Jack and Daniel

By Cody Samuels

Published on Aug 17, 2023



Hey guys- Well! After that chapter and the ending to that, I think you all know what's coming. And I also bet you didn't expect to see this coming.

Thank you all for your emails- There's nothing I love more besides writing than returning my emails to you all so keep them coming -- literally.naked@gmail.com

Pictures of what the guys could look like are more than welcome as well :-D

This particular new chapter goes out to Mr.Salvotroni and Mr Shanahan. Enjoy this ones guys :D

***About me: I live on the riverside of the Thames, it's got a really open view of the river and Greenwich which has the Royal Observatory and the meridian line of course. I grew up with a lot of culture around me so as a result I enjoy listening to other people and what they think. It's always good to hear an outside perspective besides your own. And for those of you who are a little younger- I am big fan of Bleach (Animated Japanese Manga)

Thanks again to Barry for his editing assistance. Special mention to Josh Evans who managed to get all of the books... I was a little shocked actually; there is someone out there who likes the same books as I do.

Enjoy this next one- because I certainly did ;-)

NOTES AND DISCLAIMERS: See previous Chapters

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPTER XIV- CONNECTIONS

In my mind- I thought, and nearly believed, that the scene I just entered was my mind playing tricks on me. The two of them were just sitting on their beds, opposite each other reading, working or talking to one another; come in as usual... take a seat... talk about the plans for next Monday.

"Hey Dan! How are 'ya?"

"I'm swell Rob, How 'bout you?"

"I'm cool buddy, excited about Spartanburg?"

"Sure am buddy"


Rob was on his back- naked as the day his mother brought him into the world, being screwed by one fucking hot stud by the name of Shane, who happened to be the closest thing to an older brother to me.

I couldn't see much else other than Shane's buttocks, flexing and hardening back and forth as he fucked Rob hard. But from what I did hear- the moaning and rough, hard slap of balls hitting bare ass, and the grunting and "Oh's!" and "Ah's!" was enough to make a guy's dick come to attention in a real hurry.

When they looked up and saw us, they stopped dead in their tracks. They were completely astounded at who was walking in, and better yet...they were still hard- Rob even more so now. They had the look I had, which was what the fuck?! Am I Imagining things?" And they had every right to. Shit I was thinking that we needed to turn back before Jack asked me if I was ready to join them. Then something suddenly stopped me...WAIT!

No, he didn't? Did he? Round three!?

I choked on my ragged breath. "What!? Jack! Really!?" Jack gave me a devilishly handsome smile and I melted on the spot. Being horny and loved all at once at the sight of Jack, and then seeing Shane- my own brother-in-soul fucking dear sweet Rob was just, well- it made it hard for me to listen to my brain and not my dick.

The alarms were ringing though- "Don't do it Daniel" was what the siren in my brain kept saying. My heart wanted to jump right in though, and my dick naturally would be taking point. I chuckled at the thought which seemed to give Jack the signal to scoop me up, in turn giving a grin to Jeff as he too, scooped up Lance- taken by surprise, shock and sheer giddiness they shut the door after themselves.

I felt myself being slammed into the wall. "Jack!" I coughed, as I winced in a little pain, trying to remind him that I was still in the healing process. "Oops. Sorry gorgeous..." he said apologetically, eager to fuck the shit out of me. I wasn't sure how this was going to go, but I was ready as my hands tentatively started wandering around the distinct ridges of Jakes already familiar, naked body.

He shivered as I traced the tips of my fingers around the tips of his nipples- feather light I sensuously touched him. I felt his hot, moist, sexy breath bathe me with the state of his sexual high. My cock was already dripping like a leaky faucet inside my jeans and I had a feeling that he was going to kiss me senseless; I wanted him to rip his own sweater off me. I could see it burn into his eyes as he looked at me.

Instinctively, lead by my primal need for sexual gratification, I lowered my head into his chest and licked the deep ridge between his two muscular pecs. A low, sonorous, deep growl came from within the pit of Jack's throat as I snaked my tongue towards his neck, and then along the thick and dense muscles towards his angular jaw line.

Something in that little action must have released the animal in him; the action of touching him in those areas caused him to sink his teeth into my shoulder- and for those four seconds of numb pain- I felt I was branded. I was now his property- his possession. What a mind blowing feeling.

