Jack and Daniel

By Cody Samuels

Published on Jul 17, 2023



Hey folks! So George went over board and nearly killed himself! Will Lidia leave him and become bitter? What happens to Rob?-Will he take this well? I'm sorry it took so long to write this, but between work, sorting out next year's accommodation and the death of a close friend, it's taken all of my strength to write the last chapter and the next. Apologies if the last two have been a little short.

As requested by my number Zero fan, I've been asked to reintroduce the "About myself" part of my intro. I removed it before because of some freaky stalker guy and so now I'll only put certain things in it. It'll be in the next chapter. Promise :D

DISCLAIMER: This narrative has scenes of male nudity and sexual acts between two men that readers may find disturbing or inappropriate for ages under 18. Please do not read if you comply with both of those categories.

This is copyrighted to the Nifty Alliance Archive and is exclusively for the readers of this website. Do not attempt to copy this and redistribute. This is for the private and personal viewing pleasure of your own.

The characters are all fictional with vague and few references to real people. If they come across coincidentally as someone in reality please take it as a compliment. Events are also referenced from certain real life scenarios and are fictional. If you have experienced them feel free to contact me about it.

NOTES: This is a fantasy- Reality is different, use a condom.

Chapter X- The Bright Side.

We were back to classes on Monday. I had told the guys as soon as they arrived at the hospital that George and Lidia needed some alone time to fix their broken marriage and that we should stay out of it.

Jack whole heartedly agreed with me and when we came back from the hospital it had been 4 o'clock. I had class the next and I had completely forgotten to check up on my wounds and book an appointment with Dad.

He was away though- so I guess I would have to book the appointment with the resident at Seattle. I had called them to book a check up to see if I was ok to get rid of my bandages and they said I could come in on a Thursday. Jack insisted on driving me to Seattle.

I wasn't going to argue with him since he was so adamant on caring for me. And you know what- I really loved it.

I loved him for caring for me.

I loved him for being there to catch me whenever I fall.

But I rarely felt like I was fucking up these days. I rarely fell into accidents, everything was all coincidental- and even if it was, Jack was there, always in the middle, always there to catch me, always there to rescue me from the biggest of black dragons. My Jack Connors- Knight in shining armor.

Wow, I really was being sappy now. But it felt good. There was a constant feeling of safety and continuity whenever I was with him. And yet he was a complete enigma to me. A puzzle, waiting to be pieced together. I didn't really need to rush to see what he was like, what his past times were, who he was, what his family were like and so on, because there was time in the world for that.

The very fact that I felt like a tidal wave of pure calamity and ecstasy hit me every time Jack wasn't around said that fate or more or less some deity be it divine, omnipotent or just present wanted me to be with Jack.

A lot of heavy thoughts there. But it was all good. It made the time pass between the journey's to and from the exam, and then the actual examination seem less than what it really was- an entire day being spent on my well being.

And Jack insisted on being there the entire time. He was a very caring creature, very compassionate and extremely unusual. Men like him- they were divinely beautiful, Adonis' in the making, pure sex gods and then so much more than just the sex. They were built on this earth to destroy people.

They were built to hurt, maim and lacerate people's hearts. Men or women, they had no discrimination. The slightest in the wrong move and they could send someone hurtling to their death. Jack was this kind of stereotype and so was Rob. Because he too had devastatingly handsome looks and destructively unaware of their own capabilities- just there to please themselves and the person they had in mind.. And he was the reason that George took his life.

But Jack- Was so unusual. Even as I sat with him in his pick-up, he was so content. He was statuesque and so ... Jack. I expected him to hurt me at any moment. I expected him to gouge my heart out with his own bare hands and tell me that this was some cruel and practical joke and I was the biggest moron of all time before taping me up to the seat and sending me to my doom off a cliff as he jumped out of the pickup.

