Jack and Daniel

By Cody Samuels

Published on Oct 13, 2023


Jack and Daniel

Cody Samuels



Hi Guys! I'm so sorry about the delay to this next chapter. Getting enrolled into a university is such a bitch sometimes. But not to worry, I should be back in full creative swing now- just ready to feed you're voracious man-appetites for more of Jack and Daniel's adventures.

Now I gotta owe it to my editor Barry, for still standing by me- If there are Gods: may they bless him haha!

Thanks again guys for continuing to support the story with your emails- it's so thrilling to hear from you all. I've also noticed a HEAVY load of members joining into the website! Thanks! I'll try and keep it updated


And there is the blog too. Not very active in the reader area, but a place to look out for if you wanna hear more about what's going on.

For those of you who wish to know more about me and my lifestyle- Send me an email, and we can talk more about it. Otherwise Enjoy the next chapter!

***About me: There's a lot I've covered, and I still want to be able to do more. I plan on teaching in an American University (It's an attractive prospect and my accent will be a treat with the Americans) or a British one, who knows- to teach English. And also write for some magazine. I've always wanted to travel- so maybe a journalist may suit me? Then again I do have a good ability to make things sound good (call it embellishment) so, Advertising maybe?

NOTES AND DISCLAIMERS: Please see the Chapter 1


We got to the locker rooms, and while Jack and Isaac started to slowly strip while talking amongst each other, I became a little reserved and sat down, watching them shirk their clothes over their built and toned bodies. It was torture watching them, so I started to fill the silence with some talk- just so I could focus on something else other than the bulge in their spandex pants. I told Jack about George and that he had come back to work, but I didn't know how long he had been back. I repeated word for word what he had told me about his status with Lidia and how they were going to work things out.

When I was through talking all about George and Lydia, Jack followed with a comment about how much he admired George for keeping it together. We both looked at Isaac, who looked a little left out, so Jack and I filled him in about George and how we knew him.

"You know the grounds keeper?" Isaac asked. I nodded and smiled. "I kind'a think of him as my second dad, in case my actual dad has gone MIA and I need him."

Isaac smiled, but seemed a little troubled.

"What's the matter buddy?" I asked the somber hunk.

"I wish I had a dad like that. He wouldn't so much as acknowledge anything I do. He wished that I preached in the church like he did, instead of prancingaround in a leotard like some queer."

Whoa, that was deep. I didn't expect to be jumping into family troubles straight away.

"Well, let's not focus on trying to get dad's approval right now. Otherwise you'll be stuck in the gutter forever with the way you'll be feeling after you find out how disappointed your dad will be." I was surprised that Isaac didn't defend himself. A religious man like himself should be a bit more defensive in his belief and say his God will make sure that daddy wouldn't be disappointed. But that wasn't the case. He knew deep down his dad wouldn't accept him for being gay. I could see that he had tried every attempt to "not" be gay.

"I don't know anymore," Isaac said as he absently stared at the wall. "If I stay in the closet I'll be unhappy forever; it's miserable trying to stay in the straight box. Sure I've hung out with girls. Hey!... some of them are even my best friends, but I just don't see them 'that way'. They're more like sisters to me, and I don't like the idea of incest much- it's a sin."

He laughed a little though, and it perked me up as his mood suddenly lifted.

"But being gay isn't any better either."

Jack got up and sat down next to Isaac, and as I sat on his other flank, Jack said to Isaac, "Look dude, it's okay to be gay. At first I wasn't exactly accepting of it- if anything I resented myself for liking men."

That took me back slightly, because this wasn't something that was obvious about Jack- then again nothing was with him.

He continued, "But it was difficult to fight a part of myself, and I thought that by exercising I could physically work my way out of thinking I was gay; but it made things worse and I started getting these deep-seated feelings for this one guy. I became even more attentive to guys. There was this 'one guy' who turned out to be so far in the closet that it would take G.I.Joe and Captain America to pull him out. I decided to be brave and gamble on this guy because I didn't know how things would turn out. To this day I still don't know how I ended up with such a gorgeous guy who let me know how good it was to be gay."

OH GOD! How Cliché! It was sick! But I loved it. "Jack!" I cried out and slapped him on the arm.

"What!?" he exclaimed, slightly alarmed I had slapped him.

"I didn't know you were talking about me!"

