Jack and Daniel

By Cody Samuels

Published on Aug 5, 2023



Hey guys! Thanks for the great responses! I'm glad that you all enjoyed the recent

Chapter of Jack and Daniel! I love hearing from you guys and I promise to respond if you send an email comment about Jack, Daniel, or anything about the story that you think I need to know.

I'm also open to something new for Nifty stories: if you'd like to, send me pictures of what you think Jack, Daniel and the rest of the guys might look like, along with a short description of each one.

We've also hit a critical point now it looks like, thanks to the great feedback I've been getting from everyone; the story of Jack and Daniel is going to be longer now. We'll soon see how the story takes a twist for all the guys, especially Daniel.

Remember, if you want to "see" pictures of what the guys might look like (lewd or not), send in those pictures and descriptions right away!

This is also a thank you to Mr. Mattison for taking on the role of being an editor for me. Chapter XII is by far one of the best chapters I have written so far. And he's good... Hahaha! Thanks Barry.

This also includes a new format change, that won't be implemented in the previous chapters. You'll only see it in this chapter and the chapters continuing.

**About myself: I've been writing for the last ten years or so; although I have never had any publishers approach me to provide a manuscript, I often get praise. Besides writing I practice Jujitsu and am an avid Kendo student. Unfortunately, due to the expense, I've had to give these up for a while until I can afford lessons again.

DISCLAIMER: This fictional story has scenes of male nudity and sexual acts between two or more men that readers may find disturbing or inappropriate for ages under 18. Please do not read if you find such reading offensive or if it may become property of anyone under the age of 18.

This is copyrighted by the writer with permission to publish given to the Nifty Alliance Archive and is exclusively for the readers of this website. This is for the private and personal viewing pleasure of your own. Copying or distribution of this writing is a violation of international copyright laws and and will be pursued to the fullest extent allowable by law.

The characters in Jack and Daniel are all fictional and any semblance to real persons living or deceased is purely coincidental.

NOTES: This is a fantasy- Reality is different, use a condom.

Enjoy the next chapter!


Propositions and Losses

With what the professor had said to me, offered me, and then the prospect of either betraying myself or letting Jack down weighing heavily on me, I was amazed that I managed to exit the room under my own power.

Rob knew the look on my face all too well by now in the short space of time we had known each other and without a word, drew me close in a loving hug. In the short two months in which I had gotten to know Rob we had become quite close. It was good to feel his comforting arms around me; his silent, strong and ever faithful presence made me feel safe. I was happy he was there to offer me support.

"So buddy-I can tell something is troubling you-what did the prof say?" I felt Rob was a little forward, but he meant it with all sincerity. Lance hung around wanting to hear the news. With Lance it was touch and go. He would hang around to make sure everything was okay before he flew off-much like the wind- carefree but always there.

"First, he wanted me to pass the message on to you guys that he wants some new research assistants and that the three of us could form his new team." Starting off with the good news felt good, but somehow I knew the rest would not be as good.

"Us?" Lance blurted out, a little astounded at first. "As in you, me and Rob?" I nodded to confirm what Lance had just said and he just reeled and leaned back onto the concrete. "And that he wants us to help at a seminar at MIT. All the expenses are paid for, and we are even getting paid to go. The Alumni trustees would see to that," I said.

Rob however didn't seem convinced that I was excited- he could sense the trouble. "But..?" He said, trying to coerce me into saying what was really bothering me. Maybe the conflicts that were bouncing around in my head and giving me a headache might as well be said and hopefully my friends could help me with a solution. So with some hesitation, I let it all out. "It's next Monday- the same time we're meant to be in Spartanburg with Jack and the guys for the State Championships." There. I had said it and now that the shit had hit the fan, I needed to know what they would think; hopefully they were still my two best friends.

"Well...that's a fucking sticky situation," Lance said out loud. I was a little shocked. I had never heard Lance swear before, and when he did there was dead silence from Rob and I. But Lance had a slight smirk on his face for some reason- it was probably his intention to shock us all.

"Lance! that's not helping." Rob scolded Lance with a look and then turned to me. "What do you want to do Daniel?" It was obvious to him that I wanted both. He quickly added with the same thought I had, "and both isn't a viable option. Do you want to be on the trip with us and making a life for yourself so you can support Jack? or do you want to be with him and cheer him on like a good girlfriend does at his practices?"