But he wasn't. He was so unusual. So caring. So loving. So understanding, and open. He was an angel. A knight in shining armor that wasn't from this world. Because only Angels could be so brutally handsome that when you looked at him, or rather I- You would go red with embarrassment and treat him like he was royalty. The cafeteria lady did, Jeff did, Lance and Rob did, Lidia and George thought so, and If Maddy could see- she would.

This thought gave me confidence. Maybe my mom and dad will accept me. For who I am. For what I am. A Free man- Free to love whomever I wanted. Free to love Jack. And that they too would understand what I felt for this man. This gorgeous knight of an angel that was in love with me.

Wow! It was exhilarating feeling this epiphany hit me. I felt it lift from my shoulders and freeing them from such ache. I felt like Atlas, leaving the world to the next martyr Herculean person to worry about it.

But then- If someone else was experiencing what I had felt, and someone else was there- being brutally hurt for being the man who loved men, it would be unfair and downright inhuman of me not to try and help him.

"Hey babe, you've been brooding for a long time..Mind letting me in?" Jack interrupted. Damnit! I was in rapture all over again. The sound of his sexy baritone Clooney voice snaked its way through my veins and causing a sexual-sensual-smooth-loving-caring feeling through my chest and into my heart where it pumped harder to the other members of my body that wished to feel my hardness for Jack.

"Oh....I-i-i-i.."Damn this stammer- I thought to myself. It's still there. And I'll just have to bear with it. But then it might also be worth not getting over it. It's a personality scar and I felt happy to continue showing it off. I smiled as I stammered. Jack loved it too. I could feel the heat of his emotions- his caring and love emanate from his skin. It was soothing and very alluring.

"I-I was just thinking about how- it feels good t-t-to be free from that oppressive state I was in. And how it good and so perfect I feel being around you" I gushed. I had to stop myself before I got all saccharin and sugary on him.

He chuckled and flushed red.

"That must have been some deep thinking." I nodded in agreement and unconsciously scratched my scabs on my left side. It was healing marvelously and Jack also took it as a good sign.

Next week would be the time Maddy would arrive on campus and visit me. At first I wasn't excited but yet I felt the buzz, the sudden build up to me seeing her and how she was, and what she was getting up too, whether she had a boyfriend or not. That was just as exciting to me as seeing my first shooting star or going up Mount Rainier for the first time. And then the bandages not being there would be a good sign to her- that I was doing well again.

"I'm glad I don't have to dress myself up in bandages anymore. The only thing is- I kinda feel naked without them" Jack laughed at the thought of me feeling naked without those bandages.

"Well if you want we can still put them on you. They were hot on you after all. I don't know what it was but you always looked so hot in those bandages, like those Muay Thai kick boxers." I threw him a quizzical look.

"A Kick Boxer? Jack! You know I don't do that sort of stuff!" this exclamation made Jack laugh again. When I replayed I was actually high pitched and whiny. I coughed and attempted to put my larynx and my balls to normal altitude after the little panic attack that occurred in my vocal chords.

"Should I?" I was serious though. Would kick boxing be good for me?

"Not now. When you've healed up it's a thought. Having a boyfriend who can defend himself is a really attractive... But I like..." He stopped. This was a little revelation and confession that he was fighting within himself. I could see it in his eyes, and his jaws, which crunched and tensed as he thought.

I thoughts his hand, and I felt the little spark in his skin that told me he was still bothered by this.

I was too. I was bothered. I was bothered he had to come to my rescue nearly all the time. I wasn't effeminate or fragile, but I wasn't a fighter. I didn't believe violence justified any amount of pain you could inflict on someone regardless of the pretense or the consequence. And for Jack to understand that- well, he just did. But he was fighting with whether to tell me what he liked doing for me. I knew what it was, and I wanted him to say it. Because then I knew he was the one for me. That I didn't need anyone else, I didn't need to wait. I didn't need to cower and hide anymore.

"I like rescuing you."

There- He said it. And it was a huge relief, and at the same time a complete flux of happiness that flushed across my face and had probably made me the reddest I had ever been in my entire lire.