I felt my shoulder swelling with blood as a few more moans erupted from me before Jack went to another level of wild! Releasing me from his jaws- He took complete control of me, effortlessly swiveling my body around, forcing me to lean back on him as he undressed me. FUCK!

This was such a turn on for me I was almost in pain as my cock screamed to get through my jeans. It throbbed hard as Jack ran a hand down the opening of my hoodie and then slid his forearm across my torso. I tensed at the sensations of his rough callused hands running across my nipples- making them fully erect. My cock responded likewise as he grazed my other nipple with his palms. I was assaulted by so many sensations at once- his hands all over my body and undressing me, and the exposure of my bare chest to Lance as Jeff's handsome face and talented mouth worked over his cock tightened my muscles with excitement, especially the one trapped in the fabric prison I began to know as my underwear. Maybe I should consider commando more often.

Then came the ultimate sensation: the hot-wet-moist-tantalizingly-sexy breath of Jack, his tongue slithering down my neck and licking me behind my ears, making me drop to my knees. Well almost! Jack caught me and embraced me. Fuck! Take off my jeans now DAMMIT! Take them off my sexed up brain pleaded! And as if by some fluke or coincidence, either that or he was a mind reader, his fingers laced along my skin- the tips feathery and airy to the touch- and reached for my pants-buttons, unclasped them and then slowly slid my jeans down until they bunched up at my knees.

My attention turned to the other noises coming from the room- noises I heard from the guys- from being fucked by Shane- who had moved on and was now making out with Rob. Jeff had Lance on the floor on all fours with his tongue deep in his crack, eating him out. Deep groaning and heavy breathing escaped Lance as Jeff nuzzled himself deeper and deeper into Lance's ass globes of flesh.

Jack stripped his sweater off me and pressed his raging hard-on into my ass-cheeks. I could feel the heat and power coming from his cock through the fabric of my underwear. Fuck! It was driving me crazy. The proximity of his cock- it was so close and I ached for it in me, I could even feel my ass clam up- getting moist and ready for him.

Jack pushed me forward and I grasped my knees for support. He swatted my ass once, and I yelped in pain before he ripped down my boxers. I felt him knead his fists onto my ass cheeks, causing me to buckle from the excitement and elation from the effect that his animalism was having on me. I begged for some sort of relief, but my cock was telling me something different.

"Oh Jack please! Fuck me now!" I begged, I pleaded, but he wouldn't. I felt the wetness around my hole and I constricted straight away, and then relaxed as I felt his soft velvety tongue probe and prod my ass. It fucked up my mind whenever he rimmed me, and the feelings he gave me now with his tongue around my hole screwed with my mind and assaulted it with sensations I still hadn't gotten used to. It made me do involuntary things- like moaning and drooling afterwards.

I felt the sensation of someone close by- someone who felt familiar yet strange in a weird way. Seconds later I felt a hot, raspy, fiery breath fan across my cheeks and upper lip; a hot moist piece of flesh came into contact with my lips, and then I felt the wetness of a tongue and lips envelope my opening mouth. I opened my eyes in shock and it was Shane!

Shane was kissing me! It was so surreal- the guy I had once fantasized about fucking me and kissing me, who turned out to be my brother's lover, and NOW!, the only guy that had become my own brother was kissing me! I could have cum right then, and almost did.

The low chuckle that erupted from Jack's mouth- the vibrations from his lips and his mouth as he dug his nose further into my ass crack made me moan into the lips of Shane. He bit my lower lip in excitement and I felt a wet stream of pre-cum drip onto my toes. Shane withdrew from me and grinned devilishly before he resumed fucking Rob, who was busy making out with Lance and jacking him off as Jeff was about to enter him.

I took that as a cue to join the rest of the guys on the bed. I shed the rest of my clothes and stood there naked, feeling really glorious and testosterone overloaded. I was met with silence and a few shocked faces though. Lance broke the silence with a startling shout: "FUCK! Dan! What the hell is that monster!?" Looking at my cock with shock, my face blushed red instantly and I covered my dick with my hands- however Jack had other plans and pulled my hands away from my crotch.

