Jack and Daniel

By Cody Samuels

Published on Aug 7, 2023



Hey there Guys!- I guess that after reading the end to the last chapter that you're all wanting to find out what happens in the locker room with Daniel and Jack. Oohh! Are you in for a treat! Thank you all again for your responses. Please send me an email if you have any comments- literaly.naked@gmail.com

If you guys have any pictures on what you think Jack, Daniel and the rest of the guys look like- please feel free to send them to me with a description of them. I already have a few, so I hope to extend the collection with your help everyone.

**About myself: I've traveled the world, from Asia to Europe and then to America, I haven't traveled to South America, Africa, Middle East or Australia but I plan on doing so. And because I live in London as well as travelled the world, I am well cultured. And I also know how to swear in more than 17 languages- I know! Crude! I am also a Fan of Tolkien, Christopher Paolini and Kevin J.Anderson. I'll give special mention to the next chapter to someone who can tell me a book they have written.

Thanks again to Barry whom, without his help- Form, Finesse and Fine words would not have come out of. Thank you Barry

I hope you enjoyed this Chapter- because I SOO Enjoyed writing it.


DISCLAIMER: This fictional story has scenes of male nudity and sexual acts between two or more men that readers may find disturbing or inappropriate for ages under 18. Please do not read if you find such reading offensive or if it may become property of anyone under the age of 18.

This is copyrighted by the writer with permission to publish given to the Nifty Alliance Archive and is exclusively for the readers of this website. This is for the private and personal viewing pleasure of your own. Copying or distribution of this writing is a violation of international copyright laws and will be pursued to the fullest extent allowable by law.

The characters in Jack and Daniel are all fictional and any semblance to real persons living or deceased is purely coincidental.

NOTES: This is a fantasy- Reality is different, use a condom.


So. Jack. Naked. Me. Clothed. Bursting. Needing. Lusting.

These were the one-word-string-of-thoughts that were going through my mind as I drew up closer to the small of the back, pressing my hard throbbing cock along the ridge of his ass cheeks.

"Dan, Oh...Dan...Ugh..." Jack murmured incoherently as my raging hardness rubbing against his soft skin rendered him speechless. "Are you sure you want to do it in the locker...ugh...oh Dan!" Jack stopped abruptly as I snaked a tongue up his spine and kissed his neck. His moaning was making me go nuts with excitement! I loved the noises and the sounds that came from him when I wanted to please him.

"Yeah... I'm so sure..." I was startling myself. I never brave when it came to indecent exposure, but right now- I was severely turned on at the idea of anyone like Professor Silvoni, Isaac, Jeff, or even Coach Williams catching or watching us from the sideline.

"Ugh...Damn." Jack murmured, which turned into a ragged breath escaping his mouth as I delicately traced the outlines of his perfect jutting hip bones; slowly I ran my fingers though the thick, dense net of blond pubic hairs and moved down, feeling his awesomely strong thighs under my fingers.

"..Ugh Dan! You're fucking me over!" He convulsed slightly as my left hand contacted the bit of sensitive soft flesh between his pits and his pectoral muscles. I slid my cock up and down in the cleft between his rock hard mounds as he arched his ass in response and moaned in delight.

"Daniel! Fuck me with your clothes on!" I was stunned! Wow. Really?

He laid a hand on his locker door and turned to meet my gaze. His eyes were narrow and heavy with the sexual desire that was coursing through his veins and making his skin even more sensitive.

"Fuck me Daniel...Fuck me till I scream for you to cum inside me..."

Shock and extreme arousal slapped me in the face. I wanted, no I needed to screw him. I wanted to fuck his tender tight hole. Fuck! His tight pink pucker clenched tightly under my fingers; I wanted to warm him up, get him begging to have me- get him begging to make me screw him.

I put my fingers to my mouth and smelled his manly scent waft under my nostrils. It was a delirious combination of Jack's manly scent, the sex that poured from his pores, and his now sweaty ass. I was inebriated with the scent of his essence- it drove me wild. I wanted this moment to last longer.

