Jack and Daniel

By Cody Samuels

Published on Sep 9, 2023



Hi Guys! After that previous and rather steamy chapter- it's time for the guys to get ready for their meets. I hope you guys have enjoyed the chapters so far because it's getting to be an adventure writing this story!



I've got some of the pictures of the guys based there, and if you have any suggestions as to what they should look like please send me an email with a photo of them. If they are from the internet or of someone you know I need written permission to use them on my site for legal purposes stating that at the time the picture(s) was/were taken (dated) the subject(s) was/were at least 18 years of age and they agree to have their picture displayed on codysamuelsstories.webs.com

BLOGSPOT: www.codysamuels.blogspot.com


(He forgot his great editor, Barry in the U.S.of A.)


***About me: I'm a bit of a dark horse. I don't let on much when it comes to what I know so when somebody needs something done, be it trying to fix a computer bug or belaying for an abseiling rock climber- I can pretty much do it. Speaking of which- I do love Rock climbing. I used to do it often when I was in school- going out on trips with groups to confront one of my biggest fears: heights. I've climbed a few rock faces in Pembrookshire and the Lake District, so I'm an avid but nervous climber.

NOTES AND DISCLAIMERS: Please see the Chapter 1


"Daniel I am so sorry... I don't know what came over me. Can you forgive me?"

Did I hear that right? Maybe it was the sheer force of irritation that had swelled at the back of my neck that had caused me to be slightly deaf. He had come in the middle of the night asking for my forgiveness when he had scared me to death and made a fool out of me in front of the entire College.

Now he expected my forgiveness when I had my own issues to deal with? I don't know where this sudden flare up of annoyance came from, but I felt it was appropriate to say the least. I had to get rid of him.

"Uh... Isaac, this isn't a good time to ask for my forgiveness, or anything else for that matter. Really... Isaac, it's nearly midnight, what are you doing up anyway?"

He looked at me absent-mindedly as if that wasn't the answer he expected and that the only answer he was expecting was, "Oh sure Isaac!, I forgive you."

He was looking at the floor and shuffling his feet where he stood, looking extremely embarrassed and remorseful.

"I couldn't get over the fact that I had hurt you during lunch, and I couldn't sleep knowing how bad a start we had gotten off to."

Oh C'mon! I thought. Is this guy for real?

"Daniel, is everything alright there?"

Jack came up from behind in his boxers- sexy as hell- and came into contact with my body, which sent shivers up and down my spine. It took me a moment to gather my thoughts before I said something.

"Yeah Jack, Isaac wanted to ask for my forgiveness after ..." I stopped, noticing how icy the atmosphere had gotten.

Jack was giving Isaac a look of icy daggers as he looked even more pathetic where he stood. It made my heart bleed. He cowered like a little puppy, his eyes puffed and a sad frown was painted on his handsome face.

"What are you doing here?" Jack said coldly.

I felt a little tense and I could feel the atmosphere bearing down heavily on my shoulders. "Ah Dammit! Isaac please leave. I'll see you in the morning during breakfast or something. Like I said, right now isn't the time to be talking to me. Goodnight" And before I gave him the opportunity to say anything, I slammed the door in his face and turned to Jack. He gave me a stern look and for those two seconds I actually got slightly scared.

"Why did he come?" He asked me, his tone catching me off guard again. I wasn't sure of anything at this point. Jack had suddenly become very moody and I wasn't sure if it was because of Isaac, or because of me. Either way I was no longer willing to talk to him. When I looked at him, looking at those usually captivating eyes of his beautiful blue eyes of his, I saw an emotion I never, EVER expected to come between us: that of accusation. I felt fear in the pit of my stomach and the opening of a gaping hole in my heart swallowing me inwards. I was slowly withdrawing into my old, shelled self. I would never cheat on Jack... not ever. Jack saw this hollowed look in my eyes; the fear and the sadness suddenly taking me inwards and immediately came to hug me.

Feeling hurt and afraid of Jack for the first time ever, I suddenly rejected his hug and went to pull on my tracks and a sweat shirt- regardless if it was Jack's or mine.

"Daniel I'm sorry. I forgot how sensitive you are."

I didn't say anything as I zipped up the sweats. He tried to grab me by the arm and I shrugged him off, opening the door. As I started through the door I turned towards a stunned Jack:

"I would never cheat on you Jack, but Isaac needed help. Well I thought he did" I laughed at myself for the sheer stupidity of thinking he may need help. "And I admit- that scene didn't look good. But I would never cheat on you Mr. Connors." With that I shut the door quietly leaving Jack gasping in shock, pulled the hood to Jack's sweater over my head and briefly smelled the wafting scent of my lover before shoving my hands into my pockets and walking away...