"Don't be ashamed of yourself babe" he said soothingly into my ear, making me cream and trickle more pre-cum. Despite the shock on everyone's faces except Shane's for some reason, I was even more excited- throbbing and madly turning purple. "Just like his brother, aye" Shane remarked. I was a little stunned at that comment. Brashly, in an attempt to pick up my bravado I quipped back at him, "I guess you would know wouldn't you." Shane grinned broadly "I would do anything to get onto that monster all over again" and then he immediately regretted saying anything, sensing that he had hurt Rob's feelings.

"Sorry buddy..." He attempted to kiss Rob tenderly on the lips. Rob shied away once, and then Shane forcefully yet tenderly cupped his face and planted a sweet kiss on his lips. The scene itself, two naked guys, exposing themselves and a bit of their intimacy- It was Hot!

"I'll make it up to you..." Shane said quietly. He eased himself back from Rob, pushed his legs down and mounted him all in one movement. Rob cried out in pleasure as Shane skewered himself onto Rob's throbbing, hard seven inches. Shane whimpered and bit his bottom lip as he rode Rob, his meat, which was flopping up and down, still hard as a rock, hypnotized me and made my mouth water and my cock jump almost in rhythm in the excitement.

"I wouldn't mind getting a piece of that meat of yours either" Jeff quipped. He was flushed and as red as a tomato from the sexual excitement and tension you could smell in the air. "If I had known you had that package stowed away in those form fitting pants I would have bent down on all fours and let you fuck me till I was all out of jizz".

My jaw dropped and I felt a little embarrassed. The heat flashed across my face and I felt even more hot, bothered and a little overwhelmed. Suddenly Jack seized this moment, pushed me onto the bed with my face down, pulled my ass up by my hips, and lubed his dick with his spit before rubbing it along my writhing and flexing sphincter. I moaned into the sheets and drooled onto them, unable to control myself from the wave after wave of pleasure washing over my body; but the biggest please would be for him to STICK HIS DICK IN ME!

I bucked my hips in an effort to push him into me, but he retracted and pushed me down by my back, forcing me to arch my hips up even higher and give him my ass. I felt extremely vulnerable, unprotected and yet it excited me. I left pools of pre-cum on Rob's sheets and a drool spot near my face.

"Oh damn! Ugh! Jack Fuck me!" I screamed. I wanted him in me and him teasing my hole with his cockhead was too much for me. I waited for a bit, bucking and moaning to myself before I could wait no longer and lunged my ass onto his dick, impaling myself completely onto him. He cried out in ecstasy, "Daniel! Oh Fuck!" he screamed as I took in his entire length at one time. I was in control this time and I loved it! He slumped onto my back and braced his arms around my body. I wasted no time in fucking his cock now that it filled me up; I pushed back until I could feel his pubes and then pulled forward until the head of his cock almost came out, then pushed hard back in again.

It was a head-rush; all the blood swam to my head and it made me feel a little nauseous from the raucous amount of pleasure I was having from impaling myself onto Jack and fucking myself. I clenched hard as I took him into me and then relaxed as I retracted. Jack sounded like he was being tortured, his groans and moans sounded painful. I stopped and he swatted me saying "Why did you stop!? Oh fuck! Daniel that felt amazing!" Wow! It was such a buzz to be pleasing him! And I wasn't getting the bad end either! I loved bottoming for Jack!

It gave me an idea though. I pushed him up so he was standing, and I felt my butt-muscles contract and he moaned and drooled a little on my shoulder. "Jack- sit down" I ordered him. He reluctantly slipped out of me, and sat down on the bed, I straddled his lithe legs, and lowered myself onto his dick.

The sensation of being filled by his hot cock as I slid down, and the pleasure I felt when his dick hit my prostate- Oh fuck! This was what Jack was enjoying! I can't believe I had missed out on this feeling before! Oh Man! What a Rush! As I slowly began to ride him, his dick hit me straight away in all the right spots and my pre-cum was flowing almost like a river now. The pleasure was so incredible and over-whelming that it took over my body now and I forcefully put both hands on his shoulders and pushed him so he landed on his back, and then rode him senseless!

Bouncing up and down on him while he writhed in pleasure, I was in ecstasy, the sheer volume of pleasure and sex that filled my veins was so extreme I failed to notice that someone had decided to hold onto my dick. SHANE! Again! He was still on top of Rob who was now thrashing away madly while kissing Lance as he was being fucked on all fours by Jeff.