That stung a little bit, but he was right. How else was Rob going to put it. But at the same time it seemed so blunt coming from him. I guess new friends can always surprise you just when you think you've got them figured out. It was also surprising how well he picked up on the deep feelings I had for Jack. Realizing this, I spoke up and said, "Maybe Jack is the person I really need to be talking to."

We headed over to the cafeteria to find Jack sitting with Jeff and another person. I couldn't quite recognize him because he was sitting with his head turned away from me. He looked nondescript with brown hair and the physique of a gymnast or a rugby player; he was wearing a gray form fitting hoodie and shorts. I felt a sudden shiver down my spine and then my stomach churned as I saw the side of the guy's face. It was all too nostalgic seeing this person. It was Shane. I don't think I could ever get used to seeing him without Marcus.

Suddenly it occurred to me that I hadn't told Rob and Lance the other thing Professor had said to me- about "coming to break me in." I thought it was a rather enticing prospect. A thirty something man, with a terribly good physique for his age, a brilliant smile and a dark handsome beard on him that seemed to highlight his sky blue eyes...and this friendly, yet quiet charm.

Besides, it was a little too much to think about just now-all I could think about right now was this gorgeous and sexy Adonis sitting on the opposite side of Shane.

Jack noticed that I was coming over and waved at me, then scooted to one side so he could give me a seat on the circular table. Rob took his place next to Shane and then Lance next to Jeff. I gave him a sweet and soft kiss on his jaw and he flushed slightly. I'm glad I can still coax it out of him.

"YOU'RE WITH JACK?" Shane almost lost it right there. I looked away for a moment and couldn't say much, his expressions were preventing me from explaining myself until he simmered down. He was in shock and outrage cocktailed across his handsome face. "Yeah...I guess so."

Shane gave me a cruel stare before looking at Jack with equal vehemence."We all knew you were dating! But my foster brother!? C'mon! This is SO HOT!" Now I was in shock. Shane had never spoken about me like that before. `Foster brother? HOT?' was that I thought. I was more than a little surprised and wanted to know more. "Yeah...well, ever since Marcus I've thought of you more as my cute little foster brother." This time he blushed.

I reached for his hand and squeezed it..."same here." Then he looked right at Jack.

"But you mister! You had me and Andre drooling after you, jumping through hoops only to find out you're serious with Dan! You're cruel dude...cruel." Shane was playfully being hurt and Jack found it amusing. "I'm sorry dude, you are cute and I loved the attention for a little bit, but then this gorgeous guy just appeared in my life and needed rescuing." He kissed me, and out of the corner of my eye I could see Shane as he flipped us the bird in annoyance.

"Oh C'mon! Look at the hottie I have in my arms!" Jack said. "Can you honestly say there was no way I could NOT get serious with him?" Shane blew a raspberry and then laughed. "Actually I couldn't."

"So guys! How are we all looking for Spartanburg then?" Jack was practically bouncing off his seat. I felt guilty as he smiled at me and then hugged me with his free arm as he ate.

"Oh it's going to be awesome! We'll all be bunked up together and you guys can cheer us on. No matter what happens–win or lose-we can all celebrate afterwards. Drinks and shit are on Coach Williams," Shane piped in.

Oblivious to what was happening around me now, I was thinking about Jack's reaction to the bad news I was now going to deliver. Oh god! I had to say something. But how? And furthermore, what? And what if Jack gets crushed with the news? What if he decided to leave me when I said I might be thinking about going to MIT and missing the trip to Spartanburg? And also what about the professor's proposal, I was truly at a loss. I didn't know what to do. I had all my friends around me for support; they could help me out with what to say, couldn't they? My head was spinning with thinking through the "what if's", and then an even bigger thought came to mind that nearly made me pass out; how would Jack take this news? Would he leave me because I didn't go with him on one of the most important events of his life? I didn't want to mull that over. If I thought about it more- it would become a time bomb.

Jack noticed my silence and quiet, introverted demeanor, hugged me even closer into his body and kissed my hair. I felt the soothing heat exude from his studly body and I suddenly got a little stuffy in the crotch. "You smell good gorgeous...but you're so quiet...what's wrong?" he asked me. His sexy-gorgeous-ear-massaging-sex-inducing-Clooney voice filled my heart and made it pump hard, filling something else that needed it. I felt the heat spread across my face. I was getting embarrassed. Damn. This made it even worse, but I had to tell him somehow. Maybe this was as good a time as any to come out with it. I squeezed him a little tighter and taking a deep breath I blurted it out.

