
By Jenny Tian

Published on Jun 17, 2012


Chapter 10

"This is for you, Sir." I gave him the necklace Nial had bought for me.

Bailey's eyes widened.

"I hope we got the right one."

"Yes, Jace. Oh, my beautiful, sweet boy. Of all the boys no one ever gave me a gift. Come here." He tenderly kissed my lips and then let me put on the necklace for him. It looked wonderful on him.

He then put his arm around me, kissed me one last time and we closed our eyes. I felt my freshly fucked ass and sighed contently. If only every day could be like this.


The next week passed fast even though the single days seemed to go by very slowly. After the amazing day I spent in Valhi the castle seemed even more boring. I had to admit that the meetings were getting more interesting. Especially with the planning of how to crush the rebels. Things were getting riskier every day. I met Lady Diane twice that week as always and wrote long letters to my uncle and Barton with very detailed instructions. They agreed on it, saying I had considered everything and they acted on it. It was important that no one of the king's people heard about it or I would be dead. If even a single word got out they would know that I was most probably the spy. And even if they didn't they'd probably still kill me.

I knew that Bailey knew. But since I never told him he acted like he didn't know but I knew he'd stop me. He'd stop me from killing the king. That was going to be another challenge. If I failed things would be more difficult.

The afternoons were alright. The king watched another play with all the other rich people and one afternoon Lord Easton, another Lord and the king went to play chess. I was delighted to hear that the other Lord would play against my Bailey. I watched intently and knew from the start that the Lord stood no chance. He was good, but Bailey was amazing.

Lord Easton then asked me for another game and I really enjoyed it. The king looked bored but the other Lord watched intently and in the end they discussed the game with me. I learned a lot from that discussion and knew that I wanted to keep playing chess even if I was no longer in the castle.

We also went riding again. I couldn't help wondering if this was the last time. Things would get interesting in five days when the king's people used the information that one of our guys leaked out.

The sun was constantly shining and the king enjoyed some walks in the park.

The nights were the most exciting of course. It was never the same. Sometimes Bailey was so rough that he had me crying and yelling and once he had me close, so very close to giving up. He tied me up that day, just my wrists and I was standing. He used a wooden hairbrush he got from one of the women and smacked my ass over and over. That night he really pushed my limit. I almost blacked out, I couldn't stand anymore and one second before I asked him to stop he stopped.

I cried and cried in his arms but it wasn't because of the pain. Not only. Mostly it was because I had almost given up. But Bailey assured me that he knew. He knew that I was going to give up. He said it was normal and amazing how long I managed to stay. And his words made me proud.

Other nights he was so tender and gentle that it felt like he was my lover. I wondered sometimes what was better. A master or a lover. I liked both. And I loved it that Bailey could be both. He could go far and bring me to heights I never imagined, and he could drive me crazy with gentle loving.

One night I wondered if Bailey ever loved someone, if he ever fell in love with someone. But I didn't ask.

It was exactly one week after the day in Valhi that Alvin came to the castle again. I immediately knew that he wanted something when he asked Bailey if he could borrow me like Lady Diane did. Bailey was more hesitant but agreed for an hour. Alvin and I then went to another room and sat down. He drank a glass of wine and I thought that this was going to be interesting.

"Well, isn't it nice that we can talk alone?" He asked.

"Yes, I wanted to ask you about my brothers. How are they?"

"They are doing good. I'm sure they miss you."

"Yes, I miss them, too."

"They seem to be getting good food." He said.

"That's good."

"Where do they live?"

"With our uncle."

"That's good."

I nodded.

"Do you maybe want me to deliver them a message?" He asked.

"Oh, that would be nice. Can you tell them that I really enjoyed seeing them again?"

Alvin looked disappointed. "Of course. But maybe it's better if you write them a letter."

"Yes, I could do that. And you would deliver that?"

"Of course."

He handed me a paper and a pen - nicely prepared in his pocket. He couldn't have been more obvious. As I wrote some useless stuff about the castle and how good the food was Alvin rambled about some Lords and Ladies, rich people's gossip, really not interesting.

I then gave Alvin the letter and we talked a little more but I knew the man itched to read it. Maybe I could use him better if he came back in another week.

As soon as the hour was over Bailey came inside. He only let me say goodbye before we walked back to our room.

"Is the king already in bed, Sir?" I asked.

"Yes. He went to get a woman."

My heart stopped. He wouldn't... I looked at Bailey. Please, please not Amy. Anyone but her.

Bailey looked sad and I just stared at him. This couldn't be true. "No." I whispered. "No. No. No. No!"


"No. You can't... you can't let him... Please, Bail, please. Oh my god. I have to stop him. I can't..."

"Jace, he's going to kill you."

"I don't care. He can't take her." I ran off before Bailey could grab me. Perhaps he didn't want to stop me. On the way I took one of the lamps and some alcohol, just in case. I didn't want the whole castle to burn down, but if it saved Amy...

Before the king's door I waited for Bailey. The guards let me in and I entered just as I saw how the king undressed Amy. He didn't turn around and just continued. I saw Amy, her horrified look and felt Bailey walk by. I was grateful, incredibly grateful.

I signed Amy to be silent and then took one of the king's clothes and put it into the fire. Then I put the lamp just over it on the floor and went to the door that led to Bailey's room. I turned to see that the king was getting ready to push her down. I nodded and then went inside but left the door open a little.

Only seconds later I heard Amy yelling 'fire!' and Bailey ran to the king's room. "Get out." He yelled and the king, almost naked ran outside. I gave Amy my tunic and told her to go back to the harem. She thanked me and then ran. The guards came running inside, saw the fire and grabbed the blankets from the king's bed. It only took a few minutes until everything was over.