It was an orgy! I couldn't believe it! Well, at least not for long before Jack performed a serious feat of "Man-to-man" logistics- grasping around my hips and hoisting himself up so he could rotate, with me still lanced onto his dick and put me on my back. I whimpered as he fucked and thrashed my hole. I felt Shane's grip tighten on my hard cock, jerking me with ungodly strength. I was starting to feel myself climax, burning in my veins and pumping into my blood like an infection- I was getting delirious. In the last moment of my failing brain power being pummeled against the might of my incoming orgasm, I grasped Shane's cock as it started to get bigger, engorged with more blood - I could tell he was near orgasm.

I was near orgasm too, I had to tell Jack to stop before I could shoot my load, otherwise I wouldn't have the satisfaction of pleasing Jack. I wanted to do all the work this time- take true credit for putting that handsome and brilliant smile on his face. "Jack! Stop! I want to be on top! I want to ride you!" I said with difficulty- trying not to cream myself too early. Jack did it again! Scooping me up and rotating so he could lie down and have me ride him again.

I began fucking myself on his thick and big man-pole with only one thought in mind: I wanted to make Jack cream himself this time. So I hit a fist on his chest without knocking the wind out of him, looked him squarely in the eye with wild animal passion, and again rode him senseless, bucking my hips and swiveling my ass. Jack was recoiling now, and he too was bridging me from underneath, as if I was riding one of those mechanical bulls- I held on for dear life, My ears suddenly blocked out all other noise except for the groans and moans of the other guys. I was getting close.

White noise ensued. I felt the pressure building in my head, the rushing of blood, the wild jacking of my body and hand! It was all too much! TOO MUCH! I screamed hard and Jack followed suit. Shane chased my cumming with his own as we all cascaded, jizz was flying everywhere as one by one we all came in massive, explosive orgasms.

Bucking and heaving, I kept cumming, shooting my load onto Jack's face at first and then more as my cum expelled from my dick, forced by Jack's thrusting, cumming onto his chest and then spewing onto Shane's hand. I couldn't stop. It felt like I was going to spew cum forever. My head scrunched and my face screwed tightly. I collapsed onto Jack, and melted into his arms as we kissed lightly, our faces contorted so much that it was painful to do anything remotely expressive.

Shane was also slumped onto Rob and the two melted into one just as Jeff and Lance were on top of another.

Exhausted, tired, spent- I had never, in my entire life EVER- experienced such a mind-bending twister of an orgasm. It took so much out of me that I fell asleep with Jack still in me. And I had a feeling that the rest of the guys conked out too.

I awoke an hour later with someone fondling with my cheeks. It was Jack. His hands cupped around my mounds and I felt him squeeze me awake. Rousing myself awake, I suddenly felt empty. Jack had slipped out of me as he became soft in his dreams. I could even feel the trickle of his seed out of my slightly gaping hole. I was still hard but too spent to do anything about it. It didn't help that his fingers were swirling his cum around my hole, making me whimper.

"Hey Buddy...You okay?" He mused in my ear, licking it. I chuckled lowly and I felt another hand lace around my own and intertwine with mine. Shane.

"Hey dude! Glad you could join us. Was there something you wanted to tell us?"

I laughed out loud. "Well there was but... I could see you and Rob were busy." He grinned widely and Rob giggled under him. "What was it?"

I told them that I said had yes to the Prof about MIT and that he wouldn't be having Rob for the nationals, which he didn't seem unhappy about, but you could tell the sadness in the tone. Rob, who was initially happy at first, now felt like it might be a bad time to let Shane down. I noticed the chemistry between them and I was a little shy to ask them at first about it.

I looked at Jack and he too recognized the chemistry- but unlike me he was always ready to ask questions: no matter how intrusive they may be.

"So how long have you two been at it?" Jack wiggled his eyebrows suggesting the subtle innuendo. "Not long. Ever since Daniel came to visit I guess," Rob admitted sheepishly. My eyes widened. It was weird but somehow it all connected, it just made sense for them to come together and start sharing things with each other by using the fact they both know me as a connection- a common ground. I didn't realize that it was that easy to make friends. By using simple connections like knowing somebody, you can easily have a lover and a friend. It was the link that provided us all a means to bridge over and become part of each other's lives.

