
By Jenny Tian

Published on May 30, 2012


Chapter 6

I was satisfied with the way Bailey's wound looked the next day.

"How does it look?" He asked me after the bath.

"Good. Now it needs air so you should wear something light."

"Alright. Jace, how do you know which plants to use anyway?"

"Oh, well." I couldn't really tell him that I had memorized a book that explained how to mix poison but also some helpful potions. "Our village was right next to a forest and we didn't have doctors like they have in the city so plants were what we used."

"I see. Well, let's go see if the king is awake, yet."

He was. He was just getting ready to put on his clothes, or better, let others put on his clothes for him. Lazy, old, fat and stupid king.

Breakfast was good and I hoped I wouldn't gain weight with all the food and almost no exercising. The meeting turned out to be much more interesting than usual. They mostly talked about us, us rebels.

"We finally managed to get in contact with one of them." One said.

"That's wonderful. How and who?"

"The rebel was looking for work since being a rebel doesn't really pay the rent."

They shared a round of laughs.

"So did they bribe him?" One asked.

"Yes, but more with luxuries like gold, women and food."

"That's wonderful. So did they find out more about their plan?"

"Yes, they plan to act at the birthday party."

"I knew it. I just knew it." The king said.

"But it could be a lie of course."

"Yes. They might have that planned so that they attack one day before."

"So we don't know when."

"Well, I suggest we double the guards one or two weeks before the party. And we need more bodyguards on your birthday your honour."

"Yes. I have my night guard but I want those tripled." The king said. "And four bodyguards with Bailey at the party."

"That should work but we also have to be aware that they probably have their own spies in the castle."

"Well, if everything works out we'll know by then. There's another man we think might have contact with the rebels. If he can get their trust we might soon know who's not one of us."

That caught my attention but I still kept my face straight.

They talked a little more, discussed the guards and then it was lunch. I knew that doubling the guards would put a strain on them. There weren't enough guards to just let more of them work. They'd have to work longer hours and that would tire them, which would be good for us even though there would be more.

That afternoon the king and many of the rich people went into the big theatre hall and we watched an opera. The story was a sad love story between a man with a deep grumbling voice and a beautiful woman who could sing incredibly high. But for some reason it didn't sound bad or hurt the ears. It was a wonderful, angel-like voice and I could listen to her forever.

Dinner was an even bigger affair than usual and the king went to bed early. I felt good to be alone with Bailey. I wanted to talk to him about the opera, the beautiful woman and ask him a question about chess but as I kneeled in front of him he didn't tell me to get up or touch me.

I held my head low as he drank his glass of wine. I just wanted to kiss his feet when he stood up and walked over to table, got a book, took off his clothes and went to bed. He opened the book and began to read. I was still kneeling on the floor. And as I watched him, I realized this was my punishment. He wasn't going to hit me, whip me or anything else. He ignored me like I wasn't there.

And it hurt.

He read for about an hour and I felt my heart sink more and more. I felt horrible, sad, depressed, terrified and scared. I felt like he didn't want me anymore even if I knew it was just punishment.

He had been so gentle yesterday and today I wasn't even there.

I felt like crying but I couldn't, not with him still awake.

When he finally shut the light I curled up on the floor, still in front of the chair where he usually sat, and let the tears fall.

I couldn't understand why it hurt so much. I couldn't understand why I felt like a child, so vulnerable and stupid and dependant. I was almost an adult. I was a strong, tall young man but now I felt like crap, below crap actually. Like I wasn't worth anything, not even his look.

And I cried, for hours. Quietly, just tears falling on the ground. Sometime I fell asleep but the floor was uncomfortable, hard, reminding me that I wasn't in bed with my master. I was nothing but some dirt on the floor and not even Bimbo who was sleeping on my shoulder could give me some comfort.

I felt alone in the dark and woke up every half hour or so. It was the worst night in my life.

Even after my mother died I still had my brothers to give me comfort. But now I was alone. Alone.

I knew that logically I still had my brothers but Bailey had shunned me and it hurt so much. It hurt so much.

Finally morning came. I was still on the floor when master shook me. "Take a bath, boy. We have to get going."

"Yes, master." I said and took a bath but the water didn't help me much. I was sore and hurting from the hard ground but also my heart felt like it bled. He was talking to me again. I should be happy. But for some reason I couldn't.

The feelings of the last night were too intense to forget. The pain was there, the hurt, the fear. I didn't want him to ignore me. I always wanted to be with him. But he didn't.

He changed boys every two months, so why would I be any different?

Even if it wasn't him who killed them, he let them be killed.

I dried myself and then dressed and followed master into the king's bedroom. He was just finishing getting dressed and then we went for breakfast. I ate some fruit but I had to force myself to eat. It didn't taste like anything and I wondered if they changed the cook overnight or something.

But I knew nothing had changed.

Only I had changed. I had realized last night what I was. I was nothing - worth nothing.

They had their meeting but I didn't hear a word they said. It was probably the same as always and I didn't care. I felt like my heart broke. Like I broke. And nothing could fix me.

For lunch I managed to eat one piece of meat before I felt like puking. In the afternoon he again went for a walk and I was glad. I'd just have to follow master's feet that I saw. My head was down, I hadn't looked at anyone today.

Dinner and I could only drink some water. I didn't even know if Lady Diane was at the huge table. I just waited until it was over.

The king then went to bed and I followed master into his room, got naked at kneeled in front of him, remembering yesterday, almost expecting him to get up and read on the bed.

