Jack and Daniel

By Cody Samuels

Published on Jul 14, 2023



Hey folks! Here it comes- What happens to George's Marriage? Did Lidia find out about George illicit affair with Rob and Daniel? Is there more to Rob and George that meets the eye? I'm so sorry that I didn't release this as soon as I could. I'm back to work and the hours are terrible, the pay is crap and I just want to write about Jack and Daniel's life.

Hope you enjoy this one- It's a bit of a soul searcher.

DISCLAIMER: This narrative has scenes of male nudity and sexual acts between two men that readers may find disturbing or inappropriate for ages under 18. Please do not read if you comply with both of those categories.

This is copyrighted to the Nifty Alliance Archive and is exclusively for the readers of this website. Do not attempt to copy this and redistribute. This is for the private and personal viewing pleasure of your own.

The characters are all fictional with vague and few references to real people. If they come across coincidentally as someone in reality please take it as a compliment. Events are also referenced from certain real life scenarios and are fictional. If you have experienced them feel free to contact me about it.

NOTES: This is a fantasy- Reality is different, use a condom.

Chapter IX- The Dark Side

Rob was in the Black Sedan. He huddled his helmet and felt waves and waves of pain punishing him. What had he done!? He may have broken up George and Lidia for good. This wasn't good at all! He felt sick and hurt for doing that to George. He was crying and completely alone.

As soon as he wiped the tears, he pulled out the breathalyzer from the glove compartment. His Dad was a cop- it was a mandate for him now. He took a deep breath and the put the pipe in his mouth, crying and wishing he hadn't started something with George.

The result came back. He was fine to drive. So he turned the key and revved the engine up before pulling out of the driveway late at night back to Portland; crying hard and wishing he could just disappear.

I woke up the next morning with the worst headache I ever had in my entire life. This was one of the many reasons why I didn't drink at all- it left a shitty feeling in the morning. Why didn't I drink water before I went to bed?

I turned my body and bumped into Jack's snoring face. `That's why' I thought to myself. I pushed on Jack and told him to wake up, but he was still fast asleep. He looked so gorgeous in his sleep. He drooled a little too. It was cute. I chuckled and forgot all about my headache for a minute and placed my lips over his. I felt his hot dank breath on my tongue.

Damn! What is it with me and Morning breath kissing? I snaked my tongue out and licked his lips. I kissed him awake, and he groaned.

"Hmmm, what a way to wake up. Headache being cured by the kiss of life" He joked as I removed myself from him. "Hey babe. How are you feeling?" I asked. Where was this character coming from? I was never like this before? Was I naturally caring?

"I feel good gorgeous. Always good when your around" I chuckled. I got that weird feeling of butterflies in my stomach that made me float on air. For the rest of the morning it was cleaning up the guest room of George's and making sure we hadn't destroyed anything in the process of a our fuck-love making.

I found my camera on the floor and dreaded looking at it. I didn't want to open the pictures for fear of how ugly I might turn out. Jack watched me as I hesitated to pick the camera up. "It's not going to bite you Dan" he said. Everything he said my name, I went red with embarrassment. He said it as if he revered it.

"I know it won't bite. But I'm afraid of what I might see. In case I look...You know" Jack slapped my arm lightly. "Don't think that. Daniel, you're really good looking, and all that bullying business, it needs to be put to rest." He said this firmly while embracing me.

He was right. I needed to get over this. Life was different now with Jack around. Life will be different, no more bullying, no more name calling, no more beatings. Just me and Jack.

It felt good to hear him breathe against my ear as he held me. I didn't realize how tall he was. I was a good two to three inches shorter than he was. I liked it. It was a good difference in height. It made me feel safe, It made me feel protected.

"Let's take a look shall we?" he flicked the camera cover off and pressed the replay button. Pictures of us with the Confederate and Union couple, Jeff Lance, Me, Rob and George. Me kissing Lidia (how did that come about?) all of us grabbing Lidia in raunchy ways. There was even a picture of some guy's dick as he pissed into the toilet bowl. I got a little stuffy in the boxer region. Pissing? Really? Why?

We progressed more, commenting on certain pictures, saying we looked like we had a good time. Jack kept saying "Dude you're having fun in this picture!" and "Wow! Look at your sexy ass being paraded in this photo!", all sorts of lewd things that made me blush vigorously.

Then we came to a picture of Me and Jack. We were kissing very passionately. I sighed, he gave me a peck on the cheeks, and whispered "I love you" in my ear.

And then there was another picture with everyone in it, and at first I thought it was normal when I looked closely and gasped. Jack saw it too and nearly dropped the camera: "George was kissing Rob!"

This was what Lidia was crying about as she left the party. Oh god! This is serious! What about George? And Rob? We had to find him. Jack met my eyes and thought the exact same thing. "Go find George and Lidia, and I'll call Rob to find out where he went. I have a feeling that he might have gone back to the campus".