"Daniel? Is everything okay in the world of la la land?" Rob waved a hand in front of my face. "Yeah everything is. I just had an epiphany of some sorts." I looked to Jack for comfort. I felt a little smothered with the attention. "Okay Dan, we'll talk about it later" Jack affirmed, letting everyone know to drop the conversation. "We should get washed though. All this cum, despite it being good for our skin could cause a bit of a stink," he said jokingly.

"I know what you mean, I've been sleeping with my nose pinched so that I can't smell this fucker underneath me" Jeff commented. He seemed to be jesting because suddenly I heard was a fit of giggles and a lot of shuffling on the bed. Jeff's flailing limbs under Lance's powerful body hit Rob and Shane in certain spots too close for comfort and the four of us decided to evacuate to the small shower room.

As we got up, I noticed how big the stains on Rob's bed were and immediately felt the compulsion to change the sheets or at least ask Rob if he wanted his sheets cleaned- so I asked him. "No buddy, it's okay... I have memories now of what happened on this awesome day. I'm not washing those sheets, but I will change them."

My eyes grew wide and the funny-fuzzy feeling of laughter bubbled out of me. I could understand why he would want to keep the sheets that smelled of us. I would too- just to add realism when it came to reminiscing.

While they were tickling each other- Jack and I waiting and watched Rob and Shane wash each other tenderly and lovingly as they kissed and made contact every so often. It was sweet and rather romantic to watch; Jack interlocked his arms around my body while we watched the two hot studs making sweet love to each other in the cramped shower cubicle.

I sighed quietly to myself and I felt the wet pucker of Jack's full lips on my shoulder. I broke out in goose bumps and froze in delight as he kissed me. "I love you he whispered in my ear." I turned to Jell-o in his arms and muttered back to him, "I love you too Jack..."

Spent from yesterday, we woke up realizing it was Friday. It was slowly becoming a routine for us now, waking up and rousing the other one with a little fooling around, sometimes something else; then slowly getting dressed and fussing about kissing with morning dog breath before heading to the showers together. Today it wouldn't be the handicapped showers- it would be the real deal, open floor cubicle showers. At first I was nervous, scared, even frightened, but with Jack around as my loyal bodyguard, my protection I felt completely safe; if anything I felt empowered to do anything. It was a strange thing he gave me; I felt like I was in complete power to do anything with him around. However, the closer we got to the showers- the more potent my feelings of doubt and fear became. I tried my best to shrug it off, but until I out of the showers- I would never feel totally safe.

We were the first in the showers. No one had walked in to turn on the lights. They were sound activated, so the moment someone took a footstep into the basin area of the showers the lights would turn on. My nerves were frayed and on edge. I'd already worked myself up over doing this, so maybe that's why I felt the eerie presence of someone stalking behind me, ready to punch my fucking lights out- again. I stopped, paralyzed with fear. Jack also stopped in his tracks and turned around to look at me. "Daniel, it's okay, there's no-one here." I wasn't convinced, or at least my mind and my body weren't. I shook my head nervously, not wanting to go any further at first. I was still clothed in shorts and a t-shirt, my towel and wash bag ready to be dropped the instant anything moved that give me any reason to run. I wanted to run anyway, I felt so much fear seeping into my body that I was almost frozen on place. Even Jack could smell my fear and I could see how he reacted to it.

My stomach was churning and I couldn't have been more paralyzed by the perceived fear I was feeling. The only thing that would make things worse would be to soil myself, a little humiliation on top of it all. The proverbial salt in the wound bit.

But Jack rescued me again. He always rescued me, and I loved him for it. "Daniel! There is no one here, and besides, if there was, there would be no WAY in hell that I would ever let them hurt you."

He wrapped his arms around me, coiling me into the security of his body. I felt his heartbeat and for a moment I breathed with him as he breathed. "That's it Dan, big breaths, small thoughts..." I did as he asked. taking in big breaths, trying to mimic his breathing, and it worked. There was a pause before he let off a low chuckle "although there is nothing small about you." I began to unwind from the nervous tension and tornado of tumultuous thinking. And then I sighed, Jack followed suit as he cupped my face and kissed me, gently-softly-sweetly-serenely on my lips. Calm washed over me and I began to feel a little normal.