I knocked on the door. No one answered at first. It would have been handy to use Jeff's key to get into Rob's room but I think if there was one lesson I've already learned it's that you never walk into a room if the door doesn't open for you. I knocked again, realizing that it was actually one o'clock in the morning. So I waited a short while before I knocked once more. I heard stirring and then the door opened- a naked Rob stood there rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"Who is it?" he asked groggily. I looked at him incredulously- not remembering that I had a hood over my face- so I took it off.

"Daniel?" he squinted in surprise.

"Yeah... can I come in?" Rob stepped aside and let me in.

"Ahh... Rob! Who is it?" Shane seemed to be in the jumble of covers from the two adjoined single beds which had been pushed together.

"It's me Shane" I said hoarsely, extremely embarrassed that I was even here in the first place. He sat up quickly with a surprising streak of worry across his face.

"Is everything okay buddy?" I sat next to him feeling suddenly drained from the walk across campus.

"To be honest Shane- not that well." I told them about how Jack's best friend Matthew called him to tell him some bad news about him having cancer, and then Isaac knocking on the door looking disheveled and asking for my forgiveness, and then the hurt and accusatory look on Jack and how he thought I had cheated on him with Isaac.

Shane shook his head in disbelief. Rob took me into one arm and hugged me, rubbing my arm. "Well you can stay with us tonight little brother, if that's okay with you?" He looked at me lovingly like Marcus used to do and I felt a little warmer despite how shitty I felt without Jack.


I woke up to a knock on the door the next morning. I was sandwiched between Rob and Shane. I felt Shane's hard cock wedge itself between my wet and warm crack while my own dick seemed to have snaked itself between Robs cheeks. I heard the knock again and Shane swatted at the door with his pillow and then put it over his head, groaning that it was too early to wake up on a Saturday.

I went to go get it after making sure I was decently attired. I was greeted by a handsome visage that was slightly sallow, a little paler, with brown hair that had been recently shaped into a smart crop, a sad smile and lonely ocean blue eyes.

"Daniel..." He said quietly.

I didn't say anything at first. I just looked at him, wondering what he was going to say next, feeling incredibly small because of his height.

"Jack" I replied moments later. I stood with the door half open, my hand on it ready to close it if I began to feel the slightest bit if fear from him. So far nothing- his face was easy to read- he missed me.

"I'm sorry..." was all he managed to say at first. How could this strong man with everything going for him, all the brains and all the brawn- not to mention the body- be reduced to nothing more than a few words?

It made me feel terrible because I blamed myself for bringing him down for the last couple of hours.

I opened the door and he tentatively stepped forward, not sure if he was allowed to hug me or even touch me. I looked at him, blank and expressionless, yet my heart was beating fast, my stomach turned and roiled, and my legs turned gelatinous and rubbery.

He touched me at first and then withdrew- a little afraid in case I might go off on him. I smiled at first because my skin broke out in goose bumps at the way he touched me. And then I leaned in and felt the moistness of his breathing and gave him a small kiss on the lips. Tender and soft.

"Let's go get some breakfast and we'll talk about it later... Okay?"

We sat together but by ourselves this time around. Being with the guys was fun, but Jack had come to the conclusion (and I think I had too) that we were getting smothered with attention and that "WE" or we both needed time to ourselves. I went for something a little bit punishing on my digestive system: Eggs, bacon rashers, toasted bagels and beans. Jack did the same too, feeling that he owed himself a little guilty pleasure, especially after last night.

"I'm sorry I jumped to the conclusion that you cheated on me with Isaac. Trust me to have my emotions rule me" Jack said sheepishly as he tucked into the bacon.

"Uh... I don't really have anything to say about it Jack. I really don't. I'm really new to the whole "dating" etiquette and even though the movies show us how to do it and what not to do, it's still hard to know what feels right. It feels like we're doing things so well, and then every now and again there's always something that comes along and gets in the way"

He nodded and hummed in acceptance of my statement and I smiled at him, giving him a peck on the cheek as he shoveled an egg into his mouth.

"I'm not so sure about MIT now," I continued, "but... I'll try anyway. There are only two things we have to worry about." He looked at me and then chuckled.

"Showers and having an empty bed." We laughed together at how ironic that sounded.