I stood behind Bailey who was trying to calm down the king. He cursed the servant who left the lamp on the floor, which just proved how stupid he was. There was no way his clothes could have caught fire just like that and besides, didn't he see that there was no lamp when he got rid of them? Well, I certainly didn't complain. I was glad he didn't have more brains but looking at Bailey also let me know that I'd get punished.

Servants cleaned the king's room and he then went back to sleep. I heard him saying something about Amy being a bad luck goddess and hoped that would keep him from asking for her again.

I followed Bailey into his room and kneeled down. He was quiet for a long time and I could only wait.

"Who's she?" He finally asked.

I didn't dare look up. "Jug's sister, Sir. They took her when we were in the forest. We came back and she was just gone. The family was devastated."

"I see. So, do you intend to save her every time?"

"Yes, Sir. I just can't let anything happen to her. I promised. I promised Jug. That night I was with him. And I promised I would save her."

"Is that the reason you're here?" Bailey asked and I looked up.

"Sir, there are many reasons. Saving Amy is one. But another one that no one even suspected was you."


"Yes. I saw you. Near the market, when the king went to Valhi. I saw you and you looked at me. That moment, my heart stopped beating for a second and it scared me, but I knew I wanted you. And then I heard about the dead boy and I just had to come."

Bailey looked surprised but then smiled and pulled me in his lap. "I did see you."



"And you remembered me. Wow." I whispered and he chuckled.

"You're still getting punished for burning the king's clothes."

"Yes, Sir."

He made me get up and then took me over his knees and spanked my ass. It felt good and I felt like I deserved it, even though I did something to save someone.

After 30 smacks Bailey carried me to the bed and fucked me silly.


I was really feeling nervous the next few days. The meetings weren't too interesting and two days after the talk with Alvin I met Lady Diane and told her about Alvin.

She looked thoughtful and agreed to my plan, but said that it could be too risky. It would make things easier for the rebels but much harder for me.

"You know they could just kill you at night or when you're on the stairs. They could throw you down or something."

"I know. I probably won't do it if Alvin doesn't come again but if he does, I'll let him know."

"Okay. But Ace please hold in mind that you really can't die. Your brothers are waiting, don't put yourself in more danger."

"I know. I am worried about that but we just have to succeed."

"Yes. Please take care." She said and hugged me close.

Two days later was the day that the king and his advisors had planned for a while. What they luckily didn't know was, that the rebels knew and were prepared.

I was nervous and wondering how everything went while the king went through his boring routine of the day. Bailey knew. He knew how nervous I was and probably wondered a little bit what I had planned and if the king's plan would succeed or not.

That night he told me to stand up and looked at me for a long time.

"If the king succeeds I was either wrong about you or you're more wicked than I thought, Jace."


"Come here."

I sat on his lap and kissed his lips, thinking how fast the time had passed. From the beginning we had six weeks and now there was only one week left. Even less than a week. In five days was the king's birthday. What came after that was unclear but that day my beloved master and I would be enemies.

"We don't have much time left." He said and kissed me back. "So tonight I'm going to make you feel good."

He carried me to the bed and took the massage oil. He was so careful and gentle, my body felt so relaxed when he was done. He'd started at my feet, tickled them and massaged them and then worked his way up until he was kissing my lips again.

I loved him so much and my heart ached thinking of how much time we had left. Five days. Five days. Then it was all over.


At the meeting the Lord Easton held a report. "We have confiscated all their weapons and could imprison some of the rebels." He started. "There were swords and some knives and stones in the boxes. It was as their traitor told us in the old warehouse. We haven't checked the weapons yet but they seem to be good. Some are a little old and others seem bad but we confiscated a lot. We'll start the hearing of the people today."

I shuddered at that thought. I could just imagine what 'hearing' meant. Torture until they spilled the beans. But if everything went according to the plan they didn't know anything and also the weapons, they should be useless. The rebels had much more weapons and much better ones but they didn't know that.

The king seemed to be in a really good mood after the meeting with all the good news. I could feel Bailey looking at me, probably thinking whether the rebels failed or if it went according to our plan. From the small smile around his lips I'd say he knew. When did he ever not know? I just couldn't hide anything from him.

The afternoon passed fast and as soon as we were in our room Bailey grinned. "I'm beginning to realize how important you are." He said.

"What do you mean, Sir?"

"Micah, your friend, he wasn't the only brain in your group. I have a feeling that not the leader of the rebels came up with the plan but you. And probably that 'dead' Micah. You're good."

I smiled. "Sir, you're talking weird stuff. Let's get to bed."

He laughed and grabbed me. He laid me down on my back and took the oil, then he fucked me, never looking away from my eyes, never losing the grin.


Next morning's meeting was just planning of the birthday party. So many people were invited and they needed a big room to store all the gifts the king would receive!

It pissed me off a little but I also knew that if we succeeded it would be his last birthday.

The advisors still talked about being very careful because they hadn't imprisoned too many rebels and they feared that they would still make an appearance.

That evening I met Lady Diane and she had a thick envelope.

The letters from my brothers except the one from Micah were upset. I had insisted on them not knowing. The talked about how the plan failed and the weapons were gone. They were also angry with Micah and Tim went so far as to accuse him of being the traitor. Well, he was right.

Tim said he'd talked with Micah but he didn't really answer. All of them were weary of Micah and I felt bad for him.

Micah's letter was long and he told me how everything went, who knew - not many - and that everything went perfectly well. They had exchanged the good weapons with bad ones they didn't need over the last week so that nothing really worthy was in the boxes the king's men took.

