I felt my cock go hard in my shorts and poke out through the pee-hole. This was painful to watch.

I had to do something. "Hi Jack" I said nervously as I put my bag on my bed. He dropped to the floor and turned round as if to do a beach pose. Man he was gorgeous. His smile worked over me like a masseuse.

"Hey there Dan. How was your day?" he asked. "Gruelling. My body

hurts, I haven't taken a proper shower and I think I might pass out".

I was shocked with myself. How could I be so honest and so open to him? I still had yet to tell him I was gay. This sent all sorts of emotions tumbling into my stomach and roiling like angry sea waves in a storm.

"Ah, is it the bandages, hey dude you should let me help you. I don't mind. It's the least I could do." My heart swelled. Wow he was nice.

"Ugh. Ok." I stammered. It was hard now. I felt nervous and sweating.

What if he wasn't? What if April was wrong? A panic started surging my body. I was scared. He came cover to me and put a hand on my shoulder.

"Dude it's ok. I've seen plenty of people naked. Your no different" he paused as if he had a thoughtful thing in mind. Or was that a cheeky grin? I was imagining things.

And then he continued "What I'm saying is. I'll help you take a shower."

And then he saw my expression. His eyes filled with concern. I was so worried. I didn't know how he would react. I didn't want him to think wrong of me. I just had to get him to like me.

But it was as if I was a open book and he read my mind "Listen. I'm not going to think bad of you if you pop a boner. If anything it tells me ya'll is human" he guffawed at the last bit, making me laugh. Yeah he was a true southerner.

"So let's get your stuff off and we can use the handicapped showers. I don't trust normal ones in case something happens to you again" my heart swelled and ached to kiss him.

So he stripped me, first from my t-shirt, and then from my shorts, I had already kicked of my shoes so it was a matter of getting the socks of which were difficult to put on in the first place. And then he yanked my boxer shorts down without any warning and I blushed furious red.

He was gawping at me. I was hard. Now I don't think anything special about me or my body, especially about my dick. I had always thought it was deformed. But Jack just seemed unable to deter his own sight from it. Was it my imagination or did he lick his lips? I think I'm going crazy.

"Dude...I think I know why you get beaten up. I MEAN LOOK AT THIS THING" He cupped my balls and touched my shaft. It began to leak, and a large drop of precum formed- his hands were amazing, Soft but strong and firm. "Your MONSTER down here! I mean I've seen my share of dicks, but YOU my friend have blown my mind! It's awesome!"

Was I going crazy? Him worshipping my cock? I blushed and covered up fast. He touched my hand as if to stop me from covering my raging manhood.

"Dude don't ever be ashamed of yourself. Or your body." And that triggered it. A huge crash of emotions, pent up on my self-loathing and hate. Started to cry hard and then doubled over from the sheer emotion that was coming over me. He took me into his arms just hugged me.

"Man you've been through some awful shit. I can see how this affects you." He looked at me and I just nodded. "So listen. From now on, you and me, we're going to work on that. We're going to work on healing your body and soul. We're going to help you get out of this shitty situation you're in and we'll get you back up ok?" I just nodded again. I was happy inside. So happy I couldn't say anything.

"So let's get you to a shower. You smell nice in a manly way, but I don't think the girls will appreciate that" I started to chuckle. It was ironic because it was exactly what I wanted- for him to like me and for the girls to think I smell.

We made our way to the shower and then he started to undo my bandages. He seemed to clinical yet soft mannered at the same time. He had such a brilliant, tender and caring bedside manner. And then when he got the dressing off, I looked at the wounds. They just looked bruised and the cuts had healed well. No infections had gotten through. He ushered me into the shower, and turned on the water, and adjusted the water level.

His strong hands probed my body and I felt my cock start to swell.

Once he had done checking my wounds, he got a wash cloth and started to lather the soap up. I was getting hard just looking at him.

The water bounced off his body and seeped down that beautiful pale skin he had, washing his muscles. I looked at his body and then his cock. It had puffed out a little. But it was still big. A good 5 inches hung. I was rock hard now. And he had just placed his hand on the small of my back. I whimpered quietly as he washed my stomach.

He ran fingers along my stomach, and asked if I worked out. I told him I was a gardener in my spare time and I worked really hard. "It pays well on both areas. You've got a great physique" I blushed red and felt embarrassed to the point that my ears where burning.

I should be complimenting him. Not the other way round. He skipped my cock which I was worried about and washed my legs.

He and I were hard the entire time we showered but He never made a move. He was very calm and cool about how he went about cleaning me.

It was nice. He didn't judge. He just cleaned. It was so awesome of him to do this for me. I felt the debt I had to him had suddenly doubled.

We dried off once we had finished and then he had helped put on the bandages for my wounds. I felt my skin break out in goose bumps all over the place as he touched my skin, his smooth touch on my back, and then around to the side of my ribs.

I giggled as I felt his fingers brush my side.

"Well you seem to be healing fine" he said again, being almost brotherly. My heart swelled as I thought about Marcus, my older brother who had died for being who he was- gay. Jack saw the moisture form in my eyes and his expression filled with concern.

"Dude are you ok? Did I say or do something wrong?" he asked. "No It's ok. I was just reliving something that's all." I said in return. I felt almost crushed at this point. He put his hands on my chin and lifted it up. He smiled his sexy-devastating-heart-warming smile at me.

"Dan. You should always say what's on your mind. It helps, especially to me. I won't judge. I'll listen. I know you need someone right now"

I smiled back and fought back the tears. We packed our kits and walked back to the dorms. I slumped to my bed and so did we and then next thing I knew, I had fallen asleep hearing Jack's breathing. It was soothing.

Was I ever going to tell him and work up the guts to say "I'm gay and you're my hero?" "Thank you for saving me life?" "I think I love you?" I went to bed with those thoughts roiling in my head.

Thanks for the comments everyone- I hope you continue to read on. Any comments please do send an email – Literally.naked@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 3

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