"There we go... nothing to fear; geez if you're going to be like this from now on how will you survive Michigan?" I stared into the distance with shock and the realization of what he had just said slapped me in the face like a cold wet fish- I hadn't thought about that.

It wasn't until Physics had ended and Rob, Lance and I headed to the canteen for lunch that I started talking again. Rob had already figured something was on my mind, but me being me, I was too focused in my thoughts to respond to anything other than the class at hand.

It was an odd and awkward thing- the silence between us- but it was soon broken with Jeff and Shane coming over to sit with us. I looked around but there was no Jack. "Uh... where's Jack?" I asked a little nervously. Shane sat next to me and gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "He said he needed to take care of something with his parents so he'll join us in a minute." I was worried. Why didn't he let me know about this? Oh god I'm getting clingy. I shrugged the thought out of my head, feeling very self deprecating and grotesque with ugly thoughts when the words "clingy" and "me" were put into the same sentence.

"It's okay Dan, nothing to worry about. Really... can you lighten up just a little? Ever since yesterday you've been a bundle of worries and woes. It's not good buddy." Shane rubbed my back and I felt a little comfort from my foster brother. "I'll try." At first that was all that I was going to say but then I pushed myself a little more, trying to get the words to come out. They did finally and it left me a little exasperated and light-headed. Damn my shyness. "Uh... well... there is one thing. We'll be away for nearly three days before we head off to Spartanburg, and I realized that I now have this phobia for walking into the showers, especially ours, on my own." I paused a minute to catch my breath and Jeff looked at me a little curious.

"He was assaulted in the showers, remember?" Lance said to Jeff. Jeff smacked himself in the face- "Sorry Dan! I forget, you've changed a bit since you've been with Jack; things have been so good lately that I'd almost forgotten that you were assaulted." He seemed really remorseful. "It's okay Jeff." I admonished him with a smile. Shane seemed to approve and relaxed his guard. "Well... this morning was the first time I went to the open showers since being beat up. I froze on the spot I was so frightened. I couldn't even move my body; Jack had to hold me and tell me everything would be okay. What if it's like that in the other showers?" Rob stopped eating and put his fork down. "Listen- we'll be there, and if anything, and I mean anything starts to happen, we'll be there to catch your back. Lance fights like a mad man, and you've got me too. It'll be okay. I promise." I felt Rob's hand cover mine and squeeze it. I smiled, feeling some comfort but still troubled by this latest issue I had to deal with.

It wasn't until later on after a bit of seat shuffling so Rob and Shane could sit next to each other and do a little lip-locking after eating, while the rest of us watched people stare, that I noticed someone familiar. It was Isaac, sitting alone. The tall, hulking figure looked so lonesome- like some cursed angelic statue. I not only knew his pain, I felt it. I really did. He was in an Iron Maiden of his own, stuck in the steel coffin with a razor-edged knife or sword at every turn. I felt a spurt of adrenaline and impulse catch me off guard and before I could respond my body moved.

"One second guys... I just saw Isaac and I want to talk to him." Shane grabbed my arm and stopped me. "That's not a good idea" he warned me. I shrugged him off, surprised I had it in me to just ignore his advice and go straight to Isaac.

Something called me to him from deep within me. It wasn't primal, but more instinctive- a silent beckon deep from within the recesses of me. It was also better than sitting at the table with the guys sulking and feeling left out.

As I walked towards him I noticed he was reading a book. Not just any ordinary book, but the Bible. Damned! This was a good place to start being gay wasn't it? Leviticus would be the best place to start learning how "right" it was to be gay. I suddenly lost all my bravado when he looked up and looked at me with those intense dark eyes.

"Uh... Hi, I'm Daniel..." I felt stupid straight away.

"What do you want?" he said calmly- no aggression or coldness in his tonality.

"Can I talk to you?" I replied. Okay so this DEFINITELY wasn't the way to go about helping him. But I had to try, even if it seemed like I was going to fail miserably.

"Sure" he said quietly. I noticed his face was slightly scarlet. "Is everything okay? You look a little flushed" I said as I took a seat nearby on a circular table. "Yeah... why?" he looked a little lost and troubled. His eyes rolled with discomfort and impatience. I could see he liked the attention but he wasn't sure about talking to me- as if I was a sin already. "You know Jack Connors right?" I asked him, trying an ice-breaker as I had learned yesterday as a conversation starter.