"Get up." He said and I jumped at the sound of his voice. When I stood I was still looking at his feet.

"What was wrong with you today?" He asked.

"Nothing, master."

"Look at me, boy."

I looked up but couldn't look him in the eyes.

"What was wrong with you today?" He asked again.

"Nothing, master."

"Look at me!" He yelled and I finally looked into his eyes but shivered.

"Why are you scared of me?" He asked.

"I'm not, master."

"Jace! Why? What happened?"

"I'm sorry, master."

He slapped my face and my head flew to the side. I was glad, I didn't have to look at him anymore.

"Get into bed." He ordered.

"Yes, master." I said and once I lay there he slapped my ass, took some oil and fucked me hard and fast. When he came he just pulled out and went to sleep while I curled up.

I again couldn't fall asleep and when I heard his breath deepen I left the bed. It now felt too soft, and curled up on the floor.


"Boy, why are you sleeping on the floor?" His hand shaking my body woke me up.

"I couldn't sleep, master."

"What, and then you slept on the floor?"

"Yes, master."

"Get up."

"Yes, master."

"What happened to 'Sir'?"

"What do you mean, master?"

"Why are you only calling me master?" He asked.

"Master, you are my master."

"Well, don't call me master."

"Yes, master."

"I said, DON'T CALL ME MASTER!" He yelled and I was quiet.

I had one strawberry and two gulps of orange juice for breakfast, one piece of potato for lunch and water for dinner. I didn't remember much of the day. It was long and exhausting, dull and sad, I saw many different feet but only followed one pair of them.

After dinner a hand grabbed my arm and I remembered I was to meet Lady Diane tonight. She led me to her room and closed the door behind us.

"Ace, Ace, what the hell happened to you, are you sick?" She asked me.

"No. Just tired."

"Something's wrong. Do you want to tell me?"

"No, no. No."

"Well, that was a yes." She said and then put her arms around me.

I was really stiff at first but then I grabbed her and held on to her like I was sinking. I felt like I was sinking. I probably almost crushed her but she just softly hummed and then I began to cry.

"It's gonna be alright." She said.

"No." I sobbed. "He hates me."

"What are you talking about? He looked concerned today and yesterday, too."

"No, he hates me."

"Ace, drink this, okay?" She handed me a cup with warm tea and I took a sip.

"Now sit down and tell me from the beginning."

I sat and took another sip. "I called him Bailey and Bail." I slowly started with a shaking voice. She nodded and let me continue. "He was gentle that night because I told him about my mother. But he said I would be punished for it. I only call him master."

She raised her eyebrows but nodded and I took another sip and then continued. "I thought he would hit me, whip me, slap me, whatever. But he was so disappointed in me. I disappointed him and he... he doesn't want me anymore. I'm such a mess." I wiped away some tears. "You know, I wasn't scared of the punishment, even forgot it. But then, he ignored me. He didn't even look at me or talk. Nothing. And it hurt so much. I slept on the floor but I was thinking the whole night and felt terrible the next day. And last night I couldn't sleep. He was rough with me. I didn't mind that. But I felt bad and slept on the floor again. And this morning he was so angry with me. I couldn't listen to anything. I'm supposed to help everyone. To save the poor people. But I'm such a mess and useless and he doesn't want me and I can't even help my brothers now and..." I burst into tears again.

Lady Diane put her arms around me again. She gave me a handkerchief and then rang a bell. Less than a minute later a servant was there.

"Go get Bailey, please." Lady Diane said.

"What should I tell him?"

"His boy puked or whatever will get him going."

"Yes, ma'am." The servant left.

"Why did you do that?" I asked.

"Well, that Bailey obviously has no idea what he did and I'm going to talk some serious words with him."

"You can't do that."

"I'm still his elder and a rich lady while he's just the king's bodyguard. I always thought he was more clever than that but he obviously has no idea how to treat someone with love."


"Of course."

"What's wrong with Jace?" I heard as the door burst open.

"What's wrong with Jace?" Lady Diane asked. "What's wrong with you!"

"Wh... what do you mean?" He asked her.

"You have no idea how low you sank in my mind today. I always thought you were more intelligent than that."

"Don't insult me like that. I just want to know what's wrong with Jace. Jace, are you sick?"

"No, master." I answered.

"I told you not to call me master." He said.

"Bailey! What else is he supposed to call you if he can't even call you your given name?"

"He told you?" Master asked.

"He's such a mess because of you."

"What are you talking about?"

"You just don't get it, do you?"

"What? Don't ask me those stupid questions."

"Bailey! Shut up for a second and listen or you'll lose all the respect I have for you. How long did you have Ace? A little over a week? One and a half?"

Bailey nodded.

"You have him for a little over a week and you fuck him up, Bailey. The most intelligent, clever and gorgeous boy and you fuck him up!? I can't believe how stupid you acted because of a name!"

"He knows the rules."

"He was out of it, Bailey. How would you feel if someone told you the reason your family was killed was because of some rich, greedy guy?"


"So yes, he does know the rules. But can't you come up with a better punishment than a mind fuck? How did you usually punish your boys?" She asked.

"Well, the whip or something."

"Then why did you ignore him?"

"I never used that as a punishment but I felt like it would hurt him the most."

"Oh yes, Bailey. You hurt Ace, probably more than you can imagine. And that's exactly the problem. You don't hurt a boy like Ace just because he calls you your name that your parents gave you! You don't hurt a boy that cares for you. You don't break a boy that loves you."

And then it was just quiet and I pulled my knees to my body and put my forehead on them. Tears fell down on my legs but they couldn't see.