"And I love being rescued by you Jack."

I shocked myself. Did I really say that? Did I really admit to my weakness? That I was weak all the time and that I needed Jack to take care of me? Shit I sounded like a girl! This fucked my head over completely.

"But I'm not weak. Maybe I should take this up..."

We didn't say much until we turned into the parking lot of Phoenix and Jack killed the engine.

It wasn't an awkward silence. More a complete silence- one where we both had some thinking to do and then confirming on what had just been said in the pickup on the way back home.

That night, we just spooned. Spooned quietly. I wasn't sure how to feel at that point. There was an air of ambiguity and silence that made me feel a little tense. He drew me closer into his hard body. He felt like a shell, as if he had been withdraw into his body and wasn't able to talk to me.

"Jack?" I whispered. Not sure if he was awake or not.

"Daniel?" his voice wavered and seemed croaky.

"Are you ok?" of course he wasn't ok, why I said it? I don't know. Maybe to confirm with him if he was really.

"I'm....not sure...I want to be able to protect you" he said quietly. Barely a whisper. I felt his stubble on my shoulder as he nuzzled me. I took comfort from it as he kissed my shoulder and then I squeezed his hand, hoping he would tell me more.

"But I realized on the way back to the campus, that if I wasn't there to protect you, that this time round you would die, I would blame myself for not being able to protect you. To nurse you back to health or to fight this person with you side by side." These must have been roiling and boiling in him for a long time.

I should have and could have coaxed out of him. But then- it wouldn't have been on his terms.

"I want you to take it up..." He said. It was strained and almost, frightened for my life. He was precious to me now. The moment I heard this voice and the tone he took as he said those words. "I want you to" I was welled up. Convinced further that he was the one. I better not start though. Just in case. Just in case he wasn't the one. But he had to be. How else could I feel this earth-splitting-tidal-waved-hurricane-fluxed range of emotions. It's like the seasons beckoned me to him or they wouldn't be satisfied within me.

I turned around to him. And took his face in my hands and for the first time since we had been together- I took my slow time. I tried to savor every moment of Jack Connors. From the feel of his strong jaw, slanted and tensing and relaxing as I looked deep into his eyes. His lucid and oceanic pools of infinite caring. I took my time to feel my thumb brush across his smooth cheeks. To feel his beautiful and soft lips, not plump but not thin either- and run my thumb gently across his bottom lip.

His eyes closed and I worried that the world had lost its most precious pair of oceans. But he breathed hard and his lips quivered. His left hand reached across and hooked the back of my neck, and he ran his fingers through the thicket of hair I had and stroked me gently.

I felt my skin break out in a multitude of Goosebumps. I was cold and hot. I felt the heat of his breath on my nose. I leaned closer, brushing his top lip with mine, feeling his humid, moist, tasty and sweet breath as it mixed with mine.

I rolled on top of him, straddling him either side. My hands remained there. Still cradling his face, his precious-gorgeous-amazing-god-like face, running my thumb on the planes of his face, and his cheek bones. And then I planted a cheek on his right jaw. He tensed and quivered at the same time.

It was magical. I felt the heat in the air rise around us and the ground envelop us and melt us into this surreal place of sexual and loving bliss.

I kissed his cheek, and his face produced a vibrant and powerful flush of crimson which I adored so much, that I kissed the crook between his nose and his right eye. The red streaked across his face like heat. I fell more and more in love with him. Oh Jack...

I kissed his eye lid as they were closed, and the sprung open and I drowned happily in the sight of his powerful ocean eyes. I felt his hardness pressed into my taint, begging release. He oozed fountains of sweet nectar from his powerful and strong member.

He ground into me as we stared into each other's eyes. It was an intense moment as I felt my emotions rise and fall with the grinding and his steady breathing.

His hands wandered, one along my shoulders and back of my neck, and then one on my right hand side, exploring all of my scars and healing scabs.