"Professor Silvoni asked myself, Lance and Rob to come to MIT with him as Research Assistants." There, I said it, and WOW...No Stammer!

"DANIEL! Why didn't you say it earlier on! You guys! Congratulations!" Shane was almost ecstatic and grinning madly, so much so that I too felt like smiling. But now wasn't a good time to be getting all cheery. Jack sensed this and rubbed my arm-coaxing me to say more. Now comes the hard part and I had come this far so I had to finish.

"It happens to be at the same time that we're supposed to go to Spartanburg." I blurted out. There was dead silence-even with Jeff and Lance.

"Well that's fucking shit" Jeff exclaimed. "I was hoping for my cheerleaders to be coming." He nudged Lance playfully, who chuckled and then punched Jeff on the arm playfully. Jeff winced a little despite the playful punch. Lance packed a bit of weight behind his punch even when he didn't mean to.

Finally Jack spoke up. "Look! It's fine. We'll go to the State Championships and the Nerds can go to MIT. We'll meet somewhere in the middle. How does that sound?" I looked at Jack a little incredulously. WHAT? He was OK with this? "Really Jack? You're not shocked at all or mad at me?" I said. I felt like I had been doused with cold water-shocked and not sure of where I was. He smiled his beautiful half moon smile at me. "Ahh fuck Dan! You always have to put the emo crap into everything. Of course I'm not. I'm really stoked for you. It's the first time you've actually said anything about doing something for yourself-you're usually so clammed up and worried about what others think-it's ridiculous and about time something gave."

He turned to me and kept his arm around my shoulders."Listen buddy-you do what you want to do- anything to get that dream job of being a field doctor. Don't let me, or anyone else for that matter, stop you from achieving your dreams. I'll always be right by your side...and don't you worry-I'm never going to leave you!"

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes; for that moment I was swimming-in heaven that is-with all that had just happened and thinking all the happy thoughts. I enjoyed a moment. Even if it was a small one, but Jack always had a way of getting me. "I love you too much to do that anyway." I melted into his body.

"We're here for you too Dan. Not the love bit-well maybe, just not as strong as Jack, but we're all here. One big man-family" Rob was quite adamant about this. Yes -one big family. Even Shane was nodding.

"Right...so now that that's settled, what's next on the man-family meeting `Mom'?" Lance said, looking pointedly at Rob, the all knowing one. He was showing his funny streak again. I started laughing uncontrollably and they all joined in.

"I'm glad that you want me to go to MIT and help out Professor Silvoni, but I'm going to think on it before I make any rash decisions."

"That's a good idea...Wow.. I didn't realize how mature you are Dan. Marcus would be proud." Shane had a look of pride in his eyes. I felt my chest burning with a warm fuzzy feeling; I was glad he said that.

"There is one other thing though...," I hesitated. If going to MIT wasn't what will shock Jack and the guys-then this will. Lance and Rob suddenly looked at me in surprise and the look on their faces spoke of a quiet and slight betrayal. "The Professor also told me that he knew I had a boyfriend and that he knew I was gay." They all looked at one another. "And that if I didn't come out to Jack-I would have to definitely come out to the Prof." Jack chuckled "What makes him so sure? And what does he mean by that?"

"I don't know...he might have wooed me if you hadn't hit on me first." I felt the heat burn my cheeks as Jack chuckled.

Later on I decided to go see Jack, Jeff and Shane practice for the finals while I finished next week's English assignment ahead of time. Rob and Lance had English together and headed off to the humanities building. I sat on the bleachers with the majority of my work sprawled on each side of me. As I was working I had to keep brushing my bangs away from my face. Damn! I needed to get a haircut sometime.

I was having a hard time working on the English, brushing the hair out of my eyes while trying to watch Jack practice his routines. I found myself mesmerized by the way his muscles rippled and contorted as he swiftly moved about the floor; it took a lot of concentration on my part to try and finish my work. I even resorted to using my iPod (which was the ultimate in becoming distraction proof), but I couldn't keep my mind distracted from watching Jack long enough to finish. In the end I just left my books open and sprawled around and leaned forward to watch Jack.