Love. I so loved him. Probably since the first time I saw his eyes. And that was why it hurt so much.

The feelings became even more intense and then I felt nothing.


"Drink that." Someone held a cup to my lips. I opened my mouth and took a gulp. It was sweet and tasty.

"Thank you." I whispered.

I took another sip and then looked around. I was back in master's room. I gasped when I saw it was him who handed me the cup.

"I'm sorry, master. I didn't see..."

He touched my head and I don't know why I did, but I flinched. He suddenly looked sad.

"I'm sorry, master. I didn't want to do that."

"I know. It's my fault."

"No, it's not your fault, master."

"It is. I shouldn't have ignored you and let you sleep on the floor. I didn't realize how much that hurt you. I almost gave in when I heard you cry but my pride wouldn't let me and I'm terribly sorry. I promise I won't do that ever again."

I could now see that his eyes were full of concern. "Thank you, master."

"And Jace, I don't really mind you calling me master but I don't really understand why you stopped calling me Sir. Would you please tell me what happened when I ignored you? I really don't understand everything."

He was asking me. He said please.

"Yes, master. The night before you were so gentle and I was happy. But then it was a shock when you didn't look at me nor talk to me. It hurt. And then when I tried to sleep I began to think. I knew it was the punishment you gave me but I couldn't understand that and I felt like dirt on the floor and unworthy and useless. I felt like I disappointed you and you didn't want me anymore. I suddenly understood that you were my master and could do everything you wanted with me. I'd do it, whatever you ordered, master."

"Oh god." He said and pulled me into his embrace. "Please, don't become my puppet, Jace. Please don't stay brainless like the last two days. I don't want a marionette. I want the Jace that was so wicked and interesting."

"You don't want me, master?"

"Oh, I do. So much I can't understand it myself. Jace, I'm so, so, so sorry. Don't be like my slave. Be my lover for the two months we have. A submissive lover, but a lover."

I thought about his words a little but I felt too tired to think and somehow fell asleep in his arms.


When I opened my eyes I was alone in the bed and felt fear creeping in me. But just then the door opened and Bailey came back inside with a plate.

"Good morning, lover boy. Did you sleep well?"

"Good morning, master. Yes, thank you, I slept better."

"Good to hear. The king is still sleeping but I went into the castle kitchen and managed to get a piece of cake."

"For me?" I asked and realized how hungry I was.

"Yes, for you."

"Thank you, master." I took a bite, thought of my mother's cake. It didn't taste like hers but at least it tasted like something, unlike the food I'd eaten the last two days. Old cook was probably back.

I immediately felt better. That night in master's arms had somehow helped a lot and assured me that what I'd thought was really mostly just in my mind. And I still had a mission.

I didn't know if getting attached to Bailey was such a good idea but feelings weren't easy to ignore.


"Yes, master?"

"I know now why you only call me master but I really hope that you will also call me Sir. And if it's just the two of us, I'd like it if you called me Bail. No one else does and I would like it a lot."

"Really? I don't know if..."

"Just think about it. It would please me."

Pleasing him was definitely what I wanted. "Yes, master. Yes, Sir." It felt good. "Yes, Bail."

He smiled and then took away the half eaten piece of cake, pushed me down on the bed and kissed me passionately. He slid his tongue inside me and ravished my mouth, caressed my head with his strong hands and I got lost in the kiss that told me he did care about me.

I knew I was out of the terrible slump I'd been in. I was still feeling a little insecure but I felt better. Much better. And his lips felt amazing.

Suddenly he pulled away. "We should get going. And Jace, I want you near me today. Don't move away from me more than an arm's length."

"Yes... Sir."

He smiled, kissed my head and I started with new energy into the day. I ate a few more berries for breakfast and at the meeting I looked at the table. I thought it made it easier to listen without getting their attention.

It was an interesting meeting. Well, after the ass kissing it became interesting.

"We have new information from the rebels." One man said.

"Do we know who their spy is?"

"No. But we have information he was sick for a few days and couldn't give them any new information."

"So we just need to check who was sick."

"That's right. And we also have to find out how the information gets to the rebels. We don't have a confirmation of the date of their attack yet but we hope to find their hiding place within less than a month."

They discussed more detail and I knew that the next time I wrote letters I couldn't tell them every little detail. If the king and his advisors realized that the rebels knew their every step it would be an easy guess who the spy was.

Lunch was good and I was delighted to see that the king went to play chess with another one of his friends.

All this time I was very close to Bailey. Sometimes I could actually feel his body heat and I enjoyed that. Bailey stood behind the king and I was closely next to him and looked at the chessboard. The king started like the other game and the advisor answered with similar moves the other had and I thought that this was probably something like a greeting. Well, probably not greeting, more a beginning that could be similar and got the game going but it also set the ground for the rest of the game.

All in all the play was similar. The king made his moves, the advisors made his and towards the end made a big mistake and the king won.

"You played well, your honour." The advisor said.

"Thank you. You weren't bad yourself." He answered and as I looked at the advisor he looked up and smiled.

"Your honour, what do you say, we let the boy play a game?" He asked.

"The boy? Can he play?"

"Oh, we can teach him. It would be a good deed, your honour."

"I guess you're right. But I'll just watch. I'm not in the mood to play another game. You play."

"Of course, your honour." The advisor said and then looked at me again. "Well, sit down. What's your name?"

"I'm Ace, Sir."

"Oh, we'll see how good you are. I'm Lord Easton."