"Yeah, I'm on the gymnastics with him. You're his boyfriend Daniel right?" My jaw dropped instantaneously. "Yeah, I am... how did you know my name?" My surprised facial expressions sparked a sudden smile on his face. And boy did he have a smile on him. The handsome hunk should be modeling or be on a poster ad for the Catholic church. Mind you, his being the poster boy for a religious organization like the Catholic Church could raise a few alarms at the Vatican: "Gay boy leads Church Campaign for Safe Sex" Ha! Yeah right!

"Jack talks about you all the time when he's with the team. Jeff has to tell him to shut up every now and again." I chuckled and blushed at the thought of Jack preening over me to his team mates. "Oh really? What does he say?" I egged, trying to get more information out of him.

He smiled "No lies that's for certain. Now that I've met you as well, I can see why he likes you so much." He went crimson this time and I laughed. So he wasn't a head case after all. Maybe now was a good time to ask what I'd been thinking all along. "Okay okay, I think he's over exaggerating me here a little. I'm really just an ordinary guy." Isaac perked up a brow, saying, "Don't play coy with me Daniel. You're nothing ordinary. If anything, you're rather special, Especially considering the fact that you have the guts to just come up to me and say "Hi" when I look like I could beat the shit out of you for being a fag." He was deadly serious, his eyes glinted cold and I sat there in sheer terror. What had I gotten myself into! Oh god! Please don't beat me up! I began hyperventilating and cowered away from him in terror.

Shane must have been watching us because he was at my side almost immediately with Jack in tow. Isaac immediately regretted what he had said when he saw the anger in Shane's eyes. "What the fuck are you doing Isaac!!!???" Shane half growled.

"I'm so sorry... I didn't know he would react like that; it was a joke!" Isaac pleaded, he seemed genuinely scared for me.

"Did you know he just came out of the hospital recently, gay-bashed by a jerk who said about the same thing you just said? You fucking ass!" With that Shane picked up a bottle of water on the table nearby, opened the cap and sprayed it on Isaac, who was shocked and extremely sorry. "Fucking jerk- I don't know why you're even on the team" was the last thing I heard before I nearly blacked out. I was still hyperventilating, panicked and almost blacking out.

I don't know where he came from, but Jack quickly picked me up and whisked me aside, holding me. "Daniel, deep breaths now... deep breaths now..."

I went to my English class with Lance's hand over my shoulder cooing soft words of comfort. "Dude what's going on? You seemed so happy." He was right, I had been happy but I'm not sure about things now. "I can't even walk into a shower without become paralyzed with fear; I react badly when someone pulls shit on me. Lance! I still haven't gotten over that beating! And the fear of it happening is so real it's like it just happened again. I don't know what to do" I felt like crying, all these emotions were suddenly crashing down on me.

Lance stopped and hugged me. "Man, I didn't know how bad it was."

My brain, already on overload, started pushing more and more thoughts at me- how was I going to get through the next week without the one man that could keep me safe? I had my friends but for some reason it wasn't enough. I had to do something. I had to get over this so I could go to MIT and do something with myself.

English was uneventful except for one thing. Lance would send me a couple of lewd pictures of what happened yesterday, which of course got me hard and turned my face scarlet. I had to shuffle every now and again to re-arrange my engorged cock, which got me a lot of stares from people as I tried to cover it up; especially this one guy in my English class whom I remember as Mitch: Brown hair that was neck length and fairly unkempt, a bright smile and blue eyes with a stocky build, at least from what I could tell by his shoulders. He was fair skinned and easy on the eyes, actually, if anything, he was eye candy. He reminded me of myself, if I was good looking. He kept staring at me and smiling. I couldn't stop smiling back, flushing red every now and again. He responded in turn and ended up keeping my mind off my constant worrying at least.

When I got back to my dorms, I was greeted by a hug from Jack in his boxers, then a kiss, not a quick welcome home kiss, but a sweet, small kiss on my lips that I gladly welcomed. I looked at him as he held me, drinking in the fine details of his delectable body. His hair had gotten a little darker, if not slightly brown. I paused to look at him more carefully, and then I just spat it out, going by what Jack had said about `Speaking my mind'- "JACK! You cut your hair!"