"Okay but what about Jeff and Lance? Should we tell them?" He looked at me questioningly for a minute or so and then said "I'll go tell them. They can help."

We got changed, but Jack didn't put on the mask. We put our costumes on and then headed for his pick-up so we could get a fresh change of clothes.

Jack put on a pair of wranglers and a sky blue shirt. God- the way he wore this shirt. Just short enough to rise a little and see his treasure trail. Beautiful. It made my heart ache and my cock pulse with excitement. I dressed in a brown Burberry polo my Uncle Jasper gave me a while back and cargo shorts.

I headed back into the house to search for George and Lidia. I checked the kitchen which empty, and then I moved up to the living room on the ground floor. No sign of them.

I continued to the second floor through the staircases in the living room. I didn't find them at all in any of the small rooms, although I did encounter Lando and Luke, the wicked witch and the blue fairy in the same bed, and thought it was cute. They were sleeping their exhaustion away. In the other room, it was locked but I heart giggling and sounds of exasperation and climaxing. I immediately left to head down the hall.

I came to the last room which was opposite the bathroom in the house. I figured that might be the master bedroom. I knocked on it first. Then knocked on it again. I head a stifled noise. Then a sniff.

"George...Lidia?" I asked

"Come in honey" Lidia answered. I pushed the door gently, trying to make out if it was both of them in the room or if it was just Lidia. I opened it and it was just Lidia. I looked a.

"Are you okay Lidia?" I asked her, sitting at the foot of the bed. "I don't know Daniel. Should I be?" She looked at him accusingly at first. I panicked because I was shocked that she already knew about what I did with George and Rob. I was in panic mode and I started to hyperventilate when she softened her expression and began to cry.

"Oh Daniel! Honey! I'm sorry. I didn't mean to take it out on you. I'm just so angry at George."

"What did he do?" I played coy because I knew now that asking her to explain it may be a bit easier on her. Guilty was very close to surfacing and I was about ready to blurt what I had done with George and Rob a week ago to her. I refrained. I had to- unless I wanted a disheveled looking Princess Leia after my head.

"There was a part of the party when I couldn't find George. So I was left alone in the kitchen with Martha and the kids. Then he came back with that.... Rob guy.." she made a disgusted gagging action and then took a deep breath. I patted her leg to comfort her. I felt so bad that she misunderstood kind and sweet Rob. I really felt hurt for him.

"I asked him where he went, I could of used his help bringing the food out. He told me he was showing Rob all of his awards for gardening. I didn't think anything of it at the time, but now I think back and- I feel so disgusted. I feel like I am the most unattractive woman in the world."

This prompted feelings of what Jack had experienced. So this was what it felt like and looked like to feel, unattractive, to have your own man turn to the same sex for comfort that couldn't be found in a marriage.

"What did they do?" I asked meekly. I was seriously shitting myself now. I was so afraid of what was going to happen next. But she didn't explode. She merely said this next bit with such disgust that I felt like I had been slugged by that fucking asshole of a homo hating jock- John. Wow! Where was that hate coming from?

"George was giving Rob a blow job. I came into the trophy room as he made that boy .... in his mouth...UGH!" she squirmed, writhed, and cried so hard. I dived in to hug her – but she stopped me. "I feel disgusting and unattractive Daniel! Don't hug me!" but I ignored her, against her will and just cradled her until her crying subsided before I went back to sit at her foot.

This was fucking messed up.

"I mean we have had a difficult year. All the nights where he would have angry sex with me and then...." I nudged her leg and told her not to continue to save her the pain.

"And then he started to work more hours, and seeing less of the boys. He picked them up from school and then took them to swimming class and baseball practice. I felt so alone Daniel. So unloved, like I wasn't even his wife any more, like some house maid! And when he came home he would be so kind and so loving. I didn't know how to feel around him any more! MY OWN HUSBAND! My Dear George! And now this!"

Oh god. I didn't feel like I was in the right place. I felt like I was a bomb set in the middle of a nursery full of kids. Like a goat amongst ravenous wolves. So out of place and so bad for the environment. I had a tight knot in my stomach. This really did suck. I felt shit for her. Her brown locks had fallen over her shoulders in a messy fray and she was seriously looking a little older.

"Where is George now?" I hesitantly asked her.

"I told him to get out of our house. He packed a bag and went to stay with your folks" she said coldly.

"WHHHATTT!!???!" I exclaimed.

"Where else would he go to? All of his friends live in Seattle or Nevada. Your dad was the closest place he could go to" I could tell she cared for him a great deal.

"Oh god! Lidia! This is really bad!"

"Why honey!?"