I spat onto my fingers and placed them lightly against his perfect looking pucker. A slight moan escaped his lips as he began to tighten his muscles. His ass was formed so well; his soft skin and rock hard buns contracted together, trapping my fingers in the warm cleft. He moaned louder now and sighed heavily, his breathing becoming more ragged.

Slowly his muscles, tightened around the tips of my fingers then eased and relaxed. I ran a slippery fingertip along the pucker and he moaned even more.

This was something so surreal for me, making him cream in pleasure in such a public place. I wanted to see if he was as excited as I was. I snaked my hand 'round his powerful hips and eased it along his abdomen, caressing his golden brown curls, thick and now glistening wet with pre-cum.

I reached down trying to find my prize- his rock hard seven, pulsating and throbbing heavily. I could feel the copious amount of pre-cum that was dripping in a steady flow along his cock. Jack shivered and let out another moan as I grasped his throbbing cock tentatively- and then to tease him I let go and ran my fingers through his hair. "Oh DAMNIT! Daniel! Stop screwing with me and fuck me!"

Jack was primal now, a small growl escaped his hungry lips as he grabbed my hands and forced them to his chest. In a frenzy he reached down and grabbed his cock and began jerking himself before I pulled his hand away. "No Jack.."

This was harrowing for me as it was a sexual overload to tell him not to do something. I had never refused him something and now- we were breaking that barrier.

Suddenly I felt my fingers being squeezed. Shit! He was actually taking my fingers in! I felt his tight love-hole riveted around my fingers and it felt mouth-wateringly good. My own mouth salivating had given me yet another impulse action that I thought I would never get a chance to do- rimming. But I wanted to do it to Jack, and I was going to. I wanted to lick his hole and smell his hot sweaty juices; I wanted to bury my face in his ass and eat it out. Fuck! What a turn on!

In one quick fluid motion, I pulled my fingers out. Jack yelped and whimpered- mourning the loss of my fingers from his asshole. I acted fast- his hole was so inviting and my cock pulsated even more to the point of pain. I dove in with my tongue, lightly kissing the pink writhing pucker in front of me. Jack gasped in surprise and opened wider as another much larger stream of pre-cum oozed from his cum-hole.

"Oh fuck! Ooh Dan that feels soo good!" Jack moaned as he pushed his other palm against the locker door. I fumbled for my zipper, pulled it down and then unbuttoned my jeans while I ran my nose up and down his sphincter. Jack moaned harder as I took in deep breathes, feeling the moist air rush through my nose and brush along his pucker and then I licked a quick stroke of my spit in his hole. THIS drove him over the edge. I could hear it in the desperate-needing-wanting-lusting sexual tone of his voice. He was begging me to put myself in him now.

But I needed to stall! I couldn't get my cock out fast enough! Oh shit! I had another idea! Another stroke of fucking genius!

I pressed my tongue against his hole and I felt him push back against my face! Oh god! This was unbelievable! He smelled so amazing and my cheeks were wet with the sweet smell! And then came the relief I needed- my cock! It came out of my underwear while I fumbled! Finally! Here I come!

I stood up and pushed Jack down by his shoulders so he was bent over completely. Back arched and pointing his ass in the air. His ass had never looked so- inviting as he pushed it towards my pulsating and eager cock. I put the head of my pre-cum slicked cock against his pucker and pushed. I felt him tighten and relax and then bounce between the two! Damn!

"Daniel! Put that monster in me!" Jack ordered.

I pushed harder and he pushed back against me, desperately wanting me in him, desperately seeking to connect to me, desperately wanting me. Slowly his ass slid onto my cock- impaling his tight chute on my nine hard inches. Damnit! He felt so good my cock seared with pleasure.