Barton and my uncle also wrote letters, saying that everything went well but they were both very concerned about me and wanted me to be careful.

That night our lovemaking was intense. Bailey never looked away from me and I just couldn't let him go. My fingernails scratched his back and my legs pulled his hips closer to me, pushing him deeper inside me. I didn't want him to ever pull out. I didn't want to ever let go. I wanted him to love me. I wanted to love him forever. I knew I would. But either because I died or he did. In four days we'd be enemies and I couldn't bear that thought.

I wanted to be with him forever.

I was glad that Bailey didn't hold back. He fucked me rough and fast but sometimes just stayed inside me to make it last longer. When we finally came it was an incredible orgasm and seemed to go on forever.

Bailey kissed away some tears I hadn't even realized were there. And then I fell asleep in his arms.


The next day I stood very close to Bailey, closer than usual. We never touched but I felt the need to be close to him. I needed to feel his warmth and I just couldn't believe how little time we had left. I didn't want to accept it and often I imagined a life with him, how we both just ran away and lived somewhere in the mountains. But we both had obligations. He had to protect the king I had to kill him.

I saw that Alvin was once again there for dinner. Like last time he asked Bailey for an hour with me. Bailey agreed, still hesitant and we went again into the room where we sat the last time.

"So, how are you?" Alvin asked me with a friendly smile but I could see in his eyes that he wasn't really concerned about me.

"I'm good and you?"

"I'm also good. Are you sure you're fine? You look a little tired."

"Oh, really?"

"Yes. Did something happen?"

I grinned and decided to shock him before giving him any information. "My master has stamina. He can fuck... whew."

Alvin paled. "Oh..."

"He really is good, you know. I heard that his boys only live two months and I wish I had more time. He's a wonderful lover."

"I... I see."

"How are my brothers?"

"I'm not sure."

"Why's that?"

"Callen stopped working."

"Oh, that's too bad. Do you know why?"

"I'm not sure. He just told me one day."

"I see." I was glad, for some reason. I didn't like it that all my brothers had to work so hard. They were still so young and I really didn't want them too involved in everything. They should be able to run around, enjoy the world and make friends. But in our world even the youngest had to work. When I was twelve I did all the work on the farm.

"So..." Alvin said. "Will you come back to work for me? You are a very good reader."

"I doubt it."


"Sir, you know that I will die when the months are over."

"Yes, but I figured..."

"What?" I asked.

"Well, I thought, you know. I thought you were... a spy." He whispered.

"Oh? Why did you think that?"

"Because when I was here the first time you looked at me like you didn't want me to tell them I could read."


"And I just assumed you had something to hide and the first thought I had was that you were one of the rebels."

"I see. Well, even if you were right I won't come back working for you."

"Why's that?"

"You know..." I leaned a little forward and I could see his eyes sparkle with interest. "They failed."

"What?" Alvin asked.

"I know some of them and should have given them information but the letter got lost. A servant should have delivered it but it never arrived and I couldn't get away from here. And today I received a letter from one of the rebels who told me that all their weapons were confiscated. They don't have anything left. They have no chance to win. They won't attack because there's no way they could win and now they just have to wait another decade."

"Really? Well, that's too bad." Alvin said.

"Yes. So I'll just stay here and wait until the two months are over. I'm probably going to die."

"I see. Can't you run away?"

"No one can run away."

"Oh, poor boy." Alvin said with a sad smile but I knew he'd be talking to one of the advisors tonight. The next three days would be very dangerous for me. I was sure they'd try to kill me. The other spy also died and they surely wanted all the rebels dead.

"I really feel sorry for my brothers. They were never involved in anything and now they'll lose me." I said.

"Your uncle is taking care of them."

"Yes. But I know they're going to miss me."

Alvin just nodded, not sure what to say.

Like last time Bailey came inside to get me. I only had time to say goodbye before we were outside.

Back in our room Bailey stared at me with an intense look. "Do you trust Alvin?" He asked.

"He's friendly, Sir."

"Do you trust him?"

I smiled. "No, Sir."

"I don't want to know what you did but it can't be good. Now get to the bed."

I lay down and Bailey turned me on my stomach. He fingered me with his oiled fingers and I was soon moaning and waiting for his entrance. Bailey then slapped my ass a couple of times and turned me around again.

"Sit down." He said and I smiled. He sat on the bed and his big cock pointed up. I faced him, looked into his eyes and lowered myself onto his cock. It hurt like always but I pushed myself down as fast as I could.

Bailey kissed my neck and I held on to him. When he was fully inside me I waited a minute, trying to get used to his width and when I was more relaxed I lifted myself up. Bailey helped with his strong arms and I tried to squeeze my ass muscles when going up. I could tell that Bailey liked it and that made myself happy. I always felt amazing when I was impaled on my master's cock.

Bailey only let me in control for a few minutes before he pushed me down and fucked me harder. His cock reached deeper into me and I was a moaning, writhing mess. The only thing I saw were Bailey's eyes and they were so deep and dark, so unreadable and beautiful.

My master came deep inside me with a groan and I let go a second later.

I didn't want Bailey to pull out and tried to keep him on top of me but he finally slipped out and pulled me into his arms.


I immediately knew the next morning that they knew. Even the king knew. The meeting was weird. Really weird. They talked but it was useless stuff, nothing important, nothing at all. They talked a little about the birthday party but just repeated stuff they'd already talked about.