The sight of Jacks strong, lithe, powerful body, contained only by a vest like leotard caused something within me to burn and a bulge start to grow in my jeans. He was beautiful. His jumps and twists, his rolls and somersaults and pikes, they were all so well coordinated. Effortless yet powerful, gentle and lithe like a cat, his floor routines were breathtaking and beautiful. He did a run up and vaulted so high in the air and then I watched in awe at his sheer strength as I counted...one, two, three, four, five, six and a half turns! He dismounted with one foot behind the other and then straightened, turned to me and winked, flashing that gorgeous half moon smile.

I broke out with sweat on my face, my heart stuttered and my cock came to full attention. It was such a great feeling deep inside that he still managed to get me excited so easily every single time. I don't know how I deserved his affection, but he was getting more and more public about his love for me. I felt more comfortable in my need to return his love; so I blew a kiss back to his and then pumped my fist in the air.

I didn't think his grin could get any bigger-until now.

He finished his practice and headed over to me. I had most of my stuff packed in my bag when he crept up beside me and pulled me into an embrace. "Thanks for being here to see me today" he whispered into my ear, "Can we go now?" He seemed tired but content. If there was ever a moment where I would croon for him so badly-it was when he was tired. His voice was slurred and almost a murmur, and it was extremely sexy. I had to get a grip though. "Don't mention it, and sure...but can we stop over by the Professor's office? I think I've made up my mind about the MIT trip."

"Are you going then?" Jack's smile wavered a little and I could see the disappointment in his eyes. Although they weren't visible I could see the disappointment starting to form in those beautiful ocean blue eyes. Suddenly I felt like a piece of shit; I really didn't like making anyone upset and here I was making the love of my life almost break down right in front of me. I hated myself at that moment. My dick also showed it's displeasure as it quickly went back to hiding in my boxers.

"Oh Jack..." I started to say, but he quickly cut me off. "I don't mind if you go to MIT, honestly. I know we're both destined for big things. I just hope that you don't regret the choice. Remember I told you that I'll always be here for you though." He scooped me up in his arms.

"Always to the rescue aren't you?"

"You betcha" he replied. His smile dazzled me as he stroked my face and kissed my nose. "But you're really getting out there on your own now. I don't think I'll have to rescue you anytime soon."

"Ha!" I was already feeling a little pessimistic about his comment on this independent streak I seemed to be developing. "As if! I'm only making it because you and the guys are right behind me"

Jack grinned. "We're all waiting to get our fair share of your behind." He chuckled and grabbed my ass and ran a finger through the crease in my jeans. I shivered slightly, wanting him in me all of a sudden. "Jack! Not here!" I felt panic bubble up within me; but it was an exciting panic-the kind you get when you've just done something good and you can't wait to show it off. Wow! Where was this coming from?

"Relax! We're all gay here! Even the girls and the coach." Just how many fucking gay guys and girls are there? I wondered "We should go now...I'll see you in the..." I started to say, but Jack cut me off once again.

"Come to the shower room with me. I'll let you wait in the locker room and you can watch me shower." My cock quickly responded for me as it twitched and snaked down my boxer leg. "Ugh...Can you hold that thought...I need to let Professor Silvoni know about my decision before he leaves."

"Well at least wait for me then. I want to be there too." I was curious. Why? I think he read my expression clearly because he offered an explanation. A rather shocking one actually. "If he's managed to get you all shushed up and quiet-he must be a charmer and a looker..right?"

I nodded. The Professor was a good looking man. Really good looking.

"Maybe we could.. " he hinted at something extreme.

"WHAT! Jack!" Panic once again filled my lungs. This was turning into one of those up and down days. "Relax! I was kidding," Jack interrupted, "I know you want it to be just you and me." The panic subsided as he comforted me with his affirmation of our relationship.

But it was a thought that...dammit, leading with my other head again. This is what they meant!

"Would you have gone through with it?" Jack asked, smiling. I quickly replied back with a smile, "As long as I get to cream with you-yeah. We could fuck the world together." We reached out to each other at the same time. I smiled and pulled him closer to me.

As we headed to the changing room, comfortable in each other's presence, Jack noticed one other team member who had just jumped off the rings, with the saddest face I'd ever seen. He didn't frown but he didn't smile either. Brown eyes, dark hair with a slight stubble barely visible around his jaw line and his muzzle. His eyes spoke to me. He seemed so distant and sad. He was a little like Jack if he hadn't been blond. Tall, dark and scarily handsome. The kind that could only be found if you looked hard enough. And to top it all off-he had a package that jutted from his leotard.