"Oh fuck Dan! Fuck me! Ugh! Fuck me!" And I did... I slowly pulled out until I could feel the head of my cock pushing against his sphincter. He clenched hard, not wanting me to leave him and just as he was about to say something, as if the timing were being orchestrated by some brilliant, perverse director, I pushed into him and he let out the hardest sexually-drive moan I'd ever heard from him.

I reached over his body, hunching myself over him as I fucked him and twisted his right nipple. Looking down I saw two huge puddles of liquid- one large puddle of hot Jack cum and the other... Oh god! Jack was drooling... Oh that was so hot!

Jack saw me reacting to this and took quick advantage of it. He pushed me off him, spun around, and pulled himself up to his full height. I should have been scared as the six foot Titan of a gymnast that was my boyfriend gruffly pushed me backwards onto the bench; in one move he straddled me, and holding onto my shoulders, guided himself onto my erect cock.

SHIT! He was in more control than I was! Fuck! This felt amazing! Brilliant! With his ass milking me for everything I had, he started riding me harder- and my judgment, clouded by the sex, forced me to grab onto his cock and jerk him at the same time.

Jack went wild as I jerked him harder- actually that was an understatement- he turned into the incredible hulk on me as I writhed to his ass' gyrations, ripping my t-shirt off my shoulders, he literally tore me naked; then took me into his arms as he fucked me senseless. He rode me so hard- I had to hold onto his body for dear life. What a ride!

I felt myself lose all sense of hearing- Oh fuck! This was so intense! Jack was tensing up too, I could feel myself becoming harder all of a sudden. I went almost paralytic with coursing sexual energy and orgasmic feelings overwhelming me. At the same time we both cried out load and came simultaneously; I heard a unified "ARRGHHH!!" which seemed to synch us together as one. My mind was overwhelmed by the powerful and crashing sensation of our mutual orgasms.

I felt his hot lips collide with mine, and we meshed together, swapping spit and love.

I rode out my orgasm. My eyes were clenched tight, my mouth agape. I held Jack as he held me back, his cum rubbing onto my chest, making it impossible for me to deflate and pull my dick out of his wet hole.

"I'm still horny..." I said to Jack. He said nothing at first. His face still contorted from his intense orgasm; then he gasped for air and tightened his cum-filled hole around my dick that was still hard and imbedded in his ass.

"Ugh! Fuck that was good," I whispered. "I feel the same way too..." He said. The evidence was clear- even now he was already producing more pre-cum.

I gave his ass a thrust and he moaned again...and then another thrust...and then another thrust. And then I began fucking him again, thrusting harder and harder.

We continued in the same position until Jack changed to a different position. I didn't know whether I was going to like this position or not until he laid down on his back and lifted a leg up and then said to enter him this way.

I fucked him hard and he screamed this time as I hugged his leg and kissed his calves and loins. He came all over the floor and his stomach while I came into his already over-filled ass. I waited till I was soft and then exited him slowly and scooped up what was seeping out of his ass. At first my instant reaction was to not taste it, but I had to try. I wanted to see what it was like to semi-felch Jack. He hadn't been with anyone else, so I knew it would be safe. So I did. I licked it dry and finished with a hum of satisfaction.

He smiled and patted my arm. I wasn't done though as I bent over him, slowly licking all the cum off the crevasses of his abs, sliding my tongue up to his left nipple to suck off a huge drop of cum. Jack's cock again became fully erect and snapped back to attention. Oh god! He was insatiable! I went back to where I left off and licked the drops that were on his neck and shoulders, then I kissed him, exchanging his saliva with my cum-filled mouth.

I noticed the shreds of my T-shirt on the floor and began to wonder. Now I had a dilemma to solve- How I was going to get back to the dorms without arousing either looks of shock or even a few thoughts of eroticism? Better yet- how was I going to talk to Professor Silvoni bare-chested?

I suppose it might be a bonus for him- but I wanted to make it clear that I didn't mean to fool around when it came to serious things. Jack interrupted my chain of thoughts... "Hey Handsome... I'll lend you my sweater and we can walk to the Professor's office after I've cleaned up a little.