In the afternoon the king went for a walk and I collected some plants I thought I would probably need. I wasn't sure if Bailey noticed, I tried to do it as discreet as possible. Bimbo hid them for me and I was careful whenever we passed guards or were at the stairs. I really didn't know how they killed Bailey's boys so I was very careful.

I also didn't know whether or not Bailey was involved. I hoped not.

The day passed without incidents and the next morning was the day before the king's birthday. People were all getting really excited about the big party and I knew that the women all talked about their clothes and hair, the men talked about the food, the wine and the women.

That morning's meeting was even weirder. One of the advisors mentioned a criminal called Balbo or something and that he should be released. Lord Easton glanced at me and then said that it was too early but the others agreed and I felt Bailey tense next to me. The king looked at Bailey and I felt a cold chill on my back. Were they... going to kill me now?

But nothing happened. In the afternoon I was glad we again went for a walk and I collected more plants. I had a feeling what could happen but I prayed and hoped, really hoped it wouldn't come true.

My heart felt like it was breaking, just thinking about tomorrow. Or tonight. Our last night, whatever happened. Nothing would be the same tomorrow.

That evening was also my last meeting with Lady Diane. I only read her a very short story. It wasn't a sad story but I almost cried. Lady Diane hugged me and tried to assure me that we'd meet outside this castle as soon as everything was over.

"They know. I told Alvin."

"On purpose." Lady Diane said.

"Yes. They really believe that the rebels won't attack. It should be easy with all those people drunk. But, they're going to kill me. I need to succeed. I need to make a potion."

"Of course. I'll help you." Lady Diane looked at me with a sad expression and then we made the two potions. One she already knew how to make and the other wasn't really a potion. It was more important for it's colour. I filled it into a bigger bag that could easily be cut but didn't let it out.

"Bimbo." I said when we were done. "Tonight you stay close." Bimbo nodded with a happy sound. "If I make this sound..." I made a sound with my tongue. "You bring me these two. Understood?" I gave Bimbo the small vial and the bag. The little monkey had trouble carrying it but then took off to hide it somewhere.

Lady Diane hugged me close one last time and it made me feel a little better. Just a little bit.

When I came back to our room I couldn't help but feel sad. The room had become my home in the last six weeks. I had so many good and some bad memories. And this would probably be the last time I slept in here.

"Get up." Bailey said and I stood up. I had become so used to this little ritual and I knew I'd miss it when I was gone.

Bailey also stood up, he was only inches away from me, his body was so close I could feel his body heat. But we didn't touch.

Slowly Bailey leaned a little forward and kissed my head. Then he put his arms around me and walked us to the bed. He pushed me down and took off his own clothes. Then he moved over me and kissed me. A sad kiss. A goodbye kiss. I wanted to cry. I wanted to yell at him. I wanted to hit him. But I didn't. I just softly kissed him back. I just accepted the gentle lovemaking and his feather touch. I looked into his eyes. Was this the last time? Why had the six weeks passed so fast? Why didn't we have more time? Why? Why did I have to love him?

I did. So much. It hurt. His lovemaking, gentle lovemaking hurt my heart more than anything.

We both didn't make any sounds, we didn't say any words. I knew it. I knew it. I didn't know whether he knew I knew.

My mouth opened when I came but no sound came out. I felt desperate. Bailey just kissed my lips again and then took me into his arms. I calmed down, but didn't fall asleep.

Maybe half an hour, maybe an hour later, Bailey moved away and with that simple movement I knew he didn't love me. I knew he didn't love me enough. I felt like he betrayed me. I felt my heart break.

I waited another hour, probably less and then made the sound with my tongue. I poured the potion in the vial on my handkerchief and moved over to Bailey. He was so far away. So far. I let him inhale a few times and then stood up. One lamp was still on and I was able to see enough.

I put some clothes under the cushion and the bag, almost skin coloured, just under them. I put some cushions under the blanket and it really looked like I lay there, sleeping, my head under the cushion, my neck lying free.

Bailey always had knives on his body, hidden in his shoes and clothes. I took one and motioned Bimbo to sit on my shoulder. The vial with poison was still around his neck.

I then looked at the chair where Bailey always set. It was in the corner that couldn't be seen too well from the door and I sat down in it. It was very comfortable but I couldn't enjoy it. I pulled my legs to my body and waited. Waited for Bailey to kill me.

I didn't have to wait long. Probably half an hour later the door aligning to the king's room opened. Three men sneaked inside and walked to the bed. They whispered, they looked at Bailey, they saw my neck and one took a sharp knife. I saw it in the light of the only lamp in the room.

One of the men pressed the cushion down on what they thought was my head, the other held my body and the one with the knife slit my throat. Red coloured potion, my blood spurted out from the bag. Then the man stuck the knife into my chest through the blanket and then they left while I cried silent tears.

I cried because Bailey, my beloved master betrayed me. He killed me. He knew. He knew. And he killed me.

In the long, painful hours I almost didn't sleep. I still sat in the chair, occasionally fell asleep for an hour, but I always woke up because of nightmares. Mostly I just sat awake, waited for the morning, I cried and cried, silently. I clutched my legs closer to my body. I was still naked, Bimbo still on my shoulder, Bailey's knife in my hand.

My heart felt like it had been shattered or ripped apart. Bailey did this to me. He moved away. He killed me. He killed me.

Chapter 11

When the first sun rays came through the window I felt horrible. I felt exhausted and tired. I felt weak and sad. I felt betrayed and unloved. Today was the day. The king's birthday. The party began at noon and would go on until tomorrow.

I still didn't know how to kill the king. I didn't know anything anymore. I felt like I was now completely useless for my friends and family. I couldn't let them down. I was going to do it. Probably let Bimbo do it, with me as the distraction. They'd think I was a ghost.