Jack saw this too. I don't know how he does it but he always knows what I'm thinking... well not all the time. "That's Isaac. He's always like that. I don't know why though. I've tried to talk to him but he instantly gets cold and then walks away. I don't know what his problem is."

I kept looking at him as we walked by. I felt something- recognition and sadness. I knew what it was that was bugging him. Or at least I felt confident I knew what it was that was eating him up.

I sat on the benches in the locker room with my note books and "The God of Small Things" in my hands. I was so immersed in the book that I hadn't noticed Jack saying he was going to talk to the coach. But I snapped out of it when I felt another presence in the same area as me. Further down the locker hall, at the near corner-I saw Isaac again.

His gaze met mine and for a second we communicated what seemed to be years of pain and hiding. Even though he was naked with just a towel covering his very accentuated body, we connected for that one second and then I smiled, which caused him to furrow his brow, grab his clothes and then rush out of sight. I knew-I just knew there was something more to Isaac than meets the eye.

I packed up my stuff and headed to the office at the end of the changing room where I saw Jack in a towel-sexy as hell-and the Coach trying to maintain some sort of decorum and composure from looking at Jack. He was failing miserably though and I had to chuckle. The coach spotted me and then smiled. Jack turned and grinned too.

"Oh Coach! This is Daniel by the way...."

Coach Williams stretched his hand out and I met it with a firm grasp; he was dark haired, brown eyed, had a strong set of shoulders on him and he only wore a gray polo with some shorts. He seemed calm though-almost as if he really hadn't been doing much the entire day. He had a few years on him but was probably thirty at the most. He had an easy, perfect smile filled with rows of white, shiny teeth and a relaxing voice, plus a good firm hand shake with strength and finesse...and was that a caress of his fingers on my palm? I broke out in Goosebumps.

"Hi there coach" I quietly said. Shyness bit my tongue and I gulped my words down my throat. "Nice to put a face to a name Daniel-I'm Coach Williams, but you can call me Derek." He smiled at me again. Dashing and handsome he truly was.

"Now, there is a question I wanted to ask. I was hoping that I could invite Jack to meet my partner who works for the US Olympic committee. How does that sound to you Daniel? I mean...you will be invited of course." Without a single thought I shot out with "Yeah! It's great! I'm okay for us to go to dinner with you two." Jack was a little shocked with my reaction.

The Coach smiled "Good because I want to put my trooper here into the front lines for 2012. Hopefully he will make it." Jack seemed to burst with pride as coach said that. "And as of now, consider me and my partner the consolation prize for the night if things don't go too well" Derek said as he wiggled his eyebrows. I laughed hard with Jack and tried to stifle my chub. It was clear that Jack also loved the thought–the towel doesn't leave much to the imagination.

We left with smiles on our faces and the thought of sex and love in our heads. I watched him get dressed, taking his time to dry off, and making sure everything was wiped down. He was so thorough that he had managed to rub himself into an erection. I felt my dick almost burst through my pant leg begging to be released at the sight of Jack standing there. His hands slipped slowly between his ass cheeks as he cleaned his crack with his towel, occasionally looking at me and sighing quietly as I watched.

He looked so erotic as he finished drying himself off; his beautiful dick was hard and leaking precum as he was about to put on his jock; I whipped my camera out of my backpack and took a shot of him as he was about to step into his jock, with his balls hanging down, his one leg up, showing the delicious light brown and the pink pucker of his juicy love hole. By now my boxer shorts were so tight from my hard on that they almost hurt and I couldn't wait to get them off.

Jack blushed. It would have been hilarious had I not been so horny. He still had one leg through his jock strap the, sight of which set my juices flowing. Something about pieces of clothing hanging off a person made me go loopy with desire; I dropped my bag, got up, walked over to him and slowly kissed his back as I wrapped my hands around him and lightly started rubbing his hard six-pack stomach with one hand as the other started to move slowly down the light trail of fuzz to that beautiful dick I wanted so badly. His skin broke out in goose bumps and the tiny hairs on his arms and neck stood on end.

He whimpered quietly..."Oh Dan..."

I couldn't help feel that I was performing for someone though-and it felt good.

Thanks for your emails everyone! It's great to hear from you all.

I've said in my first email that pictures were welcome of the guys and what you thought.

Let me know what you're thinking- literally.naked@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 14

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