"It's an honour that you want to teach me, Lord Easton. But I'm afraid I've never played a game of chess. But perhaps my master could help me?"

"No, we can't have that. Your master is a good chess player."

"Alright, Sir. Seems like I have to bear the loss myself."

He laughed. "I like you, Ace. You don't seem as dumb as the others."

He put his figures on the board and I followed his example - not that I didn't know how they were at the beginning.

"Do you know how they can move?" He asked me.

"I think so."

"Alright. You get to start."

I made the same move the king had made and Lord Easton answered, but differently. It was like the other advisor and I made my move after a minute.

He thought for a while and did what I probably would have done if I was him.

"Sir, do you play against all of my master's boys?" I asked him and made my move.

"No, you're the first. But they usually don't stare at the chessboard like you did."

"Oh, I guess I did."

"You were trying to understand it and following it."

"That's right, Sir."

"But playing is still different."

"Yes, I realize that now." I made my move.

I felt Bailey standing behind me and probably analyzing every single move we made. I knew I had to be careful. I understood more of the game than Lord Easton thought. I had to lose against him but I also wanted to be good for Bailey.

Both Lord Easton and I took more and more time to think about a single move and then I saw a way I could both win and lose. Lose on the board, win in my mind.

I made my move and saw Lord Easton frown. It wasn't a good move but it would be perfect later. He made his and I made another one.

Six moves later I leaned back in the chair a little. I won. Well, not yet. I would have won if I pursued my plan and then it would take nine moves until I had his king. I was sure Bailey knew and wondered if it was too risky but then shrugged mentally.

It was now time to lose gracefully. I made my move and after the next I saw Lord Easton's smile. He saw the way to win.

When he killed my king he looked at me with wonder in his eyes. "You are one very clever boy. You played very good. There were a few bad moves but you could be very good."

Yes, I could be very good if I had more than the remaining weeks to live. I was sure that was what he meant.

"Thank you, Sir. It's a very interesting game and I wish I could play it again sometime."

"We'll see about that. Now I think it's time for dinner."

We got up and when we came to the dining hall I saw the worried look Lady Diane gave me. I smiled and nodded to tell her how much better I felt. Of course dinner was one very long affair and it was already dark outside when the king went back to his bedroom, too drunk to walk straight.

When we were at Bailey's room I was a little unsure what to expect so I just got naked and kneeled down.

"Get up and kiss me." He said. I stood up and when I saw his smile I leant forward and kissed his soft lips.

"Sit on my lap."

"Yes, Sir." It made me feel more like a boy than a man when I sat like that but it felt good.

"Are you a genius or something?" He asked me.

"What do you mean, Sir?"

"Oh, wicked boy, don't play dumb. We both know you won the chess game. Amazing play. Not perfect but very good. Especially since it's your first game and no one explained you the rules. You only watched two."

"Thank you, Sir. But I really like the game."

"I could see that."

"Do you think we could play it sometime?"

"Yes, I have my own chessboard. But not tonight."

"Thank you, Sir. May I ask one more question before going to bed?"


"Well, we watched that opera and I was wondering, who's the beautiful woman? Her voice was amazing and I could listen to her almost as long as to you, Sir."

He laughed. "To me?"

"Yes, I like your voice, Sir."

"Thank you Jace. But I have to disappoint you. That woman is a man."

"A man? But..."

"He was castrated."

I stared at Bailey. "Castrated? But, Sir... why..."

"It is something that many think should be forbidden. But the king likes to listen to him. Boys with beautiful voices that get castrated before puberty will have a beautiful voice for the rest of their lives. His voice is almost like magic. Of course it's always dangerous to do something like castration."

"His voice really is magic but why can't they use women?"

"Women are not allowed to."


"Tradition, I guess. And the men thinking that women are not as good as men."

"I'm sure Lady Diane hates that rule."

Bailey chuckled. "You're right."

"So I asked my question. Are we going to bed, Sir?"

"If you're so eager to..." Bailey stood up and carried me to the bed. There he took off his clothes and I looked at his wonderful body, the only blemish the marks I had left but they were fading.

"Turn on your stomach." He said and I thought he was going to fuck me but even though he took a bottle it was different oil. He poured it in his hands and then I felt them on my shoulders.

"Relax and enjoy." He said. He made small circles with his hands and massaged my shoulders and back with his strong fingers. It felt amazing and I felt how I relaxed and the tension left my body.

When Bailey was done with my back he massaged my legs, starting with my feet. That tickled but I held still and enjoyed the wonderful feeling. He then caressed and massaged my legs up until he was at my ass cheeks. I gasped when he began to knead and massage them and my erection began to leak. I hadn't known my ass was so sensitive. It gave me a hard on when he slapped me but now... I was in heaven.

"Feel good?"

"Yes, Sir." I almost moaned.

"Turn on your back."

I turned around and moaned again when he licked the precum away. I couldn't remember if he ever touched my cock like that.

"You're so beautiful." He said. "I'm going to make love to you tonight."

"Yes, please, Sir. Fuck me."

"Didn't you listen? I didn't say fuck."

I had heard but was unsure if he really meant it. What did it mean anyway? He took the bottle of oil and began to work it into my ass. When he had three inside I felt stretched. He kissed me, positioned his big cock and shoved it in but as soon as the head was in he stopped, something he never did.

I relaxed and then he pushed the remaining inches in me, slowly, tenderly, almost loving. When he pulled out it was only a little, then he pushed back inside and all the while his mouth never left mine. I felt better than ever, the pleasure his cock gave me spread throughout my whole body and I was moaning, shivering, holding on to him.