But Bailey... More tears ran down my cheeks. I had no idea humans could produce so many tears. I looked at Bailey, beautiful Bailey, beautiful Bailey who betrayed me. He was still sleeping, peacefully.

I watched him so long tonight, looked at his beautiful face. And then at the bloody mess next to him.

I closed my eyes, new tears, more tears. My eyes had to be red.

The birds began to sing outside and I could see that it was going to be a beautiful day.

Bailey stirred and my heart almost stopped beating. I clutched the knife in my hand and felt myself shiver. The man I loved, the man that killed me lay in the bed where we'd made love so many times, not aware of what was next to him.

I then saw how Bailey opened his eyes. He looked confused for a while but then he looked horrified and his snapped around. He stared at the red blankets for a second and then cried out. "NOOO!"

I flinched at his painful cry and more tears streamed down my cheeks. When were they ever going to stop?

"NOOO!" Bailey cried again and collapsed on my dead body. "NOOO! Why didn't I wake up?" He cried.

I put my hands on my ears and watched as Bailey cried and hit the cushion. Why was he so sad? He killed me. He turned away. He killed me. I shook my head and the tears just didn't stop.

"You killed me." I whispered. "You killed me."

Bailey froze and turned around. My heart ached even more when his eyes met mine.

"Jace." He whispered. "Jace. You're... alive?"

"You killed me." I shook my head and my vision became blurry with all the tears. Where did they come from? My heart hurt so much and finally a sob escaped my lips. "You killed me." I said again.

Bailey slowly got up, still wide eyed. "Don't come near me!" I yelled and sobbed more. Bailey stopped and then fell to his knees. I saw that he was also crying.

"Jace, I... I didn't want to kill you." He whispered.

I shook my head. "You killed me, Bail. You killed me. You knew. You killed me."

"No. No. No. I didn't want to. I... I knew it was a mistake as soon as I turned away."

I just shook my head. He was a liar. A betrayer. He killed me.

"I know you probably won't believe me. But Jace... I was going to stop them. I..." He wiped away some tears. I had never seen him cry. "I... fell asleep. I don't know why I didn't wake up. I was going to stop them. I swear."

"I don't care. You killed me."

"Yes... I... oh my god. I killed you. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I really was going to save you but... I didn't wake up. I'm so sorry."

"Get out."


"Get out. I'll see you at the party."

"No. Please, don't kill him."

"You have no right to stop me." I said.

"I know. I know, Jace. But you can't lose your innocence."

"I don't care. You have no idea how bad everything is. You don't know how poor everyone is."

"I know."

"You don't!"

Bailey suddenly stood up and looked at me with a determined expression. "Boy, this is my last order to you. This is the last time I'm giving you an order. You're not going to kill the king."

"No!" I got up and stood on weak legs. "You have no right to stop me. You can't stop me."

"I can't. But I can give you this last order."

"You don't know anything." I cried. "You have no idea how bad it is. You don't know how many girls they took! You have no idea how hard we have to work. You have no idea how hungry we always were! You have no idea how much they took! You don't know anything! You don't know how many people died in the winters because there wasn't enough food! You don't know how much they took from us when we didn't give enough! You! Don't! Know!" I collapsed on the floor. How could he give me a last order like that?

"Jace. I don't care if you hate me. We may never see each other again. But this is my last order to you as your master. Don't kill the king."

"How can you? How can you ask something like that?" I asked and looked up at him. My beautiful master. My beautiful master who killed me.

"I love you." He whispered and then turned around. He put on his clothes and then left. He left me behind. I was still kneeling on the floor and cried.

Minutes later I finally got up and walked to the bath. I sat in the warm water and heard how someone entered the room. Probably a servant to clean up the mess. I took a towel and came outside just as the servant lifted the blanket and gasped.

"I'll kill you if you tell anyone." I said and he whirled around.

"I won't say anything." He said.

"No one knows."

"Okay. I really won't say anything."

I threw the knife and it missed his foot by less than an inch. He flinched and I shot him a last warning look and then went back into the bath. He left some time later and I put on clothes and took Bailey's knife from the floor.

How could I not kill the king? It was what I came here for. I had to do it.

But it was Bailey's last order.

I walked around in the room, threw the knife around and always hit the bull's-eye. It could be easy. Just hit him between his eyes. I shuddered a little at the thought. Killing him with a knife was different than killing him with poison.

But they killed me with a knife.

Bailey's last order. Last order. How could he do something like this to me? It was so hard not to obey him. Even if he betrayed me. Even if he killed me.

What was I going to do?

I paced around in the room for hours. After noon the servant came back.

"I brought you some food." He said with a smile.


He put it down but didn't go.

"You eat first." I said and he shrugged his shoulder.

"It's not poisoned." He said and took a bite.

"The water."

He took a gulp.

"Thanks." I said and he smiled again.

The water felt wonderful and the food was great. "Why are you doing this?" I asked.

"You seem like a nice person. And you're the first who survived. You're different."

"I've heard that too often since I came here." I mumbled.

He chuckled. "I heard people talk. They say Bailey had to agree that they could kill his boys. They don't want him to get attached to anyone. But everyone knows he got attached to you."

"He killed me."

"I can see that. But did he try to kill you? He knows, doesn't he?"

"No. Yes."

"I think he knows he made a mistake. I saw him before. He looks horrible."


"Everyone can see it."

"He still killed me."

"Yes. But he regrets it. Is it true that you're one of the rebels?" He asked.

"What if?"

"I always wanted to join them."