"Because my Dad isn't in the country right now? They went to the Philippines with my mom, brother, and sis to see my family"

She got up quickly and then looked at me worried and scared like hell.

"Do you think?-"

"We'd better hurry" I said.

I rushed around and helped Lidia get some clothes on and then ran out with her to the car, where Jack had already got Jeff and Lance in the pick up. "Jack- please find Rob. Make sure he doesn't do anything stupid. We're going to find George. I think he's gone to my house"

Jack gave a me a quizzical look at first and then nodded, not wanting to panic everyone. "What about the kids?" I asked a little concerned for her recklessness. "Martha is still in the house with her husband Anthony. I left a note for them, but I have a feeling Martha already knows."

Again I was hit with a serious bout of doubt. This wasn't like George to suddenly run off. I could have sworn Dad would have said he was going away to George. What was he playing at? I hope he didn't do anything brash. And what about his kids? What about Lidia! In all the years I had known George he was never this reckless! Oh man- this was so serious. He must be in conflict so much that the need to end it all would be the best thing. I mean if I was in his place I... No I couldn't think that. Not that- because what would Jack think? How would he feel. It would be totally unfair on him to lose me after he worked so hard to win me.

As Lidia drove up the I5 to Olympia, My stomach tightened at the thought of going back home. I had grown up in Olympia and had always felt fear living there despite the gay-friendly community.

I guess even in the most friendly of places- shit always seems to happen. We drove into the city and then crossed the bridge into the suburbs of the small town. We were getting close as we passed the Old Cider Mill and the Totem pole that stood nearby it. We passed a couple of blocks where all the houses were separated by at least half an acre of gardens between each other before we reached a maroon and white town house.

It was my old family home. Despite being fearful during my life, it brought back alien memories and foreign feelings of fear, that I had gotten over. At least I thought I did, and I remembered I still hadn't told Mom, Dad, or my siblings about me being gay. Another titan that I couldn't topple right now.

I saw George's Red Chevy parked in my driveway. The door was open. I got out along with Lidia as soon as she killed the engine and ran to his car. We found the seat empty and the keys in the starter. There was a brown paper carrier bag and a receipt for Alcohol at the 7-11 nearby.

"GEORGE! HONEY! WHERE ARE YOU!?" Lidia screamed desperately. I thought that listening to someone cry hard was painful, listening to someone scream and nearly cry was just as agonizing.

"Lidia, calm down. Let's check the garden" I said to her. I really was starting to wonder where all this bravado was coming from because right now I was scaring the shit out of me. How could I be so calm in this drama?

I took her hand and we went through the white picket fence that surrounded the perimeter of my house, and then went behind the garage. I used my keys to unlock the door that lead into my garden. And surely enough. We found George- Almost lifeless and a shell of the man he had once been. He was in a state of complete stupor. There was sick all down the front of his tee and there were red little beads that had pockmarked his t-shirt.

"Oh George!" Lidia burst into tears and ran for him. He didn't seem like he was in this world. His body language was all lazy and not in control. He had very heavy eyelids and puffy bags under his eyes.

I looked around to see what else he had taken in case something went awry. I saw the bottle of Captain Morgan, almost empty except for the last tenth of the bottle, and then a smaller bottle next to it. I picked it up and looked for a label. There wasn't one. So I poured a few tablets into my hand and sniffed them- a clean and pallid smell with a note of something that made me a little drowsy just from inhaling it. Then it clicked-SHIT! SLEEPING PILLS!

I flicked my phone and dialled 911- "Hey, can we get an ambulance- male caucasian early thirties- overdosed on whiskey and sleeping pills"

Lidia looked at me with shock and sheer terror.

George was rushed the nearest hospital in Olympia, with Lidia and me by his side. I had managed to sneak in and let the paramedics think I was their kid. He had overdosed big time on sleeping pills and if he wasn't treated soon, then we might lose George.

She held his hand the entire time, praying for him to get well while bawling her eyes out at the same time. There was little I could do in the way of comforting her except rubbing her back, telling her that he would be okay, and that he'll pull through.

I couldn't imagine losing Jack in this way. But then again I also thought that Jack was such a strong character. It gave me the strength I needed to bear the deathly agonizing cries from Lidia.

"Rob! It's me Jack! C'mon dude! Open up!" Jack hammered on the door, with Jeff and Lance waiting in the wings. "Wait here, I still have his keys, and usually I'm not allowed into someone's room without permission and emergencies, and this counts as one" Lance offered to come with him, but Jeff insisted that he said behind to help Jack.

"Jack make sure Rob is ok.." He squeezed Jack's bicep and went to his room. Jack's phone vibrated. It must be Daniel he thought. A tight knot formed in Jack's stomach and he began to worry.