He laughed! "I was talking about Rob."

Isaac joined in the laughter with me. "Guys, I don't know what to say. I've been feeling so confused since I found out I had feelings about guys." He sighed and I embraced him with a hug; feeling compelled to do so. Jack did the same and our hands and bodies connected. Feeling Isaac and Jack all together sudden contact got me fully erect straight away. As I inhaled the scent of Isaac, it intoxicated me with lust, mixed in with a slight burning in my cheeks for the affection I now had for Isaac.

I felt this veil of feelings cloud my mind and I became possessed with a sexual demon that lurked deep within me. I had the sudden urge to explore Isaac, find out more about him, learn what deeper secrets he had, lay them out bare in front of me and dig deep into them. I wanted to see him naked.

"Isaac, if you're okay with this, can Jack and I 'explore you'?"

Jack's eyes flew wide open and a grin slowly formed on his face.

Isaac became slightly nervous. "Uh...I'm not sure." Jack nuzzled his nose and lips against the crook of his neck and raggedly breathed into his ear, whispering "It'll be okay. It's just you, me 'n Daniel." Isaac moaned quietly as Jack licked his ears.

I was a little mesmerized by the foreplay going on, and I felt my hands starting to wander mindlessly over his defined chest. Isaac whimpered at our menstruations and suddenly froze. "But...but...but...it's in a public place..." he protested weakly.

"No it's not. I took the liberty of borrowing the key's from Coach Williams, remember?" which seemed to be all that Isaac needed to relax a little. I felt the weight of his hand on my own and it made me even harder- just by that little bit of contact.

Jack's hands brushed over mine and took control of it, guiding it over the Lycra covered nubs of his nipples and rubbing them slowly. Fuck, this was so erotic! My head began to swim with thoughts of spit-roasting Isaac. But no! He was a virgin. No guy deserved to be put into the fray that quickly.

Besides, I didn't quite know what pushed his buttons, but so far, we seemed to be pushing the right ones. Jack's fingers laced around mine as we both wrapped our arms around him; we could feel his heartbeat quicken as he inhaled deeply at our touch. Isaac was excited as hell and eager to continue, as evidenced by the wet spot on his shorts.

I didn't want to rely on my sight this time round- moreover, I wanted to know what he felt like, to see if he really was the same as Jack in my mind or if he was someone else completely different. So I leaned forward, with my eyes closed, and kissed his chin, leaving a wet trace of spit. He sighed and I took it as a queue, sliding my hands from his chest, down along the ridges of his abs, and to the waistband of his shorts where I felt the sheer raw power of the heat he was producing. He was like Jack in that sense, but something was different too.

Isaac was still holding back, afraid if anything. You could feel his gut twist and roil. It was a little worrying for Isaac to be feeling afraid. I felt Jack's hands brush over mine, and my eyes flew open. For that brief moment, our eyes connected and in an instant we both knew what was going on in each other's head. It made my heart swell for some reason and I felt giddy because of this connection. It also spurred us to do something else...we leaned forward, nuzzled Isaac's cheeks, and then made contact with his lips from each flank.

A threesome kiss.

My mind was blown away with this kiss- intimate but sexually charged, it made me salivate more and want to lick the spit that drooled off of our lips. The lip contact between the three of us had left me with an awesome wave of sheer giddiness and hardness that was really hard to contain. I had to pull back just to smile and have a look at the lucky guy's face.

Isaac was a little stunned at first, not sure what to think or say other than to gasp for air and wish for some reprieve. But I didn't want to wait for one. I wanted to have Jack and Isaac sandwich me and fuck me senseless while I fucked someone. Then it came to mind...I really wanted to fuck Jack...yes...I wanted to fuck them both. That thought alone drove me to shove both hands into Isaacs shorts, stretching the waistband with my forearms and grasp the base of his shaft.

Isaac yelped and grasped onto my hands through the fabric.

Jack smiled and put a hand over Isaacs shoulders and said reassuringly in a confident and very sexually charged tone, "It's okay buddy, we aren't going to hurt you."

"I-I know...but..." Isaac looked down at first, not sure if what he was going to say was considered to be 'good timing'. I coaxed it out of him with a gentle wringing of his thick and powerful shaft.

"Uh! It's!...it's my first time!" Isaac blurted out.