"I hate the king and the rich people. They don't really treat us bad but look how lazy they are. And my family is really poor. I had to work here so I could send them money."

"Well, it's your lucky day. They're going to attack today."

The guy's eyes widened. "Really?"


"So you really are a spy?"

"I guess."

I waited and looked at him. He seemed to be serious.

"That's cool."

"It obviously killed me."

"You're alive."

"I know. But everyone thinks I'm dead."

"But you're not."

I shrugged.

"Are you also going to attack?" He asked.

"Don't know."


"Master's last order. I'm not allowed to."

"Oh? Why's that?"

"Don't know."

"I see. Well, I think you should listen to him."


"Don't know. Just a feeling."


He smiled and caressed my head. "You're a great guy. I hope we'll meet again someday." And then he left.

I knew that the party must have started already and wondered if they were drunk yet. Probably not.

Again I paced around in the room, not sure what to do. If I was going to kill him dinnertime was the best. But it was so hard to go against Bailey's order. And the servant's word somehow made me believe that it would work out. Somehow.

I waited. And waited. I almost felt like I was going crazy. If I was wrong and the attack didn't work it would be my fault. Because I was too much in love to go against some order.

But if it worked...

As the day wore on I stood at the window and looked outside. There was the park and all around the castle were the rebels, just waiting for my sign.

I looked at Bimbo, the vial was no longer around his neck.

"You think it's time?" I asked. It was now dinnertime and I slowly came to a hard decision. Bimbo nodded excitedly and I sighed.

"Okay. If anything goes wrong it's my fault. God, I hope I'm doing the right thing." I opened the window. "Go to Barton, okay?"

Bimbo nodded and was gone. I then sat down in Bailey's chair and waited.

If I was wrong... What if I had misinterpreted Bailey's words? What if there was no hidden meaning in them? What if it was just my imagination?

Had Bailey really said he loved me?

A few minutes later the door burst open and I saw Lady Diane.

"Ace! You're not dead!"


"I thought... I was so worried. They all talked about you being dead."

"They killed me. The bag of blood anyway."

"I'm so glad." She hugged me close. Suddenly I saw blood on her arm.

"Lady Diane! What happened?" I asked.

"He's dead."

"What? Bailey?"

"No. Well, they almost killed him."

"What happened?"

"I joined the party as they began eating dinner. You know, girls dancing and everything. And when I saw that you weren't there I thought Bailey let them kill you."

"He did." I whispered.

"Oh my baby." She hugged me close again. "I know he regrets it. We started eating and I can tell you, I was really pissed at Bailey. But then he suddenly jumped up and slit the king's throat."


"Yes. The guards came running and he just waited for them to kill him. But then suddenly another guard came running and said they were under attack. So two led him into prison and now there's fighting going on. Can't you hear it?"

"I can."

"They're strong."

"Everything's going to change."

"That's right."

"I... I need to see Bailey."

"I know. I can show you the way."

That moment the door burst open again and I saw some of the rebels. They grinned at me and then went on. Lady Diane led me outside.

"Do you still have some of the sleeping potion?" She asked me.


"We will need it."

I nodded and told Bimbo, who had come back, to get it. I was really lucky to have such an intelligent monkey. On the way we saw several rebels, many had prisoners and they all nodded at me.

When we got closer to the prison Lady Diane said that she'd go first so I could come from behind and press the handkerchief on the guard's nose and mouth.

I prepared two and then saw how Lady Diane talked to them. She turned around and managed to get them to have their back to me. I walked behind them and pressed the handkerchiefs on their mouths. They struggled but were asleep soon. I dropped them and we went further down. We had to repeat the game three times and the last time we collected the guard's huge amount of keys.

"Should I let you alone?" Lady Diane asked and I nodded.

"Thank you so much."

"You're welcome." She smiled at me and I then tried to find the key that opened the iron door that led to the prison. I finally found it and took the lamp that hung there.

I pushed the door open and the bad smell hit me. It smelt terrible. An ugly mix of sweat, filth, shit and probably blood.

It was really dark, there were just a few lamps and there were so many heavy doors. I could hear how the small slits opened and some prisoners looked at me. Many had small glass windows and I could see them staring. I slowly walked down the corridor and wondered how many prisoners there were.

From what I saw they looked dirty and barely had clothes. This place was terrible. They all looked so thin and weak.

It was eerie how one face after another appeared. They all noticed the light and looked at me with big eyes. I knew that most of them were criminals but even they shouldn't have to live in such a horrible place. There were so many cells. In some were two prisoners.

I looked left and right and it was so weird with everyone looking at me. And then there was a window where I saw no face. I walked to it and someone opened the slit. "That's a new one."

I nodded at him and then looked inside the cell. "Bail?" I asked.

"Jace? Is that you?"

"Yes. Bail... wait, I'll open the door." I looked at the cell number and tried to find the right key.

"Don't." He said and stood up.

"What? But..."

"This is what I deserve."

"Don't be stupid." I said and pushed the key inside. I turned and then opened the door. Bailey suddenly jumped out and pinned me against the door of the cell opposite of his.

"Why are you freeing me?" He asked.

"You said you love me."

He stared at me with his intense eyes and I could feel how everyone looked at us.

"I did say that." Bailey said.

"Well, I love you, too."

"Are you sure? Because you know, once you agree to be mine I'm not going to let you go. Ever."

My knees felt like pudding and I shivered. "Please, never let me go, Bail."

And then he kissed me. In front of all these criminals and other prisoners. I heard some whistles and laughing but that moment there was just Bailey. And me. Just the two of us. He loved me. I couldn't believe it. My heart beat so fast and I was so excited I would have probably let him fuck me right there on the ground.