"How did you-?" Jack just chuckled.

"You don't have a T-shirt on, and you're a fairly modest guy. I ripped it off. Put two and two together and voila! Daniel's thought processes."

I just laughed at him and swatted his leg before helping him up to clean himself off.

Just as I got up to clean myself up, I heard a couple of footsteps. I quickly turned to my left. No one was there. Derek William's office was shut and the lights were turned off. I spun around to my right, but nobody was there either. Paranoia still got the best of me sometimes.

But as I went to the showers to join Jack to clean up, I noticed a jock lying on the floor. Instinctively I picked it up and sniffed it. There was fresh cum on it, and now my nose. I wiped my nose with my finger and licked it. It tasted very strong, reminding me of someone who knew how to take care of themselves. This was a locker room for the Swim Team, the Gymnasts, the Football and Soccer players. I'm sure it was one of them. But that means- THEY SAW US!

The sweater didn't fit me, at best I was about a medium and Jack's XL just hung off my frame, I felt like one of those trophy girlfriends a jock would have around, wearing their clothes just to show off how big they had gotten. I wasn't fussed either- I liked the idea of being a trophy boyfriend (minus the parading and the "I'm sorry but I'm only using you for my own ego" act). He loved the look on me and kept kissing me constantly- on the cheek, on the nose, and even on my slightly garish hair. "Damn! I have the finest boy on the block in my arms and no one can compete!" he said triumphantly.

"Ah shucks... It's me who has the finest boy on the block... more like a man if anything... Yeah... My Knight in Naked Armor"

Jack chuckled and then ruffled my hair as we turned the corner of the science labs to see that Professor Silvoni was just locking up his office.

"OH SIR!" I shouted. He looked up and immediately smiled when he saw me.

"Hello Daniel, I was just about to leave" He smiled at me brightly and the twinkle in his blue eyes told me he was really happy to see me. Then he gazed at Jack, looking him up and down, examining how Jack's shorts fit very well and not wondering about why he didn't have any shirt on.

"And I take it this must be your man... a very strapping young man too. I'm Rocco Silvoni" He outstretched his hand. Jack reciprocated and there seemed to be a silent exchange of interest between the two off them. "Jack Connors sir." The professor let go of his hand and flexed his fingers. I looked at Jack and scolded him with a look. He blushed furiously and the prof laughed.

"Ahh! You two are perfect for one another! I'm glad you got through to him Jack. I didn't know how much longer I could have a melancholy Daniel in my class. I was a little shocked and slightly hurt that he called me "melancholy", but he was right though. And the professor saw the hurt in my face. "I'm sorry Daniel. I forget that you're here sometimes. What can I do for you?"

I was just about to tell him right then and there that the professor can shove the fucking proposal up his fucking ass but I thought better. He seemed to be only joking as a look of remorse and regret swept across his face and the furrows on his brow deepened- worried that he had done something to upset me.

"I'm sorry Daniel... again I should be careful of my words."

"It's okay sir... I came to tell you about MIT."

"And?" he gave me a fatherly look that no matter what I would say, he would always respect my decisions because I was a grown man now. "I'm going with you. And so are Rob and Lance"

His face broke out in a smile. "In some ways that's good and in others, sad. I was about to cancel the date because of Spartanburg. I hadn't realized how many people wanted to go see the Gymnasts Association State Championship. I know now you're on the list Jack. His face was slightly guilty and sad when he said it.

"It's okay sir," I said. "If anything, it was Jack's idea for telling me to go to MIT. Who knows maybe something good will come out it for me." A sad smile crossed his face.

"Ok Daniel... Thank you for making such a hard decision. I have some friends who work in high places that will want to meet you. Anyway- Jack, Daniel- it's late and I don't live on campus. If it's okay with you guys, I'm going to head off now."