Just as we stopped laughing, I saw Isaac talking to a girl on the opposite side of us. Isaac noticed my gaze and immediately brushed the girl away with an apology. She looked a little miffed the moment he moved to get up and talk to me. As he walked towards me with a smoky look in his eyes, the pain and agony of being a closeted gay guy in a Bible-lead way of life and wearing that well perfected smile of fakery made me slightly skeptical. Was he a walking man-trap waiting to happen, or was he genuinely asking for help?

I looked to Jack for some sort of sign- something to tell me that what was coming was either a good thing or a bad thing. But then knowing if Isaac was good or bad would only add anxiety or worsen the nerves that were wracking me already. Jack could sense my fear, either that or smell it because he grasped my hand and held it.

"Don't be scared of him. If he does anything or says anything I'll punch him in the face for you" I smiled when he said that. There he was again. My knight in shining armor coming back to save me.

"Hey Daniel... Jack... do you mind if I take a seat?" Isaac asked as he approached our table.

I felt Jack's hand tighten and his jaw flexing; he was already agitated. I wanted him to loosen up because he wasn't helping the mood of the situation.

"Sure Isaac," I said, letting the handsome devil sit opposite us. Looking at Jack and then looking at Isaac was like looking at what could have been: they were like twins. Yin and Yang, the opposites of one another; it was a little mind bending. And now, at the worst possible moment, my sex drive kicked in and I started to think about what it could have been like if Isaac and Jack decided to converge upon me and feast upon my flesh like rabid dogs.

My cock started to pump hard at the thought and what should have been words I was speaking to Isaac just became a gasp of air at the thought of getting a piece of that hot piece of flesh on the opposite side of us. But reality slapped me in the face when Jack called my name out.

"Daniel" he cooed quietly. "He wants to ask us something".

Us? Really? I thought.

"Yeah... if I could?" Isaac was being bashful again. I couldn't tell whether he was being truthful or deceitful. It was hard to tell when you had great looks and a certain naivety about you that made people think you're trustworthy. Or maybe he was just misunderstood. For once my dick wasn't leading this friendship, although I had come to trust my dick now with choosing friends sometimes.

"Yeah sure... what can we do?" God! I sounded like a gay customer service clerk. `Hi! I'm Daniel! How may I service your cock today?'

Isaac hesitated at first, making sure to pick out his words carefully.

"I... Oh god this is a little hard for me to ask... but... I wanted to know... what... being...," and then he looked left and right as if he was about to say something really taboo, "What...being gay and loving another man was like." Then just like that he completely clammed up, hunching his shoulders inwards expecting some sort of lashing from a whip.

Jack broke the slightly tense air with a stifled laugh. "Isaac, are you gay?" Isaac immediately responded with a harsh and bright red blush across his face and a nod.

"But please! Don't tell anyone! Especially my friends! If they found out that I was...," lord he did it again! looking from left to right, "...gay. I would be disowned by my parents!"

He seemed to panic straight away, and his fears suddenly made him look completely exposed and vulnerable.

I felt sympathy for him. And the fact he found us, or the fact that I had noticed anything at all in the first place about him was a complete and sheer lucky draw of the cards.

I smiled at him sheepishly and Jack reciprocated. "Well we're in a solid relationship now. And it's good. It feels very nice. I wouldn't use the term "right" because... it's a little politically incorrect, but it feels good being with Jack," who had me hugged securely in his right arm. I felt an instant buzz and my face went from light brown to red in an instant again.

"Although... if it's okay with Daniel, we can educate you." Jack smiled devilishly at Isaac, who looked a little shell shocked.

"How?!" he exclaimed in a whisper.

"Well... how about after training today, Just you and I will train- we still need to work a little bit more on your pommel routine. Daniel will watch and then afterwards we'll start with your education. How does that sound?" I was getting hard just thinking about what Jack was subtly suggesting to Isaac.

He looked at me with a slack jaw. "You're okay with this Daniel?" he asked, a little dubious and disbelieving. "Well if Jack is okay with it, then so am I. Jack and I have agreed that as long as we do things together we would be okay with it. It's kinda why he got a little angry with you yesterday. He thought I had done something with you." Isaac's face quickly went from shock to dismay.

"Oh damn, Daniel. I am so sorry I caused you all that grief. If I had just said the right thing, none of that would have ever happened."

I felt angry at first, remembering that little incident yesterday. But I wanted to push it aside and not think too much about it. Just in case it makes me look weak and an easy target for a punch. Oh god! I felt my stomach drop when I thought about the punch. I might need to sign up for kick-boxing.