Finally Bailey stood back a little and looked at me with a smile. "You're mine." He said. "Now let's go."

"No. We need to get someone."


"My father."

"He's in here?"

"Yes." I turned to look at the prisoner who had talked to me.

"Nice show." He said.

"Thanks. I wanted to ask if you knew someone named Martin."

"Sure do. Everyone does."


"Yes. He's the one who told us, well, the rebels, not the criminals, that one day we'd be released."

"You're a rebel?" I asked.


"So you were in here for 14 years?"

"Don't know how long it was."

I turned to look at Bail. "Could you probably..."

He smiled. "I'll get some people."

"Thanks." He kissed my lips and then he was gone.

"So, where's Martin?"

"Continue walking, should be twelve cells and then is his. At the left. He still has a loud voice."

"Thank you so much."

"Hey, boy. Why are you interested in Martin and who the hell are you anyway and where are the guards?"

I grinned at him. "Guards are sleeping. And it's your happy day. The rebels are taking over the palace. You'll be free soon."

"No shit?" He asked and I could see more people looking at me.

"No shit." And I walked down and then stopped in front of the cell that was my father's. He didn't look outside so I moved closer and when his face appeared I screamed.

The man laughed and took the rat out of his mouth. "Who're you?" He asked.

"Are you Martin?"

"Who're you."

I looked a little closer. He looked as dirty as the others but was built and looked healthier than the others. Perhaps by eating rats? The thought was revolting and I felt sick.

"Hey squirt, you lost your voice?" He asked.

"You eat rats?"



"Not raw. They give me fire. Can you give me some fire?"

I looked at the lamp I'd dropped when Bailey jumped me.

"Only if you tell me your name." I said.

The man looked intently at me. "Martin."

"I'm Jace." I said and his eyes widened.

"You're Jace? Jace? My son Jace?"

"Yes. Wait." I tried to find the right key. I opened the door and for the second time I got jumped. The man just pulled me into a tight embrace.

"Jace. Is it really you?"

"Yes... dad."

"I can't believe it. This has to be a miracle. You're so... tall. How old are you?"


"Oh my god. I was in here for fourteen years!"

I nodded and he stood back to look at me. "You're so beautiful."


He pulled me close to him again. I liked the feeling but it was weird to suddenly have a father after sixteen years.

"Hey, he's mine." My father looked at Bailey. My uncle was behind him and several other rebels.

"Who're you?" My father asked and I smiled at my uncle.

"I'm his lover." Bailey said.


"It's true." I whispered and my father looked stunned.

"I want details."

"We can talk later. Now we should free all the other rebels." My uncle interfered and I gave him the keys. He smiled and hugged me and told me to go. "We can take care of this."


Bailey nodded and then put his arm around me. It was a possessive gesture and I liked it.

Lady Diane smiled at us when we passed her and we saw some other rebels who all smiled at us. "I think everyone knows." I said.


Just walking through the castle showed that the rebels were successful. We passed the big dining hall and saw many of the rich people standing there, guarded by rebels.

"ACE!" I heard and turned around. There were my brothers. All of them.

Nial was the first and I caught him. Within seconds I was surrounded by all my brothers and everyone hugged me. Last was Micah. I put Nial down and smiled at him. "Micah."

"Ace." He said and we hugged. It felt so good. I felt so complete at that moment. The unbelievable happened. I had Bailey. I had my love. I had my brothers. I had my friends. I had a father. I had a family.

Then Micah looked at Bailey who was standing behind me.

"You're the bodyguard." He said.

"Not anymore."

"Yes. Everyone knows you killed the king. Why did you do it?"

Bailey smiled. "I didn't want Jace to do it. I didn't want him to kill someone. And it was meant as an apology as well as a confession of my love."

Micah nodded. "I can accept that. But you hurt him, I'll come after you."

"I won't hurt him." Bailey said and I rolled my eyes. Yeah, sure.

Micah grinned at me and I knew he knew. Micah knew since the time we took our revenge on Lord Adelhorn. Probably even before. And I felt good that he approved.

We all stayed in the castle that night. Nial wanted to sleep with Bailey and me. In the end we all stayed together. We put some beds together and all slept next to each other. Bailey held me in his arms, I held Nial in my arms. Tim and Cam cuddled together. Micah and Callen slept on the left and right side of Jug, who was incredibly happy to see his sister healthy.

He thanked me over and over after he heard what I did to save her.

The next morning was a big meeting and we all discussed what to do with the rich people. Barton was voted to be one of the ministers. Lady Diane was the only woman voted but many were impressed with her wisdom and her intelligence.

Five other men were also voted and there was so much political talk. There would be so many changes. We just took over the whole country and I was suddenly aware of the power we held in our hands.

It took long, very long even though Barton and the rebels had already discussed how the country would be led. It would be a free country. People would vote who was going to reign. No more kings and queens. Monarchies were over.

It would be something our country had never seen and the changes would come. They would take some time but it would change. They called it democracy.

The ministers all had different departments. A man I didn't really know was the minister of education. He was called Paul and said that every person should be able to read and I totally agreed. When this first meeting was over I went over to talk to him. He was an older man and seemed very clever. And he offered me a job if I was interested in teaching.

In the afternoon Bailey and I finally got some time for ourselves and we went outside for a walk.

"They're all impressive people." Bailey said.

"Yes. And intelligent."

"It's going to change the whole country. They have almost everything planned out. I like that. And how they want to vote. It's a good idea."

"Yes." I took his hand.

"But Jace, the change will be slow. And sometimes people become corrupt when they suddenly have power."