He smiled brightly and for that moment in time, I felt the sun had exploded in me. He looked even more dashing and handsome now- even without the blond, and if anything- I really liked the short layered hair-do: it certainly complimented the recent tan he's been developing and the brown hair.

"Thanks Dan, I wasn't sure whether to chop the locks or if I should let the bangs grow." He seemed a little self conscious and bowed his head. "Jack" I said, closing what little gap there was between us before cupping his jaw line to give him a kiss on the lips. Lightly and lovingly. "I love you no matter what you look like. But..." Oh god here comes the stammer, "I-I-I-I'm really stoked you think so highly of my opinion," and I went crimson then and there. He smiled but it was a sad smile though. There was something different about him - he was a little more sallow than usual. Come to think of it, he did seem to have bags of tiredness under his eyes. I was a little concerned.

"Jack... You called your parents. Is everything alright?" He didn't say anything at first- just hugged me. I returned his hug and embraced my arms around him. Feeling his breath on my hair, I enjoyed the languid movement of his breathing. Jack seemed to enjoy it for a moment before he released a soft breath. "One of my best friends from high school called my house, asking if I was there. My parents told him I was in college. They asked how he was and what he'd been doing since we'd seen him last. He's a little older than either of us."

As he talked I stripped down and got ready for bed. I let him keep talking though, intently listening, wanting to know what was troubling my knight in shining armor- I pushed my emotions, wants and needs to one side. He was the most important person to me right now.

Jack talked on and I listened intently. His best friend that he'd grown up with was Matthew. Matthew was of African-American descent and lived in Tucson. He went to college in Massachusetts and dropped out during his second year. His older brother had also been assaulted like me and Marcus, so we had a lot in common already. And like me, they were both gay. His older brother- Simon had gotten a degree in International Relations and came out to his mom as soon as he graduated, hoping she would be happy. But she wasn't. Unfortunately, as is the case with too many families, she disowned him for being gay. Right after that happened he was also assaulted on the way back home from his shift at work. He came out of that beating alive, but it was still a harrowing and terrible experience. Matthew dropped out of a college of Journalism to join the army. He felt that by joining the army he could become a bit more macho and overcome his attraction to men. But he discovered that it was futile and that he was gay. He would never be as happy with a girl as he could be with a guy. I snuggled up close to him, nuzzling my nose onto the crook of his neck and then he heaved again. "Why did he call though?" I asked him, waiting for his reply.

"Because he has cancer." I wasn't prepared for this one and I didn't know what to say to that. I was speechless. "It's in his chest and he isn't sure yet if it's malignant or benign. He's going to have an operation three weeks from today to remove it." I was skeptical. Tumors or Cysts in the chest were difficult to diagnose and difficult to fight off sometimes if they were malignant. I was worried for his friend, and even more worried at the impact it had already had on Jack.

I kissed his jaw and hugged his body tightly. I felt him tense and then relax, and then tense up all over again. "Jack..." there was a moment of uncertainty that was almost tangible in the air. I wasn't sure why he felt it but he did. So I had to ask, "Jack... are you okay?" He shook his head no and I felt a stifled sob escape from his throat. I rose up, looked at him just as his lucid blue eyes were filling with tears that started to flow freely. I hugged him tight and let him cry in my arms with his head on my chest. Now it was my turn to rescue him.

Losing his best friend was hurting him and I felt the pain in him. I felt his heart ache with that pain, and my arm throbbed with a hollow empty pain that hurt my heart so much when I saw Jack in pain.

Right at the most inopportune time there was a knock on the door; at first I dismissed it, knowing that Jack needed my attention more than anything else at the moment... but then the knock came again, this time much harder.

"Daniel! Jack! It's me! Isaac..."

More than a little irritated that Isaac had caught us at an bad time, I yanked on a pair of boxers and went to the door and snapped it open to see a tall dark and handsome guy, all disheveled as if he had been crying.

"Daniel I am so sorry... I don't know what came over me. Can you forgive me?"

Wow! So what an eventful chapter! Please feel free to send me an email with your thoughts- literally.naked@gmail.com I love hearing from you and d my very best to return the email.

I'm also looking forward to pictures of the guys, what you think Jack, Daniel and the rest of the crew (new and old) would or could look like.

Your emails are what keep this story alive.

Thanks Guys.

Next: Chapter 16

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