"Daniel, are you okay?" Jack looked at me a little concerned. I nodded and smiled, telling him I was alright. I didn't have much in the way of activities except the usual tending to the school gardens and greenhouses during the day so I said I would meet the guys a little later after work. Before I left Isaac stopped me to ask another question.

"You know... that whole business about being beaten up in the showers... well it got me thinking. I go to the Muay Thai kick-boxing club just off campus and we share the dojo with the Gracie Jujitsu group. Would you like to come and see me train sometime after the State Championships?"

It was an intriguing offer, but at the same time, slightly weird that he mentioned it. Was he like Jack- following my weird hay-wired train of thoughts? I decided to take him up on his offer anyway.

"Sure, I wouldn't mind going. I'll talk to you more about it once we meet up in New York." Isaac perked up a brow in question, "You're not coming to Spartanburg for the break?" he asked, slightly surprised.

"No, I'm actually heading to MIT for the break along with some other guys." He smiled "Oh yeah, of course! Professor Silvoni asked me to go but I turned it down because of the Championships."

"You take physics?" I inquired. Another oddity.

He laughed and smiled "Yeah! Despite my Mom and Dad being horribly against the sciences, I actually do study them. I want to be a Physiotherapist

specializing in Sports Medicine." WOW, that was a mouthful.

I spent most of the day replanting and weeding the hedge maze; some of the plants and bushes that grew there had suddenly died- no doubt from people pissing into them or dumping alcohol into the soil. During lunch I went back to the shed, expecting to be greeted by a ham and cheese sandwich. But the door to the shed was open.

I peered inwards and asked who was there only to be greeted by a tall lumberjack looking character: gruff brown beard, tousled hair, brown eyes, a gaudy red check shirt and a snug pair of light blue levis. As soon as he smiled I recognized who it was.

"George!?" He seemed to smile even brighter as I called his name out.

"Daniel! Buddy! How are you?" I went to him to give him a hug, and he embraced me with arms wide open. It felt comfortable to have him around.

"I'm not bad George. How are you?" I withdrew from his hug and found more dirt covering the t-shirt I was wearing. George had been working? For how long I wondered to myself as he frazzled my hair about.

"I'm great! I feel better now."

The smile and his tone made me smile, however there was a question in my mind that made me wonder about him- how he truly was. So I gave him a stern look. "Honestly- I'm good. No more suicide attempts." I wasn't convinced and he put an arm on my shoulder "Honest Daniel, I'm fine. I do owe you an explanation though."

So he sat me down and recounted the events after the hospital and the party. It had seemed so long ago. He told me about what Lidia and he had discussed, about his repressed feelings because of the kids, and how unhappy he had been feeling that he was close to his thirties now with no sense of achievement yet. She could understand where he was coming from, but she had reminded him that they still had Luke and Lando to think about. And she was almost always right. So despite being married, they had decided that in the best interest of the kids they would separate until the kids were grown up and were a little more understanding and independent. After that had happened they had agreed that they would talk further about a divorce.

It never occurred to Lidia that George was gay though. It really didn't. In truth George was actually a bisexual- he loved being with both men and women. She didn't like the idea of sharing George, but she knew she had lost him for a while now. He had been spending more and more time since the last year after meeting me either working, or stopping by at my house every so often.

She felt that it was also a little disturbing that he had such an attachment to my family. But he told her that after saving his life- he felt indebted to my dad for everything he had done.

Lidia was a natural caring mother- if anything she was the most compassionate person I had ever met. She was a wonderful woman and reminded me a lot of my mother- despite being sometimes stern.

They wanted to keep it quiet from the boys for now though. And if the truth be known- they still loved each other but weren't ready for this separation business. They had grown so used to each other that the concept of "his" and "hers" never came along. So the idea of splitting property made Lidia cringe and George squirm in discomfort. I found this extremely endearing. It was then that I realized how young George really was.

"Well good for you George. I wished that people could solve divorces like you and Lidia man! There would be no lawsuits and lawyers would end up without jobs." He chuckled and ruffled my hair again. I was getting a little annoyed at that. "Too right, I know what you mean" he smiled back.

"Soo, that means that you two will see other people..." I was a little terse about this, not sure if this was the right thing to say amidst the revelation of all these facts. "Yeah to put it bluntly, we are seeing other people.