Jack stopped smiling and gave him hug. I took it as my cue to release my grasp, and as I lifted my fingers,

Isaac's vice like grip stopped me. "Please," he pleaded, "don't let go."

I blushed hard. I don't know why- maybe because I felt the same way as he did when Jack first initiated? Or was it the fact that I just loved the way he pleaded? Or was it the fact that he asked me `not to let go' as if I was something more to him than just a teacher? I don't know. But I did hold onto his powerful cock with a fury. If anything I thrummed my fingers along the base of his shaft, causing him to shiver and salivate a little.

"Daniel, please. I want more!" he whispered, desperate and needing.

I wanted to give it to him, and I think Jack did to, but he I could tell he also had something else in mind. The look in his eyes, the sparkle of mischief caught me off guard, making me blush hard.

"Do you trust us Isaac?" Jack whispered into Isaac's ear lovingly. It made me jealous that he could be like that to Isaac as well as me. For the first time I actually was developing something close to that term "exclusivity". He saw the hurt look on my face and flinched.

Isaac smiled a little at the emotions that were being exchanged between us and then commented, "You really love each other don't you?"

He asked us, rather than answering the question directed at his inhibitions and trust issues. Jack and I just nodded.

In unison. "Do you trust us Zak?" That was new, I thought to myself.

"Zak?" he chuckled to break the ice in the air that was forming quickly, making him nervous. "Yeah, I do Jack." Jack just smiled and suddenly pinned Zak's arms behind him.

Isaac struggled at first, but as soon I got full frontal access to his body I dove in, stripping him of his last apparel until all he wore was a jock. I breathed his scent in through his jock and he whimpered and moaned with ungodly strength. My nose poked against his hardness, the wet pre-cum seeping through, intoxicating me with huge torrents of lust. I wanted him in my mouth.

I looked up at Jack and he was immensely interested at the sight, so much so that he seemed to be grinding onto Zak's back.

"I'll try to save some for you love," I said, being sincere, which made him blush furiously and made me smile from ear to ear.

As I lowered the waist band, Isaac inhaled sharply as I revealed more and more of his hard, steel cock. It was a little more like a bullet- enlarged at the base and then conical at the head. It was perfect for penetration.

My breathing on his cock, bathing my wet breath on his head was causing him to hyperventilate...that and a mixture of Jack's kissing and sucking on him. I was half afraid he would cum soon. I knew I would.

I wanted to take him in and suck him hard and fast. So I did, clasping my lips over his head for instant pressure and then swallowing him in inch by inch. Isaac yelped and cried out, holding onto the edges of the bench whispering "Holy Lord!"

I felt Isaacs cock hit my cheeks causing me to hum, giving him more thrills and chills. It made me smile how Jack was also having fun capturing the moan that escaped from Isaac throat with a kiss.

I worked up his cock with my mouth, and started to take him down my throat, gulping hard so I could take as much of him in as possible. At one point I gasped for air because Isaac was oozing so much pre-cum I couldn't breathe. Was I like this on my first time too?

I caught sight of his low hanging balls, which were smooth and hairless, leading me to think he shaves his body...even more sexy. I licked and engulfed each ball in my mouth, making him yelp. It made me even hornier- I felt my cock straining and writhing to get out, it wanted to be releases and I wanted it free too- but I also wanted to ride this high I was getting from pleasing and teasing Isaac. So I worked lower and lower, licking his taint, the space between his balls and hole before getting to my prize.

What surprised me was Isaac's willingness to be rimmed, because he outstretched his legs and let Jack pull them back. It was such a hot sight, I felt a little hot and sweaty just from being there.

I dove in first, smelling his musk and scent. Isaac was all hair down there and it pleased me big time as I rubbed my lips over it, he smelled fresh but wet.

It made my mouth water and made Isaac cream and beg "Oh god Dan, Please! More!"

My tongue bathed his tight hole with my spit, a sensation that Isaac must be getting off on because he was screaming – "Harder! HARDER!"

I responded by diving in deeper, driving my tongue like a spear until I penetrated him and felt him relax over my tongue. Isaac's moans seemed to send shivers up my spine, and in turn I felt the urge to let him fuck himself with my finger, or fingers.

My middle finger started going in circles, round and round around his hole it went, which started to make him buck, pushing himself more and more onto my finger until he was fully impaled to the knuckle, all the while moaning "More! Deeper!"