"But that's why there's seven of them."

"I know. It's a great idea. I'm just a little worried about how the world will look like in a century."

"It can't be worse than this."

"I don't know. Perhaps, perhaps not."

"Are you against the change, Bail?"

"No. Not at all. I grew up in a very poor family. And I just want you to be happy. Now there are wonderful people at the top. Let's just wish them the best. They'll be in charge for a few years and I wish them the best. But I don't want you to get too involved in it. I want you to lead a happy, carefree life."

"I'm not going to do nothing. I can't just live a lazy life and not work."

"I know that. I heard you talk to Paul. And I know you taught your brothers to read. You'd be a great teacher but I don't want you to be some known politician. I've thought about the future, Jace. And I really want to live with you in a house, somewhere quiet and just enjoy our life. We can both work but I have money. We could get a ranch with horses somewhere near Valhi. I also know that you will want to be near your brothers. They could live with us or we could buy a second house next to ours."

"We're really going to live together." I smiled at Bailey. "I can't believe it. I was so sure that there was no way we could be together or that you would return my feelings. So I just concentrated on the time we had and didn't think much about the future. But I like it. A ranch with horses. Do you think I could take Cain with me? And we could build a big house, just maybe our room should be further away from the others. We can get loud."

Bailey laughed and kissed me. "We'll do that. And when they build the school we can ride to Valhi. And I will take care of the ranch."

"But it will take us so long until we have the money to buy a ranch."

"We already have it."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I earned a lot of money being the king's personal bodyguard and I didn't have to spend a lot of it. So I have more than enough."



"Wow. That's... amazing and somehow overwhelming. We're really going to be together."

"For the rest of our lives."

I kissed Bailey's lips. "I love you."

"I love you, too."


I thought things would calm down soon but it took quite a while before things began to settle down. It took several weeks before Bailey and I finally got the ranch we wanted. It had a big house, big enough for my brothers and us. Our room was very far away from the others and that was a good thing.

Callen was not very thrilled to live with Bailey under the same roof but because Nial was thrilled he grudgingly followed. Tim and Cam shared a room, Jug and Amy also stayed with us. Micah was the only one who stayed in the city. He had gotten too involved in everything and he was going to help Barton who was thankful of his help. But we often saw him when went to Valhi and he got himself a small house with the money he'd received from the king when he 'betrayed' the rebels.

Callen eventually got used to Bailey just like my father. It was a strange feeling to suddenly have a father but he was a good man. He had a long talk with Bailey and then one with me but it seemed that he approved of my lover and as the time passed I came to really love my father. I also asked him about his notebook and he laughed and said it was his journal. Next to his daily entries there were also some letters he'd written to mom and me and they were really beautiful.

My mother's death hit him hard but he didn't really show it and he had so much work, being one of the leaders of the rebels, that he didn't have much time to be sad.

Lady Diane did adopt me. She and my father became good friends and sometimes I wondered if that was all they were. Now that she was a minister she was constantly busy but she made time for me and I often went to visit her to talk, to read and sometimes just for a hug.

Change came slowly but once it began to spread there was nothing that could stop it. Landlords were kicked out of their houses and people didn't have to pay nearly as much as before. The following winter much less people died because of hunger.

It took some time before the first school of Valhi was built but as soon as it was there I became a teacher. I really loved the job, loved teaching the other kids and even though some of them were almost as old as me they respected me.

Micah always gave me reports of what was happening with the ministers, of how things were going and what was going on and since I knew so many of the now important people I always knew what was going on but I didn't get involved in the politics like Bailey had wished for and I was happy with just teaching. Bailey mostly worked on the ranch with the help of my brothers.

I knew that one day they'd be old enough to marry, they'd move out and produce kids, Barton and the other ministers would retire one day, new people would take over, people would get more knowledgable with the schools and there were still many, many changes coming.

I knew something wouldn't change - Bailey's and my love making every single night. Of course it was always a little different, never the same, always exciting and incredibly satisfying but I could count on it. Sometimes it got really rough, other times it was so tender and gentle and I had to pinch myself to reassure myself it wasn't a dream. I often thought that it was a real miracle that Bailey hadn't been killed after he slit the king's throat.

Bailey didn't want me to call him master in our new home, wanting us to be more equal. I wasn't really happy with it, he was my master after all, and so I just let it slip sometimes in the bedroom, which would often make him fuck me harder and I didn't have anything against that.

My love for him became even stronger, something I hadn't thought was possible but now that I knew he loved me back it was like I let myself fall completely.

No matter what the future brought, whatever changes would come, I was sure things would be okay. After all I had my beautiful master, Bailey.

THE END (At least of Jace's story, I think...)

Yes, I am thinking of maybe writing a sequel with Micah's story but I don't have any details yet and it's just an idea.

I hope you enjoyed this story. I loved writing it and as I already mentioned at the beginning, I wrote the whole thing in just two weeks (But I'm not 100% satisfied with the end) after I thought about the plot for a while. I know that there are several things in the story that aren't too realistic or should be changed but I like this story the best of all that I've written. The other's just aren't really thought through.

I also want to thank everyone who has written me, encouraged me and told me he liked the story. I really wasn't sure if anyone would answer since I wasn't sure if anyone read stuff in the historical section. (I don't... but maybe I should ^^) So thanks a lot for reading!

Please let me know if you liked the end of this story.

And please think about making a donation to Nifty. I'm a student and don't earn money yet but I'm going to when I do because Nifty doesn't just post my stories, I also get to read tons of good stuff and I can't count the hours I spent reading here. So think about it =)

All the best Jenny

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