I kind of wanted to see Rob again." I immediately shook my head. "No George! That's a Pandora's box waiting to be opened. I don't think you should see him." He rolled his shoulders and swayed from side to side in agitation. "Why!? I want to see him!" he demanded. I quaked in my shoes, suddenly feeling afraid, and timidly replied, "Because he's with someone else right now."

George's mouth dropped wide open in shock. "Oh damn..."

I nodded "You're telling me. I only recently figured that out. And he's with my deceased brother's lover now"

George did a double take. "SHANE!?" he spat out in amazement. I nodded. "Yeah the very same Shane." He laughed out loud, a booming and heart-warming laugh. "That old dog! Wait till I get to him! I haven't seen him since the funeral."

That comment stung a little. Despite being a year since Marcus had died, I hadn't gotten over it yet.

"Oh sorry Danny-boy, I forgot how sensitive you still are about Marcus." He rubbed my shoulder again. It was kinda comforting, if only he didn't ruffle my hair afterwards. "Ergh! George stop doing that. It's annoying." He put his hand over his mouth and mock-apologized to me before I whacked him with a nearby book and flipped him the bird.

"So I hear that you're going to MIT then" he said brightly, as if to say this piece of information was something he knew I would be surprised about. And surprised I was for a different reason.

"Yeah I am, how did you know Mr. Sotherby?" He cheekily laughed and explained that he knew the people in the Alumni Trustee's Board and that there was a specific man who was actually funding me to go. I wanted to press more questions but George seemed adamant that I shouldn't ask any more questions other than to say, "This man likes you a lot".

Oh crap! Now I have a rich, stalker man to worry about. "Well I'm proud of you Danny-boy. I'm glad you're finally breaking out in the world and deciding to do something for yourself." He patted me on my cheek and then gave me a peck. I grew crimson straight away.

"George, I-" he interrupted me with a chuckle and said "I know. You're taken, don't worry. I could tell you were the moment you started opening up." How the fuck does he know all these things?

I spent some more time with George before heading off to the Greenhouses, which he gladly left for me to work in. He hates working in the Greenhouses and their humid heat as it makes him stink and sweat like a hippo in heat. The thought of that vivid description was enough to get me running from him.

We agreed to meet up later on after MIT during the holidays. That made me remember that Maddy was coming to spend a week in the summer with me. And then there was visiting Marcus' grave with Shane. Then dinner with Coach Derek Williams and his Partner, as well as picking up my parent's from the airport with Jack, OH GOD! And coming out to them! Shit! Too much! Way too much to worry about for me!

By the time I had a moment to stop worrying, I realized that I had overworked by an hour, so I told George that I would take time back tomorrow. I was severely late for watching practice with Jack and Isaac. As I ran into the gym, sweating from the afternoon blaze and a little exhausted from being late, they were synchronizing their movements to a routine. I took a seat nearby, dazzled by their performance. Looking at Jack and then looking at Isaac, it was like looking at color vs. black and white versions of each other. I sometimes wondered if Isaac was related to Jack in some way.

As they finished I took my time to look over their sweat-free bodies. How do they do that? I stand outside in the heat and get soaking wet in my own perspiration, but they don't have so much as a tear drop on their brows from doing repeat 360 spins and handstands on their 190 pound bodies.

I couldn't help but notice that Jack was wearing a shorts/vest/leotard combo, which made it easy to see his package clearly through the fabric. Looking at Jack in this way made my cock twitch in my shorts and chub up. Isaac was wearing something fairly similar, except with a black Lycra V-neck showing off all his dark chest hairs. I was sporting a semi just looking at the two and getting really excited, especially with the "lesson" Jack and I were about to give him.

"Hey Isaac."

I greeted him with a firm handshake before coming to Jack and giving him a kiss, running my fingers along his jaw line. "Hmmm, someone is feeling a little affectionate today" he commented, lingering on the soft feel of my lips before smiling back at me with those lucid and deadly, sexy blue eyes.

"Yeah well, I could be more affectionate if you didn't think I was some sort of whore."

Jack was a little stung by the comment and I eased off a little, feeling stupid and idiotic for saying that. Damnit! I turned to see Isaac, and he was already near the locker room hallway. He had his back turned, as if he had intruded on something very private. I understood too well.

"Hey Isaac! Wait up! I need to take a shower too!" Jack shouted, dragging me by the arm towards the locker room. I laughed as we chased after the slightly embarrassed Isaac, and I found myself thinking- who is this new Daniel? And where the hell did the old one go?

And the Surprises keep coming! Let me know what you think- send an email.


Have fun guys!

Next: Chapter 17

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