I tried to push two fingers in but that was the furthest limit my fingers would go, and even then either he was fucking himself on my finger or Jack was making him. I wanted to fuck Isaac though, I really wanted to.

So while he fucked himself with my finger, I stripped off my shorts completely and began spitting on my hand to generate some lube. I was getting off feeling his anal muscles contract so hard around my fingers. That combined with lubing myself could have almost made me cum. I also noticed a huge pool of pre-cum seeping out of Isaac.

Jack desperately wanted to join in the fuck fest and urged me to slip in so he could get some action, at least that's what his facial expressions seemed to be saying.

I scooped up that pool of pre-cum and instantly felt the erotic hit of mixing Isaac's juices onto my hard monster. But I had to ask the question of whether he wanted me in him.

"Isaac, are you-" but he cut me short with a really unexpected reply.

"FUCK ME NOW DANIEL!" he screamed, which gave me all the more reason to position the head of my cock in place of my fingers and slowly push in, letting him push back at the same time until I was buried all the way to my pubic hairs. Slowly, as the pain turned to pleasure, he began to push back and he began to fuck himself on my pole.

In the meantime Jack had already released Isaac, who still had his arms up as if he was being imprisoned, maneuvered behind me, and whispered in my ear, "Dan, you were so good there pleasing Isaac that I really got jealous, and now I want to fuck the shit out of you if that's okay love?"

I felt myself shiver at his politeness and a heat streak rush across my face before suddenly yelping at the pain of Jack's cock entering me from behind while simultaneously feeling the onrush of euphoria from Isaac impaling himself onto my dick from the front. Jack's hands braced across my chest as he pumped himself into me, rubbing my prostate back and forth while Isaac skewered himself onto my cock even more.

I moaned hard, squeezing my eyes shut and begging for more, the saliva slipping from my mouth. The more I moaned the more it dripped onto my chin and down my chest, at one point as I felt my cock hitting onto that spot that would drive Isaac wild, I still hadn't managed to push all of myself in. Isaac screamed out loud "DAN! You're HUGE!" making me grin at my own size for once rather than berating myself. I felt Isaac's fingers wander frantically over my hand and pull them down over his rock hard cock- clasping them shut and then pumping on his hard dick with a powerful grip and pump.

I was so close already, the pumping and thrusting and moans escaping from Jack and Isaac. I had to hold on-resist, last, endure! But it was useless! Resistance was futile!

"Jack, fuck me HARDER!" I yelled, pushing my ass onto Jack's cock and pulling in Isaac at the same time by the loins. Jack responded with colossal power that I had never experienced before. Being fucked by Jack as hard as he could fuck me blew me away and overpowered me with wave after wave of sexual ecstasy! Again and again! He hit me in my `oh so righteous' fuck button that made me screw my eyes shut and scream for mercy and more at the same time. And Isaac was so close too, I could feel his asshole clamp hard around me ever hardening shaft.

"OH GOD DANIEL! I'M CUMMING!" Isaac screamed, as I felt his cock surge and explode, spewing out huge ropes of cum. At the same time Isaac clamped down onto my cock with his tight ass muscles and milked me hard for all I was worth. I came hard and silently screamed while Jack sank his teeth into my shoulder and thrust hard into me, again and again until we all came to a climactic stop.

Breathing harshly and panting to catch our breath back, I lay limply on top of Isaac, my body mixing into the hairs on Isaac while at the same time, Jack lay hunched over my back, breathing hard. There was a moment of peace and bonding between us until we suddenly heard the smack and yelp of a guy falling into some lockers and the sound reverberate somewhere.

Jack shot up and took off, followed by Isaac. By the time I reached where they had run to, behind the aisle of lockers, I was greeted by a very hot scene: Isaac and Jack pinning the guy and locking arms into their own. He had light brown hair, a boyish smile about him and an olive complexion; He was also naked, with both hands desperately trying to cover seven inches of hard cock standing straight out from his crotch, and wet with the smell of chlorine.

As soon as I saw his face a shock wave of recognition escaped me...


Thanks guys for waiting so long to get this. I've been away for a while and now I'm back hopefully. But don't expect me to be pumping them out every day now. However I do appreciate the emails you send me. I'll do my very best to reply back- literally.naked@gmail.com

Thanks guys- Cody x

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