But I didn't only want to receive pleasure. I wanted to please him, give him pleasure and so I clamped down on his cock with my ass muscles every time he pulled out.

"Oh, Jace... that's amazing." Bailey whispered and picked up some speed, but just when I thought he was going to come he stopped, kissed me even more passionately and then continued to fuck, no, make love to me slowly.

All the pleasure he was giving me was almost too much and it just continued and built up and I just couldn't hold back my orgasm anymore. I yelled out his name, Bail, and grabbed his back and came. It was the most intense orgasm ever and I was only aware of the incredible pleasure I got and that Bailey also came and filled me with his seed.

Chapter 7

I was still amazed how much everything had changed the last few weeks. I had been a farmer, I had been a leader all my life and suddenly I was some man's boy and I loved it. There had been my mental breakdown and my fast recovery, Bailey's amazing gentleness and Lady Diane who wanted to adopt me.

There were so many new things I learned and even though I was beginning to enjoy the days I still really missed my brothers and knew I was on an important mission.

It was raining the next day and so the king went to watch a theatre, some old author who wrote both dramas and comedies. They played a drama and the language was weird, they talked in poems but I enjoyed it even though it was really, really sad. I almost cried at the end because the two protagonists couldn't be together even though their love was very deep. With much drama they were both dead in the end.

A lady a few seats away from us, was crying loudly and many others were sniffling and drying their tears. Of course the men were not crying.

For some reason it reminded me of Bailey and me. Not that he loved me, I loved him but how there was no way we could be together. It was just that even if he cared for me it just wouldn't work. He was loyal to the king, I was on the other side of the chessboard. We could never be together.

The man that played the woman was very beautiful and had a slim build. If I didn't know he was a man I could have easily mistaken him for a woman with his clothes and the make up.

After the king went to bed Bailey made gentle love to me.

"Master, you can be rougher." I said and he smiled.

"You don't like it?"

"No, I love it, Sir. It's just..."

"You like it rougher?"

"Yes, Sir."

He smiled and turned me around so that I was on my knees, he began to fuck me harder and faster and sometimes he slapped my ass. I just loved it and when he came I came all over the bed.

The next day the sun shone again but everything was still wet and muddy. I had heard whispers that today was a dance and dinner was earlier than usual. The king went with his servants to put on nicer clothes and Bailey led me back to the room.

"Put on those clothes." He handed them to me.

"Bail, they're so beautiful."

He smiled. "I need to show you off a little tonight. There's a dance tonight. Can you dance?"

"I never tried, Sir."

"Well, let's hope you pick it up as fast as riding and chess."

I put on the clothes and felt really nervous. I'd never danced and didn't want to make a fool out of my master or myself. Bailey put his hands on my shoulders. "Relax. Tonight we'll have fun. The king will be dancing and we don't have to follow him all the time."

"So we're dancing together, Sir?"

"Exactly. You might even get some wine."

"I never had any, Sir."

"Don't worry about dancing. Are you good at fighting?"

"Fighting, Sir?"

He laughed. "Of course you can fight. You have a good body."

"That's from all the farm work, Sir."

"Yes. Well, let's say you can fight. Relaxing and tension is always very important in a fight and that's a little like dancing. Watch others, look what they do, try to remember it and we'll join them and since you will be dancing the role of a woman you just need to relax and follow my lead."

"That I can do, master."

He kissed my lips and then also put on some nicer clothes. The servants were just putting on the king's shoes when we entered the room.

"Go get Shania." The king ordered one of them. Shania was the experienced woman that the king seemed to prefer. Soon Shania came with a beautiful dress and the king went into the ballroom with her at his side.

The music began to play and soon the couples were dancing a choreographed dance. After ten minutes the song was over and with the new song a new dance started.

"Sir, how many different dances are there?" I asked.

"Hundreds, but these are the ones they usually do. Watch and you'll realize they're all similar."

We watched for an hour, people were joining the dance, then going for a drink and suddenly I recognized a song.


"You're right, Jace. Sometimes they repeat the songs. Let's dance."

He took my hand and we joined the row of couples. I didn't remember all the steps but Bailey took hold of me firmly and led me through the dance. It was wonderful and I really got into it. The music was nice and I felt like there was only Bailey and me, dancing away and time stopped.

The music changed and I thought we'd stop dancing but he still held me and led me through the next dance. I stepped on his feet a couple of times but he didn't seem to mind.

Finally after three dances we stopped. "That was so amazing, Sir!" I said with a smile.

He chuckled.

"Is there anything you're not good at?" Someone asked and I saw Lord Easton.

"Good evening, Sir. Of course there is. I can't whistle." I said and he laughed.

"Bailey, would you mind if I asked your boy for a dance?"

"Go ahead." Bailey said.

"Ace, would you allow me a dance?" Lord Easton asked me and I hesitated a little. "Alright, just one. I'm getting thirsty." I said.

"Thanks." He took my hand and led me to the other dancing people. He wasn't a bad dancer and also knew how to lead me.

"Is that your first dance?" He asked.

"Yes, but it's not too hard if I'm being led."

"I can see that. You know Ace, you're really different from the other boys."

"You already said so."

"You're better looking but what I think is the most interesting is, that you seem to like Bailey."

"You're right. I like being his boy."

"That's interesting."

"Sir, won't it somehow destroy your reputation that you're dancing with me?"

"No. These are all rich people that don't think very much but they do have hearts and I think everyone pities you."