"Jack- On my way to the hospital. George OD'ed on pills, tried to commit suicide. See you soon x"

"OH SHIT!" Jack exclaimed with a shocked tone. Lance became a little perplexed, not sure if this was going to be good news.

"George is in the hospital!"

The door swung open to a red—puffy eyed Rob still in his Star Wars costume. "What!!???"

Once Jack had told Rob and Jeff what happened to George and where they found him, they all had a unanimous agreement to go see them as quickly as possible in Olympia.

I was still in the waiting rooms waiting with a very torn and upset Lidia. I tried consoling her as best as I could, but it was difficult to get my head around the fact that a stable man like George, who had a gorgeous wife, two beautiful boys, and a guy who liked him a lot try to kill himself.

In some respect I actually thought he was selfish. I took the time to reflect upon myself and maybe I too was being selfish. For all the times I had shut Maddy out from my problems when it could have been easier to talk about them. For all the times I didn't trust my parents for being able to understand how I was when they understood too late about Marcus.

For all the times I had assumed that Jack was only there to hurt me when he was going to rescue me every time I fell from grace. I was just as selfish as George. But then the pain. The agony of losing all that you hold dear. To watch it split in your face and crumble like sand. It was also just as unbearable so much that you would kill yourself to not see your family split.

You would rather them mourn and lament your loss and be unified and together, not alone and wondering if they get to see their father this weekend and if Mom will let you. That you would rather just let them be together instead of a bitter divorce and settlement which left the kids lost and homeless in the heart.

I didn't know what brought this on, but it was painful just thinking about it. It was merciless this pain. Beating on my chest and pounding on my soul with sheer force. I had to hold in the tears though and save it for later. The doctor was here and he seemed a bit chip and cheerful in his manner which told me things would be okay.

It took me out of my soulful and slightly masochistic reflective mood. The short, brown haired tank of a doctor who was wearing green scrubs (hair visible on his chest and poking out) and a white overcoat, high cheek bones and toothy half moon smile approached us.

"Are you Lidia Sotherby?" he asked. He was Canadian. You could tell, it wasn't quite French but it wasn't America either. Slurred and cadenced.

She nodded and then he smiled and patted my shoulder. "Is this your son then?" I chuckled at the thought of being Lidia's son. It brought a smile to her face and gently brought her sobs down. The pain was dulling down. I had to learn how to do this at some point- distract myself with laughter.

"No I'm not. I'm a very close family friend. I'm Daniel" I reached out to shake his hand and he had a very firm grasp. It was very electric and I could tell straight then and there that he batted for my team. Oh not the right time to be developing a gaydar.

"Nice to meet you Daniel, I'm Doctor Eugene Vermont." He shook my hand a bit to vigorously that I would have liked, and I don't know why but I flushed all of a sudden because of his smile and his dark almond eyes looking straight into my eyes before releasing me.

"Well it's all good news. We've pumped his stomach and put him on an intravenous drip on him to get the alcohol out of his system and get him rehydrated again. He'll have to stay for at least a week, just so we can monitor him. He's going to get a little liver damage as a result but lucky you were in time to get him before his body started to do some serious damage."

He paused for a minute and let Lidia digest this. "He's going to be fine. He's a little groggy and we can let you see him if you want."

She nodded as if to confirm that she wanted to see him, and he offered her the nook of his arm so she can slot her own in and they went to the ward together.

"Thank you Daniel" she mouthed as she left with Doc Vermont. Which left me with my thoughts and a Tatler magazine. I didn't want to read right now so I popped it back into the magazine basket and thought how disgusting and superficial the magazine was.

But all the while, my thoughts were constantly about how Rob would take this. If he knew, what would happen, and if he was here- how would Lidia react? But I couldn't tear the images of Han Solo, Leia Organa and Luke Skywalker in this triangle.

Han had a secret crush on Luke and Leia found them making out in the Millennium Falcon with their pants down and Han holding Luke's lightsaber. All these euphemisms started to make my head a little dizzy and sitting here thinking about this love triangle made me sick. I took some time to think about nothing. Just listen to the world go around me. And then I chuckled at the scene that played in my head. I am one fucked up shit.

The best thing for George, would be for Rob not to be in his life and for George

to figure out what he wants now. It was obvious now that he didn't want to be in this marriage and that he had unintentionally hurt the woman who loved him and sired his children. What was going to happen next? War in the Sotherby house? I hoped not. I would hate it if Lando and Luke suddenly became victims during their divorce.

But they wouldn't dare. If there was one thing that would unite them. It would be the kids.

My thoughts were interrupted by a hand on my shoulder. The touch was electric and send shivers up my spine. It could only be Jack. I looked at him with a dazed feeling. He was incredible. Just good looking all the time, no matter where or when he would rescue the day and turn it to a bright side.

"Hey babe- how are you?"

Next: Chapter 11

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