We exchanged farewells and then headed back to the campus dorms, where we met up with Lance and Jeff on the staircase, scolding a girl for bringing alcohol into the dorms.

I had never realized how scary Jeff could be. No wonder they made him RA. He was stern, strict and very forceful. "DO you KNOW what sort of trouble this could bring on everyone in the dorm? Have you thought about your room-mate and what this could be doing to her? And you KNOW that this is illegal- we do room checks here and if someone finds that alcohol in YOUR dorm, then YOU could lose your place in the college. Do you understand?" Jeff gave her a brazen look and she shrunk, handing the Smirnoff to Jeff. He just dismissed it with a sick look and gave it to Lance, whom had been eyeing it for a while now.

"Good...now head back to your dorms, and don't let me catch you with any more alcohol. This is your final warning Jenine. If you don't sober your act up, you can do it in a rehab clinic FAR from here." And with that she scampered off through the doors nearly bursting into tears.

"Jeff- that's fucking scary... I hope you never do that to me" I said. He turned and smiled, greeting me with a hug and a slightly effeminate kiss on the cheek.

"Hey there gorgeous, How are you?"

"I'm good," I replied. "Can I tell you something?" Jack chuckled, and he knew what it was I was about to tell them. I had a certain glow about me that cued him in on what I was going to say to them.

"Lance! Come here! Daniel needs to tell us something." When he was close enough I whispered rather bashfully that I had fucked Jack in the locker room- twice. Lance was in hysterics and high fiving me while Jeff looked at Jack with a shocked expression. "JACK! You said you wouldn't do that with anyone else but me!" Jeff said, mocking sadness in his tone.

Jack spoke up, "Oh but you had to be there! I was getting dressed after my shower. Daniel didn't even let me put my jock on before he came and fucked me silly and sideways."

I blushed profusely. "Well...you initiated it all the first time Jack."

"Nuh-uh, all you buddy. You were getting me so horned up that I was too speechless and powerless to do anything other than to move you to the benches so I could ride you."

We chuckled and exchanged the day's activities with each other. It turned out that Jeff and Lance had also been busy bodies; they too had made out and had had sex in Jeff's car... a big no no! I think that was what had them excited, the fact that it was illegal had made them hornier. At least that's what they said. It was funny because we had done practically the same thing too.

Then we talked about MIT, and I told Lance I had said we were all going. Naturally Lance was okay with this, although I couldn't help but feel that he was letting me make the decisions and riding right along with whatever I said as if I was the leader or something. Pfft! I'm no leader! I scoffed at that idea. Jeff was a little sad his "cheerleader" wasn't coming but Lance promised him that he would make up for it in the next couple of days.

Later, we decided to also tell Shane and Rob about what had transpired and headed towards their room. As we all got closer to the door, we heard loud noises. Gruff, moaning noises to be precise, and what sounded like someone being slamming against the wall. As we got closer to the room, it got louder and louder, but we couldn't be sure whether the noises were coming from their room or the one next door. So we knocked on the door once... well... Jack did. Then the second time, we all did. On the third try, we were stopped by Jeff as he fumbled for the master key to the dorms and put it into the lock.

We weren't ready for the sight of Rob being fucked hard by Shane. Holy Shit! I came right to attention, and so did Jack.

So there they were- Rob and Shane, butt naked, having sex with a very surprised look on both their faces.

Jack was shirtless and still horny from the previous fucking session with me, walked right into the room with me following suit with my hands on his waist, Jeff and Lance followed... both were in shock.

I don't know about them, but I was immediately turned on and my hard cock let me know it. Jack looked at me with a devilish twinkle in his eye..., "Ready for round three?"

Ok! Sex! Sex! Sex! And More SEX! I hope you so enjoyed this chapter because fucking hell! I did too. If you guys have any comments about this recent chapter, let me know and send me an email. And also feel free to send me pictures of what you think the guys should look like and a short description (it's not really necessary- pictures speak for themselves)


Next: Chapter 15

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