"Oh?" I didn't pity myself. "I guess I need to use that. Who does? Maybe they'll give me some money to sweeten my last days on this earth."

Lord Easton laughed as he turned us around to the music. "I really like you, Ace."

My eyes widened. "Sir, do you like boys?"

"No. It's just that you've really peaked my interest."

"Well, I also like you. The other people don't really look at me and I think the king only acknowledged me once or twice."

"That's him. He's the king and of course he's the centre of everything so he doesn't really care about others."

"Well that's too bad."

"What do you mean?"

"I just think it must be lonely, you know? So yes, I will be dead in about six weeks when the two months are over, but at least I had my master and some other nice people. But the king? He might live another decade or two but he seems to be alone with no real friends and no wife."

"What about us advisors?" He asked.

"Advisors, there you said it. Or would you say you're all his friends?"

"Clever boy." Lord Easton said. "I also wanted to ask you about your monkey."

"Bimbo? Yeah, I wonder where he went."

"So he does disappear sometimes?"

"That's right."

"I think I can tell you where he goes."


"The women, they love your little monkey and always play with him and spoil him."

"Geez, that's just like him. He loves to get attention and I think he gained some weight."

Lord Easton smiled and when the dance was over he handed me back to Bailey.

The evening was really nice. Lady Diane came over, told me not to make Bailey jealous and then she made some small talk with him. But even though I enjoyed the evening I was glad once we were back at Bailey's room.

"Sir, you're not really jealous, are you?" I asked.

"Of course not."

"That's good. Because you know, you're the only one for me. I really like being your boy and there's no other master for me. I really love you and I know you don't but it doesn't matter as long as I'm near you."

Bailey pulled me up in his lap. "Thank you for those wonderful, flattering words. I like being your master and you're the best boy I ever had. Let's get some sleep."

We went to bed but didn't get any sleep for an hour because he made gentle love to me even though I asked him to go faster. He drove me crazy and there was nothing I could do but enjoy, moan, beg and yell his name.


As soon as the king said he wanted to take a ride in the park I wanted to jump up and dance around. I didn't of course but I had a big smile on my face when we walked to the stalls.

"Do you want to ride Cain again?" Bailey asked me.

"Would that be okay?"

"Of course. Do you remember how to saddle him?"

"Yes, Sir."


I walked to Cain and smiled at him. He was so beautiful "Hi Cain. How are you today?"

He snorted.

"You were great the last time. I hope you enjoyed it as much as me. I feel really free when I'm riding on your back."

It turned out to be a wonderful afternoon. I felt more secure on Cain and absolutely loved the feeling. During that time I forgot about everything. I forgot about my mission, I forgot about my worries, I forgot about the king, I forgot about Lady Diane. There was just me on Cain and Bailey next to me. It was such a free and careless moment that I would stop the time if I could. But sadly that was not possible and we were soon back at the castle for dinner.

Afterwards it was once again time to see Lady Diane.

"How are you?" She asked me once we were in her room.

"So much better than last time."

"That's good to hear. Read me a story and then I have some letters for you." The story I read her was sad and I wondered if all the written love stories were sad, like it was impossible to be happily in love.

"Thank you so much Ace. Next time we'll read a less sad one."

"That would be nice. I feel like at least those people should be happy since I can't be."

"Of course you can be. Just maybe not with Bailey."

"Yes. I have my brothers."

"And who knows, a lot can happen within a month."

"Yes, but a month will also pass by very fast. I can't believe I've been here for two weeks already."

"And look what happened in those two weeks already."

"I had a mental breakdown." I said with a chuckle. "My brothers must be worried."

"They are. I talked to Callen a little and he says Nial sometimes cries at night."

"I miss them so much and Nial..." I sighed. "I hope they're alright."

"Read their letters."

I opened the envelope and saw that there were almost a dozen letters. I read Nial's first and sniffled a little. His words were so cute and I could almost see him and wished he were here for a hug. The next was from Micah, a long letter. I was a little concerned about him since he spent so much time with the rich guy. Tim also wrote about Micah's weird behaviour but also gave me a little information about what else was going on.

Callen told me he liked Lady Diane and that he understood my warning. Jug again asked about Amy and also my wellbeing and Cam asked if I was healthy again. Barton wrote a longer letter about their plans as well as my uncle. They both sounded concerned about me and said that no one would hate me if I didn't want to be the bodyguard's boy anymore. I smiled a little at that.

Lady Diane gave me paper and a pen and I wrote them all back, telling them all to be careful and wrote about the king's meetings, of course not telling them every detail but enough to help them a lot. When I was done the time was almost over and I went back but not before Lady Diane hugged me.

"Take care, Ace."

"I will. But you do, too."

"Thanks. Tell Bailey I said hello."

"You saw him at dinner."

"That hello doesn't mean hello. It means 'I'm watching you'."

I laughed. "Okay, I can tell him hello. Bye, Lady Diane."

"Bye, Ace."

Back in Bailey's room I took off my clothes and kneeled in front of him. The gesture became familiar and felt good. I kissed his feet and waited.

"Sit here."

I got up and sat in his lap. "Lady Diane says hello, Sir."

Bailey raised his eyebrow. "Oh? Did you have a nice evening, then?"

"Yes, Sir."

"What did you do?"

"She told me a sad love story, Sir. Do you think all love stories end sad?"

"I don't know, Jace."

"I wish they wouldn't."

Bailey kissed my lips. "Do you want to play some chess?"

"May I?"

"Sure. We have some time."