I stared as he flushed more when I grazed his cheek with my fingers, as the traveled through his burns and along his beautifully silky hair. He sighed hard and I caught his breath in my lips.

I caught his breath with my kiss. A small, careful, intense, wholesome, blissful and explosive kiss.

His eyes opened wide and his face grew even redder, to a brilliant crimson.

"I love you Jack Connors" I surprised myself by saying. It was another earth-rendering, cliff-crashing feeling that overwhelmed me and threatened to shower him with my sweet salty kisses.

"I love you Daniel Lechner" Jack said with equal conviction, force and impact that I shed a tear and it fell on his cheek. I kissed it away and then kissed his lips. Soft. Sweet and powerful.

"Jack- made love to me.." I asked him quietly. I felt my cock jump and seep with juice. I wanted him to take me, to take me slow and sweetly. I felt I had impressed that to him, and he got the message all too well. I felt him fumble around for a remote on the bed side desk and he pressed played. "You Don't know me" it was...a cover by Michael Buble..It was a brilliant Stevie Wonder Song

We kissed as the song played sweet tender sappy kisses that sent me all over the world and back to his arms. He ground his hard cock along my ass crack. It was smooth and sensual and it made me beg more for and yet not stop completely.

I sighed quietly as he ground harder into me, at a gentle and slow and sweetly. We were slick and sticky with each other juices. We rocked out to the rhythm as the song drew to the end and on the last piano riff; I took him one last time and kissed him sweetly.

"Take me please..Slowly and sweetly Jack"

He looked at me intensely and nodded, without breaking his gaze from me and then rolled himself on top of me as I rolled underneath him. Took my shaft and gripped me and I gasped as he pumped me slowly, and sweetly. I oozed terribly and I was slick all over my stomach.

I had my eyes closed, intense and wanting for him to take me to him. A hard wetness enveloped my whole as he parted my legs and cheeks. It was a sweet penetration with his tongue as he mouth-fucked my hole. It sent sexual waves of desire, of need, of wanton lust and love through my body as he rimmed my love hole.

I cried out every time he moves his tongue, round and round, in and out. I didn't want him to stop. I wanted him there all the time. But I felt my hands run through his hair and he groaned too. It was something new for me that I had never known. His hair felt amazing in my hands.

He raised his head and my hand fell off him as he positions himself to my legs, rubbing his engorged cock head rub along my hole, making me relax and tighten. I moaned hard wanting him as I gripped his forearm.

"Ok Daniel... Ready for it?" He asked lovingly with a sparkle in his eyes that made me croon and want him in me more.

I nodded and breathed in as he slowly made his way into me.

No pain. Just pleasure- that was all that broke over me. It was so sweet. And so perfect in every single way I could possibly want, from the sheets under me as I gripped them, to the muscles on the forearm of Jack that I held as he sweetly thrust his entire cock into my hole.

I moaned and sighed as he hit me in that wonderful place that sent me to heaven and then brought me back down on a cloud before getting hit back there again.

This time it was much more different. I was completely aware of him. Aware of the feelings he was having at this point, how he felt this incredibly warm ache for me that emanated from his skin.

I felt his need for me to exist, the need for him to be with me as he shoved his hard tool of love into me.

We connected- mouth to mouth, skin to skin, member in hole and hand on member.

It was sweet. Sexually charged and extremely electric that it propelled me above and beyond ecstasy.

He penetrated me harder, as I moaned more, groaned harder, and breathed raggedly.

It was close. So close. I wanted him, and I hooked my hands over his neck and pulled him into me as I came and he kissed me.

I came so hard and it was just us. I was blanketed with a sheer powerful bliss and happiness that it exploded and brought the world crashing around our ears.

Each rope of cum that exploded into me and on me, I screamed and kissed him.

I felt his face tense; his eyes closed and welded shut and his jaw hard against my fingers as I too kissed hard. Not wanting him to let go.

Not wanting him to leave me...

Not every wanting to escape.

To stay in this bliss forever.

Next: Chapter 12

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