A minute later we were sitting on his bed, him still clothed, me naked and between us was the chessboard. I made the fist move and for ten minutes we both just concentrated on the game and neither of us said a word.

When he made a move I realized that I probably lost. I thought about all possibilities and saw only one way that I could win, but he probably saw that and could prevent me from winning. So what now?

Another minute passed and I finally decided to make the move that could lead to my win but he saw through it and two moves later I knew I had lost.

"Bail, I give up." I said.

"Already?" He asked.

"I can't see a way to win, Sir. Whatever I do it will lead to your win."

He looked at me and smiled. "I have to say you're better than I thought. I didn't know you could see that far ahead."

"But it's still not enough."

"No, it's not. And you're wrong. There is a was you could have won."

"What? How?"

He laughed. "If you seduced me, distracted me with your body and changed your figures."

"But you would have realized that."

"Of course but it would have been your word against mine and I wouldn't have seen it ant there are no witnesses. I admit, it wouldn't be fair and not nice since it's a game. But in love and war, all is fair."

I smiled. "I'll take that to heart."

"Better not. I don't want you to distract me all day long."

"Why not?" I asked and moved my body to give him a better look. He laughed, put the chessboard on the floor and pinned me to the bed. "I'll show you what happens if you try to seduce me." He said, kissed my lips and ravished me.


The next day was somewhat boring and just didn't seem to end. Everything from the meals to the meetings and the afternoons was becoming routine even though the afternoons weren't always the same. The most exciting were definitely the nights.

The next morning the meeting turned out to be a little more interesting because they had news from the betraying rebel. He was asking for serious money but he could offer them a lot of information because he was a trusted rebel.

In the afternoon the king sort of did nothing. He walked around in the huge castle, talked to some people but otherwise he did nothing. It was as if he was saving energy or something.

After dinner where he didn't drink too much he walked to his harem. He was looking happy, maybe anticipating. When we got there he told the man he wanted something nice for the night. "A virgin would be nice."

"But, aren't they for your birthday?" The man asked.

"I'm in the mood for one so bring me some so I can choose."

"Yes, your honour." The man hurried off and I hoped that he would bring others. When he came back he only had four girls in tow and my heart sank when I saw Amy. She was so pretty and I was sure the king would choose her and I just couldn't let that happen. Amy was my responsibility and Jug trusted me to take care of her.

The girls all looked scared and were probably close to crying, while I was thinking about what I could do.

"I want her." The king said after looking them all up and down and pointed at Amy. She slightly shook her head and looked pleadingly at me. The king grabbed her arm, Bailey and I followed. We weren't out the door yet when I suddenly tripped, fell forward and threw Amy to the ground. She yelled and almost hit her head but I pushed my arm under it. "Faint or something." I whispered.

"What are you doing?" The king yelled.

"I'll try to meet you tomorrow night." I said into her ear and then slowly got up. "I'm so sorry your honour. There was something on the ground."

"Don't you have eyes? Girl, get up."

Amy of course was just lying there. "I think she hit her head, your honour." Bailey said.

"Well take care of her and you." He pointed at another girl. "You're coming with me."

I felt bad that another girl now had to take Amy's place but at least she was safe for now. We left and when we left the king in his room and I kneeled naked in front of Bailey I felt sick, thinking about what was happening in the king's bed.

"Jace, get up."

"Yes, Sir."

"You get your ass spanked today."

"Yes, Sir."

"Do you know why?"

"Because I tripped over something, Sir?"

"Because you tripped over nothing."

"Yes, Sir."

He put me over his knee and slapped my ass hard. After ten on each cheek I was crying but he continued for what seemed like an eternity. And despite the tears and the pain I was hard.

Whack. Whack. Whack.


"Yes, Sir." Another three blows.

"You have more secrets than I realized."

"Yes, Sir." I cried.

"But you better don't tell me."

"Yes, Sir." He was still spanking me.

"I'd hate to kill you."

"Yes, Sir."

I hadn't counted but I was sure he was over fifty. Finally he stopped. "Get to the bed."

"Yes, Sir." I slowly got up and walked over but couldn't lie on my back. My cock was painfully hard and I was hoping he would fuck me but he didn't. He just lay down next to me, kissed my head, put his arm around my back and went to sleep.


'Please take a walk, please take a walk, please take a walk.' I tried to hypnotize the king with my intense look. The weather was nice and perfect for a walk in the garden. 'Please take a walk.' I thought and continued trying to make him go outside after lunch with my mental abilities.

When lunch was over the king asked a servant what plays the theatre group played. The servant named a few but the king didn't seem too interested. Finally he announced he wanted to take a walk and I had a big grin inside my head. I couldn't show any expression.

I walked a little behind Bailey and sometimes pointed at something so that Bimbo would pick it and sometimes I just bent down and hid the plant in my pants. Luckily they had many different plants and some exotic ones in the beautiful garden.

After dinner I followed Lady Diane in her room and when she handed me a book to read I realized it was a longer story this time and it would take several hours to read it.

"Let's read the first few chapters today and if you like it we'll continue next week." She said.

"Sure. But I'm just the reader, you choose the story."

"I want you to enjoy it as well."

"You're too nice." I said and began reading. The setting of the story was in a small village, similar to the one I lived in but the people weren't as poor. The life they led was nice even though they had to work hard. And in this village there was a guy that became a little crazy. It was weird reading it because he had thoughts that sounded logic but were wrong when you thought about it and it was all very confusing, yet interesting. The guy then fell in love with the beautiful girl of a big farmer and tried everything possible to impress her.

There was a lot of detail in the story and after a few chapters I felt like both Lady Diane and I were sucked into the story, seeing what happened in the village and feeling with the guy.

"Do you like it?" She asked me.

"Very. But I can't imagine it being any less tragic than the other stories."

"The end isn't too sad. Sometimes life takes a very interesting turn."

"So we'll continue reading it the next time?" I asked.

"If you want to."


"Good. It looks like you have some plants, are you going to mix a potion?"

"If that's okay."

"Of course it is. What do you need?"

Lady Diane assisted me while I mixed the plants together and I could use the fireplace to heat it up a little. When I was done she handed me a vial where I could put it in.

"I'm feeling a little dizzy and tired." Lady Diane said when we were done.

"Yes, me too. It's good we had the window open. Just inhaling it will be enough."

"To do what?"

"To have a nice sleep. And that's why I wanted us to wear these." I took off the towel that was wrapped around my head, covering mouth and nose.

"We look like robbers." Lady Diane said with a smile and I think she had fun mixing the potion with me.

I then handed the vial to Bimbo. "Bimbo, listen carefully." The little monkey looked at me with big eyes and I hoped he'd be able to follow my orders. "Hide that somewhere but don't break it." He nodded and made an excited noise. "At night, when Bailey is sleeping, you bring it back. To me. To the bed. Understood?" I asked and Bimbo nodded again.

"Does he really understand?" Lady Diane asked.

"Yeah. I don't know why but he always knew what I wanted him to do."

"Wow. You're one intelligent little animal. Just like your master."

Bimbo threw the vial into the air and clapped his hands together - my heart almost stopped - and then caught the vial and had that mischievous glimmer in his eyes.

"Damn, Bimbo. Don't scare me like that." I scolded.

"You should train him for the circus."

"Yes. I'm sure Bimbo would be worth a good bit of money."

Lady Diane and I laughed when Bimbo looked scared. "Just kidding. You're with me." I said and then Lady Diane and I hugged and I went back to my master. Bimbo hid the vial and when we entered the room, Bailey was sitting on his chair as usual. I got naked and kneeled in front of him.

"Get up, boy."

"Yes, master."

He looked me up and down, then put his hand on my chest and left it there. I realized how fast my heart was beating, faster than usual.

"Are you nervous?" He asked me. I just couldn't hide anything from him. Sometimes I felt like he knew everything about me, every little detail that was to know. And what he didn't know yet he found out by observing me, the smallest movement, my eyes, my face, my body - everything.

"No, Sir."

"Then why is your heart beating so fast?"

"I'm excited, Sir."

"Why is that?"

"Master, I never want to insult you or the king but I don't like the days as much as the nights. They are becoming repetitive and I like new experiences. I love nights. I love nights with you, master. You are the sexiest man I know, Sir. You are bringing me to heights I've never even imagined and you keep me aching for more. More of you. I need you, master." My little speech that I first used as distraction was coming from my heart and I felt it ache a little, thinking of the limited time we had. "Master, I love every minute we spend together. I love it when you hit me, slap me, spank me, whip me, fuck me, make love to me. I love it when you're in charge. It brings me the greatest pleasure to please you, to obey your orders and master, I would do almost anything for you. The only thing I wouldn't do is to betray my own beliefs. But if you told me to I'd walk around naked the whole day, I'd let you use me every minute, I'd let others use me if that was what you wanted, I'd take care of your every need, I'd stop talking if you wanted me to."

I closed my eyes for a few seconds and tried to stop my tears. "Master, I'm such a mess, but thank you for caring for me. I'm pathetic but you're wonderful and I love you. I need you, master."

I couldn't look at him but he put his fingers under my chin and lifted my head. As I stared into his deep eyes I thought I could see tears in them. He smiled and then kissed me, just softly, like a feather on my lips.


"Yes, master."

"I'm taking you by your word. I don't want you to say a single word tonight. I don't want to hear a single sound. Understood?" I just nodded and felt how my heart beat even faster.

He took my hand, held them over my head and kissed my neck and then worked down, he licked and bit my nipples. My mouth opened, I wanted to moan but it was impossible. I couldn't. And I was glad. No sound would come from my mouth tonight.

From somewhere Bailey took a rope and tied my wrists together. He then tickled my sides, making me shiver. I wanted to laugh but I couldn't get a sound out of my mouth. It was as if someone put a spell on me. I knew I couldn't make a sound and my body reacted. It felt weird but good.

Suddenly he slapped my ass and my mouth opened in shock but again, nothing came out. Bailey looked at me with a big smile. "You're doing good." He said and kissed my lips. I loved it and then he carried me to the bed.

There he caressed my body, sometimes he slapped me, he pinched and he licked, he kissed and he bit and not a single sound came out of my mouth. I felt amazing, I felt like I was totally his to do whatever he wanted.

And then he fucked me. He shoved his oiled cock inside me and I wanted to yell. The pain was blinding and my mouth opened. A tear escaped my eye but no sound came out. And then he fucked me, gently, then rougher, he slowed down again and then fucked me faster and harder and I felt amazing. I wanted to moan and yell out his name but I was completely silent.

I came seconds after him and when I did my body shook, I held him close and got lost in the pleasure.

He then slipped out of me and pulled me into his arms.

I closed my eyes. I felt satisfied. Happy. Wonderful. Loved. I could easily go to sleep. But I couldn't. Not yet.

That was the third part of the story. I hope you enjoyed and I'd love to hear from you.

All the best

Next: Chapter 4: Jace 8 9

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